def getScalesWithCut(dir, fileNames, cut='OSTight', massWindow=True, type='DY'): yieldsHist = {} xs = {} scales = {} iFiles = [] iTrees = [] for cat in fileNames.keys(): iFiles.append(r.TFile("%s/%s" % (dir, fileNames[cat]))) iTrees.append(iFiles[len(iFiles) - 1].Get('eventTree')) yieldsHist[cat] = r.TH1F(cat, "", 6, 4, 10) nEntries = iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].GetEntries() iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].GetEntry(0) xs[cat] = iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].xs for i in range(nEntries): iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].GetEntry(i) signSelection, isoSelection, bTagSelection = makeWholeTools2.findCategory( tree=iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1], iso=1.0, option='iso', isData=False, relaxedRegionOption=makeWholeSample_cfg.Relax, isEmbed=False, usePassJetTrigger=makeWholeSample_cfg.usePassJetTrigger, nBtag='') if signSelection == None or isoSelection == None: continue if iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].HLT_Any == 0: continue if type == 'DY' and iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].ZTT == 0: continue if type == 'ZLL' and iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].ZLL == 0: continue if massWindow and not makeWholeTools2.passCut( iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1], 'iso'): continue if cut != signSelection + isoSelection: continue yieldsHist[cat].Fill( iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].LHEProduct, iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].xs / (iTrees[len(iTrees) - 1].initEvents + 0.0)) for i in range(2, 6, 1): scales['%ijet' % (i - 1)] = (yieldsHist['inclusive'].GetBinContent(i + 1) + 0.0 ) / (yieldsHist['%ijet' % (i - 1)].GetBinContent(i + 1) + 0.0) return scales, xs
def getScalesWithCut(dir, fileNames, cut='OSTight', massWindow=True, type = 'DY'): yieldsHist = {} xs = {} scales = {} iFiles = [] iTrees = [] for cat in fileNames.keys(): iFiles.append(r.TFile("%s/%s" %(dir, fileNames[cat]))) iTrees.append(iFiles[len(iFiles)-1].Get('eventTree')) yieldsHist[cat] = r.TH1F(cat, "", 6, 4, 10) nEntries = iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].GetEntries() iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].GetEntry(0) xs[cat] = iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].xs for i in range(nEntries): iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].GetEntry(i) signSelection, isoSelection, bTagSelection = makeWholeTools2.findCategory(tree = iTrees[len(iTrees)-1], iso = 1.0, option = 'iso', isData = False, relaxedRegionOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.Relax, isEmbed = False, usePassJetTrigger = makeWholeSample_cfg.usePassJetTrigger, nBtag = '') if signSelection == None or isoSelection == None: continue if iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].HLT_Any == 0: continue if type == 'DY' and iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].ZTT == 0: continue if type == 'ZLL' and iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].ZLL == 0: continue if massWindow and not makeWholeTools2.passCut(iTrees[len(iTrees)-1], 'iso'): continue if cut != signSelection+isoSelection: continue yieldsHist[cat].Fill(iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].LHEProduct, iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].xs/(iTrees[len(iTrees)-1].initEvents+0.0)) for i in range(2,6,1): scales['%ijet' %(i-1)] = (yieldsHist['inclusive'].GetBinContent(i+1)+0.0)/(yieldsHist['%ijet' %(i-1)].GetBinContent(i+1)+0.0) return scales, xs
def makeSyncNtuples(iLocation, cut, cutBTag, treepath, usePassJetTrigger, pairOption): if '.root' in iLocation: iFile = r.TFile(iLocation) iTree = iFile.Get(treepath) nEntries = iTree.GetEntries() oFileName = iLocation[iLocation.rfind("/")+1:iLocation.rfind(".root")] oFileName += '_sync' oFileName += '%s_%s' %(cut, cutBTag) if usePassJetTrigger: oFileName += '_jetCut' else: iTree = r.TChain(treepath) nEntries = tool.addFiles(ch=iTree, dirName=iLocation, knownEventNumber=0, maxFileNumber=-1, printTotalEvents = True) oFileName = iLocation[iLocation.rfind("/")+1:iLocation.find("-SUB-TT")] iTree.SetBranchStatus("*",1) print iLocation oFile = r.TFile("/nfs_scratch/zmao/samples/sync/%s.root" %oFileName,"recreate") oTree = r.TTree('TauCheck', 'TauCheck') run = array('i', [0]) lumi = array('i', [0]) evt = array('I', [0]) nTauPairs = array('i', [0]) npv = array('i', [0]) npu = array('i', [0]) rho = array('f', [0.]) mvis = array('f', [0.]) m_sv = array('f', [0.]) pt_sv = array('f', [0.]) eta_sv = array('f', [0.]) phi_sv = array('f', [0.]) pt_1 = array('f', [0.]) phi_1 = array('f', [0.]) eta_1 = array('f', [0.]) m_1 = array('f', [0.]) q_1 = array('i', [0]) iso_1 = array('f', [0.]) mva_1 = array('f', [0.]) byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_1 = array('f', [0.]) d0_1 = array('f', [0.]) dZ_1 = array('f', [0.]) mt_1 = array('f', [0.]) pt_2 = array('f', [0.]) phi_2 = array('f', [0.]) eta_2 = array('f', [0.]) m_2 = array('f', [0.]) q_2 = array('i', [0]) iso_2 = array('f', [0.]) mva_2 = array('f', [0.]) byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_2 = array('f', [0.]) d0_2 = array('f', [0.]) dZ_2 = array('f', [0.]) mt_2 = array('f', [0.]) againstElectronMVA3raw_1 = array('f', [0.]) againstElectronMVA3raw_2 = array('f', [0.]) againstMuonLoose2_1 = array('f', [0.]) againstMuonLoose2_2 = array('f', [0.]) againstMuonMedium2_1 = array('f', [0.]) againstMuonMedium2_2 = array('f', [0.]) againstMuonTight2_1 = array('f', [0.]) againstMuonTight2_2 = array('f', [0.]) met = array('f', [0.]) puweight = array('f', [0.]) mvamet = array('f', [0.]) mvametphi = array('f', [0.]) mvacov00 = array('f', [0.]) mvacov01 = array('f', [0.]) mvacov10 = array('f', [0.]) mvacov11 = array('f', [0.]) pzetavis = array('f', [0.]) pzetamiss = array('f', [0.]) pt_tt = array('f', [0.]) njets = array('i', [0]) njetspt20 = array('i', [0]) jpt_1 = array('f', [0.]) jeta_1 = array('f', [0.]) jphi_1 = array('f', [0.]) jptraw_1 = array('f', [0.]) jptunc_1 = array('f', [0.]) jmva_1 = array('f', [0.]) jlrm_1 = array('f', [0.]) jctm_1 = array('f', [0.]) jpass_1 = array('b', [0]) jpt_2 = array('f', [0.]) jeta_2 = array('f', [0.]) jphi_2 = array('f', [0.]) jptraw_2 = array('f', [0.]) jptunc_2 = array('f', [0.]) jmva_2 = array('f', [0.]) jlrm_2 = array('f', [0.]) jctm_2 = array('f', [0.]) jpass_2 = array('b', [0]) bpt_1 = array('f', [0.]) beta_1 = array('f', [0.]) bphi_1 = array('f', [0.]) bcsv_1 = array('f', [0.]) bpt_2 = array('f', [0.]) beta_2 = array('f', [0.]) bphi_2 = array('f', [0.]) bcsv_2 = array('f', [0.]) bpt_3 = array('f', [0.]) beta_3 = array('f', [0.]) bphi_3 = array('f', [0.]) bcsv_3 = array('f', [0.]) decayModeWeight_1 = array('f', [0.]) decayModeWeight_2 = array('f', [0.]) embeddedWeight = array('f', [0.]) m_bb = array('f', [0.]) m_ttbb = array('f', [0.]) nbtag = array('i', [0]) trigweight_1 = array('f', [0.]) trigweight_2 = array('f', [0.]) effweight = array('f', [0.]) DYWeight = array('f', [0.]) weight = array('f', [0.]) oTree.Branch("run", run, "run/I") oTree.Branch("lumi", lumi, "lumi/I") oTree.Branch("evt", evt, "evt/i") oTree.Branch("nTauPairs", nTauPairs, "nTauPairs/I") oTree.Branch("npv", npv, "npv/I") oTree.Branch("npu", npu, "npu/I") oTree.Branch("rho", rho, "rho/F") oTree.Branch("mvis", mvis, "mvis/F") oTree.Branch("m_sv", m_sv, "m_sv/F") oTree.Branch("pt_sv", pt_sv, "pt_sv/F") oTree.Branch("eta_sv", eta_sv, "eta_sv/F") oTree.Branch("phi_sv", phi_sv, "phi_sv/F") oTree.Branch("pt_1", pt_1, "pt_1/F") oTree.Branch("phi_1", phi_1, "phi_1/F") oTree.Branch("eta_1", eta_1, "eta_1/F") oTree.Branch("m_1", m_1, "m_1/F") oTree.Branch("q_1", q_1, "q_1/I") oTree.Branch("iso_1", iso_1, "iso_1/F") oTree.Branch("mva_1", mva_1, "mva_1/F") oTree.Branch("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_1", byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_1, "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_1/F") oTree.Branch("d0_1", d0_1, "d0_1/F") oTree.Branch("dZ_1", dZ_1, "dZ_1/F") oTree.Branch("mt_1", mt_1, "mt_1/F") oTree.Branch("pt_2", pt_2, "pt_2/F") oTree.Branch("phi_2", phi_2, "phi_2/F") oTree.Branch("eta_2", eta_2, "eta_2/F") oTree.Branch("m_2", m_2, "m_2/F") oTree.Branch("q_2", q_2, "q_2/I") oTree.Branch("iso_2", iso_2, "iso_2/F") oTree.Branch("mva_2", mva_2, "mva_2/F") oTree.Branch("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_2", byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_2, "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_2/F") oTree.Branch("d0_2", d0_2, "d0_2/F") oTree.Branch("dZ_2", dZ_2, "dZ_2/F") oTree.Branch("mt_2", mt_2, "mt_2/F") oTree.Branch("againstElectronMVA3raw_1", againstElectronMVA3raw_1, "againstElectronMVA3raw_1/F") oTree.Branch("againstElectronMVA3raw_2", againstElectronMVA3raw_2, "againstElectronMVA3raw_2/F") oTree.Branch("againstMuonLoose2_1", againstMuonLoose2_1, "againstMuonLoose2_1/F") oTree.Branch("againstMuonLoose2_2", againstMuonLoose2_2, "againstMuonLoose2_2/F") oTree.Branch("againstMuonMedium2_1", againstMuonMedium2_1, "againstMuonMedium2_1/F") oTree.Branch("againstMuonMedium2_2", againstMuonMedium2_2, "againstMuonMedium2_2/F") oTree.Branch("againstMuonTight2_1", againstMuonTight2_1, "againstMuonTight2_1/F") oTree.Branch("againstMuonTight2_2", againstMuonTight2_2, "againstMuonTight2_2/F") oTree.Branch("met", met, "met/F") oTree.Branch("mvamet", mvamet, "mvamet/F") oTree.Branch("mvametphi", mvametphi, "mvametphi/F") oTree.Branch("mvacov00", mvacov00, "mvacov00/F") oTree.Branch("mvacov01", mvacov01, "mvacov01/F") oTree.Branch("mvacov10", mvacov10, "mvacov10/F") oTree.Branch("mvacov11", mvacov11, "mvacov11/F") oTree.Branch("pzetavis", pzetavis, "pzetavis/F") oTree.Branch("pzetamiss", pzetamiss, "pzetamiss/F") oTree.Branch("pt_tt", pt_tt, "pt_tt/F") oTree.Branch("njets", njets, "njets/I") oTree.Branch("njetspt20", njetspt20, "njetspt20/I") oTree.Branch("nbtag", nbtag, "nbtag/I") oTree.Branch("jpt_1", jpt_1, "jpt_1/F") oTree.Branch("jeta_1", jeta_1, "jeta_1/F") oTree.Branch("jphi_1", jphi_1, "jphi_1/F") oTree.Branch("jptraw_1", jptraw_1, "jptraw_1/F") oTree.Branch("jptunc_1", jptunc_1, "jptunc_1/F") oTree.Branch("jmva_1", jmva_1, "jmva_1/F") oTree.Branch("jctm_1", jctm_1, "jctm_1/F") oTree.Branch("jpass_1", jpass_1, "jpass_1/B") oTree.Branch("jpt_2", jpt_2, "jpt_2/F") oTree.Branch("jeta_2", jeta_2, "jeta_2/F") oTree.Branch("jphi_2", jphi_2, "jphi_2/F") oTree.Branch("jptraw_2", jptraw_2, "jptraw_2/F") oTree.Branch("jptunc_2", jptunc_2, "jptunc_2/F") oTree.Branch("jmva_2", jmva_2, "jmva_2/F") oTree.Branch("jctm_2", jctm_2, "jctm_2/F") oTree.Branch("jpass_2", jpass_2, "jpass_2/B") oTree.Branch("puweight", puweight, "puweight/F") oTree.Branch("bpt_1", bpt_1, "bpt_1/F") oTree.Branch("beta_1", beta_1, "beta_1/F") oTree.Branch("bphi_1", bphi_1, "bphi_1/F") oTree.Branch("bcsv_1", bcsv_1, "bcsv_1/F") oTree.Branch("bpt_2", bpt_2, "bpt_2/F") oTree.Branch("beta_2", beta_2, "beta_2/F") oTree.Branch("bphi_2", bphi_2, "bphi_2/F") oTree.Branch("bcsv_2", bcsv_2, "bcsv_2/F") oTree.Branch("bpt_3", bpt_3, "bpt_3/F") oTree.Branch("beta_3", beta_3, "beta_3/F") oTree.Branch("bphi_3", bphi_3, "bphi_3/F") oTree.Branch("bcsv_3", bcsv_3, "bcsv_3/F") oTree.Branch("weight", weight, "weight/F") oTree.Branch("embeddedWeight", embeddedWeight, "embeddedWeight/F") oTree.Branch("DYWeight", DYWeight, "DYWeight/F") oTree.Branch("m_bb", m_bb, "m_bb/F") oTree.Branch("m_ttbb", m_ttbb, "m_ttbb/F") oTree.Branch("trigweight_1", trigweight_1, "trigweight_1/F") oTree.Branch("trigweight_2", trigweight_2, "trigweight_2/F") oTree.Branch("effweight", effweight, "effweight/F") oTree.Branch("decayModeWeight_1", decayModeWeight_1, "decayModeWeight_1/F") oTree.Branch("decayModeWeight_2", decayModeWeight_2, "decayModeWeight_2/F") counter = 0 lvClass = r.Math.LorentzVector(r.Math.PtEtaPhiM4D('double')) b1 = lvClass() b2 = lvClass() tau1 = lvClass() tau2 = lvClass() eventMask = [(1, 6647, 2656734),(1, 14273, 2853418),(1, 9775, 3906872),(1, 38627, 7722260)] for iEntry in range(nEntries): track = False iTree.GetEntry(iEntry) tool.printProcessStatus(iEntry, nEntries, 'Saving to file %s.root' % (oFileName)) iBestPair = makeWholeTools2.findRightPair(iTree, pairOption) if (iTree.RUN,iTree.LUMI, iTree.EVENT,) in eventMask: print '' print 'Event: %i Lumi: %i run: %i' %(iTree.EVENT, iTree.LUMI, iTree.RUN) print 'pt1: %.2f pt2: %.2f CSVJ1: %.2f CSVJ2: %.2f b1Pt: %.2f b1Eta: %.2f b2Pt: %.2f b2Eta: %.2f' %(,, iTree.CSVJ1, iTree.CSVJ2, iTree.CSVJ1Pt, iTree.CSVJ1Eta, iTree.CSVJ2Pt, iTree.CSVJ2Eta) print 'iso1: %.2f iso2: %.2f charge: %.2f' %(,, + print 'svMass: %.2f mJJ: %.2f' %(, iTree.mJJ) print 'mvaMet: %.2f' %( print 'met: %.2f' %(iTree.metUnc) print 'fMass: %.2f' %(iTree.fMassKinFit) print 'sampleName: %s' %iTree.sampleName track = True if iTree.HLT_Any == 0: continue if not makeWholeTools2.passCut(iTree, pairOption): continue if (iTree.nElectrons > 0 or iTree.nMuons > 0): continue signSelection, isoSelection, bTagSelection = makeWholeTools2.findCategory(tree = iTree, iso = 1.0, option = pairOption, isData = True, relaxedRegionOption = 'one1To4', isEmbed = True, usePassJetTrigger = usePassJetTrigger) if signSelection == None or isoSelection == None or bTagSelection == None: continue tmpSelect = signSelection+isoSelection if tmpSelect != cut: continue if not (cutBTag in bTagSelection) and (cutBTag != 'inclusive'): continue if iTree.ZTT == 0: continue trigweight_1[0] = iTree.triggerEff1 trigweight_2[0] = iTree.triggerEff2 effweight[0] = trigweight_1[0] * trigweight_2[0] nTauPairs[0] = len(iTree.pt1) run[0] = iTree.RUN evt[0] = iTree.EVENT npv[0] = iTree.vertices npu[0] = int(iTree.puTruth) lumi[0] = iTree.LUMI rho[0] = iTree.Rho mvis[0] = (tau1+tau2).mass() m_sv[0] = pt_sv[0] = eta_sv[0] = phi_sv[0] = pt_1[0] = eta_1[0] = phi_1[0] = m_1[0] = q_1[0] = int( iso_1[0] = iTree.tau1MVAIso mva_1[0] = 0 byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_1[0] = d0_1[0] = iTree.d0_1 dZ_1[0] = iTree.l1dz # mt_1[0] = iTree.mt1 pt_2[0] = eta_2[0] = phi_2[0] = m_2[0] = q_2[0] = int( iso_2[0] = iTree.tau2MVAIso mva_2[0] = 0 byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_2[0] = d0_2[0] = iTree.d0_2 dZ_2[0] = iTree.l2dz # mt_2[0] = iTree.mt2 againstElectronMVA3raw_1[0] = iTree.againstElectronMVA3raw_1 againstElectronMVA3raw_2[0] = iTree.againstElectronMVA3raw_2 againstMuonLoose2_1[0] = againstMuonLoose2_2[0] = againstMuonMedium2_1[0] = iTree.againstMuonMedium2_1 againstMuonMedium2_2[0] = iTree.againstMuonMedium2_2 againstMuonTight2_1[0] = iTree.againstMuonTight2_1 againstMuonTight2_2[0] = iTree.againstMuonTight2_2 met[0] = iTree.metUnc mvamet[0] = # mvametphi[0] = mvacov00[0] = iTree.mvacov00 mvacov01[0] = iTree.mvacov01 mvacov10[0] = iTree.mvacov10 mvacov11[0] = iTree.mvacov11 pzetavis[0] = iTree.pZV pzetamiss[0] = iTree.pZetaMiss # pt_tt[0] = iTree.fullPt njets[0] = int(iTree.njets) njetspt20[0] = int(iTree.njetspt20) nbtag[0] = int(iTree.NBTags) bcsv_1[0] = iTree.CSVJ1 bpt_1[0] = iTree.CSVJ1Pt beta_1[0] = iTree.CSVJ1Eta bphi_1[0] = iTree.CSVJ1Phi bcsv_2[0] = iTree.CSVJ2 bpt_2[0] = iTree.CSVJ2Pt beta_2[0] = iTree.CSVJ2Eta bphi_2[0] = iTree.CSVJ2Phi jpt_1[0] = iTree.J1Pt jeta_1[0] = iTree.J1Eta jphi_1[0] = iTree.J1Phi jptraw_1[0] = iTree.J1PtUncorr jptunc_1[0] = iTree.J1JECUnc jmva_1[0] = iTree.jmva_1 jctm_1[0] = iTree.J1Ntot jpass_1[0] = bool(iTree.jpass_1) jpt_2[0] = iTree.J2Pt jeta_2[0] = iTree.J2Eta jphi_2[0] = iTree.J2Phi jptraw_2[0] = iTree.J2PtUncorr jptunc_2[0] = iTree.J2JECUnc jmva_2[0] = iTree.jmva_2 jctm_2[0] = iTree.J2Ntot jpass_2[0] = bool(iTree.jpass_2) # embeddedWeight[0] = iTree.embeddedWeight # weight[0] = effweight[0]*iTree.decayModeWeight*iTree.embeddedWeight weight[0] = effweight[0]*iTree.decayModeWeight*iTree.PUWeight puweight[0] = iTree.PUWeight m_bb[0] = iTree.mJJ # m_ttbb[0] = iTree.HMass # decayModeWeight_1[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight1 # decayModeWeight_2[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight2 # DYWeight[0] = iTree.xs/3504000.0 oTree.Fill() if track: print 'saved' counter += 1 tool.printProcessStatus(iEntry, nEntries, 'Saving to file ') print '' print '%i events saved' %counter oTree.Write() oFile.Close() print 'Saved file: %s.root' %oFileName
