def test(epoch): snet.eval() if args.model == 'VID': VID_NET1.eval() VID_NET2.eval() elif args.model == 'OFD': OFD_NET1.eval() OFD_NET2.eval() elif args.model == 'AFD': AFD_NET1.eval() AFD_NET2.eval() else: pass PrivateTest_loss = 0 t_prediction = 0 conf_mat = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) for batch_idx, (img, target) in enumerate(PrivateTestloader): t = time.time() test_bs, ncrops, c, h, w = np.shape(img) img = img.view(-1, c, h, w) if args.cuda: img = img.cuda(non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True) img, target = Variable(img), Variable(target) with torch.no_grad(): rb1_s, rb2_s, rb3_s, mimic_s, out_s = snet(img) outputs_avg = out_s.view(test_bs, ncrops, -1).mean(1) loss = Cls_crit(outputs_avg, target) t_prediction += (time.time() - t) PrivateTest_loss += loss.item() conf_mat += losses.confusion_matrix(outputs_avg, target, NUM_CLASSES) acc = sum([conf_mat[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0])]) / conf_mat.sum() precision = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] mAP = sum(precision) / len(precision) recall = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] precision = np.array(precision) recall = np.array(recall) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-10) F1_score = f1.mean() #utils.progress_bar(batch_idx, len(PrivateTestloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% | mAP: %.3f%% | F1: %.3f%%' #% (PrivateTest_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100.*acc, 100.* mAP, 100.* F1_score)) return PrivateTest_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100. * acc, 100. * mAP, 100 * F1_score
def PrivateTest(epoch): global PrivateTest_acc global best_PrivateTest_acc global best_PrivateTest_acc_epoch global total_prediction_fps global total_prediction_n net.eval() PrivateTest_loss = 0 t_prediction = 0 conf_mat = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) for batch_idx, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(PrivateTestloader): t = time.time() test_bs, ncrops, c, h, w = np.shape(inputs) inputs = inputs.view(-1, c, h, w) if use_cuda: inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() inputs, targets = Variable(inputs), Variable(targets) _, _, _, _, outputs = net(inputs) outputs_avg = outputs.view(test_bs, ncrops, -1).mean(1) # avg over crops t_prediction += (time.time() - t) loss = criterion(outputs_avg, targets) PrivateTest_loss += loss.item() conf_mat += losses.confusion_matrix(outputs_avg, targets, NUM_CLASSES) acc = sum([conf_mat[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0])]) / conf_mat.sum() precision = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] mAP = sum(precision) / len(precision) recall = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] precision = np.array(precision) recall = np.array(recall) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-10) F1_score = f1.mean() #utils.progress_bar(batch_idx, len(PrivateTestloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% | mAP: %.3f%% | F1: %.3f%%' #% (PrivateTest_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100.*acc, 100.* mAP, 100.* F1_score)) total_prediction_fps = total_prediction_fps + ( 1 / (t_prediction / len(PrivateTestloader))) total_prediction_n = total_prediction_n + 1 print('Prediction time: %.2f' % t_prediction + ', Average : %.5f/image' % (t_prediction / len(PrivateTestloader)) + ', Speed : %.2fFPS' % (1 / (t_prediction / len(PrivateTestloader)))) # Save checkpoint. return PrivateTest_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100. * acc, 100. * mAP, 100 * F1_score
def train(epoch): print('\nEpoch: %d' % epoch) snet.train() decoder.train() train_loss = 0 train_cls_loss = 0 conf_mat = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) conf_mat_a = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) conf_mat_b = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) if epoch > learning_rate_decay_start and learning_rate_decay_start >= 0: frac = (epoch - learning_rate_decay_start) // learning_rate_decay_every decay_factor = learning_rate_decay_rate**frac current_lr = * decay_factor utils.set_lr(optimizer, current_lr) # set the decayed rate else: current_lr = print('learning_rate: %s' % str(current_lr)) for