    def testRaDecFromPupil(self):
        Test conversion from pupil coordinates back to Ra, Dec

        mjd = ModifiedJulianDate(TAI=52000.0)
        solarRA, solarDec = solarRaDec(mjd)

        # to make sure that we are more than 45 degrees from the Sun as required
        # for _icrsFromObserved to be at all accurate
        raCenter = solarRA + 100.0
        decCenter = solarDec - 30.0

        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=raCenter,

        nSamples = 1000
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        ra = (rng.random_sample(nSamples) * 0.1 - 0.2) + np.radians(raCenter)
        dec = (rng.random_sample(nSamples) * 0.1 - 0.2) + np.radians(decCenter)
        xp, yp = _pupilCoordsFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0)

        raTest, decTest = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xp,

        distance = arcsecFromRadians(haversine(ra, dec, raTest, decTest))

        dex = np.argmax(distance)

        worstSolarDistance = distanceToSun(np.degrees(ra[dex]),
                                           np.degrees(dec[dex]), mjd)

        msg = "_raDecFromPupilCoords off by %e arcsec at distance to Sun of %e degrees" % \
              (distance.max(), worstSolarDistance)

        self.assertLess(distance.max(), 1.0e-6, msg=msg)

        # now check that passing in the xp, yp values one at a time still gives
        # the right answer
        for ix in range(len(ra)):
            ra_f, dec_f = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xp[ix],
            self.assertIsInstance(ra_f, np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(dec_f, np.float)
            dist_f = arcsecFromRadians(
                haversine(ra_f, dec_f, raTest[ix], decTest[ix]))
            self.assertLess(dist_f, 1.0e-9)
    def testRaDecFromPupil_noRefraction(self):
        Test conversion from pupil coordinates back to Ra, Dec
        with includeRefraction=False

        mjd = ModifiedJulianDate(TAI=52000.0)
        solarRA, solarDec = solarRaDec(mjd)

        # to make sure that we are more than 45 degrees from the Sun as required
        # for _icrsFromObserved to be at all accurate
        raCenter = solarRA + 100.0
        decCenter = solarDec - 30.0

        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=raCenter,

        nSamples = 1000
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        ra = (rng.random_sample(nSamples) * 0.1 - 0.2) + np.radians(raCenter)
        dec = (rng.random_sample(nSamples) * 0.1 - 0.2) + np.radians(decCenter)
        xp, yp = _pupilCoordsFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,

        raTest, decTest = _raDecFromPupilCoords(
            xp, yp, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,

        distance = arcsecFromRadians(haversine(ra, dec, raTest, decTest))

        dex = np.argmax(distance)

        worstSolarDistance = distanceToSun(
            np.degrees(ra[dex]), np.degrees(dec[dex]), mjd)

        msg = "_raDecFromPupilCoords off by %e arcsec at distance to Sun of %e degrees" % \
              (distance.max(), worstSolarDistance)

        self.assertLess(distance.max(), 1.0e-6, msg=msg)

        # now check that passing in the xp, yp values one at a time still gives
        # the right answer
        for ix in range(len(ra)):
            ra_f, dec_f = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xp[ix], yp[ix], obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,
            self.assertIsInstance(ra_f, np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(dec_f, np.float)
            dist_f = arcsecFromRadians(haversine(ra_f, dec_f, raTest[ix], decTest[ix]))
            self.assertLess(dist_f, 1.0e-9)
    def testRaDecFromPupil(self):
        Test conversion from pupil coordinates back to Ra, Dec

        mjd = ModifiedJulianDate(TAI=52000.0)
        solarRA, solarDec = solarRaDec(mjd.TDB)

        # to make sure that we are more than 45 degrees from the Sun as required
        # for _icrsFromObserved to be at all accurate
        raCenter = solarRA + 100.0
        decCenter = solarDec - 30.0

