 def test_status(self):
     cloudModel = CloudModel()
     confDict = cloudModel.config_info()
     expected_keys = [
         'CloudModel_version', 'CloudModel_sha', 'efd_columns',
         'efd_delta_time', 'target_columns'
     for k in expected_keys:
         self.assertTrue(k in confDict.keys())
 def test_configure(self):
     # Configure with defaults.
     cloudModel = CloudModel()
     conf = CloudModelConfig()
     self.assertEqual(cloudModel._config, conf)
     # Test specifying the config.
     cloudModel = CloudModel(self.config)
     # Test specifying an incorrect config.
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, CloudModel, 0.8)
 def test_call(self):
     cloudModel = CloudModel(self.config)
     in_cloud = 1.53
     efdData = {'cloud': in_cloud}
     alt = np.zeros(50, float)
     az = np.zeros(50, float)
     targetDict = {'altitude': alt, 'azimuth': az}
     out_cloud = cloudModel(efdData, targetDict)['cloud']
     # Test that we propagated cloud value over the whole sky.
     self.assertEqual(in_cloud, out_cloud.max())
     self.assertEqual(in_cloud, out_cloud.min())
     self.assertEqual(len(out_cloud), len(alt))
 def test_targetmap_requirements(self):
     cloudModel = CloudModel(self.config)
 def test_efd_requirements(self):
     cloudModel = CloudModel(self.config)
     cols, deltaT = cloudModel.efd_requirements
     self.assertEqual(self.config.efd_columns, cols)
     self.assertEqual(self.config.efd_delta_time, deltaT)
    def __init__(self, mjd_start=59853.5,
                 readtime=2., filtername=None, f_change_time=140., shutter_time=1.,
                 nside=default_nside, sun_limit=-13., quickTest=True, alt_limit=20.,
                 seed=-1, cloud_limit=0.699, cloud_step=15.,
                 scheduled_downtime=None, unscheduled_downtime=None,
                 seeing_model=None, cloud_model=None,
                 environment=None, filters=None):
        mjd_start : float (59853.5)
            The Modified Julian Date to set the observatory to.
        readtime : float (2.)
            The time it takes to read out the camera (seconds).
        settle : float (2.)
            The time it takes the telescope to settle after slewing (seconds)
        filtername : str (None)
            The filter to start the observatory loaded with
        f_change_time : float (120.)
            The time it takes to change filters (seconds)
        shutter_time : float (1.)
            The time it takes to open or close the shutter.
        nside : int (32)
            The healpixel nside to make sky calculations on.
        sun_limit : float (-12.)
            The altitude limit for the sun (degrees)
        quickTest : bool (True)
            Load only a small pre-computed sky array rather than a full year.
        seed : float
            Random seed to potentially pass to unscheduled downtime
        cloud_limit : float (0.699)
            Close dome for cloud values over this (traditionally measured in 8ths of the sky?)
        cloud_step : float (15.)
            Minutes to close if clouds exceed cloud_limit
        scheduled_downtime : ScheduledDowntime (None)
            The scheduled downtime interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        unscheduled_downtime : UnscheduledDowntime (None)
            The unscheduled downtime interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        seeing_model : SeeingModel (None)
            The seeing model interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        cloud_model : CloudModel (None)
            The cloud model interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        environment : Environment (None)
            The environment interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        filters : Filters (None)
            The Filters interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        # Make it easy to see what version the object is
        self.version = version

        self.mjd_start = mjd_start + 0
        self.mjd = mjd_start
        self.f_change_time = f_change_time
        self.readtime = readtime
        self.shutter_time = shutter_time
        self.sun_limit = np.radians(sun_limit)
        self.alt_limit = np.radians(alt_limit)
        # Load up the sky brightness model
        self.sky = sb.SkyModelPre(speedLoad=quickTest)
        # Should realy set this by inspecting the map.
        self.sky_nside = 32

        # Start out parked
        self.ra = None
        self.dec = None
        self.filtername = None

        # Set up all sky coordinates
        hpids = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.sky_nside))
        self.ra_all_sky, self.dec_all_sky = _hpid2RaDec(self.sky_nside, hpids)
        self.status = None

        self.site = Site(name='LSST')
        self.obs = ephem.Observer()
        self.obs.lat = self.site.latitude_rad
        self.obs.lon = self.site.longitude_rad
        self.obs.elevation = self.site.height

        self.obs.horizon = 0.

        self.sun = ephem.Sun()
        self.moon = ephem.Moon()

