def _getdivision(member):
    gets division as of Jan 1 from RunningAheadMember record

    :param member: RunningAheadMember record
    :rtype: division text

    # use local time
    today = time.time()-time.timezone
    todaydt = timeu.epoch2dt(today)
    jan1 = datetime(todaydt.year, 1, 1)

    memberage = timeu.age(jan1, ymd.asc2dt(member.dob))

    # this must match grand prix configuration in membership database
    # TODO: add api to query this information from scoretility
    if memberage <= 13:
        div = '13 and under'
    elif memberage <= 29:
        div = '14-29'
    elif memberage <= 39:
        div = '30-39'
    elif memberage <= 49:
        div = '40-49'
    elif memberage <= 59:
        div = '50-59'
    elif memberage <= 69:
        div = '60-69'
        div = '70 and over'

    return div
文件: login.py 项目: louking/rrwebapp
def login():
    # define form
    form = LoginForm()

    # Validate form input 
    #if flask.request.method == "POST" and form.validate_on_submit():
    if form.validate_on_submit():
            # Retrieve the user from the datastore
            user = racedb.find_user(form.email.data)
            # flag user doesn't exist or incorrect password
            if not (user and user.check_password(form.password.data)):
                return flask.render_template('login.html', form=form, error='username or password invalid')
            # we're good
            # Keep the user info in the session using Flask-Login
            flask.session['logged_in'] = True
            flask.session['user_name'] = user.name
            flask.session.permanent = True
            # Tell Flask-Principal the identity changed
                identity = Identity(user.id))
            userclubs = getuserclubs(user)
            # zero clubs is an internal error in the databse
            if not(userclubs):
                raise dbConsistencyError,'no clubs found in database'
            # give user access to the first club in the list if no club already chosen
            # club_choices set in nav module. If this club.id is not in club_choices, 
            # need to reset to first available
            if 'club_id' not in flask.session or flask.session['club_id'] not in [c[0] for c in userclubs]:
                club = Club.query.filter_by(id=userclubs[0][0]).first()
                flask.session['club_id'] = club.id
                flask.session['club_name'] = club.name
            # set default year to be current year
            today = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time())
            flask.session['year'] = today.year
            # log login
            app.logger.debug("logged in user '{}'".format(flask.session['user_name']))

            # commit database updates and close transaction
            return flask.redirect(flask.request.args.get('next') or flask.url_for('index'))
           # roll back database updates and close transaction
    return flask.render_template('login.html', form=form)
def _getdivision(member):
    gets division as of Jan 1 

    :param member: Member record
    :rtype: division text

    # use local time
    today = time.time() - time.timezone
    todaydt = epoch2dt(today)
    jan1 = datetime(todaydt.year, 1, 1)

    memberage = age(jan1, member.dob)

    # this must match grand prix configuration in membership database
    # TODO: add api to query this information from scoretility
    if memberage <= 13:
        div = '13 and under'
    elif memberage <= 29:
        div = '14-29'
    elif memberage <= 39:
        div = '30-39'
    elif memberage <= 49:
        div = '40-49'
    elif memberage <= 59:
        div = '50-59'
    elif memberage <= 69:
        div = '60-69'
        div = '70 and over'

    return div
    def getresults(self, name, fname, lname, gender, dt_dob, begindate, enddate):
        retrieves a list of results for a single name

        must be overridden when ResultsCollect is instantiated

        use dt_dob to filter errant race results, based on age of runner on race day

        :param name: name of participant for which results are to be returned
        :param fname: first name of participant
        :param lname: last name of participant
        :param gender: 'M' or 'F'
        :param dt_dob: participant's date of birth, as datetime 
        :param begindate: epoch time for start of results, 00:00:00 on date to begin
        :param end: epoch time for end of results, 23:59:59 on date to finish
        :rtype: list of serviceresults, each of which can be processed by convertresult
        # remember participant data
        self.name = name
        self.fname = fname
        self.lname = lname
        self.gender = gender
        self.dt_dob = dt_dob
        self.dob = ftime.dt2asc(dt_dob)

        # get results for this athlete
        allresults = self.service.listresults(fname,lname)

        # filter by date and by age
        filteredresults = []
        for result in allresults:
            e_racedate = ftime.asc2epoch(result.racedate)
            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue
            # skip result if runner's age doesn't match the age within the result
            dt_racedate = timeu.epoch2dt(e_racedate)
            racedateage = timeu.age(dt_racedate,dt_dob)
            if result.age != racedateage: continue
            # skip result if runner's gender doesn't match gender within the result
            resultgen = result.gender
            if resultgen != gender: continue

            # if we reach here, the result is ok, and is added to filteredresults

        # back to caller
        return filteredresults
    def getlocation(self, address):
        retrieve location from database, if available, else get from googlemaps api

        :param address: address for lookup
        :rtype: Location instance

        dbaddress = address
        if len(dbaddress) > MAX_LOCATION_LEN:
            dbaddress = dbaddress[0:MAX_LOCATION_LEN]

        loc = Location.query.filter_by(name=dbaddress).first()

        now = epoch2dt(time.time())
        if not loc or (now - loc.cached_at > CACHE_REFRESH):
            # new location
            loc = Location(name=dbaddress)

            # get geocode from google
            # use the full address, not dbaddress which gets s
            gc = geocode(self.client, address=address)

            # if we got good data, fill in the particulars
            # assume first in list is good, give warning if multiple entries received back
            if gc:
                # notify if multiple values returned
                if len(gc) > 1:
                    app.logger.warning('geocode: multiple locations ({}) received from googlemaps for {}'.format(len(gc), address))

                # save lat/long from first value returned
                loc.latitude  = gc[0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
                loc.longitude = gc[0]['geometry']['location']['lng']

            # if no response, still store in database, but flag as error
                loc.lookuperror = True

            # remember when last retrieved
            loc.cached_at = now

            # insert or update -- flush is done within, so id should be set after this
            insert_or_update(db.session, Location, loc, skipcolumns=['id'], name=dbaddress)

        # and back to caller
        return loc
def main(): 
    update club membership information
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version='{0} {1}'.format('runningclub',version.__version__))
    parser.add_argument('memberfile',help='csv, xls or xlsx file with member information')
    parser.add_argument('-r','--racedb',help='filename of race database (default is as configured during rcuserconfig)',default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--debug',help='if set, create updatemembers.txt for debugging',action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    OUT = None
    if args.debug:
        OUT = open('updatemembers.txt','w')
    session = racedb.Session()
    # get clubmembers from file
    memberfile = args.memberfile
    root,ext = os.path.splitext(memberfile)
    if ext in ['.xls','.xlsx']:
        members = clubmember.XlClubMember(memberfile)
    elif ext in ['.csv']:
        members = clubmember.CsvClubMember(memberfile)
        print '***ERROR: invalid memberfile {}, must be csv, xls or xlsx'.format(memberfile)
    # get old clubmembers from database
    dbmembers = clubmember.DbClubMember()   # use default database
    # get all the member runners currently in the database
    # hash them into dict by (name,dateofbirth)
    allrunners = session.query(racedb.Runner).filter_by(member=True,active=True).all()
    inactiverunners = {}
    for thisrunner in allrunners:
        inactiverunners[thisrunner.name,thisrunner.dateofbirth] = thisrunner
        if OUT:
            OUT.write('found id={0}, runner={1}\n'.format(thisrunner.id,thisrunner))
    # make report for new members found with this memberfile
    logdir = os.path.dirname(args.memberfile)
    memberfilebase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.memberfile))[0]
    newmemlogname = '{0}-newmem.csv'.format(memberfilebase)
    NEWMEM = open(os.path.join(logdir,newmemlogname),'wb')
    NEWMEMCSV = csv.DictWriter(NEWMEM,['name','dob'])
    # prepare for age check
    thisyear = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()).year
    asofasc = '{}-1-1'.format(thisyear) # jan 1 of current year
    asof = tYmd.asc2dt(asofasc) 
    # process each name in new membership list
    allmembers = members.getmembers()
    for name in allmembers:
        thesemembers = allmembers[name]
        # NOTE: may be multiple members with same name
        for thismember in thesemembers:
            thisname = thismember['name']
            thisdob = thismember['dob']
            thisgender = thismember['gender'][0].upper()    # male -> M, female -> F
            thishometown = thismember['hometown']

            # prep for if .. elif below by running some queries
            # handle close matches, if DOB does match
            age = timeu.age(asof,tYmd.asc2dt(thisdob))
            matchingmember = dbmembers.findmember(thisname,age,asofasc)
            dbmember = None
            if matchingmember:
                membername,memberdob = matchingmember
                if memberdob == thisdob:
                    dbmember = racedb.getunique(session,racedb.Runner,member=True,name=membername,dateofbirth=thisdob)
            # TODO: need to handle case where dob transitions from '' to actual date of birth
            # no member found, maybe there is nonmember of same name already in database
            if dbmember is None:
                dbnonmember = racedb.getunique(session,racedb.Runner,member=False,name=thisname)
                # TODO: there's a slim possibility that there are two nonmembers with the same name, but I'm sure we've already
                # bolloxed that up in importresult as there's no way to discriminate between the two
                # make report for new members
            # see if this runner is a member in the database already, or was a member once and make the update
            # add or update runner in database
            # get instance, if it exists, and make any updates
            found = False
            if dbmember is not None:
                thisrunner = racedb.Runner(membername,thisdob,thisgender,thishometown)
                # this is also done down below, but must be done here in case member's name has changed
                if (thisrunner.name,thisrunner.dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:

                # overwrite member's name if necessary
                thisrunner.name = thisname  
                added = racedb.update(session,racedb.Runner,dbmember,thisrunner,skipcolumns=['id'])
                found = True
            # if runner's name is in database, but not a member, see if this runner is a nonmemember which can be converted
            # Check first result for age against age within the input file
            # if ages match, convert nonmember to member
            elif dbnonmember is not None:
                # get dt for date of birth, if specified
                    dob = tYmd.asc2dt(thisdob)
                except ValueError:
                    dob = None
                # nonmember came into the database due to a nonmember race result, so we can use any race result to check nonmember's age
                if dob:
                    result = session.query(racedb.RaceResult).filter_by(runnerid=dbnonmember.id).first()
                    resultage = result.agage
                    racedate = tYmd.asc2dt(result.race.date)
                    expectedage = racedate.year - dob.year - int((racedate.month, racedate.day) < (dob.month, dob.day))
                # we found the right person, always if dob isn't specified, but preferably check race result for correct age
                if dob is None or resultage == expectedage:
                    thisrunner = racedb.Runner(thisname,thisdob,thisgender,thishometown)
                    added = racedb.update(session,racedb.Runner,dbnonmember,thisrunner,skipcolumns=['id'])
                    found = True
                    print '{} found in database, wrong age, expected {} found {} in {}'.format(thisname,expectedage,resultage,result)
                    # TODO: need to make file for these, also need way to force update, because maybe bad date in database for result
                    # currently this will cause a new runner entry
            # if runner was not found in database, just insert new runner
            if not found:
                thisrunner = racedb.Runner(thisname,thisdob,thisgender,thishometown)
                added = racedb.insert_or_update(session,racedb.Runner,thisrunner,skipcolumns=['id'],name=thisname,dateofbirth=thisdob)
            # remove this runner from collection of runners which should be deactivated in database
            if (thisrunner.name,thisrunner.dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
            if OUT:
                if added:
                    OUT.write('added or updated {0}\n'.format(thisrunner))
                    OUT.write('no updates necessary {0}\n'.format(thisrunner))
    # any runners remaining in 'inactiverunners' should be deactivated
    for (name,dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
        thisrunner = session.query(racedb.Runner).filter_by(name=name,dateofbirth=dateofbirth).first() # should be only one returned by filter
        thisrunner.active = False
        if OUT:
            OUT.write('deactivated {0}\n'.format(thisrunner))
    if OUT:
def collect(searchfile,outfile,begindate,enddate):
    collect race results from runningahead
    :param searchfile: path to file containing names, genders, birth dates to search for
    :param outfile: output file path
    :param begindate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    :param enddate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    outfilehdr = 'GivenName,FamilyName,name,DOB,Gender,race,date,age,miles,km,time'.split(',')
    # open files
    _IN = open(searchfile,'rb')
    IN = csv.DictReader(_IN)
    _OUT = open(outfile,'wb')
    OUT = csv.DictWriter(_OUT,outfilehdr)

