def testmain(logname, maxdrones=25, debug=False): "A simple test main program" regexes = [] # pylint says: [W0612:testmain] Unused variable 'j' # pylint: disable=W0612 for j in range(0, maxdrones + 1): regexes.append("Stored packages JSON data from *([^ ]*) ") logwatch = LogWatcher(logname, regexes, timeout=90, returnonlymatch=True) logwatch.setwatch() sysenv = SystemTestEnvironment(maxdrones) print >> sys.stderr, "Systems all up and running." url = "http://%s:%d/db/data/" % (sysenv.cma.ipaddr, 7474) CMAinit(None) store = Store(neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(url), readonly=True) for classname in GN.GraphNode.classmap: GN.GraphNode.initclasstypeobj(store, classname) results = logwatch.lookforall() if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "WATCH RESULTS:", results tq = QueryTest(store, "START drone=node:Drone('*:*') RETURN drone", GN.nodeconstructor, debug=debug) print >> sys.stderr, "Running Query" if tq.check([None], minrows=maxdrones + 1, maxrows=maxdrones + 1): print "WOOT! Systems passed query check after initial startup!" else: print "Systems FAILED initial startup query check" print "Do you have a second CMA running??" print "Rerunning query with debug=True" tq.debug = True tq.check([None], minrows=maxdrones + 1, maxrows=maxdrones + 1) return 1 cma = sysenv.cma nano = sysenv.nanoprobes[0] regex = r"%s cma INFO: System %s at \[::ffff:%s]:1984 reports graceful shutdown" % ( cma.hostname, nano.hostname, nano.ipaddr, ) # print >> sys.stderr, 'REGEX IS: [%s]' % regex logwatch = LogWatcher(logname, [regex], timeout=30, returnonlymatch=False) logwatch.setwatch() nano.stopservice(SystemTestEnvironment.NANOSERVICE) logwatch.look() time.sleep(30) tq = QueryTest( store, ("""START drone=node:Drone('*:*') """ """WHERE drone.designation = "{0.hostname}" RETURN drone"""), GN.nodeconstructor, debug=debug, ) if tq.check([nano], downbyshutdown, maxrows=1): print "WOOT! Systems passed query check after nano shutdown!" else: print "Systems FAILED query check after nano shutdown"
def testmain(logname, maxdrones=25, debug=False): 'A simple test main program' regexes = [] #pylint says: [W0612:testmain] Unused variable 'j' #pylint: disable=W0612 for j in range(0,maxdrones+1): regexes.append('Stored packages JSON data from *([^ ]*) ') logwatch = LogWatcher(logname, regexes, timeout=90, returnonlymatch=True) logwatch.setwatch() sysenv = SystemTestEnvironment(maxdrones) print >> sys.stderr, 'Systems all up and running.' url = ('http://%s:%d/db/data/' % (sysenv.cma.ipaddr, 7474)) CMAinit(None) store = Store(neo4j.Graph(url), readonly=True) for classname in GN.GraphNode.classmap: GN.GraphNode.initclasstypeobj(store, classname) results = logwatch.lookforall() if debug: print >> sys.stderr, 'WATCH RESULTS:', results tq = QueryTest(store , "START drone=node:Drone('*:*') RETURN drone" , GN.nodeconstructor, debug=debug) print >> sys.stderr, 'Running Query' if tq.check([None,], minrows=maxdrones+1, maxrows=maxdrones+1): print 'WOOT! Systems passed query check after initial startup!' else: print 'Systems FAILED initial startup query check' print 'Do you have a second CMA running??' print 'Rerunning query with debug=True' tq.debug = True tq.check([None,], minrows=maxdrones+1, maxrows=maxdrones+1) return 1 cma = sysenv.cma nano = sysenv.nanoprobes[0] regex = (r'%s cma INFO: System %s at \[::ffff:%s]:1984 reports graceful shutdown' % (cma.hostname, nano.hostname, nano.ipaddr)) #print >> sys.stderr, 'REGEX IS: [%s]' % regex logwatch = LogWatcher(logname, [regex,], timeout=30, returnonlymatch=False) logwatch.setwatch() nano.stopservice(SystemTestEnvironment.NANOSERVICE) logwatch.look() time.sleep(30) tq = QueryTest(store , ('''START drone=node:Drone('*:*') ''' '''WHERE drone.designation = "{0.hostname}" RETURN drone''') , GN.nodeconstructor, debug=debug) if tq.check([nano,], downbyshutdown, maxrows=1): print 'WOOT! Systems passed query check after nano shutdown!' else: print 'Systems FAILED query check after nano shutdown'
