class InvoiceUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.invoice_menu() #Menu header def print_select_option(self): return input(">> Select option: ").lower() def print_table_header(self): print() print(f'{"Invoice ID":<20}{"Contract ID":<20}{"Customer SSN":<20}{"Vehicle ID":<20}{"Rate(€)":<20}{"Days total":<20}{"Total price(€)":<20}{"Late fee(€)":<20}{"State":<20}') print("="*180) #Print Contract Table Footer def print_table_footer(self): print("-"*180) print() def invoice_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Invoice Menu") self.ui_numbered_menu(["Print invoice list", "Search for invoice by unique ID", "Send invoice", "Mark invoice as paid", "Main menu"]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() choice = self.print_select_option() if choice == '1': self.print_table_header() for i in self.logic.get_all_invoices(): print(i) self.print_table_footer() elif choice == '2': id_invoice = input(">> Enter invoice ID: ") self.print_table_header() for i in self.logic.search_invoices(id_invoice): print(i) elif choice == '3': invoice_ID = input(">> Enter contract ID: ") print(self.logic.create_invoice(invoice_ID)) elif choice == '4': id_invoice = input(">> Enter invoice ID: ") print(self.logic.set_invoice_to_paid(id_invoice)) elif choice == '5': return else: print('Invalid command, try again.') #Prints any UI menu in numbered list def ui_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0,(len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}")
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.report_main_menu()
class ReportUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.report_main_menu() def ui_menu_header(self, menu_name): print("\n" + "-" * 20 + f"{menu_name}" + "-" * 20) def ui_menu_footer(self): print("\n" + "-" * 50) #Prints any UI menu in numbered list def ui_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0, (len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}") def print_select_option(self): return input(">> Select option: ").lower() def contract_table_header(self): print() print( f'{"Contract ID":<20}{"Customer Name":<20}{"Customer SSN":<20}{"Vehicle ID":<20}{"Contract Duration":<31}{"Country":<20}{"Employee":<20}{"Total price":<20}{"Creation Date":<20}{"Check-out Date":<20}{"Check-in Date":<20}{"Check-in Location":<20}{"State":<20}' ) print("=" * 260) def print_table_footer(self): print("-" * 60) print() def revenue_table_header(self): print() print(f'{"Date":<20}{"Location":<20}{"Revenue(€)":<20}') print("=" * 60) #Print Vehicle Table Header def utility_table_header(self): print( f"{'Location':<40}{'Vehicle Type':<40}{'Days rented in a year (%)':<50}" ) print("-" * 100) def utility_table_footer(self): print("-" * 100) ### CONTRACT MAIN MENU ### def report_main_menu(self): while True: self.ui_menu_header("Reports") print("\nPlease select a an option:") self.ui_numbered_menu( ["Revenues", "Vehicle Usability", "Main Menu"]) self.ui_menu_footer() command = self.print_select_option() if command == "1": start_date = input(">> Input start date in format ") end_date = input(">> Input end date in format ") self.revenue_statistics(start_date, end_date) elif command == "2": # 2. Vehicle usability result_dict = self.logic.result_list() self.utility_table_header() for key, val in result_dict.items(): print(f"{key}") for k, v in val.items(): print(f"{'':<40}{k:<40}{v:<50.2f}") print("-" * 100) self.utility_table_footer() elif command == "3": return else: print("Invalid command, try again") def revenue_statistics(self, start_date, end_date): search_list = self.logic.revenue_by_date(start_date, end_date) if search_list == 'No revenue to show during that time period.': print(f'\n***** {search_list} *****') return else: self.revenue_table_header() for result in search_list: print( f'{result.checkout_date:<20}{<20}{result.total_price:<20}' ) self.print_table_footer()
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.contract_main_menu()
class ContractUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.contract_main_menu() ### GENERAL FUNCTIONS ### #Prints any UI menu in numbered list def ui_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0, (len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}") def print_select_option(self): return input(">> Select option: ").lower() def print_table_header(self): print() print( f'{"Contract ID":<15}{"Customer Name":<15}{"Customer SSN":<15}{"Vehicle ID":<15}{"Contract Duration":<25}{"Country":<15}{"Employee":<15}{"Total price":<15}{"Creation Date":<15}{"Check-out Date":<15}{"Check-in Date":<15}{"Check-in Location":<25}{"State":<15}' ) print("=" * 260) #Print Contract Table Footer def print_table_footer(self): print("-" * 260) print() def validate(self, date_text): try: datetime.datetime.strptime(date_text, '%d.%m.%y') return True except ValueError: print("\nIncorrect input, make sure the format is DD.MM.YY\n") return False def ui_country_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logic.available_country() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() return destinations #Prints UI for new contract def new_contract(self): contractFieldnames = [ "Customer name", "Customer Social Security No.", "Vehicle ID", "Start date of rental period (", "End date of rental period (", "Country", "Employee name", "Total price" ] # + "Contract Creation Date" inputList = [] print("\nPress 'q' and hit 'enter' to cancel at any time.") print("\nPlease enter the following details to create a new contract:") user_input = "" for field in contractFieldnames: if field == "Country": destinations = self.ui_country_available_print() user_input = "" while user_input not in destinations: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") if user_input == "q": break else: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") if user_input.lower() == "q": return self.contract_main_menu() #Checks start date format if contractFieldnames.index(field) == 3: date_check = False while user_input != "q": date_check = self.validate(user_input) if date_check == False: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") else: start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( user_input, '%d.%m.