    # common fields between input and output
    commonfields = 'GivenName,FamilyName,DOB,Gender'.split(',')

    # create runningahead access, grab users who have used the steeplechasers.org portal to RA
    ra = runningahead.RunningAhead()
    users = ra.listusers()
    rausers = []
    for user in users:
        rauser = ra.getuser(user['token'])

    # reset begindate to beginning of day, enddate to end of day
    dt_begindate = timeu.epoch2dt(begindate)
    a_begindate = fdate.dt2asc(dt_begindate)
    adj_begindate = datetime.datetime(dt_begindate.year,dt_begindate.month,dt_begindate.day,0,0,0)
    e_begindate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_begindate)
    dt_enddate = timeu.epoch2dt(enddate)
    a_enddate = fdate.dt2asc(dt_enddate)
    adj_enddate = datetime.datetime(dt_enddate.year,dt_enddate.month,dt_enddate.day,23,59,59)
    e_enddate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_enddate)
    # get today's date for high level age filter
    start = time.time()
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(start)
    # loop through runners in the input file
    for runner in IN:
        fname,lname = runner['GivenName'],runner['FamilyName']
        membername = '{} {}'.format(fname,lname)
        log.debug('looking for {}'.format(membername))
        e_dob = fdate.asc2epoch(runner['DOB'])
        dt_dob = fdate.asc2dt(runner['DOB'])
        dob = runner['DOB']
        gender = runner['Gender'][0]

        # find thisuser
        foundmember = False
        for user,rauser in rausers:
            if 'givenName' not in rauser or 'birthDate' not in rauser: continue    # we need to know the name and birth date
            givenName = rauser['givenName'] if 'givenName' in rauser else ''
            familyName = rauser['familyName'] if 'familyName' in rauser else ''
            rausername = '******'.format(givenName,familyName)
            if rausername == membername and dt_dob == fdate.asc2dt(rauser['birthDate']):
                foundmember = True
                log.debug('found {}'.format(membername))
            # member is not this ra user, keep looking

        # if we couldn't find this member in RA, try the next member
        if not foundmember: continue
        ## skip getting results if participant too young
        #todayage = timeu.age(today,dt_dob)
        #if todayage < 14: continue
        # if we're here, found the right user, now let's look at the workouts
        workouts = ra.listworkouts(user['token'],begindate=a_begindate,enddate=a_enddate,getfields=FIELD['workout'].keys())

        # save race workouts, if any found
        results = []
        if workouts:
            for wo in workouts:
                if wo['workoutName'].lower() != 'race': continue
                if 'duration' not in wo['details']: continue        # seen once, not sure why
                thisdate = wo['date']
                dt_thisdate = fdate.asc2dt(thisdate)
                thisdist = runningahead.dist2meters(wo['details']['distance'])
                thistime = wo['details']['duration']
                thisrace = wo['course']['name'] if wo.has_key('course') else 'unknown'
                if thistime == 0:
                    log.warning('{} has 0 time for {} {}'.format(membername,thisrace,thisdate))
                stat = {'GivenName':fname,'FamilyName':lname,'name':membername,
        # loop through each result
        for result in results:
            e_racedate = fdate.asc2epoch(result['date'])
            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue
            # create output record and copy fields
            outrec = result
            resulttime = result['time']

            # strange case of TicksString = ':00'
            if resulttime[0] == ':':
                resulttime = '0'+resulttime
            while resulttime.count(':') < 2:
                resulttime = '0:'+resulttime
            outrec['time'] = resulttime

    finish = time.time()
    print 'elapsed time (min) = {}'.format((finish-start)/60)
def collect(searchfile,outfile,begindate,enddate):
    collect race results from athlinks
    :param searchfile: path to file containing names, genders, birth dates to search for
    :param outfile: output file path
    :param begindate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    :param enddate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    # open files
    _IN = open(searchfile,'rb')
    IN = csv.DictReader(_IN)
    _OUT = open(outfile,'wb')
    OUT = csv.DictWriter(_OUT,resultfilehdr)

    # common fields between input and output
    commonfields = 'GivenName,FamilyName,DOB,Gender'.split(',')

    # create athlinks
    athl = athlinks.Athlinks(debug=True)

    # reset begindate to beginning of day, enddate to end of day
    dt_begindate = timeu.epoch2dt(begindate)
    adj_begindate = datetime.datetime(dt_begindate.year,dt_begindate.month,dt_begindate.day,0,0,0)
    begindate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_begindate)
    dt_enddate = timeu.epoch2dt(enddate)
    adj_enddate = datetime.datetime(dt_enddate.year,dt_enddate.month,dt_enddate.day,23,59,59)
    enddate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_enddate)
    # get today's date for high level age filter
    start = time.time()
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(start)
    # loop through runners in the input file
    for runner in IN:
        name = ' '.join([runner['GivenName'],runner['FamilyName']])
        e_dob = ftime.asc2epoch(runner['DOB'])
        dt_dob = ftime.asc2dt(runner['DOB'])
        ## skip getting results if participant too young
        #todayage = timeu.age(today,dt_dob)
        #if todayage < 14: continue
        # get results for this athlete
        results = athl.listathleteresults(name)
        # loop through each result
        for result in results:
            e_racedate = athlinks.gettime(result['Race']['RaceDate'])
            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue
            # create output record and copy common fields
            outrec = {}
            for field in commonfields:
                outrec[field] = runner[field]
            # skip result if runner's age doesn't match the age within the result
            # sometimes athlinks stores the age group of the runner, not exact age,
            # so also check if this runner's age is within the age group, and indicate if so
            dt_racedate = timeu.epoch2dt(e_racedate)
            racedateage = timeu.age(dt_racedate,dt_dob)
            resultage = int(result['Age'])
            if resultage != racedateage:
                # if results are not stored as age group, skip this result
                if (resultage/5)*5 != resultage:
                # result's age might be age group, not exact age
                    # if runner's age consistent with race age, use result, but mark "fuzzy"
                    if (racedateage/5)*5 == resultage:
                        outrec['fuzzyage'] = 'Y'
                    # otherwise skip result
            # skip result if runner's gender doesn't match gender within the result
            resultgen = result['Gender'][0]
            if resultgen != runner['Gender'][0]: continue
            # get course used for this result
            course = athl.getcourse(result['Race']['RaceID'],result['CourseID'])
            # skip result if not Running or Trail Running race
            thiscategory = course['Courses'][0]['RaceCatID']
            if thiscategory not in race_category: continue
            # fill in output record fields from runner, result, course
            # combine name, get age
            outrec['name'] = '{} {}'.format(runner['GivenName'],runner['FamilyName'])
            outrec['age'] = result['Age']

            # leave athlmember and athlid blank if result not from an athlink member
            athlmember = result['IsMember']
            if athlmember:
                outrec['athlmember'] = 'Y'
                outrec['athlid'] = result['RacerID']

            # race name, location; convert from unicode if necessary
            # TODO: make function to do unicode translation -- apply to runner name as well (or should csv just store unicode?)
            racename = csvu.unicode2ascii(course['RaceName'])
            coursename = csvu.unicode2ascii(course['Courses'][0]['CourseName'])
            outrec['race'] = '{} / {}'.format(racename,coursename)
            outrec['date'] = ftime.epoch2asc(athlinks.gettime(course['RaceDate']))
            outrec['loc'] = csvu.unicode2ascii(course['Home'])
            # distance, category, time
            distmiles = athlinks.dist2miles(course['Courses'][0]['DistUnit'],course['Courses'][0]['DistTypeID'])
            distkm = athlinks.dist2km(course['Courses'][0]['DistUnit'],course['Courses'][0]['DistTypeID'])
            if distkm < 0.050: continue # skip timed events, which seem to be recorded with 0 distance

            outrec['miles'] = distmiles
            outrec['km'] = distkm
            outrec['category'] = race_category[thiscategory]
            resulttime = result['TicksString']

            # strange case of TicksString = ':00'
            if resulttime[0] == ':':
                resulttime = '0'+resulttime
            while resulttime.count(':') < 2:
                resulttime = '0:'+resulttime
            outrec['time'] = resulttime

            # just leave out age grade if exception occurs
                agpercent,agresult,agfactor = ag.agegrade(racedateage,resultgen,distmiles,timeu.timesecs(resulttime))
                outrec['ag'] = agpercent
                if agpercent < 15 or agpercent >= 100: continue # skip obvious outliers

    finish = time.time()
    print 'number of URLs retrieved = {}'.format(athl.geturlcount())
    print 'elapsed time (min) = {}'.format((finish-start)/60)
    def post(self):
        def allowed_file(filename):
            return '.' in filename and filename.split('.')[-1] in ['csv','xlsx','xls']
            club_id = flask.session['club_id']
            thisyear = flask.session['year']
            readcheck = ViewClubDataPermission(club_id)
            writecheck = UpdateClubDataPermission(club_id)
            # verify user can write the data, otherwise abort
            if not writecheck.can():
            # if using api, collect data from api and save in temp directory
            useapi = request.args.get('useapi')=='true'

            # if we're using the api, do some quick checks that the request makes sense
            # save apitype, apiid, apikey, apisecret for later
            if useapi:
                thisclub = Club.query.filter_by(id=club_id).first()
                apitype = thisclub.memberserviceapi
                apiid = thisclub.memberserviceid
                if not apitype or not apiid:
                    cause = 'Unexpected Error: API requested but not configured'
                    return failure_response(cause=cause)
                thisapi = ApiCredentials.query.filter_by(name=apitype).first()
                if not thisapi:
                    cause = "Unexpected Error: API credentials for '{}' not configured".format(apitype)
                    return failure_response(cause=cause)
                apikey = thisapi.key
                apisecret = thisapi.secret
                if not apikey or not apisecret:
                    cause = "Unexpected Error: API credentials for '{}' not configured with key or secret".format(apitype)
                    return failure_response(cause=cause)

            # if we're not using api, file came in with request
                memberfile = request.files['file']

                # get file extention
                root,ext = os.path.splitext(memberfile.filename)
                # make sure valid file
                if not memberfile:
                    cause = 'Unexpected Error: Missing file'
                    return failure_response(cause=cause)
                if not allowed_file(memberfile.filename):
                    cause = 'Invalid file type {} for file {}'.format(ext,memberfile.filename)
                    return failure_response(cause=cause)

            # get all the member runners currently in the database
            # hash them into dict by (name,dateofbirth)
            allrunners = Runner.query.filter_by(club_id=club_id,member=True,active=True).all()
            inactiverunners = {}
            for thisrunner in allrunners:
                inactiverunners[thisrunner.name,thisrunner.dateofbirth] = thisrunner

            # if some members exist, verify user wants to overwrite
            if allrunners and not request.args.get('force')=='true':
                return failure_response(cause='Overwrite members?',confirm=True)
            # if we're using the api, collect the member information using the appropriate credentials
            # NOTE: only runsignup supported at this time
            if useapi:
                tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
                memberfilename = 'members.csv'
                ext = '.csv'
                memberpathname = os.path.join(tempdir,memberfilename)
                rsu_members2csv(apiid, apikey, apisecret, rsu_api2filemapping, filepath=memberpathname)

                # save file for import
                tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
                memberfilename = secure_filename(memberfile.filename)
                memberpathname = os.path.join(tempdir,memberfilename)

            # bring in data from the file
            if ext in ['.xls','.xlsx']:
                members = clubmember.XlClubMember(memberpathname)
            elif ext in ['.csv']:
                members = clubmember.CsvClubMember(memberpathname)
            # how did this happen?  check allowed_file() for bugs
                cause =  'Program Error: Invalid file type {} for file {} path {} (unexpected)'.format(ext,memberfilename,memberpathname)
                return failure_response(cause=cause)
            # remove file and temporary directory
            # no idea why this can happen; hopefully doesn't happen on linux
            except WindowsError,e:
                app.logger.debug('WindowsError exception ignored: {}'.format(e))

            # get old clubmembers from database
            dbmembers = clubmember.DbClubMember(club_id=club_id)   # use default database

