def deleteHistos(myDir = None, mainPageFile = None):
# myDir is the directory where the histos currently reside

    import sys
    import os
    import shutil
    # check that a directory name was given
    if myDir == None:
        print " ===> please give the Data Set directory name "
    if mainPageFile == None:
        print " ===> please give the file name of the main page "

    # check for existence of the Data Set name
    print " directory to be deleted = ", myDir, " from ", mainPageFile
    for i in range(len(mainPageFile)):
#        print i, len(mainPageFile), mainPageFile[i]
        if mainPageFile[i] == ".":
	    if mainPageFile[i+1:len(mainPageFile)] == "html":
	        mainPageFile = mainPageFile[:i]
    # check that the main page and the directory exist
    if os.path.exists(mainPageFile + ".html"):
        print " ===> file ", mainPageFile, "does not exist, try again"
    if os.path.exists(myDir):
        print " ===> directory ", myDir, "does not exist, try again"

    # delete the directory
    except OSError:
    # remove the info file
    if os.path.exists("info_files/" + myDir):
        os.remove("info_files/" + myDir)
    # update the main html page
    import mainPageUpdate
    mainPageUpdate.mainPageUpdate(myDir, mainPageFile, "-")
文件: createPage.py 项目: ETHZ/ASCore
def createPage(myDir, histoPrefix="", mainPageFile="index"):
    # writes the html text for histos in directory myDir
    # myDir = directory where the histos reside
    # histoPrefix = (optional) prefix for the histo name
    # mainPageFile = file name of the main page (default = physQC)

    # It is assumed that the histos are residing in the directory myDir.
    # Also that the web page will be made of "blocks" of histograms,
    # each block corresponding to a given subject (e.g. kinematics, ID variables, ...)
    # this structure is described in the file "histoDefs.txt"

    # at the end, the main page is updated by linking to this histogram file

    # histogram file extension and definition of histo blocks
    ext = "eps"
    extIcon = "png"
    histoDef = "histoDefs.txt"
    nhPerTr = 3

    import os
    import sys
    import glob
    import datetime
    import checkListAnom
    import mainPageUpdate

    #   write the page title
    if os.path.exists(myDir) == 0:
        print " CreatePage: directory ", myDir, "does not exist"
        fhtml = myDir + "/" + myDir + ".html"
        f = open(fhtml, "w")
    except IOError:
        print "I/O error when opening " + fhtml + " for write,\n    EXITING"
    f.write("<html> \n")
    f.write("<head> \n")
    f.write('<link type="text/css" href="../main.css" REL=stylesheet>')
    f.write("<title> ETHZ checking histograms </title> \n")
    f.write("</head> \n")
    f.write('<body text="#111111" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" ' + 'link="#aa0000" vlink="#aa0000"> \n')

    f.write('<h1> <font color="#aa0000"><font size="+4">' + "ETHZ checking histograms</font></font></h1>\n")

    f.write("  \n")
    f.write("<p> </p> \n")

    # Global navigation
    f.write('<hr noshade="noshade" width="100%">  \n')
    f.write('<DIV class="global_nav"><A HREF="../index.html">PhysQC</A>')
    pageName = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(mainPageFile)[1])[0]  # Extract name of file, without extension
    f.write(' &gt; <A HREF="../' + mainPageFile + '">' + pageName + "</A>")
    f.write(" &gt; " + myDir + "</DIV>")

    # Show the directory name
        '<p><b><font color="#0000aa"><font size="+2"> Data set: '
        + '<font color ="#aa0000">'
        + myDir
        + " </font></font></b> \n"
    f.write("<p> </p> \n")
    f.write('<hr noshade="noshade" width="100%"> \n')
    f.write('<font size="+1"> ')
        '<p><font color="#008000" + \
    (<i>Click on the image to get a magnified view.</i></font></p> \n'
    f.write("<p> </p> \n")
        '<p><font color="#008000" + \
    <i>Histograms are ordered according to increasing tightness of cuts </i></font></p> \n'

    # Local navigation menu
    localMenu = '<div id="menu">'

    #   open the file with definitions of histogram blocks
    fDef = open(histoDef, "r")
    histo = " "
    hname = list(nhPerTr * " ")

