def _plot_DEs_vs_digital_values(DEslab, DEsl, DEsab, rgbcal, avg = lambda x: ((x**2).mean()**0.5), nbit = 8, verbosity = 1):
    """ Make a plot of the lab, l and ab color differences for the different calibration stimulus types. """
    if verbosity > 0:
        p_pure = [(rgbcal[:,1]==0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0), 
              (rgbcal[:,0]==0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0), 
              (rgbcal[:,0]==0) & (rgbcal[:,1]==0)] 
        p_grays = (rgbcal[:,0] == rgbcal[:,1]) & (rgbcal[:,0] == rgbcal[:,2])
        p_whites = (rgbcal[:,0] == (2**nbit-1)) & (rgbcal[:,1] == (2**nbit-1)) & (rgbcal[:,2] == (2**nbit-1))
        p_cyans = (rgbcal[:,0]==0) & (rgbcal[:,1]!=0) & (rgbcal[:,2]!=0)
        p_yellows = (rgbcal[:,0]!=0) & (rgbcal[:,1]!=0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0)
        p_magentas = (rgbcal[:,0]!=0) & (rgbcal[:,1]==0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0)
        fig,(ax0,ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=3, figsize = (15,4))
        marker ='o'
        markersize = 10
        if p_whites.any():
            ax0.plot(rgbcal[p_whites,0], DEslab[p_whites],'ks',markersize = markersize, label='white')
            ax1.plot(rgbcal[p_whites,0], DEsl[p_whites],'ks',markersize = markersize,label='white')
            ax2.plot(rgbcal[p_whites,0], DEsab[p_whites],'ks',markersize = markersize,label='white')
        if p_grays.any():
            ax0.plot(rgbcal[p_grays,0], DEslab[p_grays], color = 'gray', marker = marker,linestyle='none',label='gray')
            ax1.plot(rgbcal[p_grays,0], DEsl[p_grays], color = 'gray', marker = marker,linestyle='none',label='gray')
            ax2.plot(rgbcal[p_grays,0], DEsab[p_grays], color = 'gray', marker = marker,linestyle='none',label='gray')
        for i in range(3):
            if p_pure[i].any():
                ax0.plot(rgbcal[p_pure[i],i], DEslab[p_pure[i]],rgb_colors[i]+marker,label=rgb_labels[i])
                ax1.plot(rgbcal[p_pure[i],i], DEsl[p_pure[i]],rgb_colors[i]+marker,label=rgb_labels[i])
                ax2.plot(rgbcal[p_pure[i],i], DEsab[p_pure[i]],rgb_colors[i]+marker,label=rgb_labels[i])
        if p_cyans.any():
            ax0.plot(rgbcal[p_cyans,1], DEslab[p_cyans],'c'+marker,label='cyan')
            ax1.plot(rgbcal[p_cyans,1], DEsl[p_cyans],'c'+marker,label='cyan')
            ax2.plot(rgbcal[p_cyans,1], DEsab[p_cyans],'c'+marker,label='cyan')
        if p_yellows.any():
            ax0.plot(rgbcal[p_yellows,0], DEslab[p_yellows],'y'+marker,label='yellow')
            ax1.plot(rgbcal[p_yellows,0], DEsl[p_yellows],'y'+marker,label='yellow')
            ax2.plot(rgbcal[p_yellows,0], DEsab[p_yellows],'y'+marker,label='yellow')
        if p_magentas.any():
            ax0.plot(rgbcal[p_magentas,0], DEslab[p_magentas],'m'+marker,label='magenta')
            ax1.plot(rgbcal[p_magentas,0], DEsl[p_magentas],'m'+marker,label='magenta')
            ax2.plot(rgbcal[p_magentas,0], DEsab[p_magentas],'m'+marker,label='magenta')
        ax0.plot(np.array([0,(2**nbit-1)*1.05]),np.hstack((avg(DEslab),avg(DEslab))),color = 'r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--')
        ax0.set_xlabel('digital values')
        ax0.set_ylabel('Color difference DElab')
        ax1.plot(np.array([0,(2**nbit-1)*1.05]),np.hstack((avg(DEsl),avg(DEsl))),color = 'r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--')
        ax1.set_xlabel('digital values')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Color difference DEl')
        ax2.plot(np.array([0,(2**nbit-1)*1.05]),np.hstack((avg(DEsab),avg(DEsab))),color = 'r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--')
        ax2.set_xlabel('digital values')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Color difference DEab')
        ax2.legend(loc='upper left')
def _rgb_delinearizer(rgblin, tr, tr_type = 'lut'):
    """ De-linearize linear rgblin using tr tone response function or lut """
    if tr_type == 'gog':
        return np.array([TRi(rgblin[:,i],*tr[i]) for i in range(3)]).T
    elif tr_type == 'lut':
        maxv = (tr.shape[0] - 1)
        bins = np.vstack((tr-np.diff(tr,axis=0,prepend=0)/2,tr[-1,:]+0.01)) # create bins
        idxs = np.array([(np.digitize(rgblin[:,i],bins[:,i]) - 1)  for i in range(3)]).T # find bin indices
        idxs[idxs>maxv] = maxv 
        rgb = np.arange(tr.shape[0])[idxs]
        return rgb
def _cri_ref_i(cct,
               mix_range=[4000, 5000],
    Calculates a reference illuminant spectrum based on cct 
    for color rendering index calculations.
    if mix_range is None:
        mix_range = _CRI_REF_TYPES[ref_type]
    if (cct < mix_range[0]) | (ref_type == 'BB'):
        return blackbody(cct, wl3, n=n)
    elif (cct > mix_range[0]) | (ref_type == 'DL'):
        return daylightphase(
        SrBB = blackbody(cct, wl3, n=n)
        SrDL = daylightphase(
        cmf = _CMF[cieobs]['bar'] if isinstance(cieobs, str) else cieobs
        wl = SrBB[0]
        ld = getwld(wl)

        SrBB = 100.0 * SrBB[1] / np.array(np.sum(SrBB[1] * cmf[2] * ld))
        SrDL = 100.0 * SrDL[1] / np.array(np.sum(SrDL[1] * cmf[2] * ld))
        Tb, Te = float(mix_range[0]), float(mix_range[1])
        cBB, cDL = (Te - cct) / (Te - Tb), (cct - Tb) / (Te - Tb)
        if cBB < 0.0:
            cBB = 0.0
        elif cBB > 1:
            cBB = 1.0
        if cDL < 0.0:
            cDL = 0.0
        elif cDL > 1:
            cDL = 1.0

        Sr = SrBB * cBB + SrDL * cDL
        Sr[Sr == float('NaN')] = 0.0
        Sr = np.vstack((wl, (Sr / Sr[_POS_WL560])))

        return Sr
def plot_rgb_color_patches(rgb,
                           patch_shape=(100, 100),
    Create (and plot) an image with patches with specified rgb values.
            | ndarray with rgb values for each of the patches
            | (100,100), optional
            | shape of each of the patches in the image
            | None, optional
            | If None: layout is calculated automatically to give a 'good' aspect ratio
            | None, optional
            | Axes to plot the image in. If None: a new axes is created.
            | True, optional
            | If True: plot image in axes and return axes handle; else: return ndarray with image.
        :ax: or :imagae: 
            | Axes is returned if show == True, else: ndarray with rgb image is returned.
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

    if patch_layout is None:
        patch_layout = get_subplot_layout(rgb.shape[0])

    image = np.zeros(
        np.hstack((np.array(patch_shape) * np.array(patch_layout), 3)))
    for i in range(rgb.shape[0]):
        r, c = np.unravel_index(i, patch_layout)
        R = int(r * patch_shape[0])
        C = int(c * patch_shape[1])
        image[R:R + patch_shape[0],
              C:C + patch_shape[1], :] = np.ones(np.hstack(
                  (patch_shape, 3))) * rgb[i, None, :]

    if show == False:
        return image
        return ax
def spd_to_thornton_cpi(spd):
    Calculate Thornton's Color Preference Index (CPI).
            | nd array with spectral power distribution(s) of the test light source(s).
            | ndarray with CPI values.
        1. `Thornton, W. A. (1974). A Validation of the Color-Preference Index.
        Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 4(1), 48–52. 