        # Generate sunset times so we can label nights by integers
        self.night = self.mjd2night(self.mjd)

        # Make my dummy time handler
        dth = dummy_time_handler(mjd_start)

        # Make a slewtime interpolator
        self.slew_interp = Slewtime_pre()

        # Compute downtimes
        self.down_nights = []
        if scheduled_downtime is not None:
            sdt = scheduled_downtime
            sdt = ScheduledDowntime()

        if unscheduled_downtime is not None:
            usdt = unscheduled_downtime
            usdt = UnscheduledDowntime()

        for downtime in sdt.downtimes:
            self.down_nights.extend(range(downtime[0], downtime[0]+downtime[1], 1))
        for downtime in usdt.downtimes:
            self.down_nights.extend(range(downtime[0], downtime[0]+downtime[1], 1))

        if seeing_model is not None:
            self.seeing_model = seeing_model
            self.seeing_model = SeeingSim(dth)

        if cloud_model is not None:
            self.cloud_model = cloud_model
            self.cloud_model = CloudModel(dth)

        self.cloud_limit = cloud_limit
        self.cloud_step = cloud_step/60./24.
class Speed_observatory(object):
    A very very simple observatory model that will take observation requests and supply
    current conditions.
    def __init__(self, mjd_start=59853.5,
                 readtime=2., filtername=None, f_change_time=140., shutter_time=1.,
                 nside=default_nside, sun_limit=-13., quickTest=True, alt_limit=20.,
                 seed=-1, cloud_limit=0.699, cloud_step=15.,
                 scheduled_downtime=None, unscheduled_downtime=None,
                 seeing_model=None, cloud_model=None,
                 environment=None, filters=None):
        mjd_start : float (59853.5)
            The Modified Julian Date to set the observatory to.
        readtime : float (2.)
            The time it takes to read out the camera (seconds).
        settle : float (2.)
            The time it takes the telescope to settle after slewing (seconds)
        filtername : str (None)
            The filter to start the observatory loaded with
        f_change_time : float (120.)
            The time it takes to change filters (seconds)
        shutter_time : float (1.)
            The time it takes to open or close the shutter.
        nside : int (32)
            The healpixel nside to make sky calculations on.
        sun_limit : float (-12.)
            The altitude limit for the sun (degrees)
        quickTest : bool (True)
            Load only a small pre-computed sky array rather than a full year.
        seed : float
            Random seed to potentially pass to unscheduled downtime
        cloud_limit : float (0.699)
            Close dome for cloud values over this (traditionally measured in 8ths of the sky?)
        cloud_step : float (15.)
            Minutes to close if clouds exceed cloud_limit
        scheduled_downtime : ScheduledDowntime (None)
            The scheduled downtime interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        unscheduled_downtime : UnscheduledDowntime (None)
            The unscheduled downtime interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        seeing_model : SeeingModel (None)
            The seeing model interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        cloud_model : CloudModel (None)
            The cloud model interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        environment : Environment (None)
            The environment interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        filters : Filters (None)
            The Filters interface. If None (default) use sims_ocs module.
        # Make it easy to see what version the object is
        self.version = version

        self.mjd_start = mjd_start + 0
        self.mjd = mjd_start
        self.f_change_time = f_change_time
        self.readtime = readtime
        self.shutter_time = shutter_time
        self.sun_limit = np.radians(sun_limit)
        self.alt_limit = np.radians(alt_limit)
        # Load up the sky brightness model
        self.sky = sb.SkyModelPre(speedLoad=quickTest)
        # Should realy set this by inspecting the map.
        self.sky_nside = 32

        # Start out parked
        self.ra = None
        self.dec = None
        self.filtername = None

        # Set up all sky coordinates
        hpids = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.sky_nside))
        self.ra_all_sky, self.dec_all_sky = _hpid2RaDec(self.sky_nside, hpids)
        self.status = None

        self.site = Site(name='LSST')
        self.obs = ephem.Observer()
        self.obs.lat = self.site.latitude_rad
        self.obs.lon = self.site.longitude_rad
        self.obs.elevation = self.site.height

        self.obs.horizon = 0.

        self.sun = ephem.Sun()
        self.moon = ephem.Moon()

        # Generate sunset times so we can label nights by integers
        self.night = self.mjd2night(self.mjd)

        # Make my dummy time handler
        dth = dummy_time_handler(mjd_start)

        # Make a slewtime interpolator
        self.slew_interp = Slewtime_pre()

        # Compute downtimes
        self.down_nights = []
        if scheduled_downtime is not None:
            sdt = scheduled_downtime
            sdt = ScheduledDowntime()

        if unscheduled_downtime is not None:
            usdt = unscheduled_downtime
            usdt = UnscheduledDowntime()

        for downtime in sdt.downtimes:
            self.down_nights.extend(range(downtime[0], downtime[0]+downtime[1], 1))
        for downtime in usdt.downtimes:
            self.down_nights.extend(range(downtime[0], downtime[0]+downtime[1], 1))

        if seeing_model is not None:
            self.seeing_model = seeing_model
            self.seeing_model = SeeingSim(dth)

        if cloud_model is not None:
            self.cloud_model = cloud_model
            self.cloud_model = CloudModel(dth)

        self.cloud_limit = cloud_limit
        self.cloud_step = cloud_step/60./24.

