def testMags(self):
        Test that the interpolated mags are similar to mags computed from interpolated spectra

        throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
        filters = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']

        bps = []
        for filterName in filters:
            bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_%s.dat' % filterName),
                            dtype=zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2))
            lsst_bp = Bandpass()
            lsst_bp.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])

        sm1 = self.sm_spec
        sm1.setRaDecMjd([36.], [-68.], 49353.18, degrees=True)
        mags1 = []
        for bp in bps:
        mags1 = np.array(mags1)

        sm2 = self.sm_mags
        sm2.setRaDecMjd([36.], [-68.], 49353.18, degrees=True)
        mag2 = sm2.returnMags()
        for i, filtername in enumerate(filters):
            np.testing.assert_allclose(mags1[i, :], mag2[filtername], rtol=1e-4)
    def testMags(self):
        Test that the interpolated mags are similar to mags computed from interpolated spectra

        throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'),'baseline')
        filters = ['u','g','r','i','z','y']

        bps = []
        for filterName in filters:
            bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_%s.dat' % filterName),
                            dtype=zip(['wave','trans'],[float]*2 ))
            lsst_bp = Bandpass()
            lsst_bp.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])

        sm1 = sb.SkyModel()
        sm1.setRaDecMjd([36.],[-68.],49353.18, degrees=True)
        mags1 = []
        for bp in bps:
        mags1 = np.array(mags1)

        sm2 = sb.SkyModel(mags=True)
        sm2.setRaDecMjd([36.],[-68.],49353.18, degrees=True)
        mag2 = sm2.computeMags()
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mags1,mag2.T, rtol=1e-4)
def buildVendorDetector(vendorDir, addLosses=True):
    Builds a detector response from the files in vendorDir, by reading the *_QE.dat
      and *_Losses subdirectory for a single version of the detector.
    Returns a Bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the QE curve is multiplied by the losses in the *Losses.dat files.
    If addLosses is False, the QE curve does not have any losses included.
    # Read the QE file.
    qefile = glob(os.path.join(vendorDir, '*_QE.dat'))
    if len(qefile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single QE file in this directory, found: ', qefile)
    qefile = qefile[0]
    qe = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(vendorDir)
        wavelength, sb = qe.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen,
        qe.setBandpass(wavelength, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where( < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in QE response significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.[belowzero] = 0
    return qe
    def __init__(self, m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', metricName='ExgalM5', units='mag',
                 lsstFilter='r', wavelen_min=None , wavelen_max=None , **kwargs):
        # Set the name for the dust map to use. This is gathered into the MetricBundle.
        maps = ['DustMap']
        # Set the default wavelength limits for the lsst filters. These are approximately correct.
        waveMins = {'u':330.,'g':403.,'r':552.,'i':691.,'z':818.,'y':950.}
        waveMaxes = {'u':403.,'g':552.,'r':691.,'i':818.,'z':922.,'y':1070.}
        if lsstFilter is not None:
            wavelen_min = waveMins[lsstFilter]
            wavelen_max = waveMaxes[lsstFilter]

        self.m5Col = m5Col
        super().__init__(col=[self.m5Col], maps=maps, metricName=metricName, units=units, **kwargs)

        # Set up internal values for the dust extinction.
        testsed = Sed()
        testsed.setFlatSED(wavelen_min=wavelen_min, wavelen_max=wavelen_max, wavelen_step=1.0)
        testbandpass = Bandpass(wavelen_min=wavelen_min, wavelen_max=wavelen_max, wavelen_step=1.0)
        self.R_v = 3.1
        self.ref_ebv = 1.0
        # Calculate non-dust-extincted magnitude
        flatmag = testsed.calcMag(testbandpass)
        # Add dust
        self.a, self.b = testsed.setupCCM_ab()
        testsed.addDust(self.a, self.b, ebv=self.ref_ebv, R_v=self.R_v)
        # Calculate difference due to dust when EBV=1.0 (m_dust = m_nodust - Ax, Ax > 0)
        self.Ax1 = testsed.calcMag(testbandpass) - flatmag
        # We will call Coaddm5Metric to calculate the coadded depth. Set it up here.
        self.Coaddm5Metric = Coaddm5Metric(m5Col=m5Col)
def buildMirror(mirrorDir, addLosses=True):
    Build a mirror throughput curve.
    Assumes there are *Losses.dat subdirectory with loss files
       and a m*_Ideal.dat file with the mirror throughput.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the *_Ideal.dat file is multiplied by the *_Losses/*.dat files.
    # Read the mirror reflectance curve.
    mirrorfile = glob(os.path.join(mirrorDir, 'm*Ideal.dat'))
    if len(mirrorfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single mirror file in directory %s, found: ' %mirrorDir, mirrorfile)
    mirrorfile = mirrorfile[0]
    mirror = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(mirrorDir)
        wavelen, sb = mirror.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen,
        mirror.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where( < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in mirror response significantly below zero')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.[belowzero] = 0
    return mirror
    def testMags(self):
        Test that the interpolated mags are similar to mags computed from interpolated spectra

        throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
        filters = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']

        bps = {}
        for filterName in filters:
            bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath,
                                         'filter_%s.dat' % filterName),
                            dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float] * 2)))
            lsst_bp = Bandpass()
            lsst_bp.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
            bps[filterName] = lsst_bp

        sm1 = self.sm_spec
        sm1.setRaDecMjd([36.], [-68.], 49353.18, degrees=True)
        mags1 = sm1.returnMags(bandpasses=bps)

        sm2 = self.sm_mags
        sm2.setRaDecMjd([36.], [-68.], 49353.18, degrees=True)
        mag2 = sm2.returnMags()

