def write_dip_and_dipdir_to_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix, digitised_terraces=False, shapefile_name=None): """ Wrapper for dip and dipdir function Args: DataDirectory (str): the data directory fname_prefix (str): name of the DEM digitised_terraces (bool): boolean to use digitised terrace shapefile shapefile_name (str): name of shapefile Author: FJC """ # read in the terrace csv terraces = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) if digitised_terraces: # check if you've already done the selection, if so just read in the csv print ("File name is", DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_info_shapefiles.csv') if os.path.isfile(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_info_shapefiles.csv'): terraces = pd.read_csv(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_info_shapefiles.csv') else: terraces = SelectTerracesFromShapefile(DataDirectory,shapefile_name,fname_prefix) else: filter_terraces(terraces, min_size) # get the terrace dip and dip dirs terrace_dips = get_terrace_dip_and_dipdir(terraces) # write to csv terrace_dips.to_csv(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_Dip_DipDirection.csv')
def SelectTerracesFromShapefile(DataDirectory,shapefile_name,fname_prefix): """ This function takes in a shapefile of digitised terraces and uses it to filter the terrace DF. Only pixels within each shapefile are kept, and they are assigned a new ID based on the ID of the shapefile polygons. Args: DataDirectory (str): the data directory shapefile_name (str): the name of the shapefile fname_prefix (str): prefix of the DEM Returns: terrace df filtered by the digitised terraces Author: FJC """ # first get the terrace df terrace_df = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) # now get the shapefile with the digitised terraces digitised_terraces = H.read_terrace_shapefile(DataDirectory,shapefile_name) # for each point in the df, need to check if it is in one of the polygons. This will probably be slow. # set up the new terrace df new_df = pd.DataFrame() print ("Filtering points by shapefile, this might take a while...") for idx, row in terrace_df.iterrows(): this_point = Point(row['X'], row['Y']) #print this_point # check if this point is in one of the polygons for id, polygon in digitised_terraces.items(): if polygon.contains(this_point): # this point is within this terrace, keep it and assign a new ID number row['TerraceID'] = id new_df = new_df.append(row) OutDF_name = "_terrace_info_shapefiles.csv" OutDF_name = DataDirectory+fname_prefix+OutDF_name new_df.to_csv(OutDF_name,index=False) return new_df
def SelectTerracePointsFromCentrelines(DataDirectory,shapefile_name,fname_prefix, distance=2): """ This function takes in a shapefile of digitised terrace centrelines and finds points within a certain distance of the line. Returns as a df. Args: DataDirectory (str): the data directory shapefile_name (str): the name of the shapefile fname_prefix (str): prefix of the DEM Returns: terrace df filtered by the digitised terraces Author: FJC """ # first get the terrace df terrace_df = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) # now get the shapefile with the digitised terraces centrelines = H.read_terrace_centrelines(DataDirectory,shapefile_name) # for each point in the df, need to check if it is in one of the polygons. This will probably be slow. # set up the new terrace df new_df = pd.DataFrame() print ("Filtering points by shapefile, this might take a while...") for idx, row in terrace_df.iterrows(): this_point = Point(row['X'], row['Y']) #print this_point # check if this point is in one of the polygons for id, line in centrelines.items(): if line.distance(this_point) < distance: # this point is within this terrace, keep it and assign a new ID number row['TerraceID'] = id new_df = new_df.append(row) OutDF_name = "_terrace_info_centrelines.csv" OutDF_name = DataDirectory+fname_prefix+OutDF_name new_df.to_csv(OutDF_name,index=False) return new_df