    def slew_time(self, alt, az, mintime=2.):
        Compute slew time to new ra, dec position

        current_alt, current_az = _approx_RaDec2AltAz(np.array([self.ra]),
                                                      self.obs.lat, self.obs.lon,
        # Interpolation can be off by ~.1 seconds if there's no slew.
        if (np.max(current_alt) == np.max(alt)) & (np.max(current_az) == np.max(az)):
            time = mintime
            time = self.slew_interp(current_alt, current_az, alt, az)
        return time

    def slewtime_map(self):
        Return a map of how long it would take to slew to lots of positions
        if self.ra is None:
            return 0.
        alt, az = _approx_RaDec2AltAz(self.ra_all_sky, self.dec_all_sky,
                                      self.obs.lat, self.obs.lon, self.mjd)
        good = np.where(alt >= self.alt_limit)
        result = np.empty(self.ra_all_sky.size, dtype=float)
        result[good] = self.slew_time(alt[good], az[good])
        return result

    def return_status(self):
        Return a dict full of the current info about the observatory and sky.

        XXX-- Need to document all these with units!!!
        result = {}
        result['mjd'] = self.mjd
        result['night'] = self.night
        result['lmst'], last = calcLmstLast(self.mjd, self.site.longitude_rad)
        result['skybrightness'] = self.sky.returnMags(self.mjd)
        result['slewtimes'] = self.slewtime_map()
        result['airmass'] = self.sky.returnAirmass(self.mjd)
        delta_t = (self.mjd-self.mjd_start)*24.*3600.
        result['clouds'] = self.cloud_model.get_cloud(delta_t)
        # XXX--can update to pull all filters at once
        for filtername in ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']:
            fwhm_500, fwhm_geometric, fwhm_effective = self.seeing_model.get_seeing_singlefilter(delta_t,
            result['FWHMeff_%s' % filtername] = fwhm_effective  # arcsec
            result['FWHM_geometric_%s' % filtername] = fwhm_geometric
        result['filter'] = self.filtername
        result['RA'] = self.ra
        result['dec'] = self.dec
        result['next_twilight_start'] = self.next_twilight_start(self.mjd)
        result['next_twilight_end'] = self.next_twilight_end(self.mjd)
        result['last_twilight_end'] = self.last_twilight_end(self.mjd)
        sunMoon_info = self.sky.returnSunMoon(self.mjd)
        # Pretty sure these are radians
        result['sunAlt'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['sunAlt'])
        self.obs.date = self.mjd - doff
        result['moonAlt'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['moonAlt'])
        result['moonAz'] = self.moon.az
        result['moonRA'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['moonRA'])
        result['moonDec'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['moonDec'])
        # I guess go between 0 and 100.
        result['moonPhase'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['moonSunSep']/180.*100.)
        self.status = result
        return result

    def check_mjd(self, mjd):
        If an mjd is not in daytime or downtime

        # Check if it it too cloudy
        delta_t = (self.mjd-self.mjd_start)*24.*3600.
        cloud = self.cloud_model.get_cloud(delta_t)
        if cloud >= self.cloud_limit:
            mjd += self.cloud_step
            return False, mjd

        # Check if self.sky.info has night info, otherwise add it.
        if 'night' not in self.sky.info.keys():
            self.sky.info['night'] = self.mjd2night(self.sky.info['mjds'])
            self.good_nights = np.in1d(self.sky.info['night'], self.down_nights, invert=True)

        # Check if sun is up
        self.obs.date = mjd - doff
        if (self.sun.alt > self.sun_limit) | (self.mjd2night(mjd) in self.down_nights):
            good = np.where((self.sky.info['mjds'] > mjd) & (self.sky.info['sunAlts'] <= self.sun_limit) &
            if np.size(good) == 0:
                # hack to advance if we are at the end of the mjd list I think
                mjd += 0.25
                mjd = self.sky.info['mjds'][good][0]
            return False, mjd
            return True, mjd

    def attempt_observe(self, observation_in, indx=None):
        Check an observation, if there is enough time, execute it and return it, otherwise, return None.
        # If we were in a parked position, assume no time lost to slew, settle, filter change
        observation = observation_in.copy()
        alt, az = _approx_RaDec2AltAz(np.array([observation['RA']]),
                                      self.obs.lat, self.obs.lon, self.mjd)
        if self.ra is not None:
            if self.filtername != observation['filter']:
                ft = self.f_change_time
                st = 0.
                ft = 0.
                st = self.slew_time(alt, az)
            st = 0.
            ft = 0.