        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=raCenter,

        nSamples = 1000
        ra = (numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*0.1-0.2) + numpy.radians(raCenter)
        dec = (numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*0.1-0.2) + numpy.radians(decCenter)
        xp, yp = _pupilCoordsFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0)
        raTest, decTest = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xp, yp, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0)
        distance = arcsecFromRadians(haversine(ra, dec, raTest, decTest))
        dex = numpy.argmax(distance)
        worstSolarDistance = distanceToSun(numpy.degrees(ra[dex]), numpy.degrees(dec[dex]), mjd.TDB)
        msg = "_raDecFromPupilCoords off by %e arcsec at distance to Sun of %e degrees" % \
        (distance.max(), worstSolarDistance)
        self.assertLess(distance.max(), 0.005, msg=msg)
    def testraDecFromPupilCoords(self):
        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=23.5, pointingDec=-115.0, mjd=42351.0, rotSkyPos=127.0)

        xpList = np.random.random_sample(100)*0.25*np.pi
        ypList = np.random.random_sample(100)*0.25*np.pi

        raRad, decRad = utils._raDecFromPupilCoords(xpList, ypList, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0)
        raDeg, decDeg = utils.raDecFromPupilCoords(xpList, ypList, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0)

        dRa = utils.arcsecFromRadians(raRad-np.radians(raDeg))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dRa, np.zeros(len(xpList)), 9)

        dDec = utils.arcsecFromRadians(decRad-np.radians(decDeg))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dDec, np.zeros(len(xpList)), 9)
    def testraDecFromPupilCoords(self):
        obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=23.5,

        xpList = self.rng.random_sample(100) * 0.25 * np.pi
        ypList = self.rng.random_sample(100) * 0.25 * np.pi

        raRad, decRad = utils._raDecFromPupilCoords(xpList,
        raDeg, decDeg = utils.raDecFromPupilCoords(xpList,

        dRa = utils.arcsecFromRadians(raRad - np.radians(raDeg))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dRa, np.zeros(len(xpList)), 9)

        dDec = utils.arcsecFromRadians(decRad - np.radians(decDeg))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dDec, np.zeros(len(xpList)), 9)
def _raDecFromPixelCoordsLSST(xPix,
    Convert pixel coordinates into RA, Dec

    @param [in] xPix is the x pixel coordinate.  It can be either
    a float or a numpy array.

    @param [in] yPix is the y pixel coordinate.  It can be either
    a float or a numpy array.

    @param [in] chipName is the name of the chip(s) on which the pixel coordinates
    are defined.  This can be a list (in which case there should be one chip name
    for each (xPix, yPix) coordinate pair), or a single value (in which case, all
    of the (xPix, yPix) points will be reckoned on that chip).

    @param [in] band is the filter we are simulating (default=r)

    @param [in] obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData defining the pointing

    @param [in] epoch is the mean epoch in years of the celestial coordinate system.
    Default is 2000.

    @param [in] includeDistortion is a boolean.  If True (default), then this method will
    expect the true pixel coordinates with optical distortion included.  If False, this
    method will expect TAN_PIXEL coordinates, which are the pixel coordinates with
    estimated optical distortion removed.  See the documentation in afw.cameraGeom for more

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the RA coordinate
    and the second row is the Dec coordinate (both in radians; in the International
    Celestial Reference System)

    WARNING: This method does not account for apparent motion due to parallax.
    This method is only useful for mapping positions on a theoretical focal plane
    to positions on the celestial sphere.

    are_arrays, \
    chipNameList = _validate_inputs_and_chipname([xPix, yPix],
                                                 ['xPix', 'yPix'],

    if epoch is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without specifying an epoch")

    if obs_metadata is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without an ObservationMetaData"

    if obs_metadata.mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The ObservationMetaData in raDecFromPixelCoords must have an mjd")

    if obs_metadata.rotSkyPos is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The ObservationMetaData in raDecFromPixelCoords must have a rotSkyPos"

    xPupilList, yPupilList = pupilCoordsFromPixelCoordsLSST(

    raOut, decOut = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xPupilList,

    return np.array([raOut, decOut])
def _raDecFromPixelCoords(xPix, yPix, chipName, camera=None,
                          obs_metadata=None, epoch=2000.0, includeDistortion=True):
    Convert pixel coordinates into RA, Dec

    @param [in] xPix is the x pixel coordinate.  It can be either
    a float or a numpy array.

    @param [in] yPix is the y pixel coordinate.  It can be either
    a float or a numpy array.

    @param [in] chipName is the name of the chip(s) on which the pixel coordinates
    are defined.  This can be a list (in which case there should be one chip name
    for each (xPix, yPix) coordinate pair), or a single value (in which case, all
    of the (xPix, yPix) points will be reckoned on that chip).

