def talk_to_lamp(): bulb_mac_address = config.mac writeToLog(f"Connecting to bulb at address {bulb_mac_address}\n") # version is 10 assuming all lamps deployed will be the same bulb = MagicBlue(bulb_mac_address, 10) try: bulb.connect() except: writeToLog("!!!SEVERE!!!\n something went wrong connecting to lamp \n !!!SEVERE!!!\n") try: with urllib.request.urlopen(config.url) as url: data = json.loads( color = data['color'] if color == "red": print("setting lamp to --RED--") writeToLog("setting lamp to --RED--\n") bulb.set_color([255, 0, 0]) elif color == "green": bulb.set_color([0, 255, 0]) print("setting lamp to --GREEN--") writeToLog("setting lamp to --GREEN--\n") elif color == "orange": bulb.set_color([255, 165, 0]) print("setting lamp to --ORANGE--") writeToLog("setting lamp to --ORANGE--\n") else: bulb.set_color([0, 0, 255]) print("INVALID color setting lamp to --BLUE--") writeToLog("INVALID color setting lamp to --BLUE--\n") except: print("couldn't get data from API setting lamp to --BLUE--") writeToLog("couldn't get data from API setting lamp to --BLUE--\n") bulb.set_color([0, 0, 255])
class MagicHue: def __init__(self, mac, version): self.mac = mac self.ver = version self.bulb = MagicBlue(self.mac, self.ver) self.bulb.connect() self.bulb.turn_off() # Turn off the light self.bulb.turn_on(0.5) # Set white light self.bulb.set_effect(Effect.cyan_gradual_change, 20) def set_color(self, rgb): if self.check(): try: self.bulb.set_color(rgb) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError): logging.warning("message") def check(self): if not self.bulb.test_connection(): logging.warning('bulb not connected') set_neos([2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) if not self.bulb.connect(): self.bulb = MagicBlue(self.mac, self.ver) self.bulb.connect() return self.bulb.test_connection() return True
import time from magicblue import MagicBlue from random import randint import binascii bulb1 = 'F8:1D:78:63:0E:7D' bulb2 = 'F8:1D:78:63:00:0D' print("Establishing Connection with MagicBlue...") bulb_mac_address = bulb1 bulb = MagicBlue(bulb_mac_address, 9) # Replace 9 by whatever your version is (default: 7) bulb.connect() print("Connection established successfully...") # print "succesS" def getbin(a): ret = [0]*8 idx = 0 while(a>0): if(a%2 == 1): ret[idx] = 1 a = a//2 idx+=1 return ret def convert(st): msg = [] for x in st: a = ord(x) for y in reversed(getbin(a)): msg.append(y)
class Paasmer: host = "" feedSubscription = {} feedMonitorCB = {} #wifi = {} #philips_list = [] #belkin_list = [] #if wireLess: if 'wireLesss' in globals(): global wireLess wireLess = wireLesss else: global wireLess wireLess = {} def connect(self): client.on_connect = self.on_connect client.on_message = self.on_message client.connect(, 1883, 60) def on_connect(self,client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code "+str(rc)) # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. client.subscribe("toSensor") def on_message(self,client, userdata, msg): subscribeMsg = (msg.payload) print(subscribeMsg) message = json.loads(subscribeMsg) if "feedControl" in message.keys(): myFeed = message["feedControl"]["feedName"] myStatus = message["feedControl"]["value"] if myFeed in self.feedSubscription: self.feedSubscription[myFeed](myStatus) self.publish(myFeed,myStatus) if "philips" in wireLess.keys(): philipsfeed = [bulbid for bulbid, feed in wireLess["philips"].items() if feed == myFeed] if philipsfeed: print("The feed is" + str(philipsfeed[0])) print "The Status value is " + str(myStatus) self.Philips_write(philipsfeed[0], myStatus) philipsState = self. Philips_read(philipsfeed[0]) print ("the Philips State is = " + str(philipsState)) self.publish(myFeed,philipsState) if "belkin" in wireLess.keys(): belkinip = [belkinid for belkinid, feed in wireLess["belkin"].items() if feed == myFeed] if belkinip: print(belkinip[0]) if myStatus == "1" or myStatus == 1 : self.Belkin_Write(belkinip[0],"on") belkinState = self.Belkin_Read(belkinip[0]) print ("The Belkin state is = " + str(belkinState)) if belkinState == 1 : self.publish(myFeed,belkinState) else : print("Failed to control Belkin Wemo") elif myStatus == 0 : self.Belkin_Write(belkinip[0],"off") belkinState = self.Belkin_Read(belkinip[0]) print ("The Belkin state is = " + str(belkinState)) if belkinState == 0 : self.publish(myFeed,belkinState) else : print("Failed to control Belkin Wemo") if "BLE" in wireLess.keys(): bluefeed=[blueid for blueid, feed in wireLess["BLE"].items() if feed == myFeed] if bluefeed: