def get_constantcontact_status(url="https://status.constantcontact.com/"):

    # constant contact returns a 403 forbidden when missing headers
    headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0'}

    r = http_requests_get_to_dict(url, headers=headers)

    _resp = {
        "response": dict(),
        "headers": dict(),
        "status": "ok"

    _filtered_headers = {
        "date": r.headers.get("date", ""),
        "status_code": r.headers.get("status_code", 200)
    _resp["headers"] = _filtered_headers

    # sendgrid uses nested service statuses
    _resp["response"]["services"] = dict()

    # not really into this as a list, but will adjust as needed
    _resp["response"]["outages"] = []

    if not r.error and r.http_2xx:

        _rtxml = html_string(r.text)
        _body = _rtxml.xpath("//html/body")[0]

        _content_row = _body.xpath("section[@id='status-content']/article/section[@class='entry-content']/section[@class='row']/main/table[contains(@class, 'table')]")

        _tbody_rows = _content_row[0].xpath("tbody/tr")

        _serv_status = {}
        for _service_row in _tbody_rows:

            _service_row_td_collection = _service_row.xpath("td")

            _service_name = _service_row_td_collection[0].text.strip()
            _service_status = _service_row_td_collection[2].text.strip()

            if _service_status == "All Systems are Available and Operating Normally":
                _service_status = "ok"

            _serv_status[_service_name] = _service_status

        _resp["response"]["services"] = _serv_status

        _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
def get_dropbox_website_status(url="https://status.dropbox.com/"):

    _resp = {
        "response": dict(),
        "headers": dict()

        r = requests.get(url)

        rc = r.status_code
        rt = r.text
        rheaders = r.headers

        # headers we should expect from dropbox
        _resp["headers"]["status_code"] = rc
        _resp["headers"]["date"] = rheaders.get("date", "")
        _resp["headers"]["etag"] = rheaders.get("etag", "")

        if str(rc).startswith("2"):

            if "json" in rheaders["content-type"]:
                _resp["response"] = "unexpected content-type.  expected text/html.  (good news -- we can update our plugin!)"
                _rtxml = html_string(rt)
                _rtxml_status_line = _rtxml.xpath('//html/body/div[@id="status-line"]/h1')[0]
                _rtxml_status_block = _rtxml_status_line.text

                if _rtxml_status_block == "Dropbox is running normally.":
                    _resp["status"] = "ok"

                _resp["response"] = str(_rtxml_status_block)

            return _resp

    except ConnectionError as e:
        _resp["response"] = str(e)

    # if ConnectionError exception or not an http 2xx
    _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
def get_dropbox_website_status(url="https://status.dropbox.com/"):

    _resp = {"response": dict(), "headers": dict()}

        r = requests.get(url)

        rc = r.status_code
        rt = r.text
        rheaders = r.headers

        # headers we should expect from dropbox
        _resp["headers"]["status_code"] = rc
        _resp["headers"]["date"] = rheaders.get("date", "")
        _resp["headers"]["etag"] = rheaders.get("etag", "")

        if str(rc).startswith("2"):

            if "json" in rheaders["content-type"]:
                    "response"] = "unexpected content-type.  expected text/html.  (good news -- we can update our plugin!)"
                _rtxml = html_string(rt)
                _rtxml_status_line = _rtxml.xpath(
                _rtxml_status_block = _rtxml_status_line.text

                if _rtxml_status_block == "Dropbox is running normally.":
                    _resp["status"] = "ok"

                _resp["response"] = str(_rtxml_status_block)

            return _resp

    except ConnectionError as e:
        _resp["response"] = str(e)

