def button_event(obj, question, answer): #check answer print("real answer : " + str(question.answer_real)) print("given answer :" + str(answer.get_text())) #if correct -> animate -> wait answer_int = int(answer.get_text()) if answer_int == question.answer_real: answer.set_text(lv.SYMBOL.RIGHT) obj.set_style_bg_color(lv.color_hex(0x0ed145), 0) print('Correct Answer') def gui_refresh_color(): obj.set_style_bg_color(lv.color_hex(0x0d47a1), 0) lv.timer_create(lambda task: gui_refresh_color(), 10, None) print(answer) if answer_int != question.answer_real: answer.set_text(lv.SYMBOL.CLOSE) obj.set_style_bg_color(lv.color_hex(0xfa3636), 0) def gui_refresh_color(): obj.set_style_bg_color(lv.color_hex(0x0d47a1), 0) lv.timer_create(lambda task: gui_refresh_color(), 10, None) print('Incorrect Answer') #if wrong -> animate -> wait #reset question reset_question()
def add_data(t): chart.set_next_value(ser, lv.rand(10, 90)) p = chart.get_point_count() s = chart.get_x_start_point(ser) a = chart.get_y_array(ser) a[(s + 1) % p] = lv.CHART_POINT.NONE a[(s + 2) % p] = lv.CHART_POINT.NONE a[(s + 2) % p] = lv.CHART_POINT.NONE chart.refresh() # # Circular line chart with gap # chart = lv.chart(lv.scr_act()) chart.set_update_mode(lv.chart.UPDATE_MODE.CIRCULAR) chart.set_size(200, 150) chart.set_point_count(30) ser = chart.add_series(lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.RED), lv.chart.AXIS.PRIMARY_Y) #Prefill with data for i in range(0, 30): chart.set_next_value(ser, lv.rand(10, 90)) lv.timer_create(add_data, 200, None)
def gui_edit_trigger(num, flag): #num is to call trigger[num] #flag is to check 'new' or 'edit' #changes are stored in temp_trigger_item print('Printing Num : {}'.format(num)) temp_trigger_item = trigger if flag == 'edit': temp_trigger_item = trigger[num] print('Btn Pressed : {}'.format(str(temp_trigger_item))) elif flag == 'new': print('Creating new Trigger') #template should match with INITIAL TIMERS temp_trigger_item = { 'name': 'New Trigger', 'hb': 0, 'mb': 0, 'sb': 5, 'dur': 5, 'pin': 5, 'timerno': 0, 'cardnum': 0, 'daysoweek': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 'sec_start': 0 } def check_daysoweek(checkbox_array): temp_daysoweek = [] for num, check in enumerate(checkbox_array, 0): if check.get_state() == True: temp_daysoweek.append(num) print(temp_daysoweek) return temp_daysoweek def btn_event(task, params): if params == 'cancel': lv.scr_load(scr) elif params['param'] == 'save' and params['flag'] == 'edit': print(params) temp_trigger_item['name'] = params['name'] temp_trigger_item['hb'] = params['hb'] temp_trigger_item['mb'] = params['mb'] temp_trigger_item['sb'] = params['sb'] temp_trigger_item['dur'] = params['dur'] temp_trigger_item['pin'] = params['pin'] temp_trigger_item['timerno'] = params['timerno'] temp_trigger_item['cardnum'] = params['cardnum'] temp_trigger_item['daysoweek'] = params['daysoweek'] temp_trigger_item['sec_start'] = params['sec_start'] print('Triger Edit : Settings saved') lv.scr_load(scr) elif params['param'] == 'save' and params['flag'] == 'new': del params['param'] del params['flag'] trigger.append(params) gui_main() print('new key added : {}'.format(params)) global scr3 scr3 = lv.obj() lv.scr_load(scr3) btn1 = lv.btn(scr3) btn1.set_size(150, 40) btn1.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn1_label = lv.label(btn1) btn1_label.set_text('Cancel') btn1.align_to(scr3, lv.ALIGN.TOP_LEFT, 0, 0) btn1.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'cancel'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn2 = lv.btn(scr3) btn2.set_size(150, 40) btn2.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn2_label = lv.label(btn2) btn2_label.set_text('Save') btn2.align_to(scr3, lv.ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0) pinname = {'0': 21, '1': 19, '2': 18, '3': 5} btn2.add_event_cb( lambda task: btn_event(task, params={ 'param': 'save', 'flag': flag, 'name': ta_name.get_text(), 'hb': r1.get_selected(), 'mb': r2.get_selected(), 'sb': r3.get_selected(), 'dur': ((r4.get_selected() * 60 * 60) + (r5.get_selected() * 60) + r6.get_selected( )), 'pin': pinname[str(drpdwn.get_selected())], 'timerno': 0, 'cardnum': 0, 'daysoweek': check_daysoweek(checkbox), 'sec_start': 0 }), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) def refresh_label(): #label for activation time label3.set_text( 'Set trigger activation time\n{:02} : {:02} : {:02}'.format( r1.get_selected(), r2.get_selected(), r3.get_selected())) #label for duration durations = (r4.get_selected() * 60 * 60) + (r5.get_selected() * 60) + r6.get_selected() label4.set_text( 'Set Duration for trigger\n{:,} in seconds'.format(durations)) label1 = lv.label(scr3) if flag == 'edit': label1.set_text('Edit Trigger Settings') elif flag == 'new': label1.set_text('New Trigger Settings') label1.align_to(btn1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 10, 10) label2 = lv.label(scr3) label2.set_text('Trigger Name') label2.align_to(label1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) def keyboard_event(task, kb, scr3): event = task.get_code() ta = task.get_target() #get ta object if event == lv.EVENT.FOCUSED: #enable keyboard kb.set_textarea(ta) kb.clear_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) #hide others for i in range(6, scr3.get_child_cnt()): scr3.get_child(i).add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) if event == lv.EVENT.DEFOCUSED: #disable keyboard and hide kb.set_textarea(None) kb.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) #show others for i in range(6, scr3.get_child_cnt()): scr3.get_child(i).clear_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) ta_name = lv.textarea(scr3) ta_name.align_to(label2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) ta_name.add_text(temp_trigger_item['name']) ta_name.set_size(205, 40) ta_name.add_state(lv.STATE.FOCUSED) ta_name.add_event_cb(lambda task: keyboard_event(task, kb, scr3), lv.EVENT.ALL, None) kb = lv.keyboard(scr3) kb.align_to(ta_name, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, -10, 10) kb.set_textarea(ta_name) kb.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) label3 = lv.label(scr3) label3.set_text('Set trigger activation time') label3.align_to(ta_name, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) dump = [] for i in range(0, 24): dump.append(str(i)) opts1 = "\n".join(dump) del dump dump = [] for i in range(0, 60): dump.append(str(i)) opts2 = "\n".join(dump) del dump #Hour, Minute and Seconds to begin set using rollers r1 = lv.roller(scr3) r1.set_width(80) r1.set_height(80) r1.set_options(opts1, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r1.align_to(label3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 35) r2 = lv.roller(scr3) r2.set_width(80) r2.set_height(80) r2.set_options(opts2, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r2.align_to(r1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) r3 = lv.roller(scr3) r3.set_width(80) r3.set_height(80) r3.set_options(opts2, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r3.align_to(r2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) if flag == 'edit': r1.set_selected(temp_trigger_item['hb'], lv.ANIM.ON) r2.set_selected(temp_trigger_item['mb'], lv.ANIM.ON) r3.set_selected(temp_trigger_item['sb'], lv.ANIM.ON) r1_lbl = lv.label(scr3) r1_lbl.set_text('Hour') r1_lbl.align_to(r1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) r2_lbl = lv.label(scr3) r2_lbl.set_text('Minute') r2_lbl.align_to(r2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) r3_lbl = lv.label(scr3) r3_lbl.set_text('Seconds') r3_lbl.align_to(r3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) #Duration. Duration information is set in refresh_label() label4 = lv.label(scr3) label4.align_to(r1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) r4 = lv.roller(scr3) r4.set_width(80) r4.set_height(80) r4.set_options(opts1, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r4.align_to(label4, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 35) r5 = lv.roller(scr3) r5.set_width(80) r5.set_height(80) r5.set_options(opts2, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r5.align_to(r4, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) r6 = lv.roller(scr3) r6.set_width(80) r6.set_height(80) r6.set_options(opts2, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r6.align_to(r5, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) def convert(seconds): min, sec = divmod(seconds, 60) hour, min = divmod(min, 60) return [hour, min, sec] if flag == 'edit': convert(temp_trigger_item['dur']) r4.set_selected(convert(temp_trigger_item['dur'])[0], lv.ANIM.ON) r5.set_selected(convert(temp_trigger_item['dur'])[1], lv.ANIM.ON) r6.set_selected(convert(temp_trigger_item['dur'])[2], lv.ANIM.ON) r4_lbl = lv.label(scr3) r4_lbl.set_text('Hour') r4_lbl.align_to(r4, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) r5_lbl = lv.label(scr3) r5_lbl.set_text('Minute') r5_lbl.align_to(r5, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) r6_lbl = lv.label(scr3) r6_lbl.set_text('Seconds') r6_lbl.align_to(r6, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) #Relay Setup label5 = lv.label(scr3) label5.set_text('Assign Relay to Trigger') label5.align_to(r4, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) drpdwn = lv.dropdown(scr3) drpdwn.align_to(label5, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) drpdwn.set_options("\n".join(['Relay 1', 'Relay 2', 'Relay 3', 'Relay 4'])) relayname = {21: '0', 19: '1', 18: '2', 5: '3'} if flag == 'edit': drpdwn.set_selected(int(relayname[temp_trigger_item['pin']])) label6 = lv.label(scr3) label6.set_text('Set days of week to turn trigger :') label6.align_to(drpdwn, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) checkbox = [] checkbox_lbl = [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ] for i in range(0, 6): checkbox.append(lv.checkbox(scr3)) if i == 0: checkbox[i].align_to(label6, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) else: checkbox[i].align_to(checkbox[i - 1], lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) checkbox[i].set_text(checkbox_lbl[i]) if flag == 'edit': if i in temp_trigger_item['daysoweek']: checkbox[i].add_state(lv.STATE.CHECKED) elif flag == 'new': checkbox[i].add_state(lv.STATE.CHECKED) if flag == 'edit': del_btn = lv.btn(scr3) del_btn_lbl = lv.label(del_btn) del_btn_lbl.set_text('Delete This Trigger!') del_btn.set_style_bg_color(red, 0) del_btn.align_to(checkbox[5], lv.ALIGN.BOTTOM_MID, 80, 100) lv.timer_create(lambda task: refresh_label(), 900, None)
def gui_time(): global scr2, calendar selected_date_day = 0 selected_date_month = 0 selected_date_year = 0 def btn_event(event, params): if params == 'cancel': lv.scr_load(scr) elif params['name'] == 'save': set_time(params['year'], params['month'], params['day'], 0, params['hour'], params['minute'], params['seconds']) lv.scr_load(scr) #implements set time elif params['name'] == 'NTP': if sta_if.isconnected(): ntptime.settime() else: print('Connect to WIFI') def event_handler(task, params): code = task.get_code() if code == lv.EVENT.VALUE_CHANGED: source = task.get_current_target() date = lv.calendar_date_t() if source.get_pressed_date(date) == lv.RES.OK: calendar.set_today_date(date.year, date.month, print("Clicked date: %02d.%02d.%02d" % (, date.month, date.year)) label1.set_text('Set Date : {} - {} - {}'.format( date.year, date.month, params['year'] = date.year params['month'] = date.month params['day'] = scr2 = lv.obj() lv.scr_load(scr2) #CANCEL btn1 = lv.btn(scr2) btn1.set_size(120, 40) btn1.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn1_label = lv.label(btn1) btn1_label.set_text('Cancel') #btn1_label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) btn1.align_to(scr2, lv.ALIGN.TOP_LEFT, 0, 0) btn1.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'cancel'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) #SAVE btn2 = lv.btn(scr2) btn2.set_size(120, 40) btn2.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn2_label = lv.label(btn2) btn2_label.set_text('Save') #btn2_label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) btn2.align_to(scr2, lv.ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0) btn2.add_event_cb( lambda task: btn_event( task, { 'name': 'save', 'hour': r1.get_selected(), 'minute': r2.get_selected(), 'seconds': r3.get_selected(), 'year': selected_date_year, 'month': selected_date_month, 'day': selected_date_day }), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) label1 = lv.label(scr2) label1.set_text('Set Date : {} - {} - {}'.format(current_time()[0], current_time()[1], current_time()[2])) def refresh_label(): label2.set_text('Set Time : {:02} : {:02} : {:02}'.format( r1.get_selected(), r2.get_selected(), r3.get_selected())) label1.align_to(btn1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 10, 10) calendar = lv.calendar(scr2) calendar.set_size(240, 180) calendar.align_to(label1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, int((320 - 250) / 2) - 10, 60) calendar.add_event_cb( lambda task: event_handler( task, { 'year': selected_date_year, 'month': selected_date_month, 'day': selected_date_day }), lv.EVENT.ALL, None) calendar.set_today_date(current_time()[0], current_time()[1], current_time()[2]) calendar.set_showed_date(current_time()[0], current_time()[1]) lv.calendar_header_dropdown(scr2, calendar) label2 = lv.label(scr2) label2.align_to(calendar, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, -20, 10) #generate values for rollers dump = [] for i in range(0, 24): dump.append(str(i)) opts1 = "\n".join(dump) del dump dump = [] for i in range(0, 60): dump.append(str(i)) opts2 = "\n".join(dump) del dump r1 = lv.roller(scr2) r1.set_width(80) r1.set_height(60) r1.align_to(label2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 15, 20) r1.set_options(opts1, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r1.set_selected(current_time()[4], lv.ANIM.ON) r2 = lv.roller(scr2) r2.set_width(80) r2.set_height(60) r2.align_to(r1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) r2.set_options(opts2, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r2.set_selected(current_time()[5], lv.ANIM.ON) r3 = lv.roller(scr2) r3.set_width(80) r3.set_height(60) r3.align_to(r2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) r3.set_options(opts2, lv.roller.MODE.NORMAL) r3.set_selected(current_time()[6], lv.ANIM.ON) r1_lbl = lv.label(scr2) r1_lbl.set_text('Hour') r1_lbl.align_to(r1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) r2_lbl = lv.label(scr2) r2_lbl.set_text('Minute') r2_lbl.align_to(r2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) r3_lbl = lv.label(scr2) r3_lbl.set_text('Seconds') r3_lbl.align_to(r3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_MID, 0, 0) label3 = lv.label(scr2) label3.set_text('Sync with online NTP Time Server') label3.align_to(r1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, -20, 10) btn3 = lv.btn(scr2) btn3_lbl = lv.label(btn3) btn3_lbl.set_text('Sync to NTP server') btn3.align_to(label3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) btn3.add_event_cb(lambda event: btn_event(event, {'name': 'NTP'}), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) #call refresh label lv.timer_create(lambda task: refresh_label(), 900, None)
def gui_main(): global scr def btn_event(event, params): #Relay1 if params == 'relay1' and machine.Pin(21).value() == 1: machine.Pin(21, machine.Pin.OUT).off() elif params == 'relay1' and machine.Pin(21).value() == 0: print('Button Pressed') machine.Pin(21, machine.Pin.OUT).on() #Relay2 elif params == 'relay2' and machine.Pin(19).value() == 1: machine.Pin(19, machine.Pin.OUT).off() elif params == 'relay2' and machine.Pin(19).value() == 0: print('Button Pressed') machine.Pin(19, machine.Pin.OUT).on() #Relay3 elif params == 'relay3' and machine.Pin(18).value() == 1: machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT).off() elif params == 'relay3' and machine.Pin(18).value() == 0: print('Button Pressed') machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT).on() #Relay4 elif params == 'relay4' and machine.Pin(5).value() == 1: machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.OUT).off() elif params == 'relay4' and machine.Pin(5).value() == 0: print('Button Pressed') machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.OUT).on() elif params == 'header': gui_time() elif params == 'other_settings': gui_other_settings() elif params['name'] == 'save_to_db': save_to_db(trigger) elif params['name'] == 'open_db': open_db() scr = lv.obj() lv.scr_load(scr) #scr.set_style_bg_color(lv.color_hex(0x010101), 0) header = lv.btn(scr) header.set_size(320, 50) header.