def main(ntrain=800, ntest=200, nsplits=1, seed=1234567):
    # Set the configuration parameters for the SP
    ninputs = 784
    kargs = {
        'ninputs': ninputs,
        'ncolumns': ninputs,
        'nactive': 10,
        'global_inhibition': True,
        'trim': False,
        'seed': seed,
        'disable_boost': True,
        'nsynapses': 392,
        'seg_th': 10,
        'syn_th': 0.5,
        'pinc': 0.001,
        'pdec': 0.002,
        'pwindow': 0.01,
        'random_permanence': True,
        'nepochs': 10,
        'clf': LinearSVC(random_state=seed),
        'log_dir': os.path.join('simple_mnist', '1-1')

    # Seed numpy

    # Get the data
    (tr_x, tr_y), (te_x, te_y) = load_mnist()
    x, y = np.vstack((tr_x, te_x)), np.hstack((tr_y, te_y))

    # Split the data for CV
    cv = MNISTCV(tr_y, te_y, ntrain, ntest, nsplits, seed)

    # Execute the SP on each fold. Additionally, get results for each fitting
    # method.
    for i, (tr, te) in enumerate(cv):
        # Create the region
        sp = SPRegion(**kargs)

        # Train the region
        sp.fit(x[tr], y[tr])

        # Test the base classifier
        clf = LinearSVC(random_state=seed)
        clf.fit(x[tr], y[tr])

    # Get a random set of unique inputs from the training set
    inputs = np.zeros((10, ninputs))
    for i in xrange(10):
        ix = np.random.permutation(np.where(y[tr] == i)[0])[0]
        inputs[i] = x[tr][ix]

    # Get the SP's predictions for the inputs
    sp_pred = sp.predict(inputs)

    # Get the reconstruction in the context of the SP
    sp_inputs = sp.reconstruct_input(sp_pred)

    # Make a plot comparing the images
    shape = (28, 28)
    path = os.path.join(sp.log_dir, 'input_reconstruction.png')
    plot_compare_images((inputs, sp_pred, sp_inputs), shape, out_path=path)
def main(ntrain=800, ntest=200, nsplits=1, seed=1234567):
	# Set the configuration parameters for the SP
	ninputs = 784
	kargs = {
		'ninputs': ninputs,
		'ncolumns': ninputs,
		'nactive': 10,
		'global_inhibition': True,
		'trim': False,
		'seed': seed,
		'disable_boost': True,
		'nsynapses': 392,
		'seg_th': 10,
		'syn_th': 0.5,
		'pinc': 0.001,
		'pdec': 0.002,
		'pwindow': 0.01,
		'random_permanence': True,
		'nepochs': 10,
		'clf': LinearSVC(random_state=seed),
		'log_dir': os.path.join('simple_mnist', '1-1')
	# Seed numpy
	# Get the data
	(tr_x, tr_y), (te_x, te_y) = load_mnist()
	x, y = np.vstack((tr_x, te_x)), np.hstack((tr_y, te_y))
	# Split the data for CV
	cv = MNISTCV(tr_y, te_y, ntrain, ntest, nsplits, seed)
	# Execute the SP on each fold. Additionally, get results for each fitting
	# method.
	for i, (tr, te) in enumerate(cv):
		# Create the region
		sp = SPRegion(**kargs)
		# Train the region
		sp.fit(x[tr], y[tr])
		# Test the base classifier
		clf = LinearSVC(random_state=seed)
		clf.fit(x[tr], y[tr])
	# Get a random set of unique inputs from the training set
	inputs = np.zeros((10, ninputs))
	for i in xrange(10):
		ix = np.random.permutation(np.where(y[tr] == i)[0])[0]
		inputs[i] = x[tr][ix]
	# Get the SP's predictions for the inputs
	sp_pred = sp.predict(inputs)
	# Get the reconstruction in the context of the SP
	sp_inputs = sp.reconstruct_input(sp_pred)
	# Make a plot comparing the images
	shape = (28, 28)
	path = os.path.join(sp.log_dir, 'input_reconstruction.png')
	plot_compare_images((inputs, sp_pred, sp_inputs), shape, out_path=path)
def main(ntrain=800, ntest=200, nsplits=1, seed=123456789):
    """Run a simple MNIST classification task."""
    # Set the configuration parameters for the SP
    ninputs = 784
    kargs = {
        'ninputs': ninputs,
        'ncolumns': ninputs,
        'nactive': 30,
        'global_inhibition': True,
        'trim': False,
        'seed': seed,
        'disable_boost': True,
        'nsynapses': 392,
        'seg_th': 10,
        'syn_th': 0.5,
        'pinc': 0.001,
        'pdec': 0.002,
        'pwindow': 0.01,
        'random_permanence': True,
        'nepochs': 10,
        'clf': LinearSVC(random_state=seed),
        'log_dir': os.path.join('simple_mnist', '1-1')