            # prepare for age check
            thisyear = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()).year
            asofasc = '{}-1-1'.format(thisyear) # jan 1 of current year
            asof = tYmd.asc2dt(asofasc) 
            # process each name in new membership list
            allmembers = members.getmembers()
            for name in allmembers:
                thesemembers = allmembers[name]
                # NOTE: may be multiple members with same name
                for thismember in thesemembers:
                    thisname = thismember['name']
                    thisfname = thismember['fname']
                    thislname = thismember['lname']
                    thisdob = thismember['dob']
                    thisgender = thismember['gender'][0].upper()    # male -> M, female -> F
                    thishometown = thismember['hometown']
                    thisrenewdate = thismember['renewdate']
                    thisexpdate = thismember['expdate']
                    # prep for if .. elif below by running some queries
                    # handle close matches, if DOB does match
                    age = timeu.age(asof,tYmd.asc2dt(thisdob))
                    matchingmember = dbmembers.findmember(thisname,age,asofasc)
                    dbmember = None
                    if matchingmember:
                        membername,memberdob = matchingmember
                        if memberdob == thisdob:
                            dbmember = racedb.getunique(db.session,Runner,club_id=club_id,member=True,name=membername,dateofbirth=thisdob)
                    # TODO: need to handle case where dob transitions from '' to actual date of birth
                    # no member found, maybe there is nonmember of same name already in database
                    if dbmember is None:
                        dbnonmember = racedb.getunique(db.session,Runner,club_id=club_id,member=False,name=thisname)
                        # TODO: there's a slim possibility that there are two nonmembers with the same name, but I'm sure we've already
                        # bolloxed that up in importresult as there's no way to discriminate between the two
                        ## make report for new members
                    # see if this runner is a member in the database already, or was a member once and make the update
                    # add or update runner in database
                    # get instance, if it exists, and make any updates
                    found = False
                    if dbmember is not None:
                        thisrunner = Runner(club_id,membername,thisdob,thisgender,thishometown,
                        # this is also done down below, but must be done here in case member's name has changed
                        if (thisrunner.name,thisrunner.dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
                        # overwrite member's name if necessary
                        thisrunner.name = thisname  
                        added = racedb.update(db.session,Runner,dbmember,thisrunner,skipcolumns=['id'])
                        found = True
                    # if runner's name is in database, but not a member, see if this runner is a nonmemember which can be converted
                    # Check first result for age against age within the input file
                    # if ages match, convert nonmember to member
                    elif dbnonmember is not None:
                        # get dt for date of birth, if specified
                            dob = tYmd.asc2dt(thisdob)
                        except ValueError:
                            dob = None
                        # nonmember came into the database due to a nonmember race result, so we can use any race result to check nonmember's age
                        if dob:
                            result = RaceResult.query.filter_by(runnerid=dbnonmember.id).first()
                            resultage = result.agage
                            racedate = tYmd.asc2dt(result.race.date)
                            expectedage = timeu.age(racedate,dob)
                            #expectedage = racedate.year - dob.year - int((racedate.month, racedate.day) < (dob.month, dob.day))
                        # we found the right person, always if dob isn't specified, but preferably check race result for correct age
                        if dob is None or resultage == expectedage:
                            thisrunner = Runner(club_id,thisname,thisdob,thisgender,thishometown,
                            added = racedb.update(db.session,Runner,dbnonmember,thisrunner,skipcolumns=['id'])
                            found = True
                            app.logger.warning('{} found in database, wrong age, expected {} found {} in {}'.format(thisname,expectedage,resultage,result))
                            # TODO: need to make file for these, also need way to force update, because maybe bad date in database for result
                            # currently this will cause a new runner entry
                    # if runner was not found in database, just insert new runner
                    if not found:
                        thisrunner = Runner(club_id,thisname,thisdob,thisgender,thishometown,
                        added = racedb.insert_or_update(db.session,Runner,thisrunner,skipcolumns=['id'],club_id=club_id,name=thisname,dateofbirth=thisdob)
                    # remove this runner from collection of runners which should be deactivated in database
                    if (thisrunner.name,thisrunner.dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
            # any runners remaining in 'inactiverunners' should be deactivated
            for (name,dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
                thisrunner = Runner.query.filter_by(club_id=club_id,name=name,dateofbirth=dateofbirth).first() # should be only one returned by filter
                thisrunner.active = False
            # commit database updates and close transaction
            return success_response()
def render(aag,outfile,summaryfile,detailfile,minagegrade,minraces,mintrend,begindate,enddate):
    render collected results

    :param outfile: output file name template, like '{who}-ag-analysis-{date}-{time}.png'
    :param summaryfile: summary file name template (.csv), may include {date} field
    :param detailfile: summary file name template (.csv), may include {date} field
    :param minagegrade: minimum age grade
    :param minraces: minimum races in the same year as enddate
    :param mintrend: minimum races over the full period for trendline
    :param begindate: render races between begindate and enddate, datetime
    :param enddate: render races between begindate and enddate, datetime
    firstyear = begindate.year
    lastyear = enddate.year
    yearrange = range(firstyear,lastyear+1)
    summfields = ['name','age','gender']
    distcategories = ['overall'] + [TRENDLIMITS[tlimit][0] for tlimit in TRENDLIMITS]
    for stattype in ['1yr agegrade','avg agegrade','trend','numraces','stderr','r-squared','pvalue']:
        for distcategory in distcategories:
        if stattype == 'numraces':
            for year in yearrange:
    tfile = timeu.asctime('%Y-%m-%d')
    summaryfname = summaryfile.format(date=tfile.epoch2asc(time.time()))
    _SUMM = open(summaryfname,'wb')
    SUMM = csv.DictWriter(_SUMM,summfields)
    detailfname = detailfile.format(date=tfile.epoch2asc(time.time()))
    detlfields = ['name','dob','gender'] + analyzeagegrade.AgeGradeStat.attrs + ['distmiles','distkm','rendertime']
    detlfields.remove('priority')   # priority is internal
    _DETL = open(detailfname,'wb')
    DETL = csv.DictWriter(_DETL,detlfields,extrasaction='ignore')
    # create a figure used for everyone -- required to save memory
    fig = plt.figure()
    # loop through each member we've recorded information about
    for thisname in aag:
        rendername = thisname.title()
        # remove duplicate entries
        # crunch the numbers, and remove entries less than minagegrade
        aag[thisname].crunch()    # calculate age grade for each result
        stats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        #for stat in stats:
        #    if stat.ag < minagegrade:
        #        aag[thisname].del_stat(stat)
        # write detailed file before filtering
        name,gender,dob = aag[thisname].get_runner()
        detlout = {'name':rendername,'gender':gender,'dob':tfile.dt2asc(dob)}
        for stat in stats:
            for attr in analyzeagegrade.AgeGradeStat.attrs:
                detlout[attr] = getattr(stat,attr)
                if attr == 'date':
                    detlout[attr] = tfile.dt2asc(detlout[attr])
            # interpret some of the data from the raw stat
            detlout['distkm'] = detlout['dist'] / 1000.0
            detlout['distmiles'] = detlout['dist']/METERSPERMILE
            rendertime = ren.rendertime(detlout['time'],0)
            while len(rendertime.split(':')) < 3:
                rendertime = '0:'+rendertime
            detlout['rendertime'] = rendertime
        jan1 = tfile.asc2dt('{}-1-1'.format(lastyear))
        runnerage = timeu.age(jan1,dob)
        # filter out runners younger than 14
        if runnerage < 14: continue

        # filter out runners who have not run enough races
        stats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        if enddate:
            lastyear = enddate.year
            lastyear = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()).year
        lastyearstats = [s for s in stats if s.date.year==lastyear]
        if len(lastyearstats) < minraces: continue
        # set up output file name template
        if outfile:

        # set up rendering parameters

        # clear figure, set up axes
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        # render the results
        aag[thisname].render_stats(fig)    # plot statistics

        # set up to collect averages
        avg = collections.OrderedDict()

        # draw trendlines, write output
        allstats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        avg['overall'] = mean([s.ag for s in allstats])
        trend = aag[thisname].render_trendline(fig,'overall',color='k')

        # retrieve output filename for hyperlink
        # must be called after set_runner and set_renderfname
        thisoutfile = aag[thisname].get_outfilename()
        summout = {}
        summout['name'] = '=HYPERLINK("{}","{}")'.format(thisoutfile,rendername)
        summout['age'] = runnerage
        summout['gender'] = gender
        oneyrstats = [s.ag for s in allstats if s.date.year == lastyear]
        if len(oneyrstats) > 0:
            summout['1yr agegrade\noverall'] = mean(oneyrstats)
        summout['avg agegrade\noverall'] = avg['overall']
        if len(allstats) >= mintrend:
            summout['trend\noverall'] = trend.slope
            summout['stderr\noverall'] = trend.stderr
            summout['r-squared\noverall'] = trend.rvalue**2
            summout['pvalue\noverall'] = trend.pvalue
        summout['numraces\noverall'] = len(allstats)
        for year in yearrange:
            summout['numraces\n{}'.format(year)] = len([s for s in allstats if s.date.year==year])
        for tlimit in TRENDLIMITS:
            distcategory,distcolor = TRENDLIMITS[tlimit]
            tstats = [s for s in allstats if s.dist >= tlimit[0] and s.dist <= tlimit[1]]
            if len(tstats) < mintrend: continue
            avg[distcategory] = mean([s.ag for s in tstats])
            trend = aag[thisname].render_trendline(fig,distcategory,thesestats=tstats,color=distcolor)
            oneyrcategory = [s.ag for s in tstats if s.date.year == lastyear]
            if len(oneyrcategory) > 0:
                summout['1yr agegrade\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = mean(oneyrcategory)
            summout['avg agegrade\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = avg[distcategory]
            summout['trend\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.slope
            summout['stderr\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.stderr
            summout['r-squared\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.rvalue**2
            summout['pvalue\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.pvalue
            summout['numraces\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = len(tstats)
        # annotate with averages
        avgstr = 'averages\n'
        for lab in avg:
            thisavg = int(round(avg[lab]))
            avgstr += '  {}: {}%\n'.format(lab,thisavg)
        avgstr += 'age (1/1/{}): {}'.format(lastyear,runnerage)
        # TODO: add get_*lim() to aag -- xlim and ylim are currently side-effect of aag.render_stats()
        x1,xn = ax.get_xlim()
        y1,yn = ax.get_ylim()
        xy = (x1+10,y1+10)
        # save file
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        version='{0} {1}'.format('running', version.__version__))
    parser.add_argument('infile', help='file generated by racewx')
    parser.add_argument('racename', help='race name')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    infile = args.infile
    racename = args.racename

    # get input
    _WX = open(infile, 'rb')
    WX = csv.DictReader(_WX)
    wxdata = []
    for wx in WX:

    # for now, filter out all but the max 'exectime' entries
    lastexec = max([int(wx['exectime']) for wx in wxdata])
    while int(wxdata[0]['exectime']) != lastexec:

    # pull out fields to plot
    wxplot = {}
    plotfields = [
        'time', 'temperature', 'windchill', 'heatindex', 'dewpoint',
        'windSpeed', 'windBearing', 'cloudCover', 'precipProbability',
        'precipIntensity', 'cloudCover'
    for f in plotfields:
        wxplot[f] = [float(wx[f]) if wx[f] != '' else None for wx in wxdata]

    # get range on 30 minute boundaries
    starttime = int(wxplot['time'][0])
    fintime = int(wxplot['time'][-1])
    adjstart = (starttime / (30 * 60)) * (
        30 * 60)  # rounds to next lowest 30 minute boundary
    adjfin = (
        (fintime - 1 + 30 * 60) /
        (30 * 60)) * (30 * 60)  # rounds to next highest 30 minute boundary
    startdt = timeu.epoch2dt(adjstart)
    findt = timeu.epoch2dt(adjfin)

    # time zone stuff, based on starting point
    lat = float(wxdata[0]['lat'])
    lon = float(wxdata[0]['lon'])
    tzid = racewx.gettzid(lat, lon)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    wxplot['localtime'] = [
        timeu.utcdt2tzdt(timeu.epoch2dt(tm), tzid) for tm in wxplot['time']

    # plot data
    fig = plt.figure()
    ttitle = timeu.asctime('%m/%d/%Y')
    racedate = ttitle.epoch2asc(wxplot['time'][0])
    fdate = ttitle.epoch2asc(lastexec)
        'forecast for {race} {date}\nforecast date {fdate}\nPowered by Forecast.io'
        .format(race=racename, date=racedate, fdate=fdate),

    # set some formatting parameters
    lw = 0.5  # line width
    windcolor = 'b'
    legendx = 1.35

    # plot control
    exists = {}
    for f in ['windchill', 'heatindex']:
        exists[f] = len([it for it in wxplot[f] if it is not None]) != 0
    for f in ['precipIntensity']:
        exists[f] = len([it for it in wxplot[f] if it > 0.0]) != 0

