def detectSources(exposure, threshold, psf=None):
    """Detect sources above positiveThreshold in the provided exposure returning the sourceList

    if not psf:
        FWHM = 5
        psf = algorithms.createPSF("DoubleGaussian", 15, 15, FWHM/(2*math.sqrt(2*math.log(2))))

    # Subtract background
    mi = exposure.getMaskedImage()
    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.NATURAL_SPLINE);
    bctrl.setNxSample(int(mi.getWidth()/256) + 1);
    bctrl.setNySample(int(mi.getHeight()/256) + 1);
    backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

    img = mi.getImage(); img -= backobj.getImageF(); del img

    if display:

    ds = detectFootprints(exposure, threshold)

    objects = ds.getFootprints()
    # Time to actually measure
    measPipelineDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir('meas_pipeline')
    moPolicy = policy.Policy.createPolicy(os.path.join(measPipelineDir,
                                                       "policy", "MeasureSources.paf"))
    moPolicy = moPolicy.getPolicy("measureObjects")

    measureSources = algorithms.makeMeasureSources(exposure, moPolicy, psf)

    sourceList = afwDetection.SourceSet()
    for i in range(len(objects)):
        source = afwDetection.Source()

        source.setFlagForDetection(source.getFlagForDetection() | algorithms.Flags.BINNED1);

            measureSources.apply(source, objects[i])
        except Exception:

        if source.getFlagForDetection() & algorithms.Flags.EDGE:

        if display:
            xc, yc = source.getXAstrom() - mi.getX0(), source.getYAstrom() - mi.getY0()
            if False:
      "%.1f %d" % (source.getPsfFlux(), source.getId()), xc, yc+1)

  "+", xc, yc, size=1)

    return sourceList
def detectSources(exposure, threshold, psf=None):
    """Detect sources above positiveThreshold in the provided exposure returning the sourceList

    if not psf:
        FWHM = 5
        psf = algorithms.createPSF("DoubleGaussian", 15, 15,
                                   FWHM / (2 * math.sqrt(2 * math.log(2))))

    # Subtract background
    mi = exposure.getMaskedImage()
    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.NATURAL_SPLINE)
    bctrl.setNxSample(int(mi.getWidth() / 256) + 1)
    bctrl.setNySample(int(mi.getHeight() / 256) + 1)
    backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

    img = mi.getImage()
    img -= backobj.getImageF()
    del img

    if display:
        disp = afwDisplay.Display()

    ds = detectFootprints(exposure, threshold)

    objects = ds.getFootprints()
    # Time to actually measure
    measPipelineDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir('meas_pipeline')
    moPolicy = policy.Policy.createPolicy(
        os.path.join(measPipelineDir, "policy", "MeasureSources.paf"))
    moPolicy = moPolicy.getPolicy("measureObjects")

    measureSources = algorithms.makeMeasureSources(exposure, moPolicy, psf)

    sourceList = afwDetection.SourceSet()
    for i in range(len(objects)):
        source = afwDetection.Source()

                                   | algorithms.Flags.BINNED1)

            measureSources.apply(source, objects[i])
        except Exception:

        if source.getFlagForDetection() & algorithms.Flags.EDGE:

        if display:
            xc, yc = source.getXAstrom() - mi.getX0(), source.getYAstrom(
            ) - mi.getY0()
            if False:
                    "%.1f %d" % (source.getPsfInstFlux(), source.getId()), xc,
                    yc + 1)