%y') yesterday = ) - datetime.timedelta(days=1) if start_date <= yesterday: print("Dates before today are invalid") user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") else: break #Checks end date format elif contractFieldnames.index(field) == 4: date_check = False while user_input != "q": date_check = self.validate(user_input) if date_check == False: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") else: end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( user_input, '%d.%m.%y') if start_date > end_date: print("Dates before start date are invalid.") user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") else: break inputList.append(user_input) #Add Contract creation date "Contract Creation Date" contract_creation_date = contract_creation_date = contract_creation_date.strftime('%d.%m.%y') inputList.append(contract_creation_date) return inputList ### CONTRACT MAIN MENU ### def contract_main_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Contract Menu") print("\nPlease select a an option:") self.ui_numbered_menu([ "Create contract", "Search contracts", "View all contracts", "Edit contract", "Cancel contract", "Delete contract", "Main menu" ]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() command = self.print_select_option() if command == "1": #1. Create contract contract_param = self.new_contract() print(self.logic.create_new_contract(contract_param)) elif command == "2": # 2. Search contracts self.contract_search_menu() elif command == "3": # 3. View all contracts self.print_table_header() for item in self.logic.all_contracts(): print(item) self.print_table_footer() elif command == "4": # 4. Edit contracts self.ui_all_contracts() edited_contract = self.ui_edit_contract() self.print_table_header() print(edited_contract) self.print_table_footer() elif command == "5": # 5. Cancel contract self.ui_all_contracts() self.canceled_contract() elif command == "6": # 6. Delete contract contract_id = input(">> Enter contract ID to delete: ") result_list = self.logic.delete_contract(contract_id) for item in result_list: print(item, end="") elif command == "7": return else: print("Invalid command, try again") ### CONTRACT SEARCH MENU ### def contract_search_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Contract Search") print("\nPlease select search option:") self.ui_numbered_menu([ "Search by Contract ID", "Search by Customer name", "Search by Vehicle ID", "Main menu" ]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() command = self.print_select_option() if command == "1": contract_id = input(">> Enter Contract ID: ") a_list = self.logic.search_contracts_by_id(contract_id) self.print_table_header() for item in a_list: print(item) elif command == "2": vehicle_id = input(">> Enter Customer name: ") a_list = self.logic.search_contracts_by_customer(vehicle_id) self.print_table_header() for item in a_list: print(item) elif command == "3": vehicle_id = input(">> Enter vehicle ID: ") a_list = self.logic.search_contract_by_vin(vehicle_id) self.print_table_header() for item in a_list: print(item) elif command == "4": return else: print("Invalid command, try again") def canceled_contract(self): contract_ID = input(">> Enter contract ID: ") while True: command = input( "Are you sure you want to cancel contract? (Y)es or (N)o? ") command = command.lower() if command == "y": contracts = self.logic.search_contracts_by_id(contract_ID) for contract in contracts: contract.state = "CANCELED" return self.logic.edit_contract(contract) elif command == "n": return else: print("\n*** Please select either (Y)es or (N)o ***\n") #Creates the Edit menu layout and returns the Contract Instance after edit def ui_edit_contract(self): contracts = self.ui_single_contract_ID( ) #returns a list of contracts, in this case only one contract selection = "" while selection != "8": self.ui_print_edit_menu() #ask user what he would like to edit selection = self.general.ui_edit_input() if selection == "1": for contract in contracts: contract.customer = self.value_input() elif selection == "2": for contract in contracts: contract.vehicle_unique_id = self.value_input() elif selection == "3": for contract in contracts: contract.start_date = self.value_input() elif selection == "4": for contract in contracts: contract.end_date = self.value_input() elif selection == "5": for contract in contracts: = self.value_input() elif selection == "6": for contract in contracts: contract.employee = self.value_input() elif selection == "7": for contract in contracts: contract.total_price = self.value_input() elif selection == "8": return contract #Prints the Vehicle Edit menu options def ui_print_edit_menu(self): '''Prints options for Edit menu and accepts input''' self.general.ui_menu_header("Edit vehicle") print("\nSelect field to edit:") print("1. Customer name") print("2. Vehicle ID") print("3. Start date") print("4. End date") print("5. Country") print("6. Employee name") print("7. Total price") print("8. Exit") self.general.ui_menu_footer() #Prints contract with unique ID def ui_single_contract_ID(self): '''Prints a single vehicle with a unique ID''' contract_ID = input(">> Enter contract ID: ") contract = self.logic.search_contracts_by_id(contract_ID) print("\Contract by ID: " + contract_ID) self.print_table_header() for single_contract in contract: print(single_contract) self.print_table_footer() return contract #Request new value from user def value_input(self): return input("Enter new value: ") #Prints all contracts def ui_all_contracts(self): contracts = self.logic.all_contracts() print("\nAll Contracts:") self.print_table_header() for contract in contracts: print(contract) self.print_table_footer()
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logicAPI = LogicAPI() self.destination_menu()
class destinationUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logicAPI = LogicAPI() self.destination_menu() # self.ui_print_type() #Prints UI for new destination def ui_new_destination(self): destinationFieldnames = [ "country", "city", "airport", "phone_number", "opening_time", "closing_time", "main_contact" ] inputList = [] print("\nPress 'q' and hit 'enter' to cancel at any time.") print( "\nPlease enter the following details to create a new destination:" ) user_input = "" user_input = "" for field in destinationFieldnames: if user_input.lower() == "q": return self.destination_menu() user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") inputList.append(user_input) return inputList #Request new value from user def value_input(self): return input("Enter new value: ") #Creates the Edit menu layout and returns the destination Instance after edit def ui_edit_destination(self): self.ui_all_destinations() destination = self.ui_single_destination_ID( ) #prints specific destination selection = "" while selection != "9": self.ui_print_edit_menu() #ask user what he would like to edit selection = self.general.ui_edit_input() if selection == "1": = self.value_input() elif selection == "2": = self.value_input() elif selection == "3": destination.airport = self.value_input() elif selection == "4": destination.phone_number = self.value_input() elif selection == "5": destination.opening_time = self.value_input() elif selection == "6": destination.closing_time = self.value_input() elif selection == "7": destination.main_contact = self.value_input() elif selection == "8": destination.state = self.value_input() elif selection == "9": return destination #Prints the destination Edit menu options def ui_print_edit_menu(self): '''Prints options for Edit menu and accepts input''' self.general.ui_menu_header("Edit destination") print("\nSelect field to edit:") print("1. Country") print("2. City") print("3. Airport") print("4. Phone Number") print("5. Opening Time") print("6. Closing Time") print("7. Main Contact") print("8. State") print("9. Exit") self.general.ui_menu_footer() #Print Destination Table Header def ui_destination_table_header(self): print( f"{'Unique ID':<20}{'Country':<20}{'City':<20}{'Airport':<20}{'Phone Number':<20}{'Opening Time':<20}{'Closing Time':<20}{'Main Contact':<20}" ) print("-" * 200) #Print destination Table Footer def ui_destination_table_footer(self): print("-" * 200) print() #Prints all destinations def ui_all_destinations(self): results = self.logicAPI.all_destinations() print("\nAll destinations:") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() #Prints destination with unique ID def ui_single_destination_ID(self): '''Prints a single destination with a unique ID''' destination_ID = input(">> Please enter destination ID: ") destination = self.logicAPI.search_destinations_by_id(destination_ID) print("\ndestination by ID: " + destination_ID) self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in destination: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() return destination ### search function ### def ui_country_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_country() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_city_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_city() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_airport_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_airport() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_phone_number_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_phone_number() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_opening_time_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_opening_time() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_closing_time_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_closing_time() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_main_contact_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logicAPI.available_main_contact() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() def ui_print_country(self): self.ui_country_available_print() country = input(">> Please enter destination Country: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_country(country) print("\nSearch results for " + country + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() def ui_print_city(self): self.ui_city_available_print() city = input(">> Please enter destination City: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_city(city) print("\nSearch results for " + city + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() def ui_print_airport(self): self.ui_airport_available_print() airport = input(">> Please enter destination Airport: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_city(airport) print("\nSearch results for " + airport + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() def ui_print_phone_number(self): self.ui_phone_number_available_print() phone_number = input(">> Please enter destination Phone number: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_phone_number( phone_number) print("\nSearch results for " + phone_number + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() def ui_print_opening_time(self): self.ui_opening_time_available_print() opening_time = input(">> Please enter destination Opening time: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_opening_time( opening_time) print("\nSearch results for " + opening_time + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() def ui_print_closing_time(self): self.ui_closing_time_available_print() closing_time = input(">> Please enter destination Closing time: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_closing_time( closing_time) print("\nSearch results for " + closing_time + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() def ui_print_main_contact(self): self.ui_main_contact_available_print() main_contact = input(">> Please enter destination Main contact: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_destination_by_main_contact( main_contact) print("\nSearch results for " + main_contact + ": ") self.ui_destination_table_header() for destination in results: print(destination) self.ui_destination_table_footer() ### search function ### #Prints the search menu for destinations def ui_search_menu(self): self.general.ui_menu_header("Destination Search") print("\nPlease select a search option:") self.UI_numbered_menu([ "Country", "City", "Airport", "Phone Number", "Opening Time", "Closing Time", "Main Contact", "Exit" ]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() selection = input("\n>> Select option: ") return selection #Prints any UI menu in order def UI_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0, (len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}") #Prints the destination Main Menu def destination_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Destination Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Create new destination \n2. Search destinations \n3. View all destinations \n4. Edit destination \n5. Delete destination \n6. Main Menu" ) self.general.ui_menu_footer() command = input(">> Select option: ") command = command.lower() if command == "1": new_destination = self.ui_new_destination() self.logicAPI.create_destination(*new_destination) elif command == "2": selection = self.ui_search_menu() if selection == "1": self.ui_print_country() elif selection == "2": self.ui_print_city() elif selection == "3": self.ui_print_airport() elif selection == "4": self.ui_print_phone_number() elif selection == "5": self.ui_print_opening_time() elif selection == "6": self.ui_print_closing_time() elif selection == "7": self.ui_print_main_contact() elif selection == "8": return elif command == "3": self.ui_all_destinations() elif command == "4": new_destination = self.ui_edit_destination() self.logicAPI.edit_destination(new_destination) elif command == "5": self.ui_all_destinations() destination_id = input(">> Enter destination ID to delete: ") destination = self.logicAPI.delete_destination(destination_id) for result in destination: print(result) elif command == "6": return else: print("Invalid command, try again")
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.invoice_menu()
class CustomerUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logicAPI = LogicAPI() self.customer_menu() #unique_id,name,ssn,address,zip_code,city,country,phone,email,state #create new customer def ui_new_customer(self): customerFieldnames = [ "name", "ssn", "address", "zip_code", "city", "country", "phone", "email" ] inputList = [] print("\nPress 'q' and hit 'enter' to cancel at any time.") print("\nPlease enter the following details to create a new customer:") user_input = "" for field in customerFieldnames: if user_input.lower() == "q": return user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") inputList.append(user_input) return inputList #choose the number to edit def value_input(self): return input("Enter new value: ") #unique_id,name,ssn,address,zip_code,city,country,phone,email,state #Creates the Edit menu layout and returns the customer Instance after edit def ui_edit_customer(self): customer = self.ui_single_customer_unique() #prints specific customer selection = "" while selection != "9": self.ui_print_edit_menu() selection = self.general.ui_edit_input() if selection == "1": = self.value_input() elif selection == "2": customer.ssn = self.value_input() elif selection == "3": customer.address = self.value_input() elif selection == "4": customer.zip_code = self.value_input() elif selection == "5": = self.value_input() elif selection == "6": = self.value_input() elif selection == "7": = self.value_input() elif selection == "8": = self.value_input() elif selection == "9": return customer #unique_id,name,ssn,address,zip_code,city,country,phone,email,state #Prints the Customer Edit menu options def ui_print_edit_menu(self): '''Prints options for Edit menu and accepts input''' self.general.ui_menu_header("Edit customer") print("\nSelect field to edit:") print("1. Name") print("2. Social Security No.") print("3. Address") print("4. Zip code") print("5. City") print("6. Country") print("7. Phone") print("8. Email") print("9. Exit") self.general.ui_menu_footer() #name,ssn,address,zip_code,city,country,phone,email,state #Print Customer Table Header def ui_customer_table_header(self): print( f"{'Customer ID':<20}{'Name':<20}{'SSN':<20}{'Address':<20}{'Zip code':<20}{'City':<20}{'Country':<20}{'Phone':<20}{'Email':<20}" ) print("-" * 200) #Print Customer Table Footer def ui_customer_table_footer(self): print("-" * 200) print() #Print all customer def ui_all_customer(self): results = self.logicAPI.all_customer() print("\nAll customers:") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() #Prints customer with unique ID def ui_single_customer_unique(self): '''Prints a single customer with a unique ID''' customer_unique = input(">> Please enter customer ID: ") customers = self.logicAPI.search_customer_by_unique(customer_unique) print("\ncustomer by ID: " + customer_unique) self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in customers: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() return customer #name,ssn,address,zip_code,city,country ###availability option search ### def ui_name_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer name''' print("\nAvailable Options:") customers = self.logicAPI.available_customer_name() for customer in customers: print("\t" + customer) print() def ui_ssn_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer SSN''' print("\nAvailable Options:") customers = self.logicAPI.available_customer_ssn() for customer in customers: print("\t" + customer) print() def ui_address_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer address''' print("\nAvailable Options:") customers = self.logicAPI.available_customer_address() for customer in customers: print("\t" + customer) print() def ui_zip_code_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer zip_code''' print("\nAvailable Options:") customers = self.logicAPI.available_customer_zip_code() for customer in customers: print("\t" + customer) print() def ui_city_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer city''' print("\nAvailable Options:") customers = self.logicAPI.available_customer_city() for customer in customers: print("\t" + customer) print() def ui_country_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer country''' print("\nAvailable Options:") customers = self.logicAPI.available_customer_country() for customer in customers: print("\t" + customer) print() #name,ssn,address,zip_code,city,country #Print the availability data def ui_print_country(self): self.ui_country_available_print() country = input(">> Please enter customer Country: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_customers_by_country(country) print("\nSearch results for " + country + ": ") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() def ui_print_city(self): self.ui_city_available_print() city = input(">> Please enter customer City: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_customers_by_city(city) print("\nSearch results for " + city + ": ") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() def ui_print_zip_code(self): self.ui_zip_code_available_print() zip_code = input(">> Please enter customer zip_code: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_customers_by_zip_code(zip_code) print("\nSearch results for " + zip_code + ": ") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() def ui_print_address(self): self.ui_address_available_print() address = input(">> Please enter customer address: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_customers_by_address(address) print("\nSearch results for " + address + ": ") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() def ui_print_ssn(self): self.ui_ssn_available_print() ssn = input(">> Please enter customer ssn: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_customers_by_id(ssn) print("\nSearch results for " + ssn + ": ") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() def ui_print_name(self): self.ui_name_available_print() name = input(">> Please enter customer name: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_customers_by_name(name) print("\nSearch results for " + name + ": ") self.ui_customer_table_header() for customer in results: print(customer) self.ui_customer_table_footer() #Print search menu def ui_search_menu(self): self.general.ui_menu_header("Customer Search") print("\nPlease enter search option:") self.UI_numbered_menu([ "Name", "Social Security No.", "Address", "Zip Code", "City", "Country", "Exit" ]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() selection = input("\n>> Select option: ").lower() return selection #Prints any UI menu in order def UI_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0, (len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}") #name ssn address zip_code city country #Print customer main menu def customer_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Customer Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Create new customer \n2. Search customer \n3. View all customers \n4. Edit customer \n5. Delete customer \n6. Main menu " ) self.general.ui_menu_footer() command = input(">> Select option: ").lower() command = command.lower() if command == "1": new_customer = self.ui_new_customer() self.logicAPI.create_customer(new_customer) elif command == "2": selection = self.ui_search_menu() if selection == "1": self.ui_print_name() elif selection == "2": self.ui_print_ssn() elif selection == "3": self.ui_print_address() elif selection == "4": self.ui_print_zip_code() elif selection == "5": self.ui_print_city() elif selection == "6": self.ui_print_country() elif selection == "7": self.customer_menu() elif command == "3": self.ui_all_customer() elif command == "4": new_customer = self.ui_edit_customer() self.logicAPI.update_customer(new_customer) elif command == "5": customer_id = input(">> Enter customer ID to delete: ") customer = self.logicAPI.delete_customer(customer_id) for result in customer: print(result) elif command == "6": return else: print("Invalid command, try again")
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.vehicle_menu()
class VehicleUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logic = LogicAPI() self.vehicle_menu() # self.ui_print_type() #Prints UI for new vehicle def ui_new_vehicle(self): vehicleFieldnames = [ "Manufacturer", "Model", "Vehicle type", "Status", "Manufacturing year", "Color", "License Requirement", "Location", "Rate" ] inputList = [] print("\nPress 'q' and hit 'enter' to cancel at any time.") print("\nPlease enter the following details to create a new vehicle:") user_input = "" for field in vehicleFieldnames: if user_input.lower() == "q": return self.vehicle_menu() if field == "Location": user_input = "" destinations = self.ui_country_available_print() while user_input not in destinations: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") else: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") inputList.append(user_input) return inputList #Request new value from user def value_input(self): return input("Enter new value: ") #Creates the Edit menu layout and returns the Vehicle Instance after edit def ui_edit_vehicle(self): vehicle = self.ui_single_vehicle_ID() #prints specific vehicle selection = "" while selection != "9": self.ui_print_edit_menu() #ask user what he would like to edit selection = self.general.ui_edit_input() if selection == "1": vehicle.manufacturer = self.value_input() elif selection == "2": vehicle.model = self.value_input() elif selection == "3": vehicle.vehicle_type = self.value_input() elif selection == "4": vehicle.status = self.value_input() elif selection == "5": vehicle.man_year = self.value_input() elif selection == "6": vehicle.color = self.value_input() elif selection == "7": vehicle.license_type = self.value_input() elif selection == "8": vehicle.location = self.value_input() elif selection == "9": vehicle.rate = self.value_input() elif selection == "q": return vehicle #Prints the Vehicle Edit menu options def ui_print_edit_menu(self): '''Prints options for Edit menu and accepts input''' self.general.ui_menu_header("Edit vehicle") print("\nSelect field to edit:") print("1. Manufacturer") print("2. Model") print("3. Vehicle type") print("4. Status") print("5. Manufacturing year") print("6. Color") print("7. License Requirement") print("8. Location") print("9. Rate") print("q. Exit") self.general.ui_menu_footer() #Print Vehicle Table Header def ui_vehicle_table_header(self): print( f"{'Unique ID':<20}{'Manufacturer':<20}{'Model':<20}{'Vehicle type':<20}{'Status':<20}{'Manufac. year':<20}{'Color':<20}{'License Req.':<20}{'Location':<20}{'Rate':<20}" ) print("-" * 200) #Print Vehicle Table Footer def ui_vehicle_table_footer(self): print("-" * 200) print() #Prints all vehicles def ui_all_vehicles(self): results = self.logic.all_vehicles() print("\nAll vehicles:") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() #Prints vehicle with unique ID def ui_single_vehicle_ID(self): '''Prints a single vehicle with a unique ID''' vehicle_ID = input(">> Please enter vehicle ID: ") vehicles = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_ID(vehicle_ID) print("\nVehicle by ID: " + vehicle_ID) self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in vehicles: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() return vehicle ####################################################Search Menus########################################################################## def