    def setUp(self):
        self._num_velocity_bins = 16
        self._max_shift_steps = performance_lib.DEFAULT_MAX_SHIFT_STEPS
        self.enc = PerformanceModuloEncoding(

        self._expected_input_size = (
            2 * performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_PITCH_ENCODER_WIDTH +
            performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_VELOCITY_ENCODER_WIDTH +

        self._expected_num_classes = (self._num_velocity_bins +
                                      self._max_shift_steps +
                                      (performance_lib.MAX_MIDI_PITCH -
                                       performance_lib.MIN_MIDI_PITCH + 1) * 2)
  def setUp(self):
    self._num_velocity_bins = 16
    self._max_shift_steps = performance_lib.DEFAULT_MAX_SHIFT_STEPS
    self.enc = PerformanceModuloEncoding(

    self._expected_input_size = (
        2 * performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_PITCH_ENCODER_WIDTH +
        performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_VELOCITY_ENCODER_WIDTH +

    self._expected_num_classes = (self._num_velocity_bins +
                                  self._max_shift_steps +
                                  (performance_lib.MAX_MIDI_PITCH -
                                   performance_lib.MIN_MIDI_PITCH + 1) * 2)
class PerformanceModuloEncodingTest(tf.test.TestCase):
  """Test class for PerformanceModuloEncoding."""

  def setUp(self):
    self._num_velocity_bins = 16
    self._max_shift_steps = performance_lib.DEFAULT_MAX_SHIFT_STEPS
    self.enc = PerformanceModuloEncoding(

    self._expected_input_size = (
        2 * performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_PITCH_ENCODER_WIDTH +
        performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_VELOCITY_ENCODER_WIDTH +

    self._expected_num_classes = (self._num_velocity_bins +
                                  self._max_shift_steps +
                                  (performance_lib.MAX_MIDI_PITCH -
                                   performance_lib.MIN_MIDI_PITCH + 1) * 2)

  def testInputSize(self):
    self.assertEqual(self._expected_input_size, self.enc.input_size)

  def testEmbedPitchClass(self):
    # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
    expected_pairs = [
        (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
        (1, (cos(pi / 6.0), sin(pi / 6.0))),
        (2, (cos(pi / 3.0), sin(pi / 3.0))),
        (3, (cos(pi / 2.0), sin(pi / 2.0))),
        (4, (cos(2.0 * pi / 3.0), sin(2.0 * pi / 3.0))),
        (5, (cos(5.0 * pi / 6.0), sin(5.0 * pi / 6.0))),
        (6, (cos(pi), sin(pi))),
        (7, (cos(7.0 * pi / 6.0), sin(7.0 * pi / 6.0))),
        (8, (cos(4.0 * pi / 3.0), sin(4.0 * pi / 3.0))),
        (9, (cos(3.0 * pi / 2.0), sin(3.0 * pi / 2.0))),
        (10, (cos(5.0 * pi / 3.0), sin(5.0 * pi / 3.0))),
        (11, (cos(11.0 * pi / 6.0), sin(11.0 * pi / 6.0)))]

    for note, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
      actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_pitch_class(note)
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

  def testEmbedNote(self):
    # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
    base = 72.0
    expected_pairs = [
        (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
        (13, (cos(pi * 13.0 / base), sin(pi * 13.0 / base))),
        (26, (cos(pi * 26.0 / base), sin(pi * 26.0 / base))),
        (39, (cos(pi * 39.0 / base), sin(pi * 39.0 / base))),
        (52, (cos(pi * 52.0 / base), sin(pi * 52.0 / base))),
        (65, (cos(pi * 65.0 / base), sin(pi * 65.0 / base))),
        (78, (cos(pi * 78.0 / base), sin(pi * 78.0 / base))),
        (91, (cos(pi * 91.0 / base), sin(pi * 91.0 / base))),
        (104, (cos(pi * 104.0 / base), sin(pi * 104.0 / base))),
        (117, (cos(pi * 117.0 / base), sin(pi * 117.0 / base))),
        (130, (cos(pi * 130.0 / base), sin(pi * 130.0 / base))),
        (143, (cos(pi * 143.0 / base), sin(pi * 143.0 / base)))]

