class AlbumsView(View): """ Show albums in a box """ def __init__(self, genre_id, is_compilation): """ Init album view @param genre id as int @param is compilation as bool """ View.__init__(self) self._signal = None self._context_album_id = None self._genre_id = genre_id self._is_compilation = is_compilation self._albumsongs = None self._context_widget = None self._press_rect = None self._lazy_queue = [] # Widgets not initialized self._scroll_value = 0 self._timeout_id = None self._albumbox = Gtk.FlowBox() self._albumbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE) self._albumbox.connect('child-activated', self._on_album_activated) self._albumbox.connect('button-press-event', self._on_button_press) self._albumbox.set_property('column-spacing', 5) self._albumbox.set_property('row-spacing', 5) self._albumbox.set_homogeneous(True) self._albumbox.set_max_children_per_line(1000) self._viewport.set_property('valign', Gtk.Align.START) self._viewport.set_property('margin', 5) self._scrolled.set_property('expand', True) self._scrolled.get_vadjustment().connect('value-changed', self._on_value_changed) self._context = ViewContainer(500) separator = Gtk.Separator() self._paned = self._paned.pack1(self._scrolled, True, False) self._paned.pack2(self._context, False, False) height = Lp().settings.get_value('paned-context-height').get_int32() # We set a stupid max value, safe as self._context is shrinked if height == -1: height = Lp().window.get_allocated_height() self._paned.set_position(height) self._paned.connect('notify::position', self._on_position_notify) self.add(self._paned) def populate(self, albums): """ Populate albums @param is compilation as bool """ # Add first album to get album size, # used to precalculate next albums size if albums: widget = AlbumSimpleWidget(albums.pop(0)) widget.init_widget() widget.show_all() self._albumbox.insert(widget, -1) # Keep album requisition self._requisition = widget.get_preferred_size()[1] self._add_albums(albums) ####################### # PRIVATE # ####################### def _get_children(self): """ Return view children @return [AlbumWidget] """ children = [] for child in self._albumbox.get_children(): widget = child.get_child() children.append(widget) if self._context_widget is not None: children.append(self._context_widget) return children def _populate_context(self, album_id): """ populate context view @param album id as int """ size_group = Gtk.SizeGroup(mode=Gtk.SizeGroupMode.HORIZONTAL) self._context_widget = AlbumContextWidget(album_id, self._genre_id, False, size_group) self._context_widget.populate() view = AlbumContextView(self._context_widget) self._context.add(view) self._context.set_visible_child(view) self._context.clean_old_views(view) def _add_albums(self, albums): """ Add albums to the view Start lazy loading @param [album ids as int] """ if albums and not self._stop: widget = AlbumSimpleWidget(albums.pop(0), self._requisition.width, self._requisition.height) self._albumbox.insert(widget, -1) widget.show_all() self._lazy_queue.append(widget) GLib.idle_add(self._add_albums, albums) else: GLib.idle_add(self._lazy_loading) self._viewport.add(self._albumbox) def _lazy_loading(self, widgets=[], scroll_value=0): """ Load the view in a lazy way: - widgets first - _waiting_init then @param widgets as [AlbumSimpleWidgets] @param scroll_value as float """ widget = None if self._stop or self._scroll_value != scroll_value: return if widgets: widget = widgets.pop(0) self._lazy_queue.remove(widget) elif self._lazy_queue: widget = self._lazy_queue.pop(0) if widget is not None: widget.init_widget() GLib.idle_add(self._lazy_loading, widgets, scroll_value) def _is_visible(self, widget): """ Is widget visible in scrolled @param widget as Gtk.Widget """ widget_alloc = widget.get_allocation() scrolled_alloc = self._scrolled.get_allocation() try: (x, y) = widget.translate_coordinates(self._scrolled, 0, 0) return (y > -widget_alloc.height-ArtSize.BIG or y >= 0) and\ y < scrolled_alloc.height+ArtSize.BIG except: return True def _lazy_or_not(self): """ Add visible widgets to lazy queue """ self._timeout_id = None widgets = [] for child in self._lazy_queue: if self._is_visible(child): widgets.append(child) GLib.idle_add(self._lazy_loading, widgets, self._scroll_value) def _on_value_changed(self, adj): """ Update scroll