def MakeRasterPlotTerraceElev(DataDirectory,fname_prefix, FigFormat='png', size_format='ESURF'): """ This function makes a hillshade of the DEM with the terraces plotted onto it coloured by their elevation Args: DataDirectory (str): the data directory fname_prefix (str): the name of the DEM without extension. FigFormat (str): the figure format, default='png' size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Raster plot of terrace IDs Author: FJC """ from LSDMapFigure.PlottingRaster import BaseRaster from LSDMapFigure.PlottingRaster import MapFigure # Set up fonts for plots label_size = 10 rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Liberation Sans'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # make a figure if size_format == "geomorphology": #fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,3.5)) fig_width_inches=6.25 #l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": #fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) fig_width_inches=16 #l_pad = -50 else: fig_width_inches = 4.92126 #fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.2)) #l_pad = -35 # going to make the terrace plots - need to have bil extensions. print("I'm going to make a raster plot of terrace elevations. Your topographic data must be in ENVI bil format or I'll break!!") # get the rasters raster_ext = '.bil' BackgroundRasterName = fname_prefix+raster_ext HillshadeName = fname_prefix+'_hs'+raster_ext TerraceElevName = fname_prefix+'_terrace_relief_final'+raster_ext # get the terrace csv terraces = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) terraceIDs = sorted(list(set(list(terraces.TerraceID)))) xTerraces = [] zTerraces = [] yTerraces = [] newIDs = [] # loop through the terrace IDs and get the x, y, and z values for terraceID in terraceIDs: _terrace_subset = (terraces.TerraceID.values == terraceID) _x = terraces['DistAlongBaseline'].values[_terrace_subset] _y = terraces['DistToBaseline'].values[_terrace_subset] _z = terraces['Elevation'].values[_terrace_subset] _x_unique = sorted(list(set(list(_x)))) _z_unique = [] # Filter if len(_x) > 50 and len(_x_unique) > 1 and len(_x_unique) < 1000: #print np.max(np.diff(_x_unique)) #if len(_x_unique) > 10 and len(_x_unique) < 1000 \ #and : for _x_unique_i in _x_unique: #_y_unique_i = np.min(np.array(_y)[_x == _x_unique_i]) #_z_unique.append(np.min(_z[_y == _y_unique_i])) _z_unique.append(np.min(_z[_x == _x_unique_i])) if np.mean(np.diff(_z_unique)/np.diff(_x_unique)) < 10: xTerraces.append(_x_unique) zTerraces.append(_z_unique) newIDs.append(terraceID) n_colours=len(newIDs) # create the map figure MF = MapFigure(HillshadeName, DataDirectory, coord_type='UTM_km', colourbar_location='right') # add the terrace drape terrace_cmap = #terrace_cmap = colours.cmap_discretize(n_colours,terrace_cmap) MF.add_drape_image(TerraceElevName, DataDirectory, colourmap = terrace_cmap, colorbarlabel="Elevation above channel (m)", alpha=0.8) ImageName = DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_elev_raster_plot.'+FigFormat MF.save_fig(fig_width_inches = fig_width_inches, FigFileName = ImageName, FigFormat=FigFormat, Fig_dpi = 300) # Save the figure
def MakeTerraceHeatMapNormalised(DataDirectory,fname_prefix, mchi_fname, prec=100, bw_method=0.03, FigFormat='png', ages=""): """ Function to make a heat map of the terrace pixels using Gaussian KDE. Pixels are normalised based on elevation of closest channel pixel. see for more details. Args: DataDirectory(str): the data directory fname_prefix(str): prefix of your DEM mchi_fname(str): if you specified a junction then this will be different from the junction fname prec(int): the resolution for the KDE. Increase this to get a finer resolution, decrease for coarser. bw_method: the method for determining the bandwidth of the KDE. This is apparently quite sensitive to this. Can either be "scott", "silverman" (where the bandwidth will be determined automatically), or a scalar. Default = 0.03 FigFormat(str): figure format, default = png ages (str): Can pass in the name of a csv file with terrace ages which will be plotted on the profile. Must be in the same directory FJC 26/03/18 """ import scipy.stats as st # check if a directory exists for the chi plots. If not then make it. T_directory = DataDirectory+'terrace_plots/' if not os.path.isdir(T_directory): os.makedirs(T_directory) # make a figure fig = CreateFigure() ax = plt.subplot(111) #ax1 = plt.subplot(212) # read in the terrace DataFrame terrace_df = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) terrace_df = terrace_df[terrace_df['BaselineNode'] != -9999] # read in the mchi csv lp = H.ReadMChiSegCSV(DataDirectory,mchi_fname) lp = lp[lp['elevation'] != -9999] # get the distance from outlet along the baseline for each terrace pixels terrace_df = terrace_df.merge(lp, left_on = "BaselineNode", right_on = "node") flow_dist = terrace_df['flow_distance']/1000 ## Getting the extent of our dataset xmin = 0 xmax = flow_dist.max() ymin = 0 ymax = terrace_df["ChannelRelief"].max() ## formatting the