def main(): status = get_daemon_status() print("WebREPL daemon auto-start status:", "enabled" if status else "disabled") print("\nWould you like to (E)nable or (D)isable it running on boot?") print("(Empty line to quit)") resp = input("> ").upper() if resp == "E": if exists(CONFIG): resp2 = input_choice("Would you like to change WebREPL password? (y/n) ", ("y", "n", "")) else: print("To enable WebREPL, you must set password for it") resp2 = "y" if resp2 == "y": passwd = input_pass() with open(CONFIG, "w") as f: f.write("PASS = %r\n" % passwd) if resp not in ("D", "E") or (resp == "D" and not status) or (resp == "E" and status): print("No further action required") sys.exit() change_daemon(resp == "E") print("Changes will be activated after reboot") resp = input_choice("Would you like to reboot now? (y/n) ", ("y", "n", "")) if resp == "y": machine.reset()
def post(self): self.dht.measure() temp_response = None humdity_response = None try: temp_response = ("{0}/sensors/{1}/readings.json".format(self.house_url, self.temp_id), json=self.temp_json(), headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'})) except NotImplementedError: pass except Exception as e: print(sys.print_exception(e)) print("Error posting temp") if temp_response: print("{0}:{1}".format(temp_response.status_code, temp_response.reason)) machine.reset() try: humdity_response = ("{0}/sensors/{1}/readings.json".format(self.house_url, self.humidity_id), json=self.humidity_json(), headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'})) except NotImplementedError: pass except Exception as e: print(sys.print_exception(e)) print("Error posting humidity") if humdity_response: print("{0}:{1}".format(humdity_response.status_code, humdity_response.reason)) machine.reset()
def go(): ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) ap.config(essid='upython') ap.config(authmode=0) led = Object() # = neopixel.NeoPixel(machine.Pin(14), 1) #[0] = (0, 0, 0) # led.mode = '' led.pwm = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(14), freq = 100, duty = 1023) led.count = 0 servo = Object() servo.motor = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(12), freq = 50) servo.mode = '' servo.lastPos = 40 servo.motor.duty(servo.lastPos) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 80)) servoTimer = Timer(0) servoTimer.init(period = 1000, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, callback = lambda xx: doServo(servo)) ledTimer = Timer(1) ledTimer.init(period = 50, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, callback = lambda xx: doLedMode(led)) s.listen(0) # just queue up some requests while True: time.sleep(.5) conn, addr = s.accept() request = conn.recv(1024) conn.sendall('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nConnection: close\nServer: Tentacle\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n') request = str(request) print(request) if 'servo=' in request: servo.mode = 'manual' servo.motor.duty(int(valueOf(request, 'servo'))) elif 'rgb=' in request: handleRGB(valueOf(request, 'rgb'), led) elif 'pwm=' in request: handlePWM(int(valueOf(request, 'pwm')), led) elif 'action=' in request: todo = valueOf(request, 'action') if 'fight' == todo: servo.mode= 'fight' led.mode = 'fight' elif 'reset' == todo: machine.reset() elif 'stop' == todo: servo.mode = 'stop' elif 'ledoff' == todo: led.mode = '' handleRGB('0,0,0', led) handlePWM(1023, led) elif 'heartbeat' == todo: led.mode = 'heartbeat' else: with open('pg.htm', 'r') as html: conn.sendall( conn.sendall('\n') conn.close()
def reboot(val,telServer=None): if telServer: telServer.conn.sendall(telServer.content.format("Rebooting","Rebooting...\n\000")) telServer.conn.close() import machine machine.reset()
def __init__(self, led=None): self.led = led self.t = machine.Timer(0) self.a = machine.ADC(0) gc.collect() loops = 0 self.m = MQTTClient(,, **config.mqtt["auth"]) while True: try: self.m.connect() except (IndexError, OSError) as err: print("Retrying connect because of a {}...".format(str(err))) if loops > 10: print("Resetting the board") machine.reset() except MemoryError: print("Got a memory error. Resetting the board in 2 seconds") time.sleep(2) machine.reset() except: raise else: break loops += 1 time.sleep(1)
def resetProcedure(code): # We need to disable all possible interrupts because we are writing data to the FS # If an interrupt happens during file write, our entire FS will get corrupted. global MainLoop cm.connMQTT(mqtt, False) triac.activate(0) MainLoop = False boot.saveSession(code, lightstate, switchstate) machine.reset()
def main(use_stream=False): s = socket.socket() # Binding to all interfaces - server will be accessible to other hosts! ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080) print("Bind address info:", ai) addr = ai[0][-1] #prepping LED pin p = Pin(2,Pin.OUT) # p.high() # time.sleep(1) # p.low() s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(addr) s.listen(5) print("Listening, connect your browser to http://<this_host>:8080/") counter = 0 while True: res = s.accept() client_s = res[0] client_addr = res[1] print("Client address:", client_addr) print("Client socket:", client_s) print("Request:") if use_stream: # MicroPython socket objects support stream (aka file) interface # directly. #print( val = print(val) client_s.write(CONTENT % counter) else: #print(client_s.recv(4096)) val = client_s.recv(4096) print(val) client_s.send(CONTENT % counter) if "GET /toggle" in val: print("Toggling!") p.high() time.sleep(1) p.low() machine.reset() client_s.close() counter += 1 print()