    # sample 1976 u'v' coordinates for test and reference
    # using CIE Ra calculation engine
    # (only cspace, sampleset (with added white), and catf have changed;
    # catf = None so no CAT is applied as Thornton CPI,
    # like Judd's Flattery index, uses a Judd-type translational CAT)
    Yuv_t, Yuv_r = spd_to_jab_t_r(spd,
                                      'type': 'Yuv',
                                      'xyzw': None

    # Convert to 1960 UCS:
    Yuv_t[..., 2] *= (2 / 3)
    Yuv_r[..., 2] *= (2 / 3)

    # Perform Judd-type translational CAT with white point stored in last row:
    Yuv_t[..., 1:] -= Yuv_t[..., 1:][-1]
    Yuv_r[..., 1:] -= Yuv_r[..., 1:][-1]

    # Remove last row (white point):
    Yuv_t = Yuv_t[:-1, ...]
    Yuv_r = Yuv_r[:-1, ...]

    # Define preferred chromaticity shifts for 8 CIE CRI samples:
    # (*5, because Thorton uses full preferred shifts unlike Judd's Flattery Index)
    uv_shifts = np.array([[0.0020, 0.0008], [0.0000, 0.0000], [
        -0.0020, 0.0008
    ], [-0.0020, 0.0010], [-0.0020, -0.0004], [-0.0012, -0.0020],
                          [0.0008, -0.0020], [0.0020, -0.0010]]) * 5

    # Calculate chromaticity difference between test and shifted ref coordinates:
    DE = 800 * ((
        (Yuv_t[..., 1:] -
         (Yuv_r[..., 1:] + uv_shifts[:, None, :]))**2).sum(axis=-1))**0.5

    # Calculate CPI:
    CPI = 156 - 7.317 * DE.mean(
        axis=0)  # in Thornton 1974 we find 7.18, but then CPI(D65)!=100
    return CPI
def _get_gij_fmc_2(xyz, cspace = 'Yxy'):
    Get gij matrices describing the discrimination ellipses for xyz using FMC-1.
        Chickering, K.D. (1971), FMC Color-Difference Formulas: Clarification Concerning Usage, 61(1), p.118-122
    # Convert xyz to pqs coordinates:
    pqs = _xyz_to_pqs(xyz)
    # get FMC-2 Cij matrix (for X,Y,Z):
    D = (pqs[...,0]**2 + pqs[...,1]**2)**0.5
    a = (17.3e-6*D**2/(1 + 2.73*((pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,1])**2)/(pqs[...,0]**4 + pqs[...,1]**4)))**0.5
    b = (3.098e-4*(pqs[...,2]**2 + 0.2015*xyz[...,1]**2))**0.5
    K1 = 0.55669 + xyz[...,1]*(0.049434 + xyz[...,1]*(-0.82575e-3 + xyz[...,1]*(0.79172e-5 - 0.30087e-7*xyz[...,1])))
    K2 = 0.17548 + xyz[...,1]*(0.027556 + xyz[...,1]*(-0.57262e-3 + xyz[...,1]*(0.63893e-5 - 0.26731e-7*xyz[...,1]))) 
    e1 = K1*pqs[...,2]/(b*D**2)
    e2 = K1/b
    e3 = 0.279*K2/(a*D)
    e4 = K1/(a*D)
    C11 = (e1**2 + e3**2)*pqs[...,0]**2 + e4**2*pqs[...,1]**2
    C12 = (e1**2 + e3**2 - e4**2)*pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,1]
    C22 = (e1**2 + e3**2)*pqs[...,1]**2 + e4**2*pqs[...,0]**2
    C13 = -e1*e2*pqs[...,0]
    C23 = -e1*e2*pqs[...,1]
    C33 = e2**2
    C = np.array([[C11, C12, C13],[C12, C22, C23], [C13, C23, C33]])
    if cspace == 'Yxy':
        return _cij_to_gij(xyz,C)
        return C
def _get_gij_fmc_1(xyz, cspace = 'Yxy'):
    Get gij matrices describing the discrimination ellipses for xyz using FMC-1.
        Chickering, K.D. (1967), Optimization of the MacAdam-Modified 1965 Friele Color-Difference Formula, 57(4), p.537-541
    # Convert xyz to pqs coordinates:
    pqs = _xyz_to_pqs(xyz)
    # get FMC-1 Cij matrix (for X,Y,Z):
    D2 = (pqs[...,0]**2 + pqs[...,1]**2)
    b2 = 3.098e-4*(pqs[...,2]**2 + 0.2015*xyz[...,1]**2)
    A2 = 57780*(1 + 2.73*((pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,1])**2)/(pqs[...,0]**4 + pqs[...,1]**4))
    C11 = (A2*(0.0778*pqs[...,0]**2 + pqs[...,1]**2) + ((pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,2])**2)/b2)/D2**2
    C12 = (-0.9222*A2*pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,1] + (pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,1]*pqs[...,2]**2)/b2)/D2**2
    C22 = (A2*(pqs[...,0]**2 + 0.0778*pqs[...,1]**2) + ((pqs[...,1]*pqs[...,2])**2)/b2)/D2**2
    C13 = -pqs[...,0]*pqs[...,2]/(b2*D2) # or -PQ/b2*D2 ??
    C33 = 1/b2
    C23 = pqs[...,1]*C13/pqs[...,0]
    C = np.array([[C11, C12, C13],[C12, C22, C23], [C13, C23, C33]])
    if cspace == 'Yxy':
        return _cij_to_gij(xyz,C)
        return C
def line_intersect(a1, a2, b1, b2):
    Line intersections of series of two line segments a and b. 
            | ndarray (.shape  = (N,2)) specifying end-point 1 of line a
            | ndarray (.shape  = (N,2)) specifying end-point 2 of line a
            | ndarray (.shape  = (N,2)) specifying end-point 1 of line b
            | ndarray (.shape  = (N,2)) specifying end-point 2 of line b
        N is the number of line segments a and b.
            | ndarray with line-intersections (.shape = (N,2))
        1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3252194/numpy-and-line-intersections
    T = np.array([[0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
    da = np.atleast_2d(a2 - a1)
    db = np.atleast_2d(b2 - b1)
    dp = np.atleast_2d(a1 - b1)
    dap = np.dot(da, T)
    denom = np.sum(dap * db, axis=1)
    num = np.sum(dap * dp, axis=1)
    return np.atleast_2d(num / denom).T * db + b1
def smet2017_D(xyzw, Dmax=None):
    Calculate the degree of adaptation based on chromaticity following 
    Smet et al. (2017) 
            | ndarray with white point data (CIE 1964 10° XYZs!!)
            | None or float, optional
            | Defaults to 0.6539 (max D obtained under experimental conditions, 
            | but probably too low due to dark surround leading to incomplete 
            | chromatic adaptation even for neutral illuminants 
            | resulting in background luminance (fov~50°) of 760 cd/m²))
            | ndarray with degrees of adaptation
        1. `Smet, K.A.G.*, Zhai, Q., Luo, M.R., Hanselaer, P., (2017), 
        Study of chromatic adaptation using memory color matches, 
        Part II: colored illuminants, 
        Opt. Express, 25(7), pp. 8350-8365.


    # Convert xyzw to log-compressed Macleod_Boyton coordinates:
    Vl, rl, bl = asplit(
        np.log(xyz_to_Vrb_mb(xyzw, M=_MCATS['hpe']))
    )  # force use of HPE matrix (which was the one used when deriving the model parameters!!)

