def testColumnNames(self):
        Test the method that returns the names of columns in a table
        dbobj = DBObject(driver=self.driver, database=self.db_name)
        names = dbobj.get_column_names('doubleTable')
        self.assertEqual(len(names), 3)
        self.assertIn('id', names)
        self.assertIn('sqrt', names)
        self.assertIn('log', names)

        names = dbobj.get_column_names('intTable')
        self.assertEqual(len(names), 3)
        self.assertIn('id', names)
        self.assertIn('twice', names)
        self.assertIn('thrice', names)

        names = dbobj.get_column_names()
        keys = ['doubleTable', 'intTable', 'junkTable']
        for kk in names:
            self.assertIn(kk, keys)

        self.assertEqual(len(names['doubleTable']), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(names['intTable']), 3)
        self.assertIn('id', names['doubleTable'])
        self.assertIn('sqrt', names['doubleTable'])
        self.assertIn('log', names['doubleTable'])
        self.assertIn('id', names['intTable'])
        self.assertIn('twice', names['intTable'])
        self.assertIn('thrice', names['intTable'])
    def testColumnNames(self):
        Test the method that returns the names of columns in a table
        dbobj = DBObject(driver=self.driver, database=self.db_name)
        names = dbobj.get_column_names('doubleTable')
        self.assertEqual(len(names), 3)
        self.assertIn('id', names)
        self.assertIn('sqrt', names)
        self.assertIn('log', names)

        names = dbobj.get_column_names('intTable')
        self.assertEqual(len(names), 3)
        self.assertIn('id', names)
        self.assertIn('twice', names)
        self.assertIn('thrice', names)

        names = dbobj.get_column_names()
        keys = ['doubleTable', 'intTable', 'junkTable']
        for kk in names:
            self.assertIn(kk, keys)

        self.assertEqual(len(names['doubleTable']), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(names['intTable']), 3)
        self.assertIn('id', names['doubleTable'])
        self.assertIn('sqrt', names['doubleTable'])
        self.assertIn('log', names['doubleTable'])
        self.assertIn('id', names['intTable'])
        self.assertIn('twice', names['intTable'])
        self.assertIn('thrice', names['intTable'])
class ObservationMetaDataGenerator(object):
    A class that allows the user to generate instantiations of
    `lsst.sims.utils.ObservationMetaData` corresponding to OpSim pointings.
    The functionality includes:
    - getOpSimRecords : obtain OpSim records matching the intersection of user
        specified ranges on each column in the OpSim output database. The
        records are in the form of a `numpy.recarray`
    - ObservationMetaDataFromPointing : convert an OpSim record for a single
        OpSim Pointing to an instance of ObservationMetaData usable by catsim
        and PhoSim Instance Catalogs.
    - getObservationMetaData : Obtain a list of ObservationMetaData instances
        corresponding to OpSim pointings matching the intersection of user
        specified ranges on each column in the OpSim output database.

    The major method is ObservationMetaDataGenerator.getObservationMetaData()
    which accepts bounds on columns of the opsim summary table and returns
    a list of ObservationMetaData instantiations that fall within those

    def _set_seeing_column(self, input_summary_columns):
        input_summary_columns is a list of columns in the OpSim database schema

        This method sets the member variable self._seeing_column to a string
        denoting the name of the seeing column in the OpSimDatabase.  It also
        sets self._user_interface_to_opsim['seeing'] to the correct value.

        if 'FWHMeff' in input_summary_columns:
            self._seeing_column = 'FWHMeff'
            self._seeing_column = 'finSeeing'

        self._user_interface_to_opsim['seeing'] = (self._seeing_column, None, float)

    def __init__(self, database=None, driver='sqlite', host=None, port=None):
        Constructor for the class

        database : string
            absolute path to the output of the OpSim database
        driver : string, optional, defaults to 'sqlite'
            driver/dialect for the SQL database
        host : hostName, optional, defaults to None,
            hostName, None is good for a local database
        port : hostName, optional, defaults to None,
            port, None is good for a local database

        Instance of the ObserverMetaDataGenerator class

        ..notes : For testing purposes a small OpSim database is available at
        `os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_data'), 'OpSimData/opsimblitz1_1133_sqlite.db')`
        self.driver = driver = host
        self.port = port
        self.database = database
        self._seeing_column = 'FWHMeff'

