class MailService(object):
    Central control point for all mail related code.
    For each IMAP, POP, and SMTP account it creates
    a client instance to handle requests and stores
    the client in its queue.

    The MailService is started with Chandler in the
    application codes and shutdown with Chandler.

    It employees the lazy loading model where
    no clients are created until one is requested.


    A user wants to send an SMTP message via an C{SMTPAccount}.
    When the user hits send the MailService receives a request:

    The MailService looks in its cache to see if
    it has a C{SMTPClient} instance for the given account.
    If none is found it creates the instance and passes
    back to the requestor.

    If one exists in the cache it returns that instance.

    Caching instances allows finite control of C{RepositoryView} creation
    and client pipelining.

    def __init__(self, view):
        # The MailService uses the Main UI Repository View
        self._view = view

        # Mail Service clients (IMAP, SMTP, POP) use a shared view
        # that is accessed only on the Twisted thread.
        # Since the Twisted thread is async only one client will
        # will be using the view at any given time.
        self._clientView = view.repository.createView("Twisted Thread Client View",

        self._started = False
        self._clientInstances = None
        self._mailWorker = None

    def startup(self):
        """Initializes the MailService and creates the cache for
           suppported protocols POP, SMTP, IMAP"""
        if self._started:
            raise MailException("MailService is currently started")

        self._clientInstances = {"SMTP": {}, "IMAP": {}, "POP": {}}

        # The MailWorker will create its own view
        self._mailWorker = MailWorker("MailWorker Thread", self._view.repository)

        #Start the mail worker thread

        self._started = True

        if not schema.ns('osaf.app', self._view).prefs.isOnline:

    def shutdown(self):
        """Shutsdown the MailService and deletes any clients in the
           MailServices cache"""

        if self._started:
            # Stop processing mail requests from Mail Protocol Clients

            # Shutdown all Mail Protocol Clients
            for clients in self._clientInstances.values():
                for client in clients.values():

            del self._clientInstances

            self._started = False

    def takeOnline(self):
        schema.ns("osaf.pim", self._view).MailPrefs.isOnline = True

        for account in Mail.SMTPAccount.getActiveAccounts(self._view):
            if len(account.messageQueue):

    def takeOffline(self):
        schema.ns("osaf.pim", self._view).MailPrefs.isOnline = False

    def isOnline(self, view=None):
           A view should be passed when
           the check for isOnline is not
           performed on the Main UI Thread.

        if view is None:
            view = self._view

        return schema.ns("osaf.pim", view).MailPrefs.isOnline

    def refreshMailServiceCache(self):
        """Refreshs the MailService Cache checking for
           any client instances that are associated with
           an inactive or deleted account."""


    def refreshIMAPClientCache(self):
        """Refreshes the C{IMAPClient} cache
           removing any instances associated with
           inactive or deleted accounts"""


    def refreshSMTPClientCache(self):
        """Refreshes the C{SMTPClient} cache
           removing any instances associated with
           inactive or deleted accounts"""


    def refreshPOPClientCache(self):
        """Refreshes the C{POPClient} cache
           removing any instances associated with
           inactive or deleted accounts"""


    def getSMTPInstance(self, account, fromCache=True):
        Returns a C{SMTPClient} instance
        for the given account

        @param account: A SMTPAccount
        @type account: C{SMTPAccount}

        @param fromCache: Boolean flag indicating whether the
                          c{SMTPClient} instance should come from
                          the cache.
        @type fromCache: C{bool}

        @return: C{SMTPClient}

        assert isinstance(account, Mail.SMTPAccount)

        if not fromCache:
            return SMTPClient(self._clientView, account)

        smtpInstances = self._clientInstances.get("SMTP")

        if account.itsUUID in smtpInstances:
            return smtpInstances.get(account.itsUUID)

        s = SMTPClient(self._clientView, account)
        smtpInstances[account.itsUUID] = s

        return s

    def getIMAPInstance(self, account, fromCache=True):
        """Returns a C{IMAPClient} instance
           for the given account

           @param account: A IMAPAccount
           @type account: C{IMAPAccount}
           @param fromCache: Boolean flag indicating whether the
                             c{IMAPClient} instance should come from
                             the cache.

           @type fromCache: C{bool}

           @return: C{IMAPClient}

        assert isinstance(account, Mail.IMAPAccount)

        if not fromCache:
            return IMAPClient(self._clientView, account, self._mailWorker)

        imapInstances = self._clientInstances.get("IMAP")

        if account.itsUUID in imapInstances:
            return imapInstances.get(account.itsUUID)

        i = IMAPClient(self._clientView, account, self._mailWorker)

        imapInstances[account.itsUUID] = i

        return i

    def getPOPInstance(self, account, fromCache=True):
        """Returns a C{POPClient} instance
           for the given account

           @param account: A POPAccount
           @type account: C{POPAccount}
           @param fromCache: Boolean flag indicating whether the
                             c{POPClient} instance should come from
                             the cache.
           @type fromCache: C{bool}

           @return: C{POPClient}

        assert isinstance(account, Mail.POPAccount)

        if not fromCache:
            return POPClient(self._clientView, account, self._mailWorker)

        popInstances = self._clientInstances.get("POP")

        if account.itsUUID in popInstances:
            return popInstances.get(account.itsUUID)

        i = POPClient(self._clientView, account, self._mailWorker)

        popInstances[account.itsUUID] = i

        return i

    def _refreshCache(self, protocol):
        instances = None
        method = None

        if protocol in Mail.ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            instances = self._clientInstances.get(protocol)
            method = Mail.ACCOUNT_TYPES[protocol].getActiveAccounts


        uuidList = []
        delList  = []

        for acc in method(self._view):

        for accUUID in instances.keys():
            if not accUUID in uuidList:
                client = instances.get(accUUID)
                del client

        if __debug__:
            s = len(delList)

            if s > 0:
                c = s > 1 and "Clients" or "Client"
                a = s > 1 and "accountUUID's" or "accountUUID"
                trace("removed %s%s with %s %s" % (protocol, c, a, delList))