def run(): initial = True size = 2000 tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] counter = 0 num_hashtables = 5 ## recompute the random vectors if this is changed dimension = 5000000 ## recompute the random vectors if this is changed hash_size = 13 ## length of the LSHash of the tweets bucket_size = 100 ## size of the queue for each hash in the hash tables comparisons = 50 ## upper bound on the number of comparisons (dot product) to find the nearest neighbor cos_threshold = .5 ## threshold for the similarity of two tweets ## initialize the tf-idf vectorizer vectorizer = onlineTfidfVectorizer(min_df = 1, smooth_idf=True, stop_words='english', min_dict_size = dimension) ## initialize the hash tables, specify the hash size, number of hash tabeles and the queue size lsh = LSHash(hash_size = hash_size, input_dim = dimension, num_hashtables=num_hashtables, max_queue_size= bucket_size) clusters = {} ## maintain the clusters num_clusters = 0 Y = None Y1 = None f_d = open("output.txt",'w') loc = "processed_tweets/" for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(loc): for f in filenames: with open(loc+f) as infile: for line in infile: ## load 2000 tweets at a time tweet = json.loads(line) tweet_ids.append(tweet['id']) tweet_text.append(tweet['text']) counter = counter + 1 t2 = 0 if counter%size == 0: t1 = time.clock() ## X contains te tf-idf score of the tweets in the "sparse row matrix" format if initial: X = vectorizer.fit_transform(tweet_text) else: X = vectorizer.transform(tweet_text) print X.get_shape() print len(vectorizer.vocabulary_) ## if the total number of keywords exceed the pre-specified dimension, raise error if X.get_shape()[0] > dimension: print X.get_shape() print "dimension exceeded" raise for i in range(X.get_shape()[0]): temp_tweet = X.getrow(i) ## query for the nearest neighbor from the lshash tables nn = lsh.arpoxNN(temp_tweet, L=comparisons) c = 2 scase = False ## if nearesr neighbor is not null and the cosine similarity is less than the threshold, add the tweet to the respective cluster cluster_id = -1 if nn is not None: ((a, (b,d)),c) = nn if c <= cos_threshold: cluster_id = d clusters.setdefault(d,[]).append(tweet_ids[i]) #else: # scase = True ## else, linearly search through the previous 2000 + i tweets to find the nearest neighbor """ code to linearly search through the tweets""" if (c > cos_threshold or nn is None or scase): cluster_id = num_clusters clusters.setdefault(num_clusters, []).append(tweet_ids[i]) num_clusters = num_clusters + 1 ### index the tweet into the hsh tables lsh.index(input_point = temp_tweet, extra_data = tuple([tweet_ids[i], cluster_id])) initial = False Y = X Y1 = tweet_ids[:] tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] print counter print time.clock() - t1 f2 = open('time.txt','a') f2.write(str(time.clock()-t1) + '\n') f2.close() if counter%100000==0: f2 = open('result.txt', 'a') f2.write(json.dumps(clusters) + "\n") f3 = open('vocab.txt', 'a') f4 = open('vectorizer.txt', 'a') f3.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.vocabulary_) + "\n") f4.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.idf_) + "\n") #print clusters #print vectorizer.vocabulary_ f2.close() f3.close() f4.close()
def run(): initial = True size = 2000 tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] counter = 0 num_hashtables = 13 ## recompute the random vectors if this is changed dimension = 50000 ## recompute the random vectors if this is changed hash_size = 13 ## length of the LSHash of the tweets bucket_size = 100 ## size of the queue for each hash in the hash tables comparisons = 50 ## upper bound on the number of comparisons (dot product) to find the nearest neighbor cos_threshold = .7 ## threshold for the similarity of two tweets ## initialize the tf-idf vectorizer vectorizer = onlineTfidfVectorizer(min_df = 1, smooth_idf=True, stop_words='english', min_dict_size = dimension) ## initialize the hash tables, specify the hash size, number of hash tabeles and the queue size lsh = LSHash(hash_size = hash_size, input_dim = dimension, num_hashtables=num_hashtables, max_queue_size= bucket_size) clusters = {} ## maintain the clusters num_clusters = 0 inv_index = {} ## inverse mapping from tweet_id to clusters Y = None Y1 = None f_d = open("output.txt",'w') loc = "/Users/dilpreet/Documents/mtp_documents/markedData/data/" for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(loc): for f in filenames: with open(loc+f) as infile: for line in infile: ## load 2000 tweets at a time tweet = json.loads(line) tweet_ids.append(tweet['id']) tweet_text.append(tweet['text']) counter = counter + 1 t2 = 0 if counter%size == 0: t1 = time.clock() ## X contains te tf-idf score of the tweets in the "sparse row matrix" format if initial: X = vectorizer.fit_transform(tweet_text) else: X = vectorizer.transform(tweet_text) print X.get_shape() print len(vectorizer.vocabulary_) ## if the total number of keywords exceed the pre-specified dimension, raise error if X.get_shape()[0] > dimension: print X.get_shape() print "dimension exceeded" raise for i in range(X.get_shape()[0]): temp_tweet = X.getrow(i) ## query for the nearest neighbor from the lshash tables nn = lsh.arpoxNN(temp_tweet, L=comparisons) c = 2 scase = False ## if nearesr neighbor is not null and the cosine similarity is less than the threshold, add the tweet to the respective cluster if nn is not None: ((a, b),c) = nn if c <= cos_threshold: inv_index[tweet_ids[i]] = inv_index[b] clusters.setdefault(inv_index[b],[]).append(tweet_ids[i]) #else: # scase = True ## else, linearly search through the previous 2000 + i tweets to find the nearest neighbor """ code to linearly search through the tweets""" if (c > cos_threshold or nn is None or scase): searchY = False if (i==0 and not initial): searchY = True if (i==0 and initial): inv_index[tweet_ids[i]] = num_clusters clusters.setdefault(num_clusters, []).append(tweet_ids[i]) num_clusters = num_clusters + 1 if (i!=0): Z = X[:i] #print temp_tweet.shape t2 = temp_tweet.transpose() #print i a1 = a2 = Z.multiply(Z).sum(axis = 1) a3 = sp.csr_matrix(t2.multiply(t2).sum()).toarray() a2 = sp.csc_matrix(a2).toarray() b = [j for j in range(Z.shape[0])] a = min(b, key = lambda x: 1-float(a1[x][0])/((a2[x][0] + a3[0][0])**.5)) #a = min(Z, key = lambda x: cosine_dist(x[0], temp_tweet)) #print a t3 = tweet_ids[a] if (1-float(a1[a][0])/((a2[a][0] + a3[0][0])**.5))> cos_threshold: if not initial and i != size-1: searchY = True else: inv_index[tweet_ids[i]] = num_clusters clusters.setdefault(num_clusters, []).append(tweet_ids[i]) num_clusters = num_clusters + 1 else: inv_index[tweet_ids[i]] = inv_index[t3] clusters.setdefault(inv_index[t3], []).append(tweet_ids[i]) if searchY == True: Z = Y[i:] t2 = temp_tweet.transpose() #print i a1 = a2 = Z.multiply(Z).sum(axis = 1) a3 = sp.csr_matrix(t2.multiply(t2).sum()).toarray() a2 = sp.csc_matrix(a2).toarray() b1 = [j for j in range(Z.shape[0])] a = min(b1, key = lambda x: 1-float(a1[x][0])/((a2[x][0] + a3[0][0])**.5)) t3 = Y1[a + i] if (1-float(a1[a][0])/((a2[a][0] + a3[0][0])**.5))< cos_threshold: inv_index[tweet_ids[i]] = inv_index[t3] else: inv_index[tweet_ids[i]] = num_clusters clusters.setdefault(num_clusters, []).append(tweet_ids[i]) num_clusters = num_clusters + 1 ### index the tweet into the hsh tables lsh.index(input_point = temp_tweet, extra_data = tweet_ids[i]) initial = False Y = X Y1 = tweet_ids[:] tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] print counter print time.clock() - t1 f2 = open('time.txt','a') f2.write(str(time.clock()-t1) + '\n') f2.close() if counter%10000==0: f2 = open('result.txt', 'a') f2.write(json.dumps(clusters) + "\n") f3 = open('vocab.txt', 'a') f4 = open('vectorizer.txt', 'a') f3.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.vocabulary_) + "\n") f4.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.idf_) + "\n") #print clusters #print vectorizer.vocabulary_ f2.close() f3.close() f4.close() f2 = open('result.txt', 'w') f2.write(json.dumps(clusters) + "\n") f3 = open('vocab.txt', 'w') f4 = open('vectorizer.txt', 'w') f5 = open('inv_index.txt', 'w') f3.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.vocabulary_) + "\n") f4.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.idf_) + "\n") f5.write(json.dumps(inv_index)) #print clusters #print vectorizer.vocabulary_ f2.close() f3.close() f4.close() f5.close()
def run(): initial = True size = 200000 tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] counter = 0 num_hashtables = 4 ## recompute the random vectors if this is changed dimension = 5000000 ## recompute the random vectors if this is changed hash_size = 13 ## length of the LSHash of the tweets bucket_size = 100 ## size of the queue for each hash in the hash tables comparisons = 50 ## upper bound on the number of comparisons (dot product) to find the nearest neighbor cos_threshold = .7 ## threshold for the similarity of two tweets ## initialize the tf-idf vectorizer vectorizer = onlineTfidfVectorizer(min_df = 1, smooth_idf=True, stop_words='english', min_dict_size = dimension) ## initialize the hash tables, specify the hash size, number of hash tabeles and the queue size lsh = LSHash(hash_size = hash_size, input_dim = dimension, num_hashtables=num_hashtables, max_queue_size= bucket_size) clusters = {} ## maintain the clusters num_clusters = 0 completed = open('/tmp/completed_tmp.txt') completed = completed.readlines() completed = set([x.replace('\n', '') for x in completed]) while(True): clusters_size_prev = {} files = [] for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk('/tmp/tweets_tmp/'): for fname in filenames: if fname != '.DS_Store': files.append(fname) files = set(files) files = files - completed if len(files) == 0: print 'sleeping' time.sleep(3000) print 'checking' continue #print files tweets_dump = {} tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] time_sleep = time.time() for fn in files: print fn time_tmp2 = time.time() with open('/tmp/tweets_tmp/' + fn) as infile: for line in infile: ## load 2000 tweets at a time tweet = json.loads(line) tweet_ids.append(tweet['id']) tweet_text.append(tweet['filtered_text']) tweets_dump[str(tweet['id'])] = tweet['text'] counter = counter + 1 t2 = 0 if counter%size == 0: t1 = time.clock() ## X contains te tf-idf score of the tweets in the "sparse row matrix" format if initial: X = vectorizer.fit_transform(tweet_text) else: X = vectorizer.transform(tweet_text) #print X.get_shape() #print len(vectorizer.vocabulary_) ## if the total number of keywords exceed the pre-specified dimension, raise error if X.get_shape()[0] > dimension: print X.get_shape() print "dimension exceeded" raise for i in range(X.get_shape()[0]): temp_tweet = X.getrow(i) ## query for the nearest neighbor from the lshash tables nn = lsh.arpoxNN(temp_tweet, L=comparisons) c = 2 scase = False ## if nearesr neighbor is not null and the cosine similarity is less than the threshold, add the tweet to the respective cluster cluster_id = -1 if nn is not None: ((a, (b,d)),c) = nn if c <= cos_threshold: cluster_id = d clusters.setdefault(d,[]).append(tweet_ids[i]) #else: # scase = True ## else, linearly search through the previous 2000 + i tweets to find the nearest neighbor """ code to linearly search through the tweets""" if (c > cos_threshold or nn is None or scase): cluster_id = num_clusters clusters.setdefault(num_clusters, []).append(tweet_ids[i]) num_clusters = num_clusters + 1 ### index the tweet into the hsh tables lsh.index(input_point = temp_tweet, extra_data = tuple([tweet_ids[i], cluster_id])) initial = False tweet_ids = [] tweet_text = [] #print counter #print time.clock() - t1 f2 = open('time.txt','a') f2.write(str(time.clock()-t1) + '\n') f2.close() """ if counter%100000==0: f2 = open('result.txt', 'w') f2.write(json.dumps(clusters) + "\n") f3 = open('vocab.txt', 'w') f4 = open('vectorizer.txt', 'w') f3.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.vocabulary_) + "\n") f4.write(json.dumps(vectorizer.idf_) + "\n") #print clusters #print vectorizer.vocabulary_ f2.close() f3.close() f4.close() """ print 'done' print counter print str(time.time() - time_tmp2) f = open('/tmp/completed_tmp.txt', 'a') f.write(fn + '\n') f.close() completed.add(fn) print "all done" time_temp = time.time() if not os.path.exists('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/' + str(time_temp)): os.makedirs('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/' + str(time_temp)) if not os.path.exists('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/current'): os.makedirs('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/current') clusters_size = {} for x in clusters: clusters_size[x] = len(clusters[x]) f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/' + str(time_temp) + '/sizes.txt', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(clusters_size)) f.close() f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/current/sizes.txt', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(clusters_size)) f.close() cls = clusters_size.keys() cls.sort(key = lambda x : -1 * clusters_size[x]) cl = [] for x in cls: if clusters_size[x] >=10: cl.append(x) arr = [] for i in range(len(cl)): write_clusters(i, cl, clusters, tweets_dump, time_temp, '/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters') arr.append(cl[i]) f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/' + str(time_temp) + '/list.txt', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(arr)) f.close() f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/current/list.txt', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(arr)) f.close() f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/clusters/list.txt', 'a') f.write(str(time_temp) + '\n') f.close() if not os.path.exists('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/' + str(time_temp)): os.makedirs('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/' + str(time_temp)) if not os.path.exists('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/current'): os.makedirs('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/current') ratio = {} for x in clusters_size: if clusters_size[x]>=10: r = 1 if (x in clusters_size_prev and clusters_size_prev[x] != 0): r = clusters_size_prev[x] ratio[x] = clusters_size[x]*1.0/r ratio_keys = ratio.keys() ratio_keys.sort(key = lambda x : -1 * ratio[x]) ratio_keys = ratio_keys[:300] arr = [] for i in range(len(ratio_keys)): write_clusters(i, ratio_keys, clusters, tweets_dump, time_temp, '/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters') arr.append(ratio_keys[i]) f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/' + str(time_temp) + '/list.txt', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(arr)) f.close() f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/current/list.txt', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(arr)) f.close() f = open('/home/y/share/htdocs/ratio_clusters/list.txt', 'a') f.write(str(time_temp) + '\n') f.close() clusters_size_prev = {} for x in clusters_size: clusters_size_prev[x] = clusters_size[x] clusters = {} time.sleep(max(0, 3600 - (time.time() - time_sleep)))