        for i, filtername in enumerate(filters):
def importBandpass(filename, name):
    '''Given the name of a bandpass read it from file into Bandpass class
    assumes filters are differentiated by #NAME filter_name filter comments'''
    filter = Bandpass()
    data = []
    with open(filename, 'r') as input:
        for line in input:
            line = line.strip().split()
            if (line[0].startswith("#NAME") and (line[1] == name)):
                for line in input:
                    if line.startswith("#NAME"):
                        data.append(map(float, line.split()))
    data = np.asarray(data).T
    # convert to nanometers and set limits for wavelength
    filter.setWavelenLimits(data[0].min() / 10., data[0].max() / 10., 1.)
        filter.setBandpass(data[0] / 10., data[1])
    except IndexError:
        print "Unable to find data values for ", name
    #resample to
    return filter
def buildVendorDetector(vendorDir, addLosses=True):
    Builds a detector response from the files in vendorDir, by reading the *_QE.dat
      and *_Losses subdirectory for a single version of the detector.
    Returns a Bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the QE curve is multiplied by the losses in the *Losses.dat files.
    If addLosses is False, the QE curve does not have any losses included.
    # Read the QE file.
    qefile = glob(os.path.join(vendorDir, '*_QE.dat'))
    if len(qefile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single QE file in this directory, found: ', qefile)
    qefile = qefile[0]
    qe = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(vendorDir)
        wavelength, sb = qe.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen,
        qe.setBandpass(wavelength, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where( < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in QE response significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.[belowzero] = 0
    return qe
def buildMirror(mirrorDir, addLosses=True):
    Build a mirror throughput curve.
    Assumes there are *Losses.dat subdirectory with loss files
       and a m*_Ideal.dat file with the mirror throughput.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the *_Ideal.dat file is multiplied by the *_Losses/*.dat files.
    # Read the mirror reflectance curve.
    mirrorfile = glob(os.path.join(mirrorDir, 'm*Ideal.dat'))
    if len(mirrorfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single mirror file in directory %s, found: ' %mirrorDir, mirrorfile)
    mirrorfile = mirrorfile[0]
    mirror = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(mirrorDir)
        wavelen, sb = mirror.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen,
        mirror.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where( < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in mirror response significantly below zero')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.[belowzero] = 0
    return mirror
    def testMags(self):
        Test that the interpolated mags are similar to mags computed from interpolated spectra

        throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir("throughputs"), "baseline")
        filters = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]

        bps = []
        for filterName in filters:
            bp = np.loadtxt(
                os.path.join(throughPath, "filter_%s.dat" % filterName), dtype=zip(["wave", "trans"], [float] * 2)
            lsst_bp = Bandpass()
            lsst_bp.setBandpass(bp["wave"], bp["trans"])

        sm1 = sb.SkyModel()
        sm1.setRaDecMjd([36.0], [-68.0], 49353.18, degrees=True)
        mags1 = []
        for bp in bps:
        mags1 = np.array(mags1)

        sm2 = sb.SkyModel(mags=True)
        sm2.setRaDecMjd([36.0], [-68.0], 49353.18, degrees=True)
        mag2 = sm2.computeMags()
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mags1, mag2.T, rtol=1e-4)
def lsst_filters():
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
    lsstKeys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
    bps = {}
    for key in lsstKeys:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'total_'+key+'.dat'),
                        dtype=zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2))
        bpTemp = Bandpass()
        good = np.where(bp['trans'] > 0.)
        bpTemp.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'], wavelen_min=bp['wave'][good].min(),
        bps[key] = bpTemp
    return bps
def addAerosol(atmosphere, X, tau0=0.05, alpha=1.0, wavelen0=440.0, plotAtmosphere=True):
    # Calculate the aerosol contribution -- sb with aerosols = sb*exp(-tau)
    tau = tau0 * np.power((wavelen0/atmosphere.wavelen), alpha)
    # Generate new atmosphere bandpass with aerosols.
    atmosphere_aerosol = Bandpass()
    atmosphere_aerosol.setBandpass(wavelen = atmosphere.wavelen,
                                   sb = * np.exp(-tau*X))

    if plotAtmosphere:
        # Plot for a check:
        atmodict = {'Original atmosphere':atmosphere,
                    'With aerosols': atmosphere_aerosol}

    return atmosphere_aerosol
def stubb_fitlers(wave_min=350., wave_max=1050):
    Define some narrow filters that overlap LSST u and y, and are in GAIA overlap.
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
    bps = {}
    lsstKeys = ['u', 'y']
    bps = {}
    for key in lsstKeys:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'total_'+key+'.dat'),
                        dtype=zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2))
        bpTemp = Bandpass()
        good = np.where((bp['trans'] > 0.) & (bp['wave'] > wave_min) & (bp['wave'] < wave_max))
        bpTemp.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'], wavelen_min=bp['wave'][good].min(),
        bps[key+'_truncated'] = bpTemp
    return bps
def calcWDColors():
    Calculate a few example WD colors. Values to go in stellarMags(). Here in case
    values need to be regenerated (different stars, bandpasses change, etc.)

        from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
        import os
        from lsst.sims.photUtils import Bandpass, Sed
        'Need to setup sims_photUtils to generate WD magnitudes.'

    names = ['HeWD_25200_80', 'WD_11000_85', 'WD_3000_85']
    fns = [
        'bergeron_He_24000_80.dat_25200.gz', 'bergeron_10500_85.dat_11000.gz',
    wdDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED/wDs/')
    files = [os.path.join(wdDir, filename) for filename in fns]