    @param [in] camera is an afw.CameraGeom.camera object defining the camera

    @param [in] obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData defining the pointing

    @param [in] epoch is the mean epoch in years of the celestial coordinate system.
    Default is 2000.

    @param [in] includeDistortion is a boolean.  If True (default), then this method will
    expect the true pixel coordinates with optical distortion included.  If False, this
    method will expect TAN_PIXEL coordinates, which are the pixel coordinates with
    estimated optical distortion removed.  See the documentation in afw.cameraGeom for more

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the RA coordinate
    and the second row is the Dec coordinate (both in radians; in the International
    Celestial Reference System)

    WARNING: This method does not account for apparent motion due to parallax.
    This method is only useful for mapping positions on a theoretical focal plane
    to positions on the celestial sphere.

    are_arrays, \
    chipNameList = _validate_inputs_and_chipname([xPix, yPix],
                                                 ['xPix', 'yPix'],

    if camera is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without specifying a camera")

    if epoch is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without specifying an epoch")

    if obs_metadata is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without an ObservationMetaData")

    if obs_metadata.mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError("The ObservationMetaData in raDecFromPixelCoords must have an mjd")

    if obs_metadata.rotSkyPos is None:
        raise RuntimeError("The ObservationMetaData in raDecFromPixelCoords must have a rotSkyPos")

    xPupilList, yPupilList = pupilCoordsFromPixelCoords(xPix, yPix, chipNameList,
                                                        camera=camera, includeDistortion=includeDistortion)

    raOut, decOut = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xPupilList, yPupilList,
                                          obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=epoch)

    return np.array([raOut, decOut])
def _raDecFromPixelCoords(xPixList, yPixList, chipNameList, camera=None,
                          obs_metadata=None, epoch=None, includeDistortion=True):
    Convert pixel coordinates into RA, Dec

    @param [in] xPixList is a numpy array of x pixel coordinates

    @param [in] yPixList is a numpy array of y pixel coordinates

    @param [in] chipNameList is a numpy array of chip names (corresponding to the points
    in xPixList and yPixList)

    @param [in] camera is an afw.CameraGeom.camera object defining the camera

    @param [in] obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData defining the pointing

    @param [in] epoch is the mean epoch in years of the celestial coordinate system

    @param [in] includeDistortion is a boolean.  If True (default), then this method will
    expect the true pixel coordinates with optical distortion included.  If False, this
    method will expect TAN_PIXEL coordinates, which are the pixel coordinates with
    estimated optical distortion removed.  See the documentation in afw.cameraGeom for more

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the RA coordinate
    and the second row is the Dec coordinate (both in radians; in the International
    Celestial Reference System)

    if camera is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without specifying a camera")

    if epoch is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without specifying an epoch")

    if obs_metadata is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot call raDecFromPixelCoords without an ObservationMetaData")

    if obs_metadata.mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError("The ObservationMetaData in raDecFromPixelCoords must have an mjd")

    if obs_metadata.rotSkyPos is None:
        raise RuntimeError("The ObservationMetaData in raDecFromPixelCoords must have a rotSkyPos")

    if not isinstance(xPixList, numpy.ndarray) or not isinstance(yPixList, numpy.ndarray):
        raise RuntimeError("You must pass numpy arrays of xPix and yPix to raDecFromPixelCoords")

    if len(xPixList)!=len(yPixList):
        raise RuntimeError("You passed %d xPix coordinates but %d yPix coordinates " \
                           % (len(xPixList), len(yPixList)) \
                           +"to raDecFromPixelCoords")

    if len(xPixList)!=len(chipNameList):
        raise RuntimeError("You passed %d pixel coordinate pairs but %d chip names " \
                          % (len(xPixList), len(chipNameList)) \
                          +"to raDecFromPixelCoords")

    xPupilList, yPupilList = pupilCoordsFromPixelCoords(xPixList, yPixList, chipNameList,
                                                        camera=camera, includeDistortion=includeDistortion)

    raOut, decOut = _raDecFromPupilCoords(xPupilList, yPupilList,
                                  obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=epoch)

    return numpy.array([raOut, decOut])