        # a dict keyed on the user interface names of the OpSimdata columns
        # (i.e. the args to getObservationMetaData).  Returns a tuple that is the
        # (name of data column in OpSim, transformation to go from user interface to OpSim units,
        # dtype in OpSim)
        # Note: this dict will contain entries for every column (except propID) in the OpSim
        # summary table, not just those the ObservationMetaDataGenerator is designed to query
        # on.  The idea is that ObservationMetaData generated by this class will carry around
        # records of the values of all of the associated OpSim Summary columns so that users
        # can pass those values on to PhoSim/other tools and thier own discretion.
        self._user_interface_to_opsim = {'obsHistID': ('obsHistID', None, np.int64),
                                         'expDate': ('expDate', None, int),
                                         'fieldRA': ('fieldRA', np.radians, float),
                                         'fieldDec': ('fieldDec', np.radians, float),
                                         'moonRA': ('moonRA', np.radians, float),
                                         'moonDec': ('moonDec', np.radians, float),
                                         'rotSkyPos': ('rotSkyPos', np.radians, float),
                                             ('filter', lambda x: '\'{}\''.format(x), (str, 1)),
                                         'rawSeeing': ('rawSeeing', None, float),
                                         'sunAlt': ('sunAlt', np.radians, float),
                                         'moonAlt': ('moonAlt', np.radians, float),
                                         'dist2Moon': ('dist2Moon', np.radians, float),
                                         'moonPhase': ('moonPhase', None, float),
                                         'expMJD': ('expMJD', None, float),
                                         'altitude': ('altitude', np.radians, float),
                                         'azimuth': ('azimuth', np.radians, float),
                                         'visitExpTime': ('visitExpTime', None, float),
                                         'airmass': ('airmass', None, float),
                                         'm5': ('fiveSigmaDepth', None, float),
                                         'skyBrightness': ('filtSkyBrightness', None, float),
                                         'sessionID': ('sessionID', None, int),
                                         'fieldID': ('fieldID', None, int),
                                         'night': ('night', None, int),
                                         'visitTime': ('visitTime', None, float),
                                         'finRank': ('finRank', None, float),
                                         'FWHMgeom': ('FWHMgeom', None, float),
                                         # do not include FWHMeff; that is detected by
                                         # self._set_seeing_column()
                                         'transparency': ('transparency', None, float),
                                         'vSkyBright': ('vSkyBright', None, float),
                                         'rotTelPos': ('rotTelPos', None, float),
                                         'lst': ('lst', None, float),
                                         'solarElong': ('solarElong', None, float),
                                         'moonAz': ('moonAz', None, float),
                                         'sunAz': ('sunAz', None, float),
                                         'phaseAngle': ('phaseAngle', None, float),
                                         'rScatter': ('rScatter', None, float),
                                         'mieScatter': ('mieScatter', None, float),
                                         'moonBright': ('moonBright', None, float),
                                         'darkBright': ('darkBright', None, float),
                                         'wind': ('wind', None, float),
                                         'humidity': ('humidity', None, float),
                                         'slewDist': ('slewDist', None, float),
                                         'slewTime': ('slewTime', None, float),
                                         'ditheredRA': ('ditheredRA', None, float),
                                         'ditheredDec': ('ditheredDec', None, float)}

        if self.database is None:

        if not os.path.exists(self.database):
            raise RuntimeError('%s does not exist' % self.database)

        self.opsimdb = DBObject(driver=self.driver, database=self.database,
                      , port=self.port)

        # 27 January 2016
        # Detect whether the OpSim db you are connecting to uses 'finSeeing'
        # as its seeing column (deprecated), or FWHMeff, which is the modern
        # standard
        self._summary_columns = self.opsimdb.get_column_names('Summary')

        # Set up self.dtype containg the dtype of the recarray we expect back from the SQL query.
        # Also setup baseQuery which is just the SELECT clause of the SQL query
        # self.active_columns will be a list containing the subset of OpSim database columns
        # (specified in self._user_interface_to_opsim) that actually exist in this opsim database
        dtypeList = []
        self.baseQuery = 'SELECT'
        self.active_columns = []

        self._queried_columns = []  # This will be a list of all of the
                                    # OpSim columns queried
                                    # Note: here we will refer to the
                                    # columns by their names in OpSim

        for column in self._user_interface_to_opsim:
            rec = self._user_interface_to_opsim[column]
            if rec[0] in self._summary_columns:
                dtypeList.append((rec[0], rec[2]))
                if self.baseQuery != 'SELECT':
                    self.baseQuery += ','
                self.baseQuery += ' ' + rec[0]

        # Now loop over self._summary_columns, adding any columns
        # to the query that have not already been included therein.
        # Since we do not have explicit information about the
        # data types of these columns, we will assume they are floats.
        for column in self._summary_columns:
            if column not in self._queried_columns:
                self.baseQuery += ', ' + column
                dtypeList.append((column, float))

        self.dtype = np.dtype(dtypeList)

    def getOpSimRecords(self, obsHistID=None, expDate=None, night=None, fieldRA=None,
                        fieldDec=None, moonRA=None, moonDec=None,
                        rotSkyPos=None, telescopeFilter=None, rawSeeing=None,
                        seeing=None, sunAlt=None, moonAlt=None, dist2Moon=None,
                        moonPhase=None, expMJD=None, altitude=None,
                        azimuth=None, visitExpTime=None, airmass=None,
                        skyBrightness=None, m5=None, boundType='circle',
                        boundLength=1.75, limit=None):
        This method will query the summary table in the `self.opsimdb` database
        according to constraints specified in the input ranges and return a
        `numpy.recarray` containing the records that match those constraints. If limit
        is used, the first N records will be returned in the list.

        obsHistID, expDate, night, fieldRA, fieldDec, moonRa, moonDec, rotSkyPos,
        telescopeFilter, rawSeeing, seeing, sunAlt, moonAlt, dist2Moon,
        moonPhase, expMJD, altitude, azimuth, visitExpTime, airmass,
        skyBrightness, m5 : tuples of length 2, optional, defaults to None
            each of these variables represent a single column (perhaps through
            an alias) in the OpSim database, and potentially in a different unit.
            if not None, the variable self.columnMapping is used to constrain
            the corresponding column in the OpSim database to the ranges (inclusive)
            specified in the tuples, after a unit transformation if necessary.