def run(self, nano=None, debug=None, timeout=240, service=None, monitorname=None): if debug is None: debug = self.debug if service is None: service = self.service if monitorname is None: monitorname = self.monitorname if nano is None: nanozero = self.testenviron.select_nano_noservice(service=service) if nanozero is None or len(nanozero) < 1: # bind doesn't seem to shut down properly - need to look into that... return self._record(AssimSysTest.SKIPPED) else: nano = nanozero[0] assert service not in nano.runningservices if SystemTestEnvironment.NANOSERVICE not in nano.runningservices: startregexes = self.nano_start_regexes(nano) watch = LogWatcher(self.logfilename, startregexes, timeout=timeout, debug=debug) watch.setwatch() nano.startservice(SystemTestEnvironment.NANOSERVICE) match = watch.look(timeout=timeout) if match is None: logger('ERROR: Test %s timed out waiting for any of %s [timeout:%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(watch.regexes), timeout)) return self._record(AssimSysTest.FAIL) regexes = self.nano_stop_regexes(nano) watch = LogWatcher(self.logfilename, regexes, timeout=timeout, debug=debug) watch.setwatch() nano.stopservice(SystemTestEnvironment.NANOSERVICE) if watch.lookforall(timeout=timeout) is None: logger('ERROR: Test %s timed out waiting for all of %s [timeout:%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(watch.unmatched), timeout)) return self._record(AssimSysTest.FAIL) regexes = self.nano_start_regexes(nano) regexes.extend(self.nano_startmonitor_regexes(nano, monitorname)) regexes.extend(self.nano_service_start_regexes(nano, monitorname)) watch = LogWatcher(self.logfilename, regexes, timeout=timeout, debug=debug) watch.setwatch() nano.startservice(service) nano.startservice(SystemTestEnvironment.NANOSERVICE) if watch.lookforall(timeout=timeout) is None: logger('ERROR: Test %s timed out waiting for all of %s [timeout:%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(watch.unmatched), timeout)) return self._record(AssimSysTest.FAIL) # @TODO make a better query # but it should be enough to let us validate the rest qstr = ( '''START drone=node:Drone('*:*') ''' '''WHERE drone.designation = "{0.hostname}" and drone.status = "up" ''' '''RETURN drone''') return self.checkresults(watch, timeout, qstr, None, nano, debug=debug)
def testmain(logname, maxdrones=3, debug=False): 'Test our test cases' logger('Starting test of our test cases') try: sysenv, ourstore = AssimSysTest.initenviron(logname, maxdrones, debug, cmadebug=5, nanodebug=3) except AssertionError: print 'FAILED initial startup - which is pretty basic' print 'Any chance you have another CMA running??' raise RuntimeError('Another CMA is running(?)') badregexes = ( ' ERROR: ', ' CRIT: ', ' CRITICAL: ' # 'HBDEAD' #, r'Peer at address .* is dead' , r'OUTALLDONE .* while in state NONE') #for cls in [SimulCMAandNanoprobeRestart for j in range(0,20)]: #for j in range(0,10): #for cls in [DiscoverService for j in range(0,100)]: for cls in AssimSysTest.testset: badwatch = LogWatcher(logname, badregexes, timeout=1, debug=0) logger('CREATED LOG WATCH with %s' % str(badregexes)) badwatch.setwatch() logger('Starting test %s' % (cls.__name__)) if cls is DiscoverService: ret = cls(ourstore, logname, sysenv, debug=debug, service='ssh', monitorname='check_ssh').run() else: ret = cls(ourstore, logname, sysenv, debug=debug).run() #print >> sys.stderr, 'Got return of %s from test %s' % (ret, cls.__name__) badmatch = badwatch.look(timeout=1) if badmatch is not None: print 'OOPS! Got bad results!', badmatch raise RuntimeError('Test %s said bad words! [%s]' % (cls.__name__, badmatch)) assert ret == AssimSysTest.SUCCESS or ret == AssimSysTest.SKIPPED #assert ret == AssimSysTest.SUCCESS logger('WOOT! All tests were successful!')
