文件: docks.py 项目: bradleyrp/docks
def test_run(*sigs, **kwargs):
    """Prepare the test for running or reporting."""
    build_dn = kwargs.pop('build', 'docker_builds')
    username = kwargs.pop('username', container_user)
    config_fn = kwargs.pop('config', None)
    visit = kwargs.pop('visit', False)
    if config_fn == None:
        config_fn = read_config().get('docks_config', 'docker_config.py')
    mods_fn = kwargs.pop('mods', None)
    backrun = kwargs.pop('back', False)
    dump_raw_test = kwargs.pop('dump_raw_test', None)
    if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s' % kwargs)
    # get the interpreted docker configuration
    instruct = interpret_docker_instructions(config=config_fn, mods=mods_fn)
    # use the sigs list to select a test set
    tests = instruct.get('tests', {})
    keys = [key for key in tests if set(sigs) == set(key.split())]
    if len(keys) != 1:
        raise Exception(
            'cannot find a unique key in the testset for sigs %s: %s' %
            (sigs, tests.keys()))
        name = keys[0]
    if dump_raw_test:
        import yaml
        with open(dump_raw_test, 'w') as fp:
    return dict(config_fn=config_fn,
文件: docks.py 项目: bradleyrp/docks
def avail(config=None, mods=None, **kwargs):
    """List available tests."""
    build_dn = kwargs.pop('build', 'builds')
    toc_fn = kwargs.pop('toc_fn', 'docker.json')
    username = kwargs.pop('username', container_user)
    config_dict = read_config()
    if config == None:
        config = config_dict.get('docks_config', 'docker_config.py')
    if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s' % kwargs)
    # get the interpreted docker configuration
    instruct = interpret_docker_instructions(config=config, mods=mods)
    from datapack import asciitree
    tests_these = dict(tests=instruct.get('tests', {}).keys())
    return tests_these
文件: docks.py 项目: bradleyrp/docks
def docker_recap(longest=True, log=False):
    """Summarize docker compile times."""
    config = read_config()
    from datapack import asciitree
    docker_history = config.get('docker_history', {})
    keys = list(set([i[0] for i in docker_history]))
    timings = dict([(key, {}) for key in keys])
    for key in keys:
        stamps = [i[1] for i in docker_history if i[0] == key]
        timings[key]['timings'] = dict([
            (s, '%.1f min' % (docker_history[(key, s)]['total_time'] / 60.))
            for s in stamps
        timings[key]['sub-timings'] = [
            '%s, %.1f min' % (s['name'], s['elapsed'] / 60.)
            for s in docker_history[(key, s)]['series']
        timings[key]['longest'] = max(timings[key]['timings'].values())
    if not log: asciitree(timings)
    else: print(json.dumps(timings))
文件: docks.py 项目: bradleyrp/docks
def docker(name,
	Manage the DOCKER.
    build_dn = kwargs.pop('build', 'builds')
    toc_fn = kwargs.pop('toc_fn', 'docker.json')
    username = kwargs.pop('username', container_user)
    config_dict = read_config()
    if config == None:
        config = config_dict.get('docks_config', 'docker_config.py')
    if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s' % kwargs)
    # get the interpreted docker configuration
    instruct = interpret_docker_instructions(config=config, mods=mods)
    config = config_dict
    # the name is a sequence
    if name not in instruct.get('sequences', {}):
        raise Exception('docker configuration lacks a sequence called %s' %
    seqspec = instruct['sequences'][name]
    # prepare a build directory
    if os.path.isdir(build_dn): shutil.rmtree(build_dn)
    # get the docker history
    docker_history = config.get('docker_history', {})
    # process all requirements before making the texts
    reqs = instruct.get('requirements', {})
    for key, val in reqs.items():
        # only check the requirement if the key points to an item in the sequence
        if key not in seqspec.get('seq', '').split(): continue
        # perform a simple copy command in docker with a regex substitution for the filename
        if set(val.keys()) >= set(['config_keys', 'filename_sub']):
            key_path = val['config_keys']
            key_path = tuple([key_path
                              ]) if type(key_path) in str_types else key_path
            #! previously used delve from datapack to do a nested lookup in config, however top-level
            #! ...keys should be fine and the testset_processor uses a raw lookup of config and
            #! ...I would prefer to have the testsets be self-contained.
