def cupid_kiss(user_id,victim_id,voluntarily = True):
    """This function makes the cupid fall in love with a partner.
    The function assumes the player is a cupid and has the correct role, so make sure to have filtered this out already.
    The function returns a Mailbox.

    user_id -> the cupid who casts the spell
    victim_id -> the player who's falling in love with the cupid"""

    uses = int(db_get(user_id,'uses'))
    if uses < 1:
        return Mailbox().respond("I am sorry! You currently cannot choose someone to fall in love with!",True)

    user_channel = int(db_get(user_id,'channel'))

    victim_role = db_get(victim_id,'role')
    victim_frozen = int(db_get(victim_id,'frozen'))
    victim_abducted = int(db_get(victim_id,'abducted'))
    victim_undead = int(db_get(victim_id,'undead'))

    # If involuntary, make the cupid choose again.
    if voluntarily == False and (victim_id == user_id or victim_abducted == 1 or victim_frozen == 1):
        return False 

    if victim_id == user_id:
        return Mailbox().respond("So you wanna fall in love with yourself, huh? Too bad, your partner really has to be someone ELSE.")
    if victim_abducted == 1:
        return Mailbox().msg("You wanted to throw an arrow at your target... but you cannot find them! It's almost as if they had disappeared from this town!",user_channel,True)
    if victim_frozen == 1:
        return Mailbox().msg("Your love arrows just do not seem to be able to reach your chosen lover! They are frozen! Please try someone else.",user_channel,True)

    db_set(user_id,'uses',uses - 1)

    answer = Mailbox().edit_cc(user_channel,victim_id,1).msg("Welcome, <@{}>!".format(victim_id),user_channel)
    answer.log("The **Cupid** <@{}> has chosen to fall in love with <@{}>.".format(user_id,victim_id))
    answer.dm("Hello there, <@{}>! The **Cupid** <@{}> has chosen to fall in love with you!\n".format(victim_id,user_id),victim_id)
    answer.dm_add("For the rest of the game, you two will remain partners. Be open and honest, as you cannot win if the other dies!\n")
    answer.dm_add("Good luck!")

    if victim_undead == 1:
        answer.msg_add("<@{}>, while pretending to be a **{}**, is secretly an **Undead**!".format(victim_id,victim_role))
        answer.msg_add("<@{}>, the town's favourite **{}**, has decided to trust <@{}>.".format(victim_id,victim_role,user_id))

    return answer.msg_add("\nTogether, they will survive this town!")
def start_game():
    """This function is triggered at the start of the game. If successful, the function returns a Mailbox.
    If unsuccessful, the function still returns a Mailbox, but will also confirm the error in the console."""

    # Make sure there isn't already a game going on!
    if dy.get_stage() != "NA":
        print("ERROR: According to " + dy.dynamic_config +
              ", there's already a game going on!")
        return Mailbox().respond(
            "I'm sorry! A game cannot be started while there's another one going on already!"

    # Choose the roles out of the given role-pool
    role_pool = []
    for choice in view_roles():
        for i in range(choice.amount):

    if len(db.player_list()) > len(role_pool):
            "The game cannot be started while there are less roles available than that there are participants signed up."
        return Mailbox().respond("Not enough roles to distribute available!",

    # If there are enough roles available, make a selection, evaluate the selection, and, if accepted, distribute the roles.
    if not pos.valid_distribution(role_pool, True):
        return Mailbox().respond(
            "I am sorry, but I cannot use an invalid distribution to start the game!",

    answer = Mailbox(True)

    attempts = 0
    while attempts < 1000:
        attempts += 1
        chosen_roles = random.sample(role_pool, len(db.player_list()))

        if pos.valid_distribution(chosen_roles, True) == True:

            answer.create_cc("Graveyard", 0, [], [], True)
            answer.create_cc("Market", 0, [], [], True)
            answer.create_cc("Reporter", 0, [], [], True)

            # Assign the roles to all users.
            user_list = db.player_list()

            for i in range(len(user_list)):
                user_id = user_list[i]
                user_role = chosen_roles[i]

                db_set(user_id, 'role', user_role)
                db_set(user_id, 'fakerole', user_role)
                db_set(user_id, 'channel', config.game_log)