    # if ConnectionError exception or not an http 2xx
    _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp
 def get_html(self, first = 1, last=-1):
     first = max(0,first)
     if last < 0 :
         last = len(self.bookinfo.chapters)
     else :
         last = max(last,first)
     metas = []
     metas.append(E.META(name="author", value=self.bookinfo.author       ))
     metas.append(E.META(name="DC.title", value=self.bookinfo.title ))
     if hasattr(self.bookinfo, "year") :
         metas.append(E.META(name="date",   value=self.bookinfo.year+"-00-00"))
     htmlbody = E.BODY(E.H1(escape(self.bookinfo.title)))
     target = E.HTML(
                 "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">"
     for chap in range(first - 1, last) :
         chapter = self.bookinfo.chapters[chap]
         content = self.fetch(
                 chapter = chapter,
         for tags in self.chapter_tags : 
             for tag in content.iterchildren(tag=tags) : 
     return html_string(target)
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
    def get_aws_endpoint_status(self, regions=None):

        # todo: needs a "i only care about service x,y,z"

        if not regions:
            regions = self.regions

        r = requests.get(self.status_endpoint)

        # need to log the following types of errors and handle them
        # try:
        #     r = requests.get(endpoint)
        # except requests.ConnectionError:
        # except requests.Timeout:
        # except requests.HTTPError:
        # except requests.TooManyRedirects:

        rc = r.status_code
        rt = r.text
        rheaders = r.headers

        _resp = {
            "response": {},
            "headers": {}

        _resp["headers"]["status_code"] = rc
        # not the same as date of response
        _resp["headers"]["last-modified"] = rheaders.get("last-modified", "")
        _resp["headers"]["etag"] = rheaders.get("etag", "")

        # todo: convert date to standard format or return "now"
        _resp["headers"]["date"] = rheaders.get("date", "")

        if str(rc).startswith("2"):
            # if we received an OK from Amazon, then continue processing

            if "json" in rheaders["content-type"]:
                # this would be unexpected -- amazon returns text/html for their status page.
                # this suggests we hit some other page
                _resp["response"] = "unexpected content-type"

                # should be a roll-up status -- e.g. if we parse the fields and there aren't outages..
                # otherwise this is pseudo-redundant of the status_code.

                # parse the html/text body of the response. caution: it's not valid xml.
                /div[contains(@class, "gradient")]
                /div[contains(@class, "yui-content")]
                <<children>> <— table with tbody tr that we care about
                _rtxml = html_string(rt)
                _rtxml_regions_divs = _rtxml.xpath('//html/body/div/div[contains(@class, "gradient")]/div[@id="current_events_block"]/div[contains(@class, "yui-content")]')

                # could be more efficient, but good enough (searches through container div each time)
                # -> will give a list of divs _rtxml_regions_divs = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath("div")
                region_NA = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath("div[contains(@id, 'NA_block')]/table/tbody")[0]
                region_SA = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath("div[contains(@id, 'SA_block')]/table/tbody")[0]
                region_EU = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath("div[contains(@id, 'EU_block')]/table/tbody")[0]
                region_AP = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath("div[contains(@id, 'AP_block')]/table/tbody")[0]

                region_table = {
                    'us': region_NA,
                    'sa': region_SA,
                    'eu': region_EU,
                    'ap': region_AP
                lookup_regions = []

                # At this point, we will only want to parse tables and make calls for the region the user requested
                if regions in ['all', '*'] or regions == ['*']:
                    lookup_regions = ['us', 'sa', 'eu', 'ap']
                    #lookup_regions = [region_table['us'], region_table['sa'], region_table['eu'], region_table['ap']]
                #    for region in regions:
                #        lookup_regions.append(region_table[region])

                _response_dict = {}
                for r in lookup_regions:

                    service_rows = region_table[r].getchildren()

                    for row in service_rows:

                        # get the tds
                        _r = row.getchildren()

                        # we're spot checking. parse the text instead of doing N calls to the RSS feeds.
                        # useful if we drop into a database anyway with timestamp

