    def _parse_blob_matches(self, rows):
        """Parse blob match selection.
            rows (List[:obj:`sqlite3.Row`]): Sequence of rows.

            :class:`magmap.cv.colocalizer.BlobMatch`: Blob match object.
        Deprecated: 1.6.0
            Use :meth:`select_blob_matches` instead.

        # build list of blob matches, which contain matching blobs and their
        # distances, converting blob IDs to full blobs
        matches = []
        for row in rows:
                self.select_blob_by_id(row["blob2"])[0], row["dist"]))
        if len(rows) > 0:
            # convert to data frame to access by named columns
            df = df_io.dict_to_data_frame(rows, records_cols=rows[0].keys())
            blob_matches = colocalizer.BlobMatch(
                matches, df["id"], df["roi_id"], df["blob1"], df["blob2"])
            blob_matches = colocalizer.BlobMatch()
        return blob_matches
    def select_blob_matches_by_blob_id(self, row_id, blobn, blob_ids):
        """Select blob matches corresponding to the given blob IDs in the
        given blob column.

            row_id (int): Row ID.
            blobn (int): 1 or 2 to indicate the first or second blob column,
            blob_ids (List[int]): Blob IDs.

            :class:`magmap.cv.colocalizer.BlobMatch`: Blob match object,
            which is empty if not matches are found.

        matches = []
        if isinstance(blob_ids, np.ndarray):
            blob_ids = blob_ids.tolist()
        max_params = 990  # max params of 999 in sqlite < v3.32.0
        for i in range(len(blob_ids) // max_params + 1):
            # select blob matches by block to avoid exceeding sqlite parameter
            # limit
            ids = blob_ids[i * max_params:(i + 1) * max_params]
            ids.insert(0, row_id)
                "SELECT {}, id FROM blob_matches WHERE roi_id = ?"
                "AND blob{} IN ({})".format(_COLS_BLOB_MATCHES, blobn,
                                            ",".join("?" * (len(ids) - 1))),
            df = self._parse_blob_matches(self.cur.fetchall()).df
            if df is not None:
        if len(matches) > 0:
            return colocalizer.BlobMatch(df=df_io.data_frames_to_csv(matches))
        return colocalizer.BlobMatch()
def match_blobs_roi(blobs, blobs_base, offset, size, thresh, scaling,
                    inner_padding, resize=None):
    """Match blobs from two sets of blobs in an ROI, prioritizing the inner
    portion of ROIs to avoid missing detections because of edge effects
    while also adding matches between a blob in the inner ROI and another
    blob in the remaining portion of the ROI.
        blobs (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The blobs to be matched against
            ``blobs_base``, given as 2D array of
            ``[[z, row, column, radius, ...], ...]``.
        blobs_base (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The blobs to which ``blobs`` will
            be matched, in the same format as ``blobs``.
        offset (List[int]): ROI offset from which to select blobs in x,y,z.
        size (List[int]): ROI size in x,y,z.
        thresh (float): Distance map threshold
        scaling (List[float]): Scaling normalized by ``tol``.
        inner_padding (List[float]): ROI padding shape.
        resize (List[float]): Resize sequence retrieved from ROI profile;
            defaults to None.
        :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, list[int], list[int],
        list[list[:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, float]]:
        Array of blobs from ``blobs``; corresponding array from ``blobs_base``
        matching blobs in ``blobs``; offset of the inner portion of the ROI
        in absolute coordinates of x,y,z; shape of this inner portion of the
        ROI; and list of blob matches, each given as a list of
        ``blob_master, blob, distance``.
    # get all blobs in inner and total ROI
    offset_inner = np.add(offset, inner_padding)
    size_inner = np.subtract(size, inner_padding * 2)
        "offset: {}, offset_inner: {}, size: {}, size_inner: {}"
        .format(offset, offset_inner, size, size_inner))
    blobs_roi, _ = detector.get_blobs_in_roi(blobs, offset, size)
    if resize is not None:
        # TODO: doesn't align with exported ROIs
        padding = config.plot_labels[config.PlotLabels.PADDING]
        libmag.printv("shifting blobs in ROI by offset {}, border {}"
                      .format(offset, padding))
        blobs_roi = detector.shift_blob_rel_coords(blobs_roi, offset)
        if padding:
            blobs_roi = detector.shift_blob_rel_coords(blobs_roi, padding)
    blobs_inner, blobs_inner_mask = detector.get_blobs_in_roi(
        blobs_roi, offset_inner, size_inner)
    blobs_base_roi, _ = detector.get_blobs_in_roi(blobs_base, offset, size)
    blobs_base_inner, blobs_base_inner_mask = detector.get_blobs_in_roi(
        blobs_base_roi, offset_inner, size_inner)
    # compare blobs from inner region of ROI with all base blobs,
    # prioritizing the closest matches
    found, found_base, dists = find_closest_blobs_cdist(
        blobs_inner, blobs_base_roi, thresh, scaling)
    blobs_inner[:, 4] = 0
    blobs_inner[found, 4] = 1
    blobs_base_roi[blobs_base_inner_mask, 5] = 0
    blobs_base_roi[found_base, 5] = 1
    # add any base blobs missed in the inner ROI by comparing with
    # test blobs from outer ROI
    blobs_base_inner_missed = blobs_base_roi[blobs_base_roi[:, 5] == 0]
    blobs_outer = blobs_roi[np.invert(blobs_inner_mask)]
    found_out, found_base_out, dists_out = find_closest_blobs_cdist(
        blobs_outer, blobs_base_inner_missed, thresh, scaling)
    blobs_base_inner_missed[found_base_out, 5] = 1
    # combine inner and outer groups
    blobs_truth_inner_plus = np.concatenate(
        (blobs_base_roi[blobs_base_roi[:, 5] == 1],
    blobs_outer[found_out, 4] = 1
    blobs_inner_plus = np.concatenate((blobs_inner, blobs_outer[found_out]))

