def run(self, exposure, background):"Adding fake galaxies at real positions") PARENT = lsst.afw.image.PARENT psf = exposure.getPsf() md = exposure.getMetadata() calib = exposure.getCalib() expBBox = exposure.getBBox(PARENT) wcs = exposure.getWcs() skyToPixelMatrix = (wcs.getLinearTransform().invert().getMatrix() / 3600.0) """Deal with the skipped ones.""" skipLog = 'runAddFake.skipped' if not os.path.isfile(skipLog): os.system('touch ' + skipLog) if self.config.galType is 'cosmos': import galsim exLevel = self.config.exclusionLevel cosmosCat = galsim.COSMOSCatalog(exclusion_level=exLevel) else: cosmosCat = None for igal, gal in enumerate(self.galData): try: galident = gal["ID"] except KeyError: galident = igal + 1 try: flux = calib.getFlux(float(gal['mag'])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No mag column in %s" % self.config.galList) try: coordAdd = lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(gal['RA'], gal['DEC']) galCoord = lsst.afw.coord.Coord(coordAdd) except KeyError: raise("No RA/DEC column in %s table" % self.config.galList) galXY = wcs.skyToPixel(galCoord) bboxI = exposure.getBBox(PARENT) bboxI.grow(self.config.maxMargin) if not bboxI.contains(lsst.afw.geom.Point2I(galXY)): # Will just skip this object continue # Check the magnitude if gal['mag'] <= 0:"Mag <= 0: Skipping %d" % galident)" mag: %7.3d" % gal['mag']) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , negMag\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue # This is extrapolating for the PSF, probably not a good idea # Return an Image of the PSF, in a form suitable for convolution. # The returned image is normalized to sum to unity. psfImage = psf.computeKernelImage(galXY) try: addShear = self.config.addShear prec = self.config.sersic_prec galType = self.config.galType if self.config.galType is not 'cosmos': galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), galType=galType, cosmosCat=None, calib=None, addShear=addShear, transform=skyToPixelMatrix) else: galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), cosmosCat=cosmosCat, calib=calib, galType=galType, addShear=addShear, sersic_prec=prec, transform=skyToPixelMatrix) except IndexError as ierr:"GalSim Index Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimI\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except KeyError as kerr:"GalSim Key Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimK\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except ValueError as verr:"GalSim Value Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimV\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except RuntimeError as rerr:"GalSim Runtime Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimR\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except Exception as uerr:"Unexpected Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , Unexpected\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue galImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galArray.astype(np.float32)) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) galX0 = (galXY.getX() - galBBox.getWidth()/2.0 + 0.5) galY0 = (galXY.getY() - galBBox.getHeight()/2.0 + 0.5) galImage = lsst.afw.math.offsetImage(galImage, galX0, galY0, 'lanczos3') galBBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) # Check that we're within the larger exposure, otherwise crop parentBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) if expBBox.contains(parentBox) is False: newBBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) newBBox.clip(expBBox) if newBBox.getArea() <= 0:"BBoxEdge Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , bboxEdge\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue"Cropping FAKE%d from %s to %s" % (galident, str(galBBox), str(newBBox))) galImage = galImage.Factory(galImage, newBBox, PARENT) galBBox = newBBox # Add Noise: Optional? galMaskedImage = fsl.addNoise(galImage, exposure.getDetector(), rand_gen=self.npRand) # Put information of the added fake galaxies into the header md.set("FAKE%s" % str(galident), "%.3f, %.3f" % (galXY.getX(), galXY.getY()))"Adding fake %s at: %.1f,%.1f" % (str(galident), galXY.getX(), galXY.getY())) galMaskedImage.getMask().set(self.bitmask) try: galMaskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('FAKE', True) except Exception: pass try: galMaskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('CROSSTALK', True) except Exception: pass try: galMaskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('UNMASKEDNAN', True) except Exception: pass maskedImage = exposure.getMaskedImage() try: maskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('CROSSTALK', True) except Exception: pass try: maskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('UNMASKEDNAN', True) except Exception: pass try: maskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('FAKE', True) except Exception: pass BBox = galMaskedImage.getBBox(PARENT) subMaskedImage = maskedImage.Factory(exposure.getMaskedImage(), BBox, PARENT) subMaskedImage += galMaskedImage """