data in a meshgrid X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,xmax,num = prec),np.linspace(0,ymax, num = prec)) positions = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()[::-1]]) # inverted Y to get the axis in the bottom left values = np.vstack([flow_dist, terrace_df["ChannelRelief"]]) KDE = st.gaussian_kde(values, bw_method = bw_method) Z = np.reshape(KDE(positions).T,X.shape) #Z = < 0.00000000001, Z) # try a 2d hist # h, fd_bins, elev_bins = np.histogram2d(flow_dist, terrace_df['Elevation'], bins=500) # h = h.T # h = == 0, h) # X,Y = np.meshgrid(fd_bins, elev_bins) # ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,h, cmap="seismic") # cmap = cm.gist_heat_r cmap.set_bad(alpha=0) #norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=0, vmax=Z.max(),cmap=cmap) cb = ax.imshow(Z, interpolation = "None", extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap=cmap, aspect = "auto") #ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z, cmap="seismic") # set some plot lims ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.set_xlabel('Flow distance (km)') ax.set_ylabel('Elevation above channel (m)') # add a colourbar cbar = plt.colorbar(cb,cmap=cmap,orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label('Density') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(T_directory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_plot_heat_map_norm.png',format=FigFormat,dpi=300) plt.clf()
def MakeTerraceHeatMap(DataDirectory,fname_prefix, mchi_fname, prec=100, bw_method=0.03, FigFormat='png', ages=""): """ Function to make a heat map of the terrace pixels using Gaussian KDE. see for more details. Args: DataDirectory(str): the data directory fname_prefix(str): prefix of your DEM prec(int): the resolution for the KDE. Increase this to get a finer resolution, decrease for coarser. bw_method: the method for determining the bandwidth of the KDE. This is apparently quite sensitive to this. Can either be "scott", "silverman" (where the bandwidth will be determined automatically), or a scalar. Default = 0.03 FigFormat(str): figure format, default = png ages (str): Can pass in the name of a csv file with terrace ages which will be plotted on the profile. Must be in the same directory FJC 26/03/18 """ import scipy.stats as st # check if a directory exists for the chi plots. If not then make it. T_directory = DataDirectory+'terrace_plots/' if not os.path.isdir(T_directory): os.makedirs(T_directory) # make a figure fig = CreateFigure() ax = plt.subplot(111) # read in the terrace DataFrame terrace_df = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) terrace_df = terrace_df[terrace_df['BaselineNode'] != -9999] # read in the mchi csv lp = H.ReadMChiSegCSV(DataDirectory,mchi_fname) lp = lp[lp['elevation'] != -9999] # get the distance from outlet along the baseline for each terrace pixels terrace_df = terrace_df.merge(lp, left_on = "BaselineNode", right_on = "node") flow_dist = terrace_df['flow_distance']/1000 print(terrace_df) ## Getting the extent of our dataset xmin = 0 xmax = flow_dist.max() ymin = 0 ymax = terrace_df["Elevation"].max() ## formatting the data in a meshgrid X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,xmax,num = prec),np.linspace(0,ymax, num = prec)) positions = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()[::-1]]) # inverted Y to get the axis in the bottom left values = np.vstack([flow_dist, terrace_df['Elevation']]) if len(values) == 0: print("You don't have any terraces, I'm going to quit now.") else: # get the kernel density estimation KDE = st.gaussian_kde(values, bw_method = bw_method) Z = np.reshape(KDE(positions).T,X.shape) # plot the density on the profile cmap = cm.gist_heat_r cmap.set_bad(alpha=0) cb = ax.imshow(Z, interpolation = "None", extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap=cmap, aspect = "auto") # plot the main stem channel lp_mainstem = H.read_index_channel_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) lp_mainstem = lp_mainstem[lp_mainstem['elevation'] != -9999] lp_mainstem = lp_mainstem.merge(lp, left_on="id", right_on="node") lp_flow_dist = lp_mainstem['flow_distance_y']/1000 ax.plot(lp_flow_dist,lp_mainstem['elevation_y'],'k',lw=1, label='_nolegend_') # if present, plot the ages on the profile if ages: # read in the ages csv ages_df = pd.read_csv(DataDirectory+ages) upstream_dist = list(ages_df['upstream_dist']) elevation = list(ages_df['elevation']) ax.scatter(upstream_dist, elevation, s=8, c="w", edgecolors="k", label="$^{14}$C age (cal years B.P.)") ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8, numpoints=1) # set some plot lims ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.set_xlabel('Flow distance (km)') ax.set_ylabel('Elevation (m)') # add a colourbar cbar = plt.colorbar(cb,cmap=cmap,orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label('Density') # save the figure plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(T_directory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_plot_heat_map.png',format=FigFormat,dpi=300) plt.clf()