    # Read in the LSST bandpasses
    bpNames = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
    bps = []
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
    for key in bpNames:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_' + key + '.dat'),
                        dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float] * 2)))
        tempB = Bandpass()
        tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])

    # Read in the SEDs and compute mags
    mags = []
    for filename in files:
        star = Sed()
        singleMags = [star.calcMag(band) for band in bps]
        mags.append([singleMags[i - 1] - singleMags[i] for i in range(1, 6)])

    for maglist, fn, name in zip(mags, fns, names):
        format = (name, fn) + tuple(maglist)
        print("['%s', '%s', %f, %f, %f, %f, %f]" % format)
def calcWDColors():
    Calculate a few example WD colors. Values to go in stellarMags(). Here in case
    values need to be regenerated (different stars, bandpasses change, etc.)

        from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
        import os
        from lsst.sims.photUtils import Bandpass, Sed
        'Need to setup sims_photUtils to generate WD magnitudes.'

    names = ['HeWD_25200_80', 'WD_11000_85', 'WD_3000_85']
    fns = ['bergeron_He_24000_80.dat_25200.gz',
           'bergeron_10500_85.dat_11000.gz', 'bergeron_2750_85.dat_3000.gz']
    wdDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED/wDs/')
    files = [os.path.join(wdDir, filename) for filename in fns]

    # Read in the LSST bandpasses
    bpNames = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
    bps = []
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
    for key in bpNames:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_' + key + '.dat'),
                        dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float] * 2)))
        tempB = Bandpass()
        tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])

    # Read in the SEDs and compute mags
    mags = []
    for filename in files:
        star = Sed()
        singleMags = [star.calcMag(band) for band in bps]
        mags.append([singleMags[i - 1] - singleMags[i] for i in range(1, 6)])

    for maglist, fn, name in zip(mags, fns, names):
        format = (name, fn) + tuple(maglist)
        print("['%s', '%s', %f, %f, %f, %f, %f]" % format)
def addAerosol(atmosphere,
    # Calculate the aerosol contribution -- sb with aerosols = sb*exp(-tau)
    tau = tau0 * np.power((wavelen0 / atmosphere.wavelen), alpha)
    # Generate new atmosphere bandpass with aerosols.
    atmosphere_aerosol = Bandpass()
                          * np.exp(-tau * X))

    if plotAtmosphere:
        # Plot for a check:
        atmodict = {
            'Original atmosphere': atmosphere,
            'With aerosols': atmosphere_aerosol

    return atmosphere_aerosol
def buildLens(lensDir, addLosses=True):
    Build the lens throughput curve from the files in lensDir.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    The coatings for the lens are in *_Coatings, the loss files are in *_Losses.
    The borosilicate glass throughput is in l*_Glass.dat; this file is smoothed using the
     savitzsky_golay function.
    The glass response is multiplied by the coatings and (if addLosses is True),
      also the loss curves.
    lens = Bandpass()
    # Read the glass base file.
    glassfile = glob(os.path.join(lensDir, 'l*_Glass.dat'))
    if len(glassfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single glass file in this directory, found: ', glassfile)
    glassfile = glassfile[0]
    glass = Bandpass()
    # Smooth the glass response.
    smoothSb = savitzky_golay(, 31, 3)
    lens = Bandpass()
    lens.setBandpass(glass.wavelen, smoothSb)
    # Read the broad band antireflective (BBAR) coatings files.
    bbars = _readCoatings(lensDir)
    # Multiply the bbars by the glass.
    wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(bbars.wavelen,
    lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Add losses.
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(lensDir)
        wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen,
        lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where( < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in lens throughput significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.[belowzero] = 0
    return lens
def buildLens(lensDir, addLosses=True):
    Build the lens throughput curve from the files in lensDir.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    The coatings for the lens are in *_Coatings, the loss files are in *_Losses.
    The borosilicate glass throughput is in l*_Glass.dat; this file is smoothed using the
     savitzsky_golay function.
    The glass response is multiplied by the coatings and (if addLosses is True),
      also the loss curves.
    lens = Bandpass()
    # Read the glass base file.
    glassfile = glob(os.path.join(lensDir, 'l*_Glass.dat'))
    if len(glassfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single glass file in this directory, found: ', glassfile)
    glassfile = glassfile[0]
    glass = Bandpass()
    # Smooth the glass response.
    smoothSb = savitzky_golay(, 31, 3)
    lens = Bandpass()
    lens.setBandpass(glass.wavelen, smoothSb)
    # Read the broad band antireflective (BBAR) coatings files.
    bbars = _readCoatings(lensDir)
    # Multiply the bbars by the glass.
    wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(bbars.wavelen,
    lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Add losses.
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(lensDir)
        wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen,
        lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where( < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in lens throughput significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.[belowzero] = 0
    return lens
                sb = f(wavelen)*0.01
                #alternatively we could do (only for >10 QE measurements)
                #amp_point = amp.getBBox().getCenter()
                #sb = qe_curve.evaluate(det, amp_point, wavelen* u.nm, kind='quadratic').value*.01 #unit was percent in CALIB data

                sb[np.isnan(sb)] = 0
                if np.max(sb)>1.5:
                    print('These seem too LARGE ', k)
                    sb = 0
                if np.max(sb)<0.2: #3 dead channels, 1 out of each of R01, R10, and R30; see camera confluence page table
                    print('dead channel: %s, max sb = %.2f'%(key, np.max(sb)))

                detector.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)

                #detector losses
                detLosses = Bandpass()
                detLosses.readThroughput(os.path.join(vendorDir, '%s_Losses/det_Losses.dat' % (vendor)))