                    "{} - <@{}> has received the role of the `{}`!".format(
                        db_get(user_id, 'emoji'), user_id, user_role))
                    "This message is giving you your role for season `{}` of the *Werewolves* game.\n\n"
                    .format(config.season), user_id)
                answer.dm_add('Your role is `{}`.\n\n'.format(user_role))
                    "**You are not allowed to share a screenshot of this message!** "
                    "You can claim whatever you want about your role, but you may under **NO** "
                    "circumstances show this message in any way to any other participants.\n"
                    "We hope you are happy with the role you gained, and we hope you'll enjoy the game as much as we do.\n\n"
                answer.dm_add("Good luck... 🌕")

                if user_role in pos.personal_secrets:
                    answer.create_sc(user_id, user_role)
                if user_role in pos.shared_secrets:
                    answer.add_to_sc(user_id, user_role)

                if user_role == "Cult Member":
                    answer.add_to_sc(user_id, "Cult Leader")
                if user_role in pos.wolf_pack:
                    answer.add_to_sc(user_id, "Werewolf")
                if user_role == "Bloody Butcher":
                    answer.add_to_sc(user_id, "Butcher")
                if user_role == "Devil":
                    answer.add_to_sc(user_id, "Demon")
                if user_role == "Vampire":
                    answer.add_to_sc(user_id, "Undead")
                if user_role == "Witch":
                    db_set(user_id, 'uses', 3)

                'The current distribution is {}'.format(chosen_roles))  # TODO
                'I know, I know. That looks ugly as hell. We\'re trying to make it look good!'

            if "Flute Player" in chosen_roles:
                answer.create_cc("Flute_Victims", 0, [], [], True)

            # If the four horsemen are part of the game, assign numbers to all players.
            if "Horseman" in chosen_roles:
                nothorse_table = [
                    user_id for user_id in db.player_list()
                    if db_get(user_id, 'role') != 'Horseman'
                horse_table = [
                    user_id for user_id in db.player_list()
                    if db_get(user_id, 'role') == 'Horseman'


                for i in range(4):
                    db_set(horse_table[i], 'horseman', i + 1)

                for i in range(16):
                    db_set(nothorse_table[i], 'horseman', (i % 4) + 1)

            # Reset the day timer

            return answer.respond(
                "Very well! The game will start tomorrow morning.")

    answer.respond("Timeout reached! Your distribution is too crazy!", True)
    return answer
def process(message, isGameMaster=False, isAdmin=False, isPeasant=False):
    user_id = message.author.id
    message_channel = message.channel.id

    help_msg = "**List of commands:**\n"

    args = message.content.split(' ')

    # =============================================================
    #                         BOT COMMANDS
    # =============================================================
    if isPeasant == True:

    # =============================================================
    #                         ADMINISTRATOR
    # =============================================================
    if isAdmin == True:
        help_msg += "\n __Admin commands:__\n"

    elif is_command(message, ['delete_category','start']):
        return [Mailbox().respond(PERMISSION_MSG.format("Administrator"), True)]

    # =============================================================
    #                         GAME MASTERS
    # =============================================================
    if isGameMaster == True:
        help_msg += "\n__Game Master commands:__\n"

        if is_command(message, ['userinv','userinventory']):
            target = check.users(message)
            if not target:
                return [Mailbox().respond("**INVALID SYNTAX:**\nNo target provided!",True)]

            answer = Mailbox().spam("**__<@{}>'S BALANCE__**".format(target[0]))

            for item in items.jget("items"):
                if has_item(target[0],item["code"]):
                    answer.spam_add('\n{}x - **'.format(has_item(target[0],item["code"],False)) + item["name"] + '**')
            return [answer]
        if is_command(message, ['userinv','userinventory'], True):
            return todo()
        help_msg += "`" + prefix + "userinv` - View a user's inventory.\n"

    elif is_command(message, []):
        return [Mailbox().respond(PERMISSION_MSG.format("Game Master"), True)]

    # =============================================================
    #                         PARTICIPANTS
    # =============================================================

    if isParticipant(user_id):
        help_msg += "\n__Participant commands:__\n"

        user_undead = int(db_get(user_id,'undead'))

    elif is_command(message, []):
        return [Mailbox().respond(PERMISSION_MSG.format("Participant"), True)]

    # =============================================================
    #                         EVERYONE
    # =============================================================

    help_msg += '\n\n'

    if is_command(message, ['buy']):
        number = check.numbers(message)
        if not number:
            return [Mailbox().dm("No amount provided! Please provide me with a number!",True)]
        answer = [Mailbox().dm(shop.buy(user_id,number[0],message.author.name),user_id)]
    if is_command(message, ['buy'], True):
        msg = "**Usage:** Buy an item from the shop.\n\n`" + prefix + "buy <n>`\n\n"
        msg += "**Example:** `" + prefix + "buy 1`"
        return [Mailbox().respond(msg,True)]
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "buy` - Buy item from the shop.\n"

    if is_command(message, ['inv','inventory','bal','balance']):
        answer = Mailbox().dm("**__YOUR CURRENT BALANCE__**",user_id)
        for item in items.jget("items"):
            if has_item(user_id,item["code"]):
                answer.dm_add('\n{}x - **'.format(has_item(user_id,item["code"],False)) + item["name"] + '**')
        return [answer]
    if is_command(message, ['inv','inventory','bal','balance'], True):
        return todo()
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "inventory` - View your inventory.\n"

