def test_no_nested(self): queries = extract_nested_queries( {"term": { "text": { "value": "spam", "_name": "spam" } }}) self.assertEqual(queries, []) queries = extract_nested_queries({ "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "text": { "value": "spam", "_name": "spam" } } }, { "term": { "text": { "value": "ham", "_name": "ham" } } }, ] } }) self.assertEqual(queries, [])
def _nested_test(self, query, html, ref, num_match=1): """scenario taking into account nested :param str matching_query: the query that match the book :param str ref: ref of expected matching book """ ltree = parser.parse(query) names = auto_name(ltree) query = self.es_builder(ltree) queries = [query] + extract_nested_queries(query) matched_queries = [] # we have to force book matching by adding condition for sub_query in queries: search = | Q("term", ref=ref)).filter("term", ref=ref) book, = list(search.execute()) self.assertEqual(book.ref, ref) matched_queries.extend(getattr(book.meta, "matched_queries", [])) self.assertEqual(len(matched_queries), num_match) paths_ok, paths_ko = self.propagate_matching( ltree, *matching_from_names(matched_queries, names), ) self.assertEqual( self.make_html(ltree, paths_ok, paths_ko), html, ) return matched_queries, html
def test_nested_in_bool_with_bool_inside(self): term1 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "spam", "_name": "spam"}}} term2 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "ham", "_name": "ham"}}} term3 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "foo", "_name": "foo"}}} bool_query = {"bool": {"must": [term1, term2]}} queries = extract_nested_queries({ "bool": { "should": [term3, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": bool_query } }] } }) self.assertEqual( queries, [ { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": term1, "_name": "spam" } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": term2, "_name": "ham" } }, ], )
def test_nested_inside_nested(self): term1 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "bar", "_name": "bar"}}} term2 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "baz", "_name": "baz"}}} term3 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "spam", "_name": "spam"}}} bool_query1 = {"bool": {"should": [term1, term2]}} inner_nested = {"nested": {"path": "my.your", "query": bool_query1}} bool_query2 = {"bool": {"must": [term3, inner_nested]}} queries = extract_nested_queries( {"nested": { "path": "my", "query": bool_query2 }}) self.assertEqual(queries, [ { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": term3, "_name": "spam" } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": inner_nested } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "_name": "bar", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.your", "query": term1, } } } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "_name": "baz", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.your", "query": term2, } } } }, ])
def test_nested_no_bool_inside(self): queries = extract_nested_queries({ "nested": { "path": "my", "query": { "term": { "text": { "value": "spam", "_name": "spam" } } } } }) self.assertEqual(queries, [])
def test_multiple_parallel_nested(self): term1 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "bar", "_name": "bar"}}} term2 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "foo", "_name": "foo"}}} term3 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "spam", "_name": "spam"}}} bool_query1 = {"bool": {"should": [term1]}} bool_query2 = {"bool": {"must_not": [term2]}} nested1 = {"nested": {"path": "my.your", "query": bool_query1}} nested2 = {"nested": {"path": "my.his", "query": bool_query2}} bool_query3 = {"bool": {"should": [nested2, nested1]}} bool_query4 = {"bool": {"must": [term3, bool_query3]}} queries = extract_nested_queries( {"nested": { "path": "my", "query": bool_query4 }}) self.assertEqual(queries, [ { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": term3, "_name": "spam" } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": bool_query3 } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": nested2 } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": nested1 } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "_name": "foo", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.his", "query": term2 } } } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "_name": "bar", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.your", "query": term1 } } } }, ])
def test_nested_inside_nested_with_nested_bool(self): term1 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "bar", "_name": "bar"}}} term2 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "foo", "_name": "foo"}}} term3 = {"term": {"text": {"value": "spam", "_name": "spam"}}} bool_query1 = {"bool": {"must_not": [term1]}} bool_query2 = {"bool": {"should": [term2, bool_query1]}} inner_nested = {"nested": {"path": "my.your", "query": bool_query2}} bool_query3 = {"bool": {"must_not": [inner_nested]}} bool_query4 = {"bool": {"must": [term3, bool_query3]}} queries = extract_nested_queries( {"nested": { "path": "my", "query": bool_query4 }}) self.assertEqual(queries, [ { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": term3, "_name": "spam" } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": bool_query3 } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": inner_nested } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "_name": "foo", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.your", "query": term2 } } } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.your", "query": bool_query1 } }, } }, { "nested": { "path": "my", "_name": "bar", "query": { "nested": { "path": "my.your", "query": term1 } } } }, ])