def perform_tests(testset, sysenv, store, itermax, logname, debug=False): 'Actually perform the given set of tests the given number of times, etc' badregexes = ( r' (ERROR:|CRIT:|CRITICAL:|nanoprobe\[[0-9]*]: segfault at|' #r'Peer at address .* is dead|' r'OUTALLDONE .* while in state NONE' r')', ) itercount = 1 while True: test = random.choice(testset) badwatch = LogWatcher(logname, badregexes, timeout=1, debug=0) logit("STARTING test %d - %s" % (itercount, test.__name__)) os.system('logger -s "Load Avg: $(cat /proc/loadavg)"') os.system('logger -s "$(grep MemFree: /proc/meminfo)"') badwatch.setwatch() if test.__name__ == 'DiscoverService': testobj = test(store, logname, sysenv, debug=debug, service='ssh', monitorname='check_ssh') else: testobj = test(store, logname, sysenv, debug=debug) ret = match = badwatch.look() if match is not None: logit('BAD MESSAGE from Test %d %s: %s' % (itercount, test.__name__, match)) testobj.replace_result(AssimSysTest.FAIL) ret = AssimSysTest.FAIL if ret == AssimSysTest.SUCCESS: logit('Test %d %s succeeded!' % (itercount, test.__name__)) itercount += 1 elif ret == AssimSysTest.FAIL: logit('Test %d %s FAILED :-(' % (itercount, test.__name__)) itercount += 1 elif ret == AssimSysTest.SKIPPED: logit('Test %d %s skipped' % (itercount, test.__name__)) else: logit('Test %d %s RETURNED SOMETHING REALLY WEIRD [%s]' % (itercount, test.__name__, str(ret))) testobj.replace_result(AssimSysTest.FAIL) print '' if itercount > itermax: break return summarize_tests()
def perform_tests(testset, sysenv, store, itermax, logname, debug=False): 'Actually perform the given set of tests the given number of times, etc' badregexes=(r' (ERROR:|CRIT:|CRITICAL:|nanoprobe\[[0-9]*]: segfault at|' #r'Peer at address .* is dead|' r'OUTALLDONE .* while in state NONE' r')',) itercount=1 while True: test = random.choice(testset) badwatch = LogWatcher(logname, badregexes, timeout=1, debug=0) logit("STARTING test %d - %s" % (itercount, test.__name__)) os.system('logger -s "Load Avg: $(cat /proc/loadavg)"') os.system('logger -s "$(grep MemFree: /proc/meminfo)"') badwatch.setwatch() if test.__name__ == 'DiscoverService': testobj = test(store, logname, sysenv, debug=debug , service='ssh', monitorname='check_ssh') else: testobj = test(store, logname, sysenv, debug=debug) ret = match = badwatch.look() if match is not None: logit('BAD MESSAGE from Test %d %s: %s' % (itercount, test.__name__, match)) testobj.replace_result(AssimSysTest.FAIL) ret = AssimSysTest.FAIL if ret == AssimSysTest.SUCCESS: logit('Test %d %s succeeded!' % (itercount, test.__name__)) itercount += 1 elif ret == AssimSysTest.FAIL: logit('Test %d %s FAILED :-(' % (itercount, test.__name__)) itercount += 1 elif ret == AssimSysTest.SKIPPED: logit('Test %d %s skipped' % (itercount, test.__name__)) else: logit('Test %d %s RETURNED SOMETHING REALLY WEIRD [%s]' % (itercount, test.__name__, str(ret))) testobj.replace_result(AssimSysTest.FAIL) print '' if itercount > itermax: break return summarize_tests()
def testmain(logname, maxdrones=3, debug=False): 'Test our test cases' logger('Starting test of our test cases') try: sysenv, ourstore = AssimSysTest.initenviron(logname, maxdrones, debug , cmadebug=5, nanodebug=3) except AssertionError: print 'FAILED initial startup - which is pretty basic' print 'Any chance you have another CMA running??' raise RuntimeError('Another CMA is running(?)') badregexes=(' ERROR: ', ' CRIT: ', ' CRITICAL: ' # 'HBDEAD' #, r'Peer at address .* is dead' , r'OUTALLDONE .* while in state NONE' ) #for cls in [SimulCMAandNanoprobeRestart for j in range(0,20)]: #for j in range(0,10): #for cls in [DiscoverService for j in range(0,100)]: for cls in AssimSysTest.testset: badwatch = LogWatcher(logname, badregexes, timeout=1, debug=0) logger('CREATED LOG WATCH with %s' % str(badregexes)) badwatch.setwatch() logger('Starting test %s' % (cls.__name__)) if cls is DiscoverService: ret = cls(ourstore, logname, sysenv, debug=debug , service='ssh', monitorname='check_ssh').run() else: ret = cls(ourstore, logname, sysenv, debug=debug).run() #print >> sys.stderr, 'Got return of %s from test %s' % (ret, cls.__name__) badmatch = badwatch.look(timeout=1) if badmatch is not None: print 'OOPS! Got bad results!', badmatch raise RuntimeError('Test %s said bad words! [%s]' % (cls.__name__, badmatch)) assert ret == AssimSysTest.SUCCESS or ret == AssimSysTest.SKIPPED #assert ret == AssimSysTest.SUCCESS logger('WOOT! All tests were successful!')