 def testPixel(self):
     """Verifies that the center of pixel P is mapped back to P.
     for R in (64, 65):
         qs = skypix.QuadSpherePixelization(R, 0.0)
         for i in qs:
             c = geom.sphericalCoords(qs.getCenter(i))
             pixelId = qs.pixel(math.radians(c[0]), math.radians(c[1]))
             self.assertEqual(i, pixelId)
 def testPixel(self):
     """Verifies that the center of pixel P is mapped back to P.
     for R in (64, 65):
         qs = skypix.QuadSpherePixelization(R, 0.0)
         for i in qs:
             c = geom.sphericalCoords(qs.getCenter(i))
             pixelId = qs.pixel(math.radians(c[0]), math.radians(c[1]))
             self.assertEqual(i, pixelId)
def pointsOnCircle(c, r, n):
    """Generates an n-gon lying on the circle with center c and
    radius r. Vertices are equi-spaced.
    points = []
    c = geom.cartesianUnitVector(c)
    north, east = geom.northEast(c)
    sr = math.sin(math.radians(r))
    cr = math.cos(math.radians(r))
    aoff = random.uniform(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi)
    for i in xrange(n):
        a = 2.0 * i * math.pi / n
        sa = math.sin(a + aoff)
        ca = math.cos(a + aoff)
        p = (ca * north[0] + sa * east[0], ca * north[1] + sa * east[1],
             ca * north[2] + sa * east[2])
            geom.sphericalCoords((cr * c[0] + sr * p[0], cr * c[1] + sr * p[1],
                                  cr * c[2] + sr * p[2])))
    return points
def pointsOnCircle(c, r, n):
    """Generates an n-gon lying on the circle with center c and
    radius r. Vertices are equi-spaced.
    points = []
    c = geom.cartesianUnitVector(c)
    north, east = geom.northEast(c)
    sr = math.sin(math.radians(r))
    cr = math.cos(math.radians(r))
    aoff = random.uniform(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi)
    for i in xrange(n):
        a = 2.0 * i * math.pi / n
        sa = math.sin(a + aoff)
        ca = math.cos(a + aoff)
        p = (ca * north[0] + sa * east[0],
             ca * north[1] + sa * east[1],
             ca * north[2] + sa * east[2])
        points.append(geom.sphericalCoords((cr * c[0] + sr * p[0],
                                            cr * c[1] + sr * p[1],
                                            cr * c[2] + sr * p[2])))
    return points
 def testPrune2(self):
     coarseRes = 3
     subdiv = 6
     fineRes = coarseRes * subdiv
     coarseQs = skypix.QuadSpherePixelization(coarseRes, 0.0)
     fineQs = skypix.QuadSpherePixelization(fineRes, 0.0)
     for skyTileId in coarseQs:
         root, cx, cy = coarseQs.coords(skyTileId)
         skyTile = utils.PT1SkyTile(coarseRes, root, cx, cy, skyTileId)
         for cid in coarseQs:
             root2, cx2, cy2 = coarseQs.coords(cid)
             for x in xrange(cx2 * subdiv, (cx2 + 1) * subdiv):
                 for y in xrange(cy2 * subdiv, (cy2 + 1) * subdiv):
                     pixelCenter = geom.sphericalCoords(
                         fineQs.getCenter(fineQs.id(root2, x, y)))
                     s = afwCoord.IcrsCoord(pixelCenter[0] * degrees,
                                            pixelCenter[1] * degrees)
                     if root == root2 and cx == cx2 and cy == cy2:
                         self.assertEqual(skyTile.contains(s), True)
                         self.assertEqual(skyTile.contains(s), False)
 def testPrune2(self):
     coarseRes = 3
     subdiv = 6
     fineRes = coarseRes * subdiv
     coarseQs = skypix.QuadSpherePixelization(coarseRes, 0.0)
     fineQs = skypix.QuadSpherePixelization(fineRes, 0.0)
     for skyTileId in coarseQs:
         root, cx, cy = coarseQs.coords(skyTileId)
         skyTile = utils.PT1SkyTile(coarseRes, root, cx, cy, skyTileId)
         for cid in coarseQs:
             root2, cx2, cy2 = coarseQs.coords(cid)
             for x in xrange(cx2 * subdiv, (cx2 + 1) * subdiv):
                 for y in xrange(cy2 * subdiv, (cy2 + 1) * subdiv):
                     pixelCenter = geom.sphericalCoords(
                         fineQs.getCenter(fineQs.id(root2, x, y)))
                     s = afwCoord.IcrsCoord(pixelCenter[0] * degrees,
                                            pixelCenter[1] * degrees)
                     if root == root2 and cx == cx2 and cy == cy2:
                        self.assertEqual(skyTile.contains(s), True)
                        self.assertEqual(skyTile.contains(s), False)
def findWcsCoveringSkyTile(skyPixelization, skyTileId, imageRes):
    """Computes and returns a TAN WCS such that a 2D image with the
    given WCS and the following properties completely covers the
    sky-tile with the given pixel id:

    - NAXIS1/NAXIS2 >= imageRes
    - CRPIX1 = NAXIS1 / 2 + 0.5
    - CRPIX2 = NAXIS2 / 2 + 0.5
    if not isinstance(imageRes, (int, long)):
        raise TypeError("Image resolution must be an integer")
    if imageRes < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Image resolution must be at least 1")
    crpix = afwGeom.Point2D(0.5 * (imageRes + 1), 0.5 * (imageRes + 1))
    crval = geom.sphericalCoords(skyPixelization.getCenter(skyTileId))
    crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, crval[0] * afwGeom.degrees,
                               crval[1] * afwGeom.degrees)
    skyTile = skyPixelization.getGeometry(skyTileId)
    # Start with a huge TAN image centered at the sky-tile center,
    # then shrink it using binary search to determine suitable
    # CD matrix coefficients
    scale = 1000.0  # deg/pixel, ridiculously large
    delta = 0.5 * scale
    frac = 0.01  # desired relative accuracy of CD matrix coeffs
    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
    imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
    # Make sure the initial guess really is too large
    if not imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to construct image WCS covering sky-tile")
    # Search for a WCS with a tight fit to the sky-tile. Note that the
    # tightness of fit could be further improved by searching for a rotation
    # and not just a pixel scale.
    while delta >= frac * scale:
        tmp = scale - delta
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, tmp, 0.0, 0.0, tmp)
        imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
        delta *= 0.5
        if imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
            scale = tmp
    return afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
def findWcsCoveringSkyTile(skyPixelization, skyTileId, imageRes):
    """Computes and returns a TAN WCS such that a 2D image with the
    given WCS and the following properties completely covers the
    sky-tile with the given pixel id:

    - NAXIS1/NAXIS2 >= imageRes
    - CRPIX1 = NAXIS1 / 2 + 0.5
    - CRPIX2 = NAXIS2 / 2 + 0.5
    if not isinstance(imageRes, (int, long)):
        raise TypeError("Image resolution must be an integer")
    if imageRes < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Image resolution must be at least 1")
    crpix = afwGeom.Point2D(0.5*(imageRes + 1), 0.5*(imageRes + 1))
    crval = geom.sphericalCoords(skyPixelization.getCenter(skyTileId))
    crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, crval[0] * afwGeom.degrees, crval[1] * afwGeom.degrees)
    skyTile = skyPixelization.getGeometry(skyTileId)
    # Start with a huge TAN image centered at the sky-tile center,
    # then shrink it using binary search to determine suitable
    # CD matrix coefficients
    scale = 1000.0  # deg/pixel, ridiculously large
    delta = 0.5*scale
    frac = 0.01 # desired relative accuracy of CD matrix coeffs
    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
    imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
    # Make sure the initial guess really is too large
    if not imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to construct image WCS covering sky-tile")
    # Search for a WCS with a tight fit to the sky-tile. Note that the
    # tightness of fit could be further improved by searching for a rotation
    # and not just a pixel scale.
    while delta >= frac * scale:
        tmp = scale - delta
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, tmp, 0.0, 0.0, tmp)
        imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
        delta *= 0.5
        if imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
            scale = tmp
    return afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
def buildPoints(refFile, posFile, radius):
    """Builds test data for point within circle matches.
    assert radius > 0.0 and radius < 5.0