    # plot temperatures
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
    if exists['windchill']:
                 label='wind chill',
    if exists['heatindex']:
                 label='heat index',
             label='dew point',

    ax1.set_xlim(startdt, findt)
    fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.88, right=0.75, bottom=0.15)

    hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M', tz=tz)
    plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')
    ax1.set_ylabel('degrees  \nFahrenheit', fontsize='small')

    #font = fm.FontProperties(fname='Humor-Sans.ttf')
    font = fm.FontProperties()
    xsmallfont = copy.deepcopy(font)
    ax1.legend(prop=xsmallfont, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 1))

    # plot wind
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
             label='wind speed',
    # note polar-> rectangular flips x,y from standard transformation because theta is from North instead of East
    # not sure why need to invert U and V to get barb to point in right direction.  Maybe vector comes from U,V and points to origin?
    U = [
        -1 * wxplot['windSpeed'][i] *
        for i in range(len(wxplot['windSpeed']))
    V = [
        -1 * wxplot['windSpeed'][i] *
        for i in range(len(wxplot['windSpeed']))
    xdates = dates.date2num(
        wxplot['localtime'])  # barbs requires floats, not datetime

    ax2.set_xlim(dates.date2num(startdt), dates.date2num(findt))
    miny, maxy = ax2.get_ylim()
    ax2.set_ylim(round(miny * 0.8), round(maxy * 1.2))
    #plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize='small')
    plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')
    ax2.set_ylabel('miles per hour', fontsize='small')
    ax2.legend(prop=xsmallfont, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 1))

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)
    precipprob = [100 * (prob or 0) for prob in wxplot['precipProbability']]
    cloudcover = [100 * (cover or 0) for cover in wxplot['cloudCover']]
             label='rain probability',
             label='cloud cover',
    ax3.set_ylabel('percent', fontsize='small')

    ax3.set_xlim(dates.date2num(startdt), dates.date2num(findt))
    ax3.set_ylim(0, 100)
    plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize='small')
    plt.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')
               loc='upper right',
               bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 1.1))

    if exists['precipIntensity']:
        ax4 = ax3.twinx()
        #ax4.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['precipIntensity'],label='intensity', linewidth=lw, color='r')
        #ax4.set_ylabel('precipitation 0.002 very light sprinkling, 0.017 light precipitation, 0.1 precipitation, and 0.4 very heavy precipitation')
        ax4.set_ylabel('intensity', fontsize='small')
        ax4.set_ylim(0, 0.5)
        plt.setp(ax4.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')
                   loc='upper right',
                   bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 0.75))

    tfile = timeu.asctime('%Y-%m-%d')
    fdate = tfile.epoch2asc(lastexec)
    racename = re.sub('\s', '', racename)  # remove whitespace
    outfile = 'race-weather-{race}-{fdate}.png'.format(race=racename,
    fig.savefig(outfile, format='png')
def collect(searchfile, outfile, begindate, enddate):
    collect race results from ultrasignup
    :param searchfile: path to file containing names, genders, birth dates to search for
    :param outfile: output file path
    :param begindate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    :param enddate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate

    # open files
    _IN = open(searchfile, 'rb')
    IN = csv.DictReader(_IN)
    _OUT = open(outfile, 'wb')
    OUT = csv.DictWriter(_OUT, UltraSignupResultFile.filehdr)

    # common fields between input and output
    commonfields = 'GivenName,FamilyName,DOB,Gender'.split(',')

    # create ultrasignup access
    ultra = ultrasignup.UltraSignup(debug=True)

    # reset begindate to beginning of day, enddate to end of day
    dt_begindate = timeu.epoch2dt(begindate)
    adj_begindate = datetime.datetime(dt_begindate.year, dt_begindate.month,
                                      dt_begindate.day, 0, 0, 0)
    begindate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_begindate)
    dt_enddate = timeu.epoch2dt(enddate)
    adj_enddate = datetime.datetime(dt_enddate.year, dt_enddate.month,
                                    dt_enddate.day, 23, 59, 59)
    enddate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_enddate)

    # get today's date for high level age filter
    start = time.time()
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(start)

    # loop through runners in the input file
    for runner in IN:
        fname, lname = runner['GivenName'], runner['FamilyName']
        e_dob = ftime.asc2epoch(runner['DOB'])
        dt_dob = ftime.asc2dt(runner['DOB'])
        gender = runner['Gender'][0]

        ## skip getting results if participant too young
        #todayage = timeu.age(today,dt_dob)
        #if todayage < 14: continue

        # get results for this athlete
        results = ultra.listresults(fname, lname)

        # loop through each result
        for result in results:
            e_racedate = ftime.asc2epoch(result.racedate)

            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue

            # skip result if runner's age doesn't match the age within the result
            dt_racedate = timeu.epoch2dt(e_racedate)
            racedateage = timeu.age(dt_racedate, dt_dob)
            if result.age != racedateage: continue

            # skip result if runner's gender doesn't match gender within the result
            resultgen = result.gender
            if resultgen != runner['Gender'][0]: continue

            # create output record and copy common fields
            outrec = {}
            for field in commonfields:
                outrec[field] = runner[field]

            # fill in output record fields from runner, result
            # combine name, get age
            outrec['name'] = '{} {}'.format(runner['GivenName'],
            outrec['age'] = result.age

            # race name, location; convert from unicode if necessary
            racename = result.racename
            outrec['race'] = racename
            outrec['date'] = ftime.epoch2asc(e_racedate)
            outrec['loc'] = '{}, {}'.format(result.racecity, result.racestate)

            # distance, category, time
            distmiles = result.distmiles
            distkm = result.distkm
            if distkm is None or distkm < 0.050:
                continue  # should already be filtered within ultrasignup, but just in case

            outrec['miles'] = distmiles
            outrec['km'] = distkm
            resulttime = result.racetime

            # int resulttime means DNF, most likely -- skip this result
            if type(resulttime) == int: continue

            # strange case of TicksString = ':00'
            if resulttime[0] == ':':
                resulttime = '0' + resulttime
            while resulttime.count(':') < 2:
                resulttime = '0:' + resulttime
            outrec['time'] = resulttime

            # just leave out age grade if exception occurs
                agpercent, agresult, agfactor = ag.agegrade(
                    racedateage, gender, distmiles, timeu.timesecs(resulttime))
                outrec['ag'] = agpercent
                if agpercent < 15 or agpercent >= 100:
                    continue  # skip obvious outliers



    finish = time.time()
    print 'number of URLs retrieved = {}'.format(ultra.geturlcount())
    print 'elapsed time (min) = {}'.format((finish - start) / 60)
def analyzemembership(memberfileh, participantfileh, detailfile=None): 
    analyze event registration proximity to member joindate
    :param memberfileh: membership file handle, individual records
    :param paraticipantfileh: event participant file handle
    :param detailfile: (optional) name of file for detailed output
    :rtype: OrderedDict {numdays: count, ...} - numdays is number of days event registration minus membership join date
    # debug
    if detailfile:
        _DETL = open(detailfile,'wb')
        detailhdr = 'eventname,dob,membername,email,status,joindate,registered,join2event'.split(',')
        DETL = csv.DictWriter(_DETL,detailhdr)

    # pull in memberfile, participants file
    membership = RunningAheadMembers(memberfileh)
    event = RunningAheadParticipants(participantfileh)
    # iterate through member participants
    participants = event.activeregistrations_iter()

    # what is expiration date for current members
    now = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time())
    currentmemberexp = ymd.dt2asc(datetime(now.year,12,31))
    # loop through event registrants, keeping a histogram of how many days since member joined before registering for the event
    # if member joined after registering for the event, the number will be negative
    hist = {}
    for participant in participants:
        # gather event participant information
        lname = participant.lname
        fname = participant.fname
        searchname = '{} {}'.format(fname,lname)
        dob = participant.dob
        asc_regdate = participant.registrationdate  # like '1/28/2015 11:56:53 AM'
        dt_regdate  = mdy.asc2dt(asc_regdate.split(' ')[0])
        asc_regdate = ymd.dt2asc(dt_regdate)        # convert to yyyy-mm-dd
        d_regdate = date(dt_regdate.year, dt_regdate.month, dt_regdate.day)
        email = participant.email

        # create record for detailfile
        detailrec = {'eventname':searchname,'dob':dob,'registered':asc_regdate,'email':email}

        # try to find in member file
        key = membership.getmemberkey(lname,fname,dob)
        if key:
            detailrec['status'] = 'match'

            closemembers = membership.getclosematchkeys()
            if len(closemembers) >= 1:
                # take best match
                key = closemembers[0]
                detailrec['status'] = 'close'
                detailrec['status'] = 'missed'
        # if found some member who appears to be the right person
        if key:
            # get name of found member
            member = membership.getmember(key)
            membername = '{} {}'.format(member.fname, member.lname)
            detailrec['membername'] = membername
            # figure out the join date
            asc_joindate = member.join
            dt_joindate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_joindate)
            d_joindate = date(dt_joindate.year, dt_joindate.month, dt_joindate.day)
            detailrec['joindate'] = asc_joindate

            # check for lapsed members
            if member.expiration != currentmemberexp:
                detailrec['status'] = 'lapsed'

            # how many days since member joined until member registered for event
            join2event = (d_regdate - d_joindate).days
            detailrec['join2event'] = join2event

            # add one to this histogram count
            hist[join2event] = hist.setdefault(join2event,0) + 1

        # debug
        if detailfile:

    # debug
    if detailfile:
    # create orderered histogram
    allcounts = hist.keys()
    ordhist = OrderedDict()
    for y in range(min(allcounts),max(allcounts)+1):
        ordhist[y] = hist[y] if y in hist else 0
    return ordhist
def analyzemembership(memberfileh, participantfileh, detailfile=None):
    analyze event registration proximity to member joindate
    :param memberfileh: membership file handle, individual records
    :param paraticipantfileh: event participant file handle
    :param detailfile: (optional) name of file for detailed output
    :rtype: OrderedDict {numdays: count, ...} - numdays is number of days event registration minus membership join date

    # debug
    if detailfile:
        _DETL = open(detailfile, 'w', newline='')
        detailhdr = 'eventname,dob,membername,email,status,joindate,registered,join2event'.split(
        DETL = csv.DictWriter(_DETL, detailhdr)

    # pull in memberfile, participants file
    membership = RunningAheadMembers(memberfileh)
    event = RunningAheadParticipants(participantfileh)

    # iterate through member participants
    participants = event.activeregistrations_iter()

    # what is expiration date for current members
    now = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time())
    currentmemberexp = ymd.dt2asc(datetime(now.year, 12, 31))

    # loop through event registrants, keeping a histogram of how many days since member joined before registering for the event
    # if member joined after registering for the event, the number will be negative
    hist = {}
    for participant in participants:
        # gather event participant information
        lname = participant.lname
        fname = participant.fname
        searchname = '{} {}'.format(fname, lname)
        dob = participant.dob
        asc_regdate = participant.registrationdate  # like '1/28/2015 11:56:53 AM'
        dt_regdate = mdy.asc2dt(asc_regdate.split(' ')[0])
        asc_regdate = ymd.dt2asc(dt_regdate)  # convert to yyyy-mm-dd
        d_regdate = date(dt_regdate.year, dt_regdate.month, dt_regdate.day)
        email = participant.email

        # create record for detailfile
        detailrec = {
            'eventname': searchname,
            'dob': dob,
            'registered': asc_regdate,
            'email': email

        # try to find in member file
        key = membership.getmemberkey(lname, fname, dob)
        if key:
            detailrec['status'] = 'match'

            closemembers = membership.getclosematchkeys()
            if len(closemembers) >= 1:
                # take best match
                key = closemembers[0]
                detailrec['status'] = 'close'
                detailrec['status'] = 'missed'

        # if found some member who appears to be the right person
        if key:
            # get name of found member
            member = membership.getmember(key)
            membername = '{} {}'.format(member.fname, member.lname)
            detailrec['membername'] = membername

            # figure out the join date
            asc_joindate = member.join
            dt_joindate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_joindate)
            d_joindate = date(dt_joindate.year, dt_joindate.month,
            detailrec['joindate'] = asc_joindate

            # check for lapsed members
            if member.expiration != currentmemberexp:
                detailrec['status'] = 'lapsed'

            # how many days since member joined until member registered for event
            join2event = (d_regdate - d_joindate).days
            detailrec['join2event'] = join2event