ui_manufacturer_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_manufacturers() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_model_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_model() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_vehicle_type_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_vehicle_type() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_status_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_status() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_manufacturing_year_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_manufacturing_year() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_color_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_color() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_license_type_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_license_type() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_location_available_print(self): print("\nAvailable Options:") vehicles = self.logic.available_location() for vehicle in vehicles: print("\t" + vehicle) print() def ui_print_manufacturer(self): self.ui_manufacturer_available_print() manufacturer = input(">> Please enter vehicle manufacturer: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_manufacturer(manufacturer) print("\nAll vehicles by manufacturer " + manufacturer + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_model(self): self.ui_model_available_print() model = input(">> Please enter vehicle model: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_model(model) print("\nAll vehicles by model " + model + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_vehicle_type(self): self.ui_vehicle_type_available_print() vehicle_type = input(">> Please enter vehicle type: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_vehicle_type(vehicle_type) print("\nAll vehicles by type " + vehicle_type + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_status(self): self.ui_status_available_print() status = input(">> Please enter vehicle status: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_status(status) print("\nAll vehicles by type " + status + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_manufacturing_year(self): self.ui_manufacturing_year_available_print() manufacturing_year = input( ">> Please enter vehicle manufacturing year: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_manufacturing_year( manufacturing_year) print("\nAll vehicles by manufacturing year " + manufacturing_year + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_color(self): self.ui_color_available_print() color = input(">> Please enter vehicle color: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_color(color) print("\nAll vehicles by color " + color + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_license_type(self): self.ui_license_type_available_print() license_type = input(">> Please enter vehicle license requirement: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_license_type(license_type) print("\nAll vehicles by type " + license_type + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() def ui_print_location(self): self.ui_location_available_print() location = input(">> Please enter vehicle location: ") results = self.logic.search_vehicle_by_location(location) print("\nAll vehicles by type " + location + ": ") self.ui_vehicle_table_header() for vehicle in results: print(vehicle) self.ui_vehicle_table_footer() ######################################################################################################################### #Prints the search menu for vehicles def ui_search_menu(self): self.general.ui_menu_header("Vehicle Search") print("\nPlease select a search option:") self.UI_numbered_menu([ "Manufacturer", "Model", "Vehicle type", "Status", "Manufacturing year", "Color", "License Requirement", "Location", "Exit" ]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() selection = input("\n>> Select option: ") return selection #Prints any UI menu in order def UI_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0, (len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}") def ui_country_available_print(self): '''Prints all destination type categories''' print("\nAvailable Options:") destinations = self.logic.available_country() for destination in destinations: print("\t" + destination) print() return destinations #Prints the Vehicle Main Menu def vehicle_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Vehicle Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Create new vehicle \n2. Search vehicles \n3. Check availability \n4. Check in/check out vehicle. \n5. View all vehicles \n6. Edit vehicle \n7. Delete vehicle \n8. Main Menu" ) self.general.ui_menu_footer() command = input(">> Select option: ") command = command.lower() if command == "1": new_vehicle = self.ui_new_vehicle() self.logic.create_vehicle(*new_vehicle) elif command == "2": selection = self.ui_search_menu() if selection == "1": self.ui_print_manufacturer() elif selection == "2": self.ui_print_model() elif selection == "3": self.ui_print_vehicle_type() elif selection == "4": self.ui_print_status() elif selection == "5": self.ui_print_manufacturing_year() elif selection == "6": self.ui_print_color() elif selection == "7": self.ui_print_license_type() elif selection == "8": self.ui_print_location() elif selection == "9": self.vehicle_menu() elif command == "3": self.ui_all_vehicles() elif command == "4": self.ui_checkin_menu() elif command == "5": self.ui_all_vehicles() elif command == "6": new_vehicle = self.ui_edit_vehicle() self.logic.edit_vehicle(new_vehicle) elif command == "7": vehicle_id = input(">> Enter vehicle ID to delete: ") vehicle = self.logic.delete_vehicle(vehicle_id) for result in vehicle: print(result) elif command == "8": return else: print("Invalid command, try again") def ui_checkin_menu(self): self.general.ui_menu_header('Check-in Menu') print( "Select an option...\n1.Check out vehicle.\n2.Check in vehicle.\n3.Return." ) self.general.ui_menu_footer() choice = input(">> Select option: ") if choice == '3': return elif choice == '1': vehicle = input("Enter contract ID: ") print(self.logic.vehicle_check_out(vehicle)) elif choice == '2': vehicle = input("Enter contract ID: ") print(self.logic.vehicle_check_in(vehicle)) elif choice == '3': return
def __init__(self): self.logic = LogicAPI() self.login()