                #build hardware and system
                hardware = {}
                system = {}
                for f in filters:
                    sb = * *
                    sb *= * * * filters[f].sb
                    sb *= *

                    hardware[f] = Bandpass()
def packageLowerAtm():

    dataDir = getPackageDir('SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA')
    outDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'ESO_Spectra/LowerAtm')

    # Read in all the spectra from ESO call and package into a single npz file

    files = glob.glob('LowerAtm/skytable*.fits')

    temp =[0])
    wave = temp[1].data['lam'].copy()*1e3

    airmasses = []
    nightTimes = []
    specs = []

    for i,filename in enumerate(files):
        fits =
        if np.max(fits[1].data['flux']) > 0:
            header = fits[0].header['comment']
            for card in header:
                if 'SKYMODEL.TARGET.AIRMASS' in card:
                elif 'SKYMODEL.TIME' in card:

    airmasses = np.array(airmasses)
    nigtTimes = np.array(nightTimes)

    nrec = airmasses.size
    nwave = wave.size

    dtype = [('airmass', 'float'),
             ('nightTimes', 'float'),
             ('spectra', 'float', (nwave)), ('mags', 'float', (6))]
    Spectra = np.zeros(nrec, dtype=dtype)
    Spectra['airmass'] = airmasses
    Spectra['nightTimes'] = nightTimes
    Spectra['spectra'] = specs

    hPlank = 6.626068e-27 # erg s
    cLight = 2.99792458e10 # cm/s

    # Convert spectra from ph/s/m2/micron/arcsec2 to erg/s/cm2/nm/arcsec2
    Spectra['spectra'] = Spectra['spectra']/(100.**2)*hPlank*cLight/(wave*1e-7)/1e3

    # Sort things since this might be helpful later

    # Load LSST filters
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'),'baseline')
    keys = ['u','g','r','i','z','y']
    nfilt = len(keys)
    filters = {}
    for filtername in keys:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+filtername+'.dat'),
                        dtype=zip(['wave','trans'],[float]*2 ))
        tempB = Bandpass()
        filters[filtername] = tempB

    filterWave = np.array([filters[f].calcEffWavelen()[0] for f in keys ])

    for i,spectrum in enumerate(Spectra['spectra']):
        tempSed = Sed()
        for j,filtName in enumerate(keys):
                Spectra['mags'][i][j] = tempSed.calcMag(filters[filtName])

    np.savez(os.path.join(outDir,'Spectra.npz'), wave = wave, spec=Spectra, filterWave=filterWave)
def packageZodiacal():

    dataDir = getPackageDir('SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA')
    outDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'ESO_Spectra/Zodiacal')

    nside = 4

    # Read in all the spectra from ESO call and package into a single npz file

    files = glob.glob('Zodiacal/skytable*.fits')

    temp =[0])
    wave = temp[1].data['lam'].copy()*1e3

    airmasses = []
    eclLon = []
    eclLat = []
    specs = []

    for i,filename in enumerate(files):
        fits =
        if np.max(fits[1].data['flux']) > 0:
            header = fits[0].header['comment']
            for card in header:
                if 'SKYMODEL.TARGET.AIRMASS' in card:
                elif 'SKYMODEL.ECL.LON' in card:
                elif 'SKYMODEL.ECL.LAT' in card:

    airmasses = np.array(airmasses)
    eclLon = np.array(eclLon)
    eclLat = np.array(eclLat)

    wrapA = np.where(eclLon < 0.)
    eclLon[wrapA] = eclLon[wrapA]+360.

    uAM = np.unique(airmasses)
    nAM = uAM.size
    nwave = wave.size

    dtype = [('airmass', 'float'),
             ('hpid', 'int' ),
             ('spectra', 'float', (nwave)), ('mags', 'float', (6))]
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    Spectra = np.zeros(nAM*npix, dtype=dtype)
    for i,am in enumerate(uAM):
        Spectra['airmass'][i*npix:i*npix+npix] = am
        Spectra['hpid'][i*npix:i*npix+npix] = np.arange(npix)

    for am, lat, lon, spec in zip(airmasses,eclLat, eclLon, specs):
        hpid = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.radians(lat+90.), np.radians(lon) )
        good = np.where( (Spectra['airmass'] == am) & (Spectra['hpid'] == hpid))
        Spectra['spectra'][good] = spec.copy()

    hPlank = 6.626068e-27 # erg s
    cLight = 2.99792458e10 # cm/s

    # Convert spectra from ph/s/m2/micron/arcsec2 to erg/s/cm2/nm/arcsec2
    Spectra['spectra'] = Spectra['spectra']/(100.**2)*hPlank*cLight/(wave*1e-7)/1e3

    # Sort things since this might be helpful later
    Spectra.sort(order=['airmass', 'hpid'])

    # Load LSST filters
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'),'baseline')
    keys = ['u','g','r','i','z','y']
    nfilt = len(keys)
    filters = {}
    for filtername in keys:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+filtername+'.dat'),
                        dtype=zip(['wave','trans'],[float]*2 ))
        tempB = Bandpass()
        filters[filtername] = tempB

    filterWave = np.array([filters[f].calcEffWavelen()[0] for f in keys ])

    for i,spectrum in enumerate(Spectra['spectra']):
        tempSed = Sed()
        for j,filtName in enumerate(keys):
                Spectra['mags'][i][j] = tempSed.calcMag(filters[filtName])

    #span this over multiple files to store in github
    nbreak = 3
    nrec = np.size(Spectra)

    for i in np.arange(nbreak):
        np.savez(os.path.join(outDir,'zodiacalSpectra_'+str(i)+'.npz'), wave = wave,
                 spec=Spectra[i*nrec/nbreak:(i+1)*nrec/nbreak], filterWave=filterWave)
def packageMoon():
    dataDir = getPackageDir('SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA')
    outDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'ESO_Spectra/Moon')