def handle_conn(listen_sock): cl, remote_addr = listen_sock.accept() print(""" First-time WebREPL connection has been received. WebREPL initial setup will now start over this connection. During setup, UART REPL will be non-responsive. After setup finishes, the board will be rebooted. In case of error during setup, current session will continue. If you receive this message unexpectedly, it may mean that your WebREPL connection is being hacked (power off board if unsure). """) websocket_helper.server_handshake(cl) ws = websocket(cl) ws.write("""\ Welcome to MicroPython WebREPL!\r \r This is the first time you connect to WebREPL, so please set a password\r to use for the following WebREPL sessions. Once you enter the password\r twice, your board will reboot with WebREPL running in active mode. On\r some boards, you may need to press reset button or reconnect power.\r \r """) while 1: passwd1 = getpass(ws, "New password: "******"Password too short\r\n") continue elif len(passwd1) > 9: ws.write("Password too long\r\n") continue passwd2 = getpass(ws, "Confirm password: "******"Passwords do not match\r\n") with open("", "w") as f: f.write("WEBREPL_PASS = %r\n" % passwd1.decode("ascii")) ws.write("Password successfully set, restarting...\r\n") cl.close() time.sleep(2) import machine machine.reset()
def gotMessage(topic, msg): global display_char, mode s_msg = msg.decode("utf-8") publish("got msg: " + s_msg) if s_msg == "b": publish("resetting") allOff() machine.reset() if s_msg == "s": mode = "sleep" if s_msg == "cycle": mode = "cycle" if s_msg == "ho": mode = "ho" if s_msg[0] == "m": display_char = int(msg[1:])
def populate_db(host, zone): try: axfr_iter = axfr(host, zone) except OSError as e: print("OSError: {0}, rebooting".format(e)) sleep(5) reset() records = [] for rr in filter(weedwacker, axfr_iter): _, qname, qtype, _, _, rdata = rr records.append([qname, qtype, rdata, 0]) #last one is second SOA. Don't need it. _ = records.pop() resolved = False ptrs = {} reslv = set() while not resolved: for qname, qtype, rdata, _ in records: p = find_ptr(qname) if p != -1: reslv.add(p) if qtype == b'\x00\x05': p = find_ptr(rdata[2:]) if p != -1: #CNAME reslv.add(p) axfr_reslv_ptrs(host, zone, ptrs, sorted(list(reslv))) resolved = True for rr in records: if rr[3]: continue n, rdy = uncompress(rr[0], ptrs, reslv) rr[0] = n rr[3] = rdy resolved &= rdy if rr[1] in [b'\x00\x02', b'\x00\x05']: n, rdy = uncompress(rr[2][2:], ptrs, reslv) rr[2] = encode_bigendian(len(n), 2) + n rr[3] &= rdy resolved &= rdy db = {} for qname, qtype, rdata, _ in records: db.setdefault((qname, qtype), []).append(rdata) return db
def read_config_from_network(): try: import usocket as socket except: import socket print("Waiting for configuration from the network") config = {} s = socket.socket() address_info = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8266) addr = address_info[0][4] s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(addr) s.listen(1) while True: res = s.accept() client_s = res[0] client_addr = res[1] while True: value = get_value(client_s) if not value: break value = value.split(b'=', 1) print(value) config[value[0].decode()] = value[1].decode() from .config import save save(config) break client_s.send(bytes("OK\r\n", "ascii")) client_s.close() import machine try: machine.reset() except: pass
def main(): log.log("Starting main") log.log("machine.reset_cause = ", machine.reset_cause()) global blueled blueled = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT) set_clock_from_file() # If there is a AP active, let's turn it off. network.WLAN(network.AP_IF).active(False) # Now activate the STA interface. sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) log.log("Interfaces active") # In case we are already connected, disconnect. sta_if.disconnect() try: mainloop(sta_if) except Exception as e: log.log("Unexpected exception:", e) log.log("Bye bye") log.flush() time.sleep(10) machine.reset()
def main(): import gc import connectionManager as cm cm.setWifi(True) gc.collect() try: text = readSession() if int(text[0]) == 0: print("Entering Edit Mode gracefully") import editMode editMode.main() else: print("Entering Work Mode") import workMode workMode.main() machine.reset() except Exception as exc: global exceptionMessage exceptionMessage = exc import triac triac.activate(0) import editMode editMode.main()
def restart_and_reconnect(): print('Failed to connect to MQTT broker. Reconnecting...') time.sleep(10) machine.reset()
def reset_esp32(response): response.set_status(200) response.send() machine.reset()
def restart_and_reconnect(): print('Failed to connect to MQTT broker. Reconnecting...') sleep(1) reset()
def restart_and_reconnect(): print('Restarting ESP...') time.sleep(5) machine.reset()
def reboot_sequence(point): print('Got exception at: %s. Rebooting' % point) time.sleep(5) machine.reset()
def reboot(): machine.reset()
def handle_command(self, _args): import machine machine.reset()
def reset(): import machine machine.reset()
def reset_board(self): import machine machine.reset()
def log_exception(exc, time_str="", to_print=True, to_file=True, fatal=False, reboot=False): s = "" # use built-in exception formatter if exc is not None: if "str" not in str(type(exc)): s = exc_to_str(exc) gc.collect() # use sys time if real time is not provided if time_str is None: time_str = "" if len(time_str) <= 0: time_str = "%u" % pyb.millis() if exc is not None: if "str" not in str(type(exc)): headstr = "ERROR[%s]: %s" % (time_str, str(type(exc))) # traceback made single line s = s.replace("\n ", " >> ") else: headstr = "MESSAGE[%s]: %s" % (time_str, exc) else: headstr = "UNKNOWN-EVENT[%s]" % time_str if to_print: print(headstr) print(s) if to_file: # append to this file fname = "error_log.txt" fsize = 0 retries = 0 while retries < 2: retries += 1 try: try: fsize = uos.stat(fname)[6] except OSError: # no such file, file size is 0 (unchanged) pass with open(fname, "wba+") as f: fsize) # the append flag does not work in micropython f.write("\r\n") f.write(headstr + "\r\n") f.write(s + "\r\n") f.write("\r\n") break # done, no need to loop except: # something wrong happened # backup the old file, start a new one backup_old() continue if reboot: import machine machine.reset() if fatal or "IDE interrupt" in s: raise exc return headstr + "\r\n" + s
def reboot(): import time import machine print('rebooting ...') time.sleep(REBOOT_DELAY) machine.reset()