class UIMain: promt_login = True def __init__(self): self.logic = LogicAPI() self.login() #Menu header def ui_menu_header(self, menu_name): print(" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ") print("| \ | | | \ | | /\ (_) | (_) ") print("| \| | __ _| \| | / \ _ _ __| |_ _ __ ___ ___ ") print("| . ` |/ _` | . ` | / /\ \ | | '__| | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| ") print("| |\ | (_| | |\ | / ____ \| | | | | | | | | __/\__ \ ") print("|_| \_|\__,_|_| \_| /_/ \_\_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___||___/ ") print() print("-" * 20 + f"{menu_name}" + "-" * 20) #Menu footer def ui_menu_footer(self): print("-" * 50) def login(self): self.ui_menu_header("Please Login") while self.promt_login == True: print('\nPress "q" to exit') print() employee_id = input(">> Employee ID: ") if employee_id == "q": break password = input(">> Password: "******"\n*** INVALID PASSWORD AND/OR USERNAME ***\n") else: if employee_role == "OFFICE": self.office_ui_loop() elif employee_role == "AIRPORT": self.airport_ui_loop() elif employee_role == "ADMIN": self.admin_ui_loop() def admin_ui_loop(self): while True: self.ui_menu_header("Main Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Vehicles \n2. Customers \n3. Contracts \n4. Reports \n5. Destinations \n6. Employees \n7. Invoices \nq. Quit program\n" ) self.ui_menu_footer() command = input("Input your command: ") command = command.lower() if command == "1": self.vehicle = VehicleUI() elif command == "2": self.customer = CustomerUI() elif command == "3": self.contracts = ContractUI() elif command == "4": = ReportUI() elif command == "5": self.destination = destinationUI() elif command == "6": self.employee = EmployeeUI() elif command == '7': self.invoice = InvoiceUI() elif command == "q": self.promt_login = False return else: print("Invalid command, try again") def airport_ui_loop(self): while True: self.ui_menu_header("Main Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Vehicles \n2. Customers \nq. Quit program\n" ) self.ui_menu_footer() command = input("Input your command: ") command = command.lower() if command == "1": self.vehicle = VehicleUI() elif command == "2": self.customer = CustomerUI() elif command == "q": self.promt_login = False return else: print("Invalid command, try again") def office_ui_loop(self): while True: self.ui_menu_header("Main Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Contracts \n2. Reports \nq. Quit program\n" ) self.ui_menu_footer() command = input("Input your command: ") command = command.lower() if command == "1": self.contracts = ContractUI() elif command == "2": = ReportUI() elif command == "q": self.promt_login = False return else: print("Invalid command, try again")
from models.contracts import Contract from models.Customers import Customer from models.Destinations import Destination from models.Employee import Employee from models.Vehicle import Vehicle from models.Invoice import Invoice from models.rates import Rate from data.dataAPI import dataAPI from logic.logicAPI import LogicAPI import datetime x = current_time = x.strftime('%d-%b %Y') test = dataAPI() logic = LogicAPI() #unique_id, customer, vehicle_unique_id, start_date, end_date, country, employee, total_price, contract_creation_date, state contract = Contract('', 'customer', 'customer_ssn', 'vehicle_unique_id', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'country', 'employee', 'total_price', 'contract_creation_date', 'checkout_date', 'checkin_date', 'checkin_location', 'state') # customer = Customer("4", "John Smith", "150588-2459", "Heimilisgata 1", "TEST", "Reykjavik", "Iceland", "551-4489", "*****@*****.**") # destination = Destination("2", "Iceland", "TEST", "Keflavik Airport", "558-5498", "10:00", "15:00", "Contact") employee = Employee("", "Jon Jonsson", "150589-2129", "City staff", "TEST 50", "105", "Reykjavik", "Iceland", "551-4469", "889-2121", "*****@*****.**") # car = Vehicle("40", "Benz", "Model-s", "Sportscar", "OK", "2020", "Panther Black", "Drivers License", "TEST") # def validate(date_text): # try: # datetime.datetime.strptime(date_text, '%d.%m.%y')
class EmployeeUI: def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logicAPI = LogicAPI() self.employee_menu() #unique_id,name,ssn,role,address,zip_code,city,country,home_phone,mobile_phone,email,state #create new employee def ui_new_employee(self): employeeFieldnames = [ "Name", "Social security number", "Role", "Address", "Zip Code", "City", "Country", "Home phone", "Mobile phone", "Email", "Password" ] inputList = [] print("\nPress 'q' and hit 'enter' to cancel at any time.") print("\nPlease enter the following details to create a new employee:") user_input = "" for field in employeeFieldnames: if user_input.lower() == "q": return if field == "Password": user_input = self.logicAPI.generate_password() else: user_input = input(f"Enter {field}: ") inputList.append(user_input) return inputList #Request new value from user def value_input(self): return input("Enter new value: ") #Creates the Edit menu layout and returns the employee Instance after edit def ui_edit_employee(self): employee = self.ui_single_employee_unique() #prints specific employee selection = "" while selection != "11": self.ui_print_edit_menu() #ask user what he would like to edit selection = self.general.ui_edit_input() if selection == "1": = self.value_input() elif selection == "2": employee.ssn = self.value_input() elif selection == "3": employee.role = self.value_input() elif selection == "4": employee.address = self.value_input() elif selection == "5": employee.zip_code = self.value_input() elif selection == "6": = self.value_input() elif selection == "7": = self.value_input() elif selection == "8": employee.home_phone = self.value_input() elif selection == "9": employee.mobile_phone = self.value_input() elif selection == "10": = self.value_input() elif selection == "11": return employee #unique_id name ssn role address zip_code city country home_phone mobile_phone email state #Prints the employee Edit menu options def ui_print_edit_menu(self): '''Prints options for Edit menu and accepts input''' self.general.ui_menu_header("Edit employee") print("\nSelect field to edit:") print("1. Name") print("2. SSN") print("3. Role") print("4. Address") print("5. Zip_code") print("6. City") print("7. Country") print("8. Home_phone") print("9. Mobile_phone") print("10. Email") print("11. Exit") self.general.ui_menu_footer() #Print Employee Table Header def ui_employee_table_header(self): print( f"{'Unique_id':<20}{'Name':<20}{'SSN':<20}{'Role':<20}{'Address':<20}{'Zip_code':<20}{'City':<20}{'Country':<20}{'Home_phone':<20}{'Mobile_phone':<20}{'Email':<20}" ) print("-" * 