            The ranges must be specified in the tuple in degrees for all angles in this
            (moonRa, moonDec, rotSkyPos, sunAlt, moonAlt, dist2Moon, altitude,
            azimuth). The times in  (expMJD, are in units of MJD). visitExpTime has
            units of seconds since the start of the survey. moonPhase is a number
            from 0., to 100.
        boundType : `sims.utils.ObservationMetaData.boundType`, optional, defaults to 'circle'
            {'circle', 'box'} denoting the shape of the pointing. Further
            documentation ```
        boundLength : float, optional, defaults to 0.1
            sets `sims.utils.ObservationMetaData.boundLenght`
        limit : integer, optional, defaults to None
            if not None, denotes max number of records returned by the query

        `numpy.recarray` with OpSim records. The column names may be obtained as

        .. notes:: The `limit` argument should only be used if a small example
        is required. The angle ranges in the argument should be specified in degrees.


        query = self.baseQuery + ' FROM SUMMARY'

        nConstraints = 0  # the number of constraints in this query

        for column in self._user_interface_to_opsim:
            transform = self._user_interface_to_opsim[column]

            # this try/except block is because there will be columns in the OpSim Summary
            # table (and thus in self._user_interface_to_opsim) which the
            # ObservationMetaDataGenerator is not designed to query on
                value = eval(column)
                value = None

            if value is not None:
                if column not in self.active_columns:
                    raise RuntimeError("You have asked ObservationMetaDataGenerator to SELECT pointings on "
                                       "%s; that column does not exist in your OpSim database" % column)
                if nConstraints > 0:
                    query += ' AND'
                    query += ' WHERE '

                if isinstance(value, tuple):
                    if len(value) > 2:
                        raise RuntimeError('Cannot pass a tuple longer than 2 elements ' +
                                           'to getObservationMetaData: %s is len %d'
                                           % (column, len(value)))

                    # perform any necessary coordinate transformations
                    if transform[1] is not None:
                        vmin = transform[1](value[0])
                        vmax = transform[1](value[1])
                        vmin = value[0]
                        vmax = value[1]

                    query += ' %s >= %s AND %s <= %s' % \
                             (transform[0], vmin, transform[0], vmax)
                    # perform any necessary coordinate transformations
                    if transform[1] is not None:
                        vv = transform[1](value)
                        vv = value
                    query += ' %s == %s' % (transform[0], vv)

                nConstraints += 1

        query += ' GROUP BY expMJD ORDER BY expMJD'

        if limit is not None:
            query += ' LIMIT %d' % limit

        if nConstraints == 0 and limit is None:
            raise RuntimeError('You did not specify any contraints on your query;' +
                               ' you will just return ObservationMetaData for all poitnings')

        results = self.opsimdb.execute_arbitrary(query, dtype=self.dtype)
        return results

    def ObservationMetaDataFromPointing(self, OpSimPointingRecord, OpSimColumns=None,
                                        boundLength=1.75, boundType='circle'):
        Return instance of ObservationMetaData for an OpSim Pointing record
        from OpSim.

        OpSimPointingRecord : Dictionary, mandatory
            Dictionary of values with keys corresponding to certain columns of
            the Summary table in the OpSim database. The minimal list of keys
            required for catsim to work is 'fiveSigmaDepth',
            'filtSkyBrightness', and at least one of ('finSeeing', 'FWHMeff').
            More keys defined in columnMap may be necessary for PhoSim to work.
        OpSimColumns : tuple of strings, optional, defaults to None
            The columns corresponding to the OpSim records. If None, attempts
            to obtain these from the OpSimRecord as OpSimRecord.dtype.names
        boundType : {'circle', 'box'}, optional, defaults to 'circle'
            Shape of the observation
        boundLength : scalar float, optional, defaults to 1.75
            'characteristic size' of observation field, in units of degrees.
            For boundType='circle', this is a radius, for boundType='box', this
            is a size of the box

        pointing = OpSimPointingRecord
        pointing_column_names = pointing.dtype.names
        # Decide what is the name of the column in the OpSim database
        # corresponding to the Seeing. For older OpSim outputs, this is
        # 'finSeeing'. For later OpSim outputs this is 'FWHMeff'
        if OpSimColumns is None:
            OpSimColumns = pointing_column_names


        # check to make sure the OpSim pointings being supplied contain
        # the minimum required information
        for required_column in ('fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'expMJD', 'filter'):
            if required_column not in OpSimColumns:
                raise RuntimeError("ObservationMetaDataGenerator requires that the database of "
                                   "pointings include the coluns:\nfieldRA (in radians)"
                                   "\nfieldDec (in radians)\nexpMJD\nfilter")

        # construct a raw dict of all of the OpSim columns associated with this pointing
        raw_dict = dict([(col, pointing[col]) for col in pointing_column_names])

        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=np.degrees(pointing['fieldRA']),

        if 'fiveSigmaDepth' in pointing_column_names:
            obs.m5 = pointing['fiveSigmaDepth']
        if 'filtSkyBrightness' in pointing_column_names:
            obs.skyBrightness = pointing['filtSkyBrightness']
        if self._seeing_column in pointing_column_names:
            obs.seeing = pointing[self._seeing_column]
        if 'rotSkyPos' in pointing_column_names:
            obs.rotSkyPos = np.degrees(pointing['rotSkyPos'])

        obs.OpsimMetaData = raw_dict

        return obs

    def ObservationMetaDataFromPointingArray(self, OpSimPointingRecords,
        Static method to get a list of instances of ObservationMetaData
        corresponding to the records in `numpy.recarray`, where it uses
        the dtypes of the recArray for ObservationMetaData attributes that
        require the dtype.