            if len(key_path) != 1:
                raise Exception(
                    'not ready to do nested lookups. need to add delve back.')
            if key_path[0] not in config:
                raise Exception(
                    'failed to get item %s from the config dictionary.' %
            spot = config[key_path[0]]
            # substitute in the dockerfile
            if key not in instruct['dockerfiles']:
                raise Exception('cannot find %s in dockerfiles' % key)
            instruct['dockerfiles'][key] = re.sub(val['filename_sub'],
            for sub_from, sub_to in val.get('subs', {}).items():
                instruct['dockerfiles'][key] = re.sub(
                    sub_from, sub_to, instruct['dockerfiles'][key])
            # we always have to copy the file to the docker build directory
            shutil.copyfile(spot, os.path.join(build_dn,
            raise Exception('cannot get requirement for %s: %s' % (key, val))
    # we allow the sequence to be a dictionary (extra features) or a string (default)
    if type(seqspec) in str_types: seqspec = {'seq': seqspec}
    # defaults and extra settings passed through a sequence dictionary
    seq = seqspec['seq']
    user_coda = seqspec.get('user', False)
    coda = seqspec.get('coda', None)
    if coda != None and user_coda == False:
        raise Exception('cannot allow a coda if not user')
    # prepare the texts of the dockerfiles
    steps = seq.split()
    texts = [(step, instruct['dockerfiles'][step]) for step in steps]
    # final stage adds the user
    this_user = pwd.getpwnam(os.environ['USER'])
    this_user_details = {
        'gid': this_user.pw_gid,
        'uid': this_user.pw_uid,
        'user': os.environ['USER']
    # handle special keys
    special_keys = {'@USER'}
    for ii, (step, text) in enumerate(texts):
        # handle config calls with some hardcoded items
        special_keys_this = set(re.findall(
            '@[\w_]+', texts[ii][1])).intersection(special_keys)
        for key in special_keys_this:
            if key == '@USER':
                texts[ii] = (step,
                             re.sub('@USER', this_user_details['user'],
                raise Exception
    # substitutions of @read_config('<key>') from the config
    for ii, (step, text) in enumerate(texts):
        comp = re.compile(r'@read_config\((.*?)\)', flags=re.M)
        for config_key in comp.findall(texts[ii][1]):
            val = config.get(eval(config_key))
            texts[ii] = (step,
                         re.sub('@read_config\(%s\)' % config_key, val,
    # at the end of each run we set the user so that permissions work properly and dockers are run as user
    if user_coda:
        this_user_details['user_passwd'] = config.get('user_creds')
        if not this_user_details['user_passwd']:
            raise Exception(
                'set docker user password with: `make set user_creds="password"`'
        texts += [
            ('su', "RUN groupmod -g %(gid)d %(gname)s\n" % this_user_details +
             ("RUN useradd -m -u %(uid)d -g %(gid)d %(user)s\n" +
              "RUN echo '%(user)s:%(user_passwd)s' | chpasswd\n" +
              "USER %(user)s\nWORKDIR /home/%(user)s\n") % this_user_details)
    # report on what happened
    docker_details = dict(user_coda=user_coda)
    # commands to run after setting the user
    if coda != None: texts += [('coda', coda)]
    # if we are reporting then write the file and exit
    if report != None:
        with open(report, 'w') as fp:
        return docker_details
    # never rebuild if unnecessary (docker builds are extremely quick but why waste the time)
    # we use the texts of the docker instead of timestamps, since users might be updating other parts
    # ... of the config file pretty frequently
    if docker_history.keys():
        keys = sorted([i for i in docker_history.keys() if i[0] == name])
        if keys:
            if docker_history[keys[-1]]['texts'] == texts:
                    ('[STATUS] the docker called "%s" has already been built '
                     + 'and the instructions have not changed') % name)
                return docker_details
    # record the history for docker_history