batch_idx, (img_teacher, img_student, target) in enumerate(trainloader): if args.cuda: img_teacher = img_teacher.cuda(non_blocking=True) img_student = img_student.cuda(non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True) optimizer.zero_grad() if args.augmentation: img_teacher, teacher_target_a, teacher_target_b, teacher_lam = mixup_data( img_teacher, target, 0.6) img_teacher, teacher_target_a, teacher_target_b = map( Variable, (img_teacher, teacher_target_a, teacher_target_b)) img_student, student_target_a, student_target_b, student_lam = mixup_data( img_student, target, 0.6) img_student, student_target_a, student_target_b = map( Variable, (img_student, student_target_a, student_target_b)) else: img_teacher, img_student, target = Variable(img_teacher), Variable( img_student), Variable(target) rb1_s, rb2_s, rb3_s, mimic_s, out_s = snet(img_student) rb1_t, rb2_t, rb3_t, mimic_t, out_t = tnet(img_teacher) if args.augmentation: cls_loss = mixup_criterion(Cls_crit, out_s, student_target_a, student_target_b, student_lam) else: cls_loss = Cls_crit(out_s, target) kd_loss = KD_T_crit(out_t, out_s) if args.distillation == 'KD': loss = 0.2 * cls_loss + 0.8 * kd_loss elif args.distillation == 'DE': new_rb1_s = decoder(rb1_s) decoder_loss = losses.styleLoss(img_teacher, new_rb1_s.cuda(), MSE_crit) loss = 0.2 * cls_loss + 0.8 * kd_loss + 0.1 * decoder_loss elif args.distillation == 'AS': rb2_loss = losses.Absdiff_Similarity(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = 0.2 * cls_loss + 0.8 * kd_loss + 0.9 * rb2_loss elif args.distillation == 'DEAS': new_rb1_s = decoder(rb1_s) decoder_loss = losses.styleLoss(img_teacher, new_rb1_s.cuda(), MSE_crit) rb2_loss = losses.Absdiff_Similarity(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = 0.2 * cls_loss + 0.8 * kd_loss + 0.1 * decoder_loss + 0.9 * rb2_loss elif args.distillation == 'SSDEAS': new_rb1_s = decoder(rb1_s) decoder_loss = losses.styleLoss(img_teacher, new_rb1_s.cuda(), MSE_crit) rb2_loss = losses.Absdiff_Similarity(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = 0 * cls_loss + 0 * kd_loss + 0.1 * decoder_loss + 0.9 * rb2_loss else: raise Exception('Invalid distillation name...') loss.backward() utils.clip_gradient(optimizer, 0.1) optimizer.step() train_loss += loss.item() train_cls_loss += cls_loss.item() if args.augmentation: conf_mat_a += losses.confusion_matrix(out_s, student_target_a, NUM_CLASSES) acc_a = sum([conf_mat_a[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) / conf_mat_a.sum() precision_a = np.array([ conf_mat_a[i, i] / (conf_mat_a[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) recall_a = np.array([ conf_mat_a[i, i] / (conf_mat_a[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) mAP_a = sum(precision_a) / len(precision_a) F1_score_a = (2 * precision_a * recall_a / (precision_a + recall_a + 1e-10)).mean() conf_mat_b += losses.confusion_matrix(out_s, student_target_b, NUM_CLASSES) acc_b = sum([conf_mat_b[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) / conf_mat_b.sum() precision_b = np.array([ conf_mat_b[i, i] / (conf_mat_b[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) recall_b = np.array([ conf_mat_b[i, i] / (conf_mat_b[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) mAP_b = sum(precision_b) / len(precision_b) F1_score_b = (2 * precision_b * recall_b / (precision_b + recall_b + 1e-10)).mean() acc = student_lam * acc_a + (1 - student_lam) * acc_b mAP = student_lam * mAP_a + (1 - student_lam) * mAP_b F1_score = student_lam * F1_score_a + (1 - student_lam) * F1_score_b else: conf_mat += losses.confusion_matrix(out_s, target, NUM_CLASSES) acc = sum([conf_mat[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0])]) / conf_mat.sum() precision = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] mAP = sum(precision) / len(precision) recall = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] precision = np.array(precision) recall = np.array(recall) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-10) F1_score = f1.mean() #utils.progress_bar(batch_idx, len(trainloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% | mAP: %.3f%% | F1: %.3f%%' #% (train_loss/(batch_idx+1), 100.*acc, 100.* mAP, 100.* F1_score)) return train_cls_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100. * acc, 100. * mAP, 100 * F1_score