def run(self, exposure, background):"Adding fake random galaxies") psf = exposure.getPsf() psfBBox = psf.computeImage().getBBox() minMargin = max(psfBBox.getWidth(), psfBBox.getHeight()) / 2 + 1 md = exposure.getMetadata() expBBox = exposure.getBBox() scalingMatrix = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]) / exposure.getWcs().pixelScale().asArcseconds() if self.config.nGal == 0: doGal = enumerate(self.galData) else: inds = self.npRand.choice(range(len(self.galData)), size=self.config.nGal, replace=False) doGal = zip(inds, self.galData[inds]) for igal, gal in doGal: try: galident = gal["ID"] except KeyError: galident = igal + 1 try: flux = exposure.getCalib().getFlux(float(gal["mag"])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No mag column in %s table" % self.config.galList) # don't put the galaxy within one PSF box of the edge # or within the given pixel margin if self.config.margin is not None: margin = self.config.margin else: margin = minMargin bboxI = exposure.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) bboxI.grow(-margin) bboxD = lsst.afw.geom.BoxD(bboxI) x = self.rng.flat(bboxD.getMinX(), bboxD.getMaxX()) y = self.rng.flat(bboxD.getMinY(), bboxD.getMaxY()) # TODO: check for overlaps here and regenerate x,y if necessary psfImage = psf.computeKernelImage(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(x, y)) galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), self.config.galType, transform=scalingMatrix) galImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galArray.astype(np.float32)) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galImage = lsst.afw.math.offsetImage( galImage, x - galBBox.getWidth() / 2.0 + 0.5, y - galBBox.getHeight() / 2.0 + 0.5, "lanczos3" ) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) # check that we're within the larger exposure, otherwise crop if expBBox.contains(galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT)) is False: newBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) newBBox.clip(expBBox)"Cropping FAKE%d from %s to %s" % (galident, str(galBBox), str(newBBox))) galImage = galImage.Factory(galImage, newBBox, lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galBBox = newBBox galMaskedImage = fsl.addNoise(galImage, exposure.getDetector(), rand_gen=self.npRand) mask = galMaskedImage.getMask() mask.set(self.bitmask) md.set("FAKE%d" % gal["ID"], "%.3f, %.3f" % (x, y))"Adding fake at: %.1f,%.1f" % (x, y)) # TODO: set the mask galMaskedImage.getMask().set(self.bitmask) subMaskedImage = exposure.getMaskedImage().Factory( exposure.getMaskedImage(), galMaskedImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT), lsst.afw.image.PARENT ) subMaskedImage += galMaskedImage
def run(self, exposure, background):"Adding fake galaxies at real positions") psf = exposure.getPsf() md = exposure.getMetadata() expBBox = exposure.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) wcs = exposure.getWcs() skyToPixelMatrix = wcs.getLinearTransform().invert().getMatrix() / 3600.0 """ Deal with the skipped ones """ skipLog = 'runAddFake.skipped' if not os.path.isfile(skipLog): dum = os.system('touch ' + skipLog) measCat = self.makeCatalog() for igal, gal in enumerate(self.galData): try: galident = gal["ID"] except KeyError: galident = igal + 1 try: flux = exposure.getCalib().getFlux(float(gal['mag'])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No mag column in %s table"%self.config.galList) try: galCoord = lsst.afw.coord.Coord(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(gal['RA'], gal['DEC'])) except KeyError: raise("No RA/DEC column in %s table"%self.config.galList) galXY = wcs.skyToPixel(galCoord) bboxI = exposure.