    updates, total_time = [], 0.0
    # in the sequential method we generate larger dockerfiles from small ones so that adding
    # ... to the end of a long dockerfile resumes at the previous image. since the sequential dockerfiles
    # ... are always built in the same way, this saves time
    #! the sequential feature and the text checking feature is highly redundant with docker
    #! note clean cluttered images with `docker rmi $(docker images | awk '$1 ~ /-s/ {print $3}')`
    if sequential:
        # loop over stages, each of which gets a separate image
        for stage, (stage_name, text) in enumerate(texts):
            start_time = time.time()
            # prepare names
            print('[STATUS] processing %s, stage %d: %s' %
                  (name, stage, stage_name))
            # subsequent stages depend on the previous one so we prepend it
            if stage > 0: text = 'FROM %s/%s\n' % (username, image_name) + text
            image_name = '%s-s%d' % (name, stage)
            if stage == len(texts) - 1: image_name = name
            print('[STATUS] image name: %s' % image_name)
            print('\n'.join(['[CONFIG] | %s' % i for i in text.splitlines()]))
            docker_fn = os.path.join(build_dn, 'Dockerfile-%s' % image_name)
            # write the docker file
            with open(docker_fn, 'w') as fp:
            # generate the image
            cmd = 'docker build -t %s/%s -f %s %s' % (
                username, image_name, docker_fn, os.path.join(build_dn, ''))
            print('[STATUS] running "%s"' % cmd)
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
            elapsed_sec = time.time() - start_time
            total_time += elapsed_sec
            elapsed = '%.1f min' % (elapsed_sec / 60.)
            print('[TIME] elapsed: %s' % elapsed)
                dict(name=stage_name, image=image_name, elapsed=elapsed_sec))
    # standard, non-sequential method
        start_time = time.time()
        image_name = name
        text = '\n'.join(list(zip(*texts))[1])
        docker_fn = os.path.join(build_dn, 'Dockerfile-%s' % name)
        # write the docker file
        with open(docker_fn, 'w') as fp:
        cmd = 'docker build -t %s/%s -f %s %s' % (
            username, image_name, docker_fn, os.path.join(build_dn, ''))
        print('[STATUS] running "%s"' % cmd)
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
        elapsed_sec = time.time() - start_time
        total_time += elapsed_sec
        elapsed = '%.1f min' % (elapsed_sec / 60.)
        print('[TIME] elapsed: %s' % elapsed)
            dict(name='everything', image=image_name, elapsed=elapsed_sec))
    # save to the history with a docker style in contrast to a test style
    # since we only save at the end, a failure means no times get written
    ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y.%m.%d.%H%M')
    docker_history[(name, ts)] = dict(series=updates,
    return docker_details
文件: docks.py 项目: bradleyrp/docks
def test_report(*sigs, **kwargs):
    """Write a report for a specific testset to a file."""
    import textwrap
    liner = lambda x, indent=0, indent_sub=2: '\n'.join(
            x, width=110 - indent, subsequent_indent=' ' * indent_sub))
    formatter = lambda title, *x: '%s\n' % title + '\n'.join(
        ['%s%s' % (' ' * 2, liner(i, indent=2, indent_sub=4)) for i in x])
    # get the testset instructions
    prepped = test_run(*sigs, **kwargs)
    # generate timestamp
    ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y.%m.%d.%H%M')
    text = ['# FACTORY TESTSET REPORT: "%s"' % '_'.join(sigs)]
    text += ['This report was generated on: %s.' % ts]
    # start with notes
    notes = prepped.get('notes', None)
    if notes:
        text += [
            '> NOTES:\n%s' %
            '\n'.join(['  %s' % i for i in notes.strip().splitlines()])
    # tell the user how to run it
    text += ['RUN COMMAND: `make test %s`' % ' '.join(sigs)]
    # handle once flag
    if prepped.get('once', False):
        text += [
                'SINGLE USE:',
                'This testset runs once and is then recorded in the `factory/config.py` variable ',
                'called "testset_history" so that it is not repeated.')