                        # [0] is status icon

                        # the instance status can be strange if the status is "[RESOLVED] issue":
                        # <td class="bb pad8">
                        #     <div class="floatLeft">[RESOLVED] Instance Connectivity </div>
                        #     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="toggleCurrent(this, 'current_ec2-us-east-1_1452813122_NA');return(false);">more&nbsp;<img src="/images/more.gif"></a>
                        #     <div class="clear"></div>
                        #     <div id="current_ec2-us-east-1_1452813122_NA" style="display: none; margin-top: 8px;" class="yellowbg bordered-dark pad8">
                        #     <div><span class="yellowfg"> 3:13 PM PST</span>&nbsp;We are investigating connectivity issues for some instances in the US-EAST-1 Region.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 3:33 PM PST</span>&nbsp;We can confirm connectivity issues when using public IP addresses for some instances within the EC2-Classic network in the US-EAST-1 Region. Connectivity between instances when using private IP addresses is not affected. We continue to work on resolution.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 4:00 PM PST</span>&nbsp;We continue to work on resolving the connectivity issues when using public IP addresses for some instances within the EC2-Classic network in the US-EAST-1 Region. For instances with an associated Elastic IP address (EIP), we have confirmed that re-associating the EIP address will restore connectivity. For instances using EC2 provided public IP addresses, associating a new EIP address will restore connectivity.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 6:19 PM PST</span>&nbsp; We continue to work on resolving public IP address connectivity for some EC2-Classic instances in the US-EAST-1 Region. We have started to see recovery for some of the affected instances and continue to work towards full recovery.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 7:11 PM PST</span>&nbsp;Between 2:26 PM and 7:10 PM PST we experienced connectivity issues when using public IP addresses for some instances within the EC2 Classic network in the US-EAST-1 Region. Connectivity between instances using the private IP address was not affected. The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.</div>
                        #     </div>
                        # </td>

                            _status = self.aws_current_status_lookup[_r[2].text]
                        except KeyError:
                            # probably "\n"
                                _status = _r[2][0].text
                            except IndexError:
                                _status = "ERROR FETCHING STATUS"

                        _response_dict[_r[1].text] = {
                            'detail': _r[2].text,
                            'rss': _r[3].getchildren()[0].items()[0][1],
                            'status': _status

                        # in case it's decidedly cleaner to use .update
                        # _ret = {}
                        # _ret['service'] = _r[1].text
                        # _ret['detail'] = _r[2].text
                        # _ret['rss'] = _r[3].getchildren()[0].items()[0][1]
                        # _ret['status'] = self.aws_current_status_lookup[_ret['detail']]

                        if self.follow_rss:
                            # todo: async fire off requests to each
                            # this definitely needs async handling.  do not enable without.

                    _resp["response"] = _response_dict
                return _resp
            # todo: parse var rt for useful info when we know what such an error looks like
            _resp["response"] = rt

        return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
def get_sendgrid_status(url="http://status.sendgrid.com"):

    r = http_requests_get_to_dict(url)

    _resp = {"response": dict(), "headers": dict(), "status": "ok"}

    _filtered_headers = {
        "date": r.headers.get("date", ""),
        "last-modified": r.headers.get("last-modified", ""),
        "etag": r.headers.get("etag", ""),
        "x-request-id": r.headers.get("x-request-id", ""),
        "x-statuspage-version": r.headers.get("x-statuspage-version", ""),
        "status_code": r.headers.get("status_code", 200)
    _resp["headers"] = _filtered_headers

    # sendgrid uses nested service statuses
    _resp["response"]["services"] = dict()

    # not really into this as a list, but will adjust as needed
    _resp["response"]["outages"] = []

    general_page_status_text = ''

    if not r.error and r.http_2xx:

        _rtxml = html_string(r.text)
        _body = _rtxml.xpath("//html/body")[0]

        _content_div = _body.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'layout-content')]/div[@class='container']"

        # page structure changes when sendgrid is in an outage
        general_page_status = _content_div.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'page-status')]/span[contains(@class, 'status')]"
        ongoing_incident_div = _content_div.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'unresolved-incidents')]")
        if len(ongoing_incident_div) > 0:

            for _incident in ongoing_incident_div:

                _incident_title_div = _incident.xpath(
                    "div[contains(@class, 'unresolved-incident')]/div[contains(@class, 'incident-title')]"
                _incident_text = _incident_title_div[0].xpath(
                    "a[contains(@class, 'actual-title')]")[0].text.strip()


        if len(general_page_status) > 0:
            general_page_status_text = general_page_status[0].text.strip()

        if general_page_status_text == 'All Systems Operational':
            _resp["status"] = "ok"
            _resp["status"] = "nok"

        # sengrid does a .components-section .components-container, then N- .component-container (note singular)
        by_service_status_divs = _content_div.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'components-section')]/div[contains(@class, 'components-container')]/div[contains(@class, 'component-container')]"

        _serv_status = {}
        for _service in by_service_status_divs:

            # we have to look into child-components container that is at the same level, e.g.
            # <div class="component-container">
            #   <div class="component-inner-container">
            #   <div class="child-components-container"> -> div.component-inner-container -> [span.name, span.component-status]
            # if not, it's simply:
            # <div class="component-container">
            #   <div class="component-inner-container"> -> [span.name, span.component-status]

            _child_components_container = _service.xpath(
                "div[contains(@class, 'child-components-container')]")

            # if we have a child container, move our inspection to the scope of that div.  otherwise, leave
            # at the top level for depth searching
            if len(_child_components_container) > 0:

                # step back to iter point, get name of the service header and make it into a dict for subitem statuses
                _service_name = _service.xpath(
                    "div[contains(@class, 'component-inner-container')]/span[contains(@class, 'name')]/span"
                _resp["response"]["services"][_service_name] = dict()

                # move our "cursor" to the child components container for searching
                _cursor = _child_components_container

                # we do not have a child components containiner, so keep the cursor at the loop iter point.
                _cursor = _service

            _service_component_containers = _cursor[0].xpath(
                "div[contains(@class, 'component-inner-container')]")

            for _service_status in _service_component_containers:

                _name = _service_status.xpath(
                _status = _service_status.xpath(

                if _status == "Operational":
                    _status = "ok"

                _serv_status[_name] = _status

        _resp["response"]["services"] = _serv_status

        _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
def get_sendgrid_status(url="http://status.sendgrid.com"):

    r = http_requests_get_to_dict(url)

    _resp = {
        "response": dict(),
        "headers": dict(),
        "status": "ok"

    _filtered_headers = {
        "date": r.headers.get("date", ""),
        "last-modified": r.headers.get("last-modified", ""),
        "etag": r.headers.get("etag", ""),
        "x-request-id": r.headers.get("x-request-id", ""),
        "x-statuspage-version": r.headers.get("x-statuspage-version", ""),
        "status_code": r.headers.get("status_code", 200)
    _resp["headers"] = _filtered_headers

    # sendgrid uses nested service statuses
    _resp["response"]["services"] = dict()

    # not really into this as a list, but will adjust as needed
    _resp["response"]["outages"] = []

    general_page_status_text = ''

    if not r.error and r.http_2xx:

        _rtxml = html_string(r.text)
        _body = _rtxml.xpath("//html/body")[0]

        _content_div = _body.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'layout-content')]/div[@class='container']")[0]

        # page structure changes when sendgrid is in an outage
        general_page_status = _content_div.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'page-status')]/span[contains(@class, 'status')]")
        ongoing_incident_div = _content_div.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'unresolved-incidents')]")
        if len(ongoing_incident_div) > 0:

            for _incident in ongoing_incident_div:

                _incident_title_div = _incident.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'unresolved-incident')]/div[contains(@class, 'incident-title')]")
                _incident_text = _incident_title_div[0].xpath("a[contains(@class, 'actual-title')]")[0].text.strip()


        if len(general_page_status) > 0:
            general_page_status_text = general_page_status[0].text.strip()

        if general_page_status_text == 'All Systems Operational':
            _resp["status"] = "ok"
            _resp["status"] = "nok"