    # Read in all the spectra from ESO call and package into a single npz file

    files = glob.glob('Moon/skytable*.fits')

    temp =[0])
    moonWave = temp[1].data['lam'].copy()*1e3

    moonSpec = []
    moonAM = [] # Actually target airmass
    moonAlt=[]  # altitude of the moon
    moonSunSep=[] # moon Phase
    for i,filename in enumerate(files):
        fits =
            if np.max(fits[1].data['flux']) > 0:
                header = fits[0].header['comment']
                for card in header:
                    if 'SKYMODEL.MOON.SUN.SEP' in card:
                    elif 'SKYMODEL.TARGET.AIRMASS' in card:
                        #moonAM.append( 1./np.cos(np.radians(90.-float(card.split('=')[-1]))) )
                        moonAM.append( float(card.split('=')[-1]) )
                    elif 'SKYMODEL.MOON.TARGET.SEP' in card:
                    elif 'SKYMODEL.MOON.ALT' in card:
            print filename, ' Failed'

    import healpy as hp
    from lsst.sims.utils import haversine

    nside = 4
    lat, az = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))
    alt = np.pi/2.-lat
    airmass = 1./np.cos(np.pi/2.-alt)

    # Only need low airmass and then 1/2 to sky
    good = np.where( (az >= 0) & (az <= np.pi) & (airmass <=2.6) & (airmass >= 1.) )
    airmass = airmass[good]
    az = az[good]

    moonAM = np.array(moonAM)
    moonAlt = np.array(moonAlt)
    moonSunSep = np.array(moonSunSep)
    moonTargetSep = np.array(moonTargetSep)
    moonAzDiff = moonTargetSep*0
    targetAlt = np.pi/2.-np.arccos(1./moonAM)
    # Compute the azimuth difference given the moon-target-seperation
    # Let's just do a stupid loop:
    for i in np.arange(targetAlt.size):
        possibleDistances = haversine(0., np.radians(moonAlt[i]),  az, az*0+targetAlt[i])
        diff = np.abs(possibleDistances - np.radians(moonTargetSep[i]))
        good = np.where(diff == diff.min())
        moonAzDiff[i] = az[good][0]
        # ok, now I have an alt and az, I can convert that back to a healpix id.

        hpid.append(hp.ang2pix(nside, np.pi/2.-targetAlt[i], moonAzDiff[i]))

    nrec = moonAM.size
    nwave = moonWave.size

    dtype = [('hpid', 'int'),
             ('moonAltitude', 'float'),
             ('moonSunSep', 'float'),
             ('spectra', 'float', (nwave)), ('mags', 'float', (6))]
    moonSpectra = np.zeros(nrec, dtype=dtype)
    moonSpectra['hpid'] = hpid
    moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] = moonAlt
    moonSpectra['moonSunSep'] = moonSunSep
    moonSpectra['spectra'] = moonSpec

    hPlank = 6.626068e-27  # erg s
    cLight = 2.99792458e10 # cm/s

    # Convert spectra from ph/s/m2/micron/arcsec2 to erg/s/cm2/nm/arcsec2
    moonSpectra['spectra'] = moonSpectra['spectra']/(100.**2)*hPlank*cLight/(moonWave*1e-7)/1e3

    # Sort things since this might be helpful later
    moonSpectra.sort(order=['moonSunSep','moonAltitude', 'hpid'])

    # Crop off the incomplete ones

    good =np.where((moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] >= 0) & (moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] < 89.) )
    moonSpectra = moonSpectra[good]

    # Load LSST filters
    throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'),'baseline')
    keys = ['u','g','r','i','z','y']
    nfilt = len(keys)
    filters = {}
    for filtername in keys:
        bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+filtername+'.dat'),
                        dtype=zip(['wave','trans'],[float]*2 ))
        tempB = Bandpass()
        filters[filtername] = tempB

    filterWave = np.array([filters[f].calcEffWavelen()[0] for f in keys ])

    for i,spectrum in enumerate(moonSpectra['spectra']):
        tempSed = Sed()
        for j,filtName in enumerate(keys):
                moonSpectra['mags'][i][j] = tempSed.calcMag(filters[filtName])

    nrec = np.size(moonSpectra)
    for i in np.arange(nbreak):
        np.savez(os.path.join(outDir,'moonSpectra_'+str(i)+'.npz'), wave = moonWave, spec=moonSpectra[i*nrec/nbreak:(i+1)*nrec/nbreak], filterWave=filterWave)
import lsst.sims.photUtils.Bandpass as Bandpass
import numpy as np
import os

# Check and see what the model returns for a dark sky at zenith

# Load LSST filters
throughPath = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
keys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
overview_vals = [22.9, 22.3, 21.2, 20.5, 19.6, 18.6]
filters = {}
for filtername in keys:
    bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_' + filtername + '.dat'),
                    dtype=zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float] * 2))
    tempB = Bandpass()
    tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
    filters[filtername] = tempB

# XXX--hmm, the zodiacal seems to be fairly important here!
sm = sb.SkyModel(moon=False, twilight=False)  #, zodiacal=False)
sm2 = sb.SkyModel(moon=False, twilight=False, zodiacal=False)
mjd = 56948.05174
sm.setRaDecMjd(np.array([0.]), np.array([90.]), mjd, azAlt=True, degrees=True)
sm2.setRaDecMjd(np.array([0.]), np.array([90.]), mjd, azAlt=True, degrees=True)

print 'filter  ESO model ESO(no Z)  Overview Paper'
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
    print key + '     %.2f &  %.2f  &  %.2f \\\\' % (sm.computeMags(
        filters[key])[0], sm2.computeMags(filters[key])[0], overview_vals[i])
# Crop off the incomplete ones

good = np.where((moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] >= 0)
                & (moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] < 89.))
moonSpectra = moonSpectra[good]