    if is_command(message, ['sell']):
        number = check.numbers(message)
        if not number:
            return [Mailbox().dm("No amount provided! Please provide me with a number!",True)]
        answer = [Mailbox().dm(shop.sell(user_id,number[0],message.author.name),user_id)]
    if is_command(message, ['sell'], True):
        msg = "**Usage:** Sell an item from the shop.\n\n`" + prefix + "sell <n>`\n\n"
        msg += "**Example:** `" + prefix + "sell 1`"
        return [Mailbox().respond(msg,True)]
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "sell` - Buy item from the shop.\n"

    if is_command(message, ['shop']):
        answer = Mailbox()

        for msg in shop.get_market_message():
        return answer
    if is_command(message, ['shop']):
        msg = "**Usage:** View the Devil Bot's shop.\n\n`" + prefix + "shop`"
        return [Mailbox().respond(msg,True)]
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "shop` - View the Devil's shop."

    help_msg += "\n\n__Item specific commands:__"

    if is_command(message, ['attack', 'dagger', 'kill']):
        pass # TODO

    if is_command(message,['disguise','dis']):
        return [use_item(103,message)]
    if is_command(message,['disguise','dis'],True):
        msg = "**Usage:** Disguise a participant.\n\n`" + prefix + "disguise @Randium#6521 Innocent`\n\n"
        msg += "This command can only be used by participants. You can disguise yourself."
        return [Mailbox().respond(msg,True)]
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "disguise` - Disguise a participant.\n"

    if is_command(message,['hide']):
        return [use_item(100,message)]
    if is_command(message,['disguise','dis'],True):
        msg = "**Usage:** Disguise a participant.\n\n`" + prefix + "disguise @Randium#6521 Innocent`\n\n"
        msg += "This command can only be used by participants. You can disguise yourself."
        return [Mailbox().respond(msg,True)]
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "hide` - Become invisible for the night.\n"

    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    #                          HELP
    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    help_msg += "\n\n*If you have any more questions, feel free to ask any of the Game Masters!*"

    if is_command(message,['help']) and is_command(message,['help'],True) == False:
        return [Mailbox().respond(help_msg,True)]
    if is_command(message,['help'],True):
        answer = Mailbox().respond("Hey there! `" + prefix + "help` will give you a list of commands that you can use.")
        answer.respond_add("\nIf you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the Game Masters!")
        return [answer]

    if message.content.startswith(prefix):
        return [Mailbox().respond("Sorry bud, couldn't find what you were looking for.", True)]

    return []
def process(message, isGameMaster=False, isAdmin=False, isPeasant=False):
    user_id = message.author.id
    message_channel = message.channel.id

    help_msg = "**List of commands:**\n"

    args = message.content.split(' ')

    # =============================================================
    #                         BOT COMMANDS
    # =============================================================
    if isPeasant == True:

    # =============================================================
    #                         ADMINISTRATOR
    # =============================================================
    if isAdmin == True:
        help_msg += "\n __Admin commands:__\n"

    elif is_command(message, ['delete_category', 'start']):
        return [
            Mailbox().respond(PERMISSION_MSG.format("Administrator"), True)

    # =============================================================
    #                         GAME MASTERS
    # =============================================================
    if isGameMaster == True:
        help_msg += "\n__Game Master commands:__\n"

    elif is_command(message, []):
        return [Mailbox().respond(PERMISSION_MSG.format("Game Master"), True)]

    # =============================================================
    #                         PARTICIPANTS
    # =============================================================

    if isParticipant(user_id):
        help_msg += "\n__Participant commands:__\n"

        user_undead = int(db_get(user_id, 'undead'))

    elif is_command(message, []):
        return [Mailbox().respond(PERMISSION_MSG.format("Participant"), True)]

    # =============================================================
    #                         EVERYONE
    # =============================================================

    help_msg += '\n\n'

    if is_command(message, ['inv', 'inventory', 'bal', 'balance']):
        answer = Mailbox().dm("**__YOUR CURRENT BALANCE__**", user_id)
        for item in items.jget("items"):
            if has_item(user_id, item["code"]):
                answer.dm_add('\n' + item["name"] + ' - *(' +
                              has_item(user_id, item["code"], False) + ')*')
        return [answer]
    if is_command(message, ['inv', 'inventory', 'bal', 'balance'], True):
        return todo()
    help_msg += "`" + prefix + "inventory` - View your inventory.\n"

    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    #                          HELP
    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    help_msg += "\n\n*If you have any more questions, feel free to ask any of the Game Masters!*"
    if is_command(message, ['help']) and is_command(message, ['help'],
                                                    True) == False:
        return [Mailbox().respond(help_msg, True)]
    if is_command(message, ['help'], True):
        answer = Mailbox().respond(
            "Hey there! `" + prefix +
            "help` will give you a list of commands that you can use.")
            "\nIf you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the Game Masters!"
        return [answer]

    if message.content.startswith(prefix):
        return [
                "Sorry bud, couldn't find what you were looking for.", True)

    return []