        OpSimPointingRecords : `numpy.recarray` of OpSim Records
        OpSimColumns : a tuple of strings, optional, defaults to None
            tuple of column Names of the data in the `numpy.recarray`. If
            None, these names are extracted from the recarray.
        boundType : {'circle' or 'box'}
            denotes the shape of the pointing
        boundLength : float, optional, defaults to 1.75
            the bound length of the Pointing in units of degrees. For boundType
            'box', this is the length of the side of the square box. For boundType
            'circle' this is the radius.

        if OpSimColumns is None:
            OpSimColumns = OpSimPointingRecords.dtype.names

        out = list(self.ObservationMetaDataFromPointing(OpSimPointingRecord,
                   for OpSimPointingRecord in OpSimPointingRecords)

        return out

    def getObservationMetaData(self, obsHistID=None, expDate=None, night=None, fieldRA=None, fieldDec=None,
                               moonRA=None, moonDec=None, rotSkyPos=None, telescopeFilter=None,
                               rawSeeing=None, seeing=None, sunAlt=None, moonAlt=None, dist2Moon=None,
                               moonPhase=None, expMJD=None, altitude=None, azimuth=None,
                               visitExpTime=None, airmass=None, skyBrightness=None,
                               m5=None, boundType='circle', boundLength=1.75, limit=None):

        This method will query the OpSim database summary table according to user-specified
        constraints and return a list of of ObservationMetaData instantiations consistent
        with those constraints.

        @param [in] limit is an integer denoting the maximum number of ObservationMetaData to
        be returned

        @param [in] boundType is the boundType of the ObservationMetaData to be returned
        (see documentation in sims_catalogs_generation/../db/ for more

        @param [in] boundLength is the boundLength of the ObservationMetaData to be
        returned (in degrees; see documentation in
        sims_catalogs_generation/../db/ for more details)

        All other input parameters are constraints to be placed on the SQL query of the
        opsim output db.  These contraints can either be tuples of the form (min, max)
        or an exact value the user wants returned.  Note: min and max are inclusive

        Parameters that can be constrained are:

        @param [in] fieldRA in degrees
        @param [in] fieldDec in degrees
        @param [in] altitude in degrees
        @param [in] azimuth in degrees

        @param [in] moonRA in degrees
        @param [in] moonDec in degrees
        @param [in] moonAlt in degrees
        @param [in] moonPhase (a value from 1 to 100 indicating how much of the moon is illuminated)
        @param [in] dist2Moon the distance between the telescope pointing and the moon in degrees

        @param [in] sunAlt in degrees

        @param [in[ rotSkyPos (the angle of the sky with respect to the camera coordinate system) in degrees
        @param [in] telescopeFilter a string that is one of u,g,r,i,z,y

        @param [in] airmass
        @param [in] rawSeeing (this is an idealized seeing at zenith at 500nm in arcseconds)
        @param [in] seeing (this is the OpSim column 'FWHMeff' or 'finSeeing' [deprecated] in arcseconds)

        @param [in] visitExpTime the exposure time in seconds
        @param [in] obsHistID the integer used by OpSim to label pointings
        @param [in] expDate is the date of the exposure (units????)
        @param [in] expMJD is the MJD of the exposure
        @param [in] night is the night (an int starting at zero) on which the observation took place
        @param [in] m5 is the five sigma depth of the observation
        @param [in] skyBrightness

        OpSimPointingRecords = self.getOpSimRecords(obsHistID=obsHistID,
                                                    m5=m5, boundType=boundType,

        output = self.ObservationMetaDataFromPointingArray(OpSimPointingRecords,
        return output
class ObservationMetaDataGenerator(object):
    A class that allows the user to generate instantiations of
    `lsst.sims.utils.ObservationMetaData` corresponding to OpSim pointings.
    The functionality includes:
    - getOpSimRecords : obtain OpSim records matching the intersection of user
        specified ranges on each column in the OpSim output database. The
        records are in the form of a `numpy.recarray`
    - ObservationMetaDataFromPointing : convert an OpSim record for a single
        OpSim Pointing to an instance of ObservationMetaData usable by catsim
        and PhoSim Instance Catalogs.
    - getObservationMetaData : Obtain a list of ObservationMetaData instances
        corresponding to OpSim pointings matching the intersection of user
        specified ranges on each column in the OpSim output database.

    The major method is ObservationMetaDataGenerator.getObservationMetaData()
    which accepts bounds on columns of the opsim summary table and returns
    a list of ObservationMetaData instantiations that fall within those

    def table_name(self):
        Return the name of the table in the OpSim database that we are querying
        return 'Summary'

    def _make_opsim_v3_interface(self):
        # a dict keyed on the user interface names of the ObservationMetaData columns
        # (i.e. the args to getObservationMetaData).  Returns a tuple that is the
        # (name of data column in OpSim, transformation to go from user interface to OpSim units,
        # dtype in OpSim)
        # Note: this dict will contain entries for every column (except propID) in the OpSim
        # summary table, not just those the ObservationMetaDataGenerator is designed to query
        # on.  The idea is that ObservationMetaData generated by this class will carry around
        # records of the values of all of the associated OpSim Summary columns so that users
        # can pass those values on to PhoSim/other tools and thier own discretion.