    # report the docker
    text += [
            'DOCKER IMAGE:', 'This testset uses the docker image "%s/%s".' %
            (container_user, prepped['docker']),
            'See available images with `docker images`.')
    # location on disk
    where = prepped.get('where', False)
    if where:
        text += [
                'This docker is mounted to the host disk at `host/%s`.' %
    # you can embed some files directly in the YAML (this is useful for files that change ports)
    write_files = prepped.get('write files', {})
    if write_files:
        for fn, text in write_files.items():
            with open(
                    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config['docks_config']), fn),
                    'w') as fp:
    # files that get copied
    collect_files = prepped.get('collect files', {})
    if collect_files:
        text += [
                'COPY FILES:',
                'The following files are copied from the host to the user directory in the container.',
                    ' ' * 2 + '%s > %s' % (k, v)
                    for k, v in collect_files.items()
    # write preliminary script
    prelim = prepped.get('preliminary', False)
    if prelim:
        text += [
            formatter('PRELIMINARY SCRIPT (runs in the host):\n',
                      '#!/bin/bash', 'set -e', *prelim.splitlines())
    # write the main script
    script = prepped.get('script', False)
    if script:
        text += [
            formatter('MAIN SCRIPT (runs in the container):\n', '#!/bin/bash',
                      'set -e', *script.splitlines())
    # reproduce other files
    report_files = prepped.get('report files', None)
    if report_files:
        # get location of the testset sources via the docks_config
        config = read_config()
        if 'docks_config' not in config:
            raise Exception('cannot find docks_config')
        for fn in report_files:
            with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config['docks_config']),
                                   fn)) as fp:
                text += [
                    '## file contents: "%s"\n\n~~~\n%s\n~~~' %
                    (fn, fp.read().strip())
    # write the report
    fn = 'report-%s.md' % ('_'.join(sigs))
    with open(fn, 'w') as fp:
    print('[STATUS] write report to %s' % fn)
文件: docks.py 项目: bradleyrp/docks
def docker_local(**kwargs):
	Use a prepared docker to run some code.
    config_fn = kwargs.pop('config_fn', 'docker_config.py')
    mods_fn = kwargs.pop('mods_fn', None)
    # get the docker history
    config = read_config()
    docker_history = config.get('docker_history', {})
    testset_history = config.get('testset_history', {})
    # check if the docker is ready
    docker_name = kwargs.get('docker')
    # call docker which only builds if the docker is not stored in the history
    docker_details = docker(name=docker_name, config=config_fn, mods=mods_fn)
    # check for once
    do_once = kwargs.get('once', False)
    # check for an identical event in the testset history
    if do_once:
		we only continue if the kwargs are not stored in the testset history
		which means that any change to the instructions triggers a remake 
		but many "do once" routines will fail if you try to rerun them with slightly different settings
		so it is best to be mindful of making changes to one-time-only executions
        kwargs_no_notes = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
        kwargs_no_notes.pop('notes', None)
        events = testset_history.get('events', [])
        if any([i == kwargs_no_notes for i in events]):
                '[STATUS] found an exact match for this test so we are exiting'
    # check that the location is ready
    spot = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(kwargs.get('where')))
    if not os.path.isdir(spot):
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(
                'exception is: %s. you might need to mkdir. we failed to make %s'
                % (e, spot))
        print('[STATUS] found %s' % spot)
    # run the custom requirements script
    if 'preliminary' in kwargs:
        import tempfile
        script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        script_header = '#!/bin/bash\nset -e\n\n'
        with open(script.name, 'w') as fp:
            fp.write(script_header + kwargs['preliminary'])
        subprocess.check_call('bash %s' % fp.name, shell=True)
    # you can embed some files directly in the YAML (this is useful for files that change ports)
    write_files = kwargs.get('write files', {})
    if write_files:
        for fn, text in write_files.items():
            with open(
                    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config['docks_config']), fn),
                    'w') as fp:
    # collect local files
    for key, val in kwargs.get('collect files', {}).items():
        shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config_fn), key),
                        os.path.join(spot, val))