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) header.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'header'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) label = lv.label(header) def refresh_label(btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4): #label date/time label.set_text('{:02}/{:02}/{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(current_time()[2], current_time()[1], \ current_time()[0], current_time()[4], current_time()[5], current_time()[6])) pins = [{ 'pinno': 21, 'relayno': 'Relay 1', 'btn': btn1 }, { 'pinno': 19, 'relayno': 'Relay 2', 'btn': btn2 }, { 'pinno': 18, 'relayno': 'Relay 3', 'btn': btn3 }, { 'pinno': 5, 'relayno': 'Relay 4', 'btn': btn4 }] #change color of buttons def check_card(relay, status): for card in card_items: if relay in card.get_child(0).get_text(): trig = trigger[int(card.get_child(1).get_text( ))] #getting trigger number from btn. hid in label if status == 'on' and trig['sec_start'] > 0: #animate cards card.set_style_bg_color(primary_enable, 0) card.set_style_bg_grad_color(primary, 0) card.set_style_bg_grad_dir(lv.GRAD_DIR.HOR, 0) card.set_style_bg_main_stop( auto_bg_main_stop(trig['sec_start'], trig['dur']), 0) card.set_style_bg_grad_stop( auto_bg_grad_stop(trig['sec_start'], trig['dur']), 0) elif status == 'off': card.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) #change color logic (relay btn and cards items) for pin in pins: #if off if machine.Pin(pin['pinno']).value() == 0: pin['btn'].set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) check_card(pin['relayno'], 'off') #if on if machine.Pin(pin['pinno']).value() == 1: pin['btn'].set_style_bg_color(primary_enable, 0) check_card(pin['relayno'], 'on') #updating cards item information for num, card in enumerate(card_items, 0): trig = trigger[num] #if timer is running, change duration to time left if trig['sec_start'] > 0: running_time = int(utime.time() - trig['sec_start']) time_left = int(trig['dur'] - running_time) card.get_child(0).set_text( 'Name : {} \nTime Begin : {:02}:{:02}:{:02}\nTime Left : {} seconds\nPin to Trigger : {}\ \nDays of Week : {}\nTimer No : {} '.format( trig['name'], trig['hb'], trig['mb'], trig['sb'], str(time_left), relayname[trig['pin']], str(trig['daysoweek']), trig['timerno'])) #if timer not running, use default else: card.get_child(0).set_text( 'Name : {} \nTime Begin : {:02}:{:02}:{:02}\nDuration : {} seconds\nPin to Trigger : {}\ \nDays of Week : {}\nTimer No : {} '.format( trig['name'], trig['hb'], trig['mb'], trig['sb'], trig['dur'], relayname[trig['pin']], str(trig['daysoweek']), trig['timerno'])) lv.timer_create(lambda task: refresh_label(btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4), 600, None) label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) label2 = lv.label(scr) label2.set_text('Manual Control') label2.align_to(header, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 10, 10) btn1 = lv.btn(scr) btn1.set_size(130, 60) btn1.align_to(label2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 10, 10) btn1_label = lv.label(btn1) btn1_label.set_text('Relay 1') btn1_label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) btn1.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'relay1'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn2 = lv.btn(scr) btn2.set_size(130, 60) btn2.align_to(btn1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) btn2_label = lv.label(btn2) btn2_label.set_text('Relay 2') btn2_label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) btn2.