200) #Print employee Table Footer def ui_employee_table_footer(self): print("-" * 200) print() #Prints all employee def ui_all_employee(self): results = self.logicAPI.get_employees() print("\nAll employee:") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() #Prints customer with unique ID def ui_single_employee_unique(self): '''Prints a single customer with a unique ID''' employee_unique = input(">> Please enter employee ID: ") employees = self.logicAPI.search_employee_by_unique(employee_unique) print("\ncustomer by ID: " + employee_unique) self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in employees: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() return employee #name ssn role address zip_code city country home_phone mobile_phone email state ###availability option search ### def ui_name_available_print(self): '''Prints all employee name''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.available_name() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() def ui_ssn_available_print(self): '''Prints all customer SSN''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.available_ssn() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() def ui_role_available_print(self): '''Prints all employee role''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.available_role() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() def ui_address_available_print(self): '''Prints all employee address''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.available_address() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() def ui_zip_code_available_print(self): '''Prints all employee zip_code''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.available_zip_code() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() def ui_city_available_print(self): '''Prints all employee city''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.emp_available_city() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() def ui_country_available_print(self): '''Prints all employee country''' print("\nAvailable Options:") employees = self.logicAPI.emp_available_country() for employee in employees: print("\t" + employee) print() #name ssn role address zip_code city country #Print the availability data def ui_print_country(self): self.ui_country_available_print() country = input(">> Please enter employee Country: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_country(country) print("\nSearch results for " + country + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() def ui_print_city(self): self.ui_city_available_print() city = input(">> Please enter employee City: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_city(city) print("\nSearch results for " + city + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() def ui_print_zip_code(self): self.ui_zip_code_available_print() zip_code = input(">> Please enter employee zip_code: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_zip_code(zip_code) print("\nSearch results for " + zip_code + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() def ui_print_address(self): self.ui_address_available_print() address = input(">> Please enter employee address: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_address(address) print("\nSearch results for " + address + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() def ui_print_role(self): self.ui_role_available_print() role = input(">> Please enter employee role: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_role(role) print("\nSearch results for " + role + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() def ui_print_ssn(self): self.ui_ssn_available_print() ssn = input(">> Please enter employee ssn: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_id(ssn) print("\nSearch results for " + ssn + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() def ui_print_name(self): self.ui_name_available_print() name = input(">> Please enter employee name: ") results = self.logicAPI.search_employees_by_name(name) print("\nSearch results for " + name + ": ") self.ui_employee_table_header() for employee in results: print(employee) self.ui_employee_table_footer() #name ssn role address zip_code city country #Prints the search menu for employee def ui_search_menu(self): self.general.ui_menu_header("Employee Search") print("\nPlease select a search option:") self.UI_numbered_menu([ "Name", "Social Security Number", "Role", "Address", "Zip Code", "City", "Country", "Exit" ]) #self.UI_numbered_menu([ "ID", "Role", "Exit"]) self.general.ui_menu_footer() selection = input("\n>> Select option: ").lower() return selection #Prints any UI menu in order def UI_numbered_menu(self, a_list): '''Takes a list as parameter and prints all the items of a list in an order from 1. list[0], 2. list[1] and so on''' for i in range(0, (len(a_list))): print(f"{i+1}. {a_list[i]}") #name ssn role address zip_code city country #Prints the employee Main Menu def employee_menu(self): while True: self.general.ui_menu_header("Employee Menu") print( "\nSelect an option...\n1. Create new employee \n2. Search employees \n3. View all employees \n4. Edit employee \n5. Delete employee \n6. Main Menu" ) self.general.ui_menu_footer() command = input(">> Select option: ") command = command.lower() if command == "1": new_employee = self.ui_new_employee() self.logicAPI.create_employee(new_employee) elif command == "2": selection = self.ui_search_menu() if selection == "1": self.ui_print_name() elif selection == "2": self.ui_print_ssn() elif selection == "3": self.ui_print_role() elif selection == "4": self.ui_print_address() elif selection == "5": self.ui_print_zip_code() elif selection == "6": self.ui_print_city() elif selection == "7": self.ui_print_country() elif selection == "8": self.employee_menu() elif command == "3": self.ui_all_employee() elif command == "4": new_employee = self.ui_edit_employee() self.logicAPI.update_employee(new_employee) elif command == "5": self.ui_all_employee() employee_id = input(">> Enter employee ID to delete: ") employee = self.logicAPI.delete_employee(employee_id) for result in employee: print(result) elif command == "6": return else: print("Invalid command, try again")
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logicAPI = LogicAPI() self.employee_menu()
def __init__(self): self.general = GeneralUI() self.logicAPI = LogicAPI() self.customer_menu()