def surface_images(out_dir, subj): """Plot the white, pial, and inflated surfaces to look for defects.""" for surf in ["white", "pial", "inflated"]: panels = [] for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]: try: b = Brain(subj, hemi, surf, curv=False, background="white") except TypeError: # PySurfer <= 0.5 b = Brain(subj, hemi, surf, curv=False, config_opts=dict(background="white")) for view in ["lat", "med", "ven"]: b.show_view(view, distance="auto") panels.append(crop(b.screenshot())) b.close() # Make and save a figure f = multi_panel_brain_figure(panels) fname = op.join(out_dir, "{}_surface.png".format(surf)) f.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(f)
def contrast_loop(subj, contrasts, stat_temp, mask_temp, png_temp, args, z_thresh, sign): """Iterate over contrasts and make surface images.""" for contrast in contrasts: # Calculate where the overlay should saturate z_max = calculate_sat_point(stat_temp, contrast, sign, subj) panels = [] for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]: # Initialize the brain object b_subj = subj if args.regspace == "epi" else "fsaverage" try: b = Brain(b_subj, hemi, args.geometry, background="white") except TypeError: # PySurfer <= v0.5 b = Brain(b_subj, hemi, args.geometry, config_opts={"background": "white"}) # Plot the mask mask_file = mask_temp.format(contrast=contrast, hemi=hemi, subj=subj) add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file) # Plot the overlay stat_file = stat_temp.format(contrast=contrast, hemi=hemi, subj=subj) add_stat_overlay(b, stat_file, z_thresh, z_max, sign, sig_to_z=args.regspace == "fsaverage") # Take screenshots for view in ["lat", "med", "ven"]: b.show_view(view, distance="auto") sleep(.1) panels.append(crop(b.screenshot())) b.close() # Make a single figure with all the panels f = multi_panel_brain_figure(panels) kwargs = {} if sign in ["pos", "abs"]: kwargs["pos_cmap"] = "Reds_r" if sign in ["neg", "abs"]: kwargs["neg_cmap"] = "Blues" add_colorbars(f, z_thresh, z_max, **kwargs) # Save the figure in both hemisphere outputs for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]: png_file = png_temp.format(hemi=hemi, contrast=contrast, subj=subj) f.savefig(png_file, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(f)
def curvature_normalization(data_dir, subj): """Normalize the curvature map and plot contour over fsaverage.""" surf_dir = op.join(data_dir, subj, "surf") snap_dir = op.join(data_dir, subj, "snapshots") panels = [] for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]: # Load the curv values and apply registration to fsaverage curv_fname = op.join(surf_dir, "{}.curv".format(hemi)) curv_vals = nib.freesurfer.read_morph_data(curv_fname) subj_curv_vals = apply_surface_warp(data_dir, subj, hemi, curv_vals) subj_curv_binary = (subj_curv_vals > 0) # Load the template curvature norm_fname = op.join(data_dir, "fsaverage", "surf", "{}.curv".format(hemi)) norm_curv_vals = nib.freesurfer.read_morph_data(norm_fname) norm_curv_binary = (norm_curv_vals > 0) # Compute the curvature overlap image curv_overlap = np.zeros_like(norm_curv_binary, curv_overlap[norm_curv_binary & subj_curv_binary] = 1 curv_overlap[norm_curv_binary ^ subj_curv_binary] = 2 # Mask out the medial wall cortex_fname = op.join(data_dir, "fsaverage", "label", "{}.cortex.label".format(hemi)) cortex = nib.freesurfer.read_label(cortex_fname) medial_wall = ~np.in1d(np.arange(curv_overlap.size), cortex) curv_overlap[medial_wall] = 1 # Plot the curvature overlap image try: b = Brain("fsaverage", hemi, "inflated", background="white") except TypeError: # PySurfer <= 0.5 b = Brain("fsaverage", hemi, "inflated", config_opts=dict(background="white")) b.add_data(curv_overlap, min=0, max=2, colormap=[".9", ".45", "indianred"], colorbar=False) for view in ["lat", "med", "ven"]: b.show_view(view, distance="auto") panels.append(crop(b.screenshot())) b.close() # Make and save a figure f = multi_panel_brain_figure(panels) fname = op.join(snap_dir, "surface_registration.png") f.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(f)
def plot_brains(axes, palette): lat_ax, med_ax = axes lat_color, med_color = palette b = Brain("fsaverage", "lh", "pial", background="white", size=(1200, 1200)) b.add_morphometry("curv", grayscale=True, min=-.5, max=.5, colormap="Greys", colorbar=False) b.add_label("roi_labels/lh.ifs.label", alpha=.9, color="#feb308") b.add_label("roi_labels/lh.mfc.label", alpha=.9, color="#cf6275") mlab.view(160, 70) lat_ax.imshow(crop(b.screenshot()), rasterized=True) mlab.view(15, 90) med_ax.imshow(crop(b.screenshot()), rasterized=True) b.close() for ax in axes: ax.set_axis_off()
def plot_brains(subjects, axes): for subj, subj_axes in zip(subjects, axes): exp = dict(pc="dots", ti="sticks")[subj[:2]] data_fname = "roi_cache/{}_{}_ifs.npz".format(subj, exp) with np.load(data_fname) as dobj: vox_ijk = dobj["vox_ijk"] res_fname = "decoding_analysis/{}_{}_ifs.pkz".format(subj, exp) res = moss.load_pkl(res_fname) prefs = res.prefs surf_vals = roi_to_surf(exp, subj, prefs, vox_ijk) lut = get_colormap(exp, False) for hemi, ax in zip(["lh", "rh"], subj_axes): b = Brain(subj, hemi, "inflated", background="white", cortex=("binary", -4, 8, False), size=(1000, 600)) b.add_data(surf_vals.ix[hemi].fillna(-11).values, colormap=lut, colorbar=False, thresh=-10, min=-1.75, max=1.75) mlab.view(*get_ifs_view(subj, hemi)) img = crop(b.screenshot()) ax.imshow(img, rasterized=True) ax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[]) b.close()