def view_subimg(self, offset, shape): """Zoom all Plot Editors to the given sub-image. Args: offset: Sub-image coordinates in ``z,y,x`` order. shape: Sub-image shape in ``z,y,x`` order. """ for i, plane in enumerate(config.PLANE): offset_tr = libmag.transpose_1d(list(offset), plane) shape_tr = libmag.transpose_1d(list(shape), plane) self.plot_eds[plane].view_subimg(offset_tr[1:], shape_tr[1:]) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
def update_coords(self, coord, plane_src=config.PLANE[0]): """Update all plot editors with given coordinates. Args: coord: Coordinate at which to center images, in z,y,x order. plane_src: One of :const:`magmap.config.PLANE` to specify the orientation from which the coordinates were given; defaults to the first element of :const:`magmap.config.PLANE`. """ coord_rev = libmag.transpose_1d_rev(list(coord), plane_src) for i, plane in enumerate(config.PLANE): coord_transposed = libmag.transpose_1d(list(coord_rev), plane) if i == 0: # update the offset based on the xy plane self.offset = coord_transposed[::-1] if self.fn_update_coords: self.fn_update_coords(coord_transposed) self.plot_eds[plane].update_coord(coord_transposed)