            # add one to this histogram count
            hist[join2event] = hist.setdefault(join2event, 0) + 1

        # debug
        if detailfile:

    # debug
    if detailfile:

    # create orderered histogram
    allcounts = sorted(list(hist.keys()))
    ordhist = OrderedDict()
    for y in range(min(allcounts), max(allcounts) + 1):
        ordhist[y] = hist[y] if y in hist else 0

    return ordhist
def analyzemembership(memberfileh,detailfile=None,overlapfile=None): 
    compare membership statistics, year on year
    :param memberfileh: membership file handle, individual records
    :param detailfile: optional detailed debug file name
    :param overlapfile: optional overlap debug file name to record overlapping join / expiration date periods
    :rtype: OrderedDict {year: OrderedDict {datetime:count,...}, ...}
    # debug
    if detailfile:
        _DETL = open(detailfile,'wb')
        DETL = csv.DictWriter(_DETL,['ord','effective','name','catchup',
                                # 'renewal',
        detlrecord = 0

    # pull in memberfile
    members = RunningAheadMembers(memberfileh,overlapfile=overlapfile)
    # iterate through memberships
    memberships = members.membership_iter()
    ## loop through preprocessed records
    years = {}
    for membership in memberships:
        # asc_renewaldate = membership.renew
        asc_joindate = membership.join
        asc_expdate = membership.expiration
        # renewaldate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_renewaldate)
        joindate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_joindate)
        expdate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_expdate)
        fname = membership.fname
        lname = membership.lname
        dob = membership.dob
        fullname = '{}, {}'.format(lname,fname)
        # when clicking "Export individual records", joindate is the effective date for the specific year
        effectivedate = joindate
        ## increment the member count for the member's effective date
        year = effectivedate.year

        # good data starts in 2013
        if year >= 2013:
            # create year if it hasn't been created
            if year not in years:
                years[year] = {}

            # increment the effectivedate date within the year
            years[year][effectivedate] = years[year].get(effectivedate,0) + 1
            # debug
            if detailfile:
                detlrecord += 1
                               # 'renewal':asc_renewaldate,

        # for all years after effectivedate's until expdate's, increment jan 1
        # this happens if there is a grace period and member's renewal counts for following year, 
        # and for multiyear membership
        # NOTE: this is not under "if year >= 2013" because there are some joindates in 2012, 
        # captured here under jan1, 2013
        for y in range(effectivedate.year+1,expdate.year+1):
            jan1 = datetime(y,1,1)
            if y not in years:
                years[y] = {}
            years[y][jan1] = years[y].get(jan1,0) + 1
            # debug
            if detailfile:
                detlrecord += 1
                               # 'renewal':asc_renewaldate,
    # debug
    if detailfile:
    # create an entry with 0 count for today's date, if none exists (use local time)
    # if, say, last entry was July 28, this will have the effect of prettying up the output
    # for full month rendering
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()-time.timezone)
    thisyear = today.year
    thismonth = today.month
    thisday = today.day
    today = datetime(thisyear, thismonth, thisday)  # removes time of day from today
    if today not in years[thisyear]:
        years[thisyear][today] = 0

    # remove any entries for any years accumulated after this year
    # this can happen if long expiration dates are in database
    for y in range(thisyear+1, max(years.keys())+1):

    # create orderered dicts
    allyears = years.keys()

    ordyears = OrderedDict()
    for y in allyears:
        ordyears[y] = OrderedDict()

        # make sure each month has entry in first and final date, so annotations in rendermembershipanalysis work nicely
        thismonth = 1
        for thisitem in sorted(years[y].items(), key=lambda t: t[0]):
            thisdate = thisitem[0]

            # if we are at a new month, create an empty entry for the first day of this month
            # need while loop in case there was a whole month without memberships
            # also make sure there is an entry the last date of the previous month
            while (thismonth != thisdate.month):
                thismonth += 1

                # make sure there is entry the last date of the previous month
                prevmonth = thismonth - 1
                lastdayprevmonth = monthrange(y,prevmonth)[1]
                lastdateprevmonth = datetime(y,thismonth-1,lastdayprevmonth)
                if lastdateprevmonth not in ordyears[y]:
                    ordyears[y][lastdateprevmonth] = 0

                # make sure there is an entry the first date of this month
                firstdateinmonth = datetime(y,thismonth,1)
                if firstdateinmonth not in ordyears[y]:
                    ordyears[y][firstdateinmonth] = 0
            # add thisitem to ordered dict for year
            ordyears[y][thisitem[0]] = thisitem[1]
    return ordyears
def analyzemembership(memberfileh,detailfile=None,overlapfile=None): 
    compare membership statistics, year on year
    :param memberfileh: membership file handle, individual records
    :param detailfile: optional detailed debug file name
    :param overlapfile: optional overlap debug file name to record overlapping join / expiration date periods
    :rtype: OrderedDict {year: OrderedDict {datetime:count,...}, ...}
    # debug
    if detailfile:
        _DETL = open(detailfile,'w',newline='')
        DETL = csv.DictWriter(_DETL,['ord','effective','name','catchup',
                                # 'renewal',
        detlrecord = 0

    # pull in memberfile
    members = RunningAheadMembers(memberfileh,overlapfile=overlapfile)
    # iterate through memberships
    memberships = members.membership_iter()
    ## loop through preprocessed records
    years = {}
    for membership in memberships:
        # asc_renewaldate = membership.renew
        asc_joindate = membership.join
        asc_expdate = membership.expiration
        # renewaldate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_renewaldate)
        joindate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_joindate)
        expdate = ymd.asc2dt(asc_expdate)
        fname = membership.fname
        lname = membership.lname
        dob = membership.dob
        fullname = '{}, {}'.format(lname,fname)
        # when clicking "Export individual records", joindate is the effective date for the specific year
        effectivedate = joindate
        ## increment the member count for the member's effective date
        year = effectivedate.year

        # good data starts in 2013
        if year >= 2013:
            # create year if it hasn't been created
            if year not in years:
                years[year] = {}

            # increment the effectivedate date within the year
            years[year][effectivedate] = years[year].get(effectivedate,0) + 1
            # debug
            if detailfile:
                detlrecord += 1
                               # 'renewal':asc_renewaldate,

        # for all years after effectivedate's until expdate's, increment jan 1
        # this happens if there is a grace period and member's renewal counts for following year, 
        # and for multiyear membership
        # NOTE: this is not under "if year >= 2013" because there are some joindates in 2012, 
        # captured here under jan1, 2013
        for y in range(effectivedate.year+1,expdate.year+1):
            jan1 = datetime(y,1,1)
            if y not in years:
                years[y] = {}
            years[y][jan1] = years[y].get(jan1,0) + 1
            # debug
            if detailfile:
                detlrecord += 1
                               # 'renewal':asc_renewaldate,
    # debug
    if detailfile:
    # create an entry with 0 count for today's date, if none exists (use local time)
    # if, say, last entry was July 28, this will have the effect of prettying up the output
    # for full month rendering
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()-time.timezone)
    thisyear = today.year
    thismonth = today.month
    thisday = today.day
    today = datetime(thisyear, thismonth, thisday)  # removes time of day from today
    if today not in years[thisyear]:
        years[thisyear][today] = 0

    # remove any entries for any years accumulated after this year
    # this can happen if long expiration dates are in database
    for y in range(thisyear+1, max(years.keys())+1):

    # create orderered dicts
    allyears = sorted(list(years.keys()))

    ordyears = OrderedDict()
    for y in allyears:
        ordyears[y] = OrderedDict()

        # make sure each month has entry in first and final date, so annotations in rendermembershipanalysis work nicely
        thismonth = 1
        for thisitem in sorted(list(years[y].items()), key=lambda t: t[0]):
            thisdate = thisitem[0]

            # if we are at a new month, create an empty entry for the first day of this month
            # need while loop in case there was a whole month without memberships
            # also make sure there is an entry the last date of the previous month
            while (thismonth != thisdate.month):
                thismonth += 1

                # make sure there is entry the last date of the previous month
                prevmonth = thismonth - 1
                lastdayprevmonth = monthrange(y,prevmonth)[1]
                lastdateprevmonth = datetime(y,thismonth-1,lastdayprevmonth)
                if lastdateprevmonth not in ordyears[y]:
                    ordyears[y][lastdateprevmonth] = 0

                # make sure there is an entry the first date of this month
                firstdateinmonth = datetime(y,thismonth,1)
                if firstdateinmonth not in ordyears[y]:
                    ordyears[y][firstdateinmonth] = 0
            # add thisitem to ordered dict for year
            ordyears[y][thisitem[0]] = thisitem[1]
    return ordyears
    def collect(self, thistask, club_id, searchfile, resultfile, status, begindate=ftime.asc2epoch('1970-01-01'), enddate=ftime.asc2epoch('2999-12-31')):
        collect race results from a service
        :param thistask: this is required for task thistask.update_state()
        :param club_id: club id for club being operated on
        :param searchfile: path to file containing names, genders, birth dates to search for
        :param resultfile: output file path (csv) for detailed results from this service
        :param status: dict containing current status
        :param begindate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
        :param enddate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
        :param key: key for access to athlinks
        # save some parameters as class attributes
        self.thistask = thistask
        self.status = status

        # open files
        if type(searchfile) == list:
            _IN = searchfile
            _IN = open(searchfile,'rb')
        IN = csv.DictReader(_IN)

        _OUT = open(resultfile,'wb')
        OUT = csv.DictWriter(_OUT, self.resultfilehdr)


            # create service

            # reset begindate to beginning of day, enddate to end of day
            dt_begindate = epoch2dt(begindate)
            adj_begindate = datetime(dt_begindate.year,dt_begindate.month,dt_begindate.day,0,0,0)
            begindate = dt2epoch(adj_begindate)
            dt_enddate = epoch2dt(enddate)
            adj_enddate = datetime(dt_enddate.year,dt_enddate.month,dt_enddate.day,23,59,59)
            enddate = dt2epoch(adj_enddate)
            # get start time for debug messaging
            start = time.time()
            # loop through runners in the input file
            for runner in IN:
                name = ' '.join([runner['GivenName'],runner['FamilyName']])

                dt_dob = ftime.asc2dt(runner['DOB'])
                # get results for this athlete
                results = self.getresults(name, runner['GivenName'], runner['FamilyName'], runner['Gender'][0], dt_dob, begindate, enddate)
                # loop through each result
                for result in results:
                    # protect against bad data, just ignore the result and log the error
                        outrec = self.convertserviceresult(result)

                    # maybe user is trying to cancel
                    except SystemExit:

                    # otherwise just log and ignore result
                        app.logger.warning('exception for "{}", result ignored, processing {} result {}\n{}'.format(name, self.servicename, result, traceback.format_exc()))
                        outrec = None

                    # only save if service wanted to save
                    if outrec:
                # update status
                status[self.servicename]['lastname'] = name
                status[self.servicename]['processed'] += 1
                thistask.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'progress':status})

            if type(searchfile) != list:

        finish = time.time()
        app.logger.debug('elapsed time (min) = {}'.format((finish-start)/60))
def collect(searchfile, outfile, begindate, enddate):
    collect race results from runningahead
    :param searchfile: path to file containing names, genders, birth dates to search for
    :param outfile: output file path
    :param begindate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    :param enddate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate

    outfilehdr = 'GivenName,FamilyName,name,DOB,Gender,race,date,age,miles,km,time'.split(

    # open files
    _IN = open(searchfile, 'rb')
    IN = csv.DictReader(_IN)
    _OUT = open(outfile, 'wb')
    OUT = csv.DictWriter(_OUT, outfilehdr)

    # common fields between input and output
    commonfields = 'GivenName,FamilyName,DOB,Gender'.split(',')

    # create runningahead access, grab users who have used the steeplechasers.org portal to RA
    ra = runningahead.RunningAhead()
    users = ra.listusers()
    rausers = []
    for user in users:
        rauser = ra.getuser(user['token'])
        rausers.append((user, rauser))

    # reset begindate to beginning of day, enddate to end of day
    dt_begindate = timeu.epoch2dt(begindate)
    a_begindate = fdate.dt2asc(dt_begindate)
    adj_begindate = datetime.datetime(dt_begindate.year, dt_begindate.month,
                                      dt_begindate.day, 0, 0, 0)
    e_begindate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_begindate)
    dt_enddate = timeu.epoch2dt(enddate)
    a_enddate = fdate.dt2asc(dt_enddate)
    adj_enddate = datetime.datetime(dt_enddate.year, dt_enddate.month,
                                    dt_enddate.day, 23, 59, 59)
    e_enddate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_enddate)