def yieldCalculator(dy_mc, tt_full_mc, dy_embed, tt_embed, massWindow, pairOption = 'iso', nBtag = '', doDraw = False): yieldForMediumCat = {} eventCounterForMediumCat = {} yieldForLooseCat = {} eventCounterForLooseCat = {} inclusiveYields = {} eventCounterForInclusive = {} bins = [19, 225, 700] dy_embed_1M = r.TH1F('dy_embed_1M', '', bins[0], bins[1], bins[2]) dy_embed_2M = r.TH1F('dy_embed_2M', '', bins[0], bins[1], bins[2]) tt_embed_1M = r.TH1F('tt_embed_1M', '', bins[0], bins[1], bins[2]) tt_embed_2M = r.TH1F('tt_embed_2M', '', bins[0], bins[1], bins[2]) fileList = [('DY_inclusive', dy_mc), ('tt_inclusive', tt_full_mc), ('DY_embed', dy_embed), ('tt_embed', tt_embed)] for indexFile in range(len(fileList)): name = fileList[indexFile][0] iFile = r.TFile(fileList[indexFile][1]) iTree = iFile.Get('eventTree') yieldForMediumCat[name+'_1M'] = 0.0 yieldForMediumCat[name+'_2M'] = 0.0 yieldForLooseCat[name+'_1L'] = 0.0 yieldForLooseCat[name+'_2L'] = 0.0 eventCounterForInclusive[name] = 0 eventCounterForMediumCat[name+'_1M'] = 0 eventCounterForMediumCat[name+'_2M'] = 0 eventCounterForLooseCat[name+'_1L'] = 0 eventCounterForLooseCat[name+'_2L'] = 0 total = iTree.GetEntries() inclusiveYields[name] = 0.0 counter = 0 counter_0 = 0 isEmbed = False isData = False if 'emb' in name: isEmbed = True if name == 'DY_embed': isData = True for i in range(0, total): tool.printProcessStatus(iCurrent=i+1, total=total, processName = 'Looping sample [%s]' %name, iPrevious=i) #Fill Histograms iTree.GetEntry(i) #get the right pair of taus based on isoMin or ptMax if (iTree.nElectrons > 0 or iTree.nMuons > 0): continue #get event category signSelection, isoSelection, bTagSelection = makeWholeTools2.findCategory(tree = iTree, iso = makeWholeSample_cfg.iso, option = pairOption, isData = isData, relaxedRegionOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.Relax, isEmbed = isEmbed, usePassJetTrigger = makeWholeSample_cfg.usePassJetTrigger, nBtag = nBtag) if signSelection == None or isoSelection == None or bTagSelection == None: continue looseTag, mediumTag = getRightBTagCatName(bTagSelection) if iTree.HLT_Any == 0: continue if iTree.ZTT == 0: continue if 'tt' not in name: tmpEventYield = iTree.triggerEff*iTree.decayModeWeight else: tmpEventYield = iTree.triggerEff if massWindow and not makeWholeTools2.passCut(iTree, pairOption): continue #calculate inclusiveYield if (signSelection == "OS") and (isoSelection == "Tight"): eventCounterForInclusive[name] += 1 if 'data' in iTree.sampleName: inclusiveYields[name] += tmpEventYield*iTree.embeddedWeight elif isEmbed: inclusiveYields[name] += iTree.triggerEff*iTree.xs*0.983*(lumi/tt_semi_InitEvents)*iTree.embeddedWeight*iTree.PUWeight else: if not makeWholeTools2.passJetTrigger(iTree): continue inclusiveYields[name] += tmpEventYield*iTree.xs*lumi*iTree.PUWeight/(iTree.initEvents+0.0) else: continue fillValue = iTree.fMassKinFit #calculate category yield if mediumTag != '0M': if isEmbed: if 'data' in iTree.sampleName: yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += tmpEventYield*iTree.embeddedWeight if mediumTag == '1M': dy_embed_1M.Fill(fillValue, tmpEventYield*iTree.embeddedWeight) else: dy_embed_2M.Fill(fillValue, tmpEventYield*iTree.embeddedWeight) else: yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += tmpEventYield*iTree.xs*0.983*(lumi/tt_semi_InitEvents)*iTree.embeddedWeight*iTree.PUWeight if mediumTag == '1M': tt_embed_1M.Fill(fillValue, tmpEventYield*iTree.xs*0.983*(lumi/tt_semi_InitEvents)*iTree.embeddedWeight*iTree.PUWeight) else: tt_embed_2M.Fill(fillValue, tmpEventYield*iTree.xs*0.983*(lumi/tt_semi_InitEvents)*iTree.embeddedWeight*iTree.PUWeight) else: yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += tmpEventYield*iTree.xs*lumi*iTree.PUWeight/iTree.initEvents eventCounterForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += 1 #calculate loose cat yield for embed samples if isEmbed and (looseTag != '0L'): if 'data' in iTree.sampleName: yieldForLooseCat["%s_%s" %(name, looseTag)] += tmpEventYield*iTree.embeddedWeight else: yieldForLooseCat["%s_%s" %(name, looseTag)] += tmpEventYield*iTree.embeddedWeight*iTree.xs*0.983*lumi/tt_semi_InitEvents eventCounterForLooseCat["%s_%s" %(name, looseTag)] += 1 print '' if isEmbed: print name print 'inclusive yield for %s: %.2f +/- %.2f' %(name, inclusiveYields[name], calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields[name], eventCounterForInclusive[name])) print '1-Medium %s yield: %.2f +/- %.2f \t events: %i' %(name, yieldForMediumCat[name+'_1M'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat[name+'_1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat[name+'_1M']), eventCounterForMediumCat[name+'_1M']) print '1-Loose %s yield: %.2f +/- %.2f \t events: %i' %(name, yieldForLooseCat[name+'_1L'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForLooseCat[name+'_1L'], eventCounterForLooseCat[name+'_1L']), eventCounterForLooseCat[name+'_1L']) print '2-Medium %s yield: %.2f +/- %.2f \t events: %i' %(name, yieldForMediumCat[name+'_2M'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat[name+'_2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat[name+'_2M']), eventCounterForMediumCat[name+'_2M']) print '2-Loose %s yield: %.2f +/- %.2f \t events: %i' %(name, yieldForLooseCat[name+'_2L'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForLooseCat[name+'_2L'], eventCounterForLooseCat[name+'_2L']), eventCounterForLooseCat[name+'_2L']) else: print 'inclusive yield for %s: %.2f' %(name, inclusiveYields[name]) delta_dy_inclusive = calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], eventCounterForInclusive['DY_embed']) delta_tt_inclusive = calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], eventCounterForInclusive['tt_embed']) delta_dy_1M = calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']) delta_tt_1M = calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M']) delta_dy_2M = calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']) delta_tt_2M = calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M']) sysUnc_1M = calcSysUnc(sf = (yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'])/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'] - inclusiveYields['tt_embed']), numA = yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M'], numB = yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'], denomA = inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], denomB = inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], delta_numA = delta_dy_1M, delta_numB = delta_tt_1M, delta_denomA = delta_dy_inclusive, delta_denomB = delta_tt_inclusive) sysUnc_2M = calcSysUnc(sf = (yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'])/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'] - inclusiveYields['tt_embed']), numA = yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M'], numB = yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'], denomA = inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], denomB = inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], delta_numA = delta_dy_2M, delta_numB = delta_tt_2M, delta_denomA = delta_dy_inclusive, delta_denomB = delta_tt_inclusive) sysUnc_xs_1M = calcSysUnc(sf = (yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'])/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'] - inclusiveYields['tt_embed']), numA = yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M'], numB = yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'], denomA = inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], denomB = inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], delta_numA = 0, delta_numB = yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M']*0.1, delta_denomA = 0, delta_denomB = inclusiveYields['tt_embed']*0.1) sysUnc_xs_2M = calcSysUnc(sf = (yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'])/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'] - inclusiveYields['tt_embed']), numA = yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M'], numB = yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'], denomA = inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], denomB = inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], delta_numA = 0, delta_numB = yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M']*0.1, delta_denomA = 0, delta_denomB = inclusiveYields['tt_embed']*0.1) preScaleFactor = inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'] - inclusiveYields['tt_embed']) scaleFactor_1M = preScaleFactor*(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M']) scaleFactor_2M = preScaleFactor*(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M']) preScaleFactor2 = (inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']+inclusiveYields['tt_inclusive'])/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed']) scaleFactor_1M2 = preScaleFactor2*(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']) scaleFactor_2M2 = preScaleFactor2*(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']) print '' print 'predicted DY in 1M: %.2fx(%.2f +/- %.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f)/(%.2f +/- %.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f) = %.2f +/- %.2f%% (statistical)' %(inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive'], yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']), yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M']), inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], eventCounterForInclusive['DY_embed']), inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], eventCounterForInclusive['tt_embed']), scaleFactor_1M, sysUnc_1M*inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']/scaleFactor_1M*100 ) print 'predicted DY in 2M: %.2fx(%.2f +/- %.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f)/(%.2f +/- %.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f) = %.2f +/- %.2f%% (statistical)' %(inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive'], yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']), yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'], calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M']), inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], eventCounterForInclusive['DY_embed']), inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], calcSysUncSingle(inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], eventCounterForInclusive['tt_embed']), scaleFactor_2M, sysUnc_2M*inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']/scaleFactor_2M*100 ) print '' print 'predicted DY in 1M: %.2fx(%.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f)/(%.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f) = %.2f +/- %.2f%% (tt_xs)' %(inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive'], yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M'], yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M'], yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M']*0.1, inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], inclusiveYields['tt_embed']*0.1, scaleFactor_1M, sysUnc_xs_1M*inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']/scaleFactor_1M*100 ) print 'predicted DY in 2M: %.2fx(%.