def merge_updates(): try: run_git( subprocess.check_call, "git pull upstream master --allow-unrelated-histories -X theirs". split(), stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) except: log.note( "Unable to check for updates. Perhaps your upstream is not set. This is not a big deal. Please check the lab starter repo manually for updates." ) return log.note("Successfully merged updates.")
def cache_git_credentials(): try: if run_git(, "git config --get credential.helper".split(), stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) == 0: log.note("You already have credential caching enabled.") return run_git( subprocess.check_call, ["git", "config", "credential.helper", "cache", "--timeout=36000"], stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) except: log.warning( "I tried to set up credential caching but failed. You might have to type your password alot. It is safe to continue." )
def check_for_updates(): try: run_git(subprocess.check_call, "git fetch upstream".split(), stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) common_ancestor = run_git( subprocess.check_output, "git merge-base HEAD remotes/upstream/master".split(), stderr=dev_null).decode("utf8").strip() log.debug(f"Common ancestor for merge: {common_ancestor}") except: log.note("Unable to check for updates.") return if run_git(, f"git diff --exit-code {common_ancestor} remotes/upstream/master -- " .split(), stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null).returncode != 0: sys.stdout.write(""" =================================================================== =================================================================== # The lab starter repo has been changed. The diff follows. # Do `runlab --merge-updates` to merge the changes into your repo. =================================================================== =================================================================== """) run_git(, f"git diff {common_ancestor} remotes/upstream/master -- ".split()) sys.stdout.write(""" ===================================================================\n""") else: sys.stdout.write("No updates available for this lab.\n")
def set_upstream(): if os.path.exists(".starter_repo"): with open(".starter_repo") as f: upstream = else: log.note("Can't find '.starter_repo', so I can't check for updates") return False current_remotes = run_git(subprocess.check_output, ['git', 'remote']).decode("utf8") if "upstream" in current_remotes: log.debug("Remote upstream is set") return True try: run_git(subprocess.check_call, f"git remote add upstream {upstream}".split(), stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) return True except: log.note( f"Unable to set upstream remote to '{upstream}'. You won't be able to check for updates. This probably means your upstream is already set or '{upstream}' is not a valid repo. If you want to reset your upstream, do 'git remote remove upstream'. To restore your .starter_repo, download a fresh copy from the starter repo." ) return False
def main(argv=None): """ This is the command line driver for It should demonstrate everything you'll need to do with the library. The assumption is that the local directory has a clone of a lab repo. Lab repos have `` in them. The possible fields in a `` are described in `Runner.LabSpec` You can then do: 1. `./runlab` To run the lab in the local directory. 2. `./runlab --pristine` To run the lab in a fresh clone of the lab's repo with the local input files (specified in copied in. 3. `./runlab --pristine --docker` to run the lab in docker container. 4. `./runlab --json` to dump the json version of the lab submission and response to stdout. 5. `./runlab --json --nop` to dump the json version of the lab submission stdout, but not run anything. 6. `./runlab --json --nop | ./runlab --run-json --pristine --docker` generate the submission, consume it, and run it in a pristine clone in a docker container. """ student_mode = os.environ.get("STUDENT_MODE", "no").upper() == "YES" # Don't get any clever # ideas, this just # hides the options to # the make help more # useful. Access # control checks # happen # elsewhere. ;-) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=textwrap.dedent("""Run a Lab Running the lab with this command ensure that your compilation and execution enviroment matches the autograder's as closely as possible. Useful options include: * '--no-validate' to run your code without committing it. * '--info' to see the parameters for the current lab. * '--pristine' to (as near as possible) exactly mimic how the autograder runs code. """), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) def sm(s): return s parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help="Be verbose") parser.add_argument('--pristine', action='store_true', default=False, help="Clone a new copy of the reference repo.") parser.add_argument( '--info', nargs="?", default=None, const=[], help= "Print information about this lab an exit. With an argument print that field of lab structure." ) parser.add_argument('--no-validate', action='store_false', default=False, dest='validate', help="Don't check for erroneously