        # sengrid does a .components-section .components-container, then N- .component-container (note singular)
        by_service_status_divs = _content_div.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'components-section')]/div[contains(@class, 'components-container')]/div[contains(@class, 'component-container')]")

        _serv_status = {}
        for _service in by_service_status_divs:

            # we have to look into child-components container that is at the same level, e.g.
            # <div class="component-container">
            #   <div class="component-inner-container">
            #   <div class="child-components-container"> -> div.component-inner-container -> [span.name, span.component-status]
            # if not, it's simply:
            # <div class="component-container">
            #   <div class="component-inner-container"> -> [span.name, span.component-status]

            _child_components_container = _service.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'child-components-container')]")

            # if we have a child container, move our inspection to the scope of that div.  otherwise, leave
            # at the top level for depth searching
            if len(_child_components_container) > 0:

                # step back to iter point, get name of the service header and make it into a dict for subitem statuses
                _service_name = _service.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'component-inner-container')]/span[contains(@class, 'name')]/span")[1].text.strip()
                _resp["response"]["services"][_service_name] = dict()

                # move our "cursor" to the child components container for searching
                _cursor = _child_components_container

                # we do not have a child components containiner, so keep the cursor at the loop iter point.
                _cursor = _service

            _service_component_containers = _cursor[0].xpath("div[contains(@class, 'component-inner-container')]")

            for _service_status in _service_component_containers:

                _name = _service_status.xpath("span[@class='name']")[0].text.strip()
                _status = _service_status.xpath("span[@class='component-status']")[0].text.strip()

                if _status == "Operational":
                    _status = "ok"

                _serv_status[_name] = _status

        _resp["response"]["services"] = _serv_status

        _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
    def get_aws_endpoint_status(self, regions=None):

        # todo: needs a "i only care about service x,y,z"

        if not regions:
            regions = self.regions

        r = requests.get(self.status_endpoint)

        # need to log the following types of errors and handle them
        # try:
        #     r = requests.get(endpoint)
        # except requests.ConnectionError:
        # except requests.Timeout:
        # except requests.HTTPError:
        # except requests.TooManyRedirects:

        rc = r.status_code
        rt = r.text
        rheaders = r.headers

        _resp = {"response": {}, "headers": {}}

        _resp["headers"]["status_code"] = rc
        # not the same as date of response
        _resp["headers"]["last-modified"] = rheaders.get("last-modified", "")
        _resp["headers"]["etag"] = rheaders.get("etag", "")

        # todo: convert date to standard format or return "now"
        _resp["headers"]["date"] = rheaders.get("date", "")

        if str(rc).startswith("2"):
            # if we received an OK from Amazon, then continue processing

            if "json" in rheaders["content-type"]:
                # this would be unexpected -- amazon returns text/html for their status page.
                # this suggests we hit some other page
                _resp["response"] = "unexpected content-type"

                # should be a roll-up status -- e.g. if we parse the fields and there aren't outages..
                # otherwise this is pseudo-redundant of the status_code.

                # parse the html/text body of the response. caution: it's not valid xml.
                /div[contains(@class, "gradient")]
                /div[contains(@class, "yui-content")]
                <<children>> <— table with tbody tr that we care about
                _rtxml = html_string(rt)
                _rtxml_regions_divs = _rtxml.xpath(
                    '//html/body/div/div[contains(@class, "gradient")]/div[@id="current_events_block"]/div[contains(@class, "yui-content")]'

                # could be more efficient, but good enough (searches through container div each time)
                # -> will give a list of divs _rtxml_regions_divs = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath("div")
                region_NA = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath(
                    "div[contains(@id, 'NA_block')]/table/tbody")[0]
                region_SA = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath(
                    "div[contains(@id, 'SA_block')]/table/tbody")[0]
                region_EU = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath(
                    "div[contains(@id, 'EU_block')]/table/tbody")[0]
                region_AP = _rtxml_regions_divs[0].xpath(
                    "div[contains(@id, 'AP_block')]/table/tbody")[0]

                region_table = {
                    'us': region_NA,
                    'sa': region_SA,
                    'eu': region_EU,
                    'ap': region_AP
                lookup_regions = []