        # Assume we can slew while reading the last exposure (note that slewtime calc gives 2 as a minimum. So this 
        # will not fail for DD fields, etc.)
        # So, filter change time, slew to target time, expose time, read time
        rt = (observation['nexp']-1.)*self.readtime
        shutter_time = self.shutter_time*observation['nexp']
        total_time = (ft + st + observation['exptime'] + rt + shutter_time)*sec2days
        check_result, jump_mjd = self.check_mjd(self.mjd + total_time)
        if check_result:
            # XXX--major decision here, should the status be updated after every observation? Or just assume
            # airmass, seeing, and skybrightness do not change significantly?
            if self.ra is None:
                update_status = True
                update_status = False
            # This should be the start of the exposure.
            observation['mjd'] = self.mjd + (ft + st)*sec2days
            self.set_mjd(self.mjd + (ft + st)*sec2days)
            self.ra = observation['RA']
            self.dec = observation['dec']

            if update_status:
                # What's the name for temp variables?
                status = self.return_status()

            observation['night'] = self.night
            # XXX--removing that so I may not be using the same convention as opsim.
            observation['slewtime'] = ft+st

            self.filtername = observation['filter'][0]
            hpid = _raDec2Hpid(self.sky_nside, self.ra, self.dec)
            observation['skybrightness'] = self.sky.returnMags(observation['mjd'], indx=[hpid],
            observation['FWHMeff'] = self.status['FWHMeff_%s' % self.filtername][hpid]
            observation['FWHM_geometric'] = self.status['FWHM_geometric_%s' % self.filtername][hpid]
            observation['airmass'] = self.status['airmass'][hpid]
            observation['fivesigmadepth'] = m5_flat_sed(observation['filter'][0],
            observation['alt'] = alt
            observation['az'] = az
            observation['clouds'] = self.status['clouds']
            observation['sunAlt'] = self.status['sunAlt']
            observation['moonAlt'] = self.status['moonAlt']
            # We had advanced the slew and filter change, so subtract that off and add the total visit time.
            self.set_mjd(self.mjd + total_time - (ft + st)*sec2days)

            return observation
            self.mjd = jump_mjd
            self.night = self.mjd2night(self.mjd)
            self.ra = None
            self.dec = None
            self.status = None
            self.filtername = None
            return None

    def generate_sunsets(self, nyears=13, day_pad=50):
        Generate the sunrise times for LSST so we can label nights by MJD

        # Set observatory horizon to zero
        self.obs.horizon = 0.

        # Swipe dates to match sims_skybrightness_pre365
        mjd_start = self.mjd
        mjd_end = np.arange(59560, 59560+365.25*nyears+day_pad+366, 366).max()
        step = 0.25
        mjds = np.arange(mjd_start, mjd_end+step, step)
        setting = mjds*0.

        # Stupid Dublin Julian Date
        djds = mjds - doff
        sun = ephem.Sun()

        for i, (mjd, djd) in enumerate(zip(mjds, djds)):
            setting[i] = self.obs.previous_setting(sun, start=djd, use_center=True)
        setting = setting + doff

        # zomg, round off crazy floating point precision issues
        setting_rough = np.round(setting*100.)
        u, indx = np.unique(setting_rough, return_index=True)
        self.setting_sun_mjds = setting[indx]
        left = np.searchsorted(self.setting_sun_mjds, mjd_start)
        self.setting_sun_mjds = self.setting_sun_mjds[left:]
        self.setting_sun_nights = self.mjd2night(self.setting_sun_mjds)

    def next_twilight_start(self, mjd, twi_limit=-18.):
        # find the next rising twilight. String to make it degrees I guess?
        self.obs.horizon = str(twi_limit)
        next_twi = self.obs.next_rising(self.sun, start=mjd-doff)+doff
        return next_twi

    def next_twilight_end(self, mjd, twi_limit=-18.):
        self.obs.horizon = str(twi_limit)
        next_twi = self.obs.next_setting(self.sun, start=mjd-doff)+doff
        return next_twi

    def last_twilight_end(self, mjd, twi_limit=-18.):
        self.obs.horizon = str(twi_limit)
        next_twi = self.obs.previous_setting(self.sun, start=mjd-doff)+doff
        return next_twi

    def mjd2night(self, mjd):
        Convert an mjd to a night integer.
        return np.searchsorted(self.setting_sun_mjds, mjd)

    def set_mjd(self, mjd):
        update the mjd of the observatory
        self.mjd = mjd
        self.night = self.mjd2night(mjd)