    # Divide unit sphere into latitude angle stripes
    phiMin = -90.0
    phiMax = 90.0
    i = 0
    deltaPhi = 4.0 * radius;
    phi = phiMin
    while phi < phiMax:
        centerPhi = geom.clampPhi(max(abs(phi), abs(phi + deltaPhi)))
        deltaTheta = geom.maxAlpha(4.0 * radius, centerPhi)
        theta = 0.0
        refOutput = []
        posOutput = []
        # Divide latitude angle stripes into boxes (by longitude angle)
        while theta < 360.0 - 2.0 * deltaTheta:
            # Create a random point inside a sub-region of each box
            # such that a circle of the given radius centered on that
            # point is guaranteed not to cross the box boundaries
            if theta == 0.0:
                # make sure longitude angle wrap-around is tested
                p = pointInBox(360.0 - 0.125 * deltaTheta,
                               0.125 * deltaTheta,
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.38),
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.62))
                p = pointInBox(theta + deltaTheta * 0.38,
                               theta + deltaTheta * 0.62,
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.38),
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.62))
            refId = i
            i += 1

            # Generate matches
            numMatches = random.randint(0, MAX_MATCHES)
            pIn = pointsOnCircle(p, radius - MATCH_ACCURACY, numMatches)
            pOut = pointsOnCircle(p, radius + MATCH_ACCURACY, numMatches)
            if len(pIn) > 1:
                # shift first point inwards towards p to make it the
                # closest match
                v1 = geom.cartesianUnitVector(p)
                v2 = geom.cartesianUnitVector(pIn[0])
                v3 = geom.normalize((v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1], v1[2] + v2[2]))
                pIn[0] = geom.sphericalCoords(v3)
            matches = ' '.join(map(str, xrange(i, i + len(pIn))))
            # Write out reference position
                (p[1], "%d,%s,%s,%s\n" % (refId, repr(p[0]), repr(p[1]), matches)))
            # Write out matching positions
            for p in pIn:
                    (p[1], "%d,%s,%s,%d\n" % (i, repr(p[0]), repr(p[1]), refId)))
                i += 1
            # Write out positions with no matches
            for p in pOut:
                    (p[1], "%d,%s,%s,\n" % (i, repr(p[0]), repr(p[1]))))
                i += 1
            theta += deltaTheta
        for r in refOutput:
        for p in posOutput:
        phi += deltaPhi
def buildPoints(refFile, posFile, radius):
    """Builds test data for point within circle matches.
    assert radius > 0.0 and radius < 5.0

    # Divide unit sphere into latitude angle stripes
    phiMin = -90.0
    phiMax = 90.0
    i = 0
    deltaPhi = 4.0 * radius
    phi = phiMin
    while phi < phiMax:
        centerPhi = geom.clampPhi(max(abs(phi), abs(phi + deltaPhi)))
        deltaTheta = geom.maxAlpha(4.0 * radius, centerPhi)
        theta = 0.0
        refOutput = []
        posOutput = []
        # Divide latitude angle stripes into boxes (by longitude angle)
        while theta < 360.0 - 2.0 * deltaTheta:
            # Create a random point inside a sub-region of each box
            # such that a circle of the given radius centered on that
            # point is guaranteed not to cross the box boundaries
            if theta == 0.0:
                # make sure longitude angle wrap-around is tested
                p = pointInBox(360.0 - 0.125 * deltaTheta, 0.125 * deltaTheta,
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.38),
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.62))
                p = pointInBox(theta + deltaTheta * 0.38,
                               theta + deltaTheta * 0.62,
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.38),
                               geom.clampPhi(phi + deltaPhi * 0.62))
            refId = i
            i += 1

            # Generate matches
            numMatches = random.randint(0, MAX_MATCHES)
            pIn = pointsOnCircle(p, radius - MATCH_ACCURACY, numMatches)
            pOut = pointsOnCircle(p, radius + MATCH_ACCURACY, numMatches)
            if len(pIn) > 1:
                # shift first point inwards towards p to make it the
                # closest match
                v1 = geom.cartesianUnitVector(p)
                v2 = geom.cartesianUnitVector(pIn[0])
                v3 = geom.normalize(
                    (v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1], v1[2] + v2[2]))
                pIn[0] = geom.sphericalCoords(v3)
            matches = ' '.join(map(str, xrange(i, i + len(pIn))))
            # Write out reference position
                 "%d,%s,%s,%s\n" % (refId, repr(p[0]), repr(p[1]), matches)))
            # Write out matching positions
            for p in pIn:
                     "%d,%s,%s,%d\n" % (i, repr(p[0]), repr(p[1]), refId)))
                i += 1
            # Write out positions with no matches
            for p in pOut:
                    (p[1], "%d,%s,%s,\n" % (i, repr(p[0]), repr(p[1]))))
                i += 1
            theta += deltaTheta
        for r in refOutput:
        for p in posOutput:
        phi += deltaPhi