        interface_dict = {'obsHistID': ('obsHistID', None, np.int64),
                          'expDate': ('expDate', None, int),
                          'fieldRA': ('fieldRA', np.radians, float),
                          'fieldDec': ('fieldDec', np.radians, float),
                          'moonRA': ('moonRA', np.radians, float),
                          'moonDec': ('moonDec', np.radians, float),
                          'rotSkyPos': ('rotSkyPos', np.radians, float),
                              ('filter', lambda x: '\'{}\''.format(x), (str, 1)),
                          'rawSeeing': ('rawSeeing', None, float),
                          'sunAlt': ('sunAlt', np.radians, float),
                          'moonAlt': ('moonAlt', np.radians, float),
                          'dist2Moon': ('dist2Moon', np.radians, float),
                          'moonPhase': ('moonPhase', None, float),
                          'expMJD': ('expMJD', None, float),
                          'altitude': ('altitude', np.radians, float),
                          'azimuth': ('azimuth', np.radians, float),
                          'visitExpTime': ('visitExpTime', None, float),
                          'airmass': ('airmass', None, float),
                          'm5': ('fiveSigmaDepth', None, float),
                          'skyBrightness': ('filtSkyBrightness', None, float),
                          'sessionID': ('sessionID', None, int),
                          'fieldID': ('fieldID', None, int),
                          'night': ('night', None, int),
                          'visitTime': ('visitTime', None, float),
                          'finRank': ('finRank', None, float),
                          'FWHMgeom': ('FWHMgeom', None, float),
                          # do not include FWHMeff; that is detected by
                          # self._set_seeing_column()
                          'transparency': ('transparency', None, float),
                          'vSkyBright': ('vSkyBright', None, float),
                          'rotTelPos': ('rotTelPos', None, float),
                          'lst': ('lst', None, float),
                          'solarElong': ('solarElong', None, float),
                          'moonAz': ('moonAz', None, float),
                          'sunAz': ('sunAz', None, float),
                          'phaseAngle': ('phaseAngle', None, float),
                          'rScatter': ('rScatter', None, float),
                          'mieScatter': ('mieScatter', None, float),
                          'moonBright': ('moonBright', None, float),
                          'darkBright': ('darkBright', None, float),
                          'wind': ('wind', None, float),
                          'humidity': ('humidity', None, float),
                          'slewDist': ('slewDist', None, float),
                          'slewTime': ('slewTime', None, float),
                          'ditheredRA': ('ditheredRA', None, float),
                          'ditheredDec': ('ditheredDec', None, float)}

        return interface_dict

    def _make_opsim_v4_interface(self):
        interface_dict = {'obsHistID': ('observationId', None, np.int64),
                          'fieldRA': ('fieldRA', None, float),
                          'fieldDec': ('fieldDec', None, float),
                          'moonRA': ('moonRA', None, float),
                          'moonDec': ('moonDec', None, float),
                          'rotSkyPos': ('rotSkyPos', None, float),
                              ('filter', lambda x: '\'{}\''.format(x), (str, 1)),
                          'sunAlt': ('sunAlt', None, float),
                          'moonAlt': ('moonAlt', None, float),
                          'moonPhase': ('moonPhase', None, float),
                          'expMJD': ('observationStartMJD', None, float),
                          'altitude': ('altitude', None, float),
                          'azimuth': ('azimuth', None, float),
                          'visitExpTime': ('visitExposureTime', None, float),
                          'airmass': ('airmass', None, float),
                          'm5': ('fiveSigmaDepth', None, float),
                          'skyBrightness': ('skyBrightness', None, float),
                          'fieldID': ('fieldId', None, int),
                          'night': ('night', None, int),
                          'visitTime': ('visitTime', None, float),
                          'FWHMgeom': ('seeingFWHMgeom', None, float),
                          # do not include FWHMeff; that is detected by
                          # self._set_seeing_column()
                          'rotTelPos': ('rotTelPos', None, float),
                          'lst': ('observationStartLST', None, float),
                          'solarElong': ('solarElong', None, float),
                          'moonAz': ('moonAz', None, float),
                          'sunAz': ('sunAz', None, float),
                          'slewDist': ('slewDistance', None, float),
                          'slewTime': ('slewTime', None, float)}

        return interface_dict

    def _set_seeing_column(self, input_summary_columns):
        input_summary_columns is a list of columns in the OpSim database schema

        This method sets the member variable self._seeing_column to a string
        denoting the name of the seeing column in the OpSimDatabase.  It also
        sets self.user_interface_to_opsim['seeing'] to the correct value.

        if 'FWHMeff' in input_summary_columns:
            self._seeing_column = 'FWHMeff'
        elif 'seeingFwhmEff' in input_summary_columns:
            self._seeing_column = 'seeingFwhmEff'
            self._seeing_column = 'finSeeing'

        self.user_interface_to_opsim['seeing'] = (self._seeing_column, None, float)

    def opsim_version(self):
        return self._opsim_version

    def user_interface_to_opsim(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_user_interface_to_opsim'):
            if self.opsim_version == 3:
                self._user_interface_to_opsim = self._make_opsim_v3_interface()
            elif self.opsim_version == 4:
                self._user_interface_to_opsim = self._make_opsim_v4_interface()
                raise RuntimeError("Unsure how to handle opsim_version ",self.opsim_version)
        return self._user_interface_to_opsim

    def table_name(self):
        if self.opsim_version == 3:
            return 'Summary'
        elif self.opsim_version == 4:
            return 'SummaryAllProps'
        raise RuntimeError("Unsure how to handle opsim_version ",self.opsim_version)

    def __init__(self, database=None, driver='sqlite', host=None, port=None):
        Constructor for the class

        database : string
            absolute path to the output of the OpSim database
        driver : string, optional, defaults to 'sqlite'
            driver/dialect for the SQL database
        host : hostName, optional, defaults to None,
            hostName, None is good for a local database
        port : hostName, optional, defaults to None,
            port, None is good for a local database