    # apply Dmodel (technically only for cieobs = '1964_10')
    pD = (1.0e7) * np.array([
        0.021081326530436, 4.751255762876845, -0.000000071025181,
        -0.000000063627042, -0.146952821492957, 3.117390441655821
    ])  #D model parameters for gaussian model in log(MB)-space (july 2016)
    if Dmax is None:
        Dmax = 0.6539  # max D obtained under experimental conditions (probably too low due to dark surround leading to incomplete chromatic adaptation even for neutral illuminants resulting in background luminance (fov~50°) of 760 cd/m²)
    return Dmax * math.bvgpdf(x=rl,
                                  np.array([[pD[0], pD[4]], [pD[4], pD[1]]
文件: helpers.py 项目: simongr2/luxpy
 def normalize_to_Lw(Ill, Lw, cieobs, rflM):
     xyzw = lx.spd_to_xyz(Ill, cieobs=cieobs, relative=False)
     for i in range(Ill.shape[0] - 1):
         Ill[i + 1] = Lw * Ill[i + 1] / xyzw[i, 1]
     IllM = []
     for i in range(Ill.shape[0] - 1):
         IllM.append(np.vstack((Ill1[0], Ill[i + 1] * rflM[1:, :])))
     IllM = np.transpose(np.array(IllM), (1, 0, 2))
     return Ill, IllM
def plotcircle(center=np.array([[0., 0.]]),
               radii=np.arange(0, 60, 10),
               angles=np.arange(0, 350, 10),
    Plot one or more concentric circles.
            | np.array([[0.,0.]]) or ndarray with center coordinates, optional
            | np.arange(0,60,10) or ndarray with radii of circle(s), optional
            | np.arange(0,350,10) or ndarray with angles (°), optional
            | 'k', optional
            | Color for plotting.
            | '--', optional
            | Linestyle of circles.
            | None, optional
            | If None: plot circles, return (x,y) otherwise.
    xs = np.array([0])
    ys = xs.copy()
    if ((out != 'x,y') & (axh is None)):
        fig, axh = plt.subplots(rows=1, ncols=1)
    for ri in radii:
        x = center[:, 0] + ri * np.cos(angles * np.pi / 180)
        y = center[:, 1] + ri * np.sin(angles * np.pi / 180)
        xs = np.hstack((xs, x))
        ys = np.hstack((ys, y))
        if (out != 'x,y'):
            axh.plot(x, y, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, **kwargs)
    if out == 'x,y':
        return xs, ys
    elif out == 'axh':
        return axh
def get_discrimination_ellipse(Yxy = np.array([[100,1/3,1/3]]), etype = 'fmc2', nsteps = 10, k_neighbours = 3, average_cik = True, Y = None):
    Get discrimination ellipse(s) in v-format (R,r, xc, yc, theta) for Yxy using an interpolation of the MacAdam ellipses or using FMC-1 or FMC-2.
            | 2D ndarray with [Y,]x,y coordinate centers. 
            | If Yxy.shape[-1]==2: Y is added using the value from the Y-input argument.
            | 'fmc2', optional
            | Type color discrimination ellipse estimation to use.
            | options: 'macadam', 'fmc1', 'fmc2' 
            |  - 'macadam': interpolate covariance matrices of closest MacAdam ellipses (see: get_macadam_ellipse?).
            |  - 'fmc1': use FMC-1 from ref 2 (see get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse?).
            |  - 'fmc2': use FMC-1 from ref 3 (see get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse?).
            | 10, optional
            | Set multiplication factor for ellipses 
            | (nsteps=1 corresponds to approximately 1 MacAdam step, 
            | for FMC-2, Y also has to be 10.69, see note below).
            | 3, optional
            | Only for option 'macadam'.
            | Number of nearest ellipses to use to calculate ellipse at xy 
            | True, optional
            | Only for option 'macadam'.
            | If True: take distance weighted average of inverse 
            |   'covariance ellipse' elements cik. 
            | If False: average major & minor axis lengths and 
            |   ellipse orientation angles directly.
            | None, optional
            | Only for option 'fmc2'(see note below).
            | If not None: Y = 10.69 and overrides values in Yxy. 
        1. FMC-2 is almost identical to FMC-1 is Y = 10.69!; see [3]
       1. MacAdam DL. Visual Sensitivities to Color Differences in Daylight*. J Opt Soc Am. 1942;32(5):247-274.
       2. Chickering, K.D. (1967), Optimization of the MacAdam-Modified 1965 Friele Color-Difference Formula, 57(4):537-541
       3. Chickering, K.D. (1971), FMC Color-Difference Formulas: Clarification Concerning Usage, 61(1):118-122
    if Yxy.shape[-1] == 2:
        Yxy = np.hstack((100*np.ones((Yxy.shape[0],1)),Yxy))
    if Y is not None:
        Yxy[...,0] = Y
    if etype == 'macadam':
        return get_macadam_ellipse(xy = Yxy[...,1:], k_neighbours = k_neighbours, nsteps = nsteps, average_cik = average_cik)
        return get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse(Yxy = Yxy, etype = etype, nsteps = nsteps, Y = Y)
def _cij_to_gij(xyz,C):
    """ Convert from matrix elements describing the discrimination ellipses from Cij (XYZ) to gij (Yxy)"""
    SIG = xyz[...,0] + xyz[...,1] + xyz[...,2]
    M1 = np.array([SIG, -SIG*xyz[...,0]/xyz[...,1], xyz[...,0]/xyz[...,1]])
    M2 = np.array([np.zeros_like(SIG), np.zeros_like(SIG), np.ones_like(SIG)])
    M3 = np.array([-SIG, -SIG*(xyz[...,1] + xyz[...,2])/xyz[...,1], xyz[...,2]/xyz[...,1]])
    M = np.array((M1,M2,M3))
    M = _transpose_02(M) # move stimulus dimension to axis = 0
    C = _transpose_02(C) # move stimulus dimension to axis = 0
    # convert Cij (XYZ) to gij' (xyY):
    AM = np.einsum('ij,kjl->kil', _M_XYZ_TO_PQS, M)
    CAM = np.einsum('kij,kjl->kil', C, AM) 
#    ATCAM = np.einsum('ij,kjl->kil', _M_XYZ_TO_PQS.T, CAM)
#    gij = np.einsum('kij,kjl->kil', np.transpose(M,(0,2,1)), ATCAM) # gij = M.T*A.T*C**A*M = (AM).T*C*A*M
    gij = np.einsum('kij,kjl->kil', np.transpose(AM,(0,2,1)), CAM) # gij = M.T*A.T*C**A*M = (AM).T*C*A*M

    # convert gij' (xyY) to gij (Yxy):
    gij = np.roll(np.roll(gij,1,axis=2),1,axis=1)
    return gij
def xyz_to_srgb(xyz, gamma=2.4, **kwargs):
    Calculates IEC:61966 sRGB values from xyz.

            | ndarray with relative tristimulus values.
            | 2.4, optional
            | compression in sRGB

            | ndarray with R,G,B values (uint8).

    xyz = np2d(xyz)

    # define 3x3 matrix
    M = np.array([[3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.4985314],
                  [-0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560],
                  [0.0556434, -0.2040259, 1.0572252]])

    if len(xyz.shape) == 3:
        srgb = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', M, xyz / 100)
        srgb = np.einsum('ij,lj->li', M, xyz / 100)

    # perform clipping:
    srgb[np.where(srgb > 1)] = 1
    srgb[np.where(srgb < 0)] = 0

    # test for the dark colours in the non-linear part of the function:
    dark = np.where(srgb <= 0.0031308)

    # apply gamma function:
    g = 1 / gamma

    # and scale to range 0-255:
    rgb = srgb.copy()
    rgb = (1.055 * rgb**g - 0.055) * 255

    # non-linear bit for dark colours
    rgb[dark] = (srgb[dark].copy() * 12.92) * 255

    # clip to range:
    rgb[rgb > 255] = 255
    rgb[rgb < 0] = 0

    return rgb
文件: helpers.py 项目: simongr2/luxpy
def _update_parameter_dict(args,
    Get parameter dict and update with values in args dict. 
     | Also replace the xyz-to-lms conversion matrix with the one corresponding 
     | to cieobs and normalize it to illuminant E.
            | dictionary with updated values. 
            | (get by placing 'args = locals().copy()' immediately after the start
            | of the function from which the update is called, 
            | see _simple_cam() code for an example.)
            | dictionary with all (adjustable) parameter values used by the model   
            | String with the CIE observer CMFs (one of _CMF['types'] of the input data
            | Is used to get the Mxyz2lms matrix when  match_conversionmatrix_to_cieobs == True)
            | False, optional
            | If False: keep the Mxyz2lms in the parameters dict
            | None, optional
            | If not None: update the Mxyz2lms key in the parameters dict
            | so that the conversion matrix is the one in _CMF[cieobs]['M'], 
            | in other such that it matches the cieobs of the input data.
            | updated dictionary with model parameters for further use in the CAM.
        For an example on the use, see code _simple_cam() (type: _simple_cam??)
    parameters = put_args_in_db(
        args)  #overwrite parameters with other (not-None) args input
    if match_conversionmatrix_to_cieobs == True:
        parameters['Mxyz2lms'] = _CMF[cieobs]['M'].copy()
    if Mxyz2lms_whitepoint is None:
        Mxyz2lms_whitepoint = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])
    parameters['Mxyz2lms'] = math.normalize_3x3_matrix(
        parameters['Mxyz2lms'], Mxyz2lms_whitepoint
    )  # normalize matrix for xyz-> lms conversion to ill. E
    return parameters
def _hue_bin_data_to_rg(hue_bin_data):
    jabt_closed = np.vstack(
        (hue_bin_data['jabt_hj'], hue_bin_data['jabt_hj'][:1, ...]))
    jabr_closed = np.vstack(
        (hue_bin_data['jabr_hj'], hue_bin_data['jabr_hj'][:1, ...]))
    notnan_t = np.logical_not(np.isnan(
        jabt_closed[..., 1]))  # avoid NaN's (i.e. empty hue-bins)
    notnan_r = np.logical_not(np.isnan(jabr_closed[..., 1]))
    Rg = np.array([[
        100 * _polyarea(jabt_closed[notnan_t[:, i], i, 1],
                        jabt_closed[notnan_t[:, i], i, 2]) /
        _polyarea(jabr_closed[notnan_r[:, i], i, 1],
                  jabr_closed[notnan_r[:, i], i, 2])
        for i in range(notnan_r.shape[-1])
    return Rg
def get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse(Yxy = np.array([[100,1/3,1/3]]), etype = 'fmc2', Y = None, nsteps = 10):
    Get discrimination ellipse(s) in v-format (R,r, xc, yc, theta) for Yxy using FMC-1 or FMC-2.
            | 2D ndarray with [Y,]x,y coordinate centers. 
            | If Yxy.shape[-1]==2: Y is added using the value from the Y-input argument.
            | 'fmc2', optional
            | Type of FMC color discrimination equations to use (see references below).
            | options: 'fmc1', fmc2'
            | None, optional
            | Only affects FMC-2 (see note below).
            | If not None: Y = 10.69 and overrides values in Yxy. 
            | 10, optional
            | Set multiplication factor for ellipses 
            | (nsteps=1 corresponds to approximately 1 MacAdam step, 
            | for FMC-2, Y also has to be 10.69, see note below).
        1. FMC-2 is almost identical to FMC-1 is Y = 10.69!; see [2]
        1. Chickering, K.D. (1967), Optimization of the MacAdam-Modified 1965 Friele Color-Difference Formula, 57(4), p.537-541
        2. Chickering, K.D. (1971), FMC Color-Difference Formulas: Clarification Concerning Usage, 61(1), p.118-122
    # Get matrix elements for discrimination ellipses at Yxy:
    gij = get_gij_fmc(Yxy, etype = etype, ellipsoid = False, Y = Y, cspace = 'Yxy')
    # Convert cik (gij) to v-format (R,r,xc,yc, theta):
    if Yxy.shape[-1]==2:
        xyc = Yxy
        xyc = Yxy[...,1:]
    v = math.cik_to_v(gij, xyc = xyc)
    # convert to desired number of MacAdam-steps:
    v[:,0:2] = v[:,0:2]*nsteps
    return v
def srgb_to_xyz(rgb, gamma=2.4, **kwargs):
    Calculates xyz from IEC:61966 sRGB values.