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'relay2'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn3 = lv.btn(scr) btn3.set_size(130, 60) btn3.align_to(btn1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) btn3_label = lv.label(btn3) btn3_label.set_text('Relay 3') btn3_label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) btn3.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'relay3'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn4 = lv.btn(scr) btn4.set_size(130, 60) btn4.align_to(btn3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_RIGHT_TOP, 10, 0) btn4_label = lv.label(btn4) btn4_label.set_text('Relay 4') btn4_label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) btn4.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'relay4'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) label3 = lv.label(scr) label3.align_to(btn3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, -20, 20) label3.set_text('Trigger Preset (Tap to edit)') #cards def card_event_handler(task, trig, flag): if flag == 'edit': num = int(task.get_target().get_child(1).get_text()) print('Card Event Handler Num : {}'.format(num)) gui_edit_trigger(num, flag) elif flag == 'new': gui_edit_trigger(99, flag) global card_items card_items = [] for num, trig in enumerate(trigger, 0): card_items.append(lv.btn(scr)) card_items[num].set_style_bg_color(primary_disable, 0) card_items[num].set_size(250, 100) trig['cardnum'] = num card_items[num].add_event_cb( lambda task: card_event_handler(task, trig, 'edit'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) print('Card Event Num : {}'.format(num)) if num == 0: card_items[num].align_to(label3, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 30, 10) else: card_items[num].align_to(card_items[num - 1], lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) relayname = {21: 'Relay 1', 19: 'Relay 2', 18: 'Relay 3', 5: 'Relay 4'} card_lbl1 = lv.label(card_items[num]) card_lbl1.set_text( 'Name : {} \nTime Begin : {:02}:{:02}:{:02}\nDuration : {} seconds\nPin to Trigger : {}\ \nDays of Week : {}\nTimer No : {} '.format( trig['name'], trig['hb'], trig['mb'], trig['sb'], trig['dur'], relayname[trig['pin']], str(trig['daysoweek']), trig['timerno'])) card_lbl2 = lv.label(card_items[num]) card_lbl2.set_text(str(num)) card_lbl2.align_to(card_items[num], lv.ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0) btn5 = lv.btn(scr) btn5_lbl = lv.label(btn5) btn5_lbl.set_text('Add New Trigger') btn5.align_to(card_items[-1], lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 20) btn5.add_event_cb( lambda task: card_event_handler(task, len(trigger) + 1, 'new'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn5.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn6 = lv.btn(scr) btn6.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn6_lbl = lv.label(btn6) btn6_lbl.set_text('Save to DB') btn6.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, {'name': 'save_to_db'}), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn6.align_to(btn5, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) btn6_1 = lv.btn(scr) btn6_1_label = lv.label(btn6_1) btn6_1_label.set_text('Load from DB') btn6_1.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, {'name': 'open_db'}), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn6_1.align_to(btn6, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) btn7 = lv.btn(scr) btn7.set_style_bg_color(primary_disable, 0) btn7_lbl = lv.label(btn7) btn7_lbl.set_text('Other Settings') btn7.align_to(btn6_1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) btn7.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'other_settings'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) return scr