def train(epoch): print('\nEpoch: %d' % epoch) net.train() train_loss = 0 conf_mat = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) conf_mat_a = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) conf_mat_b = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) if epoch > learning_rate_decay_start and learning_rate_decay_start >= 0: frac = (epoch - learning_rate_decay_start) // learning_rate_decay_every decay_factor = learning_rate_decay_rate**frac current_lr = * decay_factor utils.set_lr(optimizer, current_lr) # set the decayed rate else: current_lr = print('learning_rate: %s' % str(current_lr)) for batch_idx, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(trainloader): if use_cuda: inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() if args.augmentation: inputs, targets_a, targets_b, lam = mixup_data( inputs, targets, 0.6) inputs, targets_a, targets_b = map(Variable, (inputs, targets_a, targets_b)) else: inputs, targets = Variable(inputs), Variable(targets) _, _, _, _, outputs = net(inputs) if args.augmentation: loss = mixup_criterion(criterion, outputs, targets_a, targets_b, lam) else: loss = criterion(outputs, targets) loss.backward() utils.clip_gradient(optimizer, 0.1) optimizer.step() train_loss += loss.item() if args.augmentation: conf_mat_a += losses.confusion_matrix(outputs, targets_a, NUM_CLASSES) acc_a = sum([conf_mat_a[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) / conf_mat_a.sum() precision_a = np.array([ conf_mat_a[i, i] / (conf_mat_a[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) recall_a = np.array([ conf_mat_a[i, i] / (conf_mat_a[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) mAP_a = sum(precision_a) / len(precision_a) F1_score_a = (2 * precision_a * recall_a / (precision_a + recall_a + 1e-10)).mean() conf_mat_b += losses.confusion_matrix(outputs, targets_b, NUM_CLASSES) acc_b = sum([conf_mat_b[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) / conf_mat_b.sum() precision_b = np.array([ conf_mat_b[i, i] / (conf_mat_b[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) recall_b = np.array([ conf_mat_b[i, i] / (conf_mat_b[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) mAP_b = sum(precision_b) / len(precision_b) F1_score_b = (2 * precision_b * recall_b / (precision_b + recall_b + 1e-10)).mean() acc = lam * acc_a + (1 - lam) * acc_b mAP = lam * mAP_a + (1 - lam) * mAP_b F1_score = lam * F1_score_a + (1 - lam) * F1_score_b else: conf_mat += losses.confusion_matrix(outputs, targets, NUM_CLASSES) acc = sum([conf_mat[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0])]) / conf_mat.sum() precision = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] mAP = sum(precision) / len(precision) recall = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] precision = np.array(precision) recall = np.array(recall) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-10) F1_score = f1.mean() #utils.progress_bar(batch_idx, len(trainloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% | mAP: %.3f%% | F1: %.3f%%' #% (train_loss/(batch_idx+1), 100.*acc, 100.* mAP, 100.* F1_score)) return train_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100. * acc, 100. * mAP, 100 * F1_score
def train(epoch): print('\nEpoch: %d' % epoch) snet.train() if args.model == 'VID': VID_NET1.train() VID_NET2.train() elif args.model == 'OFD': OFD_NET1.train() OFD_NET2.train() elif args.model == 'AFD': AFD_NET1.train() AFD_NET2.train() else: pass train_loss = 0 train_cls_loss = 0 conf_mat = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) conf_mat_a = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) conf_mat_b = np.zeros((NUM_CLASSES, NUM_CLASSES)) if epoch > learning_rate_decay_start and learning_rate_decay_start >= 0: frac = (epoch - learning_rate_decay_start) // learning_rate_decay_every decay_factor = learning_rate_decay_rate**frac current_lr = * decay_factor utils.set_lr(optimizer, current_lr) # set the decayed rate else: current_lr = print('learning_rate: %s' % str(current_lr)) for batch_idx, (img_teacher, img_student, target) in enumerate(trainloader): if args.cuda: img_teacher = img_teacher.cuda(non_blocking=True) img_student = img_student.cuda(non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True) optimizer.zero_grad() if args.augmentation: img_teacher, teacher_target_a, teacher_target_b, teacher_lam = mixup_data( img_teacher, target, 0.6) img_teacher, teacher_target_a, teacher_target_b = map( Variable, (img_teacher, teacher_target_a, teacher_target_b)) img_student, student_target_a, student_target_b, student_lam = mixup_data( img_student, target, 0.6) img_student, student_target_a, student_target_b = map( Variable, (img_student, student_target_a, student_target_b)) else: img_teacher, img_student, target = Variable(img_teacher), Variable( img_student), Variable(target) rb1_s, rb2_s, rb3_s, mimic_s, out_s = snet(img_student) rb1_t, rb2_t, rb3_t, mimic_t, out_t = tnet(img_teacher) if args.augmentation: cls_loss = mixup_criterion(Cls_crit, out_s, student_target_a, student_target_b, student_lam) else: cls_loss = Cls_crit(out_s, target) kd_loss = KD_T_crit(out_t, out_s) if args.model == 'Fitnet': #FITNETS: Hints for Thin Deep Nets if args.stage == 'Block1': Fitnet1_loss = other.Fitnet(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * Fitnet1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': Fitnet2_loss = other.Fitnet(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * Fitnet2_loss else: Fitnet1_loss = other.Fitnet(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() Fitnet2_loss = other.Fitnet(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * Fitnet1_loss + * Fitnet2_loss elif args.model == 'AT': # An activation-based attention transfer with the sum of absolute values raised to the power of 2. #Paying More Attention to Attention: Improving the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks via Attention Transfer if args.stage == 'Block1': AT1_loss = other.AT(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * AT1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': AT2_loss = other.AT(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * AT2_loss else: AT1_loss = other.AT(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() AT2_loss = other.AT(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * AT1_loss + * AT2_loss elif args.model == 'NST': # NST (poly) #Like What You Like: Knowledge Distill via Neuron Selectivity Transfer if args.stage == 'Block1': NST1_loss = other.NST(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * NST1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': NST2_loss = other.NST(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * NST2_loss else: NST1_loss = other.NST(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() NST2_loss = other.NST(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * NST1_loss + * NST2_loss elif args.model == 'PKT': # PKT #Learning Deep Representations with Probabilistic Knowledge Transfer if args.stage == 'Block1': PKT1_loss = other.PKT(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * PKT1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': PKT2_loss = other.PKT(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * PKT2_loss else: PKT1_loss = other.PKT(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() PKT2_loss = other.PKT(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * PKT1_loss + * PKT2_loss elif args.model == 'AB': # AB #Knowledge Transfer via Distillation of Activation Boundaries Formed by Hidden Neurons if args.stage == 'Block1': AB1_loss = other.AB(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * AB1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': AB2_loss = other.AB(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * AB2_loss else: AB1_loss = other.AB(rb1_t, rb1_s).cuda() AB2_loss = other.AB(rb2_t, rb2_s).cuda() loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * AB1_loss + * AB2_loss elif args.model == 'CCKD': # #Correlation Congruence for Knowledge Distillation if args.stage == 'Block1': CCKD1_loss = other.CCKD().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * CCKD1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': CCKD2_loss = other.CCKD().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * CCKD2_loss else: CCKD1_loss = other.CCKD().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) CCKD2_loss = other.CCKD().