edited files.") parser.add_argument('--validate', action='store_true', default=False, dest='validate', help="Check for erroneously edited files.") parser.add_argument( 'command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help= "Command to run (optional). By default, it'll run the command in" ) parser.add_argument( '--branch', help= "When running a git repo, use this branch instead of the current branch" ) parser.add_argument('--run-git-remotely', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run the contents of this repo remotely") parser.add_argument('--run-by-proxy', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run the contents of this directotry via a proxy") def sm(s): if student_mode: return argparse.SUPPRESS else: return s parser.add_argument('--repo', help=sm("Run this repo")) parser.add_argument('--proxy', default=os.environ.get('RUNLAB_PROXY', ""), help=sm("Proxy host")) parser.add_argument( '--devel', action='store_true', default=student_mode, dest='devel', help=sm( "Don't check for edited files and set DEVEL_MODE=yes in environment." )) parser.add_argument('--nop', action='store_true', default=False, help=sm("Don't actually run anything.")) parser.add_argument( '--native', action='store_false', dest='devel', help=sm( "Don't check for edited files and set DEVEL_MODE=yes in environment." )) parser.add_argument('--docker', action='store_true', default=False, help=sm("Run in a docker container.")) parser.add_argument('--docker-image', default=os.environ['DOCKER_RUNNER_IMAGE'], help=sm("Docker image to use")) parser.add_argument( '--json', default=None, help=sm("Dump json version of submission and response.")) parser.add_argument('--directory', default=".", help=sm("Lab root")) parser.add_argument( '--run-json', nargs="*", default=None, help=sm( "Read json submission spec from file. With no arguments, read from stdin" )) parser.add_argument('--json-status', help=sm("Write exit status to file")) parser.add_argument('--remote', action='store_true', default=False, help=sm("Run remotely")) parser.add_argument('--daemon', action='store_true', default=False, help=sm("Start a local server to run my job")) parser.add_argument('--solution', default=None, help=sm("Subdirectory to fetch inputs from")) parser.add_argument('--lab-override', nargs='+', default=[], help=sm("Override parameters.")) parser.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", help=sm("Be more verbose about errors.")) parser.add_argument('--zip', action='store_true', help=sm("Generate a zip file of inputs and outputs")) parser.add_argument( '--verify-repo', action="store_true", help=sm("Check that repo in is on the whitelist")) parser.add_argument('--public-only', action="store_true", help=sm("Only load the public lab configuration")) parser.add_argument('--quieter', action="store_true", help=sm("Be quieter")) parser.add_argument('--check-for-updates', action='store_true', help=sm("Check for upstream updates")) parser.add_argument('--merge-updates', action='store_true', help="Merge in updates from starter repo.") if argv == None: argv = sys.argv[1:] args = parser.parse_args(argv) if not args.verbose and student_mode: log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)-8s %(message)s", level=log.NOTE) else: log.basicConfig( format="{} %(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s". format(platform.node()) if args.verbose else "%(levelname)-8s %(message)s", level=log.DEBUG if args.verbose else log.NOTE) log.debug(f"Command line args: {args}") if student_mode: cache_git_credentials() if student_mode: args.check_for_updates = True if args.check_for_updates: if set_upstream(): check_for_updates() if args.merge_updates: try: merge_updates() except: if debug: raise return 1 else: return 0 if != None: sys.stdout.write(show_info(, return if args.run_git_remotely: if not args.repo: args.repo = subprocess.check_output( "git config --get remote.origin.url".split()).strip().decode( "utf8") if not args.branch: args.branch = subprocess.check_output( "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD".split()).strip().decode( "utf8") args.pristine = True if args.repo or args.branch: if not args.pristine: args.pristine = True if not CSE141Lab.does_papi_work( ) and not args.remote and not args.run_git_remotely: log.warn("Forcing '--devel' because PAPI doesn't work on this machine") args.devel = True if args.devel: log.debug("Entering devel mode") os.environ['DEVEL_MODE'] = 'yes' if args.command and len(args.command) > 0: log.debug(f"Got command arguments: {args.command}") assert args.command[0] == "--", f"Unknown arguments: {args.command}" args.command = args.command[1:] log.debug(f"Using command: {args.command}") else: args.command = None log.note("Running your code...") try: submission = None if args.run_json is not None: if args.run_json == []: submission = Submission._fromdict(json.loads( else: submission = Submission._fromdict( json.loads(open(args.run_json[0]).read())) log.debug(f"loaded this submission from json:\n" + str(submission._asdict())) elif args.run_git_remotely: pass else: submission = build_submission(, args.solution, args.command, public_only=args.public_only, username=os.environ.get("USER_EMAIL", None) or f"{os.environ.get('USER',None)}-on-{platform.node()}", pristine=args.pristine, repo=args.repo, branch=args.branch) for i in args.lab_override: k, v = i.split("=") log.debug(f"Overriding lab spec: {k} = {v}") setattr(submission.lab_spec, k, v) log.debug(f"{submission.lab_spec._asdict()}") if not args.repo: diff = ['git', 'diff', '--exit-code', '--stat', '--', '.' ] + list( map(lambda x: f'!