    for note, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
      actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_note(note)
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

  def testEmbedTimeShift(self):
    # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
    base = self._max_shift_steps  # 100
    expected_pairs = [
        (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
        (2, (cos(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base))),
        (5, (cos(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base))),
        (13, (cos(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base))),
        (20, (cos(2.0 * pi * 20.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 20.0 / base))),
        (45, (cos(2.0 * pi * 45.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 45.0 / base))),
        (70, (cos(2.0 * pi * 70.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 70.0 / base))),
        (99, (cos(2.0 * pi * 99.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 99.0 / base)))]

    for time_shift, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
      actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_time_shift(time_shift)
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

  def testEmbedVelocity(self):
    # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
    base = self._num_velocity_bins  # 16
    expected_pairs = [
        (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
        (2, (cos(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base))),
        (5, (cos(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base))),
        (7, (cos(2.0 * pi * 7.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 7.0 / base))),
        (10, (cos(2.0 * pi * 10.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 10.0 / base))),
        (13, (cos(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base))),
        (15, (cos(2.0 * pi * 15.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 15.0 / base)))]

    for velocity, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
      actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_velocity(velocity)
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
      self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

  def testEncodeModuloEvent(self):
    expected_pairs = [
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON, event_value=60),
         (0, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON, 60)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON, event_value=0),
         (0, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON, 0)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON, event_value=127),
         (0, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON, 127)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF, event_value=72),
         (5, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF, 72)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF, event_value=0),
         (5, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF, 0)),
            event_type=PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF, event_value=127),
         (5, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF, 127)),
            event_type=PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, event_value=10),
         (10, PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, 9)),
            event_type=PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, event_value=1),
         (10, PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, 0)),
            event_type=PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, event_value=100),
         (10, PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, 99)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY, event_value=5),
         (13, PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY, 4)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY, event_value=1),
         (13, PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY, 0)),
        (PerformanceEvent(event_type=PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY, event_value=16),
         (13, PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY, 15)),

    # expected_encoded_modulo_event is of the following form:
    # (offset, encoder_width, event_type, value, bins)
    for event, expected_encoded_modulo_event in expected_pairs:
      actual_encoded_modulo_event = self.enc.encode_modulo_event(event)
class PerformanceModuloEncodingTest(tf.test.TestCase):
    """Test class for PerformanceModuloEncoding."""
    def setUp(self):
        self._num_velocity_bins = 16
        self._max_shift_steps = performance_lib.DEFAULT_MAX_SHIFT_STEPS
        self.enc = PerformanceModuloEncoding(

        self._expected_input_size = (
            2 * performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_PITCH_ENCODER_WIDTH +
            performance_encoder_decoder.MODULO_VELOCITY_ENCODER_WIDTH +

        self._expected_num_classes = (self._num_velocity_bins +
                                      self._max_shift_steps +
                                      (performance_lib.MAX_MIDI_PITCH -
                                       performance_lib.MIN_MIDI_PITCH + 1) * 2)

    def testInputSize(self):
        self.assertEquals(self._expected_input_size, self.enc.input_size)

    def testEmbedPitchClass(self):
        # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
        expected_pairs = [(0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
                          (1, (cos(pi / 6.0), sin(pi / 6.0))),
                          (2, (cos(pi / 3.0), sin(pi / 3.0))),
                          (3, (cos(pi / 2.0), sin(pi / 2.0))),
                          (4, (cos(2.0 * pi / 3.0), sin(2.0 * pi / 3.0))),
                          (5, (cos(5.0 * pi / 6.0), sin(5.0 * pi / 6.0))),
                          (6, (cos(pi), sin(pi))),
                          (7, (cos(7.0 * pi / 6.0), sin(7.0 * pi / 6.0))),
                          (8, (cos(4.0 * pi / 3.0), sin(4.0 * pi / 3.0))),
                          (9, (cos(3.0 * pi / 2.0), sin(3.0 * pi / 2.0))),
                          (10, (cos(5.0 * pi / 3.0), sin(5.0 * pi / 3.0))),
                          (11, (cos(11.0 * pi / 6.0), sin(11.0 * pi / 6.0)))]