    matches_inner = _match_blobs(
        blobs_inner, blobs_base_roi, found, found_base, dists)
    matches_outer = _match_blobs(
        blobs_outer, blobs_base_inner_missed, found_out,
        found_base_out, dists_out)
    matches = colocalizer.BlobMatch([*matches_inner, *matches_outer])
    if config.verbose:
        print("found inner:\n{}"
        print("truth found:\n{}"
        print("truth blobs detected by an outside blob:\n{}"
        print("all those outside detection blobs:\n{}"

        print("Closest matches found (truth, detected, distance):")
        msgs = ("\n- Inner ROI:", "\n- Outer ROI:")
        for msg, matches_sub in zip(msgs, (matches_inner, matches_outer)):
            for match in matches_sub:
                    "Blob1:", match[0][:3], "chl",
                    detector.get_blob_channel(match[0]), "Blob2:", match[1][:3],
                    "chl", detector.get_blob_channel(match[1]),
                    "dist:", match[2])
    return blobs_inner_plus, blobs_truth_inner_plus, offset_inner, size_inner, \
    def select_blob_matches(
            self, roi_id: int, offset: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
            shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> "colocalizer.BlobMatch":
        """Select blob matches for the given ROI.
            roi_id: ROI ID.
            offset: ROI offset in ``z,y,x``; defaults to None.
            shape: ROI shape in ``z,y,x``; defaults to None.

            Blob matches.