            | ndarray with srgb values (uint8).
            | 2.4, optional
            | compression in sRGB
            | ndarray with relative tristimulus values.

    rgb = np2d(rgb)

    # define 3x3 matrix
    M = np.array([[0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375],
                  [0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750],
                  [0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041]])

    # scale device coordinates:
    sRGB = rgb / 255

    # test for non-linear part of conversion
    nonlin = np.where((rgb / 255) < 0.0031308)  #0.03928)

    # apply gamma function to convert to sRGB
    srgb = sRGB.copy()
    srgb = ((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055)**gamma

    srgb[nonlin] = sRGB[nonlin] / 12.92

    if len(srgb.shape) == 3:
        xyz = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', M, srgb) * 100
        xyz = np.einsum('ij,lj->li', M, srgb) * 100
    return xyz
def _update_parameter_dict(args,
    Get parameter dict and update with values in args dict. 
    Also replace the xyz-to-lms conversion matrix with the one corresponding 
    to cieobs and normalize it to illuminant E.
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = _CAM_SWW16_PARAMETERS['JOSA']
    if isinstance(parameters, str):
        parameters = _CAM_SWW16_PARAMETERS[parameters]
    parameters = put_args_in_db(
        args)  #overwrite parameters with other (not-None) args input
    if match_to_conversionmatrix_to_cieobs == True:
        parameters['Mxyz2lms'] = _CMF[cieobs]['M'].copy()
    parameters['Mxyz2lms'] = math.normalize_3x3_matrix(
        np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
                  ]))  # normalize matrix for xyz-> lms conversion to ill. E
    return parameters
def normalize_3x3_matrix(M, xyz0 = np.array([[1.0,1.0,1.0]])):
    Normalize 3x3 matrix M to xyz0 -- > [1,1,1]
    | If M.shape == (1,9): M is reshaped to (3,3)
            | ndarray((3,3) or ndarray((1,9))
            | 2darray, optional 
            | normalized matrix such that M*xyz0 = [1,1,1]
    M = np2d(M)
    if M.shape[-1]==9:
        M = M.reshape(3,3)
    if xyz0.shape[0] == 1:
        return np.dot(np.diagflat(1/(np.dot(M,xyz0.T))),M)
        return np.concatenate([np.dot(np.diagflat(1/(np.dot(M,xyz0[1].T))),M) for i in range(xyz0.shape[0])],axis=0).reshape(xyz0.shape[0],3,3)
def xyz_to_cct_ohno2011(xyz):
    Calculate cct and Duv from CIE 1931 2° xyz following Ohno (2011).
            | ndarray with CIE 1931 2° X,Y,Z tristimulus values
        :cct, duv:
            | ndarrays with correlated color temperatures and distance to blackbody locus in CIE 1960 uv
        1. Ohno, Y. (2011). Calculation of CCT and Duv and Practical Conversion Formulae. 
        CORM 2011 Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, May 3-5, 2011
    uvp = xyz_to_Yuv(xyz)[..., 1:]
    uv = uvp * np.array([[1, 2 / 3]])
    Lfp = ((uv[..., 0] - 0.292)**2 + (uv[..., 1] - 0.24)**2)**0.5
    a = np.arctan((uv[..., 1] - 0.24) / (uv[..., 0] - 0.292))
    a[a < 0] = a[a < 0] + np.pi
    Lbb = np.polyval(_KIJ[0, :], a)
    Duv = Lfp - Lbb

    T1 = 1 / np.polyval(_KIJ[1, :], a)
    T1[a >= 2.54] = 1 / np.polyval(_KIJ[2, :], a[a >= 2.54])
    dTc1 = np.polyval(_KIJ[3, :], a) * (Lbb + 0.01) / Lfp * Duv / 0.01
    dTc1[a >= 2.54] = 1 / np.polyval(_KIJ[4, :], a[a >= 2.54]) * (
        Lbb[a >= 2.54] + 0.01) / Lfp[a >= 2.54] * Duv[a >= 2.54] / 0.01
    T2 = T1 - dTc1
    c = np.log10(T2)
    c[T2 == 0] = -np.inf
    dTc2 = np.polyval(_KIJ[5, :], c)
    dTc2[Duv < 0] = np.polyval(_KIJ[6, :], c[Duv < 0]) * np.abs(
        Duv[Duv < 0] / 0.03)**2
    Tfinal = T2 - dTc2
    return Tfinal, Duv
def plotcircle(radii = np.arange(0,60,10), \
               angles = np.arange(0,350,10),\
               color = 'k',linestyle = '--', out = None):
    Plot one or more concentric circles around (0,0).
            | np.arange(0,60,10) or ndarray with radii of circle(s), optional
            | np.arange(0,350,10) or ndarray with angles (°), optional
            | 'k', optional
            | Color for plotting.
            | '--', optional
            | Linestyle of circles.
            | None, optional
            | If None: plot circles, return (x,y) otherwise.
               | ndarrays with circle coordinates (only returned if out is 'x,y')
    x = np.array([0])
    y = x.copy()
    for ri in radii:
        xi = ri * np.cos(angles * np.pi / 180)
        yi = ri * np.sin(angles * np.pi / 180)
        x = np.hstack((x, xi))
        y = np.hstack((y, yi))
        if out != 'x,y':
            plt.plot(xi, yi, color=color, linestyle=linestyle)
    if out == 'x,y':
        return x, y
def get_pixel_coordinates(jab,
    Get pixel coordinates corresponding to array of jab color coordinates.
            | ndarray of color coordinates
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the pixelization of color space.
            |    (ndarray.shape = (3,3), with  first axis: J,a,b, and second 
                 axis: min, max, delta)
            | float or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the sampling range. 
            | A float uses jab_deltas as the maximum Euclidean distance to select
            | samples around each pixel center. A ndarray of 3 deltas, uses
            | a city block sampling around each pixel center.
            | 0, optional
            | A value of zeros keeps grid as specified by axr,bxr.
            | A value > 0 only keeps (a,b) coordinates within :limit_grid_radius: 
            | gridp, idxp, jabp, samplenrs, samplesIDs
            |   - :gridp: ndarray with coordinates of all pixel centers.
            |   - :idxp: list[int] with pixel index for each non-empty pixel
            |   - :jabp: ndarray with center color coordinates of non-empty pixels
            |   - :samplenrs: list[list[int]] with sample numbers belong to each 
            |                 non-empty pixel
            |   - :sampleIDs: summarizing list, 
            |                 with column order: 'idxp, jabp, samplenrs'
    if jab_deltas is None:
        jab_deltas = np.array([_VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR])
    if jab_ranges is None:
        jab_ranges = np.vstack(
            ([0, 100, jab_deltas[0]
              ], [-_VF_MAXR, _VF_MAXR + jab_deltas[1], jab_deltas[1]],
             [-_VF_MAXR, _VF_MAXR + jab_deltas[2], jab_deltas[2]]))

