def find_bright_columns(imarr, threshold):
    """Find bright columns in an image array.
    imarr : `numpy.ndarrawy`, (Nx, Ny)
        An array representing an image to analyze.
    threshold : `float`
        Pixel value threshold defining a bright column.

    bright_cols : `list`
        List of column indices corresponding to bright columns.
    image = afwImage.ImageF(imarr)

    fp_set = FootprintSet(image, Threshold(threshold))
    columns = dict([(x, []) for x in range(0, image.getWidth())])
    for footprint in fp_set.getFootprints():
        for span in footprint.getSpans():
            y = span.getY()
            for x in range(span.getX0(), span.getX1() + 1):

    bright_cols = []
    x0 = image.getX0()
    y0 = image.getY0()
    for x in columns:
        if bad_column(columns[x], 20):
            bright_cols.append(x - x0)
    # Sort the output.

    return bright_cols
    def calculateThreshold(self, exposure, seed, sigma=None):
        """Calculate new threshold

        This is the main functional addition to the vanilla

        We identify sky objects and perform forced PSF photometry on
        them. Using those PSF flux measurements and estimated errors,
        we set the threshold so that the stdev of the measurements
        matches the median estimated error.

        exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
            Exposure on which we're detecting sources.
        seed : `int`
            RNG seed to use for finding sky objects.
        sigma : `float`, optional
            Gaussian sigma of smoothing kernel; if not provided,
            will be deduced from the exposure's PSF.

        result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
            Result struct with components:

            - ``multiplicative``: multiplicative factor to be applied to the
                configured detection threshold (`float`).
            - ``additive``: additive factor to be applied to the background
                level (`float`).
        # Make a catalog of sky objects
        fp = self.skyObjects.run(exposure.maskedImage.mask, seed)
        skyFootprints = FootprintSet(exposure.getBBox())
        table = SourceTable.make(self.skyMeasurement.schema)
        catalog = SourceCatalog(table)
        key = catalog.getCentroidKey()
        for source in catalog:
            peaks = source.getFootprint().getPeaks()
            assert len(peaks) == 1
            source.set(key, peaks[0].getF())

        # Forced photometry on sky objects
        self.skyMeasurement.run(catalog, exposure, catalog, exposure.getWcs())

        # Calculate new threshold
        fluxes = catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFlux"]
        area = catalog["base_PsfFlux_area"]
        bg = catalog["base_LocalBackground_instFlux"]

        good = (~catalog["base_PsfFlux_flag"] & ~catalog["base_LocalBackground_flag"] &
                np.isfinite(fluxes) & np.isfinite(area) & np.isfinite(bg))

        if good.sum() < self.config.minNumSources:
            self.log.warn("Insufficient good flux measurements (%d < %d) for dynamic threshold calculation",
                          good.sum(), self.config.minNumSources)
            return Struct(multiplicative=1.0, additive=0.0)

        bgMedian = np.median((fluxes/area)[good])

        lq, uq = np.percentile((fluxes - bg*area)[good], [25.0, 75.0])
        stdevMeas = 0.741*(uq - lq)
        medianError = np.median(catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr"][good])
        return Struct(multiplicative=medianError/stdevMeas, additive=bgMedian)
    def calculateThreshold(self, exposure, seed, sigma=None):
        """Calculate new threshold

        This is the main functional addition to the vanilla

        We identify sky objects and perform forced PSF photometry on
        them. Using those PSF flux measurements and estimated errors,
        we set the threshold so that the stdev of the measurements
        matches the median estimated error.

        exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
            Exposure on which we're detecting sources.
        seed : `int`
            RNG seed to use for finding sky objects.
        sigma : `float`, optional
            Gaussian sigma of smoothing kernel; if not provided,
            will be deduced from the exposure's PSF.

        result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
            Result struct with components:

            - ``multiplicative``: multiplicative factor to be applied to the
                configured detection threshold (`float`).
            - ``additive``: additive factor to be applied to the background
                level (`float`).
        # Make a catalog of sky objects
        fp = self.skyObjects.run(exposure.maskedImage.mask, seed)
        skyFootprints = FootprintSet(exposure.getBBox())
        table = SourceTable.make(self.skyMeasurement.schema)
        catalog = SourceCatalog(table)
        key = catalog.getCentroidKey()
        for source in catalog:
            peaks = source.getFootprint().getPeaks()
            assert len(peaks) == 1
            source.set(key, peaks[0].getF())

        # Forced photometry on sky objects
        self.skyMeasurement.run(catalog, exposure, catalog, exposure.getWcs())

        # Calculate new threshold
        fluxes = catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFlux"]
        area = catalog["base_PsfFlux_area"]
        bg = catalog["base_LocalBackground_instFlux"]

        good = (~catalog["base_PsfFlux_flag"] & ~catalog["base_LocalBackground_flag"] &
                np.isfinite(fluxes) & np.isfinite(area) & np.isfinite(bg))

        if good.sum() < self.config.minNumSources:
            self.log.warn("Insufficient good flux measurements (%d < %d) for dynamic threshold calculation",
                          good.sum(), self.config.minNumSources)
            return Struct(multiplicative=1.0, additive=0.0)

        bgMedian = np.median((fluxes/area)[good])

        lq, uq = np.percentile((fluxes - bg*area)[good], [25.0, 75.0])
        stdevMeas = 0.741*(uq - lq)
        medianError = np.median(catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr"][good])
        return Struct(multiplicative=medianError/stdevMeas, additive=bgMedian)