    # write the testset to the top directory. this is a transient file which only lives in the host?
    if 'script' in kwargs:
        ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        testset_fn = 'script-run-%s.sh' % ts
        script_header = ('#!/bin/bash\nset -e\n' + 'log_file=%s\n' %
                         ('log-run-%s' % ts) +
                         'exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file")' + '\n\n')
        with open(os.path.join(spot, testset_fn), 'w') as fp:
            fp.write(script_header + kwargs['script'])
    elif kwargs.get('visit', True):
        testset_fn = None
        raise Exception('need either script or visit')
    #! by default we work in the home directory of the user. this needs documented
    user = os.environ['USER']
    container_site = os.path.join('/', 'home', user, 'host')
    # default to root if there is no user_coda in the docker specification
    if not docker_details.get('user_coda', False): user = '******'
    # prepare the run settings
    run_settings = dict(
        testset_file=testset_fn if not kwargs.get('visit', True) else None,
    # extra mounts
    for mount_from, mount_to in kwargs.get('mounts', {}).items():
        run_settings['mounts_extra'] += ' -v %s:%s' % (
            mount_from, os.path.join('/home/%s' % user, mount_to))
    run_settings['ports'] = ' '.join([
        '--publish=%d:%d' %
        ((p, p) if type(p) == int else tuple([int(j) for j in p]))
        for p in kwargs.get('ports', [])
    if run_settings['ports'] != '':
        run_settings['ports'] = ' %s ' % run_settings['ports']
    # run the docker
    if kwargs.get('background', False) == False or kwargs.get('visit', True):
        run_settings['attach_mode'] = '--rm -it '
        run_settings['attach_mode'] = '-d '
    if run_settings['testset_file'] != None:
            'tail'] = " bash %(container_site)s/%(testset_file)s" % run_settings
        run_settings['tail'] = ""
    run_settings['namer'] = "--name=%s " % kwargs[
        'container_name'] if 'container_name' in kwargs else ""
    cmd = (
        "docker run %(namer)s %(attach_mode)s"
        "-u %(user)s -v %(host_site)s:%(container_site)s%(mounts_extra)s%(ports)s "
        "%(container_user)s/%(image)s%(tail)s") % run_settings
    #! delete the original below after testing
    cmd_alt = ((
        "docker run %s" %
        ('--rm -it ' if
         (kwargs.get('background', False) == False
          or kwargs.get('visit', True)) else '-d ') + "--name %s " %
        kwargs['container_name'] if 'container_name' in kwargs else "" +
        "-u %(user)s -v %(host_site)s:%(container_site)s%(mounts_extra)s%(ports)s "
        + "%(container_user)s/%(image)s ") % run_settings +
               ("bash %(container_site)s/%(testset_file)s" %
                run_settings if run_settings['testset_file'] != None else ""))
    print('[STATUS] calling docker via: %s' % cmd)
    # we wait if do_once
    do_wait = do_once or kwargs.get('wait', False)
    # check_call raises exception on failure
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    # wait until the container is removed. best with the back flag for detached mode
    if do_wait:
        #! useful place to fork a process and tail the log? obv difficult because GIL
        subprocess.check_call('docker wait %s' % kwargs['container_name'],
    # clean up the testset script
    #! currently skipping the script cleanup. RESOLVE LATER!
    if False and testset_fn != None:
            os.remove(os.path.join(spot, testset_fn))
    # it is no longer necessary to clean up external mounts if they are mounted in ~/host/
    # register this in the config if it runs only once
    if do_once:
        testset_history['events'] = testset_history.get('events', [])
        event = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
        #---never save the notes
        event.pop('notes', None)
    respond = {'spot': spot}
    if testset_fn: respond['script'] = testset_fn
    return respond