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f)/(%.2f - %.2f +/- %.2f) = %.2f +/- %.2f%% (tt_xs)' %(inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive'], yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M'], yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M'], yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M']*0.1, inclusiveYields['DY_embed'], inclusiveYields['tt_embed'], inclusiveYields['tt_embed']*0.1, scaleFactor_2M, sysUnc_xs_2M*inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']/scaleFactor_2M*100 ) print '' print 'DY MC in 1M: %.2f' %yieldForMediumCat['DY_inclusive_1M'] print 'DY MC in 2M: %.2f' %yieldForMediumCat['DY_inclusive_2M'] # print 'predicted DY+tt in 1M: %.2f' %scaleFactor_1M2 # print 'predicted DY+tt in 2M: %.2f' %scaleFactor_2M2 if doDraw: position = (0.6, 0.9 - 0.06*2, 0.87, 0.9) l1 = tool.setMyLegend(position, [(dy_embed_1M, 'dy_embed_1M'), (tt_embed_1M, 'tt_embed_1M')]) l2 = tool.setMyLegend(position, [(dy_embed_2M, 'dy_embed_2M'), (tt_embed_2M, 'tt_embed_2M')]) psfile = 'DY_embed_tauUp.pdf' c = r.TCanvas("c","Test", 800, 600) dy_embed_1M.Draw() dy_embed_1M.SetTitle(';fMassKinFit;') tt_embed_1M.SetLineStyle(2) tt_embed_1M.SetLineColor(r.kRed) tt_embed_1M.Draw('same') l1.Draw('same') c.Print('%s(' %psfile) dy_embed_2M.Draw() dy_embed_2M.SetTitle(';fMassKinFit;') tt_embed_2M.SetLineStyle(2) tt_embed_2M.SetLineColor(r.kRed) tt_embed_2M.Draw('same') l2.Draw('same') c.Print('%s)' %psfile) return scaleFactor_1M, scaleFactor_2M, scaleFactor_1M2, scaleFactor_2M2, preScaleFactor
def l2MYieldCalculator(sample, massWindow, pairOption = 'iso', nBtag = '', ZLL = False): yieldForMediumCat = {} yieldForLooseCat = {} eventCounterForMediumCat = {} eventCounterForLooseCat = {} iFile = r.TFile(sample) iTree = iFile.Get('eventTree') yieldForMediumCat['1M'] = 0.0 yieldForMediumCat['2M'] = 0.0 yieldForLooseCat['1L'] = 0.0 yieldForLooseCat['2L'] = 0.0 eventCounterForMediumCat['1M'] = 0.0 eventCounterForMediumCat['2M'] = 0.0 eventCounterForLooseCat['1L'] = 0.0 eventCounterForLooseCat['2L'] = 0.0 total = iTree.GetEntries() for i in range(0, total): tool.printProcessStatus(iCurrent=i+1, total=total, processName = 'Looping sample [%s]' %sample, iPrevious=i) iTree.GetEntry(i) #get the right pair of taus based on isoMin or ptMax if (iTree.nElectrons > 0 or iTree.nMuons > 0): continue if not makeWholeTools2.passJetTrigger(iTree): continue if ZLL and iTree.ZLL == 0: continue #get event category signSelection, isoSelection, bTagSelection = makeWholeTools2.findCategory(tree = iTree, iso = makeWholeSample_cfg.iso, option = pairOption, isData = False, relaxedRegionOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.Relax, isEmbed = False, usePassJetTrigger = makeWholeSample_cfg.usePassJetTrigger, nBtag = nBtag) if signSelection == None or isoSelection == None: continue looseTag, mediumTag = getRightBTagCatName(bTagSelection) if massWindow and not makeWholeTools2.passCut(iTree, pairOption): continue #calculate category yield if (signSelection == "OS") and (isoSelection == "Tight") and (mediumTag != '0M'): yieldForMediumCat[mediumTag] += iTree.triggerEff*iTree.xs*lumi*iTree.PUWeight/iTree.initEvents eventCounterForMediumCat[mediumTag] += 1 #calculate loose cat yield for embed samples if (signSelection == "OS") and (isoSelection == "Tight") and (looseTag != '0L'): yieldForLooseCat[looseTag] += iTree.triggerEff*iTree.xs*lumi*iTree.PUWeight/iTree.initEvents eventCounterForLooseCat[looseTag] += 1 print '' scaleFactor_1M = yieldForMediumCat['1M']/yieldForLooseCat['1L'] scaleFactor_2M = yieldForMediumCat['2M']/yieldForLooseCat['2L'] print '[%s] (1L): %.2f %.0f'%(sample, yieldForLooseCat['1L'], eventCounterForLooseCat['1L']) print '[%s] (2L): %.2f %.0f'%(sample, yieldForLooseCat['2L'], eventCounterForLooseCat['2L']) print '[%s] (1M): %.2f %.0f'%(sample, yieldForMediumCat['1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['1M']) print '[%s] (2M): %.2f %.0f'%(sample, yieldForMediumCat['2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['2M']) unc_1M = calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['1M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['1M']) unc_2M = calcSysUncSingle(yieldForMediumCat['2M'], eventCounterForMediumCat['2M']) print '1M: %.2f +/- %.1f%%' %(yieldForMediumCat['1M'], unc_1M*100/yieldForMediumCat['1M']) print '2M: %.2f +/- %.1f%%' %(yieldForMediumCat['2M'], unc_2M*100/yieldForMediumCat['2M']) return yieldForMediumCat['1M'], yieldForMediumCat['2M']
def run(): fileList = [] for i in range(len(makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs)): #configs name, location, selection, useMediumForYield fileList.append((makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][0], makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][1], makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][2], makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][3])) if makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][0] == 'DY_inclusive': dy_mc = makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][1] if makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][0] == 't#bar{t}': tt_full_mc = makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][1] if makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][0] == 'DY_embed': dy_embed = makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][1] if makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][0] == 'tt_embed': tt_embed = makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigs[i][1] oFileName = makeWholeSample_cfg.oFileName oFile = r.TFile(oFileName, 'RECREATE') oTree = r.TTree('eventTree', '') iso = makeWholeSample_cfg.iso nSamples = len(fileList) mJJ = array('f', [0.]) svMass = array('f', [0.]) fMass = array('f', [0.]) fMassKinFit = array('f', [0.]) chi2KinFit = array('f', [0.]) chi2KinFit2 = array('f', [0.]) PUWeight = array('f', [0.]) iso1 = array('f', [0.]) iso2 = array('f', [0.]) pt1 = array('f', [0.]) pt2 = array('f', [0.]) CSVJ1Pt = array('f', [0.]) CSVJ2Pt = array('f', [0.]) CSVJ2 = array('f', [0.]) NBTags = array('i', [0]) triggerEff = array('f', [0.]) sampleName = bytearray(20) genMatchName = bytearray(3) xs = array('f', [0.]) embeddedWeight = array('f', [0.]) decayModeWeight = array('f', [0.]) initEvents = array('f', [0.]) Category = bytearray(5) xsValues = {} initEventsValues = {} eventsSaved = {} yieldForMediumCat = {} inclusiveYields = {} inclusiveYields = {} catYields = {} svMassRange = [20, 0, 400] L2T_value = 0 oTree.Branch("mJJ", mJJ, "mJJ/F") oTree.Branch("fMass", fMass, "fMass/F") oTree.Branch("fMassKinFit", fMassKinFit, "fMassKinFit/F") oTree.Branch("chi2KinFit", chi2KinFit, "chi2KinFit/F") oTree.Branch("chi2KinFit2", chi2KinFit2, "chi2KinFit2/F") oTree.Branch("xs", xs, "xs/F") oTree.Branch("initEvents", initEvents, "initEvents/F") oTree.Branch("NBTags", NBTags, "NBTags/I") oTree.Branch("Category", Category, "Category[21]/C") oTree.Branch("svMass", svMass, "svMass/F") oTree.Branch("CSVJ2", CSVJ2, "CSVJ2/F") oTree.Branch("iso1", iso1, "iso1/F") oTree.Branch("iso2", iso2, "iso2/F") oTree.Branch("pt1", pt1, "pt1/F") oTree.Branch("pt2", pt2, "pt2/F") oTree.Branch("CSVJ1Pt", CSVJ1Pt, "CSVJ1Pt/F") oTree.Branch("CSVJ2Pt", CSVJ2Pt, "CSVJ2Pt/F") oTree.Branch("triggerEff", triggerEff, "triggerEff/F") oTree.Branch("PUWeight", PUWeight, "PUWeight/F") oTree.Branch("embeddedWeight", embeddedWeight, "embeddedWeight/F") oTree.Branch("decayModeWeight", decayModeWeight, "decayModeWeight/F") oTree.Branch("sampleName", sampleName, "sampleName[21]/C") oTree.Branch("genMatchName", genMatchName, "genMatchName[21]/C") for indexFile in range(nSamples): eventsSavedCounter_1M = 0.0 eventsSavedCounter_2M = 0.0 name = fileList[indexFile][0] option = fileList[indexFile][2] iFile = r.TFile(fileList[indexFile][1]) iTree = iFile.Get('eventTree') useMediumCat4Yield = fileList[indexFile][3] if useMediumCat4Yield: yieldForMediumCat[name+'_1M'] = 0.0 yieldForMediumCat[name+'_2M'] = 0.0 total = iTree.GetEntries() isData = False if ('data' in name) or ('DY_embed' in name): isData = True if 'emb' in name: isEmbed = True inclusiveYields[name] = 0.0 else: isEmbed = False if 'inclusive' in name: isInclusive = True inclusiveYields[name] = 0.0 else: isInclusive = False cat = '' region = 'bTag' if '1M' in option: region = '1M' elif '2M' in option: region = '2M' elif '1L' in option: region = '1L' cat = '1M' elif '2L' in option: region = '2L' cat = '2M' for i in range(0, total): tool.printProcessStatus(iCurrent=i+1, total=total, processName = 'Looping sample [%s]' %name, iPrevious=i) #Fill Histograms iTree.GetEntry(i) #get the right pair of taus based on isoMin or ptMax rightPair = makeWholeTools2.findRightPair(iTree, makeWholeSample_cfg.pairOption) if makeWholeSample_cfg.thirdLeptonVeto and (iTree.nElectrons > 0 or iTree.nMuons > 0): continue if iTree.HLT_Any == 0: continue #get event category signSelection, isoSelection, bTagSelection = makeWholeTools2.findCategory(tree = iTree, iso = makeWholeSample_cfg.iso, option = makeWholeSample_cfg.pairOption, isData = isData, relaxedRegionOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.Relax, isEmbed = isEmbed, usePassJetTrigger = makeWholeSample_cfg.usePassJetTrigger, nBtag = makeWholeSample_cfg.bTagShift) if signSelection == None or isoSelection == None or bTagSelection == None: continue looseTag, mediumTag = getRightBTagCatName(bTagSelection) if isEmbed and iTree.ZTT == 0: continue if name == 'ZLL' and iTree.ZLL == 0: continue if name == 'ZTT' and iTree.ZTT == 0: continue #calculate category yield if useMediumCat4Yield: if (not makeWholeSample_cfg.massWindow) or (makeWholeSample_cfg.massWindow and makeWholeTools2.passCut(iTree, makeWholeSample_cfg.pairOption)): if (signSelection == "OS") and (isoSelection == "Tight") and (mediumTag != '0M'): if isEmbed: if 'data' in iTree.sampleName: yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += iTree.triggerEff else: yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += iTree.triggerEff*iTree.xs*0.983*lumi/tt_semi_InitEvents elif name == 'ZLL': yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += iTree.triggerEff*iTree.xs*lumi*iTree.PUWeight*iTree.decayModeWeight/iTree.initEvents else: yieldForMediumCat["%s_%s" %(name, mediumTag)] += iTree.triggerEff*iTree.xs*lumi*iTree.PUWeight/iTree.initEvents passSelection, bRegion = passCut(option, signSelection, isoSelection, looseTag, mediumTag) if option[:len(option)-1] != signSelection+isoSelection: continue mJJ[0] = iTree.mJJ fMass[0] = iTree.fMass fMassKinFit[0] = iTree.fMassKinFit chi2KinFit[0] = iTree.chi2KinFit chi2KinFit2[0] = iTree.chi2KinFit2 svMass[0] = iso1[0] = iso2[0] = CSVJ2[0] = iTree.CSVJ2 NBTags[0] = int(iTree.NBTags) triggerEff[0] = iTree.triggerEff pt1[0] = pt2[0] = CSVJ1Pt[0] = iTree.CSVJ1Pt CSVJ2Pt[0] = iTree.CSVJ2Pt decayModeWeight[0] = 1.0 embeddedWeight[0] = 1.0 if '_semi' not in iTree.sampleName: tmpSampleName = iTree.sampleName[0:iTree.sampleName.find('_')] else: tmpSampleName = iTree.sampleName[0:iTree.sampleName.find('_semi')+5] if 'data' in tmpSampleName and (not isEmbed): sampleName[:21] = name initEvents[0] = 1.0 xs[0] = 1.0 elif ('data' in tmpSampleName) and isEmbed: sampleName[:21] = 