class MinCostPrecursorPrioritizer(Prioritizer): ''' This is a standalone, importable MinCost model. Uses loaded keras model. ''' def __init__(self, score_scale=10.0): self.vars = [] self.FP_rad = 3 self.score_scale = score_scale self._restored = False self.pricer = None self._loaded = False def load_model(self, FP_len=1024, input_layer=6144, hidden_layer=512, modelpath=""): self.FP_len = FP_len def last_layer(x): return (lambda x: 11 - 11 * K.exp(- K.abs(x / 1500000)))(x) model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(input_layer, activation="relu", batch_input_shape=(None, self.FP_len) )) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(1)) model.add(Lambda(last_layer, output_shape = (None, 1))) if modelpath == "": modelpath = gc.MinCost_Prioritiaztion['trained_model_path'] weights = model.load_weights(modelpath) self.model = model def mol_to_fp(mol): if mol is None: return np.zeros((self.FP_len,), dtype=np.float32) return np.array(AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, self.FP_rad, nBits=self.FP_len, useChirality=True), dtype=np.bool) self.mol_to_fp = mol_to_fp self.pricer = Pricer() self.pricer.load() self._restored = True self._loaded = True def smi_to_fp(self, smi): if not smi: return np.zeros((self.FP_len,), dtype=np.float32) return self.mol_to_fp(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi)) def get_price(self, smi): ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(smi, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return 0.0 else: return None def get_priority(self, retroProduct, **kwargs): mode = kwargs.pop('mode', gc.max) if not self._loaded: self.load_model() if not isinstance(retroProduct, str): scores = [] for smiles in retroProduct.smiles_list: scores.append(self.get_score_from_smiles(smiles)) return sum(scores) else: return self.get_score_from_smiles(retroProduct) if not retroProduct: return inf def get_score_from_smiles(self, smiles): # Check buyable ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(smiles, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return 0.0 #ppg / 100. fp = np.array((self.smi_to_fp(smiles)), dtype=np.float32) if sum(fp) == 0: cur_score = 0. else: cur_score = self.model.predict(fp.reshape((1,self.FP_len)))[0][0] return cur_score
class SCScorePrecursorPrioritizer(Prioritizer): ''' This is a standalone, importable SCScorecorer model. It does not have tensorflow as a dependency and is a more attractive option for deployment. The calculations are fast enough that there is no real reason to use GPUs (via tf) instead of CPUs (via np) ''' def __init__(self, score_scale=5.0): self.vars = [] self.FP_rad = 2 self.score_scale = score_scale self._restored = False self.pricer = None self._loaded = False def load_model(self, FP_len=1024, model_tag='1024bool'): self.FP_len = FP_len if model_tag != '1024bool' and model_tag != '1024uint8' and model_tag != '2048bool': MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Non-existent SCScore model requested: {}. Using "1024bool" model'.format(model_tag), scscore_prioritizer_loc, level=2) model_tag = '1024bool' filename = 'trained_model_path_'+model_tag with open(gc.SCScore_Prioritiaztion[filename], 'rb') as fid: self.vars = pickle.load(fid) if gc.DEBUG: MyLogger.print_and_log('Loaded synthetic complexity score prioritization model from {}'.format( gc.SCScore_Prioritiaztion[filename]), scscore_prioritizer_loc) if 'uint8' in gc.SCScore_Prioritiaztion[filename]: def mol_to_fp(mol): if mol is None: return np.array((self.FP_len,), dtype=np.uint8) fp = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprint( mol, self.FP_rad, useChirality=True) # uitnsparsevect fp_folded = np.zeros((self.FP_len,), dtype=np.uint8) for k, v in fp.GetNonzeroElements().items(): fp_folded[k % self.FP_len] += v return np.array(fp_folded) else: def mol_to_fp(mol): if mol is None: return np.zeros((self.FP_len,), dtype=np.float32) return np.array(AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, self.FP_rad, nBits=self.FP_len, useChirality=True), dtype=np.bool) self.mol_to_fp = mol_to_fp self.pricer = Pricer() self.pricer.load() self._restored = True self._loaded = True def smi_to_fp(self, smi): if not smi: return np.zeros((self.FP_len,), dtype=np.float32) return self.mol_to_fp(Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(smi))) def apply(self, x): if not self._restored: raise ValueError('Must restore model weights!') # Each pair of vars is a weight and bias term for i in range(0, len(self.vars), 2): last_layer = (i == (len(self.vars)-2)) W = self.vars[i] b = self.vars[i+1] x =, x) + b if not last_layer: x = x * (x > 0) # ReLU x = 1 + (self.score_scale - 1) * sigmoid(x) return x def get_priority(self, retroProduct, **kwargs): mode = kwargs.get('mode', gc.max) if not self._loaded: self.load_model() if not isinstance(retroProduct, str): scores = [] for smiles in retroProduct.smiles_list: scores.append(self.get_score_from_smiles(smiles)) return -self.merge_scores(scores, mode=mode) else: return -self.get_score_from_smiles(retroProduct) if not retroProduct: return -inf def merge_scores(self, list_of_scores, mode=gc.max): if mode == gc.mean: return np.mean(list_of_scores) elif mode == gc.geometric: return np.power(, 1.0/len(list_of_scores)) elif mode == gc.pow8: pow8 = [] for score in list_of_scores: pow8.append(8**score) return np.sum(pow8) else: return np.max(list_of_scores) def get_score_from_smiles(self, smiles, noprice=False): # Check buyable if not noprice: ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(smiles, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return ppg / 100. fp = np.array((self.smi_to_fp(smiles)), dtype=np.float32) if sum(fp) == 0: cur_score = 0. else: # Run cur_score = self.apply(fp) return cur_score
class MinCostPrecursorPrioritizer(Prioritizer): """A precursor prioritizer using a MinCost model. This is a standalone, importable MinCost model. Uses loaded keras model. Attributes: vars (list): Unused. FP_rad (int): Fingerprint radius. FP_len (int): Fingerprint length. score_scale (float): Upper-bound of scale for scoring. pricer (Pricer or None): Pricer instance to lookup chemical costs. """ def __init__(self, score_scale=10.0): """Initializes MinCostPrecursorPrioritizer. Args: score_scale (float, optional): Upper-bound of scale for scoring. (default: {10}) """ self.vars = [] self.FP_rad = 3 self.score_scale = score_scale self._restored = False self.pricer = None self._loaded = False def load_model(self, FP_len=1024, input_layer=6144, hidden_layer=512, modelpath=""): """Loads MinCost model. Args: FP_len (int, optional): Fingerprint length. (default: {1024}) input_layer (int, optional): ?? (default: {6144}) hidden_layer (int, optional): ?? (default: {512}) model_path (str, optional): Specifies file containing model. (default: {''}) """ self.FP_len = FP_len def last_layer(x): return (lambda x: 11 - 11 * K.exp(-K.abs(x / 1500000)))(x) model = Sequential() model.add( Dense(input_layer, activation="relu", batch_input_shape=(None, self.FP_len))) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(hidden_layer, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(1)) model.add(Lambda(last_layer, output_shape=(None, 1))) if modelpath == "": modelpath = gc.MinCost_Prioritiaztion['trained_model_path'] weights = model.load_weights(modelpath) self.model = model # QUESTION: Can't this be defined at the class level in the first place? def mol_to_fp(mol): """Returns fingerprint of given molecule. Args: mol (Chem.rdchem.Mol or None): Molecule to get fingerprint of. Returns: np.ndarray of np.bool or np.float32: Fingerprint of given molecule. """ if mol is None: return np.zeros((self.FP_len, ), dtype=np.float32) return np.array(AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect( mol, self.FP_rad, nBits=self.FP_len, useChirality=True), dtype=np.bool) self.mol_to_fp = mol_to_fp self.pricer = Pricer() self.pricer.load() self._restored = True self._loaded = True def smi_to_fp(self, smi): """Returns fingerprint of molecule from given SMILES string. Args: smi (str): SMILES string of given molecule. """ if not smi: return np.zeros((self.FP_len, ), dtype=np.float32) return self.mol_to_fp(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi)) def get_price(self, smi): """Gets price of given chemical. Args: smi (str): SMILES string for given chemical. Returns: float or None: 0.0 if price is available, None if not. """ ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(smi, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return 0.0 else: return None def get_priority(self, retroProduct, **kwargs): """Returns priority of given product based on MinCost model. Args: retroProduct (str or RetroPrecursor): Product to calculate score for. **kwargs: Additional optional arguments. Used for mode. Returns: float: Priority of given product. """ mode = kwargs.pop('mode', gc.max) if not self._loaded: self.load_model() if not isinstance(retroProduct, str): scores = [] for smiles in retroProduct.smiles_list: scores.append(self.get_score_from_smiles(smiles)) return sum(scores) else: return self.get_score_from_smiles(retroProduct) if not retroProduct: return inf def get_score_from_smiles(self, smiles): """Gets precursor score from a given SMILES string. Args: smiles (str): SMILES string of precursor. Returns: float: Priority score of precursor. """ # Check buyable ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(smiles, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return 0.0 #ppg / 100. fp = np.array((self.smi_to_fp(smiles)), dtype=np.float32) if sum(fp) == 0: cur_score = 0. else: cur_score = self.model.predict(fp.reshape((1, self.FP_len)))[0][0] return cur_score
class TreeBuilder: def __init__(self, retroTransformer=None, pricer=None, max_branching=20, max_depth=3, expansion_time=240, celery=False, nproc=1, mincount=25, chiral=True, mincount_chiral=10, template_prioritization=gc.relevance, precursor_prioritization=gc.relevanceheuristic, chemhistorian=None): """Class for retrosynthetic tree expansion using a depth-first search Initialization of an object of the TreeBuilder class sets default values for various settings and loads transformers as needed (i.e., based on whether Celery is being used or not). Most settings are overridden by the get_buyable_paths method anyway. Keyword Arguments: retroTransformer {None or RetroTransformer} -- RetroTransformer object to be used for expansion when *not* using Celery. If none, will be initialized using the model_loader.load_Retro_Transformer function (default: {None}) pricer {Pricer} -- Pricer object to be used for checking stop criteria (buyability). If none, will be initialized using default settings from the global configuration (default: {None}) max_branching {number} -- Maximum number of precursor suggestions to add to the tree at each expansion (default: {20}) max_depth {number} -- Maximum number of reactions to allow before stopping the recursive expansion down one branch (default: {3}) expansion_time {number} -- Time (in seconds) to allow for expansion before searching the generated tree for buyable pathways (default: {240}) celery {bool} -- Whether or not Celery is being used. If True, then the TreeBuilder relies on reservable retrotransformer workers initialized separately. If False, then retrotransformer workers will be spun up using multiprocessing (default: {False}) nproc {number} -- Number of retrotransformer processes to fork for faster expansion (default: {1}) mincount {number} -- Minimum number of precedents for an achiral template for inclusion in the template library. Only used when retrotransformers need to be initialized (default: {25}) mincount_chiral {number} -- Minimum number of precedents for a chiral template for inclusion in the template library. Only used when retrotransformers need to be initialized. Chiral templates are necessarily more specific, so we generally use a lower threshold than achiral templates (default: {10}) chiral {bool} -- Whether or not to pay close attention to chirality. When False, even achiral templates can lead to accidental inversion of chirality in non-reacting parts of the molecule. It is highly recommended to keep this as True (default: {True}) template_prioritization {string} -- Strategy used for template prioritization, as a string. There are a limited number of available options - consult the global configuration file for info (default: {gc.popularity}) precursor_prioritization {string} -- Strategy used for precursor prioritization, as a string. There are a limited number of available options - consult the global configuration file for info (default: {gc.heuristic}) """ # General parameters self.celery = celery self.max_branching = max_branching self.mincount = mincount self.mincount_chiral = mincount_chiral self.max_depth = max_depth self.expansion_time = expansion_time self.template_prioritization = template_prioritization self.precursor_prioritization = precursor_prioritization self.nproc = nproc self.chiral = chiral self.max_cum_template_prob = 1 if pricer: self.pricer = pricer else: self.pricer = Pricer() self.pricer.load() self.chemhistorian = chemhistorian if chemhistorian is None: from makeit.utilities.historian.chemicals import ChemHistorian self.chemhistorian = ChemHistorian() self.chemhistorian.load_from_file(refs=False, compressed=True) self.reset() # When not using Celery, need to ensure retroTransformer initialized if not self.celery: if retroTransformer: self.retroTransformer = retroTransformer else: self.retroTransformer = model_loader.load_Retro_Transformer( mincount=self.mincount, mincount_chiral=self.mincount_chiral, chiral=self.chiral) # Define method to check if all results processed if self.celery: def waiting_for_results(): # update time.sleep(1) return self.pending_results != [] or self.is_ready != [] else: def waiting_for_results(): waiting = [ expansion_queue.empty() for expansion_queue in self.expansion_queues ] waiting.append(self.results_queue.empty()) waiting += self.idle return (not all(waiting)) self.waiting_for_results = waiting_for_results # Define method to get a processed result. if self.celery: def get_ready_result(): # Update which processes are ready self.is_ready = [ i for (i, res) in enumerate(self.pending_results) if res.ready() ] for i in self.is_ready: (smiles, precursors) = self.pending_results[i].get(timeout=0.2) self.pending_results[i].forget() _id = self.chem_to_id[smiles] yield (_id, smiles, precursors) self.pending_results = [ res for (i, res) in enumerate(self.pending_results) if i not in self.is_ready ] else: def get_ready_result(): while not self.results_queue.empty(): yield self.results_queue.get(0.2) self.get_ready_result = get_ready_result # Define method to start up parallelization # note: Celery will reserve an entire preforked pool of workers if self.celery: def prepare(): try: if self.chiral: request = tb_c_worker.reserve_worker_pool.delay() self.private_worker_queue = request.get(timeout=10) else: request = tb_worker.reserve_worker_pool.delay() self.private_worker_queue = request.get(timeout=10) except Exception as e: request.revoke() raise IOError( 'Did not find an available pool of workers! Try again later ({})' .format(e)) else: def prepare(): MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Tree builder spinning off {} child processes'.format( self.nproc), treebuilder_loc) for i in range(self.nproc): p = Process(, args=(i, )) self.workers.append(p) p.start() self.prepare = prepare # Define method to stop working. if self.celery: def stop(): if self.pending_results != []: # OPTION 1 - REVOKE TASKS, WHICH GETS SENT TO ALL WORKERS REGARDLESS OF TYPE #[res.revoke() for res in pending_results] # OPTION 2 - DIRECTLY PURGE THE QUEUE (NOTE: HARDCODED FOR # AMQP) import celery.bin.amqp from askcos_site.celery import app amqp = celery.bin.amqp.amqp(app=app)'queue.purge', self.private_worker_queue) if self.chiral and self.private_worker_queue: released = tb_c_worker.unreserve_worker_pool.apply_async( queue=self.private_worker_queue, retry=True).get() elif self.private_worker_queue: released = tb_worker.unreserve_worker_pool.apply_async( queue=self.private_worker_queue, retry=True).get() self.running = False else: def stop(): if not self.running: return self.done.value = 1 MyLogger.print_and_log('Terminating tree building process.', treebuilder_loc) for p in self.workers: if p and p.is_alive(): p.terminate() MyLogger.print_and_log('All tree building processes done.', treebuilder_loc) self.running = False self.stop = stop # Define method to expand a single compound if self.celery: def expand(smiles, chem_id, depth): # Chiral transformation or heuristic prioritization requires # same database if self.chiral or self.template_prioritization == gc.relevance: self.pending_results.append( tb_c_worker.get_top_precursors.apply_async( args=(smiles, self.template_prioritization, self.precursor_prioritization), kwargs={ 'mincount': self.mincount, 'max_branching': self.max_branching, 'template_count': self.template_count, 'mode': self.precursor_score_mode, 'max_cum_prob': self.max_cum_template_prob, 'apply_fast_filter': self.apply_fast_filter, 'filter_threshold': self.filter_threshold }, # Prioritize higher depths: Depth first search. priority=int(depth), queue=self.private_worker_queue, )) else: self.pending_results.append( tb_worker.get_top_precursors.apply_async( args=(smiles, self.template_prioritization, self.precursor_prioritization), kwargs={ 'mincount': self.mincount, 