                # At this point, we will only want to parse tables and make calls for the region the user requested
                if regions in ['all', '*'] or regions == ['*']:
                    lookup_regions = ['us', 'sa', 'eu', 'ap']
                    #lookup_regions = [region_table['us'], region_table['sa'], region_table['eu'], region_table['ap']]
                #    for region in regions:
                #        lookup_regions.append(region_table[region])

                _response_dict = {}
                for r in lookup_regions:

                    service_rows = region_table[r].getchildren()

                    for row in service_rows:

                        # get the tds
                        _r = row.getchildren()

                        # we're spot checking. parse the text instead of doing N calls to the RSS feeds.
                        # useful if we drop into a database anyway with timestamp

                        # [0] is status icon

                        # the instance status can be strange if the status is "[RESOLVED] issue":
                        # <td class="bb pad8">
                        #     <div class="floatLeft">[RESOLVED] Instance Connectivity </div>
                        #     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="toggleCurrent(this, 'current_ec2-us-east-1_1452813122_NA');return(false);">more&nbsp;<img src="/images/more.gif"></a>
                        #     <div class="clear"></div>
                        #     <div id="current_ec2-us-east-1_1452813122_NA" style="display: none; margin-top: 8px;" class="yellowbg bordered-dark pad8">
                        #     <div><span class="yellowfg"> 3:13 PM PST</span>&nbsp;We are investigating connectivity issues for some instances in the US-EAST-1 Region.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 3:33 PM PST</span>&nbsp;We can confirm connectivity issues when using public IP addresses for some instances within the EC2-Classic network in the US-EAST-1 Region. Connectivity between instances when using private IP addresses is not affected. We continue to work on resolution.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 4:00 PM PST</span>&nbsp;We continue to work on resolving the connectivity issues when using public IP addresses for some instances within the EC2-Classic network in the US-EAST-1 Region. For instances with an associated Elastic IP address (EIP), we have confirmed that re-associating the EIP address will restore connectivity. For instances using EC2 provided public IP addresses, associating a new EIP address will restore connectivity.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 6:19 PM PST</span>&nbsp; We continue to work on resolving public IP address connectivity for some EC2-Classic instances in the US-EAST-1 Region. We have started to see recovery for some of the affected instances and continue to work towards full recovery.</div><div><span class="yellowfg"> 7:11 PM PST</span>&nbsp;Between 2:26 PM and 7:10 PM PST we experienced connectivity issues when using public IP addresses for some instances within the EC2 Classic network in the US-EAST-1 Region. Connectivity between instances using the private IP address was not affected. The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.</div>
                        #     </div>
                        # </td>

                            _status = self.aws_current_status_lookup[
                        except KeyError:
                            # probably "\n"
                                _status = _r[2][0].text
                            except IndexError:
                                _status = "ERROR FETCHING STATUS"

                        _response_dict[_r[1].text] = {
                            'detail': _r[2].text,
                            'rss': _r[3].getchildren()[0].items()[0][1],
                            'status': _status

                        # in case it's decidedly cleaner to use .update
                        # _ret = {}
                        # _ret['service'] = _r[1].text
                        # _ret['detail'] = _r[2].text
                        # _ret['rss'] = _r[3].getchildren()[0].items()[0][1]
                        # _ret['status'] = self.aws_current_status_lookup[_ret['detail']]

                        if self.follow_rss:
                            # todo: async fire off requests to each
                            # this definitely needs async handling.  do not enable without.