{x}', submission.files.keys())) update = ['git', 'remote', 'update', 'origin'] unpushed = ['git', 'status', '-uno'] reporter = log.error if args.validate else log.note try: run_git(subprocess.check_call, diff, stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) run_git(subprocess.check_call, update, stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) if not "Your branch is up-to-date with" in subprocess.check_output( unpushed).decode('utf8'): raise Exception() except: reporter( "You have uncommitted changes and/or there is changes in github that you don't have locally. This means local behavior won't match what the autograder will do." ) if args.validate: log.error( "To run anyway, pass '--no-validate'. Alternately, to mimic the autograder as closely as possible (and require committing your files), do '--pristine'" ) if args.debug: raise else: sys.exit(1) if args.json and submission: with open(f"{args.json}.submission", "w") as f: f.write( json.dumps(submission._asdict(), sort_keys=True, indent=4) + "\n") result = None if not args.nop: if args.remote: result = run_submission_remotely(submission, daemon=args.daemon) elif args.run_git_remotely: result = run_repo_by_proxy(proxy=args.proxy, repo=args.repo, branch=args.branch, command=args.command) elif args.run_by_proxy: result = run_submission_by_proxy(proxy=args.proxy, submission=submission) else: result = run_submission_locally(submission, run_in_docker=args.docker, run_pristine=args.pristine, docker_image=args.docker_image, verify_repo=args.verify_repo) if args.json: with open(f"{args.json}.response", "w") as f: f.write( json.dumps(result._asdict(), sort_keys=True, indent=4) + "\n") log.debug(f"Got response: {result}") for i in result.files: log.debug( "========================= {} ===========================". format(i)) d = result.get_file(i) log.debug(d[:1000]) if len(d) > 1000: log.debug("< more output >") if i == "STDERR.txt": sys.stdout.write(result.get_file(i)) elif i == "STDOUT.txt": sys.stdout.write(result.get_file(i)) # if 'gradescope_test_output' in result.results: # sys.stdout.write(textwrap.dedent(""" # ##################################################################################### # Autograder results # ##################################################################################### # # """)) # sys.stdout.write(render_grades(result.results['gradescope_test_output'], True, True)) # sys.stdout.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ # ##################################################################################### # Unless you are reading this on gradescope, these grades have not been recorded. # You must submit via gradescope to get credit. # ##################################################################################### # """)) # log.debug("Extracted results:\n" + json.dumps(result._asdict(), sort_keys=True, indent=4) + "\n") if with open("", "wb") as f: f.write(result.build_file_zip_archive()) f"Grading results:\n{json.dumps(result.results, indent=4)}") except (UserError, ConfigException) as e: log.error(f"User error (probably your fault): {repr(e)}") status_str = f"{repr(e)}" exit_code = 1 if args.debug: raise except ArchlabError as e: log.error(f"System error (probably not your fault): {repr(e)}") status_str = f"{traceback.format_exc()}\n{repr(e)}" exit_code = 1 if args.debug: raise except ArchlabTransientError as e: log.error(f"System error (probably not your fault): {repr(e)}") status_str = f"{repr(e)}" exit_code = 1 if args.debug: raise except Exception as e: log.error(f"Unknown error (probably not your fault): {repr(e)}") status_str = f"{traceback.format_exc()}\n{repr(e)}" exit_code = 1 if args.debug: raise else: if result: status_str = f"{result.status}\n" + '\n'.join( result.status_reasons) if result.status == SubmissionResult.SUCCESS: exit_code = 0 else: exit_code = 1 else: status_str = "success" exit_code = 0"Finished. Final status: {status_str}") if exit_code != 0:"Rerun with '--debug -v' for more details") log.debug(f"Exit code: {exit_code}") if args.json_status: with open(args.json_status, "w") as f: f.write( json.dumps(dict(exit_code=exit_code, status_str=status_str))) if student_mode and "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT" in os.environ and not ( args.remote or args.run_git_remotely or args.run_by_proxy): try: os.rename("benchmark.csv", "meaningless-benchmark.csv") log.note( "I renamed benchmark.csv because they contain meaningless numbers since you are running dsmlp." ) except: pass try: os.rename("code.csv", "meaningless-code.csv") log.note( "I renamed code.csv because they contain meaningless numbers since you are running dsmlp." ) except: pass sys.exit(exit_code)