  "+", xc, yc, size=1)

    return sourceList
    def run2(self, exposure, defects=None, background=None):
        assert exposure is not None, "No exposure provided"
        print('creating fake PSF...')
        psf, wcs = self.fakePsf(exposure)
        print('wcs is', wcs)

        if False:
            import lsst.meas.utils.sourceDetection as muDetection
            import lsst.meas.utils.sourceMeasurement as muMeasurement
            # : detect()
            print('Simulating detect()...')
            policy = self.config['detect']
            posSources, negSources = muDetection.detectSources(
                exposure, psf, policy.getPolicy())
            numPos = len(
                posSources.getFootprints()) if posSources is not None else 0
            numNeg = len(
                negSources.getFootprints()) if negSources is not None else 0
            print('found', numPos, 'pos and', numNeg, 'neg footprints')
            footprintSet = posSources
            # : measure()
            print('Simulating measure()...')
            policy = self.config['measure'].getPolicy()
            footprints = []
            num = len(footprintSet.getFootprints())
                         "Measuring %d positive footprints" % num)
            footprints.append([footprintSet.getFootprints(), False])
            sources = muMeasurement.sourceMeasurement(exposure, psf,
                                                      footprints, policy)
            print('sources:', sources)
            for s in sources:
                print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(),
                      s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())
            # sourceMeasurement():
            import lsst.meas.algorithms as measAlg
            import lsst.afw.detection as afwDetection
            print('Simulating sourceMeasurement()...')
            measureSources = measAlg.makeMeasureSources(exposure, policy)
            # print('ms policy', str(measureSources.getPolicy()))
            # print('ms astrom:', measureSources.getMeasureAstrom())
            # print('ms photom:', measureSources.getMeasurePhotom())
            # print('ms shape:', measureSources.getMeasureShape())
            F = footprints[0][0]
            for i in range(len(F)):
                # create a new source, and add it to the list, initialize ...
                s = afwDetection.Source()
                f = F[i]
                print('measuring footprint', f)
                measureSources.apply(s, f)
                print('got', s)
                print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(),
                      s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())

        print('initial photometry...')
        sources, footprints = self.phot(exposure, psf)
        # print('got sources', str(sources))
        # print('got footprints', str(footprints))
        # print('sources:', sources)
        print('got sources:', len(sources))
        for s in sources:
            print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(),
                  s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())
        sources = self.rephot(exposure, footprints, psf)
        # print('got sources', str(sources))
        print('sources:', len(sources))
        for s in sources:
            print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(),
                  s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())
        return psf, sources, footprints
    def run2(self, exposure, defects=None, background=None):
        assert exposure is not None, "No exposure provided"
        print('creating fake PSF...')
        psf, wcs = self.fakePsf(exposure)
        print('wcs is', wcs)

        if False:
            import lsst.meas.utils.sourceDetection as muDetection
            import lsst.meas.utils.sourceMeasurement as muMeasurement
            # : detect()
            print('Simulating detect()...')
            policy = self.config['detect']
            posSources, negSources = muDetection.detectSources(exposure, psf, policy.getPolicy())
            numPos = len(posSources.getFootprints()) if posSources is not None else 0
            numNeg = len(negSources.getFootprints()) if negSources is not None else 0
            print('found', numPos, 'pos and', numNeg, 'neg footprints')
            footprintSet = posSources
            # : measure()
            print('Simulating measure()...')
            policy = self.config['measure'].getPolicy()
            footprints = []
            num = len(footprintSet.getFootprints())
            self.log.log(self.log.INFO, "Measuring %d positive footprints" % num)
            footprints.append([footprintSet.getFootprints(), False])
            sources = muMeasurement.sourceMeasurement(exposure, psf, footprints, policy)
            print('sources:', sources)
            for s in sources:
                print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(),
                      s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())
            # sourceMeasurement():
            import lsst.meas.algorithms as measAlg
            import lsst.afw.detection as afwDetection
            print('Simulating sourceMeasurement()...')
            measureSources = measAlg.makeMeasureSources(exposure, policy)
            # print('ms policy', str(measureSources.getPolicy()))
            # print('ms astrom:', measureSources.getMeasureAstrom())
            # print('ms photom:', measureSources.getMeasurePhotom())
            # print('ms shape:', measureSources.getMeasureShape())
            F = footprints[0][0]
            for i in range(len(F)):
                # create a new source, and add it to the list, initialize ...
                s = afwDetection.Source()
                f = F[i]
                print('measuring footprint', f)
                measureSources.apply(s, f)
                print('got', s)
                print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(),
                      s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())