        _logger.debug("Selecting blob matches for ROI ID: %s", roi_id)
        start = time()
        # set up columns for each table
        cols_matches = _specify_table_cols(
            _COLS_BLOB_MATCHES + ', id', ', ', 'bm')
        cols_blobs = _COLS_BLOBS + ", id"
        cols_blobs1 = _specify_table_cols(cols_blobs, ', ', 'b1')
        cols_blobs2 = _specify_table_cols(cols_blobs, ', ', 'b2')
        # set up select statement
        stmnt = (
            f"SELECT {cols_matches}, "
            f"{cols_blobs1}, "
            f"{cols_blobs2} "
            f"FROM blob_matches bm "
            f"INNER JOIN blobs b1 ON bm.blob1 = b1.id "
            f"INNER JOIN blobs b2 ON bm.blob2 = b2.id "
            f"WHERE bm.roi_id = ?")
        args = [roi_id, ]
        if offset is not None and shape is not None:
            # add ROI parameters
            bounds = zip(offset, np.add(offset, shape))
            bounds = [str(b) for bound in bounds for b in bound]
            stmnt += (
                " AND b1.z >= ? AND b1.z < ?"
                "AND b1.y >= ? AND b1.y < ? AND b1.x >= ? AND b1.x < ?"
                "AND b2.z >= ? AND b2.z < ?"
                "AND b2.y >= ? AND b2.y < ? AND b2.x >= ? AND b2.x < ?")
        # execute query
        self.cur.execute(stmnt, args)
        rows = self.cur.fetchall()
        df_matches = None
        if len(rows) > 0:
            # convert to data frame to access by named columns
            df = df_io.dict_to_data_frame(rows, records_cols=rows[0].keys())
            def get_cols(col_full):
                # extract column aliases
                return [c.split(" ")[1] for c in col_full.split(", ")]
            # extract columns for blob matches
            df_matches = df[get_cols(cols_matches)]
            df_matches = df_matches.rename(columns={
                "bm_blob1": colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.BLOB1_ID.value,
                "bm_blob2": colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.BLOB2_ID.value,
                "bm_id": colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.MATCH_ID.value,
                "bm_roi_id": colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.ROI_ID.value,
                "bm_dist": colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.DIST.value,
            # merge each set of blob columns into a single column of blob lists
            cols_dict = {
                colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.BLOB1.value: cols_blobs1,
                colocalizer.BlobMatch.Cols.BLOB2.value: cols_blobs2,
            for col, cols in cols_dict.items():
                cols = get_cols(cols)[1:]
                df_matches[col] = df[cols].to_numpy().tolist()
        blob_matches = colocalizer.BlobMatch(df=df_matches)
        _logger.debug("Finished selecting blob matches in %s s", time() - start)
        return blob_matches
    def select_blob_matches_by_blob_id(
            row_id: int,
            blobn: int,
            blob_ids: Sequence[int],
            max_params: int = 100000
    ) -> "colocalizer.BlobMatch":
        """Select blob matches corresponding to the given blob IDs in the
        given blob column.

            row_id: Row ID.
            blobn: 1 or 2 to indicate the first or second blob column,
            blob_ids: Blob IDs.
            max_params: Maximum number of parameters for the `SELECT`
                statements; defaults to 100000. The max is determined by
                `SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER` set at the sqlite3 compile
                time. If this number is exceeded, this function is called
                recursively with half the given `max_params`.

            Blob match object, which is empty if not matches are found.
            :meth:`sqlit3.OperationalError`: if the maximum number of
            parameters is < 1.
        Deprecated: 1.6.0
            Use :meth:`select_blob_matches` instead.

        if max_params < 1:
            raise sqlite3.OperationalError(
                "Could not determine number of parameters for selecting blob "
        matches = []
        if isinstance(blob_ids, np.ndarray):
            blob_ids = blob_ids.tolist()
            # select matches by block to avoid exceeding sqlite parameter limit
            nblocks = len(blob_ids) // max_params + 1
            for i in range(nblocks):
                    "Selecting blob matches block %s of %s", i, nblocks - 1)
                ids = blob_ids[i*max_params:(i+1)*max_params]
                ids.insert(0, row_id)
                    f"SELECT {_COLS_BLOB_MATCHES}, id FROM blob_matches "
                    f"WHERE roi_id = ? AND blob{blobn} "
                    f"IN ({','.join('?' * (len(ids) - 1))})",
                df = self._parse_blob_matches(self.cur.fetchall()).df
                if df is not None:
        except sqlite3.OperationalError:
            # call recursively with halved number of parameters
                "Exceeded max sqlite query parameters; trying with smaller "
            return self.select_blob_matches_by_blob_id(
                row_id, blobn, blob_ids, max_params // 2)
        if len(matches) > 0:
            return colocalizer.BlobMatch(df=df_io.data_frames_to_csv(matches))
        return colocalizer.BlobMatch()