# Load LSST filters
throughPath = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
keys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
nfilt = len(keys)
filters = {}
for filtername in keys:
    bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_' + filtername + '.dat'),
                    dtype=zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float] * 2))
    tempB = Bandpass()
    tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
    filters[filtername] = tempB

filterWave = np.array([filters[f].calcEffWavelen()[0] for f in keys])

for i, spectrum in enumerate(moonSpectra['spectra']):
    tempSed = Sed()
    tempSed.setSED(moonWave, flambda=spectrum)
    for j, filtName in enumerate(keys):
            moonSpectra['mags'][i][j] = tempSed.calcMag(filters[filtName])

nbreak = 5
nrec = np.size(moonSpectra)
    def __init__(self, mags=False, darkSkyMags=None, fitResults=None):
        Read the Solar spectrum into a handy object and compute mags in different filters
        mags:  If true, only return the LSST filter magnitudes, otherwise return the full spectrum

        darkSkyMags = dict of the zenith dark sky values to be assumed. The twilight fits are
        done relative to the dark sky level.
        fitResults = dict of twilight parameters based on twilightFunc. Keys should be filter names.

        if darkSkyMags is None:
            darkSkyMags = {'u': 22.8, 'g': 22.3, 'r': 21.2,
                           'i': 20.3, 'z': 19.3, 'y': 18.0,
                           'B': 22.35, 'G': 21.71, 'R': 21.3}

        self.mags = mags

        dataDir = getPackageDir('sims_skybrightness_data')

        solarSaved = np.load(os.path.join(dataDir, 'solarSpec/solarSpec.npz'))
        self.solarSpec = Sed(wavelen=solarSaved['wave'], flambda=solarSaved['spec'])

        canonFilters = {}
        fnames = ['blue_canon.csv', 'green_canon.csv', 'red_canon.csv']

        # Filter names, from bluest to reddest.
        self.filterNames = ['B', 'G', 'R']

        for fname, filterName in zip(fnames, self.filterNames):
            bpdata = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(dataDir, 'Canon/', fname), delimiter=', ',
                                   dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'through'], [float]*2)))
            bpTemp = Bandpass()
            bpTemp.setBandpass(bpdata['wave'], bpdata['through'])
            canonFilters[filterName] = bpTemp

        # Tack on the LSST filters
        throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
        lsstKeys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
        for key in lsstKeys:
            bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+key+'.dat'),
                            dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2)))
            tempB = Bandpass()
            tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
            canonFilters[key] = tempB

        # MAGIC NUMBERS from fitting the all-sky camera:
        # Code to generate values in sims_skybrightness/examples/
        # Which in turn uses twilight maps from sims_skybrightness/examples/
        # values are of the form:
        # 0: ratio of f^z_12 to f_dark^z
        # 1: slope of curve wrt sun alt
        # 2: airmass term (10^(arg[2]*(X-1)))
        # 3: azimuth term.
        # 4: zenith dark sky flux (erg/s/cm^2)

        # For z and y, just assuming the shape parameter fits are similar to the other bands.
        # Looks like the diode is not sensitive enough to detect faint sky.
        # Using the Patat et al 2006 I-band values for z and modeified a little for y as a temp fix.
        if fitResults is None:
            self.fitResults = {'B': [7.56765633e+00, 2.29798055e+01, 2.86879956e-01,
                                     3.01162143e-01, 2.58462036e-04],
                               'G': [2.38561156e+00, 2.29310648e+01, 2.97733083e-01,
                                     3.16403197e-01, 7.29660095e-04],
                               'R': [1.75498017e+00, 2.22011802e+01, 2.98619033e-01,
                                     3.28880254e-01, 3.24411056e-04],
                               'z': [2.29, 24.08, 0.3, 0.3, -666],
                               'y': [2.0, 24.08, 0.3, 0.3, -666]}

            # XXX-completely arbitrary fudge factor to make things brighter in the blue
            # Just copy the blue and say it's brighter.
            self.fitResults['u'] = [16., 2.29622121e+01, 2.85862729e-01,
                                    2.99902574e-01, 2.32325117e-04]
            self.fitResults = fitResults

        # Take out any filters that don't have fit results
        self.filterNames = [key for key in self.filterNames if key in self.fitResults]

        self.effWave = []
        self.solarMag = []
        for filterName in self.filterNames:

        ord = np.argsort(self.effWave)
        self.filterNames = np.array(self.filterNames)[ord]
        self.effWave = np.array(self.effWave)[ord]
        self.solarMag = np.array(self.solarMag)[ord]