    # get today's date for high level age filter
    start = time.time()
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(start)

    # loop through runners in the input file
    for runner in IN:
        fname, lname = runner['GivenName'], runner['FamilyName']
        membername = '{} {}'.format(fname, lname)
        log.debug('looking for {}'.format(membername))
        e_dob = fdate.asc2epoch(runner['DOB'])
        dt_dob = fdate.asc2dt(runner['DOB'])
        dob = runner['DOB']
        gender = runner['Gender'][0]

        # find thisuser
        foundmember = False
        for user, rauser in rausers:
            if 'givenName' not in rauser or 'birthDate' not in rauser:
                continue  # we need to know the name and birth date
            givenName = rauser['givenName'] if 'givenName' in rauser else ''
            familyName = rauser['familyName'] if 'familyName' in rauser else ''
            rausername = '******'.format(givenName, familyName)
            if rausername == membername and dt_dob == fdate.asc2dt(
                foundmember = True
                log.debug('found {}'.format(membername))
            # member is not this ra user, keep looking

        # if we couldn't find this member in RA, try the next member
        if not foundmember: continue

        ## skip getting results if participant too young
        #todayage = timeu.age(today,dt_dob)
        #if todayage < 14: continue

        # if we're here, found the right user, now let's look at the workouts
        workouts = ra.listworkouts(user['token'],

        # save race workouts, if any found
        results = []
        if workouts:
            for wo in workouts:
                if wo['workoutName'].lower() != 'race': continue
                if 'duration' not in wo['details']:
                    continue  # seen once, not sure why
                thisdate = wo['date']
                dt_thisdate = fdate.asc2dt(thisdate)
                thisdist = runningahead.dist2meters(wo['details']['distance'])
                thistime = wo['details']['duration']
                thisrace = wo['course']['name'] if wo.has_key(
                    'course') else 'unknown'
                if thistime == 0:
                    log.warning('{} has 0 time for {} {}'.format(
                        membername, thisrace, thisdate))
                stat = {
                    'GivenName': fname,
                    'FamilyName': lname,
                    'name': membername,
                    'DOB': dob,
                    'Gender': gender,
                    'race': thisrace,
                    'date': thisdate,
                    'age': timeu.age(dt_thisdate, dt_dob),
                    'miles': thisdist / METERSPERMILE,
                    'km': thisdist / 1000.0,
                    'time': render.rendertime(thistime, 0)

        # loop through each result
        for result in results:
            e_racedate = fdate.asc2epoch(result['date'])

            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue

            # create output record and copy fields
            outrec = result
            resulttime = result['time']

            # strange case of TicksString = ':00'
            if resulttime[0] == ':':
                resulttime = '0' + resulttime
            while resulttime.count(':') < 2:
                resulttime = '0:' + resulttime
            outrec['time'] = resulttime



    finish = time.time()
    print 'elapsed time (min) = {}'.format((finish - start) / 60)
def summarize(thistask, club_id, sources, status, summaryfile, detailfile, resultsurl, minage=12, minagegrade=20, minraces=3 , mintrend=2, numyears=3, begindate=None, enddate=None):
    render collected results

    :param thistask: this is required for task thistask.update_state()
    :param club_id: identifies club for which results are to be stored
    :param sources: list of sources / services we're keeping status for
    :param summaryfile: summary file name (.csv)
    :param detailfile: detail file name (.csv)
    :param resultsurl: base url to send results to, for link in summary table
    :param minage: minimum age to keep track of stats
    :param minagegrade: minimum age grade
    :param minraces: minimum races in the same year as enddate
    :param mintrend: minimum races over the full period for trendline
    :param begindate: render races between begindate and enddate, datetime
    :param enddate: render races between begindate and enddate, datetime
    # get club slug and location for later
    club = Club.query.filter_by(id=club_id).first()
    clubslug = club.shname
    locsvr = LocationServer()
    clublocation = locsvr.getlocation(club.location)

    # get maxdistance by service
    services = RaceResultService.query.filter_by(club_id=club_id).join(ApiCredentials).all()
    maxdistance = {}
    for service in services:
        attrs = ServiceAttributes(club_id, service.apicredentials.name)
        # app.logger.debug('service {} attrs {}'.format(service, attrs.__dict__))
        if attrs.maxdistance:
            maxdistance[service.apicredentials.name] = attrs.maxdistance
            maxdistance[service.apicredentials.name] = None
    maxdistance[productname] = None

    # set up date range. begindate and enddate take precedence, else use numyears from today
    if not (begindate and enddate):
        etoday = time.time()
        today = timeu.epoch2dt(etoday)
        begindate = datetime(today.year-numyears+1,1,1)
        enddate = datetime(today.year,12,31)

    firstyear = begindate.year
    lastyear = enddate.year
    yearrange = range(firstyear,lastyear+1)
    # get all the requested result data from the database and save in a data structure indexed by runner
    ## first get the data from the database
    results = RaceResult.query.join(Race).join(Runner).filter(RaceResult.club_id==club_id, 
                Race.date.between(ftime.dt2asc(begindate), ftime.dt2asc(enddate)), Runner.member==True, Runner.active==True).order_by(Runner.lname, Runner.fname).all()

    ## then set up our status and pass to the front end
    for source in sources:
        status[source]['status'] = 'summarizing'
        status[source]['lastname'] = ''
        status[source]['processed'] = 0
        status[source]['total'] = sum([1 for result in results if result.source==source])
    thistask.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'progress':status})
    ## prepare to save detail file, for debugging
    detlfields = 'runnername,runnerid,dob,gender,resultid,racename,racedate,series,distmiles,distkm,time,timesecs,agpercent,source,sourceid'.split(',')
    detailfname = detailfile
    _DETL = open(detailfname,'wb')
    DETL = csv.DictWriter(_DETL,detlfields)

    ## then fill in data structure to hold AnalyzeAgeGrade objects
    ## use OrderedDict to force aag to be in same order as DETL file, for debugging
    aag = collections.OrderedDict()
    for result in results:
        # skip results which are too far away, if a maxdistance is defined for this source
        if maxdistance[result.source]:
            locationid = result.race.locationid
            if not locationid: continue
            racelocation = Location.query.filter_by(id=locationid).first()
            distance = get_distance(clublocation, racelocation)
            if distance == None or distance > maxdistance[result.source]: continue

        thisname = (result.runner.name.lower(), result.runner.dateofbirth)
        initaagrunner(aag, thisname, result.runner.fname, result.runner.lname, result.runner.gender, ftime.asc2dt(result.runner.dateofbirth), result.runner.id)
        # determine location name. any error gets null string
        locationname = ''
        if result.race.locationid:
            location = Location.query.filter_by(id=result.race.locationid).first()
            if location: 
                locationname = location.name

        thisstat = aag[thisname].add_stat(ftime.asc2dt(result.race.date), result.race.distance*METERSPERMILE, result.time, race=result.race.name,
                               loc=locationname, fuzzyage=result.fuzzyage,
                               source=result.source, priority=priority[result.source])

        ### TODO: store result's agpercent, in AgeGrade.crunch() skip agegrade calculation if already present
                runnername = result.runner.name,
                runnerid = result.runner.id,
                dob = result.runner.dateofbirth,
                gender = result.runner.gender,
                resultid = result.id,
                racename = result.race.name,
                racedate = result.race.date,
                series = result.series.name if result.seriesid else None,
                distmiles = result.race.distance,
                distkm = result.race.distance*(METERSPERMILE/1000),
                timesecs = result.time,
                time = rendertime(result.time,0),
                agpercent = result.agpercent,
                source = result.source,
                sourceid = result.sourceid,

    ## close detail file

    # initialize summary file
    summfields = ['name', 'lname', 'fname', 'age', 'gender']
    datafields = copy(summfields)
    distcategories = ['overall'] + [TRENDLIMITS[tlimit][0] for tlimit in TRENDLIMITS]
    datacategories = ['overall'] + [TRENDLIMITS[tlimit][1] for tlimit in TRENDLIMITS]
    stattypes = ['1yr agegrade','avg agegrade','trend','numraces','stderr','r-squared','pvalue']
    statdatatypes = ['1yr-agegrade','avg-agegrade','trend','numraces','stderr','r-squared','pvalue']
    for stattype, statdatatype in zip(stattypes, statdatatypes):
        for distcategory, datacategory in zip(distcategories, datacategories):
            summfields.append('{}\n{}'.format(stattype, distcategory))
            datafields.append('{}-{}'.format(statdatatype, datacategory))
        if stattype == 'numraces':
            for year in yearrange:
                summfields.append('{}\n{}'.format(stattype, year))
                datafields.append('{}-{}'.format(statdatatype, lastyear-year))

    # save summary file columns for resultsanalysissummary
    dtcolumns = json.dumps([{ 'data':d, 'name':d, 'label':l } for d,l in zip(datafields, summfields)])
    columnsfilename = summaryfile + '.cols'
    with open(columnsfilename, 'w') as cols:

    # set up summary file
    summaryfname = summaryfile
    _SUMM = open(summaryfname,'wb')
    SUMM = csv.DictWriter(_SUMM,summfields)
    # loop through each member we've recorded information about
    for thisname in aag:
        fullname, fname, lname, gender, dob, runnerid = aag[thisname].get_runner()
        rendername = fullname.title()
        # check stats before deduplicating
        statcount = {}
        stats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        for source in sources:
            statcount[source] = sum([1 for s in stats if s.source == source])

        # remove duplicate entries
        # crunch the numbers
        aag[thisname].crunch()    # calculate age grade for each result
        stats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        jan1 = ftime.asc2dt('{}-1-1'.format(lastyear))
        runnerage = timeu.age(jan1, dob)
        # filter out runners younger than allowed
        if runnerage < minage: continue

        # filter out runners who have not run enough races
        stats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        if enddate:
            lastyear = enddate.year
            lastyear = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()).year
        lastyearstats = [s for s in stats if s.date.year==lastyear]
        if len(lastyearstats) < minraces: continue
        # fill in row for summary output
        summout = {}

        # get link for this runner's results chart
        # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2506379/add-params-to-given-url-in-python
        url_parts = list(urlparse(resultsurl))
        query = dict(parse_qsl(url_parts[4]))
        query.update({'club': clubslug, 'runnerid': runnerid, 'begindate': ftime.dt2asc(begindate), 'enddate': ftime.dt2asc(enddate)})
        url_parts[4] = urlencode(query)
        resultslink = urlunparse(url_parts)

        summout['name'] = '<a href={} target=_blank>{}</a>'.format(resultslink, rendername)
        summout['fname'] = fname
        summout['lname'] = lname
        summout['age'] = runnerage
        summout['gender'] = gender
        # set up to collect averages
        avg = collections.OrderedDict()

        # draw trendlines, write output
        allstats = aag[thisname].get_stats()
        if len(allstats) > 0:
            avg['overall'] = mean([s.ag for s in allstats])
        trend = aag[thisname].get_trendline()

        oneyrstats = [s.ag for s in allstats if s.date.year == lastyear]
        if len(oneyrstats) > 0:
            summout['1yr agegrade\noverall'] = mean(oneyrstats)
        if len(allstats) > 0:
            summout['avg agegrade\noverall'] = avg['overall']
        if len(allstats) >= mintrend and allstats[0].date != allstats[-1].date:
            summout['trend\noverall'] = trend.improvement
            summout['stderr\noverall'] = trend.stderr
            summout['r-squared\noverall'] = trend.r2**2
            summout['pvalue\noverall'] = trend.pvalue
        summout['numraces\noverall'] = len(allstats)
        for year in yearrange:
            summout['numraces\n{}'.format(year)] = len([s for s in allstats if s.date.year==year])
        for tlimit in TRENDLIMITS:
            distcategory,distcolor = TRENDLIMITS[tlimit]
            tstats = [s for s in allstats if s.dist >= tlimit[0] and s.dist < tlimit[1]]
            if len(tstats) > 0:
                avg[distcategory] = mean([s.ag for s in tstats])
                summout['avg agegrade\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = avg[distcategory]
            summout['numraces\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = len(tstats)
            oneyrcategory = [s.ag for s in tstats if s.date.year == lastyear]
            if len(oneyrcategory) > 0:
                summout['1yr agegrade\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = mean(oneyrcategory)
            if len(tstats) >= mintrend and tstats[0].date != tstats[-1].date:
                    trend = aag[thisname].get_trendline(thesestats=tstats)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    app.logger.debug('ZeroDivisionError - processing {}'.format(rendername))
                    trend = None
                # ignore trends which can't be calculated
                if trend:
                    summout['trend\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.improvement
                    summout['stderr\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.stderr
                    summout['r-squared\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.r2
                    summout['pvalue\n{}'.format(distcategory)] = trend.pvalue