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) bboxI.grow(self.config.maxMargin) if not bboxI.contains(lsst.afw.geom.Point2I(galXY)):"Not Useful: Skipping fake %d" % galident) continue #this is extrapolating for the PSF, probably not a good idea psfImage = psf.computeKernelImage(galXY) try: galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), self.config.galType, transform = skyToPixelMatrix, addShear=self.config.addShear) except KeyError as kerr:"GalSim Key Error: Skipping fake %d"%galident)" Mag, nSer, Reff, b/a: %5.2f, %5.2f, %6.2f, %4.1f"%( gal['mag'], gal['sersic_n'], gal['reff'], gal['b_a'])) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimK\n"%galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except ValueError as verr:"GalSim Value Error: Skipping fake %d"%galident)" Mag, nSer, Reff, b/a: %5.2f, %5.2f, %6.2f, %4.1f"%( gal['mag'], gal['sersic_n'], gal['reff'], gal['b_a'])) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimV\n"%galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except RuntimeError as rerr:"GalSim Runtime Error: Skipping fake %d"%galident)" Mag, nSer, Reff, b/a: %5.2f, %5.2f, %6.2f, %4.1f"%( gal['mag'], gal['sersic_n'], gal['reff'], gal['b_a'])) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimR\n"%galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue galImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galArray.astype(np.float32)) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galImage = lsst.afw.math.offsetImage(galImage, galXY.getX() - galBBox.getWidth()/2.0 + 0.5, galXY.getY() - galBBox.getHeight()/2.0 + 0.5, 'lanczos3') galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) #check that we're within the larger exposure, otherwise crop if expBBox.contains(galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT)) is False: newBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) newBBox.clip(expBBox) if newBBox.getArea() <= 0:"BBoxEdge Error: Skipping fake %d"%galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , bboxEdge\n"%galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue"Cropping FAKE%d from %s to %s"%(galident, str(galBBox), str(newBBox))) galImage = galImage.Factory(galImage, newBBox, lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galBBox = newBBox self.measureFake(exposure, galImage, galXY, measCat) galMaskedImage = fsl.addNoise(galImage, exposure.getDetector(), rand_gen=self.npRand) # Put information of the added fake galaxies into the header md.set("FAKE%s" % str(galident), "%.3f, %.3f" % (galXY.getX(), galXY.getY()))"Adding fake %s at: %.1f,%.1f"% (str(galident), galXY.getX(), galXY.getY())) galMaskedImage.getMask().set(self.bitmask) subMaskedImage = exposure.getMaskedImage().Factory(exposure.getMaskedImage(), galMaskedImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT), lsst.afw.image.PARENT) subMaskedImage += galMaskedImage self.measureParents(exposure, measCat) return measCat
def run(self, exposure, sources, background):"Adding fake random galaxies") psf = exposure.getPsf() psfBBox = psf.computeImage().getBBox() minMargin = max(psfBBox.getWidth(), psfBBox.getHeight())/2 + 1 md = exposure.getMetadata() expBBox = exposure.getBBox() for igal, gal in enumerate(self.galData): try: galident = gal["ID"] except KeyError: galident = igal + 1 try: flux = exposure.getCalib().getFlux(float(gal['mag'])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No mag column in %s table"%self.config.galList) #don't put the galaxy within one PSF box of the edge #or within the given pixel margin if self.config.margin is not None: margin = self.config.margin else: margin = minMargin bboxI = (exposure.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT)) bboxI.grow(-margin) bboxD = lsst.afw.geom.BoxD(bboxI) x = self.rng.flat(bboxD.getMinX(), bboxD.getMaxX()) y = self.rng.flat(bboxD.getMinY(), bboxD.getMaxY()) #TODO: check for overlaps here and regenerate x,y if necessary psfImage = psf.computeKernelImage(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(x, y)) galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), self.config.galType ) galImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galArray.astype(np.float32)) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galImage = lsst.afw.math.offsetImage(galImage, x - galBBox.getWidth()/2.0 + 0.5, y - galBBox.getHeight()/2.0 + 0.5, 'lanczos3') galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) #check that we're within the larger exposure, otherwise crop if expBBox.contains(galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT)) is