        # update the fit results to be zeropointed properly
        for key in self.fitResults:
            f0 = 10.**(-0.4*(darkSkyMags[key]-np.log10(3631.)))
            self.fitResults[key][-1] = f0

        self.solarWave = self.solarSpec.wavelen
        self.solarFlux = self.solarSpec.flambda
        # This one isn't as bad as the model grids, maybe we could get away with computing the magnitudes
        # in the __call__ each time.
        if mags:
            # Load up the LSST filters and convert the solarSpec.flabda and solarSpec.wavelen to fluxes
            throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
            self.lsstFilterNames = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
            self.lsstEquations = np.zeros((np.size(self.lsstFilterNames),
                                           np.size(self.fitResults['B'])), dtype=float)
            self.lsstEffWave = []

            fits = np.empty((np.size(self.effWave), np.size(self.fitResults['B'])), dtype=float)
            for i, fn in enumerate(self.filterNames):
                fits[i, :] = self.fitResults[fn]

            for filtername in self.lsstFilterNames:
                bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+filtername+'.dat'),
                                dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2)))
                tempB = Bandpass()
                tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
            # Loop through the parameters and interpolate to new eff wavelengths
            for i in np.arange(self.lsstEquations[0, :].size):
                interp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.effWave, fits[:, i])
                self.lsstEquations[:, i] = interp(self.lsstEffWave)
            # Set the dark sky flux
            for i, filterName in enumerate(self.lsstFilterNames):
                self.lsstEquations[i, -1] = 10.**(-0.4*(darkSkyMags[filterName]-np.log10(3631.)))

        self.filterNameDict = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5}
# Crop off the incomplete ones

good = np.where((moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] >= 0) & (moonSpectra['moonAltitude'] < 89.))
moonSpectra = moonSpectra[good]

# Load LSST filters
throughPath = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
keys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
nfilt = len(keys)
filters = {}
for filtername in keys:
    bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+filtername+'.dat'),
                    dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2)))
    tempB = Bandpass()
    tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
    filters[filtername] = tempB

filterWave = np.array([filters[f].calcEffWavelen()[0] for f in keys])

for i, spectrum in enumerate(moonSpectra['spectra']):
    tempSed = Sed()
    tempSed.setSED(moonWave, flambda=spectrum)
    for j, filtName in enumerate(keys):
            moonSpectra['mags'][i][j] = tempSed.calcMag(filters[filtName])

nbreak = 5
fitDict = {}

canonDict = {}
canonFiles = {
    'R': 'red_canon.csv',
    'G': 'green_canon.csv',
    'B': 'blue_canon.csv'
path = os.path.join(os.environ.get('SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA_DIR'), 'Canon')
for key in canonFiles.keys():
    data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, canonFiles[key]),
                      dtype=zip(['wave', 'throughput'], [float, float]))
    band = Bandpass()
    band.setBandpass(data['wave'], data['throughput'])
    canonDict[key] = band

# Dict to save the fitted mag zeropoints
cannonZPs = {}

for filterName in filters:
    twi = np.load('TwilightMaps/twiMaps_' + filterName + '.npz')
    # set the surface brightness limits to try and fit.
    brightLimit = brightLimits[filterName]
    #faintLimit = faintLimits[filterName]

    sunAlts = twi['sunAlts'].copy()
    magMaps = twi['magMap'].copy()
    rmsMaps = twi['rmsMap'].copy()
paramList = []

fitDict = {}

canonDict = {}
canonFiles = {'R':'red_canon.csv','G':'green_canon.csv','B':'blue_canon.csv'}
path = os.path.join(os.environ.get('SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA_DIR'), 'Canon')
for key in canonFiles.keys():
    data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path,canonFiles[key]), delimiter=',',
    band = Bandpass()
    band.setBandpass(data['wave'], data['throughput'])

# Dict to save the fitted mag zeropoints
cannonZPs = {}

for filterName in filters:
    twi = np.load('TwilightMaps/twiMaps_'+filterName+'.npz')
    # set the surface brightness limits to try and fit.
    brightLimit = brightLimits[filterName]
    #faintLimit = faintLimits[filterName]

    sunAlts = twi['sunAlts'].copy()
    magMaps = twi['magMap'].copy()
    rmsMaps = twi['rmsMap'].copy()
    def __init__(self, mags=False, darkSkyMags=None, fitResults=None):
        Read the Solar spectrum into a handy object and compute mags in different filters
        mags:  If true, only return the LSST filter magnitudes, otherwise return the full spectrum

        darkSkyMags = dict of the zenith dark sky values to be assumed. The twilight fits are
        done relative to the dark sky level.
        fitResults = dict of twilight parameters based on twilightFunc. Keys should be filter names.

        if darkSkyMags is None:
            darkSkyMags = {
                'u': 22.8,
                'g': 22.3,
                'r': 21.2,
                'i': 20.3,
                'z': 19.3,
                'y': 18.0,
                'B': 22.35,
                'G': 21.71,
                'R': 21.3

        self.mags = mags

        dataDir = getPackageDir('sims_skybrightness_data')

        solarSaved = np.load(os.path.join(dataDir, 'solarSpec/solarSpec.npz'))
        self.solarSpec = Sed(wavelen=solarSaved['wave'],

        canonFilters = {}
        fnames = ['blue_canon.csv', 'green_canon.csv', 'red_canon.csv']

        # Filter names, from bluest to reddest.
        self.filterNames = ['B', 'G', 'R']

        for fname, filterName in zip(fnames, self.filterNames):
            bpdata = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(dataDir, 'Canon/', fname),
                                   delimiter=', ',
                                       zip(['wave', 'through'], [float] * 2)))
            bpTemp = Bandpass()
            bpTemp.setBandpass(bpdata['wave'], bpdata['through'])
            canonFilters[filterName] = bpTemp

        # Tack on the LSST filters
        throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
        lsstKeys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
        for key in lsstKeys:
            bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath,
                                         'filter_' + key + '.dat'),
                            dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float] * 2)))
            tempB = Bandpass()
            tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
            canonFilters[key] = tempB

        # MAGIC NUMBERS from fitting the all-sky camera:
        # Code to generate values in sims_skybrightness/examples/
        # Which in turn uses twilight maps from sims_skybrightness/examples/
        # values are of the form:
        # 0: ratio of f^z_12 to f_dark^z
        # 1: slope of curve wrt sun alt
        # 2: airmass term (10^(arg[2]*(X-1)))
        # 3: azimuth term.
        # 4: zenith dark sky flux (erg/s/cm^2)

