def test_bytes_to_humand_readable_exact_conversion(self): try: bt = bytes_to_human_readable(12288) self.assertEqual('12.0 kb', bt, msg='12288 b should have been 12.0 kb') bt = bytes_to_human_readable(3300000) self.assertEqual('3.1 mb', bt, msg='3300000 b should have been 3.1 mb') bt = bytes_to_human_readable(13000000000) self.assertEqual('12.1 gb', bt, msg='13000000000 b should have been 12.1 gb') bt = bytes_to_human_readable(24500000000000) self.assertEqual('22.3 tb', bt, msg='24500000000000 b should have been 22.3 tb') except Exception as e:"Exception occured when tried to convert bytes to human readable format {e}")
def test_bytes_to_human_readable_zero_input(self): try: bt = bytes_to_human_readable(0) self.assertEqual('0.0 B', bt) except Exception as e: f"Exception occured when None value was given as an argument {e}" )
def test_bytes_to_human_readable_convert_to_gb(self): try: for i in range(20): bt = random.randint(1073741824, 549755813888) human = bytes_to_human_readable(bt).split(' ')[1] self.assertEqual(human, 'gb', msg='Should be gb') except Exception as e:"Exception occured when gb range values were given as an argument {e}")
def test_bytes_to_human_readable_convert_to_mb(self): try: for i in range(20): bt = random.randint(1048576, 943718400) human = bytes_to_human_readable(bt).split(' ')[1] self.assertEqual(human, 'mb', msg='Should be mb') except Exception as e:"Exception occured when mb range values were given as an argument {e}")