        Instance of the ObserverMetaDataGenerator class

        ..notes : For testing purposes a small OpSim database is available at
        `os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_data'), 'OpSimData/opsimblitz1_1133_sqlite.db')`
        self._opsim_version = None
        self.driver = driver = host
        self.port = port
        self.database = database
        self._seeing_column = 'FWHMeff'

        if self.database is None:

        if not os.path.isfile(self.database):
            raise RuntimeError('%s is not a file' % self.database)

        self.opsimdb = DBObject(driver=self.driver, database=self.database,
                      , port=self.port)

        # 27 January 2016
        # Detect whether the OpSim db you are connecting to uses 'finSeeing'
        # as its seeing column (deprecated), or FWHMeff, which is the modern
        # standard

        list_of_tables = self.opsimdb.get_table_names()
        if 'Summary' in list_of_tables:
            self._opsim_version = 3
            self._opsim_version = 4

        self._summary_columns = self.opsimdb.get_column_names(self.table_name)

        # Set up self.dtype containg the dtype of the recarray we expect back from the SQL query.
        # Also setup baseQuery which is just the SELECT clause of the SQL query
        # self.active_columns will be a list containing the subset of OpSim database columns
        # (specified in self.user_interface_to_opsim) that actually exist in this opsim database
        dtypeList = []
        self.baseQuery = 'SELECT'
        self.active_columns = []

        self._queried_columns = []  # This will be a list of all of the
                                    # OpSim columns queried
                                    # Note: here we will refer to the
                                    # columns by their names in OpSim

        for column in self.user_interface_to_opsim:
            rec = self.user_interface_to_opsim[column]
            if rec[0] in self._summary_columns:
                dtypeList.append((rec[0], rec[2]))
                if self.baseQuery != 'SELECT':
                    self.baseQuery += ','
                self.baseQuery += ' ' + rec[0]

        # Now loop over self._summary_columns, adding any columns
        # to the query that have not already been included therein.
        # Since we do not have explicit information about the
        # data types of these columns, we will assume they are floats.
        for column in self._summary_columns:
            if column not in self._queried_columns:
                self.baseQuery += ', ' + column
                dtypeList.append((column, float))

        self.dtype = np.dtype(dtypeList)

    def getOpSimRecords(self, obsHistID=None, expDate=None, night=None, fieldRA=None,
                        fieldDec=None, moonRA=None, moonDec=None,
                        rotSkyPos=None, telescopeFilter=None, rawSeeing=None,
                        seeing=None, sunAlt=None, moonAlt=None, dist2Moon=None,
                        moonPhase=None, expMJD=None, altitude=None,
                        azimuth=None, visitExpTime=None, airmass=None,
                        skyBrightness=None, m5=None, boundType='circle',
                        boundLength=1.75, limit=None):
        This method will query the summary table in the `self.opsimdb` database
        according to constraints specified in the input ranges and return a
        `numpy.recarray` containing the records that match those constraints. If limit
        is used, the first N records will be returned in the list.

        obsHistID, expDate, night, fieldRA, fieldDec, moonRa, moonDec, rotSkyPos,
        telescopeFilter, rawSeeing, seeing, sunAlt, moonAlt, dist2Moon,
        moonPhase, expMJD, altitude, azimuth, visitExpTime, airmass,
        skyBrightness, m5 : tuples of length 2, optional, defaults to None
            each of these variables represent a single column (perhaps through
            an alias) in the OpSim database, and potentially in a different unit.
            if not None, the variable self.columnMapping is used to constrain
            the corresponding column in the OpSim database to the ranges (inclusive)
            specified in the tuples, after a unit transformation if necessary.

            The ranges must be specified in the tuple in degrees for all angles in this
            (moonRa, moonDec, rotSkyPos, sunAlt, moonAlt, dist2Moon, altitude,
            azimuth). The times in  (expMJD, are in units of MJD). visitExpTime has
            units of seconds since the start of the survey. moonPhase is a number
            from 0., to 100.
        boundType : `sims.utils.ObservationMetaData.boundType`, optional, defaults to 'circle'
            {'circle', 'box'} denoting the shape of the pointing. Further
            documentation ```
        boundLength : float, optional, defaults to 0.1
            sets `sims.utils.ObservationMetaData.boundLenght`
        limit : integer, optional, defaults to None
            if not None, denotes max number of records returned by the query

        `numpy.recarray` with OpSim records. The column names may be obtained as

        .. notes:: The `limit` argument should only be used if a small example
        is required. The angle ranges in the argument should be specified in degrees.


        query = self.baseQuery + ' FROM %s' % self.table_name

        nConstraints = 0  # the number of constraints in this query

        for column in self.user_interface_to_opsim:
            transform = self.user_interface_to_opsim[column]