    # Get pixel grid:
    gridp = generate_grid(jab_ranges=jab_ranges,

    # determine pixel coordinates of each sample in jab:
    samplesIDs = []
    for idx in range(gridp.shape[0]):

        # get pixel coordinates:
        jp = gridp[idx, 0]
        ap = gridp[idx, 1]
        bp = gridp[idx, 2]
        #Cp = np.sqrt(ap**2+bp**2)

        if type(jab_deltas) == np.ndarray:
            sampleID = np.where(
                ((np.abs(jab[..., 0] - jp) <= jab_deltas[0] / 2) &
                 (np.abs(jab[..., 1] - ap) <= jab_deltas[1] / 2) &
                 (np.abs(jab[..., 2] - bp) <= jab_deltas[2] / 2)))
            sampleID = np.where(
                (np.sqrt((jab[..., 0] - jp)**2 + (jab[..., 1] - ap)**2 +
                         (jab[..., 2] - bp)**2) <= jab_deltas / 2))

        if (sampleID[0].shape[0] > 0):
                np.hstack((idx, np.array([jp, ap, bp]), sampleID[0])))

    idxp = [np.int(samplesIDs[i][0]) for i in range(len(samplesIDs))]
    jabp = np.vstack([samplesIDs[i][1:4] for i in range(len(samplesIDs))])
    samplenrs = [
        np.array(samplesIDs[i][4:], dtype=int).tolist()
        for i in range(len(samplesIDs))

    return gridp, idxp, jabp, samplenrs, samplesIDs
文件: helpers.py 项目: simongr2/luxpy
def _simple_cam(
            'cA': 1,
            'ca': np.array([1, -1, 0]),
            'cb': (1 / 3) * np.array([0.5, 0.5, -1]),
            'n': 1 / 3,
            'Mxyz2lms': _CMF['1931_2']['M'].copy()
    An example CAM illustration the usage of the functions in luxpy.cam.helpers 
    | Note that this example uses NO chromatic adaptation 
    | and SIMPLE compression, opponent and correlate processing.

            | ndarray with input:
            |  - tristimulus values 
            | or
            |  - spectral data 
            | or 
            |  - input color appearance correlates
            | Can be of shape: (N [, xM], x 3), whereby: 
            | N refers to samples and M refers to light sources.
            | Note that for spectral input shape is (N x (M+1) x wl) 
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Input tristimulus values or spectral data of white point.
            | None defaults to the use of :cie_illuminant:
            | 'D65', optional
            | String corresponding to one of the illuminants (keys) 
            | in luxpy._CIE_ILLUMINANT
            | If ndarray, then use this one.
            | This is ONLY USED WHEN dataw is NONE !!!
            | 100.0, optional
            | Luminance (cd/m²) of white point.
            | True or False, optional
            | True: data and dataw input is relative (i.e. Yw = 100)
            | {'cA': 1, 'ca':np.array([1,-1,0]), 'cb':(1/3)*np.array([0.5,0.5,-1]),
            |  'n': 1/3, 'Mxyz2lms': _CMF['1931_2']['M'].copy()}
            | Dict with model parameters 
            | (For illustration purposes of match_conversionmatrix_to_cieobs, 
            |  the conversion matrix luxpy._CMF['1931_2']['M'] does NOT match
            |  the default observer specification of the input data in :cieobs: !!!)
            | 'xyz' or 'spd', optional
            | Specifies the type of input: 
            |     tristimulus values or spectral data for the forward mode.
            | 'forward' or 'inverse', optional
            |   -'forward': xyz -> cam
            |   -'inverse': cam -> xyz 
            | '2006_10', optional
            | CMF set to use to perform calculations where spectral data 
            | is involved (inputtype == 'spd'; dataw = None)
            | Other options: see luxpy._CMF['types']
            | True, optional
            | When changing to a different CIE observer, change the xyz_to_lms
            | matrix to the one corresponding to that observer. 
            | Set to False to keep the one in the parameter dict!
            | ndarray with:
            | - color appearance correlates (:direction: == 'forward')
            |  or 
            | - XYZ tristimulus values (:direction: == 'inverse')
    # Get model parameters:
    args = locals().copy(
    )  # gets all local variables (i.e. the function arguments)

    parameters = _update_parameter_dict(
        Mxyz2lms_whitepoint=np.array([[1, 1, 1]]))

    #unpack model parameters:
    (Mxyz2lms, cA, ca, cb,
     n) = [parameters[x] for x in sorted(parameters.keys())]

    # Setup default white point / adaptation field:
    dataw = _setup_default_adaptation_field(dataw=dataw,

    # Redimension input data to ensure most appropriate sizes
    # for easy and efficient looping and initialize output array:
    n_out = 5  # this example outputs 5 'correlates': J, a, b, C, h
    (data, dataw, camout,
     originalshape) = _massage_input_and_init_output(data,

    # Do precomputations needed for both the forward and inverse model,
    # and which do not depend on sample or light source data:
    # Create matrix with scale factors for L, M, S
    # for quick matrix multiplications to obtain neural signals:
    MAab = np.array([[cA, cA, cA], ca, cb])

    if direction == 'inverse':
        invMxyz2lms = np.linalg.inv(
            Mxyz2lms)  # Calculate the inverse lms-to-xyz conversion matrix
        invMAab = np.linalg.inv(
            MAab)  # Pre-calculate its inverse to avoid repeat in loop.

    # Apply forward/inverse model by looping over each row (=light source dim.)
    # in data:
    N = data.shape[0]
    for i in range(N):
        #  START FORWARD MODE and common part of inverse mode

        # Get tristimulus values for stimulus field and white point for row i:
        # Note that xyzt will contain a None in case of inverse mode !!!
        xyzt, xyzw, xyzw_abs = _get_absolute_xyz_xyzw(data,

        # stage 1 (white point): calculate lms values of white:
        lmsw = np.dot(Mxyz2lms, xyzw.T).T

        # stage 2 (white): apply simple chromatic adaptation:
        lmsw_a = lmsw / lmsw

        # stage 3 (white point): apply simple compression to lms values
        lmsw_ac = lmsw_a**n

        # stage 4 (white point): calculate achromatic A, and opponent signals a,b):
        Aabw = np.dot(MAab, lmsw_ac.T).T


        if direction == 'forward':
            # stage 1 (stimulus): calculate lms values
            lms = np.dot(Mxyz2lms, xyzt.T).T

            # stage 2 (stimulus): apply simple chromatic adaptation:
            lms_a = lms / lmsw

            # stage 3 (stimulus): apply simple compression to lms values
            lms_ac = lms_a**n

            # stage 3 (stimulus): calculate achromatic A, and opponent signals a,b:
            Aab = np.dot(MAab, lms_ac.T).T

            # stage 4 (stimulus): calculate J, C, h
            J = Aab[..., 0] / Aabw[..., 0]
            C = (Aab[..., 1]**2 + Aab[..., 2]**2)**0.5
            h = math.positive_arctan(Aab[..., 1], Aab[..., 2])

            # # stack together:
            camout[i] = np.vstack((J, Aab[..., 1], Aab[..., 2], C, h)).T

        elif direction == 'inverse':

