class DeepSleep: WPUA_ADDR = const(0x09) OPTION_REG_ADDR = const(0x0E) IOCAP_ADDR = const(0x1A) IOCAN_ADDR = const(0x1B) WAKE_STATUS_ADDR = const(0x40) MIN_BAT_ADDR = const(0x41) SLEEP_TIME_ADDR = const(0x42) CTRL_0_ADDR = const(0x45) EXP_RTC_PERIOD = const(7000) def __init__(self): self.uart = UART(1, baudrate=10000, pins=(COMM_PIN, ), timeout_chars=5) self.clk_cal_factor = 1 # enable the weak pull-ups control self.clearbits(OPTION_REG_ADDR, 1 << 7) def _send(self, data): self.uart.write(bytes(data)) def _start(self): self.uart.sendbreak(12) self._send([0x55]) def _magic(self, address, and_val, or_val, xor_val, expected=None): self._start() self._send([address, and_val & 0xFF, or_val & 0xFF, xor_val & 0xFF]) if expected is None: return else: if expected > 0: return def _add_to_pin_mask(self, mask, pin): if pin == 'P10' or pin == 'G17': mask |= 0x01 elif pin == 'P17' or pin == 'G31': mask |= 0x02 elif pin == 'P18' or pin == 'G30': mask |= 0x08 else: raise ValueError('Invalid Pin specified: {}'.format(pin)) return mask def _create_pin_mask(self, pins): mask = 0 if type(pins) is str: mask = self._add_to_pin_mask(mask, pins) else: for pin in pins: mask = self._add_to_pin_mask(mask, pin) return mask & PIN_MASK def poke(self, address, value): self._magic(address, 0, value, 0) def peek(self, address): try: return self._magic(address, 0xFF, 0, 0)[6] except: return self._magic(address, 0xFF, 0, 0)[6] def setbits(self, address, mask): self._magic(address, 0xFF, mask, 0) def clearbits(self, address, mask): self._magic(address, ~mask, 0, 0) def togglebits(self, address, mask): self._magic(address, 0xFF, 0, mask) def calibrate(self): # The microcontroller will send the value of CTRL_0 after setting the bit # and then will send the following pattern through the data line: # # val | 1 | 0 | 1*| 0 | 1*| 0 | 1 # ms | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | - # # The idea is to measure the real life duration of periods marked with * # and substract them. That will remove any errors common to both measurements # The result is 7 ms as generated by the PIC LF clock. # It can be used to scale any future sleep value. # setbits, but limit the number of received bytes to avoid confusion with pattern self._magic(CTRL_0_ADDR, 0xFF, 1 << 2, 0, 0) self.uart.deinit() self._pulses = pycom.pulses_get(COMM_PIN, 150) self.uart.init(baudrate=10000, pins=(COMM_PIN, ), timeout_chars=5) idx = 0 for i in range(len(self._pulses)): if self._pulses[i][1] > EXP_RTC_PERIOD: idx = i break try: self.clk_cal_factor = (self._pulses[idx][1] - self._pulses[(idx - 1)][1]) / EXP_RTC_PERIOD except: self.clk_cal_factor = 1 if self.clk_cal_factor > 1.25 or self.clk_cal_factor < 0.75: self.clk_cal_factor = 1 def enable_auto_poweroff(self): self.setbits(CTRL_0_ADDR, 1 << 1) def enable_pullups(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.setbits(WPUA_ADDR, mask) def disable_pullups(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.clearbits(WPUA_ADDR, mask) def enable_wake_on_raise(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.setbits(IOCAP_ADDR, mask) def disable_wake_on_raise(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.clearbits(IOCAP_ADDR, mask) def enable_wake_on_fall(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.setbits(IOCAN_ADDR, mask) def disable_wake_on_fall(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.clearbits(IOCAN_ADDR, mask) def get_wake_status(self): # bits as they are returned from PIC: # 0: PIN 0 value after awake # 1: PIN 1 value after awake # 2: PIN 2 value after awake # 3: PIN 3 value after awake # 4: TIMEOUT # 5: POWER ON wake_r = self.peek(WAKE_STATUS_ADDR) return {'wake': wake_r & (TIMER_WAKE | POWER_ON_WAKE), 'P10': wake_r & 0x01, 'P17': (wake_r & 0x02) >> 1, 'P18': (wake_r & 0x08) >> 3} def set_min_voltage_limit(self, value): # voltage value passed in volts (e.g. 3.6) and round it to the nearest integer value = int(((256 * 2.048) + (value / 2)) / value) self.poke(MIN_BAT_ADDR, value) def go_to_sleep(self, seconds): gc.collect() while True: try: self.calibrate() except Exception: pass # the 1.024 factor is because the PIC LF operates at 31 KHz # WDT has a frequency divider to generate 1 ms # and then there is a binary prescaler, e.g., 1, 2, 4 ... 512, 1024 ms # hence the need for the constant # round to the nearest integer seconds = int((seconds / (1.024 * self.clk_cal_factor)) + 0.5) self.poke(SLEEP_TIME_ADDR, (seconds >> 16) & 0xFF) self.poke(SLEEP_TIME_ADDR + 1, (seconds >> 8) & 0xFF) self.poke(SLEEP_TIME_ADDR + 2, seconds & 0xFF) self.setbits(CTRL_0_ADDR, 1 << 0) def hw_reset(self): self.setbits(CTRL_0_ADDR, 1 << 4)
[("GP16", "GP17"), ("GP16", "GP17", "GP7", "GP6")], ] else: raise Exception("Board not supported!") # just in case we have the repl duplicated on any of the uarts os.dupterm(None) for uart_id in uart_id_range: uart = UART(uart_id, 38400) print(uart) uart.init(57600, 8, None, 1, pins=uart_pins[uart_id][0]) uart.init(baudrate=9600, stop=2, parity=UART.EVEN, pins=uart_pins[uart_id][1]) uart.init(baudrate=115200, parity=UART.ODD, stop=0, pins=uart_pins[uart_id][0]) uart = UART(baudrate=1000000) uart.sendbreak() uart = UART(baudrate=1000000) uart = UART() print(uart) uart = UART(baudrate=38400, pins=("GP12", "GP13")) print(uart) uart = UART(pins=("GP12", "GP13")) print(uart) uart = UART(pins=(None, "GP17")) print(uart) uart = UART(baudrate=57600, pins=("GP16", "GP17")) print(uart) # now it's time for some loopback tests between the uarts uart0 = UART(0, 1000000, pins=uart_pins[0][0])
uart_id_range = range(0, 2) uart_pins = [[('GP12', 'GP13'), ('GP12', 'GP13', 'GP7', 'GP6')], [('GP16', 'GP17'), ('GP16', 'GP17', 'GP7', 'GP6')]] else: raise Exception('Board not supported!') # just in case we have the repl duplicated on any of the uarts os.dupterm(None) for uart_id in uart_id_range: uart = UART(uart_id, 38400) print(uart) uart.init(57600, 8, None, 1, pins=uart_pins[uart_id][0]) uart.init(baudrate=9600, stop=2, parity=UART.EVEN, pins=uart_pins[uart_id][1]) uart.init(baudrate=115200, parity=UART.ODD, stop=0, pins=uart_pins[uart_id][0]) uart = UART(baudrate=1000000) uart.sendbreak() uart = UART(baudrate=1000000) uart = UART() print(uart) uart = UART(baudrate=38400, pins=('GP12', 'GP13')) print(uart) uart = UART(pins=('GP12', 'GP13')) print(uart) uart = UART(pins=(None, 'GP17')) print(uart) uart = UART(baudrate=57600, pins=('GP16', 'GP17')) print(uart) # now it's time for some loopback tests between the uarts uart0 = UART(0, 1000000, pins=uart_pins[0][0])
class DeepSleep: WPUA_ADDR = const(0x09) OPTION_REG_ADDR = const(0x0E) IOCAP_ADDR = const(0x1A) IOCAN_ADDR = const(0x1B) WAKE_STATUS_ADDR = const(0x40) MIN_BAT_ADDR = const(0x41) SLEEP_TIME_ADDR = const(0x42) CTRL_0_ADDR = const(0x45) EXP_RTC_PERIOD = const(7000) def __init__(self): self.uart = UART(1, baudrate=10000, pins=(COMM_PIN, )) self.clk_cal_factor = 1 # enable the weak pull-ups control self.clearbits(OPTION_REG_ADDR, 1 << 7) def _send(self, data): self.uart.write(bytes(data)) def _start(self): self.uart.sendbreak(20) self._send([0x55]) def _magic(self, address, and_val, or_val, xor_val, expected=None): self._start() self._send([address, and_val & 0xFF, or_val & 0xFF, xor_val & 0xFF]) if expected is None: return else: if expected > 0: return def _add_to_pin_mask(self, mask, pin): if pin == 'P10' or pin == 'G17': mask |= 0x01 elif pin == 'P17' or pin == 'G31': mask |= 0x02 elif pin == 'P18' or pin == 'G30': mask |= 0x08 else: raise ValueError('Invalid Pin specified: {}'.format(pin)) return mask def _create_pin_mask(self, pins): mask = 0 if type(pins) is str: mask = self._add_to_pin_mask(mask, pins) else: for pin in pins: mask = self._add_to_pin_mask(mask, pin) return mask & PIN_MASK def poke(self, address, value): self._magic(address, 0, value, 0) def peek(self, address): return self._magic(address, 0xFF, 0, 0)[6] def setbits(self, address, mask): self._magic(address, 0xFF, mask, 0) def clearbits(self, address, mask): self._magic(address, ~mask, 0, 0) def togglebits(self, address, mask): self._magic(address, 0xFF, 0, mask) def calibrate(self): """ The microcontroller will send the value of CTRL_0 after setting the bit and then will send the following pattern through the data line: val | 1 | 0 | 1*| 0 | 1*| 0 | 1 ms | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | - The idea is to measure the real life duration of periods marked with * and substract them. That will remove any errors common to both measurements The result is 7 ms as generated by the PIC LF clock. It can be used to scale any future sleep value. """ # setbits, but limit the number of received bytes to avoid confusion with pattern self._magic(CTRL_0_ADDR, 0xFF, 1 << 2, 0, 0) self.uart.deinit() self._pulses = pycom.pulses_get(COMM_PIN, 50) self.uart = UART(1, baudrate=10000, pins=(COMM_PIN, )) try: self.clk_cal_factor = (self._pulses[4][1] - self._pulses[1][1]) / EXP_RTC_PERIOD except: pass if self.clk_cal_factor > 1.25 or self.clk_cal_factor < 0.75: self.clk_cal_factor = 1 def enable_auto_poweroff(self): self.setbits(CTRL_0_ADDR, 1 << 1) def enable_pullups(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.setbits(WPUA_ADDR, mask) def disable_pullups(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.clearbits(WPUA_ADDR, mask) def enable_wake_on_raise(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.setbits(IOCAP_ADDR, mask) def disable_wake_on_raise(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.clearbits(IOCAP_ADDR, mask) def enable_wake_on_fall(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.setbits(IOCAN_ADDR, mask) def disable_wake_on_fall(self, pins): mask = self._create_pin_mask(pins) self.clearbits(IOCAN_ADDR, mask) def get_wake_status(self): # bits as they are returned from PIC: # 0: PIN 0 value after awake # 1: PIN 1 value after awake # 2: PIN 2 value after awake # 3: PIN 3 value after awake # 4: TIMEOUT # 5: POWER ON wake_r = self.peek(WAKE_STATUS_ADDR) return {'wake': wake_r & (TIMER_WAKE | POWER_ON_WAKE), 'P10': wake_r & 0x01, 'P17': (wake_r & 0x02) >> 1, 'P18': (wake_r & 0x08) >> 3} def set_min_voltage_limit(self, value): # voltage value passed in volts (e.g. 3.6) and round it to the nearest integer value = int(((256 * 2.048) + (value / 2)) / value) self.poke(MIN_BAT_ADDR, value) def go_to_sleep(self, seconds): gc.collect() while True: try: self.calibrate() except Exception: pass # the 1.024 factor is because the PIC LF operates at 31 KHz # WDT has a frequency divider to generate 1 ms # and then there is a binary prescaler, e.g., 1, 2, 4 ... 512, 1024 ms # hence the need for the constant # round to the nearest integer seconds = int((seconds / (1.024 * self.clk_cal_factor)) + 0.5) self.poke(SLEEP_TIME_ADDR, (seconds >> 16) & 0xFF) self.poke(SLEEP_TIME_ADDR + 1, (seconds >> 8) & 0xFF) self.poke(SLEEP_TIME_ADDR + 2, seconds & 0xFF) self.setbits(CTRL_0_ADDR, 1 << 0) def hw_reset(self): self.setbits(CTRL_0_ADDR, 1 << 4)