            # this try/except block is because there will be columns in the OpSim Summary
            # table (and thus in self.user_interface_to_opsim) which the
            # ObservationMetaDataGenerator is not designed to query on
                value = eval(column)
                value = None

            if value is not None:
                if column not in self.active_columns:
                    raise RuntimeError("You have asked ObservationMetaDataGenerator to SELECT pointings on "
                                       "%s; that column does not exist in your OpSim database" % column)
                if nConstraints > 0:
                    query += ' AND'
                    query += ' WHERE '

                if isinstance(value, tuple):
                    if len(value) > 2:
                        raise RuntimeError('Cannot pass a tuple longer than 2 elements ' +
                                           'to getObservationMetaData: %s is len %d'
                                           % (column, len(value)))

                    # perform any necessary coordinate transformations
                    if transform[1] is not None:
                        vmin = transform[1](value[0])
                        vmax = transform[1](value[1])
                        vmin = value[0]
                        vmax = value[1]

                    query += ' %s >= %s AND %s <= %s' % \
                             (transform[0], vmin, transform[0], vmax)
                    # perform any necessary coordinate transformations
                    if transform[1] is not None:
                        vv = transform[1](value)
                        vv = value

                    if isinstance(vv, numbers.Number):
                        tol = np.abs(vv)*1.0e-10
                        if tol == 0.0:
                            tol = 1.0e-10
                        query += ' %s < %.12e AND %s > %.12e' % (transform[0],
                        query += ' %s == %s' % (transform[0], vv)

                nConstraints += 1

        mjd_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['expMJD'][0]
        query += ' GROUP BY %s ORDER BY %s' % (mjd_name, mjd_name)

        if limit is not None:
            query += ' LIMIT %d' % limit

        if nConstraints == 0 and limit is None:
            raise RuntimeError('You did not specify any contraints on your query;' +
                               ' you will just return ObservationMetaData for all poitnings')

        results = self.opsimdb.execute_arbitrary(query, dtype=self.dtype)
        return results

    def ObservationMetaDataFromPointing(self, OpSimPointingRecord, OpSimColumns=None,
                                        boundLength=1.75, boundType='circle'):
        Return instance of ObservationMetaData for an OpSim Pointing record
        from OpSim.

        OpSimPointingRecord : Dictionary, mandatory
            Dictionary of values with keys corresponding to certain columns of
            the Summary table in the OpSim database. The minimal list of keys
            required for catsim to work is 'fiveSigmaDepth',
            'filtSkyBrightness', and at least one of ('finSeeing', 'FWHMeff').
            More keys defined in columnMap may be necessary for PhoSim to work.
        OpSimColumns : tuple of strings, optional, defaults to None
            The columns corresponding to the OpSim records. If None, attempts
            to obtain these from the OpSimRecord as OpSimRecord.dtype.names
        boundType : {'circle', 'box'}, optional, defaults to 'circle'
            Shape of the observation
        boundLength : scalar float, optional, defaults to 1.75
            'characteristic size' of observation field, in units of degrees.
            For boundType='circle', this is a radius, for boundType='box', this
            is a size of the box

        pointing = OpSimPointingRecord
        pointing_column_names = pointing.dtype.names
        # Decide what is the name of the column in the OpSim database
        # corresponding to the Seeing. For older OpSim outputs, this is
        # 'finSeeing'. For later OpSim outputs this is 'FWHMeff'
        if OpSimColumns is None:
            OpSimColumns = pointing_column_names


        # get the names of the columns that contain the minimal schema
        # for an ObservationMetaData
        mjd_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['expMJD'][0]
        ra_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['fieldRA'][0]
        dec_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['fieldDec'][0]
        filter_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['telescopeFilter'][0]

        # check to see if angles are in degrees or radians
        if self.user_interface_to_opsim['fieldRA'][1] is None:
            in_degrees = True
            in_degrees = False

        # check to make sure the OpSim pointings being supplied contain
        # the minimum required information

        for required_column in (ra_name, dec_name, mjd_name, filter_name):
            if required_column not in OpSimColumns:
                raise RuntimeError("ObservationMetaDataGenerator requires that the database of "
                                   "pointings include data for:\nfieldRA"

        # construct a raw dict of all of the OpSim columns associated with this pointing
        raw_dict = dict([(col, pointing[col]) for col in pointing_column_names])
        raw_dict['opsim_version'] = self.opsim_version

        if in_degrees:
            ra_val = pointing[ra_name]
            dec_val = pointing[dec_name]
            ra_val = np.degrees(pointing[ra_name])
            dec_val = np.degrees(pointing[dec_name])
        mjd_val = pointing[mjd_name]
        filter_val = pointing[filter_name]

        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=ra_val,

        m5_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['m5'][0]
        rotSky_name = self.user_interface_to_opsim['rotSkyPos'][0]

        if m5_name in pointing_column_names:
            obs.m5 = pointing[m5_name]
        if 'filtSkyBrightness' in pointing_column_names:
            obs.skyBrightness = pointing['filtSkyBrightness']
        if self._seeing_column in pointing_column_names:
            obs.seeing = pointing[self._seeing_column]
        if rotSky_name in pointing_column_names:
            if in_degrees:
                obs.rotSkyPos = pointing[rotSky_name]
                obs.rotSkyPos = np.degrees(pointing[rotSky_name])

        obs.OpsimMetaData = raw_dict

        return obs

    def ObservationMetaDataFromPointingArray(self, OpSimPointingRecords,
        Static method to get a list of instances of ObservationMetaData
        corresponding to the records in `numpy.recarray`, where it uses
        the dtypes of the recArray for ObservationMetaData attributes that
        require the dtype.

