def assign_sections(tas, prioritize=False, analyze=False):
    tas: a list of ta objects
    i = index of sections
    j = index of tas
    The columns, x_i_j, go as follows:
        x_0_0, x_1_0, x_2_0, ..., x_0_1, ..., x_M_N

    M = len(tas[0].rankings) # number of section
    N = len(tas)             # number of tas

    f = make_obj_f(tas, prioritize)
    A = make_coeff_m(M, N)
    b = make_b_v(tas, M, N)
    e = make_e_v(M, N)
    v = [1 for _ in range(M*N)]

    lp = lpm.lp_maker(f, A, b, e, None, v)

    # set branch and bound depth
    lps.lpsolve('set_bb_depthlimit', lp, 0)
    # set all variables to binary
    lps.lpsolve('set_binary', lp, v)
    # set lp to minimize the objective function
    lps.lpsolve('set_minim', lp)

    lps.lpsolve('write_lp', lp, LP_OUT)
    lps.lpsolve('solve', lp)
    res = lps.lpsolve('get_variables', lp)[0]
    lps.lpsolve('delete_lp', lp)
    parse_results(res, tas, M, analyze)
def assign_sections(students, prioritize=False, debug=False):
    students: a list of student objects
    i = index of sections
    j = index of students
    The columns, x_i_j, go as follows:
        x_0_0, x_1_0, x_2_0, ..., x_0_1, ..., x_M_N

    M = len(students[0].rankings)  # number of section
    N = len(students)  # number of students

    f = make_obj_f(students, prioritize)
    A = make_coeff_m(M, N)
    b = make_b_v(students, M, N)
    e = make_e_v(M, N)
    v = [1 for _ in range(M * N)]

    lp = lpm.lp_maker(f, A, b, e, None, v)

    # set branch and bound depth to be unlimited
    lps.lpsolve("set_bb_depthlimit", lp, 0)
    # set all variables to binary
    lps.lpsolve("set_binary", lp, v)
    # set lp to minimize the objective function
    lps.lpsolve("set_minim", lp)

    lps.lpsolve("write_lp", lp, LP_OUT)
    lps.lpsolve("solve", lp)
    res = lps.lpsolve("get_variables", lp)[0]
    lps.lpsolve("delete_lp", lp)
    parse_results(res, students, M, debug)
 def get_lpsolve_handler(self, maxNameLength=255, startIndex=0):
     try: from lp_maker import lp_maker, lpsolve
     except ImportError: self.err('To export LP/MILP in files you should have lpsolve and its Python binding properly installed')
     from ooMisc import LinConst2WholeRepr
     # set goal to  min/max
     minim = 0 if self.goal in ['max', 'maximum'] else 1
     # objective
     f = self._init_f_vector
     lp_handle = lp_maker(List(asarray(f).flatten()), List(self.Awhole), List(asarray(self.bwhole).flatten()), List(asarray(self.dwhole).flatten()), \
     List(self.lb), List(self.ub), (1+asarray(self._intVars_vector)).tolist(), 0,minim)
     #lp_handle = lpsolve('make_lp', len(self.beq)+len(self.b), self.n) 
     L = lambda action, *args: lpsolve(action, lp_handle, *args)
     # set name
     L('set_lp_name', self.name)
     # set boolean values if present
     #if len(self.boolVars)>0:
         #assert self.boolVars[0] in [True, False]
         #L('set_binary', self.boolVars)
     # set variables names
     if self.isFDmodel:
         assert not isinstance(self.freeVars, set), 'error in openopt kernel, inform developers'
         #assert len(self.freeVars) == self.n, 'not implemented yet for oovars of size > 1'
         #names = [oov.name for oov in self.freeVars]
         x0 = self._x0
         names = []
         #assert not isinstance(self.freeVars,  set), 'error in openopt kernel, inform developers'
         for oov in self.freeVars:
             if oov.name.startswith('unnamed'):
                 self.err('For exporting FuncDesigner models into MPS files you cannot have variables with names starting with "unnamed"')
             if ' ' in oov.name:
                 self.err('For exporting FuncDesigner models into MPS files you cannot have variables with spaces in names')
             Size = asarray(x0[oov]).size
             if Size == 1:
                 Name = oov.name
                 tmp = [(oov.name + ('_%d' % (startIndex+j))) for j in range(Size)]
                 names += tmp
                 Name = tmp[-1]
             if maxNameLength < len(Name):
                 self.err('incorrect name "%s" - for exporting FuncDesigner models into MPS files you cannot have variables with names of length > maxNameLength=%d'% maxNameLength)
         # TODO: check are names unique
         L('set_col_name', names) 
     return lp_handle
def assign_placements():
    num_tas = len(all_tas)
    num_times = len(ID_TO_TIMES)
    upper = [1 for _ in range(num_tas * num_times)]  # max value must be 1
    obj_func = make_obj_func()
    constr_mat = make_constr_mat(num_tas, num_times)
    b_vector = make_b_vector()
    e_vector = make_e_vector(num_tas, num_times)
    lp = lpm.lp_maker(obj_func, constr_mat, b_vector, e_vector)
    lps.lpsolve('set_bb_depthlimit', lp, 0)  # set branch and bound depth limit
    lps.lpsolve('set_binary', lp, upper)  # all values must be either 0 or 1
    lps.lpsolve('solve', lp)
    vars = lps.lpsolve('get_variables', lp)[0]
    lps.lpsolve('delete_lp', lp)
def solve_linprog(c, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, bounds):
    solve a integer linear program either using scipy's Simplex algorithm
    or the external library lpsolve
        # use lpsolve
        from lp_maker import lp_maker, lpsolve
        # convert to format expected by lpsolve