'DY_embed' initEvents[0] = 1.0 xs[0] = 1.0 embeddedWeight[0] = iTree.embeddedWeight decayModeWeight[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight elif not isEmbed: if name == 'signals': decayModeWeight[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight initEvents[0] = iTree.initEvents xs[0] = iTree.xs sampleName[:21] = tmpSampleName if name == 'MCOSRelax': sampleName[:21] = 'MCOSRelax' if 'HToTauTau' in name: sampleName[:21] = name elif name == 'ZLL': sampleName[:21] = 'ZLL' decayModeWeight[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight elif name == 'ZTT': sampleName[:21] = 'ZTT' decayModeWeight[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight else: initEvents[0] = tt_semi_InitEvents xs[0] = iTree.xs*0.983 sampleName[:21] = 'tt_embed' embeddedWeight[0] = iTree.embeddedWeight decayModeWeight[0] = iTree.decayModeWeight if str(sampleName) not in initEventsValues.keys(): if 'data' not in str(sampleName): initEventsValues[str(sampleName)] = iTree.initEvents xsValues[str(sampleName)] = iTree.xs eventsSaved[str(sampleName)] = 0.0 # genMatchName[:3] = findMatch(iTree, isData, rightPair) if isData: PUWeight[0] = 1.0 else: PUWeight[0] = iTree.PUWeight if mediumTag == '0M': Category[:21] = '0M' oTree.Fill() if passSelection: Category[:21] = bRegion oTree.Fill() else: continue if makeWholeSample_cfg.massWindow and (not makeWholeTools2.passCut(iTree, makeWholeSample_cfg.pairOption)): continue if isData: eventsSaved[str(sampleName)] += 1 if bRegion == '1M': eventsSavedCounter_1M += 1 elif bRegion == '2M': eventsSavedCounter_2M += 1 elif not isEmbed: eventsSaved[str(sampleName)] += triggerEff[0] if bRegion == '1M': eventsSavedCounter_1M += triggerEff[0]*xsValues[str(sampleName)]/initEventsValues[str(sampleName)]*PUWeight[0]*lumi elif bRegion == '2M': eventsSavedCounter_2M += triggerEff[0]*xsValues[str(sampleName)]/initEventsValues[str(sampleName)]*PUWeight[0]*lumi print ' --- Events Saved: (1M) %.2f (2M) %.2f' %(eventsSavedCounter_1M, eventsSavedCounter_2M) if isEmbed: print name print 'inclusive yield for %s: %.2f' %(name, inclusiveYields[name]) print '1-Medium category yield for %s: %.2f' %(name, yieldForMediumCat[name+'_1M']) print '2-Medium category yield for %s: %.2f' %(name, yieldForMediumCat[name+'_2M']) elif isInclusive: print 'inclusive yield for %s: %.2f' %(name, inclusiveYields[name]) nSamples = len(initEventsValues.keys()) initEvents = r.TH1F('initEvents', '', nSamples, 0, nSamples) xsHist = r.TH1F('xs', '', nSamples, 0, nSamples) for iKey in initEventsValues.keys(): if 'data' not in iKey: initEvents.Fill(iKey, initEventsValues[iKey]) xsHist.Fill(iKey, xsValues[iKey]) weights = makeWholeTools2.calculateSF(fileList = makeWholeSample_cfg.sampleConfigsTools, sigRegionOption = 'Tight', relaxedRegionOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.Relax, verbose = True, isoTight = 1.0, pairOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.pairOption, massWindow = makeWholeSample_cfg.massWindow, usePassJetTrigger = makeWholeSample_cfg.usePassJetTrigger, nBtag = '') scaleFactor_1M, scaleFactor_2M, scaleFactor_1M2, scaleFactor_2M2, preScaleFactor = embedDYYieldCalculator.yieldCalculator(dy_mc = dy_mc, tt_full_mc = tt_full_mc, dy_embed = dy_embed, tt_embed = tt_embed, massWindow = makeWholeSample_cfg.massWindow, pairOption = makeWholeSample_cfg.pairOption) print weights #define histograms L_to_T_SF_0M = r.TH1F('L_to_T_SF_0M', '', 1, 0, 1) MC2Embed2Cat_0M = r.TH1F('MC2Embed2Cat_0M', '', 1, 0, 1) L_to_T_1M = r.TH1F('L_to_T_1M', '', 1, 0, 1) L_to_T_SF_1M = r.TH1F('L_to_T_SF_1M', '', 1, 0, 1) MC2Embed2Cat_1M = r.TH1F('MC2Embed2Cat_1M', '', 1, 0, 1) EmbedWithTTLep_1M = r.TH1F('EmbedWithTTLep_1M', '', 1, 0, 1) DYwithTTScale_1M = r.TH1F('DYwithTTScale_1M', '', 1, 0, 1) L_to_T_2M = r.TH1F('L_to_T_2M', '', 1, 0, 1) L_to_T_SF_2M = r.TH1F('L_to_T_SF_2M', '', 1, 0, 1) MC2Embed2Cat_2M = r.TH1F('MC2Embed2Cat_2M', '', 1, 0, 1) EmbedWithTTLep_2M = r.TH1F('EmbedWithTTLep_2M', '', 1, 0, 1) DYwithTTScale_2M = r.TH1F('DYwithTTScale_2M', '', 1, 0, 1) yieldForMediumCatHists = {} #save histograms L_to_T_1M.Fill(0.5, weights[0]) L_to_T_2M.Fill(0.5, weights[1]) L_to_T_SF_1M.Fill(0.5, weights[2]) L_to_T_SF_2M.Fill(0.5, weights[3]) L_to_T_SF_0M.Fill(0.5, weights[4]) # preScaleFactor = inclusiveYields['DY_inclusive']/(inclusiveYields['DY_embed'] - inclusiveYields['tt_embed']) # scaleFactor_1M = preScaleFactor*(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_1M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_1M']) # scaleFactor_2M = preScaleFactor*(yieldForMediumCat['DY_embed_2M']-yieldForMediumCat['tt_embed_2M']) MC2Embed2Cat_0M.Fill(0.5, preScaleFactor) MC2Embed2Cat_1M.Fill(0.5, scaleFactor_1M) MC2Embed2Cat_2M.Fill(0.5, scaleFactor_2M) DYwithTTScale_1M.Fill(0.5, scaleFactor_1M2) DYwithTTScale_2M.Fill(0.5, scaleFactor_2M2) print 'Embed DY prediction (1M): %.2f' %scaleFactor_1M print 'Embed DY prediction (2M): %.2f' %scaleFactor_2M initEvents.Write() xsHist.Write() L_to_T_1M.Write() L_to_T_SF_1M.Write() L_to_T_2M.Write() L_to_T_SF_2M.Write() L_to_T_SF_0M.Write() MC2Embed2Cat_0M.Write() MC2Embed2Cat_1M.Write() MC2Embed2Cat_2M.Write() DYwithTTScale_1M.Write() DYwithTTScale_2M.Write() for iKey in yieldForMediumCat.keys(): yieldForMediumCatHists[iKey] = r.TH1F(iKey, '', 1, 0, 1) yieldForMediumCatHists[iKey].Fill(0.5, yieldForMediumCat[iKey]) print '%s prediction: %.2f' %(iKey, yieldForMediumCat[iKey]) yieldForMediumCatHists[iKey].Write() oTree.Write() oFile.Close() print 'Combined event saved at: %s' %oFileName