print("BLUETOOTH MAC-ID:") print(bluefeed[0]) self.WriteBlue(bluefeed[0],myStatus) self.publish(myFeed,myStatus) else: print("not in feeds") def loop_start(self): client.loop_start() def subscribe(self,feed,cb): if feed not in self.feedSubscription: self.feedSubscription[feed] = cb self.publish(feed,0) def publish(self,feedName,feedValue,analytics = "none",analyticsCondition = "10",minValue = 0,maxValue = 0,feedType = "none"): feedDetails = {} feedDetails["feedname"] = feedName feedDetails["feedvalue"] = str(feedValue) feedDetails["analytics"] = analytics feedDetails["analyticsCondition"] = analyticsCondition if feedType != "none" : feedDetails["minValue"] = minValue feedDetails["maxValue"] = maxValue feedDetails["feedType"] = feedType feedDetails["readings"] = "NULL" finalData = {} finalData["feeds"] = feedDetails message = json.dumps(finalData) if analytics == "none": client.publish("toAWS",message) else: client.publish("fromSensor",message) def ML_config(self,feedName,modelName): mlData = {} mlData["feedname"] = feedName mlData["name"] = modelName mlData["action"] = "config" message = json.dumps(mlData) client.publish("toML",message) def ML_predict(self,feedName,modelName,data = {}): mlData = {} mlData["feedname"] = feedName mlData["name"] = modelName mlData["action"] = "predict" mldata = {} for i in data.keys(): mlValue = [] mlValue.append(data[i]) mldata[i] = mlValue mlData["data"] = mldata message = json.dumps(mlData) client.publish("toML",message) # ................For Belkin ................ BelkinIP = [] BelkinCount = 0 def getBelkinIP(self): global BelkinCount find = 0 ip_new = [] grep = "Location" if interfaceList : for interface in interfaceList : command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:Belkin:device:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip() + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: i=0 ip= re.sub('[^0-9]','', data[0]) while i < 12: ip_new.append(ip[i]) i = i + 1 if i % 3 == 0: if i <12: ip_new.append('.') Belkin_ip = ''.join(ip_new) print "Belkin ip = " + Belkin_ip if "belkin" not in wireLess.keys(): print("bekin is not there and adding") wireLess["belkin"] = {} if Belkin_ip not in wireLess["belkin"].keys(): print("belkin ip" + Belkin_ip + "not there and adding") belkinName = "Belkin" + str(len(wireLess["belkin"]) + 1) wireLess["belkin"][Belkin_ip] = belkinName self.publish(belkinName,0,feedType = "Button") print(wireLess) file = os.path.exists("./") if file : os.system ("rm") f = open("","a+") f.write ("wireLesss = " + str(wireLess)) f.close return Belkin_ip else: print(wireLess) file = os.path.exists("./") if file : os.system ("rm") f = open("","a+") f.write ("wireLesss = " + str(wireLess)) f.close return 0 def Belkin_Write(self,belkinIP,message): command = "wemo -h " + belkinIP + " -a " + message print "Belkin " + message os.system(command) def Belkin_Read(self,belkinIP) : grep = "Location" if interfaceList : for interface in interfaceList : command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:Belkin:device:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip() + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data : command = "wemo -h " + belkinIP + " -a GETSTATE" belkindata = os.popen(command).readlines() if "8" in belkindata[0] : return 1 else : return 0 else : print "Belkin Not connected" else: print "network intrface is not there" #..................end of Belkin...........# #..................Philips device..........# def getPhilipsIP(self,interface) : ip_new = [] grep = "Location" command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip() + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen (command).readlines() if data : i = 0 ip = re.sub('[^0-9]','',data[0]) while i < 12: ip_new.append(ip[i]) i = i + 1 if i % 3 == 0 : if i < 12 : ip_new.append('.') Philips_ip = ''.join(ip_new) print "Philips ip = " + Philips_ip return Philips_ip def Philips_config(self) : grep = "Location" data = "" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList : command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip() + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen (command).readlines() if data : philips_ip = self.getPhilipsIP(interface.strip()) if philips_ip : os.system("hue -H " + philips_ip + " register") return 1 #else: # print "The Philips Hue is OFF or not available in the network" print "The Philips Hue is OFF or not available in the network" def Philips_write(self,number,value) : grep = "Location" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList : command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip() + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen (command).readlines() if data : if value != 0 : print "The Brightness is " + str(value) incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) + " on" os.system(incoming) incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) + " =" + str(value) os.system(incoming) else : incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) + " off" os.system(incoming) print "Controlling philips" break else : print("Philips is not connected in " + interface) else: print "there is no network interface" def Philips_read(self,number) : grep = "Location" if interfaceList : for interface in interfaceList : command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip() + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen (command).readlines() if data : incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) read = os.popen(incoming).readlines() if "on" in read[0] : print("Philips is ON") philipsVal = read[0][11]+read[0][12]+read[0][13] print ("The Philips value is " + philipsVal) return philipsVal else : print("Philips is OFF") return 0 else : print("Philips is not connected in " + interface) #.................End of Philips ................# #................ WiFi Initialization.............# def wifi_setup(self) : #os.system("./") grep = "Location" command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i wlan0 | grep " + grep philips = os.popen(command).readlines() if philips : value = self.Philips_config() return value command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:Belkin:device:1 -n 3 -i wlan0 | grep " + grep def read_wifi(self) : for key,value in wireLesss.items() : if key == "philips" : data = value for key,value in data.items() : light = "hue -j lights" + str(key) data=os.popen(light).read() #reach= get_philips = self.Philips_read(key) self.publish(value,get_philips) if key == "belkin" : data = value for key,value in data.items() : get_belkin = self.Belkin_Read(key) self.publish(value,get_belkin) def DiscoverWifi(self) : status = self.Philips_config() if status == 1: bulbs = os.popen("hue lights").readlines() print "Number of bulbs connected via HUE = " + str(len(bulbs)) i = 0 for i in range(0,len (bulbs)): print("Discovered Philips bulbs in your network") if "philips" not in wireLess.keys(): wireLess["philips"] = {} if bulbs[i][3] not in wireLess["philips"].keys(): philipsbulbname = "philips" + str(bulbs[i][3]) wireLess["philips"][bulbs[i][3]] = philipsbulbname self.publish(philipsbulbname,feedValue = 0,feedType = "Slider",minValue = 0,maxValue = 254) self.getBelkinIP() #self.read_wifi() #read_BLE() def create(self) : file = os.path.exists("./") print file print self.philips_list print ("is it the file status") if file : os.system ("rm") f = open("","a+") f.write ("philips_bulbs = " + str(self.philips_list) + "\n") f.write ("Belkin = " + str(self.belkin_list) + "\n") f.write("Belkin_Ip = " + str(self.BelkinIP) + "\n") f.close else : f = open("","a+") f.write ("philips_bulbs = " + str(self.philips_list) + "\n") f.write ("Belkin = " + str(self.belkin_list) + "\n") f.write("Belkin_Ip = " + str(self.BelkinIP) + "\n") f.close #...............End of WiFi..............# #...............Zigbee ............... port = 0 def Xbee_init(self,ser) : print ser self.port = ser if ser : ser.isOpen() else : print "Serial Port is not open or enabled" def Xbee_write(self,pinNum, state) : print ("the port is self.port ") print (self.port) xBee = "GPIO " + str(pinNum) + " " + state + "*" self.port.write(xBee) def Xbee_read(self,pinNum) : n = "Read pin " + str(pinNum) + "*" self.port.write(n) time.sleep(.5) incoming = return int(incoming) #..................End of Zigbee.............# #..................bluetooth........# BlueIP = [] BlueStatus = [] bulb = 0 blue = 1 def DiscoverBlue(self): global bulb find = 0 data = os.popen("sudo sh LEDBlue").readlines() if data: for blue_ip in enumerate(data): print ("The Bluetooth Bulb MAC-ID is " + blue_ip[1].strip("\n")) print self.BlueIP if "BLE" not in wireLess.keys() : print("BLE bulb is not in the wireless able, so inserting") wireLess["BLE"] = {} if data[0].strip("\n") not in wireLess["BLE"].keys() : print("Blue IP " + str(data[0].strip("\n")) + " not in the dict so adding") blueName = "magicblue" + str(len(wireLess["BLE"]) + 1) wireLess["BLE"][data[0].strip("\n")] = blueName self.publish(blueName,0,feedType = "Slider",minValue = 0, maxValue = 10) print (wireLess) file = os.path.exists("./") if file : os.system("rm") f = open("", "a+") f.write("wireLesss = " + str(wireLess)) f.close else : print ("No Data available") def ConnectBlue(self,mac): from magicblue import MagicBlue if mac: = MagicBlue(mac, 9) status = print("status="+str(status)) return status else: return false def WriteBlue(self,mac,brightness): global blue try: print("mac:"+str(mac)) status = self.ConnectBlue(mac) if status: if brightness > 0 : brightness = brightness * 0.1 print ("BLE Bulb ON") print ("Disconnected") else: print ("BLE Bulb OFF") time.sleep(1) print ("Disconnected") except Exception as e: print("could not connect to MagicBlue"+str(mac)) pass #..................End of Bluetooth...........# def InstallBLE(self): print ("Installing dependencies for Bluetooth") os.system("sudo sh") def InstallWiFi(self): os.system("sudo ./") print "Installing dependencies for Wifi" def Xbee_connect(self,serialport): ser = serial.Serial(serialport, 9600) # Enter the Port to which the Co-ordinartor zigbee is connected to the device (eg - /dev/ttyUSB0) self.Xbee_init(ser)
class Paasmer: host = "" feedSubscription = {} feedMonitorCB = {} #wifi = {} #philips_list = [] #belkin_list = [] #if wireLess: if 'wireLesss' in globals(): global wireLess wireLess = wireLesss else: global wireLess wireLess = {} def connect(self): client.on_connect = self.on_connect client.on_message = self.on_message client.connect(, 1883, 60) def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. client.subscribe("toSensor") def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): subscribeMsg = (msg.payload) print(subscribeMsg) message = json.loads(subscribeMsg) if "feedControl" in message.keys(): myFeed = message["feedControl"]["feedName"] myStatus = message["feedControl"]["value"] if myFeed in self.feedSubscription: self.feedSubscription[myFeed](myStatus) self.publish(myFeed, myStatus) if "philips" in wireLess.keys(): philipsfeed = [ bulbid for bulbid, feed in wireLess["philips"].items() if feed == myFeed ] if philipsfeed: print("The feed is" + str(philipsfeed[0])) print "The Status value is " + str(myStatus) self.Philips_write(philipsfeed[0], myStatus) philipsState = self.Philips_read(philipsfeed[0]) print("the Philips State is = " + str(philipsState)) self.publish(myFeed, philipsState) if "belkin" in wireLess.keys(): belkinip = [ belkinid for belkinid, feed in wireLess["belkin"].items() if feed == myFeed ] if belkinip: print(belkinip[0]) if myStatus == "1" or myStatus == 1: self.Belkin_Write(belkinip[0], "on") belkinState = self.Belkin_Read(belkinip[0]) print("The Belkin state is = " + str(belkinState)) if belkinState == 1: self.publish(myFeed, belkinState) else: print("Failed to control Belkin Wemo") elif myStatus == 0: self.Belkin_Write(belkinip[0], "off") belkinState = self.Belkin_Read(belkinip[0]) print("The Belkin state is = " + str(belkinState)) if belkinState == 0: self.publish(myFeed, belkinState) else: print("Failed to control Belkin Wemo") if "BLE" in wireLess.keys(): bluefeed = [ blueid for blueid, feed in wireLess["BLE"].items() if feed == myFeed ] if bluefeed: print("BLUETOOTH MAC-ID:") print(bluefeed[0]) self.WriteBlue(bluefeed[0], myStatus) self.publish(myFeed, myStatus) else: print("not in feeds") def loop_start(self): client.loop_start() def subscribe(self, feed, cb): if feed not in self.feedSubscription: self.feedSubscription[feed] = cb self.publish(feed, 0) def publish(self, feedName, feedValue, analytics="none", analyticsCondition="10", minValue=0, maxValue=0, feedType="none"): feedDetails = {} feedDetails["feedname"] = feedName feedDetails["feedvalue"] = str(feedValue) feedDetails["analytics"] = analytics feedDetails["analyticsCondition"] = analyticsCondition if feedType != "none": feedDetails["minValue"] = minValue feedDetails["maxValue"] = maxValue feedDetails["feedType"] = feedType feedDetails["readings"] = "NULL" finalData = {} finalData["feeds"] = feedDetails message = json.dumps(finalData) print("Hi this is normal function") print message if analytics == "none": client.publish("toAWS", message) else: client.publish("fromSensor", message) def publish_Rule(self, feedName, feedValue): feedDetails = {} feedDetails["feedname"] = feedName feedDetails["feedvalue"] = str(feedValue) feedDetails["readings"] = "NULL" finalData = {} finalData["feeds"] = feedDetails message = json.dumps(finalData) print("Hi this is rules function") print message client.publish("toRules", message) def ML_config(self, feedName, modelName): mlData = {} mlData["feedname"] = feedName mlData["name"] = modelName mlData["action"] = "config" message = json.dumps(mlData) client.publish("toMLnew", message) def ML_predict(self, feedName, modelName, data={}): mlData = {} mlData["feedname"] = feedName mlData["name"] = modelName mlData["action"] = "predict" mldata = {} for i in data.keys(): mlValue = [] mlValue.append(data[i]) mldata[i] = mlValue mlData["data"] = mldata message = json.dumps(mlData) client.publish("toMLnew", message) # ................For Belkin ................ BelkinIP = [] BelkinCount = 0 def getBelkinIP(self): global BelkinCount find = 0 ip_new = [] grep = "Location" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList: command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:Belkin:device:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip( ) + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: i = 0 ip = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', data[0]) while i < 12: ip_new.append(ip[i]) i = i + 1 if i % 3 == 0: if i < 12: ip_new.append('.') Belkin_ip = ''.join(ip_new) print "Belkin ip = " + Belkin_ip if "belkin" not in wireLess.keys(): print("bekin is not there and adding") wireLess["belkin"] = {} if Belkin_ip not in wireLess["belkin"].keys(): print("belkin ip" + Belkin_ip + "not there and adding") belkinName = "Belkin" + str( len(wireLess["belkin"]) + 1) wireLess["belkin"][Belkin_ip] = belkinName self.publish(belkinName, 0, feedType="Button") print(wireLess) file = os.path.exists("./") if file: os.system("rm") f = open("", "a+") f.write("wireLesss = " + str(wireLess)) f.close return Belkin_ip else: print(wireLess) file = os.path.exists("./") if file: os.system("rm") f = open("", "a+") f.write("wireLesss = " + str(wireLess)) f.close return 0 def Belkin_Write(self, belkinIP, message): command = "wemo -h " + belkinIP + " -a " + message print "Belkin " + message os.system(command) def Belkin_Read(self, belkinIP): grep = "Location" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList: command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:Belkin:device:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip( ) + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: command = "wemo -h " + belkinIP + " -a GETSTATE" belkindata = os.popen(command).readlines() if "8" in belkindata[0]: return 1 else: return 0 else: print "Belkin Not connected" else: print "network intrface is not there" #..................end of Belkin...........# #..................Philips device..........# def getPhilipsIP(self, interface): ip_new = [] grep = "Location" command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip( ) + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: i = 0 ip = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', data[0]) while i < 12: ip_new.append(ip[i]) i = i + 1 if i % 3 == 0: if i < 12: ip_new.append('.') Philips_ip = ''.join(ip_new) print "Philips ip = " + Philips_ip return Philips_ip def Philips_config(self): grep = "Location" data = "" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList: command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip( ) + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: philips_ip = self.getPhilipsIP(interface.strip()) if philips_ip: os.system("hue -H " + philips_ip + " register") return 1 #else: # print "The Philips Hue is OFF or not available in the network" print "The Philips Hue is OFF or not available in the network" def Philips_write(self, number, value): grep = "Location" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList: command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip( ) + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: if value != 0: print "The Brightness is " + str(value) incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) + " on" os.system(incoming) incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) + " =" + str( value) os.system(incoming) else: incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) + " off" os.system(incoming) print "Controlling philips" break else: print("Philips is not connected in " + interface) else: print "there is no network interface" def Philips_read(self, number): grep = "Location" if interfaceList: for interface in interfaceList: command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i " + interface.strip( ) + " | grep " + grep data = os.popen(command).readlines() if data: incoming = "hue lights " + str(number) read = os.popen(incoming).readlines() if "on" in read[0]: print("Philips is ON") philipsVal = read[0][11] + read[0][12] + read[0][13] print("The Philips value is " + philipsVal) return philipsVal else: print("Philips is OFF") return 0 else: print("Philips is not connected in " + interface) #.................End of Philips ................