def server_validate_statement_object(stmt_object, auth):
    if stmt_object['objectType'] == 'StatementRef' and not check_for_existing_statementId(stmt_object['id']):
            err_msg = "No statement with ID %s was found" % stmt_object['id']
            raise IDNotFoundError(err_msg)
    elif stmt_object['objectType'] == 'Activity' or 'objectType' not in stmt_object:
        # Check if object has definition first
        # If it doesn't have definition, it doesn't matter if the user is owner or not because can't remove definition if exists
        if 'definition' in stmt_object:
                activity = models.Activity.objects.get(activity_id=stmt_object['id'], canonical_version=True)
            except models.Activity.DoesNotExist:
                # Get authority from request
                if auth:
                    if auth['id'].__class__.__name__ == 'Agent':
                        auth_name = auth['id'].name
                        auth_name = auth['id'].username
                    auth_name = None

                # Get definition for canonical activity (if exists)
                    activity_def = activity.object_return()['definition']
                except KeyError, e:
                    activity_def = {}

                # If definitions are different and the auths are different
                if (stmt_object['definition'] != activity_def) and (activity.authoritative != '' and activity.authoritative != auth_name):
                    err_msg = "This ActivityID already exists, and you do not have the correct authority to create or update it."
                    raise Forbidden(err_msg)
def validate_oauth_scope(req_dict):
    method = req_dict['method']
    endpoint = req_dict['auth']['endpoint']
    token = req_dict['auth']['oauth_token']
    scopes = token.scope_to_list()
    err_msg = "Incorrect permissions to %s at %s" % (str(method), str(endpoint))

    validator = {'GET':{"/statements": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'statements/read' in scopes or 'statements/read/mine' in scopes else False,
                    "/statements/more": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'statements/read' in scopes or 'statements/read/mine' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/state": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'state' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False
             'HEAD':{"/statements": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'statements/read' in scopes or 'statements/read/mine' in scopes else False,
                    "/statements/more": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'statements/read' in scopes or 'statements/read/mine' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/state": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'state' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'all/read' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False
             'PUT':{"/statements": True if 'all' in scopes or 'statements/write' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities": True if 'all' in scopes or 'define' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/state": True if 'all' in scopes or 'state' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents": True if 'all' in scopes or 'define' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False
             'POST':{"/statements": True if 'all' in scopes or 'statements/write' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities": True if 'all' in scopes or 'define' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/state": True if 'all' in scopes or 'state' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents": True if 'all' in scopes or 'define' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False
             'DELETE':{"/statements": True if 'all' in scopes or 'statements/write' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities": True if 'all' in scopes or 'define' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False,
                    "/activities/state": True if 'all' in scopes or 'state' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents": True if 'all' in scopes or 'define' in scopes else False,
                    "/agents/profile": True if 'all' in scopes or 'profile' in scopes else False

    # Raise forbidden if requesting wrong endpoint or with wrong method than what's in scope
    if not validator[method][endpoint]:
        raise Forbidden(err_msg)

    # Set flag to read only statements owned by user
    if 'statements/read/mine' in scopes:
        req_dict['auth']['statements_mine_only'] = True

    # Set flag for define - allowed to update global representation of activities/agents
    if 'define' in scopes or 'all' in scopes:
        req_dict['auth']['oauth_define'] = True
        req_dict['auth']['oauth_define'] = False
def validate_void_statement(void_id):
    # Retrieve statement, check if the verb is 'voided' - if not then set the voided flag to true else return error 
    # since you cannot unvoid a statement and should just reissue the statement under a new ID.
        stmt = models.Statement.objects.get(statement_id=void_id)
    except models.Statement.DoesNotExist:
        err_msg = "Statement with ID %s does not exist" % void_id
        raise IDNotFoundError(err_msg)
    if stmt.voided:
        err_msg = "Statement with ID: %s is already voided, cannot unvoid. Please re-issue the statement under a new ID." % void_id
        raise Forbidden(err_msg)
def validate_oauth_state_or_profile_agent(req_dict, endpoint):    
    ag = req_dict['params']['agent']
    token = req_dict['auth']['oauth_token']
    scopes = token.scope_to_list()
    if not 'all' in scopes:
        if not isinstance(ag, dict):
            ag = json.loads(ag)
            agent = models.Agent.objects.get(**ag)
        except models.Agent.DoesNotExist:
            err_msg = "Agent in %s cannot be found to match user in authorization" % endpoint
            raise NotFound(err_msg)

        if not agent in req_dict['auth']['id'].member.all():
            err_msg = "Authorization doesn't match agent in %s" % endpoint
            raise Forbidden(err_msg)
def validate_statementId(req_dict):
    if 'statementId' in req_dict['params'] and 'voidedStatementId' in req_dict['params']:
        err_msg = "Cannot have both statementId and voidedStatementId in a GET request"
        raise ParamError(err_msg)
    elif 'statementId' in req_dict['params']:
        statementId = req_dict['params']['statementId']
        voided = False
        statementId = req_dict['params']['voidedStatementId']
        voided = True

    not_allowed = ["agent", "verb", "activity", "registration", 
                   "related_activities", "related_agents", "since",
                   "until", "limit", "ascending"]
    bad_keys = set(not_allowed) & set(req_dict['params'].keys())
    if bad_keys:
        err_msg = "Cannot have %s in a GET request only 'format' and/or 'attachments' are allowed with 'statementId' and 'voidedStatementId'" % ', '.join(bad_keys)
        raise ParamError(err_msg)

    # Try to retrieve stmt, if DNE then return empty else return stmt info                
        st = models.Statement.objects.get(statement_id=statementId)
    except models.Statement.DoesNotExist:
        err_msg = 'There is no statement associated with the id: %s' % statementId
        raise IDNotFoundError(err_msg)

    auth = req_dict.get('auth', None)
    mine_only = auth and 'statements_mine_only' in auth

    if auth:
        if mine_only and st.authority.id != auth['id'].id:
            err_msg = "Incorrect permissions to view statements that do not have auth %s" % str(auth['id'])
            raise Forbidden(err_msg)
    if st.voided != voided:
        if st.voided:
            err_msg = 'The requested statement (%s) is voided. Use the "voidedStatementId" parameter to retrieve your statement.' % statementId
            err_msg = 'The requested statement (%s) is not voided. Use the "statementId" parameter to retrieve your statement.' % statementId
        raise IDNotFoundError(err_msg)

    return statementId
def server_validate_statement_object(stmt_object, auth):
    if stmt_object['objectType'] == 'StatementRef' and not check_for_existing_statementId(stmt_object['id']):
            err_msg = "No statement with ID %s was found" % stmt_object['id']
            raise IDNotFoundError(err_msg)
    elif stmt_object['objectType'] == 'Activity' or 'objectType' not in stmt_object:
        if 'definition' in stmt_object:
                activity = models.Activity.objects.get(activity_id=stmt_object['id'], canonical_version=True)
            except models.Activity.DoesNotExist:
                if auth:
                    if auth['id'].__class__.__name__ == 'Agent':
                        auth_name = auth['id'].name
                        auth_name = auth['id'].username
                    auth_name = None
                if activity.authoritative != '' and activity.authoritative != auth_name:
                    err_msg = "This ActivityID already exists, and you do not have the correct authority to create or update it."
                    raise Forbidden(err_msg)