        # update status
        for source in sources:
            status[source]['processed'] += statcount[source]
            status[source]['lastname'] = rendername
        thistask.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'progress':status})

    def getresults(self, name, fname, lname, gender, dt_dob, begindate, enddate):
        retrieves a list of results for a single name

        must be overridden when ResultsCollect is instantiated

        use dt_dob to filter errant race results, based on age of runner on race day

        :param name: name of participant for which results are to be returned
        :param fname: first name of participant
        :param lname: last name of participant
        :param gender: 'M' or 'F'
        :param dt_dob: participant's date of birth, as datetime 
        :param begindate: epoch time for start of results, 00:00:00 on date to begin
        :param end: epoch time for end of results, 23:59:59 on date to finish
        :rtype: list of serviceresults, each of which can be processed by convertresult
        # remember participant data
        self.name = name
        self.fname = fname
        self.lname = lname
        self.gender = gender
        self.dt_dob = dt_dob
        self.dob = ftime.dt2asc(dt_dob)

        # get results for this athlete
        allresults = self.service.listathleteresults(name)

        # filter by date and by age
        filteredresults = []
        for result in allresults:
            e_racedate = athlinks.gettime(result['Race']['RaceDate'])
            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue

            # skip result if wrong gender
            resultgen = result['Gender'][0]
            if resultgen != gender: continue

            # skip result if runner's age doesn't match the age within the result
            # sometimes athlinks stores the age group of the runner, not exact age,
            # so also check if this runner's age is within the age group, and indicate if so
            dt_racedate = timeu.epoch2dt(e_racedate)
            racedateage = timeu.age(dt_racedate,dt_dob)
            resultage = int(result['Age'])
            result['fuzzyage'] = False
            if resultage != racedateage:
                # if results are not stored as age group, skip this result
                if (resultage/5)*5 != resultage:
                # result's age might be age group, not exact age
                    # if runner's age consistent with race age, use result, but mark "fuzzy"
                    if (racedateage/5)*5 == resultage:
                        result['fuzzyage'] = True
                    # otherwise skip result

            # if we reach here, the result is ok, and is added to filteredresults

        # back to caller
        return filteredresults
def main():
    update club membership information
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        version='{0} {1}'.format('runningclub', version.__version__))
                        help='csv, xls or xlsx file with member information')
        'filename of race database (default is as configured during rcuserconfig)',
                        help='if set, create updatemembers.txt for debugging',
    args = parser.parse_args()

    OUT = None
    if args.debug:
        OUT = open('updatemembers.txt', 'w')

    session = racedb.Session()

    # get clubmembers from file
    memberfile = args.memberfile
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(memberfile)
    if ext in ['.xls', '.xlsx']:
        members = clubmember.XlClubMember(memberfile)
    elif ext in ['.csv']:
        members = clubmember.CsvClubMember(memberfile)
            '***ERROR: invalid memberfile {}, must be csv, xls or xlsx'.format(

    # get old clubmembers from database
    dbmembers = clubmember.DbClubMember()  # use default database

    # get all the member runners currently in the database
    # hash them into dict by (name,dateofbirth)
    allrunners = session.query(racedb.Runner).filter_by(member=True,
    inactiverunners = {}
    for thisrunner in allrunners:
        inactiverunners[thisrunner.name, thisrunner.dateofbirth] = thisrunner
        if OUT:
            OUT.write('found id={0}, runner={1}\n'.format(
                thisrunner.id, thisrunner))

    # make report for new members found with this memberfile
    logdir = os.path.dirname(args.memberfile)
    memberfilebase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.memberfile))[0]
    newmemlogname = '{0}-newmem.csv'.format(memberfilebase)
    NEWMEM = open(os.path.join(logdir, newmemlogname), 'w', newline='')
    NEWMEMCSV = csv.DictWriter(NEWMEM, ['name', 'dob'])

    # prepare for age check
    thisyear = timeu.epoch2dt(time.time()).year
    asofasc = '{}-1-1'.format(thisyear)  # jan 1 of current year
    asof = tYmd.asc2dt(asofasc)

    # process each name in new membership list
    allmembers = members.getmembers()
    for name in allmembers:
        thesemembers = allmembers[name]
        # NOTE: may be multiple members with same name
        for thismember in thesemembers:
            thisname = thismember['name']
            thisdob = thismember['dob']
            thisgender = thismember['gender'][0].upper(
            )  # male -> M, female -> F
            thishometown = thismember['hometown']

            # prep for if .. elif below by running some queries
            # handle close matches, if DOB does match
            age = timeu.age(asof, tYmd.asc2dt(thisdob))
            matchingmember = dbmembers.findmember(thisname, age, asofasc)
            dbmember = None
            if matchingmember:
                membername, memberdob = matchingmember
                if memberdob == thisdob:
                    dbmember = racedb.getunique(session,

            # TODO: need to handle case where dob transitions from '' to actual date of birth

            # no member found, maybe there is nonmember of same name already in database
            if dbmember is None:
                dbnonmember = racedb.getunique(session,
                # TODO: there's a slim possibility that there are two nonmembers with the same name, but I'm sure we've already
                # bolloxed that up in importresult as there's no way to discriminate between the two

                # make report for new members
                NEWMEMCSV.writerow({'name': thisname, 'dob': thisdob})

            # see if this runner is a member in the database already, or was a member once and make the update
            # add or update runner in database
            # get instance, if it exists, and make any updates
            found = False
            if dbmember is not None:
                thisrunner = racedb.Runner(membername, thisdob, thisgender,

                # this is also done down below, but must be done here in case member's name has changed
                if (thisrunner.name,
                        thisrunner.dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
                        (thisrunner.name, thisrunner.dateofbirth))

                # overwrite member's name if necessary
                thisrunner.name = thisname

                added = racedb.update(session,
                found = True

            # if runner's name is in database, but not a member, see if this runner is a nonmemember which can be converted
            # Check first result for age against age within the input file
            # if ages match, convert nonmember to member
            elif dbnonmember is not None:
                # get dt for date of birth, if specified
                    dob = tYmd.asc2dt(thisdob)
                except ValueError:
                    dob = None

                # nonmember came into the database due to a nonmember race result, so we can use any race result to check nonmember's age
                if dob:
                    result = session.query(racedb.RaceResult).filter_by(
                    resultage = result.agage
                    racedate = tYmd.asc2dt(result.race.date)
                    expectedage = racedate.year - dob.year - int(
                        (racedate.month, racedate.day) < (dob.month, dob.day))

                # we found the right person, always if dob isn't specified, but preferably check race result for correct age
                if dob is None or resultage == expectedage:
                    thisrunner = racedb.Runner(thisname, thisdob, thisgender,
                    added = racedb.update(session,
                    found = True
                        '{} found in database, wrong age, expected {} found {} in {}'
                        .format(thisname, expectedage, resultage, result))
                    # TODO: need to make file for these, also need way to force update, because maybe bad date in database for result
                    # currently this will cause a new runner entry

            # if runner was not found in database, just insert new runner
            if not found:
                thisrunner = racedb.Runner(thisname, thisdob, thisgender,
                added = racedb.insert_or_update(session,

            # remove this runner from collection of runners which should be deactivated in database
            if (thisrunner.name, thisrunner.dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
                inactiverunners.pop((thisrunner.name, thisrunner.dateofbirth))

            if OUT:
                if added:
                    OUT.write('added or updated {0}\n'.format(thisrunner))
                    OUT.write('no updates necessary {0}\n'.format(thisrunner))

    # any runners remaining in 'inactiverunners' should be deactivated
    for (name, dateofbirth) in inactiverunners:
        thisrunner = session.query(
            racedb.Runner).filter_by(name=name, dateofbirth=dateofbirth).first(
            )  # should be only one returned by filter
        thisrunner.active = False

        if OUT:
            OUT.write('deactivated {0}\n'.format(thisrunner))


    if OUT:
    def convertserviceresult(self, result):
        converts a single service result to dict suitable to be saved in resultfile

        result must be converted to dict with keys in `resultfilehdr` provided at instance creation

        must be overridden when ResultsCollect is instantiated

        use return value of None for cases when results could not be filtered by `:meth:getresults`

        :param fname: participant's first name
        :param lname: participant's last name
        :param result: single service result, from list retrieved through `getresults`
        :rtype: dict with keys matching `resultfilehdr`, or None if result is not to be saved

        # create output record and copy common fields
        outrec = {}

        # copy participant information
        outrec['name'] = self.name
        outrec['GivenName'] = self.fname
        outrec['FamilyName'] = self.lname
        outrec['DOB'] = self.dob
        outrec['Gender'] = self.gender

        # some debug items - assume everything is cached
        coursecached = True
        racecached = True

        # get course used for this result
        courseid = '{}/{}'.format(result['Race']['RaceID'], result['CourseID'])
        course = Course.query.filter_by(club_id=self.club_id, source='athlinks', sourceid=courseid).first()

        # cache course if not done already
        race = None
        if not course:
            coursecached = False

            coursedata = self.service.getcourse(result['Race']['RaceID'], result['CourseID'])

            distmiles = athlinks.dist2miles(coursedata['Courses'][0]['DistUnit'],coursedata['Courses'][0]['DistTypeID'])
            distkm = athlinks.dist2km(coursedata['Courses'][0]['DistUnit'],coursedata['Courses'][0]['DistTypeID'])
            if distkm < 0.050: return None # skip timed events, which seem to be recorded with 0 distance

            # skip result if not Running or Trail Running race
            thiscategory = coursedata['Courses'][0]['RaceCatID']
            if thiscategory not in race_category: return None
            course = Course()
            course.club_id = self.club_id
            course.source = 'athlinks'
            course.sourceid = courseid

            # strip racename and coursename here to make sure detail file matches what is stored in database
            racename = csvu.unicode2ascii(coursedata['RaceName']).strip()
            coursename = csvu.unicode2ascii(coursedata['Courses'][0]['CourseName']).strip()
            course.name = '{} / {}'.format(racename,coursename)

            # maybe truncate to FIRST part of race name
            if len(course.name) > MAX_RACENAME_LEN:
                course.name = course.name[:MAX_RACENAME_LEN]
            course.date = ftime.epoch2asc(athlinks.gettime(coursedata['RaceDate']))
            course.location = csvu.unicode2ascii(coursedata['Home'])
            # maybe truncate to LAST part of location name, to keep most relevant information (state, country)
            if len(course.location) > MAX_LOCATION_LEN:
                course.location = course.location[-MAX_LOCATION_LEN:]

            # TODO: adjust marathon and half marathon distances?
            course.distkm =distkm
            course.distmiles = distmiles

            course.surface = race_category[thiscategory]

            # retrieve or add race
            # flush should allow subsequent query per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4201455/sqlalchemy-whats-the-difference-between-flush-and-commit
            # Race has uniqueconstraint for club_id/name/year/fixeddist. It's been seen that there are additional races in athlinks, 
            # but just assume the first is the correct one.
            raceyear = ftime.asc2dt(course.date).year
            race = Race.query.filter_by(club_id=self.club_id, name=course.name, year=raceyear, fixeddist=race_fixeddist(course.distmiles)).first()
            ### TODO: should the above be .all() then check for first race within epsilon distance?
            if not race:
                racecached = False
                race = Race(self.club_id, raceyear)
                race.name = course.name
                race.distance = course.distmiles
                race.fixeddist = race_fixeddist(race.distance)
                race.date = course.date
                race.active = True
                race.external = True
                race.surface = course.surface
                loc = self.locsvr.getlocation(course.location)
                race.locationid = loc.id
                db.session.flush()  # force id to be created

            course.raceid = race.id
            db.session.flush()      # force id to be created