    return _massage_output_data_to_original_shape(camout, originalshape)
def calibrate(rgbcal, xyzcal, L_type = 'lms', tr_type = 'lut', cieobs = '1931_2', 
              nbit = 8, cspace = 'lab', avg = lambda x: ((x**2).mean()**0.5), ensure_increasing_lut_at_low_rgb = 0.2,
              verbosity = 1, sep=',',header=None): 
    Calculate TR parameters/lut and conversion matrices.
            | ndarray [Nx3] or string with filename of RGB values 
            | rgcal must contain at least the following type of settings:
            | - pure R,G,B: e.g. for pure R: (R != 0) & (G==0) & (B == 0)
            | - white(s): R = G = B = 2**nbit-1
            | - gray(s): R = G = B
            | - black(s): R = G = B = 0
            | - binary colors: cyan (G = B, R = 0), yellow (G = R, B = 0), magenta (R = B, G = 0)
            | ndarray [Nx3] or string with filename of measured XYZ values for 
            | the RGB settings in rgbcal.
            | 'lms', optional
            | Type of response to use in the derivation of the Tone-Response curves.
            | options:
            |  - 'lms': use cone fundamental responses: L vs R, M vs G and S vs B 
            |           (reduces noise and generally leads to more accurate characterization) 
            |  - 'Y': use the luminance signal: Y vs R, Y vs G, Y vs B
            | 'lut', optional
            | options:
            |  - 'lut': Derive/specify Tone-Response as a look-up-table
            |  - 'gog': Derive/specify Tone-Response as a gain-offset-gamma function
            | '1931_2', optional
            | CIE CMF set used to determine the XYZ tristimulus values
            | (needed when L_type == 'lms': determines the conversion matrix to
            | convert xyz to lms values)
            | 8, optional
            | RGB values in nbit format (e.g. 8, 16, ...)
            | color space or chromaticity diagram to calculate color differences in
            | when optimizing the xyz_to_rgb and rgb_to_xyz conversion matrices.
            | lambda x: ((x**2).mean()**0.5), optional
            | Function used to average the color differences of the individual RGB settings
            | in the optimization of the xyz_to_rgb and rgb_to_xyz conversion matrices.
            | 0.2 or float (max = 1.0) or None, optional
            | Ensure an increasing lut by setting all values below the RGB with the maximum
            | zero-crossing of np.diff(lut) and RGB/RGB.max() values of :ensure_increasing_lut_at_low_rgb:
            | (values of 0.2 are a good rule of thumb value)
            | Non-strictly increasing lut values can be caused at low RGB values due
            | to noise and low measurement signal. 
            | If None: don't force lut, but keep as is.
            | 1, optional
            | > 0: print and plot optimization results
            | ',', optional
            | separator in files with rgbcal and xyzcal data
            | None, optional
            | header specifier for files with rgbcal and xyzcal data 
            | (see pandas.read_csv)
            | linear rgb to xyz conversion matrix
            | xyz to linear rgb conversion matrix
            | Tone Response function parameters or lut
            | ndarray with XYZ tristimulus values of black
            | ndarray with tristimlus values of white
    # process rgb, xyzcal inputs:
    rgbcal, xyzcal = _parse_rgbxyz_input(rgbcal, xyz = xyzcal, sep = sep, header=header)
    # get black-positions and average black xyz (flare):
    p_blacks = (rgbcal[:,0]==0) & (rgbcal[:,1]==0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0)
    xyz_black = xyzcal[p_blacks,:].mean(axis=0,keepdims=True)
    # Calculate flare corrected xyz:
    xyz_fc = xyzcal - xyz_black
    # get positions of pure r, g, b values:
    p_pure = [(rgbcal[:,1]==0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0), 
              (rgbcal[:,0]==0) & (rgbcal[:,2]==0), 
              (rgbcal[:,0]==0) & (rgbcal[:,1]==0)] 
    # set type of L-response to use: Y for R,G,B or L,M,S for R,G,B:
    if L_type == 'Y':
        L = np.array([xyz_fc[:,1] for i in range(3)]).T
    elif L_type == 'lms':
        lms = (math.normalize_3x3_matrix(_CMF[cieobs]['M'].copy()) @ xyz_fc.T).T
        L = np.array([lms[:,i] for i in range(3)]).T
    # Get rgb linearizer parameters or lut and apply to all rgb's:
    if tr_type == 'gog':
        par = np.array([sp.optimize.curve_fit(TR, rgbcal[p_pure[i],i], L[p_pure[i],i]/L[p_pure[i],i].max(), p0=[1,0,1])[0] for i in range(3)]) # calculate parameters of each TR
        tr = par
    elif tr_type == 'lut':
        dac = np.arange(2**nbit)
        # lut = np.array([cie_interp(np.vstack((rgbcal[p_pure[i],i],L[p_pure[i],i]/L[p_pure[i],i].max())), dac, kind ='cubic')[1,:] for i in range(3)]).T
        lut = np.array([sp.interpolate.PchipInterpolator(rgbcal[p_pure[i],i],L[p_pure[i],i]/L[p_pure[i],i].max())(dac) for i in range(3)]).T # use this one to avoid potential overshoot with cubic spline interpolation (but slightly worse performance)
        lut[lut<0] = 0
        # ensure monotonically increasing lut values for low signal:
        if ensure_increasing_lut_at_low_rgb is not None:
            #ensure_increasing_lut_at_low_rgb = 0.2 # anything below that has a zero-crossing for diff(lut) will be set to zero
            for i in range(3):
                p0 = np.where((np.diff(lut[dac/dac.max() < ensure_increasing_lut_at_low_rgb,i])<=0))[0]
                if p0.any():
                    p0 = range(0,p0[-1])
                    lut[p0,i] = 0
        tr = lut

    # plot:
    if verbosity > 0:
        colors = 'rgb'
        linestyles = ['-','--',':']
        rgball = np.repeat(np.arange(2**8)[:,None],3,axis=1)
        Lall = _rgb_linearizer(rgball, tr, tr_type = tr_type)
        for i in range(3):
        plt.xlabel('Display RGB')
        plt.ylabel('Linear RGB')
        plt.title('Tone response curves')
    # linearize all rgb values and clamp to 0
    rgblin = _rgb_linearizer(rgbcal, tr, tr_type = tr_type) 
    # get rgblin to xyz_fc matrix:
    M = np.linalg.lstsq(rgblin, xyz_fc, rcond=None)[0].T 
    # get xyz_fc to rgblin matrix:
    N = np.linalg.inv(M)
    # get better approximation for conversion matrices:
    p_grays = (rgbcal[:,0] == rgbcal[:,1]) & (rgbcal[:,0] == rgbcal[:,2])
    p_whites = (rgbcal[:,0] == (2**nbit-1)) & (rgbcal[:,1] == (2**nbit-1)) & (rgbcal[:,2] == (2**nbit-1))
    xyz_white = xyzcal[p_whites,:].mean(axis=0,keepdims=True) # get xyzw for input into xyz_to_lab() or colortf()
    def optfcn(x, rgbcal, xyzcal, tr, xyz_black, cspace, p_grays, p_whites,out,verbosity):
        M = x.reshape((3,3))
        xyzest = rgb_to_xyz(rgbcal, M, tr, xyz_black, tr_type)
        xyzw = xyzcal[p_whites,:].mean(axis=0) # get xyzw for input into xyz_to_lab() or colortf()
        labcal, labest = colortf(xyzcal,tf=cspace,xyzw=xyzw), colortf(xyzest,tf=cspace,xyzw=xyzw) # calculate lab coord. of cal. and est.
        DEs = ((labcal-labest)**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5
        DEg = DEs[p_grays]
        DEw = DEs[p_whites]
        F = (avg(DEs)**2 + avg(DEg)**2 + avg(DEw**2))**0.5
        if verbosity > 1:
            print('\nPerformance of TR + rgb-to-xyz conversion matrix M:')
            print('all: DE(jab): avg = {:1.4f}, std = {:1.4f}'.format(avg(DEs),np.std(DEs)))
            print('grays: DE(jab): avg = {:1.4f}, std = {:1.4f}'.format(avg(DEg),np.std(DEg)))
            print('whites(s) DE(jab): avg = {:1.4f}, std = {:1.4f}'.format(avg(DEw),np.std(DEw)))
        if out == 'F':
            return F
            return eval(out)
    x0 = M.ravel()
    res = math.minimizebnd(optfcn, x0, args =(rgbcal, xyzcal, tr, xyz_black, cspace, p_grays, p_whites,'F',0), use_bnd=False)
    xf = res['x_final']
    M = optfcn(xf, rgbcal, xyzcal, tr, xyz_black, cspace, p_grays, p_whites,'M',verbosity)
    N = np.linalg.inv(M)
    return M, N, tr, xyz_black, xyz_white
文件: helpers.py 项目: simongr2/luxpy
def _massage_input_and_init_output(data,
    Redimension input data to ensure most they have the appropriate sizes for easy and efficient looping.
    | 1. Convert data and dataw to atleast_2d ndarrays
    | 2. Make axis 1 of dataw have 'same' dimensions as data
    | 3. Make dataw have same lights source axis size as data
    | 4. Flip light source axis to axis=0 for efficient looping
    | 5. Initialize output array camout to 'same' shape as data but with camout.shape[-1] == n_out
            | ndarray with input tristimulus values 
            | or spectral data 
            | or input color appearance correlates
            | Can be of shape: (N [, xM], x 3), whereby: 
            | N refers to samples and M refers to light sources.
            | Note that for spectral input shape is (N x (M+1) x wl) 
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Input tristimulus values or spectral data of white point.
            | None defaults to the use of CIE illuminant C.
            | 'xyz' or 'spd', optional
            | Specifies the type of input: 
            |     tristimulus values or spectral data for the forward mode.
            | 'forward' or 'inverse', optional
            |   -'forward': xyz -> cam
            |   -'inverse': cam -> xyz 
            | 3, optional
            | output size of last dimension of camout 
            | (e.g. n_out=3 for j,a,b output or n_out = 5 for J,M,h,a,b output)
            | ndarray with reshaped data
            | ndarray with reshaped dataw
            | NaN filled ndarray for output of CAMv (camout.shape[-1] == Nout) 
            | original shape of data
        For an example on the use, see code _simple_cam() (type: _simple_cam??)
    # Convert data and dataw to atleast_2d ndarrays:
    data = np2d(data).copy(
    )  # stimulus data (can be upto NxMx3 for xyz, or [N x (M+1) x wl] for spd))
    dataw = np2d(dataw).copy(
    )  # white point (can be upto Nx3 for xyz, or [(N+1) x wl] for spd)
    originalshape = data.shape  # to restore output to same shape

