def export_chats(chats, path, format, db, messages=None, skip=True, progress=None): """ Exports the specified chats from the database under path. @param chats list of chat dicts, as returned from SkypeDatabase @param path full path of directory where to save @param format export format (html|txt|xlsx|csv|filename.ext). If format is filename.ext, a single file is created: for single chat exports and multi chat XLSX exports (for multi-file exports, filenames are named by chats). @param db SkypeDatabase instance @param messages list messages to export if a single chat @param skip whether to skip chats with no messages @param progress function called before exporting each chat, with the number of messages exported so far @return (list of exported filenames, number of chats exported) """ files, count = [], 0 def make_filename(chat): if len(format) > 4: # Filename already given in format filename = os.path.join(path, format) else: args = collections.defaultdict(str); args.update(chat) filename = "%s.%s" % (conf.ExportChatTemplate % args, format) filename = os.path.join(path, util.safe_filename(filename)) filename = util.unique_path(filename) return filename main.logstatus("Exporting %s from %s %sto %s.", util.plural("chat", chats), db.filename, "" if len(format) > 4 else "as %s " % format.upper(), format if len(format) > 4 else path) if format.lower().endswith(".xlsx"): filename = make_filename(chats[0]) count = export_chats_xlsx(chats, filename, db, messages, skip, progress) files.append(filename) else: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) export_func = (export_chats_xlsx if format.lower().endswith("xlsx") else export_chat_csv if format.lower().endswith("csv") else export_chat_template) message_count = 0 for chat in chats: if skip and not messages and not chat["message_count"]: main.log("Skipping exporting %s: no messages.", chat["title_long_lc"]) if progress: progress(message_count) continue # continue for chat in chats main.status("Exporting %s.", chat["title_long_lc"]) if progress: progress(message_count) filename = make_filename(chat) msgs = messages or db.get_messages(chat) chatarg = [chat] if "xlsx" == format.lower() else chat export_func(chatarg, filename, db, msgs) message_count += chat["message_count"] files.append(filename) count = len(files) return (files, count)
def export_chats_xlsx(chats, filename, db, messages=None, skip=True, progress=None): """ Exports the chats to a single XLSX file with chats on separate worksheets. @param chats list of chat data dicts, as returned from SkypeDatabase @param filename full path and filename of resulting file @param db SkypeDatabase instance @param messages list of messages to export if a single chat @param skip whether to skip chats with no messages @param progress function called before exporting each chat, with the number of messages exported so far @return number of chats exported """ count, style = 0, {0: "timestamp", 2: "wrap", 3: "hidden"} writer = xlsx_writer(filename, autowrap=[2]) message_count = 0 for chat in chats: if skip and not messages and not chat["message_count"]: main.log("Skipping exporting %s: no messages.", chat["title_long_lc"]) continue # continue for chat in chats main.status("Exporting %s.", chat["title_long_lc"]) if progress: progress(message_count) parser = skypedata.MessageParser(db, chat=chat, stats=False) writer.add_sheet(chat["title"]) writer.set_header(True) writer.writerow(["Time", "Author", "Message", "Skype Name"], {3: "boldhidden"}) writer.set_header(False) msgs = messages or db.get_messages(chat) for m in msgs: text = parser.parse(m, output={"format": "text"}) try: text = text.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeError: pass values = [m["datetime"], m["from_dispname"], text, m["author"]] style[1] = "local" if == m["author"] else "remote" writer.writerow(values, style) message_count += chat["message_count"] count += 1 writer.close() return count
def _SendReport(self, report_kwargs): """Tries to send report in the background, shows result message.""" try_count = 0 while try_count < 3 and not send_report(**report_kwargs): try_count += 1 if try_count < 3: self.edit_text.Value = "" self.edit_text.SetFocus() self.SetScreenshot(None) text, style = "Feedback sent, thank you!", wx.OK else: text = "Could not post feedback. Connection problems?" style = wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING main.status("") wx.CallLater(500, wx.MessageBox, text, self.Title, style)
def OnSend(self, event): """ Handler for clicking to send feedback, hides the dialog and posts data to feedback web service. """ text = self.edit_text.Value.strip() text_short = text[:500] + ".." if len(text) > 500 else text bmp = self.cb_bmp.Value and self.screenshot if text: ok = wx.MessageBox("Send the entered text%s?\n\n\"%s\"" % ( " and screenshot" if bmp else "", text_short), self.Title, wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) text = (text if wx.OK == ok else "") if text: self.Hide() kwargs = {"type": "feedback", "content": text} if bmp: kwargs["screenshot"] = util.wx_bitmap_to_raw(bmp) main.status("Submitting feedback..") wx.CallAfter(self._SendReport, kwargs)
def test_no19(): z=5 assert status()==main()
def test_no18(): z=2 assert status()==record()
def test_no17(): z=1 assert status()==adminroom()
def test_no15(): go=0 assert record()==status()
def test_no14(): go=3 assert record()==status()
def test_no10(): password="******" passwd=password assert Admin()==status()
def test_no20(): z=5 assert status()==record()
def export_chats(chats, path, format, db, messages=None, skip=True, progress=None): """ Exports the specified chats from the database under path. @param chats list of chat dicts, as returned from SkypeDatabase @param path full path of directory where to save @param format export format (html|txt|xlsx|csv|filename.ext). If format is filename.ext, a single file is created: for single chat exports and multi chat XLSX exports (for multi-file exports, filenames are named by chats). @param db SkypeDatabase instance @param messages list messages to export if a single chat @param skip whether to skip chats with no messages @param progress function called before exporting each chat, with the number of messages exported so far @return (list of exported filenames, number of chats exported) """ files, count = [], 0 def make_filename(chat): if len(format) > 4: # Filename already given in format filename = os.path.join(path, format) else: args = collections.defaultdict(str) args.update(chat) filename = "%s.%s" % (conf.ExportChatTemplate % args, format) filename = os.path.join(path, util.safe_filename(filename)) filename = util.unique_path(filename) return filename main.logstatus("Exporting %s from %s %sto %s.", util.plural("chat", chats), db.filename, "" if len(format) > 4 else "as %s " % format.upper(), format if len(format) > 4 else path) if format.lower().endswith(".xlsx"): filename = make_filename(chats[0]) count = export_chats_xlsx(chats, filename, db, messages, skip, progress) files.append(filename) else: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) export_func = (export_chats_xlsx if format.lower().endswith("xlsx") else export_chat_csv if format.lower().endswith("csv") else export_chat_template) message_count = 0 for chat in chats: if skip and not messages and not chat["message_count"]: main.log("Skipping exporting %s: no messages.", chat["title_long_lc"]) if progress: progress(message_count) continue # continue for chat in chats main.status("Exporting %s.", chat["title_long_lc"]) if progress: progress(message_count) filename = make_filename(chat) msgs = messages or db.get_messages(chat) chatarg = [chat] if "xlsx" == format.lower() else chat export_func(chatarg, filename, db, msgs) message_count += chat["message_count"] files.append(filename) count = len(files) return (files, count)
chat_id = 1 class FromUser: first_name = "" last_name = "" id = 1 from_user = FromUser() text = "" message = Message() def send_message_mock( chat_id, text, parse_mode=None, disable_web_page_preview=None, disable_notification=False, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): print("RETURNED MESSAGE: " + text) = send_message_mock print("The app is started in debug mode.") update = UpdateMock() main.start(, update) update.message.from_user.first_name = "hola" update.message.from_user.last_name = "macchina" update.message.text = "/auto 3" main.macchina(, update) update.message.text = "/postoguest tizio" main.postoguest(, update) main.status(, update)