def validate_site_components(components: List[types.Component], *,
                             site: types.Site):
    """Sanity checks on component configuration per site."""
    defined_stores = ([s.key for s in site.commercetools.stores]
                      if site.commercetools else [])

    for component in components:
        if component.health_check_path and not component.health_check_path.startswith(
            raise ValidationError(
                f"Component health check {component.health_check_path} does "
                "not start with '/'.")

        for store in component.store_variables.keys():
            if store not in defined_stores:
                raise ValidationError(
                    f"Store {store} is not defined in your commercetools stores definition"

        if site.azure:
            service_plans = site.azure.service_plans
            if (component.azure and component.azure.service_plan
                    and component.azure.service_plan not in service_plans):
                raise ValidationError(
                    f"Component {component.name} requires service plan "
                    f"{component.azure.service_plan} which is not defined in the "
                    "Azure configuration.")
def validate_sentry_config(config: types.SentryConfig):
    if not any([c(config.dsn), c(config.auth_token)]):
        raise ValidationError("sentry: Either dsn or auth_token should be set")

    if all([c(config.dsn), c(config.auth_token)]):
        raise ValidationError(
            "sentry: Only a dsn or auth_token should be defined")

    if config.auth_token and not any(
        [c(config.project), c(config.organization)]):
        raise ValidationError(
            "sentry: A project and organization should be defined when using an auth_token"
def validate_store_keys(ct_settings: types.CommercetoolsSettings):
    """Sanity checks on store values."""
    if ct_settings.stores:
        store_keys = [store.key for store in ct_settings.stores]
        for key in store_keys:
            if len(key) < 2:
                raise ValidationError(
                    f"Store key {key} should be minimum two characters.")
            if store_keys.count(key) != 1:
                raise ValidationError(f"Store key {key} must be unique.")

            if not STORE_KEY_RE.match(key):
                raise ValidationError(
                    f"Store key {key} may only contain alphanumeric characters or underscores"
def validate_site(site: types.Site, *, config: types.MachConfig):
    if config.general_config.cloud == types.CloudOption.AWS and not site.aws:
        raise ValidationError(
            f"Site {site.identifier} is missing an aws configuration")

    if config.general_config.cloud == types.CloudOption.AZURE:
        if site.endpoints and not site.azure.frontdoor:
            raise ValidationError(
                f"Site {site.identifier} has endpoints defined but frontdoor is not configured. "
                "Make sure your azure.frontdoor block is correcty configured in either the global "
                "or site configuration.")

    validate_endpoints(site, config.general_config.cloud)

    if site.components:
        validate_site_components(site.components, site=site)
def validate_endpoints(site: types.Site, cloud: types.CloudOption):
    # Construct lookup dictionary of all endpoints with the components that use them
    expected_endpoint_names = set(
        chain.from_iterable(c.endpoints.values() for c in site.components))
    endpoint_names = {e.key for e in site.endpoints}

    missing = expected_endpoint_names - endpoint_names
    if missing:
        raise ValidationError(
            f"Missing required endpoints {', '.join(missing)}")
def validate_config(config: types.MachConfig, *, ignore_version=True):
    """Check the config for invalid configuration."""
    if not ignore_version and config.mach_composer.version != __version__:
        raise ValidationError(
            f"MACH composer version defined in configuration ({config.mach_composer.version}) "
            f"does not match current version {__version__}")


    for site in config.sites:
        validate_site(site, config=config)
def validate_azure_components(config: types.MachConfig):
    """Validate components specifically for Azure usage.

    Only requirements for now is that a correct short_name should be set.
    Otherwise problems will arise when creating the Azure resources since
    for example Storage Accounts names have a limited length.
    for comp in config.components:
        if comp.artifacts:
            raise ValidationError(
                f"The artifacts options on the '{comp.name}' component "
                "are not supported when targetting Azure")

        if "azure" not in comp.integrations:

        # azure naming length is limited, so verify it doesn't get too long.
        assert comp.azure and comp.azure.short_name  # Should have been set by parser
        if len(comp.azure.short_name) > 10:
            raise ValidationError(
                f"Component {comp.name} short_name '{comp.azure.short_name}' "
                "cannot be more than 10 characters.")
def validate_general_config(config: types.GlobalConfig):
    if config.cloud == types.CloudOption.AZURE:
        if not config.azure:
            raise ValidationError("Missing azure configuration")
        if not config.terraform_config.azure_remote_state:
            raise ValidationError("Missing azure_remote_state configuration")
        if config.terraform_config.aws_remote_state:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Found aws_remote_state configuration, while cloud is set to 'azure'"
    elif config.cloud == types.CloudOption.AWS:
        if not config.terraform_config.aws_remote_state:
            raise ValidationError("Missing aws_remote_state configuration")
        if config.terraform_config.azure_remote_state:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Found azure_remote_state configuration, while cloud is set to 'aws'"

    if config.terraform_config:

    if config.sentry:
def validate_taxes(ct_settings: types.CommercetoolsSettings):
    """Ensure either `taxes` or `tax_categories` are used."""
    if ct_settings.taxes and ct_settings.tax_categories:
        raise ValidationError(
            "`taxes` and `tax_categories` are mutually exclusive.")