 def _get_SSLP_by_ptr(self, msg_ptr, verifier=None, from_=False):
     if verifier is None:
         verifier = self._verify_ptr_checksums
     tries = []
     length = None
     for from_start, length in self._possible_message_locations(msg_ptr):
         # We duplicate the file descriptor here, in case other threads
         # are accessing the same mailbox and moving it around, or in
         # case we have multiple PartialFile objects in flight at once.
             start = from_start
             stop = from_start + length
             fd = self._get_fd()
             if not from_:
                 length -= len(fd.readline())
                 start = fd.tell()
             pf = mailbox._PartialFile(fd, start, stop)
             if verifier(msg_ptr, from_start, pf):
                 return (from_start, start, length, pf)
         except IOError:
     err = '%s: %s %s@%s' % (_('Message not found'), msg_ptr, length,
     raise IOError(err)
  def get_file_by_ptr(self, msg_ptr):
    parts = msg_ptr[MBX_ID_LEN:].split(':')
    start = int(parts[0], 36)
    length = int(parts[1], 36)

    # Make sure we can actually read the message
    cs1k = self.get_msg_cs1k(start, length)
    if len(parts) > 2 and cs1k != parts[2][:4]:
      raise IOError('Message not found')

    return mailbox._PartialFile(self._file, start, start+length)
    def get_file_by_ptr(self, msg_ptr):
        parts, start, length = self._parse_ptr(msg_ptr)

        # Make sure we can actually read the message
        cs80b = self.get_msg_cs80b(start, length)
        if len(parts) > 2:
            cs1k = self.get_msg_cs1k(start, length)
            cs = parts[2][:4]
            if (cs1k != cs and cs80b != cs):
                raise IOError(_('Message not found'))

        # We duplicate the file descriptor here, in case other threads are
        # accessing the same mailbox and moving it around, or in case we have
        # multiple PartialFile objects in flight at once.
        return mailbox._PartialFile(self._get_fd(), start, start + length)
    def get_file_by_ptr(self, msg_ptr):
        parts = msg_ptr[MBX_ID_LEN:].split(':')
        start = int(parts[0], 36)
        length = int(parts[1], 36)

        # Make sure we can actually read the message
        cs80b = self.get_msg_cs80b(start, length)
        if len(parts) > 2:
            cs1k = self.get_msg_cs1k(start, length)
            cs = parts[2][:4]
            if (cs1k != cs and cs80b != cs):
                raise IOError(_('Message not found'))

        # We duplicate the file descriptor here, in case other threads are
        # accessing the same mailbox and moving it around, or in case we have
        # multiple PartialFile objects in flight at once.
        return mailbox._PartialFile(self._get_fd(), start, start + length)
    def get_file_by_ptr(self, msg_ptr):
        parts = msg_ptr[MBX_ID_LEN:].split(":")
        start = int(parts[0], 36)
        length = int(parts[1], 36)

        # Make sure we can actually read the message
        cs80b = self.get_msg_cs80b(start, length)
        if len(parts) > 2:
            cs1k = self.get_msg_cs1k(start, length)
            cs = parts[2][:4]
            if cs1k != cs and cs80b != cs:
                raise IOError(_("Message not found"))

        # We duplicate the file descriptor here, in case other threads are
        # accessing the same mailbox and moving it around, or in case we have
        # multiple PartialFile objects in flight at once.
        return mailbox._PartialFile(self._get_fd(), start, start + length)
 def get_file_by_ptr(self, msg_ptr):
   start, length = msg_ptr[3:].split(':')
   start = int(start, 36)
   length = int(length, 36)
   return mailbox._PartialFile(self._file, start, start+length)