        OpSimPointingRecords : `numpy.recarray` of OpSim Records
        OpSimColumns : a tuple of strings, optional, defaults to None
            tuple of column Names of the data in the `numpy.recarray`. If
            None, these names are extracted from the recarray.
        boundType : {'circle' or 'box'}
            denotes the shape of the pointing
        boundLength : float, optional, defaults to 1.75
            the bound length of the Pointing in units of degrees. For boundType
            'box', this is the length of the side of the square box. For boundType
            'circle' this is the radius.

        if OpSimColumns is None:
            OpSimColumns = OpSimPointingRecords.dtype.names

        if self.opsim_version is None:
            if 'obsHistID' in OpSimColumns:
                self._opsim_version = 3
            elif 'observationId' in OpSimColumns:
                self._opsim_version = 4
                raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine which OpSim version your "
                                   "OpSimPointingRecords correspond to; make sure "
                                   "obsHistID (v3) or observationId (v4) are in the "

        out = list(self.ObservationMetaDataFromPointing(OpSimPointingRecord,
                   for OpSimPointingRecord in OpSimPointingRecords)

        return out

    def getObservationMetaData(self, obsHistID=None, expDate=None, night=None, fieldRA=None, fieldDec=None,
                               moonRA=None, moonDec=None, rotSkyPos=None, telescopeFilter=None,
                               rawSeeing=None, seeing=None, sunAlt=None, moonAlt=None, dist2Moon=None,
                               moonPhase=None, expMJD=None, altitude=None, azimuth=None,
                               visitExpTime=None, airmass=None, skyBrightness=None,
                               m5=None, boundType='circle', boundLength=1.75, limit=None):

        This method will query the OpSim database summary table according to user-specified
        constraints and return a list of of ObservationMetaData instantiations consistent
        with those constraints.

        @param [in] limit is an integer denoting the maximum number of ObservationMetaData to
        be returned

        @param [in] boundType is the boundType of the ObservationMetaData to be returned
        (see documentation in sims_catalogs_generation/../db/ for more

        @param [in] boundLength is the boundLength of the ObservationMetaData to be
        returned (in degrees; see documentation in
        sims_catalogs_generation/../db/ for more details)

        All other input parameters are constraints to be placed on the SQL query of the
        opsim output db.  These contraints can either be tuples of the form (min, max)
        or an exact value the user wants returned.  Note: min and max are inclusive

        Parameters that can be constrained are:

        @param [in] fieldRA in degrees
        @param [in] fieldDec in degrees
        @param [in] altitude in degrees
        @param [in] azimuth in degrees

        @param [in] moonRA in degrees
        @param [in] moonDec in degrees
        @param [in] moonAlt in degrees
        @param [in] moonPhase (a value from 1 to 100 indicating how much of the moon is illuminated)
        @param [in] dist2Moon the distance between the telescope pointing and the moon in degrees

        @param [in] sunAlt in degrees

        @param [in[ rotSkyPos (the angle of the sky with respect to the camera coordinate system) in degrees
        @param [in] telescopeFilter a string that is one of u,g,r,i,z,y

        @param [in] airmass
        @param [in] rawSeeing (this is an idealized seeing at zenith at 500nm in arcseconds)
        @param [in] seeing (this is the OpSim column 'FWHMeff' or 'finSeeing' [deprecated] in arcseconds)

        @param [in] visitExpTime the exposure time in seconds
        @param [in] obsHistID the integer used by OpSim to label pointings
        @param [in] expDate is the date of the exposure (units????)
        @param [in] expMJD is the MJD of the exposure
        @param [in] night is the night (an int starting at zero) on which the observation took place
        @param [in] m5 is the five sigma depth of the observation
        @param [in] skyBrightness

        OpSimPointingRecords = self.getOpSimRecords(obsHistID=obsHistID,
                                                    m5=m5, boundType=boundType,

        output = self.ObservationMetaDataFromPointingArray(OpSimPointingRecords,
        return output
    from lsst.sims.utils import levelFromHtmid
    from lsst.sims.utils import angularSeparation, raDec2Hpid

    #from lsst.sims.catalogs.generation.db import CatalogDBObject
    # Import the bits needed to get the catalog to work
    #from lsst.sims.catUtils.baseCatalogModels import *
    #from lsst.sims.catUtils.exampleCatalogDefinitions import *

    # connect to fatboy
    gaia_db = DBObject(database='LSSTCATSIM', host='',
                       port=1433, driver='mssql+pymssql')

    # get all of the column names for the gaia table in a list
    gaia_columns = gaia_db.get_column_names(tableName='gaia_2016')

    # Set up healpy map and ra, dec centers
    nside = 64

    # Set the min to 15 since we saturate there. CatSim max is 28
    mag_max = 15.2
    bins = np.arange(0., mag_max, .2)
    starDensity = np.zeros((hp.nside2npix(nside), np.size(bins)-1), dtype=float)
    overMaxMask = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=bool)
    lat, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(0, hp.nside2npix(nside)))
    dec = np.pi/2.-lat
    ra = np.degrees(ra)
    dec = np.degrees(dec)

    # Square root of pixel area.