    # read the file line by line
    iblock = 0
    for linefull in fDef:
        n = linefull.find("\n")
        if n <= 0:
        line = linefull[:n]
        # break the loop when the end is reached
        if line == "* end":

        # if a new block title is found,
        elif line[0:2] == "* ":
            if histo != " ":
                f.write("    </tr> \n")

                # write the histo names of previous block if some are left over
                if nnames >= 0:
                    f.write('    <tr align="center"> \n')
                    for i in range(nnames + 1):
                        f.write('    <td><B><font color="#00aa00">' + hname[i] + " &uarr;</font></B></td> \n")
                f.write(" <BR> \n")
                f.write("    </tbody> \n")
                f.write("</table> \n")

            # write the block title as a new header
            title = line[2:]
            iblock = iblock + 1
            f.write("  \n")
            f.write("<p> </p> \n")
            f.write('<hr noshade="noshade" width="100%">' + "\n")
            f.write('<a name="block' + str(iblock) + '"></a>')  # Local navigation
            f.write('<p><b><font color="#0000aa"><font size="+2">')
            f.write(title + "</font></font></b></p>" + "\n")
            f.write(" <p>  </p> \n")
            f.write('<table border="3" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="10">' + "\n")
            f.write("    <tbody> \n")
            icount = 0
            nnames = -1
            # Add to local navigation menu
            localMenu += '<a href="#block' + str(iblock) + '">' + title + "</a><br><br>" + "\n"

        # else if a new subdirectory is found,
        elif line[0:2] == "**":
            subdir = "/" + line.lstrip("* ")
            print subdir
            if os.path.exists(myDir) == 0:
                print " wrong subdirectory", subdir, "in histoDefs"

        # if a new histogram name is found,
            icount = icount + 1
            # allow only a limited number of histos on the same table row
            if icount % nhPerTr == 1:
                if icount > 1:
                    f.write("    </tr> \n")

                    # write the histo names of previous row
                    f.write('    <tr align="center"> \n')
                    for i in range(nnames + 1):
                        f.write('    <td><B><font color="#00aa00">' + hname[i] + " &uarr;</font></B></td> \n")
                    f.write("    </tr> \n")
                    nnames = -1
                f.write('    <tr align="center"> \n')

            # Form file name and absolute path of plots
            icon = histoPrefix + line + "." + extIcon
            histo = histoPrefix + line + "." + ext
            fIcon = myDir + subdir + "/" + icon
            fHisto = myDir + subdir + "/" + histo

            # check that the histos exist in the subdirectory
            hasIcon = os.path.isfile(fIcon)
            hasHisto = os.path.isfile(fHisto)
            # put the histo and its small icon in the table
            relsubdir = subdir.lstrip("/")
            f.write("    <td>")
            if hasHisto:
                f.write('<a href="' + relsubdir + "/" + histo + '" size="2">')
                print "WARNING:", fHisto, "not found"
            if hasIcon:
                f.write('<img src= "' + relsubdir + "/" + icon + '" height="300" width="280" align="left" >')
                print "WARNING:", fIcon, "not found"
                f.write('<font color="#aa0000">' + histo + "</font>")
            if hasHisto:
            f.write("</td>" + "\n")

            nnames = nnames + 1
            hname[nnames] = line
    #            print icount, nnames, hname[nnames], ffound

    f.write("    </tr> \n")

    # when the table is completed, write the histo names of the last row
    f.write('    <tr align="center"> \n')
    for i in range(nnames + 1):
        f.write('    <td><B><font color="#00aa00">' + hname[i] + "</font></B></td> \n")
    f.write("    </tr> \n")

    f.write("  \n")
    f.write("    </tbody> \n")
    f.write("</table> \n")

    localMenu += "</div>"

    f.write("  \n")

    f.write('<hr noshade="noshade" width="100%"></center>')
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    dat = now.strftime("%d %b %Y")
    tim = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    f.write('<font color="#AA0000">')
    f.write("<center> Last update: " + dat + ",   " + tim + "</center>")
    f.write("<center> ETHZ SUSY Group </center>")
    f.write("</body> \n")
    f.write("</html> \n")

    #   create the page with anomalies

    #   update the main page with this new run histo page
    mainPageUpdate.mainPageUpdate(myDir, mainPageFile, "+")