def long_profiler_dist(DataDirectory,fname_prefix, min_size=5000, FigFormat='png', size_format='ESURF', digitised_terraces=False, shapefile_name=None): """ Make long profile plot where terrace points are binned by distance along the channel """ # make a figure fig = CreateFigure() ax = plt.subplot(111) # read in the terrace csv terraces = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) if digitised_terraces: # check if you've already done the selection, if so just read in the csv if os.path.isfile(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_info_shapefiles.csv'): terraces = pd.read_csv(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_info_shapefiles.csv') else: terraces = SelectTerracesFromShapefile(DataDirectory,shapefile_name,fname_prefix) else: filter_terraces(terraces, min_size) # read in the baseline channel csv lp = H.read_channel_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) lp = lp[lp['Elevation'] != -9999] # get the distance from outlet along the baseline for each terrace pixels new_terraces = terraces.merge(lp, left_on = "BaselineNode", right_on = "node") print (new_terraces) xTerraces = np.array(new_terraces['DistFromOutlet']) yTerraces = np.array(new_terraces['DistToBaseline']) zTerraces = np.array(new_terraces['Elevation_x']) MaximumDistance = xTerraces.max() # now bin by distance along the baseline bins = np.unique(xTerraces) nbins = len(np.unique(xTerraces)) n, _ = np.histogram(xTerraces, bins=nbins) s_zTerraces, _ = np.histogram(xTerraces, bins=nbins, weights=zTerraces) s_zTerraces2, _ = np.histogram(xTerraces, bins=nbins, weights=zTerraces*zTerraces) mean = s_zTerraces / n std = np.sqrt(s_zTerraces2/n - mean*mean) # # invert to get distance from outlet # MS_DistAlongBaseline = np.array(lp['DistAlongBaseline'])[::-1] MS_Dist = np.array(lp['DistFromOutlet']) MS_Elevation = np.array(lp['Elevation']) Terrace_Elevation = mean print (MS_Dist) print (MS_Elevation) print (Terrace_Elevation) # plot the main stem channel in black plt.plot(MS_Dist/1000,MS_Elevation, c='k', lw=1) plt.scatter((_/1000)[:-1], Terrace_Elevation, s=2, zorder=2, c='r') # set axis params and save ax.set_xlabel('Distance from outlet (km)') ax.set_ylabel('Elevation (m)') ax.set_xlim(0,80) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_plot_binned.'+FigFormat,format=FigFormat,dpi=300) plt.clf()
def long_profiler(DataDirectory,fname_prefix, min_size=5000, FigFormat='png', size_format='ESURF'): """ This function creates a plot of the terraces with distance downstream along the main channel. Args: DataDirectory (str): the data directory fname_prefix (str): the name of the DEM min_size (int): the minimum number of pixels for a terrace. Any smaller ones will be excluded. FigFormat: the format of the figure, default = png size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: terrace long profile plot Author: AW, FJC """ # make a figure if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,3.5)) #l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) #l_pad = -50 else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.2)) #l_pad = -35 # make the plot gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.15,left=0.05,right=0.85,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[5:100,10:95]) # read in the terrace csv terraces = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) filter_terraces(terraces, min_size) # read in the baseline channel csv lp = H.read_channel_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) lp = lp[lp['Elevation'] != -9999] terraceIDs = sorted(list(set(list(terraces.TerraceID)))) xTerraces = [] zTerraces = [] yTerraces = [] newIDs = [] # loop through the terrace IDs and get the x, y, and z values for terraceID in terraceIDs: _terrace_subset = (terraces.TerraceID.values == terraceID) _x = terraces['DistAlongBaseline'].values[_terrace_subset] _y = terraces['DistToBaseline'].values[_terrace_subset] _z = terraces['Elevation'].values[_terrace_subset] _x_unique = sorted(list(set(list(_x)))) _z_unique = [] # Filter if len(_x) > 50 and len(_x_unique) > 1 and len(_x_unique) < 1000: #print np.max(np.diff(_x_unique)) #if len(_x_unique) > 10 and len(_x_unique) < 1000 \ #and : for _x_unique_i in _x_unique: #_y_unique_i = np.min(np.array(_y)[_x == _x_unique_i]) #_z_unique.append(np.min(_z[_y == _y_unique_i])) _z_unique.append(np.min(_z[_x == _x_unique_i])) if np.mean(np.diff(_z_unique)/np.diff(_x_unique)) < 10: xTerraces.append(_x_unique) zTerraces.append(_z_unique) newIDs.append(terraceID) # get discrete colours so that each terrace is a different colour this_cmap = cm.rainbow this_cmap = colours.cmap_discretize(len(newIDs),this_cmap) print ("N COLOURS: ", len(newIDs)) print (newIDs) colors = iter(this_cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(newIDs)))) # plot the terraces for i in range(len(xTerraces)): plt.scatter(xTerraces[i], zTerraces[i], s=2, c=next(colors)) # plot the main stem channel in black plt.plot(lp['DistAlongBaseline'],lp['Elevation'], c='k', lw=2) # add a colourbar cax = fig.add_axes([0.83,0.15,0.03,0.8]) sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=min(newIDs), vmax=max(newIDs))) sm._A = [] cbar = plt.colorbar(sm,cmap=this_cmap,spacing='uniform',cax=cax, label='Terrace ID', orientation='vertical') colours.fix_colourbar_ticks(cbar,len(newIDs),cbar_type=int,min_value=min(newIDs),max_value=max(newIDs),labels=newIDs) # set axis params and save ax.set_xlabel('Distance downstream (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Elevation (m)') plt.savefig(DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_plot.'+FigFormat,format=FigFormat,dpi=300) plt.clf()
def MakeRasterPlotTerraceDips(DataDirectory,fname_prefix,min_size=5000,FigFormat='png',size_format='ESURF'): """ This function makes a raster plot of terrace locations with arrows showing the terrace dip and dip directions. Dip and dip direction are calculated by fitting a plane to each terrace using least-squares regression. Args: DataDirectory (str): the data directory fname_prefix (str): the name of the DEM without extension. min_size (int): minimum number of pixels for a terrace, smaller ones will be removed FigFormat (str): the figure format, default='png' size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: plot of terrace locations and dip/dip directions Author: FJC """ from LSDMapFigure.PlottingRaster import BaseRaster from LSDMapFigure.PlottingRaster import MapFigure # Set up fonts for plots label_size = 10 rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Liberation Sans'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # make a figure if size_format == "geomorphology": #fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,3.5)) fig_width_inches=6.25 #l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": #fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) fig_width_inches=16 #l_pad = -50 else: fig_width_inches = 4.92126 #fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.2)) #l_pad = -35 # going to make the terrace plots - need to have bil extensions. print("I'm going to make a raster plot of terrace elevations. Your topographic data must be in ENVI bil format or I'll break!!") # get the rasters raster_ext = '.bil' BackgroundRasterName = fname_prefix+raster_ext HillshadeName = fname_prefix+'_hs'+raster_ext TerraceElevName = fname_prefix+'_terrace_relief_final'+raster_ext # get the terrace csv terraces = H.read_terrace_csv(DataDirectory,fname_prefix) filter_terraces(terraces) # get the terrace IDs terraceIDs = terraces.TerraceID.unique() n_colours=len(terraceIDs) # get the terrace dip and dip dirs terrace_dips = get_terrace_dip_and_dipdir(terraces) # create the map figure MF = MapFigure(HillshadeName, DataDirectory, coord_type='UTM_km', colourbar_location='right') # add the terrace drape terrace_cmap = #terrace_cmap = colours.cmap_discretize(n_colours,terrace_cmap) MF.add_drape_image(TerraceElevName, DataDirectory, colourmap = terrace_cmap, colorbarlabel="Elevation above channel (m)", alpha=0.8) # add arrows oriented in the direction of dip. We might want to colour these by the dip angle? # MF.add_arrows_from_points(terrace_dips,azimuth_header='dip_azimuth', arrow_length=100) MF.add_strike_and_dip_symbols(terrace_dips,symbol_length=100,linewidth=0.5) ImageName = DataDirectory+fname_prefix+'_terrace_dips_raster_plot.'+FigFormat MF.save_fig(fig_width_inches = fig_width_inches, FigFileName = ImageName, FigFormat=FigFormat, Fig_dpi = 300) # Save the figure