False: newBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) newBBox.clip(expBBox)"Cropping FAKE%d from %s to %s"%(galident, str(galBBox), str(newBBox))) galImage = galImage.Factory(galImage, newBBox, lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galBBox = newBBox detector = exposure.getDetector() ccd = lsst.afw.cameraGeom.cast_Ccd(detector) amp = ccd.findAmp(lsst.afw.geom.Point2I(int(x), int(y))) gain = amp.getElectronicParams().getGain() #TODO: this is gaussian noise right now, probably good enough varImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galImage, True) varImage /= gain noiseArray = self.npRand.normal(loc=0.0, scale=np.sqrt(np.abs(varImage.getArray())), size=(galBBox.getHeight(), galBBox.getWidth())) noiseImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(noiseArray.astype(np.float32)) galImage += noiseImage md.set("FAKE%d" % gal['ID'], "%.3f, %.3f" % (x, y))"Adding fake at: %.1f,%.1f"% (x, y)) galMaskedImage = lsst.afw.image.MaskedImageF(galImage, None, varImage) #TODO: set the mask galMaskedImage.getMask().set(self.bitmask) subMaskedImage = exposure.getMaskedImage().Factory(exposure.getMaskedImage(), galMaskedImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT), lsst.afw.image.PARENT) subMaskedImage += galMaskedImage
def run(self, exposure, background):"Adding fake galaxies at real positions") PARENT = lsst.afw.image.PARENT psf = exposure.getPsf() md = exposure.getMetadata() calib = exposure.getCalib() expBBox = exposure.getBBox(PARENT) wcs = exposure.getWcs() skyToPixelMatrix = (wcs.getLinearTransform().invert().getMatrix() / 3600.0) """Deal with the skipped ones.""" skipLog = 'runAddFake.skipped' if not os.path.isfile(skipLog): os.system('touch ' + skipLog) if self.config.galType is 'cosmos': import galsim exLevel = self.config.exclusionLevel cosmosCat = galsim.COSMOSCatalog(exclusion_level=exLevel) else: cosmosCat = None for igal, gal in enumerate(self.galData): try: galident = gal["ID"] except KeyError: galident = igal + 1 try: flux = calib.getFlux(float(gal['mag'])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No mag column in %s" % self.config.galList) try: coordAdd = lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(gal['RA'], gal['DEC']) galCoord = lsst.afw.coord.Coord(coordAdd) except KeyError: raise("No RA/DEC column in %s table" % self.config.galList) galXY = wcs.skyToPixel(galCoord) bboxI = exposure.getBBox(PARENT) bboxI.grow(self.config.maxMargin) if not bboxI.contains(lsst.afw.geom.Point2I(galXY)): # Will just skip this object continue # Check the magnitude if gal['mag'] <= 0:"Mag <= 0: Skipping %d" % galident)" mag: %7.3d" % gal['mag']) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , negMag\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue # This is extrapolating for the PSF, probably not a good idea # Return an Image of the PSF, in a form suitable for convolution. # The returned image is normalized to sum to unity. psfImage = psf.computeKernelImage(galXY) try: addShear = self.config.addShear prec = self.config.sersic_prec galType = self.config.galType if self.config.galType is not 'cosmos': galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), galType=galType, cosmosCat=None, calib=None, addShear=addShear, transform=skyToPixelMatrix) else: galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy(flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), cosmosCat=cosmosCat, calib=calib, galType=galType, addShear=addShear, sersic_prec=prec, transform=skyToPixelMatrix) except IndexError as ierr:"GalSim Index Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimI\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except KeyError as kerr:"GalSim Key Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimK\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except ValueError as verr:"GalSim Value Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimV\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except RuntimeError as rerr:"GalSim Runtime Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , galsimR\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue except Exception as uerr:"Unexpected Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , Unexpected\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue galImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galArray.astype(np.float32)) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) galX0 = (galXY.getX() - galBBox.getWidth()/2.0 + 0.5) galY0 = (galXY.getY() - galBBox.getHeight()/2.0 + 0.5) galImage = lsst.afw.math.offsetImage(galImage, galX0, galY0, 'lanczos3') galBBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) # Check that we're within the larger exposure, otherwise crop parentBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) if expBBox.contains(parentBox) is False: newBBox = galImage.getBBox(PARENT) newBBox.clip(expBBox) if newBBox.getArea() <= 0:"BBoxEdge Error: Skipping %d" % galident) with open(skipLog, "a") as slog: try: fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_EX) slog.write("%8d , bboxEdge\n" % galident) fcntl.flock(slog, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError: continue continue"Cropping FAKE%d from %s to %s" % (galident, str(galBBox), str(newBBox))) galImage = galImage.Factory(galImage, newBBox, PARENT) galBBox = newBBox # Add Noise: Optional? galMaskedImage = fsl.addNoise(galImage, exposure.getDetector(), rand_gen=self.npRand) # Put information of the added fake galaxies into the header md.set("FAKE%s" % str(galident), "%.3f, %.3f" % (galXY.getX(), galXY.getY()))"Adding fake %s at: %.1f,%.1f" % (str(galident), galXY.getX(), galXY.getY())) # Set bit mask galMaskedImage.getMask().set(self.bitmask) maskedImage = exposure.getMaskedImage() try: maskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('CROSSTALK', True) except Exception: pass try: maskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('UNMASKEDNAN', True) except Exception: pass try: maskedImage.getMask().removeAndClearMaskPlane('FAKE', True) except Exception: pass BBox = galMaskedImage.getBBox(PARENT) subMaskedImage = maskedImage.Factory(exposure.getMaskedImage(), BBox, PARENT) subMaskedImage += galMaskedImage
def run(self, exposure, background):"Adding fake random galaxies") psf = exposure.getPsf() psfBBox = psf.computeImage().getBBox() minMargin = max(psfBBox.getWidth(), psfBBox.getHeight())/2 + 1 md = exposure.getMetadata() expBBox = exposure.getBBox() scalingMatrix = np.array([[0.0,1.0],[1.0,0.0]]) / exposure.getWcs().pixelScale().asArcseconds() if self.config.nGal==0: doGal = enumerate(self.galData) else: inds = self.npRand.choice(range(len(self.galData)), size=self.config.nGal, replace=False) doGal = zip(inds, self.galData[inds]) for igal, gal in doGal: try: galident = gal["ID"] except KeyError: galident = igal + 1 try: flux = exposure.getCalib().getFlux(float(gal['mag'])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No mag column in %s table"%self.config.galList) #don't put the galaxy within one PSF box of the edge #or within the given pixel margin if self.config.margin is not None: margin = self.config.margin else: margin = minMargin bboxI = (exposure.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT)) bboxI.grow(-margin) bboxD = lsst.afw.geom.BoxD(bboxI) x = self.rng.flat(bboxD.getMinX(), bboxD.getMaxX()) y = self.rng.flat(bboxD.getMinY(), bboxD.getMaxY()) #TODO: check for overlaps here and regenerate x,y if necessary psfImage = psf.computeKernelImage(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(x, y)) galArray = makeFake.makeGalaxy( flux, gal, psfImage.getArray(), self.config.galType, transform = scalingMatrix) galImage = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(galArray.astype(np.float32)) galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galImage = lsst.afw.math.offsetImage(galImage, x - galBBox.getWidth()/2.0 + 0.5, y - galBBox.getHeight()/2.0 + 0.5, 'lanczos3') galBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) #check that we're within the larger exposure, otherwise crop if expBBox.contains(galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT)) is False: newBBox = galImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT) newBBox.clip(expBBox)"Cropping FAKE%d from %s to %s"%(galident, str(galBBox), str(newBBox))) galImage = galImage.Factory(galImage, newBBox, lsst.afw.image.PARENT) galBBox = newBBox galMaskedImage = fsl.addNoise(galImage, exposure.getDetector(), rand_gen=self.npRand) mask = galMaskedImage.getMask() mask.set(self.bitmask) md.set("FAKE%d" % gal['ID'], "%.3f, %.3f" % (x, y))"Adding fake at: %.1f,%.1f"% (x, y)) #TODO: set the mask galMaskedImage.getMask().set(self.bitmask) subMaskedImage = exposure.getMaskedImage().Factory(exposure.getMaskedImage(), galMaskedImage.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT), lsst.afw.image.PARENT) subMaskedImage += galMaskedImage