        print('initial photometry...')
        sources, footprints = self.phot(exposure, psf)
        # print('got sources', str(sources))
        # print('got footprints', str(footprints))
        # print('sources:', sources)
        print('got sources:', len(sources))
        for s in sources:
            print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(), s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())
        sources = self.rephot(exposure, footprints, psf)
        # print('got sources', str(sources))
        print('sources:', len(sources))
        for s in sources:
            print('  ', s, s.getXAstrom(), s.getYAstrom(), s.getPsfFlux(), s.getIxx(), s.getIyy(), s.getIxy())
        return psf, sources, footprints
    def measure(self):
        """Detect and measure sources"""
        mi = self.exposure.getMaskedImage()

        # We do a pretty good job of interpolating, so don't propagagate the convolved CR/INTRP bits
        # (we'll keep them for the original CR/INTRP pixels)
        savedMask = mi.getMask().Factory(mi.getMask(), True)
        saveBits = savedMask.getPlaneBitMask("CR") | \
                   savedMask.getPlaneBitMask("BAD") | \
                   savedMask.getPlaneBitMask("INTRP") # Bits to not convolve
        savedMask &= saveBits

        msk = mi.getMask(); msk &= ~saveBits; del msk # Clear the saved bits
        # Smooth image
        cnvImage = mi.Factory(mi.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT))
        afwMath.convolve(cnvImage, mi, self.psf.getKernel(), afwMath.ConvolutionControl())

        msk = cnvImage.getMask(); msk |= savedMask; del msk # restore the saved bits

        threshold = afwDetection.Threshold(3, afwDetection.Threshold.STDEV)
        # Only search the part of the frame that was PSF-smoothed
        llc = afwGeom.PointI(self.psf.getKernel().getWidth()/2, self.psf.getKernel().getHeight()/2)
        urc = afwGeom.PointI(cnvImage.getWidth() - 1, cnvImage.getHeight() - 1) - afwGeom.ExtentI(llc[0], llc[1]);
        middle = cnvImage.Factory(cnvImage, afwGeom.BoxI(llc, urc), afwImage.LOCAL)
        ds = afwDetection.FootprintSetF(middle, threshold, "DETECTED")
        del middle
        # ds only searched the middle but it belongs to the entire MaskedImage
        # We want to grow the detections into the edge by at least one pixel so that it sees the EDGE bit
        grow, isotropic = 1, False
        ds = afwDetection.FootprintSetF(ds, grow, isotropic)
        ds.setMask(mi.getMask(), "DETECTED")
        # Reinstate the saved (e.g. BAD) (and also the DETECTED | EDGE) bits in the unsmoothed image
        savedMask <<= cnvImage.getMask()
        msk = mi.getMask(); msk |= savedMask; del msk
        del savedMask; savedMask = None

        #msk = mi.getMask(); msk &= ~0x10; del msk # XXXX

        if self.display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 0, lowOrderBits = True)
            ds9.mtv(cnvImage, frame = 1)

        objects = ds.getFootprints()
        # Time to actually measure
        msPolicy = policy.Policy.createPolicy(policy.DefaultPolicyFile("meas_algorithms",
        msPolicy = msPolicy.getPolicy("measureSources")
        measureSources = measAlg.makeMeasureSources(self.exposure, msPolicy)
        self.sourceList = afwDetection.SourceSet()
        for i in range(len(objects)):
            source = afwDetection.Source()

            source.setFlagForDetection(source.getFlagForDetection() | measAlg.Flags.BINNED1);

                measureSources.apply(source, objects[i])
            except Exception, e:
                    print e
                except Exception, ee:
                    print ee