        c = c.astype(int).tolist()  # c.x is the linear objective function
        a = np.vstack((A_eq, A_ub)).astype(int).tolist(
        )  # matrix which contains both equality and inequality constraints, A_eq.x == b_eq, A_ub.x <= b_ub
        b = np.hstack((b_eq, b_ub)).astype(int).tolist(
        )  # right hand side of equality and inequality constraints
        e = np.hstack(([0 for bi in b_eq], [-1 for bi in b_ub])).tolist()
        nvars = len(b_eq) + len(b_ub)  # number of integer variables xi
        xint = [i for i in range(1, nvars + 1)]
        vlb = [bound[0] for bound in bounds]
        vub = [bound[1] for bound in bounds]

        # build lpsolve object
        lp = lp_maker(c, a, b, e, vlb, vub, xint)
        lpsolve('solve', lp)
        lpsolve('get_objective', lp)
        X = lpsolve('get_variables', lp)[0]
        lpsolve('delete_lp', lp)
        return X
    except ImportError as e:
        # use scipy's linprog
        res = optimize.linprog(c,
                                   "maxiter": 10000000,
                                   "disp": True
        X = res.x
            "WARNING: simplex algorithm may not respect integer constraints! Some bond orders may not be integers."
        return X
def assign_placements():
    Takes in an option for which to assign placements for.
    Outputs nothing, but calls output_results which prints all placements.
    num_tutors = len(all_tutors)
    num_times = len(ID_TO_TIMES)
    upper = [1 for _ in range(num_tutors * num_times)]  # max value must be 1
    obj_func = make_obj_func()
    constr_mat = make_constr_mat(num_tutors, num_times)
    b_vector = make_b_vector()
    e_vector = make_e_vector(num_tutors, num_times)
    lp = lpm.lp_maker(obj_func, constr_mat, b_vector, e_vector)
    lps.lpsolve('set_bb_depthlimit', lp, 0)  # set branch and bound depth limit
    lps.lpsolve('set_binary', lp, upper)  # all values must be either 0 or 1
    lps.lpsolve('solve', lp)
    vars = lps.lpsolve('get_variables', lp)[0]
    lps.lpsolve('delete_lp', lp)
    def get_lpsolve_handler(self, maxNameLength=255, startIndex=0):
            from lp_maker import lp_maker, lpsolve
        except ImportError:
                'To export LP/MILP in files you should have lpsolve and its Python binding properly installed'
        from ooMisc import LinConst2WholeRepr

        # set goal to  min/max
        minim = 0 if self.goal in ['max', 'maximum'] else 1

        # objective
        f = self._init_f_vector

        lp_handle = lp_maker(List(asarray(f).flatten()), List(self.Awhole), List(asarray(self.bwhole).flatten()), List(asarray(self.dwhole).flatten()), \
        List(self.lb), List(self.ub), (1+asarray(self._intVars_vector)).tolist(), 0,minim)

        #lp_handle = lpsolve('make_lp', len(self.beq)+len(self.b), self.n)
        L = lambda action, *args: lpsolve(action, lp_handle, *args)

        # set name
        L('set_lp_name', self.name)

        # set boolean values if present
        #if len(self.boolVars)>0:
        #assert self.boolVars[0] in [True, False]
        #L('set_binary', self.boolVars)

        # set variables names
        if self.isFDmodel:
            assert not isinstance(
                set), 'error in openopt kernel, inform developers'
            #assert len(self.freeVars) == self.n, 'not implemented yet for oovars of size > 1'
            #names = [oov.name for oov in self.freeVars]
            x0 = self._x0
            names = []
            #assert not isinstance(self.freeVars,  set), 'error in openopt kernel, inform developers'
            for oov in self.freeVars:
                if oov.name.startswith('unnamed'):
                        'For exporting FuncDesigner models into MPS files you cannot have variables with names starting with "unnamed"'
                if ' ' in oov.name:
                        'For exporting FuncDesigner models into MPS files you cannot have variables with spaces in names'
                Size = asarray(x0[oov]).size
                if Size == 1:
                    Name = oov.name
                    tmp = [(oov.name + ('_%d' % (startIndex + j)))
                           for j in range(Size)]
                    names += tmp
                    Name = tmp[-1]
                if maxNameLength < len(Name):
                        'incorrect name "%s" - for exporting FuncDesigner models into MPS files you cannot have variables with names of length > maxNameLength=%d'
                        % maxNameLength)

            # TODO: check are names unique
            L('set_col_name', names)
        return lp_handle