    # Make axis 1 of dataw have 'same' dimensions as data:
    if (data.ndim == 2):
        data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=1)  # add light source axis 1

    # Flip light source dim to axis 0:
    data = np.transpose(data, axes=(1, 0, 2))

    dataw = np.expand_dims(
        dataw, axis=1)  # add extra axis to move light source to axis 0

    # Make dataw have same lights source dimension size as data:
    if inputtype == 'xyz':
        if dataw.shape[0] == 1:
            dataw = np.repeat(dataw, data.shape[0], axis=0)
        if (data.shape[0] == 1) & (dataw.shape[0] > 1):
            data = np.repeat(data, dataw.shape[0], axis=0)
        dataw = np.array([
            np.vstack((dataw[:1, 0, :], dataw[i + 1:i + 2, 0, :]))
            for i in range(dataw.shape[0] - 1)
        if (data.shape[0] == 1) & (dataw.shape[0] > 1):
            data = np.repeat(data, dataw.shape[0], axis=0)

    # Initialize output array:
    if n_out is not None:
        dshape = list((data).shape)
        dshape[-1] = n_out  # requested number of correlates: e.g. j,a,b
        if (inputtype != 'xyz') & (direction == 'forward'):
            dshape[-2] = dshape[
                -2] - 1  # wavelength row doesn't count & only with forward can the input data be spectral
        camout = np.zeros(dshape)
        camout = None
    return data, dataw, camout, originalshape
def calculate_VF_PX_models(S, cri_type = _VF_CRI_DEFAULT, sampleset = None, pool = False, \
                           pcolorshift = {'href': np.arange(np.pi/10,2*np.pi,2*np.pi/10),\
                                          'Cref' : _VF_MAXR, 'sig' : _VF_SIG, 'labels' : '#'},\
                           vfcolor = 'k', verbosity = 0):
    Calculate Vector Field and Pixel color shift models.
            | _VF_CRI_DEFAULT or str or dict, optional
            | Specifies type of color fidelity model to use. 
            | Controls choice of ref. ill., sample set, averaging, scaling, etc.
            | See luxpy.cri.spd_to_cri for more info.
            | None or str or ndarray, optional
            | Sampleset to be used when calculating vector field model.
            | False, optional
            | If :S: contains multiple spectra, True pools all jab data before 
            | modeling the vector field, while False models a different field 
            |  for each spectrum.
            | default dict (see below) or user defined dict, optional
            | Dict containing the specification input 
            |  for apply_poly_model_at_hue_x().
            | Default dict = {'href': np.arange(np.pi/10,2*np.pi,2*np.pi/10),
            |                'Cref' : _VF_MAXR, 
            |                'sig' : _VF_SIG, 
            |                'labels' : '#'} 
            | The polynomial models of degree 5 and 6 can be fully specified or 
            | summarized by the model parameters themselved OR by calculating the
            | dCoverC and dH at resp. 5 and 6 hues.
            | 'k', optional
            | For plotting the vector fields.
            | 0, optional
            | Report warnings or not.
            | :dataVF:, :dataPX: 
            | Dicts, for more info, see output description of resp.: 
            | luxpy.cri.VF_colorshift_model() and luxpy.cri.PX_colorshift_model()
    # calculate VectorField cri_color_shift model:
    dataVF = VF_colorshift_model(S,

    # Set jab_ranges and _deltas for PX-model pixel calculations:
    PX_jab_deltas = np.array([_VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR
                              ])  #set same as for vectorfield generation
    PX_jab_ranges = np.vstack(
        ([0, 100, _VF_DELTAR], [-_VF_MAXR, _VF_MAXR + _VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR],
         [-_VF_MAXR, _VF_MAXR + _VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR]))  #IES4880 gamut

    # Calculate shift vectors using vectorfield and pixel methods:
    delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean = np.zeros((len(dataVF), 1))
    delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized = delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean.copy()
    delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean = np.zeros((len(dataVF), 1))
    delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized = delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean.copy()
    dataPX = [[] for k in range(len(dataVF))]
    for Snr in range(len(dataVF)):

        # Calculate shifts using pixel method, PX:
        dataPX[Snr] = PX_colorshift_model(dataVF[Snr]['Jab']['Jabt'][:, 0, :],
                                          dataVF[Snr]['Jab']['Jabr'][:, 0, :],

        # Calculate shift difference between Samples (S) and VectorField model predictions (VF):
        delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab = dataVF[Snr]['vshifts']['vshift_ab_s'] - dataVF[
        delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean[Snr] = np.nanmean(np.sqrt(
            (delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab[..., 1:3]**2).sum(
                axis=delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab[..., 1:3].ndim - 1)),
            Snr] = delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean[Snr] / dataVF[Snr]['Jab'][

        # Calculate shift difference between PiXel method (PX) and VectorField (VF):
        delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab = dataPX[Snr]['vshifts'][
            'vectorshift_ab_J0'] - dataVF[Snr]['vshifts']['vshift_ab_vf']
        delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean[Snr] = np.nanmean(np.sqrt(
            (delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab[..., 1:3]**2).sum(
                axis=delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab[..., 1:3].ndim - 1)),
            Snr] = delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean[Snr] / dataVF[Snr]['Jab'][

            'delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean'] = delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean[Snr]
            'delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean'] = delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean[Snr]
            'delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized'] = delta_SvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized[
            'delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized'] = delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized[
        dataPX[Snr]['vshifts']['delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean'] = dataVF[Snr][
            'delta_PXvsVF_vshift_ab_mean_normalized'] = dataVF[Snr]['vshifts'][

    return dataVF, dataPX
文件: mcri.py 项目: simongr2/luxpy
from ..utils.helpers import _get_hue_bin_data, _hue_bin_data_to_rg

_MCRI_DEFAULTS = {'sampleset': "_CRI_RFL['mcri']", 
                  'ref_type' : None, 
                  'cieobs' : {'xyz' : '1964_10', 'cct': '1931_2'}, 
                  'avg': math.geomean, 
                  'scale' : {'fcn': psy_scale, 'cfactor': [21.7016,   4.2106,   2.4154]}, 
                  'cspace': {'type': 'ipt', 'Mxyz2lms': [[ 0.400070,    0.707270,   -0.080674],[-0.228111, 1.150561,    0.061230],[0.0, 0.0,    0.931757]]}, 
                  'catf': {'xyzw': [94.81,  100.00,  107.32], 'mcat': 'cat02', 'cattype': 'vonkries', 'F':1, 'Yb': 20.0,'Dtype':'cat02', 'catmode' : '1>2'}, 
                  'rg_pars' : {'nhbins': None, 'start_hue':0.0, 'normalize_gamut': False, 'normalized_chroma_ref' : 100}, 
                  'cri_specific_pars' : {'similarity_ai' : np.array([[-0.09651, 0.41354, 40.64, 16.55, -0.17],
                                                                     [0.16548, 0.38877, 58.27,    20.37,    -0.59],
                                                                     [0.32825, 0.49673, 35.97    , 18.05,-6.04],
                                                                     [0.02115, -0.13658, 261.62, 110.99, -44.86], 
                                                                     [-0.12686, -0.22593, 99.06, 55.90, -39.86],
                                                                     [ 0.18488, 0.01172, 58.23, 62.55, -22.86],
                                                                     [-0.03440, 0.23480, 94.71, 32.12, 2.90],
                                                                     [ 0.04258, 0.05040, 205.54, 53.08, -35.20], 
                                                                     [0.15829,  0.13624, 90.21,  70.83, -19.01],
                                                                     [-0.01933, -0.02168, 742.97, 297.66, -227.30]])}