def robot_listener(request): """ Listen to commands and running with servos and dc drives. :param request: :return: None """ start_timer = time.ticks_ms() global motor_a_p global motor_a_m global servo_direction global servo_head_x global servo_hand_y global servo_catch global networkpin global gear_factor global workers global html global HOLD_LOOSE_TIMEOUT global last_commands_servos # global last_commands_dcdrive global count_robot_listener global mean_times global robot_settings count_robot_listener += 1 workers += 1 current_commands_servos = {} current_commands_servos_max = 0 # current_commands_dcdrive = {} # current_commands_dcdrive_max = 0 time_loose = 0.0 # initial time out since last game loose - hall sensor trigger # # lookup for command request = str(request) # # # get head position # # r_headx = re.compile("headx=0\.(\d+)") # m_headx = # # # # # get hand position # # r_handy = re.compile("handy=0\.(\d+)") # # m_handy = # # # get body direction turnx # # r_turnx = re.compile("turnx=0\.(\d+)") # # m_turnx = # # # get body speed runy # # r_runy = re.compile("runy=0\.(\d+)") # # m_runy = # # # get gear factor gear_factor # m_gear = # # # get json commands # m_settings = # # processing command try: if hall_sensor.value() == 1: # just caught ! time_loose = time.ticks_ms() give_up() # print('DBG: # just caught !') else: if (time.ticks_ms() - time_loose) < HOLD_LOOSE_TIMEOUT: pass # still give_up # print('DBG: # still give_up') else: # robot in action! # print('DBG: # robot in action!') # processing regex m_ try: m_headx = m_handy = m_turnx = m_runy = m_catch = m_gear = # m_settings = except Exception as e: print('Error while processing regex m_ {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) # processing servo and dcdrive commands try: if is not None: s_gear = str( gear = gear_factor = int( print('DBG: updated gear_factor: {}'.format(gear_factor)) # if is not None: # s_headx = str( # headx = # f_headx = float( # posx = int(f_headx * 75 + 40) # servo_head_x.duty(posx) # new in with integers only if is not None: s_headx = str( headx = posx = int( servo_head_x.duty(posx) current_commands_servos['posx'] = posx # if is not None: # s_handy = str( # handy = # f_handy = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis # posy = int(f_handy * 75 + 40) # servo_hand_y.duty(posy) # new in with integers only if is not None: s_handy = str( handy = # f_handy = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis posy = 155 - int( # inverse Y axis servo_hand_y.duty(posy) current_commands_servos['posy'] = posy # if is not None: # s_turnx = str( # turnx = # f_turnx = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis # directionx = int(f_turnx * 75 + 40) # servo_direction.duty(directionx) # new in with integers only if is not None: s_turnx = str( turnx = # f_turnx = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis directionx = 155 - int( # inverse Y axis servo_direction.duty(directionx) current_commands_servos['directionx'] = directionx # if is not None: # s_runy = str( # runy = # f_runy = float( # # if f_runy < 0.5: # m_duty = -1 # else: # m_duty = 1 # # p_duty = int(abs(f_runy * 3000) - 1500) # # # print('got position from joystick hand x,y: {} , {}' # # 'got position from joystick run turn: {} \n' # # 'direction , speed: {} , {}'.format('-', # # '-', # # '-', # # m_duty, # # p_duty)) # motor_a_p.duty(p_duty) # motor_a_m.duty(m_duty) # for firmware dated after 2018-04-xx if is not None: s_runy = str( runy = # f_runy = float( i_runy = int( # current_commands_dcdrive['i_runy'] = i_runy # pre - # if f_runy < 0.5: # # m_duty = -1 # m_duty = -300 # p_duty = int(1000 - 2000 * f_runy) # # elif f_runy == 0.5: # m_duty = 0 # p_duty = 0 # else: # m_duty = int(f_runy * 1000) # p_duty = int(f_runy * 1000) # new in with integers only if i_runy < 77: # m_duty = -1 m_duty = -200 m_duty = -70 * gear_factor p_duty = int((924 - 12 * i_runy)) elif i_runy == 77: m_duty = 0 p_duty = 0 else: m_duty = int((i_runy-70) * 5 * gear_factor) p_duty = int((i_runy-70) * 5 * gear_factor) # print('DBG f_runy {}, m_duty {}, p_duty {}'.format(f_runy, m_duty, p_duty)) # print('DBG i_runy {}, m_duty {}, p_duty {}'.format(i_runy, m_duty, p_duty)) motor_a_p.duty(p_duty) motor_a_m.duty(m_duty) if is not None: # print('DBG servo_catch.duty(): {}'.format( # servo_catch.duty())) if servo_catch.duty() < 75: servo_catch.duty(110) else: servo_catch.duty(40) # processing json commands if is not None: try: # gonna test - try not to search one more time formatted_request = request.replace('%22', '\"') formatted_request = formatted_request.replace('%20', ' ') m_settings = print('DBG processing json commands, request: {}, {}'.format( type(request), formatted_request)) s_settings = print('DBG processing json commands, s_settings: {}, {}'.format(type(s_settings), s_settings)) j_settings = json.loads(s_settings) print('DBG json.loads() commands, j_settings: {}, {}'.format(type(j_settings), j_settings)) for js in j_settings: print('DBG json.loads() command: {}:{}'.format(js, j_settings[js])) # except Exception as e: print('Error while json.loads() {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) except Exception as e: print('Error while processing servo and dcdrive commands {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # processing stats try: for command in current_commands_servos: # print('DBG: command in current_commands_servos {} {}:{} {}'.format(type(command), # command, # current_commands_servos[command], # type(current_commands_servos[command]))) # # compare with last_commands_servos try: current_commands_servos_max = max(current_commands_servos_max, abs(last_commands_servos[command] - current_commands_servos[command])) except Exception as e: current_commands_servos_max = abs(77 - current_commands_servos[command]) print('Error while compare with ' 'last_commands_servos {}, {} set max:{}'.format(type(e), e, current_commands_servos_max)) last_commands_servos[command] = current_commands_servos[command] # print('DBG: command in last_commands_servos {}:{}'.format(command, last_commands_servos[command])) robot_listener_time = time.ticks_ms() - start_timer # # collecting meanings try: mean_times['robot_listener_time'] = means(mean_times['robot_listener_time'], robot_listener_time, count_robot_listener) except Exception as e: mean_times['robot_listener_time'] = robot_listener_time print('Error while collecting meanings {}, {}, set as: {}' ''.format(type(e), e, mean_times['robot_listener_time'])) # # full DBG robot_listener print('DBG robot_listener count: {}, ms: {}, mean: {}\n' 'DBG robot_listener servos_max: {}, speed: {}, command: {}' ''.format(count_robot_listener, robot_listener_time, mean_times['robot_listener_time'], current_commands_servos_max, str(current_commands_servos_max / robot_listener_time)[0:5], current_commands_servos)) # # making robot reply # html = """<!DOCTYPE html> # <html lang="en"> # mean_time_robot_listener = """ + str(mean_times['robot_listener_time']) + """</html> # # """ except Exception as e: print('Error while processing stats {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) except Exception as e: print('Error while processing command {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # hard reset machine.reset() # # soft reset # sys.exit() finally: workers -= 1
def finish_update(self): esp.ota_set_boot_partition( bytearray(self.partitions[self.next_boot_partition][6]))"Update finished, restarting") machine.reset()
compass.enc._value = compass.pause_val compass.pause_val = None compass.checkDirection() print(compass.getDirection()) await asyncio.sleep_ms(100) # Set up compass compass = Compass(enc=(12, 13), north=2, south=0, west=14, east=4, output1=16, output2=15) input_pause = Pin(5, Pin.IN) # Set up async loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() sleep(1) try: loop.run_until_complete(main(compass, input_pause)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Bye") except OSError: reset() finally: pass
def run_mainloop(): """Standard Interface for MainLoop. Never returns.""" global _env_variables global _rtc_callback_flag global _rtc_callback_seconds global _nm3_callback_flag global _nm3_callback_seconds global _nm3_callback_millis global _nm3_callback_micros # Firstly Initialise the Watchdog machine.WDT. This cannot now be stopped and *must* be fed. wdt = machine.WDT(timeout=30000) # 30 seconds timeout on the watchdog. # Now if anything causes us to crashout from here we will reboot automatically. # Last reset cause last_reset_cause = "PWRON_RESET" if machine.reset_cause() == machine.PWRON_RESET: last_reset_cause = "PWRON_RESET" elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.HARD_RESET: last_reset_cause = "HARD_RESET" elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.WDT_RESET: last_reset_cause = "WDT_RESET" elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: last_reset_cause = "DEEPSLEEP_RESET" elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.SOFT_RESET: last_reset_cause = "SOFT_RESET" else: last_reset_cause = "UNDEFINED_RESET" jotter.get_jotter().jot("Reset cause: " + last_reset_cause, source_file=__name__) print("last_reset_cause=" + last_reset_cause) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # Set RTC to wakeup at a set interval rtc = pyb.RTC() rtc.init( ) # reinitialise - there were bugs in firmware. This wipes the datetime. # A default wakeup to start with. To be overridden by network manager/sleep manager rtc.wakeup(2 * 1000, rtc_callback) # milliseconds - # Every 2 seconds rtc_set_alarm_period_s(60 * 60) # Every 60 minutes to do the sensors by default _rtc_callback_flag = True # Set the flag so we do a status message on startup. pyb.LED(2).on() # Green LED On jotter.get_jotter().jot("Powering off NM3", source_file=__name__) # Cycle the NM3 power supply on the powermodule powermodule = PowerModule() powermodule.disable_nm3() # Enable power supply to 232 driver and sensors and sdcard pyb.Pin.board.EN_3V3.on() pyb.Pin('Y5', pyb.Pin.OUT, value=0) # enable Y5 Pin as output max3221e = MAX3221E(pyb.Pin.board.Y5) max3221e.tx_force_on() # Enable Tx Driver # Set callback for nm3 pin change - line goes high on frame synchronisation # make sure it is clear first nm3_extint = pyb.ExtInt(pyb.Pin.board.Y3, pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, pyb.Pin.PULL_DOWN, None) nm3_extint = pyb.ExtInt(pyb.Pin.board.Y3, pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, pyb.Pin.PULL_DOWN, nm3_callback) # Serial Port/UART is opened with a 100ms timeout for reading - non-blocking. # UART is opened before powering up NM3 to ensure legal state of Tx pin. uart = machine.UART(1, 9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, timeout=100) nm3_modem = Nm3(input_stream=uart, output_stream=uart) utime.sleep_ms(20) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() jotter.get_jotter().jot("Powering on NM3", source_file=__name__) utime.sleep_ms(10000) powermodule.enable_nm3() utime.sleep_ms(10000) # Await end of bootloader # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() jotter.get_jotter().jot("NM3 running", source_file=__name__) # nm3_network = Nm3NetworkSimple(nm3_modem) # gateway_address = 7 # Grab address and voltage from the modem nm3_address = nm3_modem.get_address() utime.sleep_ms(20) nm3_voltage = nm3_modem.get_battery_voltage() utime.sleep_ms(20) print("NM3 Address {:03d} Voltage {:0.2f}V.".format( nm3_address, nm3_voltage)) jotter.get_jotter().jot("NM3 Address {:03d} Voltage {:0.2f}V.".format( nm3_address, nm3_voltage), source_file=__name__) # Sometimes (maybe from brownout) restarting the modem leaves it in a state where you can talk to it on the # UART fine, but there's no ability to receive incoming acoustic comms until the modem has been fired. # So here we will broadcast an I'm Alive message. Payload: U (for USMART), A (for Alive), Address, B, Battery send_usmart_alive_message(nm3_modem) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # Delay for transmission of broadcast packet utime.sleep_ms(500) # sensor payload sensor = sensor_payload.get_sensor_payload_instance() # sensor.start_acquisition() # sensor_acquisition_start = utime.time() # while (not sensor.is_completed()) and (utime.time() < sensor_acquisition_start + 5): # sensor.process_acquisition() # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() nm3_network = NetProtocol() nm3_network.init_interfaces( nm3_modem, sensor, wdt) # This function talks to the modem to get address and voltage network_can_go_to_sleep = False utime.sleep_ms(100) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # Uptime uptime_start = utime.time() # Turn off the USB pyb.usb_mode(None) # Except when in development # Operating Mode # # Note: Sensor data is only sent in response to a command from the gateway or relay. # # Sensor data is acquired when the RTC wakes us up. Default set RTC alarm to hourly. # In the absence of a packet with TTNF information we will at least continue to grab sensor values ready for when # we do next get a network packet. # # From Power up: # WDT enabled at 30 seconds. # NM3 powered. Sleep with wake on HW. Accepting unsolicited messages. # Parse and feed to Localisation/Network submodules. # RTC set to hourly to grab sensor data. # # network.handle_packet() returns a stay awake flag and a time to next frame. # If network says go to sleep with a time-to-next-frame # Take off time for NM3 startup (7 seconds), set next RTC alarm for wakeup, power off NM3 and go to sleep. # (Check TTNF > 30 seconds) - otherwise leave the NM3 powered. # # If RTC alarm says wakeup # power up NM3 # power up sensors and take a reading whilst NM3 is waking up. # # General run state # Go to sleep with NM3 powered. Await incoming commands and HW wakeup. # while True: try: # First entry in the while loop and also after a caught exception # pyb.LED(2).on() # Awake # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # The order and flow below will change. # However sending packets onwards to the submodules will occur on receipt of incoming messages. # At the moment the RTC is timed to wakeup, take a sensor reading, and send it to the gateway # via Nm3 as simple unicast before returning to sleep. This will be expanded to accommodate the network # protocol with wakeup, resynchronise on beacon, time offset for transmission etc. # Start of the wake loop # 1. Incoming NM3 MessagePackets (HW Wakeup) # 2. Periodic Sensor Readings (RTC) # Enable power supply to 232 driver pyb.Pin.board.EN_3V3.on() if _rtc_callback_flag: _rtc_callback_flag = False # Clear the flag print("RTC Flag. Powering up NM3 and getting sensor data." + " time now=" + str(utime.time())) jotter.get_jotter().jot( "RTC Flag. Powering up NM3 and getting sensor data.", source_file=__name__) # Enable power supply to 232 driver and sensors and sdcard pyb.Pin.board.EN_3V3.on() max3221e.tx_force_on() # Enable Tx Driver # Start Power up NM3 utime.sleep_ms(100) network_can_go_to_sleep = False # Make sure we keep NM3 powered until Network says otherwise powermodule.enable_nm3() nm3_startup_time = utime.time() # sensor payload - BME280 and LSM303AGR and VBatt utime.sleep_ms( 500 ) # Allow sensors to startup before starting acquisition. sensor.start_acquisition() sensor_acquisition_start = utime.time() while (not sensor.is_completed()) and ( utime.time() < sensor_acquisition_start + 6): sensor.process_acquisition() # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() utime.sleep_ms(100) # yield # Wait for completion of NM3 bootup (if it wasn't already powered) while utime.time() < nm3_startup_time + 7: utime.sleep_ms(100) # yield pass # If we're within 30 seconds of the last timestamped NM3 synch arrival then poll for messages. if _nm3_callback_flag or (utime.time() < _nm3_callback_seconds + 30): if _nm3_callback_flag: print("Has received nm3 synch flag.") _nm3_callback_flag = False # clear the flag # There may or may not be a message for us. And it could take up to 0.5s to arrive at the uart. nm3_modem.poll_receiver() nm3_modem.process_incoming_buffer() while nm3_modem.has_received_packet(): # print("Has received nm3 message.") print("Has received nm3 message.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("Has received nm3 message.", source_file=__name__) message_packet = nm3_modem.get_received_packet() # Copy the HW triggered timestamps over message_packet.timestamp = utime.localtime( _nm3_callback_seconds) message_packet.timestamp_millis = _nm3_callback_millis message_packet.timestamp_micros = _nm3_callback_micros # Process special packets US if message_packet.packet_payload and bytes( message_packet.packet_payload) == b'USMRT': # print("Reset message received.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("Reset message received.", source_file=__name__) # Reset the device machine.reset() if message_packet.packet_payload and bytes( message_packet.packet_payload) == b'USOTA': # print("OTA message received.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("OTA message received.", source_file=__name__) # Write a special flag file to tell us to OTA on reset try: with open('.USOTA', 'w') as otaflagfile: # otaflagfile.write(latest_version) otaflagfile.close() except Exception as the_exception: jotter.get_jotter().jot_exception(the_exception) import sys sys.print_exception(the_exception) pass # Reset the device machine.reset() if message_packet.packet_payload and bytes( message_packet.packet_payload) == b'USPNG': # print("PNG message received.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("PNG message received.", source_file=__name__) send_usmart_alive_message(nm3_modem) if message_packet.packet_payload and bytes( message_packet.packet_payload) == b'USMOD': # print("MOD message received.