        # maybe course was cached but location of race wasn't
        # update location of result race, if needed, and if supplied
        # this is here to clean up old database data
        if not race:
            race = Race.query.filter_by(club_id=self.club_id, name=course.name, year=ftime.asc2dt(course.date).year, fixeddist=race_fixeddist(course.distmiles)).first()
        if not race.locationid and course.location:
            # app.logger.debug('updating race with location {}'.format(course.location))
            loc = self.locsvr.getlocation(course.location)
            race.locationid = loc.id
            insert_or_update(db.session, Race, race, skipcolumns=['id'], 
                             club_id=self.club_id, name=course.name, year=ftime.asc2dt(course.date).year, fixeddist=race_fixeddist(course.distmiles))
        # else:
        #     app.logger.debug('race.locationid={} course.location="{}"'.format(race.locationid, course.location))

        # debug races
        if self.racefile:
            racestatusl = []
            if not coursecached: racestatusl.append('addcourse')
            if not racecached: racestatusl.append('addrace')
            if not racestatusl: racestatusl.append('cached')
            racestatus = '-'.join(racestatusl)
            racerow = {'status': racestatus, 'runner': self.name}

            for racefield in self.racefields:
                if racefield in ['status', 'runner']: continue
                racerow[racefield] = getattr(course,racefield)

        # fill in output record fields from result, course
        # combine name, get age
        outrec['age'] = result['Age']
        outrec['fuzzyage'] = result['fuzzyage']

        # leave athlid blank if result not from an athlink member
        athlmember = result['IsMember']
        if athlmember:
            outrec['athlid'] = result['RacerID']

        # remember the entryid, high water mark of which can be used to limit the work here
        outrec['entryid'] = result['EntryID']

        # race name, location; convert from unicode if necessary
        # TODO: make function to do unicode translation -- apply to runner name as well (or should csv just store unicode?)
        outrec['race'] = course.name
        outrec['date'] = course.date
        outrec['loc'] = course.location
        outrec['miles'] = course.distmiles
        outrec['km'] = course.distkm
        outrec['category'] = course.surface
        resulttime = result['TicksString']

        # strange case of TicksString = ':00'
        if resulttime[0] == ':':
            resulttime = '0'+resulttime
        while resulttime.count(':') < 2:
            resulttime = '0:'+resulttime
        outrec['time'] = resulttime
        # strange case of 0 time, causes ZeroDivisionError and is clearly not valid
        if timeu.timesecs(resulttime) == 0: return None

        # leave out age grade if exception occurs, skip results which have outliers
            # skip result if runner's age doesn't match the age within the result
            # sometimes athlinks stores the age group of the runner, not exact age,
            # so also check if this runner's age is within the age group, and indicate if so
            e_racedate = athlinks.gettime(result['Race']['RaceDate'])
            resultgen = result['Gender'][0]
            dt_racedate = timeu.epoch2dt(e_racedate)
            racedateage = timeu.age(dt_racedate,self.dt_dob)
            agpercent,agresult,agfactor = ag.agegrade(racedateage,resultgen,course.distmiles,timeu.timesecs(resulttime))
            outrec['ag'] = agpercent
            if agpercent < 15 or agpercent >= 100: return None # skip obvious outliers

        # and we're done
        return outrec
def collect(searchfile,outfile,begindate,enddate):
    collect race results from ultrasignup
    :param searchfile: path to file containing names, genders, birth dates to search for
    :param outfile: output file path
    :param begindate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    :param enddate: epoch time - choose races between begindate and enddate
    # open files
    _IN = open(searchfile,'rb')
    IN = csv.DictReader(_IN)
    _OUT = open(outfile,'wb')
    OUT = csv.DictWriter(_OUT,UltraSignupResultFile.filehdr)

    # common fields between input and output
    commonfields = 'GivenName,FamilyName,DOB,Gender'.split(',')

    # create ultrasignup access
    ultra = ultrasignup.UltraSignup(debug=True)

    # reset begindate to beginning of day, enddate to end of day
    dt_begindate = timeu.epoch2dt(begindate)
    adj_begindate = datetime.datetime(dt_begindate.year,dt_begindate.month,dt_begindate.day,0,0,0)
    begindate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_begindate)
    dt_enddate = timeu.epoch2dt(enddate)
    adj_enddate = datetime.datetime(dt_enddate.year,dt_enddate.month,dt_enddate.day,23,59,59)
    enddate = timeu.dt2epoch(adj_enddate)
    # get today's date for high level age filter
    start = time.time()
    today = timeu.epoch2dt(start)
    # loop through runners in the input file
    for runner in IN:
        fname,lname = runner['GivenName'],runner['FamilyName']
        e_dob = ftime.asc2epoch(runner['DOB'])
        dt_dob = ftime.asc2dt(runner['DOB'])
        gender = runner['Gender'][0]
        ## skip getting results if participant too young
        #todayage = timeu.age(today,dt_dob)
        #if todayage < 14: continue
        # get results for this athlete
        results = ultra.listresults(fname,lname)
        # loop through each result
        for result in results:
            e_racedate = ftime.asc2epoch(result.racedate)
            # skip result if outside the desired time window
            if e_racedate < begindate or e_racedate > enddate: continue
            # skip result if runner's age doesn't match the age within the result
            dt_racedate = timeu.epoch2dt(e_racedate)
            racedateage = timeu.age(dt_racedate,dt_dob)
            if result.age != racedateage: continue
            # skip result if runner's gender doesn't match gender within the result
            resultgen = result.gender
            if resultgen != runner['Gender'][0]: continue
            # create output record and copy common fields
            outrec = {}
            for field in commonfields:
                outrec[field] = runner[field]
            # fill in output record fields from runner, result
            # combine name, get age
            outrec['name'] = '{} {}'.format(runner['GivenName'],runner['FamilyName'])
            outrec['age'] = result.age

            # race name, location; convert from unicode if necessary
            racename = result.racename
            outrec['race'] = racename
            outrec['date'] = ftime.epoch2asc(e_racedate)
            outrec['loc'] = '{}, {}'.format(result.racecity, result.racestate)
            # distance, category, time
            distmiles = result.distmiles
            distkm = result.distkm
            if distkm is None or distkm < 0.050: continue # should already be filtered within ultrasignup, but just in case

            outrec['miles'] = distmiles
            outrec['km'] = distkm
            resulttime = result.racetime

            # int resulttime means DNF, most likely -- skip this result
            if type(resulttime) == int: continue
            # strange case of TicksString = ':00'
            if resulttime[0] == ':':
                resulttime = '0'+resulttime
            while resulttime.count(':') < 2:
                resulttime = '0:'+resulttime
            outrec['time'] = resulttime

            # just leave out age grade if exception occurs
                agpercent,agresult,agfactor = ag.agegrade(racedateage,gender,distmiles,timeu.timesecs(resulttime))
                outrec['ag'] = agpercent
                if agpercent < 15 or agpercent >= 100: continue # skip obvious outliers

    finish = time.time()
    print 'number of URLs retrieved = {}'.format(ultra.geturlcount())
    print 'elapsed time (min) = {}'.format((finish-start)/60)
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version='{0} {1}'.format('running',version.__version__))
    parser.add_argument('infile',help='file generated by racewx')
    parser.add_argument('racename',help='race name')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    infile = args.infile
    racename = args.racename

    # get input
    _WX = open(infile,'rb')
    WX = csv.DictReader(_WX)
    wxdata = []
    for wx in WX:
    # for now, filter out all but the max 'exectime' entries
    lastexec = max([int(wx['exectime']) for wx in wxdata])
    while int(wxdata[0]['exectime']) != lastexec:
    # pull out fields to plot
    wxplot = {}
    plotfields = ['time','temperature','windchill','heatindex','dewpoint','windSpeed','windBearing','cloudCover','precipProbability','precipIntensity','cloudCover']
    for f in plotfields:
        wxplot[f] = [float(wx[f]) if wx[f]!='' else None for wx in wxdata]

    # get range on 30 minute boundaries
    starttime = int(wxplot['time'][0])
    fintime   = int(wxplot['time'][-1])
    adjstart  = (starttime / (30*60)) * (30*60)     # rounds to next lowest 30 minute boundary
    adjfin    = ((fintime-1 + 30*60) / (30*60)) * (30*60)         # rounds to next highest 30 minute boundary
    startdt = timeu.epoch2dt(adjstart)
    findt   = timeu.epoch2dt(adjfin)
    # time zone stuff, based on starting point
    lat = float(wxdata[0]['lat'])
    lon = float(wxdata[0]['lon'])
    tzid = racewx.gettzid(lat,lon)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    wxplot['localtime'] = [timeu.utcdt2tzdt(timeu.epoch2dt(tm),tzid) for tm in wxplot['time']]
    # plot data
    fig = plt.figure()
    ttitle = timeu.asctime('%m/%d/%Y')
    racedate = ttitle.epoch2asc(wxplot['time'][0])
    fdate = ttitle.epoch2asc(lastexec)
    fig.suptitle('forecast for {race} {date}\nforecast date {fdate}\nPowered by Forecast.io'.format(race=racename,date=racedate,fdate=fdate),size='small')
    # set some formatting parameters
    lw = 0.5    # line width
    windcolor = 'b'
    legendx = 1.35
    # plot control
    exists = {}
    for f in ['windchill','heatindex']:
        exists[f] = len([it for it in wxplot[f] if it is not None]) != 0
    for f in ['precipIntensity']:
        exists[f] = len([it for it in wxplot[f] if it > 0.0]) != 0

    # plot temperatures
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
    ax1.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['temperature'],'k-',label='temperature', linewidth=lw)
    if exists['windchill']:
        ax1.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['windchill'],'b-',label='wind chill', linewidth=lw)
    if exists['heatindex']:
        ax1.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['heatindex'],'r-',label='heat index', linewidth=lw)
    ax1.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['dewpoint'],'g-',label='dew point', linewidth=lw)
    hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M',tz=tz)
    plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')
    ax1.set_ylabel('degrees  \nFahrenheit', fontsize='small')

    #font = fm.FontProperties(fname='Humor-Sans.ttf')
    font = fm.FontProperties()
    xsmallfont = copy.deepcopy(font)
    ax1.legend(prop=xsmallfont,loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 1))

    # plot wind
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
    ax2.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['windSpeed'],label='wind speed', linewidth=lw, color=windcolor)
    # note polar-> rectangular flips x,y from standard transformation because theta is from North instead of East
    # not sure why need to invert U and V to get barb to point in right direction.  Maybe vector comes from U,V and points to origin?
    U = [-1*wxplot['windSpeed'][i]*math.sin(math.radians(wxplot['windBearing'][i])) for i in range(len(wxplot['windSpeed']))] 
    V = [-1*wxplot['windSpeed'][i]*math.cos(math.radians(wxplot['windBearing'][i])) for i in range(len(wxplot['windSpeed']))]
    xdates = dates.date2num(wxplot['localtime'])    # barbs requires floats, not datetime
    ax2.barbs(xdates,wxplot['windSpeed'], U, V, length=5, barbcolor=windcolor, flagcolor=windcolor, linewidth=lw)

    miny,maxy = ax2.get_ylim()
    #plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize='small')
    plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')    
    ax2.set_ylabel('miles per hour', fontsize='small')
    ax2.legend(prop=xsmallfont,loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 1))
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)
    precipprob = [100*(prob or 0) for prob in wxplot['precipProbability']]
    cloudcover = [100*(cover or 0) for cover in wxplot['cloudCover']]
    ax3.plot(wxplot['localtime'],precipprob,label='rain probability', linewidth=lw, color='b')
    ax3.plot(wxplot['localtime'],cloudcover,label='cloud cover', linewidth=lw, color='g')
    ax3.set_ylabel('percent', fontsize='small')

    plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize='small')
    plt.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')    
    ax3.legend(prop=xsmallfont,loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 1.1))

    if exists['precipIntensity']:
        ax4 = ax3.twinx()
        #ax4.plot(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['precipIntensity'],label='intensity', linewidth=lw, color='r')
        ax4.semilogy(wxplot['localtime'],wxplot['precipIntensity'],label='intensity', nonposy='mask',linewidth=lw, color='r')
        #ax4.set_ylabel('precipitation 0.002 very light sprinkling, 0.017 light precipitation, 0.1 precipitation, and 0.4 very heavy precipitation')
        plt.setp(ax4.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='small')    
        ax4.legend(prop=xsmallfont,loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, 0.75))

    tfile = timeu.asctime('%Y-%m-%d')
    fdate = tfile.epoch2asc(lastexec)
    racename = re.sub('\s','',racename) # remove whitespace
    outfile = 'race-weather-{race}-{fdate}.png'.format(race=racename,fdate=fdate)