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * CCKD1_loss + * CCKD2_loss elif args.model == 'RKD': # RKD-DA #Relational Knowledge Disitllation if args.stage == 'Block1': RKD1_loss = other.RKD().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * RKD1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': RKD2_loss = other.RKD().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * RKD2_loss else: RKD1_loss = other.RKD().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) RKD2_loss = other.RKD().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * RKD1_loss + * RKD2_loss elif args.model == 'SP': # SP #Similarity-Preserving Knowledge Distillation if args.stage == 'Block1': SP1_loss = other.SP().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * SP1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': SP2_loss = other.SP().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * SP2_loss else: SP1_loss = other.SP().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) SP2_loss = other.SP().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * SP1_loss + * SP2_loss elif args.model == 'VID': # VID-I #Variational Information Distillation for Knowledge Transfer if args.stage == 'Block1': VID1_loss = VID_NET1(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * VID1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': VID2_loss = VID_NET2(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * VID2_loss else: VID1_loss = VID_NET1(rb1_t, rb1_s) VID2_loss = VID_NET2(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * VID1_loss + * VID2_loss elif args.model == 'OFD': # OFD #A Comprehensive Overhaul of Feature Distillation if args.stage == 'Block1': OFD1_loss = OFD_NET1(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * OFD1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': OFD2_loss = OFD_NET2(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * OFD2_loss else: OFD1_loss = OFD_NET1.cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) OFD2_loss = OFD_NET2(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * OFD1_loss + * OFD2_loss elif args.model == 'AFDS': # #Pay Attention to Features, Transfer Learn Faster CNNs if args.stage == 'Block1': AFD1_loss = AFD_NET1(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * AFD1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': AFD2_loss = AFD_NET2(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * AFD2_loss else: AFD1_loss = AFD_NET1(rb1_t, rb1_s) AFD2_loss = AFD_NET2(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * AFD1_loss + * AFD2_loss elif args.model == 'FT': # #Paraphrasing Complex Network: Network Compression via Factor Transfer if args.stage == 'Block1': FT1_loss = other.FT().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * FT1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': FT2_loss = other.FT().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + * FT2_loss else: FT1_loss = other.FT().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) FT2_loss = other.FT().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * FT1_loss + * FT2_loss elif args.model == 'CD': # CD+GKD+CE #Channel Distillation: Channel-Wise Attention for Knowledge Distillation if args.stage == 'Block1': kd_loss_v2 = other.KDLossv2(args.T).cuda()(out_t, out_s, target) CD1_loss = other.CD().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss_v2 + args.gamma * CD1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': kd_loss_v2 = other.KDLossv2(args.T).cuda()(out_t, out_s, target) CD2_loss = other.CD().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss_v2 + * CD2_loss else: kd_loss_v2 = other.KDLossv2(args.T).cuda()(out_t, out_s, target) CD1_loss = other.CD().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) CD2_loss = other.CD().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss_v2 + args.gamma * CD1_loss + * CD2_loss elif args.model == 'FAKD': # DS+TS+SA #FAKD: Feature-Affinity Based Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Image Super-Resolution if args.stage == 'Block1': FAKD_DT_loss = other.FAKD_DT().cuda()(out_t, out_s, target, NUM_CLASSES) FAKD_SA1_loss = other.FAKD_SA().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) loss = args.alpha * FAKD_DT_loss + args.gamma * FAKD_SA1_loss # No T elif args.stage == 'Block2': FAKD_DT_loss = other.FAKD_DT().cuda()(out_t, out_s, target, NUM_CLASSES) FAKD_SA2_loss = other.FAKD_SA().