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("MOD message received.", source_file=__name__) # Send the installed modules list as single packets with 1 second delay between each - # Only want to be calling this after doing an OTA command and ideally not in the sea. nm3_address = nm3_modem.get_address() if _env_variables and "installedModules" in _env_variables: installed_modules = _env_variables[ "installedModules"] if installed_modules: for (mod, version) in installed_modules.items(): mod_string = "UM" + "{:03d}".format(nm3_address) + ":" + str(mod) + ":" \ + str(version if version else "None") nm3_modem.send_broadcast_message( mod_string.encode('utf-8')) # delay whilst sending utime.sleep_ms(1000) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() if message_packet.packet_payload and bytes( message_packet.packet_payload) == b'USCALDO': # print("CAL message received.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("CAL message received.", source_file=__name__) nm3_address = nm3_modem.get_address() # Reply with an acknowledgement then start the calibration msg_string = "USCALMSG" + "{:03d}".format( nm3_address) + ":Starting Calibration" nm3_modem.send_broadcast_message( msg_string.encode('utf-8')) # delay whilst sending utime.sleep_ms(1000) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # start calibration (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max) = sensor.do_calibration(duration=20) # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # magneto values are int16 caldata_string = "USCALDATA" + "{:03d}".format(nm3_address) + ":" \ + "{:06d},{:06d},{:06d},{:06d},{:06d},{:06d}".format(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max) nm3_modem.send_broadcast_message( caldata_string.encode('utf-8')) # delay whilst sending utime.sleep_ms(1000) # Send on to submodules: Network/Localisation UN/UL if message_packet.packet_payload and len(message_packet.packet_payload) > 2 and \ bytes(message_packet.packet_payload[:2]) == b'UN': # Network Packet # Wrap with garbage collection to tidy up memory usage. import gc gc.collect() (sleepflag, ttnf, network_packet_ignored ) = nm3_network.handle_packet(message_packet) gc.collect() if not network_packet_ignored: network_can_go_to_sleep = sleepflag time_till_next_req_ms = ttnf print("network_can_go_to_sleep=" + str(network_can_go_to_sleep) + " time_till_next_req_ms=" + str(time_till_next_req_ms)) # Update the RTC alarm such that we power up the NM3 and take a sensor reading # ahead of the next network frame. if 60000 < time_till_next_req_ms: # more than 60 seconds # Next RTC wakeup = time_till_next_req_ms/1000 - 60 # to take into account the 10second resolution and NM3 powerup time rtc_seconds_from_now = math.floor( (float(time_till_next_req_ms) - 60000.0) / 1000.0) rtc_set_next_alarm_time_s(rtc_seconds_from_now) print( "Set RTC alarm with rtc_seconds_from_now=" + str(rtc_seconds_from_now)) pass else: # RTC should default to hourly so leave alone. print("Leaving RTC alarm as default (hourly).") pass # Check there's enough time to make it worth powering down the NM3 if network_can_go_to_sleep and time_till_next_req_ms < 30000: # if not at least 30 seconds til next frame then we will not power off the modem network_can_go_to_sleep = False pass # End of Network Packets if message_packet.packet_payload and len(message_packet.packet_payload) > 2 and \ bytes(message_packet.packet_payload[:2]) == b'UL': # Localisation Packet pass # End of Localisation Packets # If too long since last synch and not rtc callback and too long since if not _rtc_callback_flag and (not _nm3_callback_flag) and ( utime.time() > _nm3_callback_seconds + 30): # Double check the flags before powering things off if (not _rtc_callback_flag) and (not _nm3_callback_flag): print("Going to sleep.") jotter.get_jotter().jot("Going to sleep.", source_file=__name__) if network_can_go_to_sleep: print("NM3 powering down.") powermodule.disable_nm3() # power down the NM3 pass # Disable the I2C pullups pyb.Pin('PULL_SCL', pyb.Pin.IN) # disable 5.6kOhm X9/SCL pull-up pyb.Pin('PULL_SDA', pyb.Pin.IN) # disable 5.6kOhm X10/SDA pull-up # Disable power supply to 232 driver, sensors, and SDCard max3221e.tx_force_off() # Disable Tx Driver # except in dev pyb.LED(2).off() # Asleep utime.sleep_ms(10) while (not _rtc_callback_flag) and (not _nm3_callback_flag): # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # Now wait #utime.sleep_ms(100) # pyb.wfi() # wait-for-interrupt (can be ours or the system tick every 1ms or anything else) machine.lightsleep( ) # lightsleep - don't use the time as this then overrides the RTC # Wake-up # pyb.LED(2).on() # Awake # Feed the watchdog wdt.feed() # Enable power supply to 232 driver, sensors, and SDCard pyb.Pin.board.EN_3V3.on() max3221e.tx_force_on() # Enable Tx Driver # Enable the I2C pullups pyb.Pin('PULL_SCL', pyb.Pin.OUT, value=1) # enable 5.6kOhm X9/SCL pull-up pyb.Pin('PULL_SDA', pyb.Pin.OUT, value=1) # enable 5.6kOhm X10/SDA pull-up pass # end of operating mode except Exception as the_exception: import sys sys.print_exception(the_exception) jotter.get_jotter().jot_exception(the_exception) pass
def reset_wrap(*_): reset()
def on_error(self, msg=""): pycom.rgbled(0xFF0000) print("Error: " + msg) time.sleep(5) machine.reset()
# 功能:订阅光线数据
async def microsd_upgrade(*a): # Upgrade vis MicroSD card # - search for a particular file # - verify it lightly # - erase serial flash # - copy it over (slow) # - reboot into bootloader, which finishes install fn = await file_picker('Pick firmware image to use (.DFU)', suffix='.dfu', min_size=0x7800) if not fn: return failed = None with CardSlot() as card: with open(fn, 'rb') as fp: from main import sf, dis from files import dfu_parse from ustruct import unpack_from offset, size = dfu_parse(fp) # get a copy of special signed heaer at the end of the flash as well from sigheader import FW_HEADER_OFFSET, FW_HEADER_SIZE, FW_HEADER_MAGIC, FWH_PY_FORMAT hdr = bytearray(FW_HEADER_SIZE) + FW_HEADER_OFFSET) # basic checks only: for confused customers, not attackers. try: rv = fp.readinto(hdr) assert rv == FW_HEADER_SIZE magic_value, timestamp, version_string, pk, fw_size = \ unpack_from(FWH_PY_FORMAT, hdr)[0:5] assert magic_value == FW_HEADER_MAGIC assert fw_size == size # TODO: maybe show the version string? Warn them that downgrade doesn't work? except Exception as exc: failed = "Sorry! That does not look like a firmware " \ "file we would want to use.\n\n\n%s" % exc if not failed: # copy binary into serial flash buf = bytearray(256) # must be flash page size pos = 0 dis.fullscreen("Loading...") while pos <= size + FW_HEADER_SIZE: dis.progress_bar_show(pos / size) if pos == size: # save an extra copy of the header (also means we got done) buf = hdr else: here = fp.readinto(buf) if not here: break if pos % 4096 == 0: # erase here sf.sector_erase(pos) while sf.is_busy(): await sleep_ms(10) sf.write(pos, buf) # full page write: 0.6 to 3ms while sf.is_busy(): await sleep_ms(1) pos += here if failed: await ux_show_story(failed, title='Corrupt') return # continue process... import machine machine.reset()