    # Seed numpy

    # Get the data
    (tr_x, tr_y), (te_x, te_y) = load_mnist()
    x, y = np.vstack((tr_x, te_x)), np.hstack((tr_y, te_y))

    # Split the data for CV
    cv = MNISTCV(tr_y, te_y, ntrain, ntest, nsplits, seed)

    # Execute the SP on each fold. Additionally, get results for each fitting
    # method.
    for i, (tr, te) in enumerate(cv):
        # Create the region
        sp = SPRegion(**kargs)

        # Train the region
        sp.fit(x[tr], y[tr])

        # Test the base classifier
        clf = LinearSVC(random_state=seed)
        clf.fit(x[tr], y[tr])
        score = clf.score(x[te], y[te])
        print('SVM Only Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100))

        # Test the region for the column method
        score = sp.score(x[te], y[te])
        print('Column Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100))

        # Test the region for the probabilistic method
        score = sp.score(x[te], y[te], tr_x=x[tr], score_method='prob')
        print('Probabilistic Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100))

        # Test the region for the dimensionality reduction method
        score = sp.score(x[te], y[te], tr_x=x[tr], score_method='reduction')
        ndims = len(sp.reduce_dimensions(x[0]))
        print('Input Reduced from {0} to {1}: {2:.1f}X reduction'.format(
            ninputs, ndims, ninputs / float(ndims)))
        print('Reduction Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100))

    # Get a random set of unique inputs from the training set
    inputs = np.zeros((10, ninputs))
    for i in range(10):
        ix = np.random.permutation(np.where(y[tr] == i)[0])[0]
        inputs[i] = x[tr][ix]

    # Get the SP's predictions for the inputs
    sp_pred = sp.predict(inputs)

    # Get the reconstruction in the context of the SP
    sp_inputs = sp.reconstruct_input(sp_pred)

    # Make a plot comparing the images
    title = 'Input Reconstruction: Original (top), SP SDRs (middle), ' \
        'SP Reconstruction (bottom)'
    shape = (28, 28)
    path = os.path.join(sp.log_dir, 'input_reconstruction.png')
    plot_compare_images((inputs, sp_pred, sp_inputs),
def main(ntrain=800, ntest=200, nsplits=1, seed=123456789):
	# Set the configuration parameters for the SP
	ninputs = 784
	kargs = {
		'ninputs': ninputs,
		'ncolumns': ninputs,
		'nactive': 20,
		'global_inhibition': True,
		'trim': False,
		'seed': seed,
		'max_boost': 3,
		'duty_cycle': 8,
		'nsynapses': 392,
		'seg_th': 2,
		'syn_th': 0.5,
		'pinc': 0.01,
		'pdec': 0.02,
		'pwindow': 0.5,
		'random_permanence': True,
		'nepochs': 1,
		'clf': LinearSVC(random_state=seed),
		'log_dir': os.path.join('simple_mnist', '1-1')
	# Get the data
	(tr_x, tr_y), (te_x, te_y) = load_mnist()
	x, y = np.vstack((tr_x, te_x)), np.hstack((tr_y, te_y))
	# Split the data for CV
	cv = MNISTCV(tr_y, te_y, ntrain, ntest, nsplits, seed)
	# Execute the SP on each fold. Additionally, get results for each fitting
	# method.
	for i, (tr, te) in enumerate(cv):
		# Create the region
		sp = SPRegion(**kargs)
		# Train the region
		sp.fit(x[tr], y[tr])
		# Test the base classifier
		clf = LinearSVC(random_state=seed)
		clf.fit(x[tr], y[tr])
		score = clf.score(x[te], y[te])
		print 'SVM Only Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100)
		# Test the region for the column method
		score = sp.score(x[te], y[te])
		print 'Column Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100)
		# Test the region for the probabilistic method
		score = sp.score(x[te], y[te], tr_x=x[tr], score_method='prob')
		print 'Probabilistic Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100)
		# Test the region for the dimensionality reduction method
		score = sp.score(x[te], y[te], tr_x=x[tr], score_method='reduction')
		ndims = len(sp.reduce_dimensions(x[0]))
		print 'Input Reduced from {0} to {1}: {2:.1f}X reduction'.format(
			ninputs, ndims, ninputs / float(ndims))
		print 'Reduction Accuracy: {0:.2f}%'.format(score * 100)
	# Get a random set of unique inputs from the training set
	inputs = np.zeros((10, ninputs))
	for i in xrange(10):
		ix = np.random.permutation(np.where(y[tr] == i)[0])[0]
		inputs[i] = x[tr][ix]
	# Get the SP's predictions for the inputs
	sp_pred = sp.predict(inputs)
	# Get the reconstruction in the context of the SP
	sp_inputs = sp.reconstruct_input(sp_pred)
	# Make a plot comparing the two
	x1_labels = [str(i) for i in xrange(10)]
	x2_labels = [str(i) for i in xrange(10)]
	title = 'Input Reconstruction: Original (top), SP (bottom)'
	shape = (28, 28)
	path = os.path.join(sp.log_dir, 'input_reconstruction.png')
	plot_compare_images((inputs, sp_inputs), shape, title, (x1_labels,
		x2_labels,), path)