        for note, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
            actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_pitch_class(note)
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

    def testEmbedNote(self):
        # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
        base = 72.0
        expected_pairs = [
            (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
            (13, (cos(pi * 13.0 / base), sin(pi * 13.0 / base))),
            (26, (cos(pi * 26.0 / base), sin(pi * 26.0 / base))),
            (39, (cos(pi * 39.0 / base), sin(pi * 39.0 / base))),
            (52, (cos(pi * 52.0 / base), sin(pi * 52.0 / base))),
            (65, (cos(pi * 65.0 / base), sin(pi * 65.0 / base))),
            (78, (cos(pi * 78.0 / base), sin(pi * 78.0 / base))),
            (91, (cos(pi * 91.0 / base), sin(pi * 91.0 / base))),
            (104, (cos(pi * 104.0 / base), sin(pi * 104.0 / base))),
            (117, (cos(pi * 117.0 / base), sin(pi * 117.0 / base))),
            (130, (cos(pi * 130.0 / base), sin(pi * 130.0 / base))),
            (143, (cos(pi * 143.0 / base), sin(pi * 143.0 / base)))

        for note, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
            actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_note(note)
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

    def testEmbedTimeShift(self):
        # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
        base = self._max_shift_steps  # 100
        expected_pairs = [
            (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
            (2, (cos(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base))),
            (5, (cos(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base))),
            (13, (cos(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base))),
            (20, (cos(2.0 * pi * 20.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 20.0 / base))),
            (45, (cos(2.0 * pi * 45.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 45.0 / base))),
            (70, (cos(2.0 * pi * 70.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 70.0 / base))),
            (99, (cos(2.0 * pi * 99.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 99.0 / base)))

        for time_shift, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
            actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_time_shift(time_shift)
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

    def testEmbedVelocity(self):
        # The following are true only for semitone_steps = 1.
        base = self._num_velocity_bins  # 16
        expected_pairs = [
            (0, (cos(0.0), sin(0.0))),
            (2, (cos(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 2.0 / base))),
            (5, (cos(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 5.0 / base))),
            (7, (cos(2.0 * pi * 7.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 7.0 / base))),
            (10, (cos(2.0 * pi * 10.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 10.0 / base))),
            (13, (cos(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 13.0 / base))),
            (15, (cos(2.0 * pi * 15.0 / base), sin(2.0 * pi * 15.0 / base)))

        for velocity, expected_embedding in expected_pairs:
            actual_embedding = self.enc.embed_velocity(velocity)
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[0], expected_embedding[0])
            self.assertEqual(actual_embedding[1], expected_embedding[1])

    def testEncodeModuloEvent(self):
        expected_pairs = [
                              event_value=60), (0, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON,
                              event_value=0), (0, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON,
                              event_value=127), (0, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_ON,
                              event_value=72), (5, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF,
                              event_value=0), (5, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF,
                              event_value=127), (5, PerformanceEvent.NOTE_OFF,
             (10, PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, 9)),
                              event_value=1), (10, PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT,
             (10, PerformanceEvent.TIME_SHIFT, 99)),
                              event_value=5), (13, PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY,
                              event_value=1), (13, PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY,
                              event_value=16), (13, PerformanceEvent.VELOCITY,

        # expected_encoded_modulo_event is of the following form:
        # (offset, encoder_width, event_type, value, bins)
        for event, expected_encoded_modulo_event in expected_pairs:
            actual_encoded_modulo_event = self.enc.encode_modulo_event(event)