def restart_and_reconnect(): # Last resort utime.sleep(5) reset()
def restart(): time.sleep(10) machine.reset()
def checkConnection(self): wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not wlan.isconnected(): print('Not connected to wifi, rebooting...') machine.reset()
def reset_self(self): machine.reset()
# Flash LED faster while relay is set if relay.value() == 1: time.sleep(0.2) else: time.sleep(0.5) if utime.ticks_ms() > heartbeat: heartbeat = utime.ticks_ms() + HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT print("Keep alive heartbeat") client.publish(topic_pub, "{\"msg\":\"heartbeat\"}") if utime.ticks_ms() > timeout: break except: print("Something Fucky, hard reset") machine.reset() uos.dupterm(uart, 1) if running: print("Performing a sanity reset") machine.reset() client.publish(topic_pub, '{\"msg\":\"offline\"}') client.disconnect() station.disconnect() led.value(1) print("DONE")
ledstate = 1 while 1: #while not recv packet of death ;) try: m, addr = s.recvfrom(256) # Toggle a LED led.value(ledstate) ledstate ^= 1 # Packet of death: # query, notify # We don't want to do any SOA serial management. Nor ACLs or # TSIG. Just reboot and retransfer zone. if (m[2]&0xF8) == 0x20: reset() # find qname. Falsely assume this cannot be compressed. end = 12 while m[end] != 0x00: end += m[end] + 1 qname = m[12:end+1] # find qtype qtype = m[end+1:end+3] # now steal first 12 + (end-12) + 4 bytes of msg # set response code and append RR resp = bytearray(m[:end+5]) # resp[2] = (resp[2]&0x01)|0x84 # is reply resp[3] &= 0x10 # AD
def restart(self): machine.reset()
class Controller(controller.Controller): PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_RESET = 18 PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_SS = 26 PIN_ID_SCK = 19 PIN_ID_MOSI = 23 PIN_ID_MISO = 25 PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO0 = 5 PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO1 = None PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO2 = None PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO3 = None PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO4 = None PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO5 = None spi = None ON_BOARD_LED_PIN_NO = 2 ON_BOARD_LED_HIGH_IS_ON = True GPIO_PINS = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39) try: if not spi: spi = SPI(1, baudrate=5000000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=Pin(PIN_ID_SCK, Pin.OUT), mosi=Pin(PIN_ID_MOSI, Pin.OUT), miso=Pin(PIN_ID_MISO, Pin.IN)) #spi.init() print(spi) except Exception as e: print(e) if spi: spi.deinit() spi = None reset() # in case SPI is already in use, need to reset. def __init__(self, spi=spi, pin_id_led=ON_BOARD_LED_PIN_NO, on_board_led_high_is_on=ON_BOARD_LED_HIGH_IS_ON, pin_id_reset=PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_RESET, blink_on_start=(2, 0.5, 0.5)): super().__init__(spi, pin_id_led, on_board_led_high_is_on, pin_id_reset, blink_on_start) def prepare_pin(self, pin_id, in_out=Pin.OUT): if pin_id is not None: pin = Pin(pin_id, in_out) new_pin = Controller.Mock() new_pin.pin_id = pin_id new_pin.value = pin.value if in_out == Pin.OUT: new_pin.low = lambda: pin.value(0) new_pin.high = lambda: pin.value(1) else: new_pin.irq = pin.irq return new_pin def prepare_irq_pin(self, pin_id): pin = self.prepare_pin(pin_id, Pin.IN) if pin: pin.set_handler_for_irq_on_rising_edge = lambda handler: pin.irq( handler=handler, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING) pin.detach_irq = lambda: pin.irq(handler=None, trigger=0) return pin def prepare_spi(self, spi): if spi: new_spi = Controller.Mock() def transfer(pin_ss, address, value=0x00): response = bytearray(1) pin_ss.low() spi.write(bytes([address])) # write register address spi.write_readinto(bytes([value]), response) # write or read register walue #spi.write_readinto(bytes([address]), response) pin_ss.high() return response new_spi.transfer = transfer new_spi.close = spi.deinit return new_spi def __exit__(self): self.spi.close()
def reboot(pressed=True): machine.reset()
def reset_board(self, reason): print('Resetting board ', reason) self._remove_keys() self.heartbeat(state=b'reseting', ttl=10) import machine machine.reset()
def robotlistener(request): # test to ensure command passes to robot driver global motor_a_p global motor_a_m global servo_direction global servo_head_x global servo_hand_y global servo_catch global networkpin global html global HOLD_LOOSE_TIMEOUT global mean_time_robotlistener start_robotlistener = time.time() global count_robotlistener time_loose = 0 # initial time out since last game loose - hall sensor trigger request = str(request) # # get head position # r_headx = re.compile("headx=0\.(\d+)") m_headx = # # # get hand position # r_handy = re.compile("handy=0\.(\d+)") # m_handy = # get body direction turnx # r_turnx = re.compile("turnx=0\.(\d+)") # m_turnx = # get body speed runy # r_runy = re.compile("runy=0\.