# #................ WiFi Initialization.............# def wifi_setup(self): #os.system("./") grep = "Location" command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 -n 3 -i wlan0 | grep " + grep philips = os.popen(command).readlines() if philips: value = self.Philips_config() return value command = "gssdp-discover -t urn:Belkin:device:1 -n 3 -i wlan0 | grep " + grep def read_wifi(self): for key, value in wireLesss.items(): if key == "philips": data = value for key, value in data.items(): light = "hue -j lights" + str(key) data = os.popen(light).read() #reach= get_philips = self.Philips_read(key) self.publish(value, get_philips) if key == "belkin": data = value for key, value in data.items(): get_belkin = self.Belkin_Read(key) self.publish(value, get_belkin) def DiscoverWifi(self): status = self.Philips_config() if status == 1: bulbs = os.popen("hue lights").readlines() print "Number of bulbs connected via HUE = " + str(len(bulbs)) i = 0 for i in range(0, len(bulbs)): print("Discovered Philips bulbs in your network") if "philips" not in wireLess.keys(): wireLess["philips"] = {} if bulbs[i][3] not in wireLess["philips"].keys(): philipsbulbname = "philips" + str(bulbs[i][3]) wireLess["philips"][bulbs[i][3]] = philipsbulbname self.publish(philipsbulbname, feedValue=0, feedType="Slider", minValue=0, maxValue=254) self.getBelkinIP() #self.read_wifi() #read_BLE() def create(self): file = os.path.exists("./") print file print self.philips_list print("is it the file status") if file: os.system("rm") f = open("", "a+") f.write("philips_bulbs = " + str(self.philips_list) + "\n") f.write("Belkin = " + str(self.belkin_list) + "\n") f.write("Belkin_Ip = " + str(self.BelkinIP) + "\n") f.close else: f = open("", "a+") f.write("philips_bulbs = " + str(self.philips_list) + "\n") f.write("Belkin = " + str(self.belkin_list) + "\n") f.write("Belkin_Ip = " + str(self.BelkinIP) + "\n") f.close #...............End of WiFi..............# #...............Zigbee ............... port = 0 def Xbee_init(self, ser): print ser self.port = ser if ser: ser.isOpen() else: print "Serial Port is not open or enabled" def Xbee_write(self, pinNum, state): print("the port is self.port ") print(self.port) xBee = "GPIO " + str(pinNum) + " " + state + "*" self.port.write(xBee) def Xbee_read(self, pinNum): n = "Read pin " + str(pinNum) + "*" self.port.write(n) time.sleep(.5) incoming = return int(incoming) #..................End of Zigbee.............# #..................bluetooth........# BlueIP = [] BlueStatus = [] bulb = 0 blue = 1 def DiscoverBlue(self): global bulb find = 0 data = os.popen("sudo sh LEDBlue").readlines() if data: for blue_ip in enumerate(data): print("The Bluetooth Bulb MAC-ID is " + blue_ip[1].strip("\n")) print self.BlueIP if "BLE" not in wireLess.keys(): print("BLE bulb is not in the wireless able, so inserting") wireLess["BLE"] = {} if data[0].strip("\n") not in wireLess["BLE"].keys(): print("Blue IP " + str(data[0].strip("\n")) + " not in the dict so adding") blueName = "magicblue" + str(len(wireLess["BLE"]) + 1) wireLess["BLE"][data[0].strip("\n")] = blueName self.publish(blueName, 0, feedType="Slider", minValue=0, maxValue=10) print(wireLess) file = os.path.exists("./") if file: os.system("rm") f = open("", "a+") f.write("wireLesss = " + str(wireLess)) f.close else: print("No Data available") def ConnectBlue(self, mac): from magicblue import MagicBlue if mac: = MagicBlue(mac, 9) status = print("status=" + str(status)) return status else: return false def WriteBlue(self, mac, brightness): global blue try: print("mac:" + str(mac)) status = self.ConnectBlue(mac) if status: if brightness > 0: brightness = brightness * 0.1 print("BLE Bulb ON") print("Disconnected") else: print("BLE Bulb OFF") time.sleep(1) print("Disconnected") except Exception as e: print("could not connect to MagicBlue" + str(mac)) pass #..................End of Bluetooth...........# def InstallBLE(self): print("Installing dependencies for Bluetooth") os.system("sudo sh") def InstallWiFi(self): os.system("sudo ./") print "Installing dependencies for Wifi" def Xbee_connect(self, serialport): ser = serial.Serial( serialport, 9600 ) # Enter the Port to which the Co-ordinartor zigbee is connected to the device (eg - /dev/ttyUSB0) self.Xbee_init(ser)