def applyMappingToTarget(mapping, alignment, tigerHelper, stripTargetIDPrefix):
    """Applies sentiment values to target.

       Given a mapping from source node IDs to sentiment values
        and an alignment between source and target node IDs,
       the sentiment values are applied to the target tree.

       @param mapping map from source node IDs to sentiment values
       @param alignment map from source node IDs to target node IDs
       @param target etree parse tree - will be modified
    global countSourceNotInAlignment
    global countMappingApplied
    global countTargetNotFound
    for (sourceID, sentiment) in mapping.iteritems():
        if not sourceID in alignment:
            logger.warn("Source node ID %s not found in alignment.", sourceID)
            countSourceNotInAlignment += 1
        targetID = alignment[sourceID]
        origTargetID = targetID
        if stripTargetIDPrefix:
            targetID = ma_util.stripPrefixFromString(targetID)
        node = tigerHelper.getNode(targetID)
        if node is None:
            logger.warn("Could not find target node with ID %s", targetID)
            countTargetNotFound += 1
        if node.tag == "s":
        countMappingApplied += 1
        th.setSentiment(node, sentiment, th.SEN_MAPPED)
        node.set("x-source-id", sourceID)
        node.set("x-original-id", origTargetID)
    def stripPrefixFromID(self):
        """Removes alphabetic prefix from ID attributes in TigerXML tree.

        @param tree {etree} TigerXML tree
        logger.info("Stripping prefixes from node IDs")
        expression = ".//*[@id]"
        nodes = self.tree.iterfind(expression)
        for node in nodes:
            nodeID = node.get("id")
            node.set("id", ma_util.stripPrefixFromString(nodeID))
        expression = ".//graph[@root]"
        nodes = self.tree.iterfind(expression)
        for node in nodes:
            nodeID = node.get("root")
            node.set("root", ma_util.stripPrefixFromString(nodeID))
        expression = ".//edge[@idref]"
        nodes = self.tree.iterfind(expression)
        for node in nodes:
            nodeID = node.get("idref")
            node.set("idref", ma_util.stripPrefixFromString(nodeID))