(\d+)") # m_runy = # get catch-release trigger # r_catch = re.compile("catch=catch") # # m_catch = # for future catch manipulation # m_catch = # just catch is boolean "catch-release" # try: # print('robot gets this: {}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(request, # m_headx, # m_handy, # m_turnx, # m_runy, # m_catch)) # except: # print('robot gets request: {}'.format(request)) # this is seems to be running OK (v01) # try: # if is not None: # s_headx = str( # # print('source string: {}'.format(s_headx)) # headx = # # print(' value found: {}'.format( # f_headx = float( # # print(' float value: {} , value+2 = {} '.format(f_headx, f_headx + 2)) # testing float conv # posx = int(f_headx * 75 + 40) # servo_head_x.duty(posx) # print('DBG processing request for servo_head_x posx {}'.format(posx)) # # if is not None: # s_headx = str( # # print('source string: {}'.format(s_headx)) # headx = # # print(' value found: {}'.format( # f_headx = float( # # print(' float value: {} , value+2 = {} '.format(f_headx, f_headx + 2)) # testing float conv # posx = int(f_headx * 75 + 40) # servo_head_x.duty(posx) # # # print('got position from joystick hand x,y : {} , {}\n' # # 'got position from joystick run turn : {} \n' # # 'direction , speed : {} , {}'.format(posx, # # '-', # # '-', # # '-', # # '-')) # # # if is not None: # s_handy = str( # # print('source string: {}'.format(s_handy)) # handy = # # print(' value found: {}'.format( # f_handy = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis # posy = int(f_handy * 75 + 40) # servo_hand_y.duty(posy) # # # print('got position from joystick hand x,y : {} , {}' # # 'got position from joystick run turn : {} \n' # # 'direction , speed : {} , {}'.format('-', # # posy, # # '-', # # '-', # # '-')) # # if is not None: # s_turnx = str( # # print('source string: {}'.format(s_turnx)) # turnx = # # print(' value found: {}'.format( # f_turnx = float( # directionx = int(f_turnx * 75 + 40) # servo_direction.duty(directionx) # # # print('got position from joystick hand x,y : {} , {}' # # 'got position from joystick run turn : {} \n' # # 'direction , speed : {} , {}'.format('-', # # '-', # # directionx, # # '-', # # '-')) # # if is not None: # s_runy = str( # # print('source string: {}'.format(s_runy)) # runy = # # print(' value found: {}'.format( # f_runy = float( # # if f_runy < 0.5: # m_duty = -1 # else: # m_duty = 1 # # p_duty = int(abs(f_runy * 3000) - 1500) # # # print('got position from joystick hand x,y : {} , {}' # # 'got position from joystick run turn : {} \n' # # 'direction , speed : {} , {}'.format('-', # # '-', # # '-', # # m_duty, # # p_duty)) # motor_a_p.duty(p_duty) # motor_a_m.duty(m_duty) # # # # if is not None: # just catch is boolean "catch-release" # # print('DBG servo_catch.duty() : {}'.format( # # servo_catch.duty())) # # if servo_catch.duty() < 75: # servo_catch.duty(110) # else: # servo_catch.duty(40) # # time.sleep(0.05) # except: # print('ERR processing request for servo_head_x') # end (v01) # (v01.9) add Hall sensor try: if hall_sensor.value() == 1: # just caught ! time_loose = time.time() give_up() # print('DBG: # just caught !') else: if (time.time() - time_loose) < HOLD_LOOSE_TIMEOUT: pass # still give_up # print('DBG: # still give_up') else: # print('DBG: # robot in action!') # robot in action! m_headx = m_handy = m_turnx = m_runy = m_catch = if is not None: s_headx = str( headx = f_headx = float( posx = int(f_headx * 75 + 40) servo_head_x.duty(posx) if is not None: s_handy = str( handy = f_handy = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis posy = int(f_handy * 75 + 40) servo_hand_y.duty(posy) if is not None: s_turnx = str( turnx = f_turnx = 1 - float( # inverse Y axis directionx = int(f_turnx * 75 + 40) servo_direction.duty(directionx) # if is not None: # s_runy = str( # runy = # f_runy = float( # # if f_runy < 0.5: # m_duty = -1 # else: # m_duty = 1 # # p_duty = int(abs(f_runy * 3000) - 1500) # # # print('got position from joystick hand x,y : {} , {}' # # 'got position from joystick run turn : {} \n' # # 'direction , speed : {} , {}'.format('-', # # '-', # # '-', # # m_duty, # # p_duty)) # motor_a_p.duty(p_duty) # motor_a_m.duty(m_duty) # for firmware dated after 2018-04-xx if is not None: s_runy = str( runy = f_runy = float( if f_runy < 0.5: # m_duty = -1 m_duty = -300 p_duty = int(1000 - 2000 * f_runy) elif f_runy == 0.5: m_duty = 0 p_duty = 0 else: m_duty = int(f_runy * 1000) p_duty = int(f_runy * 1000) # print('DBG f_runy {}, m_duty {}, p_duty {}'.format(f_runy, m_duty, p_duty)) motor_a_p.duty(p_duty) motor_a_m.duty(m_duty) if is not None: # print('DBG servo_catch.duty() : {}'.format( # servo_catch.duty())) if servo_catch.duty() < 75: servo_catch.duty(110) else: servo_catch.duty(40) mean_time_robotlistener = (mean_time_robotlistener * count_robotlistener + (time.time() - start_robotlistener))\ / (count_robotlistener + 1) # html = """<!DOCTYPE html> # <html lang="en"> # mean_time_robotlistener = """ + str(mean_time_robotlistener) + """</html> # # """ print('DBG: mean_time_robotlistener : {}'.format(mean_time_robotlistener)) count_robotlistener += 1 except Exception as e: # print('Error searching exact values in received command , {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # hard reset machine.reset()
def reboot(self): print("..rebooting..") machine.reset()
def handleReset(self): log.debug("Reset of clock requested") import machine yield machine.reset()
code = 4 else: code = 2 buf = bytearray(4096) esp.flash_read(0, buf) buf[3] = (buf[3] & 0xf) | (code << 4) esp.flash_erase(0) esp.flash_write(0, buf) # If bootloader size ID doesn't correspond to real Flash size, # fix bootloader value and reboot. size = esp.flash_id() >> 16 # Check that it looks like realistic power of 2 for flash sizes # commonly used with esp8266 if 22 >= size >= 18: size = 1 << size if size != esp.flash_size(): import machine import time print("Bootloader Flash size appear to have been set incorrectly, trying to fix") set_bl_flash_size(size) machine.reset() while 1: time.sleep(1) size = esp.flash_size() if size < 1024*1024: bdev = None else: # 20K at the flash end is reserved for SDK params storage bdev = FlashBdev((size - 20480) // FlashBdev.SEC_SIZE - FlashBdev.START_SEC)
def _on_update(self, item: str, v: bool): print("{} is{} OK".format(item, '' if v else ' not')) self._update_led() if not self.boot and not self.is_ok(): machine.reset()