def spd_to_mcri(SPD, D = 0.9, E = None, Yb = 20.0, out = 'Rm', wl = None):
    Calculates the MCRI or Memory Color Rendition Index, Rm
            | ndarray with spectral data (can be multiple SPDs, 
def render_image(img = None, spd = None, rfl = None, out = 'img_hyp', \
                 refspd = None, D = None, cieobs = _CIEOBS, \
                 cspace = 'xyz', cspace_tf = {}, CSF = None,\
                 interp_type = 'nd', k_neighbours = 4, show = True,
                 verbosity = 0, show_ref_img = True,\
                 stack_test_ref = 12,\
                 write_to_file = None):
    Render image under specified light source spd.
            | None or str or ndarray with float (max = 1) rgb image.
            | None load a default image.
            | ndarray, optional
            | Light source spectrum for rendering
            | If None: use CIE illuminant F4
            | ndarray, optional
            | Reflectance set for color coordinate to rfl mapping.
            | 'img_hyp' or str, optional
            |  (other option: 'img_ren': rendered image under :spd:)
            | None, optional
            | Reference spectrum for color coordinate to rfl mapping.
            | None defaults to D65 (srgb has a D65 white point)
            | None, optional
            | Degree of (von Kries) adaptation from spd to refspd. 
            | _CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set for calculation of xyz from spectral data.
            | 'xyz',  optional
            | Color space for color coordinate to rfl mapping.
            | Tip: Use linear space (e.g. 'xyz', 'Yuv',...) for (interp_type == 'nd'),
            |      and perceptually uniform space (e.g. 'ipt') for (interp_type == 'nearest')
            | {}, optional
            | Dict with parameters for xyz_to_cspace and cspace_to_xyz transform.
            | None, optional
            | RGB camera response functions.
            | If None: input :xyz: contains raw rgb values. Override :cspace:
            | argument and perform estimation directly in raw rgb space!!!
            | 'nd', optional
            | Options:
            | - 'nd': perform n-dimensional linear interpolation using Delaunay triangulation.
            | - 'nearest': perform nearest neighbour interpolation. 
            | 4 or int, optional
            | Number of nearest neighbours for reflectance spectrum interpolation.
            | Neighbours are found using scipy.spatial.cKDTree
            | True, optional
            |  Show images.
            | 0, optional
            | If > 0: make a plot of the color coordinates of original and 
              rendered image pixels.
            | True, optional
            | True: shows rendered image under reference spd. False: shows
            |  original image.
            | None, optional
            | None: do nothing, else: write to filename(+path) in :write_to_file:
            | 12, optional
            |   - 12: left (test), right (ref) format for show and imwrite
            |   - 21: top (test), bottom (ref)
            |   - 1: only show/write test
            |   - 2: only show/write ref
            |   - 0: show both, write test

            | img_hyp, img_ren, 
            | ndarrays with float hyperspectral image and rendered images 

    # Get image:
    #imread = lambda x: plt.imread(x) #matplotlib.pyplot

    if img is not None:
        if isinstance(img, str):
            img = plt.imread(img)  # use matplotlib.pyplot's imread
        img = plt.imread(_HYPSPCIM_DEFAULT_IMAGE)
    if isinstance(img, np.uint8):
        img = img / 255
    elif isinstance(img, np.uint16):
        img = img / (2**16 - 1)

    # Convert to 2D format:
    rgb = img.reshape(img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 3)  # *1.0: make float
    rgb[rgb == 0] = _EPS  # avoid division by zero for pure blacks.

    # Get unique rgb values and positions:
    rgb_u, rgb_indices = np.unique(rgb, return_inverse=True, axis=0)

    # get rfl set:
    if rfl is None:  # use IESTM30['4880'] set
        rfl = _CRI_RFL['ies-tm30']['4880']['5nm']
    wlr = rfl[
        0]  # spectral reflectance set determines wavelength range for estimation (xyz_to_rfl())

    # get Ref spd:
    if refspd is None:
        refspd = _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy()
    refspd = cie_interp(
        refspd, wlr,
        kind='linear')  # force spd to same wavelength range as rfl

    # Convert rgb_u to xyz and lab-type values under assumed refspd:
    if CSF is None:
        xyz_wr = spd_to_xyz(refspd, cieobs=cieobs, relative=True)
        xyz_ur = colortf(rgb_u * 255, tf='srgb>xyz')
        xyz_ur = rgb_u  # for input in xyz_to_rfl (when CSF is not None: this functions assumes input is indeed rgb !!!)

    # Estimate rfl's for xyz_ur:
    rfl_est, xyzri = xyz_to_rfl(xyz_ur, rfl = rfl, out = 'rfl_est,xyz_est', \
                 refspd = refspd, D = D, cieobs = cieobs, \
                 cspace = cspace, cspace_tf = cspace_tf, CSF = CSF,\
                 interp_type = interp_type, k_neighbours = k_neighbours,
                 verbosity = verbosity)

    # Get default test spd if none supplied:
    if spd is None:
        spd = _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['F4']

    if CSF is None:
        # calculate xyz values under test spd:
        xyzti, xyztw = spd_to_xyz(spd, rfl=rfl_est, cieobs=cieobs, out=2)

        # Chromatic adaptation from test spd to refspd:
        if D is not None:
            xyzti = cat.apply(xyzti, xyzw1=xyztw, xyzw2=xyz_wr, D=D)

        # Convert xyzti under test spd to srgb:
        rgbti = colortf(xyzti, tf='srgb') / 255
        # Calculate rgb coordinates from camera sensitivity functions under spd:
        rgbti = rfl_to_rgb(rfl_est, spd=spd, CSF=CSF, wl=None)

        # Chromatic adaptation from test spd to refspd:
        if D is not None:
            white = np.ones_like(spd)
            white[0] = spd[0]
            rgbwr = rfl_to_rgb(white, spd=refspd, CSF=CSF, wl=None)
            rgbwt = rfl_to_rgb(white, spd=spd, CSF=CSF, wl=None)
            rgbti = cat.apply_vonkries2(rgbti,
                                        xyzw0=np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]),

    # Reconstruct original locations for rendered image rgbs:
    img_ren = rgbti[rgb_indices]
    img_ren.shape = img.shape  # reshape back to 3D size of original
    img_ren = img_ren

    # For output:
    if show_ref_img == True:
        rgb_ref = colortf(xyzri, tf='srgb') / 255 if (
            CSF is None
        ) else xyzri  # if CSF not None: xyzri contains rgbri !!!
        img_ref = rgb_ref[rgb_indices]
        img_ref.shape = img.shape  # reshape back to 3D size of original
        img_str = 'Rendered (under ref. spd)'
        img = img_ref
        img_str = 'Original'
        img = img

    if (stack_test_ref > 0) | show == True:
        if stack_test_ref == 21:
            img_original_rendered = np.vstack(
                (img_ren, np.ones((4, img.shape[1], 3)), img))
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd)\n ' + img_str
        elif stack_test_ref == 12:
            img_original_rendered = np.hstack(
                (img_ren, np.ones((img.shape[0], 4, 3)), img))
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd) | ' + img_str
        elif stack_test_ref == 1:
            img_original_rendered = img_ren
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd)'
        elif stack_test_ref == 2:
            img_original_rendered = img
            img_original_rendered_str = img_str
        elif stack_test_ref == 0:
            img_original_rendered = img_ren
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd)'

    if write_to_file is not None:
        # Convert from RGB to BGR formatand write:
        #print('Writing rendering results to image file: {}'.format(write_to_file))
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            imsave(write_to_file, img_original_rendered)

    if show == True:
        # show images using pyplot.show():


        if stack_test_ref == 0:

    if 'img_hyp' in out.split(','):
        # Create hyper_spectral image:
        rfl_image_2D = rfl_est[
            rgb_indices +
            1, :]  # create array with all rfls required for each pixel
        img_hyp = rfl_image_2D.reshape(img.shape[0], img.shape[1],

    # Setup output:
    if out == 'img_hyp':
        return img_hyp
    elif out == 'img_ren':
        return img_ren
        return eval(out)
_HYPSPCIM_DEFAULT_IMAGE = _PKG_PATH + _SEP + 'toolboxes' + _SEP + 'hypspcim' + _SEP + 'data' + _SEP + 'testimage1.jpg'

_ROUNDING = 6  # to speed up xyz_to_rfl search algorithm

# Nikon D700 camera sensitivity functions:
_CSF_NIKON_D700 = np.vstack(
    (np.arange(400, 710, 10),
         0.005, 0.007, 0.012, 0.015, 0.023, 0.025, 0.030, 0.026, 0.024, 0.019,
         0.010, 0.004, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
         0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003,
                   0.005, 0.007, 0.012, 0.013, 0.015, 0.016, 0.017, 0.020,
                   0.013, 0.011, 0.009, 0.005, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001,
                   0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.002, 0.002, 0.003
                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
                   0.001, 0.003, 0.010, 0.012, 0.013, 0.022, 0.020, 0.020,
                   0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.016, 0.014, 0.014, 0.013

def xyz_to_rfl(xyz, CSF = None, rfl = None, out = 'rfl_est', \
                 refspd = None, D = None, cieobs = _CIEOBS, \
                 cspace = 'xyz', cspace_tf = {},\
                 interp_type = 'nd', k_neighbours = 4, verbosity = 0):