def get_interrupt_prop(fdt, node, value): intr = [] inp = node['interrupt-parent'].value[0] intr_parent = fdt.node_offset_by_phandle(inp) inc = Lopper.property_get(fdt, intr_parent, '#interrupt-cells') """ Baremetal Interrupt Property format: bits[11:0] interrupt-id bits[15:12] trigger type and level flags bits[19:16] CPU Mask bit[20] interrupt-type (1: PPI, 0: SPI) """ # Below logic converts the interrupt propery value to baremetal # interrupt property format. nintr = len(value) / inc tmp = inc % 2 for val in range(0, int(nintr)): intr_sensitivity = value[tmp + 1] << 12 intr_id = value[tmp] # Convert PPI interrupt to baremetal interrupt format if value[tmp - 1] == 1 and inc == 3: intr_sensitivity = (value[tmp + 1] & 0xF) << 12 cpu_mask = (value[tmp + 1] & 0xFF00) << 8 ppi_type = 1 << 20 intr_id = intr_id + cpu_mask + ppi_type intr.append(hex(intr_id + intr_sensitivity)) tmp += inc return intr
def get_label(sdt, symbol_node, node): prop_dict = Lopper.node_properties_as_dict(sdt.FDT, symbol_node.abs_path, False) match = [label for label,node_abs in prop_dict.items() if re.match(node_abs[0], node.abs_path) and len(node_abs[0]) == len(node.abs_path)] if match: return match[0] else: return None
def xlnx_generate_xparams(tgt_node, sdt, options): root_node = sdt.tree[tgt_node] root_sub_nodes = root_node.subnodes() node_dict = {} node_list = [] # Traverse the tree and find the nodes having status=ok property symbol_node = "" chosen_node = "" for node in root_sub_nodes: try: if == "chosen": chosen_node = node if == "__symbols__": symbol_node = node status = node["status"].value if "okay" in status: node_list.append(node) compat = node['compatible'].value node_dict.update({node.abs_path:compat}) except: pass srcdir = options['args'][1] for node in node_list: try: prop_val = node['dma-coherent'].value if '' in prop_val: cci_en = 1 break except KeyError: cci_en = None drvlist = xlnx_generate_bm_drvlist(tgt_node, sdt, options) plat = DtbtoCStruct('xparameters.h') plat.buf('#ifndef XPARAMETERS_H /* prevent circular inclusions */\n') plat.buf('#define XPARAMETERS_H /* by using protection macros */\n') total_nodes = node_list for drv in drvlist: search_paths = [srcdir] + [srcdir + "/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/"] for s in search_paths: yaml_file = Path( s + "/" + drv + "/data/" + drv + ".yaml") try: yaml_file_abs = yaml_file.resolve() except FileNotFoundError: yaml_file_abs = "" if os.path.isfile(str(yaml_file_abs)): driver_name = str(yaml_file_abs).split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] with open(str(yaml_file_abs), "r") as stream: schema = yaml.safe_load(stream) driver_compatlist = compat_list(schema) driver_proplist = schema['required'] match_nodes = [] for comp in driver_compatlist: for node,compatible_list in sorted(node_dict.items(), key=lambda e: e[0], reverse=False): match = [x for x in compatible_list if comp == x] if match: node1 = [x for x in node_list if (x.abs_path == node)] node_list = [x for x in node_list if not(x.abs_path == node)] if node1: match_nodes.append(node1[0]) match_nodes = get_mapped_nodes(sdt, match_nodes, options) for index, node in enumerate(match_nodes): label_name = get_label(sdt, symbol_node, node) label_name = label_name.upper() canondef_dict = {} if index == 0: plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_X%s_NUM_INSTANCES %s\n' % (driver_name.upper(), len(match_nodes))) for i, prop in enumerate(driver_proplist): pad = 0 phandle_prop = 0 if isinstance(prop, dict): pad = list(prop.values())[0] prop = list(prop.keys())[0] if pad == "phandle": phandle_prop = 1 if i == 0: plat.buf('\n/* Definitions for peripheral %s */' % label_name) if prop == "reg": try: val, size = scan_reg_size(node, node[prop].value, 0) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_BASEADDR %s' % (label_name, hex(val))) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_HIGHADDR %s' % (label_name, hex(val + size -1))) canondef_dict.update({"BASEADDR":hex(val)}) canondef_dict.update({"HIGHADDR":hex(val + size - 1)}) if pad: for j in range(1, pad): try: val, size = scan_reg_size(node, node[prop].value, j) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_BASEADDR_%s %s' % (label_name, j, hex(val))) except IndexError: pass except KeyError: pass elif prop == "compatible": plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), node[prop].value[0])) canondef_dict.update({prop:node[prop].value[0]}) elif prop == "interrupts": try: intr = get_interrupt_prop(sdt.FDT, node, node[prop].value) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), intr[0])) canondef_dict.update({prop:intr[0]}) except KeyError: intr = [0xFFFF] if pad: for j in range(1, pad): try: plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), j, intr[j])) except IndexError: pass elif prop == "interrupt-parent": try: intr_parent = get_intrerrupt_parent(sdt, node[prop].value) prop = prop.replace("-", "_") plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), hex(intr_parent))) canondef_dict.update({prop:hex(intr_parent)}) except KeyError: pass elif prop == "clocks": clkprop_val = get_clock_prop(sdt, node[prop].value) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), hex(clkprop_val))) canondef_dict.update({prop:hex(clkprop_val)}) elif prop == "child,required": for j,child in enumerate(list(node.child_nodes.items())): for k,p in enumerate(pad): val = hex(child[1][p].value[0]) p = p.replace("-", "_") p = p.replace("xlnx,", "") plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, j, p.upper(), val)) elif phandle_prop: try: prop_val = get_phandle_regprop(sdt, prop, node[prop].value) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), hex(prop_val))) canondef_dict.update({prop:hex(prop_val)}) except KeyError: pass elif prop == "ranges": try: device_type = node['device_type'].value[0] if device_type == "pci": device_ispci = 1 except KeyError: device_ispci = 0 if device_ispci: prop_vallist = get_pci_ranges(node, node[prop].value, pad) i = 0 for j, prop_val in enumerate(prop_vallist): if j % 2: plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s_HIGHADDR_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), i, prop_val)) cannon_prop = prop + str("_") + str("HIGHADDR") + str("_") + str(i) canondef_dict.update({cannon_prop:prop_val}) i += 1 else: plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s_BASEADDR_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), i, prop_val)) cannon_prop = prop + str("_") + str("BASEADDR") + str("_") + str(i) canondef_dict.update({cannon_prop:prop_val}) else: try: prop_val = node[prop].value # For boolean property if present LopperProp will return # empty string convert it to baremetal config struct expected value if '' in prop_val: prop_val = [1] except KeyError: prop_val = [0] if ('/bits/' in prop_val): prop_val = [int(prop_val[-1][3:-1], base=16)] prop = prop.replace("-", "_") prop = prop.replace("xlnx,", "") if len(prop_val) > 1: for k,item in enumerate(prop_val): cannon_prop = prop + str("_") + str(k) canondef_dict.update({cannon_prop:item}) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), k, item)) else: canondef_dict.update({prop:hex(prop_val[0])}) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_%s %s' % (label_name, prop.upper(), hex(prop_val[0]))) plat.buf('\n\n/* Canonical definitions for peripheral %s */' % label_name) for prop,val in sorted(canondef_dict.items(), key=lambda e: e[0][0], reverse=False): plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_X%s_%s_%s %s' % (driver_name.upper(), index, prop.upper(), val)) plat.buf('\n') # Generate Defines for Generic Nodes node_list = get_mapped_nodes(sdt, node_list, options) for node in node_list: prop_dict = Lopper.node_properties_as_dict(sdt.FDT, node.abs_path) label_name = get_label(sdt, symbol_node, node) label_name = label_name.upper() try: val = scan_reg_size(node, node['reg'].value, 0) plat.buf('\n/* Definitions for peripheral %s */' % label_name) plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_%s_BASEADDR %s\n' % (label_name, hex(val[0]))) plat.buf('#define XPAR_%s_HIGHADDR %s\n' % (label_name, hex(val[0] + val[1] - 1))) except KeyError: pass # Define for Board board_list = ["zcu102", "kc705", "kcu105"] root_compat = sdt.tree['/']['compatible'].value board_name = [b for b in board_list for board in root_compat if b in board] if board_name: plat.buf('\n\n#define XPS_BOARD_%s\n' % board_name[0].upper()) # Memory Node related defines mem_ranges = get_memranges(tgt_node, sdt, options) for key, value in sorted(mem_ranges.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][1], reverse=True): start,size = value[0], value[1] plat.buf("\n#define XPAR_%s_BASEADDRESS %s" % (key.upper(), hex(start))) plat.buf("\n#define XPAR_%s_HIGHADDRESS %s" % (key.upper(), hex(start + size))) if cci_en: plat.buf("\n#define XPAR_CACHE_COHERENT \n") #CPU Freq related defines match_cpunodes = get_cpu_node(sdt, options) if"microblaze", options['args'][0]): try: cpu_freq = match_cpunodes[0]['xlnx,freq'].value[0] plat.buf('\n#define XPAR_CPU_CORE_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ %s\n' % cpu_freq) except KeyError: pass else: try: cpu_freq = match_cpunodes[0]['xlnx,cpu-clk-freq-hz'].value[0] plat.buf('\n\n#define XPAR_CPU_CORE_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ %s\n' % cpu_freq) pss_ref = match_cpunodes[0]['xlnx,pss-ref-clk-freq'].value[0] plat.buf('#define XPAR_PSU_PSS_REF_CLK_FREQ_HZ %s\n' % pss_ref) except KeyError: pass #Defines for STDOUT and STDIN Baseaddress if chosen_node: stdin_node = get_stdin(sdt, chosen_node, total_nodes) val, size = scan_reg_size(stdin_node, stdin_node['reg'].value, 0) plat.buf("\n#define STDOUT_BASEADDRESS %s" % hex(val)) plat.buf("\n#define STDIN_BASEADDRESS %s\n" % hex(val)) plat.buf('\n#endif /* end of protection macro */') plat.out(''.join(plat.get_buf())) return True