        # For z and y, just assuming the shape parameter fits are similar to the other bands.
        # Looks like the diode is not sensitive enough to detect faint sky.
        # Using the Patat et al 2006 I-band values for z and modeified a little for y as a temp fix.
        if fitResults is None:
            self.fitResults = {
                'B': [
                    7.56765633e+00, 2.29798055e+01, 2.86879956e-01,
                    3.01162143e-01, 2.58462036e-04
                'G': [
                    2.38561156e+00, 2.29310648e+01, 2.97733083e-01,
                    3.16403197e-01, 7.29660095e-04
                'R': [
                    1.75498017e+00, 2.22011802e+01, 2.98619033e-01,
                    3.28880254e-01, 3.24411056e-04
                'z': [2.29, 24.08, 0.3, 0.3, -666],
                'y': [2.0, 24.08, 0.3, 0.3, -666]

            # XXX-completely arbitrary fudge factor to make things brighter in the blue
            # Just copy the blue and say it's brighter.
            self.fitResults['u'] = [
                16., 2.29622121e+01, 2.85862729e-01, 2.99902574e-01,
            self.fitResults = fitResults

        # Take out any filters that don't have fit results
        self.filterNames = [
            key for key in self.filterNames if key in self.fitResults

        self.effWave = []
        self.solarMag = []
        for filterName in self.filterNames:

        ord = np.argsort(self.effWave)
        self.filterNames = np.array(self.filterNames)[ord]
        self.effWave = np.array(self.effWave)[ord]
        self.solarMag = np.array(self.solarMag)[ord]

        # update the fit results to be zeropointed properly
        for key in self.fitResults:
            f0 = 10.**(-0.4 * (darkSkyMags[key] - np.log10(3631.)))
            self.fitResults[key][-1] = f0

        self.solarWave = self.solarSpec.wavelen
        self.solarFlux = self.solarSpec.flambda
        # This one isn't as bad as the model grids, maybe we could get away with computing the magnitudes
        # in the __call__ each time.
        if mags:
            # Load up the LSST filters and convert the solarSpec.flabda and solarSpec.wavelen to fluxes
            throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'),
            self.lsstFilterNames = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
            self.lsstEquations = np.zeros(
                (np.size(self.lsstFilterNames), np.size(self.fitResults['B'])),
            self.lsstEffWave = []

            fits = np.empty(
                (np.size(self.effWave), np.size(self.fitResults['B'])),
            for i, fn in enumerate(self.filterNames):
                fits[i, :] = self.fitResults[fn]

            for filtername in self.lsstFilterNames:
                bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath,
                                             'filter_' + filtername + '.dat'),
                                dtype=list(zip(['wave', 'trans'],
                                               [float] * 2)))
                tempB = Bandpass()
                tempB.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'])
            # Loop through the parameters and interpolate to new eff wavelengths
            for i in np.arange(self.lsstEquations[0, :].size):
                interp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.effWave, fits[:, i])
                self.lsstEquations[:, i] = interp(self.lsstEffWave)
            # Set the dark sky flux
            for i, filterName in enumerate(self.lsstFilterNames):
                self.lsstEquations[i, -1] = 10.**(
                    -0.4 * (darkSkyMags[filterName] - np.log10(3631.)))

        self.filterNameDict = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5}
wd = Sed()
magnorm = 16
fNorm = wd.calcFluxNorm(magnorm, imsimBand)

throughPath = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
lsstKeys = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
# lsstKeys = ['r']
bps = {}
for key in lsstKeys:
    bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'total_'+key+'.dat'),
                    dtype=zip(['wave', 'trans'], [float]*2))
    bpTemp = Bandpass()
    good = np.where(bp['trans'] > 0.)
    bpTemp.setBandpass(bp['wave'], bp['trans'], wavelen_min=bp['wave'][good].min(),
    bps[key] = bpTemp

# Generate a GAIA observation
gaia_obs = SED2GAIA(wd)

# Read it in as an SED object
final_sed = ulysses2SED(data=gaia_obs, noisy=False, response=response)
print 're-binned mag, orignal mag, diff'
for key in lsstKeys:
    print key, final_sed.calcMag(bps[key]), wd.calcMag(bps[key]), \

import numpy as np
import os

# Check and see what the model returns for a dark sky at zenith

# Load LSST filters
throughPath = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
keys = ['u','g','r','i','z','y']
overview_vals = [22.9,22.3,21.2,20.5,19.6,18.6]
filters = {}
for filtername in keys:
    bp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(throughPath, 'filter_'+filtername+'.dat'),
                    dtype=zip(['wave','trans'],[float]*2 ))
    tempB = Bandpass()
    filters[filtername] = tempB

# XXX--hmm, the zodiacal seems to be fairly important here!
sm = sb.SkyModel( moon=False, twilight=False)#, zodiacal=False)
sm2 = sb.SkyModel( moon=False, twilight=False, zodiacal=False)
mjd = 56948.05174
sm.setRaDecMjd(np.array([0.]), np.array([90.]), mjd,azAlt=True, degrees=True)
sm2.setRaDecMjd(np.array([0.]), np.array([90.]), mjd,azAlt=True, degrees=True)

print 'filter  ESO model ESO(no Z)  Overview Paper'
for i,key in enumerate(keys):
    print key+'     %.2f &  %.2f  &  %.2f \\\\' %(sm.computeMags(filters[key])[0], sm2.computeMags(filters[key])[0],overview_vals[i])