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * FAKD_DT_loss + args.gamma * FAKD_SA2_loss else: FAKD_DT_loss = other.FAKD_DT().cuda()(out_t, out_s, target, NUM_CLASSES) FAKD_SA1_loss = other.FAKD_SA().cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) FAKD_SA2_loss = other.FAKD_SA().cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) loss = args.alpha * FAKD_DT_loss + args.gamma * FAKD_SA1_loss + * FAKD_SA2_loss elif args.model == 'VKD': # #Robust Re-Identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation if args.stage == 'Block1': VKD_Similarity1_loss = other.VKD_SimilarityDistillationLoss( ).cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) VKD_OnlineTriplet1_loss = other.VKD_OnlineTripletLoss().cuda()( rb1_s, target) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * VKD_Similarity1_loss \ + * VKD_OnlineTriplet1_loss elif args.stage == 'Block2': VKD_Similarity2_loss = other.VKD_SimilarityDistillationLoss( ).cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) VKD_OnlineTriplet2_loss = other.VKD_OnlineTripletLoss().cuda()( rb2_s, target) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * VKD_Similarity2_loss \ + * VKD_OnlineTriplet2_loss else: VKD_Similarity1_loss = other.VKD_SimilarityDistillationLoss( ).cuda()(rb1_t, rb1_s) VKD_OnlineTriplet1_loss = other.VKD_OnlineTripletLoss().cuda()( rb1_s, target) VKD_Similarity2_loss = other.VKD_SimilarityDistillationLoss( ).cuda()(rb2_t, rb2_s) VKD_OnlineTriplet2_loss = other.VKD_OnlineTripletLoss().cuda()( rb2_s, target) loss = args.alpha * cls_loss + args.beta * kd_loss + args.gamma * VKD_Similarity1_loss \ + * VKD_OnlineTriplet1_loss + args.gamma * VKD_Similarity2_loss \ + * VKD_OnlineTriplet2_loss elif args.model == 'RAD': # RAD: Resolution-Adapted Distillation # Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation distance = mimic_t - mimic_s RAD_loss = torch.pow(distance, 2).sum(dim=(0, 1), keepdim=False) loss = RAD_loss + cls_loss else: raise Exception('Invalid model name...') loss.backward() utils.clip_gradient(optimizer, 0.1) optimizer.step() train_loss += loss.item() train_cls_loss += cls_loss.item() if args.augmentation: conf_mat_a += losses.confusion_matrix(out_s, student_target_a, NUM_CLASSES) acc_a = sum([conf_mat_a[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) / conf_mat_a.sum() precision_a = np.array([ conf_mat_a[i, i] / (conf_mat_a[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) recall_a = np.array([ conf_mat_a[i, i] / (conf_mat_a[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_a.shape[0]) ]) mAP_a = sum(precision_a) / len(precision_a) F1_score_a = (2 * precision_a * recall_a / (precision_a + recall_a + 1e-10)).mean() conf_mat_b += losses.confusion_matrix(out_s, student_target_b, NUM_CLASSES) acc_b = sum([conf_mat_b[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) / conf_mat_b.sum() precision_b = np.array([ conf_mat_b[i, i] / (conf_mat_b[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) recall_b = np.array([ conf_mat_b[i, i] / (conf_mat_b[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat_b.shape[0]) ]) mAP_b = sum(precision_b) / len(precision_b) F1_score_b = (2 * precision_b * recall_b / (precision_b + recall_b + 1e-10)).mean() acc = student_lam * acc_a + (1 - student_lam) * acc_b mAP = student_lam * mAP_a + (1 - student_lam) * mAP_b F1_score = student_lam * F1_score_a + (1 - student_lam) * F1_score_b else: conf_mat += losses.confusion_matrix(out_s, target, NUM_CLASSES) acc = sum([conf_mat[i, i] for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0])]) / conf_mat.sum() precision = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] mAP = sum(precision) / len(precision) recall = [ conf_mat[i, i] / (conf_mat[:, i].sum() + 1e-10) for i in range(conf_mat.shape[0]) ] precision = np.array(precision) recall = np.array(recall) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-10) F1_score = f1.mean() #utils.progress_bar(batch_idx, len(trainloader), 'Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% | mAP: %.3f%% | F1: %.3f%%' #% (train_loss/(batch_idx+1), 100.*acc, 100.* mAP, 100.* F1_score)) return train_cls_loss / (batch_idx + 1), 100. * acc, 100. * mAP, 100 * F1_score