def gui_other_settings(): global scr4, ta, kb def btn_event(task, params): if params == 'cancel': lv.scr_load(scr) elif params['name'] == 'wifi': global ssid global ta e = task.get_code() obj = task.get_target() ssid = obj.get_child(1).get_text() print('Wifi {}'.format(ssid)) wifi_list.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) ta.clear_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) ta.set_placeholder_text('Insert Password for {}'.format(ssid)) kb.clear_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) def ta_event_cb(e, kb): code = e.get_code() ta = e.get_target() if code == lv.EVENT.FOCUSED: kb.set_textarea(ta) kb.clear_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) if code == lv.EVENT.DEFOCUSED: user = ssid password = ta.get_text() sta_if.connect(user, password) print('connecting {} {}'.format(str(user), str(password))) ta.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) kb.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) def keyboard_event(e, ta): code = e.get_code() if code == lv.KEY.ENTER: user = ssid password = ta.get_text() sta_if.connect(user, password) ta.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) kb.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) def switch_handler(event): e = event.get_code() obj = event.get_target() if e == lv.EVENT.VALUE_CHANGED: if obj.has_state(lv.STATE.CHECKED): print('Turn On Wifi') elif obj.has_state(lv.STATE.DISABLED): print('Turn of Wifi') scr4 = lv.obj() lv.scr_load(scr4) btn1 = lv.btn(scr4) btn1.set_size(150, 40) btn1.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn1_label = lv.label(btn1) btn1_label.set_text('Cancel') btn1.align_to(scr4, lv.ALIGN.TOP_LEFT, 0, 0) btn1.add_event_cb(lambda task: btn_event(task, 'cancel'), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) btn2 = lv.btn(scr4) btn2.set_size(150, 40) btn2.set_style_bg_color(primary, 0) btn2_label = lv.label(btn2) btn2_label.set_text('Save') btn2.align_to(scr4, lv.ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0) label1 = lv.label(scr4) label1.set_text('Others settings') label1.align_to(btn1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 10, 10) label2 = lv.label(scr4) def refresh_label(): label2.set_text('Enable Wifi : Connected? {}'.format( sta_if.isconnected())) lv.timer_create(lambda task: refresh_label(), 800, None) label2.align_to(label1, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 10, 10) switch_wifi = lv.switch(scr4) switch_wifi.align_to(label2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_LEFT_TOP, 290, 0) wifi_data = [] if == True: switch_wifi.add_state(lv.STATE.CHECKED) wifi_data = sta_if.scan() elif == False: switch_wifi.add_state(lv.STATE.DISABLED) switch_wifi.add_event_cb(lambda event: switch_handler(event), lv.EVENT.ALL, None) wifi_list = lv.list(scr4) wifi_list.set_size(250, 200) wifi_list.align_to(label2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 15) for wifi in wifi_data: wifi_list.add_btn(lv.SYMBOL.WIFI, str(wifi[0], 'utf-8')) current_item = wifi_list.get_child_cnt() wifi_item = wifi_list.get_child(current_item - 1) wifi_item.add_event_cb( lambda task: btn_event(task, { 'name': 'wifi', 'ssid': str(wifi[0], 'utf-8') }), lv.EVENT.CLICKED, None) ta = lv.textarea(scr4) ta.align_to(label2, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 10) ta.set_size(280, 50) ta.add_event_cb(lambda e: ta_event_cb(e, kb), lv.EVENT.ALL, None) ta.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) kb = lv.keyboard(scr4) kb.align_to(ta, lv.ALIGN.OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, -10, 10) kb.add_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN) kb.add_event_cb(lambda e: keyboard_event(e, ta), lv.EVENT.KEY, None)
label = lv.label(header) label.set_style_text_color(lv.color_hex(0xffffff), 0) def gui_refresh_date(): label.set_text('{}/{}/{} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format( utime.localtime()[2], utime.localtime()[1], utime.localtime()[0], utime.localtime()[3], utime.localtime()[4], utime.localtime()[5])) lv.timer_create(lambda task: gui_refresh_date(), 800, None) label.set_style_text_font(lv.font_montserrat_28, 0) def draw_part_event_cb(e): objc = e.get_code() objt = e.get_target() dsc = lv.obj_draw_part_dsc_t.__cast__(e.get_param()) s_row = lv.point_t() s_col = lv.point_t() if objc == lv.EVENT.PRESSING: '''only in effect if cell is pressed''' objt.get_selected_cell(s_row, s_col)