def test_generate_c_snippet(): from import CTarget from pymbolic import var I = var("I") # noqa f = var("f") df = var("df") q_v = var("q_v") eN = var("eN") # noqa k = var("k") u = var("u") from functools import partial l_sum = partial(lp.Reduction, "sum", allow_simultaneous=True) Instr = lp.Assignment # noqa knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[I, k]: 0<=I<nSpace and 0<=k<nQuad}", [ Instr(f[I], l_sum(k, q_v[k, I]*u)), Instr(df[I], l_sum(k, q_v[k, I])), ], [ lp.GlobalArg("q_v", np.float64, shape="nQuad, nSpace"), lp.GlobalArg("f,df", np.float64, shape="nSpace"), lp.ValueArg("u", np.float64), "...", ], target=CTarget(), assumptions="nQuad>=1") if 0: # enable to play with prefetching # (prefetch currently requires constant sizes) knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, nQuad=5, nSpace=3) knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "q_v", "k,I", default_tag=None) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "k", 4, inner_tag="unr", slabs=(0, 1)) knl = lp.prioritize_loops(knl, "I,k_outer,k_inner") knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl) knl = lp.get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl) print(lp.generate_body(knl))
def test_generate_c_snippet(): from import CTarget from pymbolic import var I = var("I") # noqa f = var("f") df = var("df") q_v = var("q_v") eN = var("eN") # noqa k = var("k") u = var("u") from functools import partial l_sum = partial(lp.Reduction, "sum", allow_simultaneous=True) Instr = lp.Assignment # noqa knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[I, k]: 0<=I<nSpace and 0<=k<nQuad}", [ Instr(f[I], l_sum(k, q_v[k, I]*u)), Instr(df[I], l_sum(k, q_v[k, I])), ], [ lp.GlobalArg("q_v", np.float64, shape="nQuad, nSpace"), lp.GlobalArg("f,df", np.float64, shape="nSpace"), lp.ValueArg("u", np.float64), "...", ], target=CTarget(), assumptions="nQuad>=1") if 0: # enable to play with prefetching # (prefetch currently requires constant sizes) knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, nQuad=5, nSpace=3) knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "q_v", "k,I", default_tag=None) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "k", 4, inner_tag="unr", slabs=(0, 1)) knl = lp.set_loop_priority(knl, "I,k_outer,k_inner") knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl) knl = lp.get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl) print(lp.generate_body(knl))
def test_reduction_with_conditional(): # Test whether realization of a reduction inherits predicates # of the original instruction. Tested with the CTarget, because # the PyOpenCL target will hoist the conditional into the host # code in this minimal example. knl = lp.make_kernel( "{ [i] : 0<=i<42 }", """ if n > 0 <>b = sum(i, a[i]) end """, [lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype=np.float32, shape=(42,)), lp.GlobalArg("n", dtype=np.float32, shape=())], target=lp.CTarget()) code = lp.generate_body(knl) # Check that the if appears before the loop that realizes the reduction. assert code.index("if") < code.index("for")