value and check for lazy queue @param adj as Gtk.Adjustment """ if self._timeout_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._timeout_id) self._timeout_id = None self._scroll_value = adj.get_value() if not self._lazy_queue: return self._timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(250, self._lazy_or_not) def _on_position_notify(self, paned, param): """ Save paned position @param paned as Gtk.Paned @param param as Gtk.Param """ Lp().settings.set_value('paned-context-height', GLib.Variant('i', paned.get_position())) return False def _on_album_activated(self, flowbox, child): """ Show Context view for activated album @param flowbox as Gtk.Flowbox @param child as Gtk.FlowboxChild """ album_widget = child.get_child() if self._press_rect is None: if self._context_album_id == album_widget.get_id(): self._context_album_id = None self._context.hide() self._context_widget.destroy() self._context_widget = None else: if Lp().settings.get_value('auto-play'): album = Album(album_widget.get_id()) track = Track(album.tracks_ids[0]) Lp().player.load(track) Lp().player.set_albums(, None, self._genre_id) else: self._context_album_id = album_widget.get_id() self._populate_context(self._context_album_id) else: if self._context_album_id is not None: self._context_album_id = None self._context.hide() self._context_widget.destroy() self._context_widget = None popover = AlbumPopoverWidget(album_widget.get_id(), self._genre_id) popover.set_relative_to(album_widget) popover.set_pointing_to(self._press_rect) self._context_widget = popover.get_widget() popover.connect('destroy', self._on_popover_destroyed) def _on_popover_destroyed(self, popover): """ Remove from context @param popover as AlbumPopoverWidget """ self._context_widget = None def _on_button_press(self, flowbox, event): """ Store pressed button @param flowbox as Gtk.Flowbox @param event as Gdk.EventButton """ if event.button == 1: self._press_rect = None else: self._press_rect = Gdk.Rectangle() self._press_rect.x = event.x self._press_rect.y = event.y self._press_rect.width = self._press_rect.height = 1 event.button = 1
class AlbumsView(View): """ Show albums in a box """ def __init__(self, genre_id, is_compilation): """ Init album view @param genre id as int @param is compilation as bool """ View.__init__(self) self._signal = None self._context_album_id = None self._genre_id = genre_id self._is_compilation = is_compilation self._albumsongs = None self._context_widget = None self._press_rect = None self._albumbox = Gtk.FlowBox() self._albumbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE) self._albumbox.connect('child-activated', self._on_album_activated) self._albumbox.connect('button-press-event', self._on_button_press) self._albumbox.set_property('column-spacing', 5) self._albumbox.set_property('row-spacing', 5) self._albumbox.set_homogeneous(True) self._albumbox.set_max_children_per_line(1000) self._viewport.set_property('valign', Gtk.Align.START) self._viewport.set_property('margin', 5) self._viewport.add(self._albumbox) self._scrolledWindow.set_property('expand', True) self._context = ViewContainer(500) separator = Gtk.Separator() self._paned = self._paned.pack1(self._scrolledWindow, True, False) self._paned.pack2(self._context, False, False) height = Lp().settings.get_value('paned-context-height').get_int32() # We set a stupid max value, safe as self._context is shrinked if height == -1: height = Lp().window.get_allocated_height() self._paned.set_position(height) self._paned.connect('notify::position', self._on_position_notify) self.add(self._paned) def populate(self, albums): """ Populate albums @param is compilation as bool """ self._add_albums(albums) ####################### # PRIVATE # ####################### def _get_children(self): """ Return view children @return [AlbumWidget] """ children = [] for child in self._albumbox.get_children(): widget = child.get_child() children.append(widget) if self._context_widget is not None: children.append(self._context_widget) return children def _populate_context(self, album_id): """ populate context view @param album id as int """ size_group = Gtk.SizeGroup(mode=Gtk.SizeGroupMode.HORIZONTAL) self._context_widget = AlbumContextWidget(album_id, self._genre_id, True, size_group) self._context_widget.populate() view = AlbumContextView(self._context_widget) self._context.add(view) self._context.set_visible_child(view) self._context.clean_old_views(view) def _add_albums(self, albums): """ Pop an album and add it to the view, repeat operation until album list is empty @param [album ids as int] """ if albums and not self._stop: widget = AlbumSimpleWidget(albums.pop(0)) self._albumbox.insert(widget, -1) GLib.idle_add(self._add_albums, albums) else: self._stop = False def _on_position_notify(self, paned, param): """ Save paned position @param paned as Gtk.Paned @param param as Gtk.Param """ Lp().settings.set_value('paned-context-height', GLib.Variant('i', paned.get_position())) return False def _on_album_activated(self, flowbox, child): """ Show Context view for activated album @param flowbox as Gtk.Flowbox @param child as Gtk.FlowboxChild """ album_widget = child.get_child() if self._press_rect is None: if self._context_album_id == album_widget.get_id(): self._context_album_id = None self._context.hide() self._context_widget.destroy() self._context_widget = None else: if Lp().settings.get_value('auto-play'): album = Album(album_widget.get_id()) track = Track(album.tracks_ids[0]) Lp().player.load(track) Lp().player.set_albums(, None, self._genre_id) else: self._context_album_id = album_widget.get_id() self._populate_context(self._context_album_id) else: if self._context_album_id is not None: self._context_album_id = None self._context.hide() self._context_widget.destroy() self._context_widget = None popover = AlbumPopoverWidget(album_widget.get_id(), self._genre_id) popover.set_relative_to(album_widget) popover.set_pointing_to(self._press_rect) self._context_widget = popover.get_widget() popover.connect('destroy', self._on_popover_destroyed) def _on_popover_destroyed(self, popover): """ Remove from context @param popover as AlbumPopoverWidget """ self._context_widget = None def _on_button_press(self, flowbox, event): """ Store pressed button @param flowbox as Gtk.Flowbox @param event as Gdk.EventButton """ if event.button == 1: self._press_rect = None else: self._press_rect = Gdk.Rectangle() self._press_rect.x = event.x self._press_rect.y = event.y self._press_rect.width = self._press_rect.height = 1 event.button = 1
class AlbumsView(View): """ Show albums in a box """ def __init__(self, genre_id, is_compilation): """ Init album view @param genre id as int @param is compilation as bool """ View.__init__(self) self._signal = None self._context_album_id = None self._genre_id = genre_id self._is_compilation = is_compilation self._albumsongs = None self._context_widget = None self._press_rect = None self._lazy_queue = [] # Widgets not initialized self._scroll_value = 0 self._timeout_id = None self._albumbox = Gtk.FlowBox() self._albumbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE) self._albumbox.connect('child-activated', self._on_album_activated) self._albumbox.connect('button-press-event', self._on_button_press) self._albumbox.set_property('column-spacing', 5) self._albumbox.set_property('row-spacing', 5) self._albumbox.set_homogeneous(True) self._albumbox.set_max_children_per_line(1000) self._viewport.set_property('valign', Gtk.Align.START) self._viewport.set_property('margin', 5) self._scrolled.set_property('expand', True) self._scrolled.get_vadjustment().connect('value-changed', self._on_value_changed) self._context = ViewContainer(500) separator = Gtk.Separator() self._paned = self._paned.pack1(self._scrolled, True, False) self._paned.pack2(self._context, False, False) height = Lp().settings.get_value('paned-context-height').get_int32() # We set a stupid max value, safe as self._context is shrinked if height == -1: height = Lp().window.get_allocated_height() self._paned.set_position(height) self._paned.connect('notify::position', self._on_position_notify) self.add(self._paned) def populate(self, albums): """ Populate albums @param is compilation as bool """ # Add first album to get album size, # used to precalculate next albums size if albums: widget = AlbumSimpleWidget(albums.pop(0)) widget.init_widget() widget.show_all() self._albumbox.insert(widget, -1) # Keep album requisition self._requisition = widget.get_preferred_size()[1] self._add_albums(albums) ####################### # PRIVATE # ####################### def _get_children(self): """ Return view children @return [AlbumWidget] """ children = [] for child in self._albumbox.get_children(): widget = child.get_child() children.append(widget) if self._context_widget is not None: children.append(self._context_widget) return children def _populate_context(self, album_id): """ populate context view @param album id as int """ size_group = Gtk.SizeGroup(mode=Gtk.SizeGroupMode.HORIZONTAL) self._context_widget = AlbumContextWidget(album_id, self._genre_id, True, size_group) self._context_widget.populate() view = AlbumContextView(self._context_widget) self._context.add(view) self._context.set_visible_child(view) self._context.clean_old_views(view) def _add_albums(self, albums): """ Add albums to the view Start lazy loading @param [album ids as int] """ if albums and not self._stop: widget = AlbumSimpleWidget(albums.pop(0), self._requisition.width, self._requisition.height) self._albumbox.insert(widget, -1) widget.show_all() self._lazy_queue.append(widget) GLib.idle_add(self._add_albums, albums) else: GLib.idle_add(self._lazy_loading) self._viewport.add(self._albumbox) def _lazy_loading(self, widgets=[], scroll_value=0): """ Load the view in a lazy way: - widgets first - _waiting_init then @param widgets as [AlbumSimpleWidgets] @param scroll_value as float """ widget = None if self._stop or self._scroll_value != scroll_value: return if widgets: widget = widgets.pop(0) self._lazy_queue.remove(widget) elif self._lazy_queue: widget = self._lazy_queue.pop(0) if widget is not None: widget.init_widget() GLib.idle_add(self._lazy_loading, widgets, scroll_value) def _is_visible(self, widget): """ Is widget visible in scrolled @param widget as Gtk.Widget """ widget_alloc = widget.get_allocation() scrolled_alloc = self._scrolled.get_allocation() try: (x, y) = widget.translate_coordinates(self._scrolled, 0, 0) return (y > -widget_alloc.height-ArtSize.BIG or y >= 0) and\ y < scrolled_alloc.height+ArtSize.BIG except: return True def _lazy_or_not(self): """ Add visible widgets to lazy queue """ self._timeout_id = None widgets = [] for child in self._lazy_queue: if self._is_visible(child): widgets.append(child) GLib.idle_add(self._lazy_loading, widgets, self._scroll_value) def _on_value_changed(self, adj): """ Update scroll value and check for lazy queue @param adj as Gtk.Adjustment """ if self._timeout_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._timeout_id) self._timeout_id = None self._scroll_value = adj.get_value() if not self._lazy_queue: return self._timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(250, self._lazy_or_not) def _on_position_notify(self, paned, param): """ Save paned position @param paned as Gtk.Paned @param param as Gtk.Param """ Lp().settings.set_value('paned-context-height', GLib.Variant('i', paned.get_position())) return False def _on_album_activated(self, flowbox, child): """ Show Context view for activated album @param flowbox as Gtk.Flowbox @param child as Gtk.FlowboxChild """ album_widget = child.get_child() if self._press_rect is None: if self._context_album_id == album_widget.get_id(): self._context_album_id = None self._context.hide() self._context_widget.destroy() self._context_widget = None else: if Lp().settings.get_value('auto-play'): album = Album(album_widget.get_id()) track = Track(album.tracks_ids[0]) Lp().player.load(track) Lp().player.set_albums(, None, self._genre_id) else: self._context_album_id = album_widget.get_id() self._populate_context(self._context_album_id) else: if self._context_album_id is not None: self._context_album_id = None self._context.hide() self._context_widget.destroy() self._context_widget = None popover = AlbumPopoverWidget(album_widget.get_id(), self._genre_id) popover.set_relative_to(album_widget) popover.set_pointing_to(self._press_rect) self._context_widget = popover.get_widget() popover.connect('destroy', self._on_popover_destroyed) def _on_popover_destroyed(self, popover): """ Remove from context @param popover as AlbumPopoverWidget """ self._context_widget = None def _on_button_press(self, flowbox, event): """ Store pressed button @param flowbox as Gtk.Flowbox @param event as Gdk.EventButton """ if event.button == 1: self._press_rect = None else: self._press_rect = Gdk.Rectangle() self._press_rect.x = event.x self._press_rect.y = event.y self._press_rect.width = self._press_rect.height = 1 event.button = 1