A = np.array([[0.7, 0.3, 0.2], [-0.2, 0.4, 0.5], [-0.4, 0.2, -0.3]])
    B = np.array([[0.5, -0.3], [0.8, 0.3], [0.1, 0.9]])
    Q = np.eye(3)
    R = np.eye(2)
    S0 = np.eye(3)
    Aa = 0.1 * np.array([[2, 9, -6], [9, 9, 4], [-9, -2, 5]])
    Aa = Aa[:, :, np.newaxis]
    Bb = 0.1 * np.array([[8, 8], [3, 3], [-6, 6]])
    Bb = Bb[:, :, np.newaxis]
    a = np.array([[0.1]])
    b = np.array([[0.1]])
    SS = LQRSysMult(A, B, a, Aa, b, Bb, Q, R, S0)

    # Start with an initially stabilizing (feasible) controller;
    # for this example the system is open-loop mean-square stable
    SS.setK(np.zeros([SS.m, SS.n]))

    # Policy gradient options
    PGO = PolicyGradientOptions(epsilon=(1e-2) * SS.Kare.size,
def gradient_estimate_variance(noise, textfile, seed=1):
    # Generate the system
    # Two states, diffusion w/ friction and multiplicative noise
    n = 2
    m = 1
    A = np.array([[0.8, 0.1], [0.1, 0.8]])
    B = np.array([[1.0], [0.0]])
    a = np.array([[0.1]])
    Aa = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])[:, :, np.newaxis]
    b = np.array([[0.0]])
    Bb = np.array([[0.0], [0.0]])[:, :, np.newaxis]
    Q = np.eye(2)
    R = np.eye(1)
    S0 = np.eye(2)

    if noise:
        SS = LQRSysMult(A, B, a, Aa, b, Bb, Q, R, S0)
        SS = LQRSys(A, B, Q, R, S0)

    # Initialize
#    K0 = 0.01*np.ones([m,n])
    K0 = np.zeros([m, n])
    K = np.copy(SS.K)


    # Number of gradient estimates to collect for variance analysis
    n_iterc = 10

    # Rollout length
    nt = 40

    # Number of rollouts
    nr = int(1e4)

    # Exploration radius
    ru = 1e-2

    G_est_all = np.zeros([n_iterc, m, n])
    error_angle_all = np.zeros(n_iterc)
    error_scale_all = np.zeros(n_iterc)
    error_norm_all = np.zeros(n_iterc)

    headerstr_list = []
    headerstr_list.append('    trial ')
    headerstr_list.append('error angle (deg)')
    headerstr_list.append('  error scale ')
    headerstr_list.append(' error norm')
    headerstr_list.append('true gradient norm')
    headerstr = " | ".join(headerstr_list)
    printout(headerstr, textfile)

    t_start = time()

    for iterc in range(n_iterc):
        # Estimate gradient using zeroth-order optimization

        # Draw random gain deviations and scale to Frobenius norm ball
        Uraw = npr.normal(size=[nr, SS.m, SS.n])
        U = ru * Uraw / la.norm(Uraw, 'fro', axis=(1, 2))[:, None, None]

        # Stack dynamics matrices into a 3D array
        Kd = K + U

        # Simulate all rollouts together
        c = np.zeros(nr)

        # Draw random initial states
        x = npr.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(SS.n), SS.S0, nr)

        for t in range(nt):
            # Accumulate cost
            c += np.einsum('...i,...i', x, np.einsum('jk,...k', SS.QK, x))

            # Calculate closed-loop dynamics
            AKr = SS.A + np.einsum('...ik,...kj', SS.B, Kd)

            if noise:
                for i in range(SS.p):
                    AKr += (SS.a[i]**0.5) * npr.randn(
                        nr)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.repeat(
                            SS.Aa[np.newaxis, :, :, i], nr, axis=0)
                for j in range(SS.q):
                    AKr += np.einsum(
                        '...ik,...kj', (SS.b[j]**0.5) *
                        npr.randn(nr)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] *
                        np.repeat(SS.Bb[np.newaxis, :, :, j], nr, axis=0), Kd)

            # Transition the state
            x = np.einsum('...jk,...k', AKr, x)

        # Estimate gradient
        Glqr = np.einsum('i,i...', c, U)
        Glqr *= K.size / (nr * (ru**2))

        G_est = Glqr
        G_act = SS.grad

        error_angle = (360 / (2 * np.pi)) * np.arccos(
            np.sum((G_est * G_act)) / (la.norm(G_est) * la.norm(G_act)))
        error_scale = (la.norm(G_est) / la.norm(G_act))
        error_norm = la.norm(G_est - G_act)

        G_est_all[iterc] = G_est
        error_angle_all[iterc] = error_angle
        error_scale_all[iterc] = error_scale
        error_norm_all[iterc] = error_norm

        # Print iterate messages
        printstrlist = []
        printstrlist.append("{0:9d}".format(iterc + 1))
        printstrlist.append("   {0:6.2f} / 360".format(error_angle))
        printstrlist.append("{0:8.4f} / 1".format(error_scale))
        printstr = '  |  '.join(printstrlist)
        printout(printstr, textfile)

    t_end = time()
    printout('', textfile)
    printout('mean of error angle', textfile)
    printout('%f' % np.mean(error_angle_all), textfile)
    printout('mean of error scale', textfile)
    printout('%f' % np.mean(error_scale_all), textfile)
    printout('mean of error norm', textfile)
    printout('%f' % np.mean(error_norm_all), textfile)
    #    printout('standard deviation of raw gradient estimate, entrywise',textfile)
    #    printout('%f' % np.std(G_est_all,0),textfile)
    printout('average time per gradient estimate (s)', textfile)
    printout("%.3f" % ((t_end - t_start) / n_iterc), textfile)
    printout('', textfile)

    return G_act, G_est_all, error_angle_all, error_scale_all, error_norm_all