def ReadRepoLocation(): """ This method reutrn a tuple of two strings: "name of the current repo" and "repository location". """ if bpio.Linux() or bpio.Mac(): repo_file = os.path.join(bpio.getExecutableDir(), 'repo') if os.path.isfile(repo_file): src = bpio.ReadTextFile(repo_file) if src: try: return src.split('\n')[0].strip(), src.split( '\n')[1].strip() except: lg.exc() return 'sources', '' src = strng.to_bin(bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.RepoFile())).strip() if not src: return settings.DefaultRepo(), settings.DefaultRepoURL( settings.DefaultRepo()) l = src.split('\n') if len(l) < 2: return settings.DefaultRepo(), settings.DefaultRepoURL( settings.DefaultRepo()) return l[0], l[1]
def _done(x, filename): try: fin = open(filename, 'rb') src = strng.to_text( fin.close() except: if output_func: output_func('error opening downloaded starter file') result.errback(Exception('error opening downloaded starter file')) return local_filename = os.path.join(GetLocalDir(), settings.WindowsStarterFileName()) bpio.backup_and_remove(local_filename) try: os.rename(filename, local_filename) lg.out(4, 'os_windows_update.download_and_replace_starter file %s was updated' % local_filename) except: lg.out(1, 'os_windows_update.download_and_replace_starter ERROR can not rename %s to %s ' % (filename, local_filename)) lg.exc() result.errback(Exception('can not rename the file ' + filename)) return python27dll_path = os.path.join(GetLocalDir(), 'python27.dll') if not os.path.exists(python27dll_path): lg.out(4, 'os_windows_update.download_and_replace_starter file "python27.dll" not found download from "%s" repo' % repo) url = settings.DefaultRepoURL(repo) + 'python27.dll' d = net_misc.downloadHTTP(url, python27dll_path) d.addCallback(_done_python27_dll, filename) d.addErrback(_fail, filename) return result.callback(1)