                    _resp["response"] = _response_dict
                return _resp
            # todo: parse var rt for useful info when we know what such an error looks like
            _resp["response"] = rt

        return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
def get_cloudinary_status(url="http://status.cloudinary.com"):

    # this is only history -- no "we're fine right now" or enumeration of things that are working.
    # http://status.cloudinary.com/history.rss
    # also, as of this writing, there is no standard way to determine the end boundary of an outage, which
    # makes this generally useless for our purposes.

    r = http_requests_get_to_dict(url)

    # response dict - response is data blob to return (e.g. 'Site is normal!'), headers are headers, status is ok/nok
    _resp = {
        "response": dict(),
        "headers": dict(),
        "status": "ok"

    _filtered_headers = {
        "date": r.headers.get("date", ""),
        "etag": r.headers.get("etag", ""),
        "status_code": r.headers.get("status_code", 200)

    _resp["headers"] = _filtered_headers

    if not r.error and r.http_2xx:

        _rtxml = html_string(r.text)
        _body = _rtxml.xpath("//html/body")[0]

        _content_div = _body.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'layout-content')]/div[@class='container']")[0]

        general_page_status_raw_text = _content_div.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'page-status')]/span[contains(@class, 'status')]")[0].text
        general_page_status = general_page_status_raw_text.strip()

        by_service_status_divs = _content_div.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'components-section')]/div[contains(@class, 'components-container')]")[0]

        _serv_status = {}

        for _service in by_service_status_divs:
            _inner_div_group = _service.xpath("div[contains(@class, 'component-inner-container')]")

            if _inner_div_group:

                _inner_div_group = _inner_div_group[0]
                _name = _inner_div_group.xpath("span[@class='name']")[0].text.strip()
                _status = _inner_div_group.xpath("span[@class='component-status']")[0].text.strip()
                if _status == "Operational":
                    _status = "ok"


                # statuspage.io nested group?
                # _service_div_contents = str(_service)

                _status = "There was an error parsing a response: %s : %s" % (str(_service), _inner_div_group)

            _serv_status[_name] = _status

        _resp["response"]["services"] = _serv_status

        if general_page_status == 'All Systems Operational':
            _resp["status"] = "ok"

        _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp
文件: methods.py 项目: idjaw/yams
def get_cloudinary_status(url="http://status.cloudinary.com"):

    # this is only history -- no "we're fine right now" or enumeration of things that are working.
    # http://status.cloudinary.com/history.rss
    # also, as of this writing, there is no standard way to determine the end boundary of an outage, which
    # makes this generally useless for our purposes.

    r = http_requests_get_to_dict(url)

    # response dict - response is data blob to return (e.g. 'Site is normal!'), headers are headers, status is ok/nok
    _resp = {"response": dict(), "headers": dict(), "status": "ok"}

    _filtered_headers = {
        "date": r.headers.get("date", ""),
        "etag": r.headers.get("etag", ""),
        "status_code": r.headers.get("status_code", 200)

    _resp["headers"] = _filtered_headers

    if not r.error and r.http_2xx:

        _rtxml = html_string(r.text)
        _body = _rtxml.xpath("//html/body")[0]

        _content_div = _body.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'layout-content')]/div[@class='container']"

        general_page_status_raw_text = _content_div.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'page-status')]/span[contains(@class, 'status')]"
        general_page_status = general_page_status_raw_text.strip()

        by_service_status_divs = _content_div.xpath(
            "div[contains(@class, 'components-section')]/div[contains(@class, 'components-container')]"

        _serv_status = {}

        for _service in by_service_status_divs:
            _inner_div_group = _service.xpath(
                "div[contains(@class, 'component-inner-container')]")

            if _inner_div_group:

                _inner_div_group = _inner_div_group[0]
                _name = _inner_div_group.xpath(
                _status = _inner_div_group.xpath(
                if _status == "Operational":
                    _status = "ok"


                # statuspage.io nested group?
                # _service_div_contents = str(_service)

                _status = "There was an error parsing a response: %s : %s" % (
                    str(_service), _inner_div_group)

            _serv_status[_name] = _status

        _resp["response"]["services"] = _serv_status

        if general_page_status == 'All Systems Operational':
            _resp["status"] = "ok"

        _resp["status"] = "nok"

    return _resp