'max_branching': self.max_branching, 'template_count': self.template_count, 'mode': self.precursor_score_mode, 'max_cum_prob': self.max_cum_template_prob, 'apply_fast_filter': self.apply_fast_filter, 'filter_threshold': self.filter_threshold }, # Prioritize higher depths: Depth first search. priority=int(depth), queue=self.private_worker_queue, )) else: def expand(smiles, chem_id, depth): #print('Coordinator put {} (ID {}) in queue queue {}'.format(smiles, chem_id, depth)) self.expansion_queues[depth].put((chem_id, smiles)) self.expand = expand # Define how first target is set. if self.celery: def set_initial_target(smiles): self.expand(smiles, 1, 0) else: def set_initial_target(smiles): self.expansion_queues[-1].put((1, smiles)) print((self.expansion_queues)) print('Put something on expansion queue') while self.results_queue.empty(): time.sleep(0.25) #print('Waiting for first result in treebuilder...') self.set_initial_target = set_initial_target def reset(self): """Clears saved state and resets counters Called after initialization and after getting buyable pathways to free up memory and - in the case of Celery - be prepared to handle another request without having results carry over between different tree building requests. """ if self.celery: # general parameters in celery format self.tree_dict = {} self.chem_to_id = {} self.buyable_leaves = set() self.current_id = 2 self.is_ready = [] # specifically for celery self.pending_results = [] self.private_worker_queue = None else: # general parameters in python multiprocessing format self.manager = Manager() self.tree_dict = self.manager.dict() self.chem_to_id = self.manager.dict() self.buyable_leaves = self.manager.list() self.current_id = self.manager.Value('i', 2) # specificly for python multiprocessing self.done = self.manager.Value('i', 0) self.paused = self.manager.Value('i', 0) # Keep track of idle workers self.idle = self.manager.list() self.results_queue = Queue() self.workers = [] self.coordinator = None self.running = False def get_children(self, precursors): """Reformats result of an expansion for tree buidler Arguments: precursors {list of dicts} -- precursor information as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains information about the precursor identity and auxiliary information like whether the template requires heavy atoms to be contributed by reagents. Returns: [list of (dict, list)] -- precursor information reformatted into a list of 2-tuples, where the 2-tuple consists of a dictionary containing basically the same information as the precursor dictionaries, as well as the smiles_split of the precursor, which is a list of reactant SMILES strings """ children = [] for precursor in precursors: children.append(({ 'tforms': precursor['tforms'], 'template': precursor['tforms'][0], 'template_score': precursor['template_score'], 'necessary_reagent': precursor['necessary_reagent'], 'num_examples': precursor['num_examples'], 'score': precursor['score'], 'plausibility': precursor['plausibility'] }, precursor['smiles_split'])) return children def add_children(self, children, smiles, unique_id): """Add results of one expansion to the tree dictionary Arguments: children {list of (dict, list)} -- list of candidate disconnections for the target SMILES, formatted as returned by get_children() smiles {string} -- SMILES string of product (target) molecule unique_id {integer >= 1} -- ID of product (target) molecule in the tree dictionary """ parent_chem_doc = self.tree_dict[unique_id] # copy to overwrite later parent_chem_prod_of = parent_chem_doc['prod_of'] # Assign unique number for (rxn, mols) in children: # Add option to leave out blacklisted reactions. rxn_smiles = '.'.join(sorted(mols)) + '>>' + smiles if rxn_smiles in self.known_bad_reactions: continue # What should be excluded? skip_this = False for mol in mols: # Exclude banned molecules too if mol in self.forbidden_molecules: skip_this = True # Exclude reactions where the reactant is the target if mol == self.tree_dict[1]['smiles']: skip_this = True if skip_this: continue # depending on whether current_id was given as 'Manager.Value' type # or 'Integer': if self.celery: rxn_id = self.current_id self.current_id += 1 else: rxn_id = self.current_id.value # this is only okay because there is/should be only ONE # treebuilder self.current_id.value += 1 # For the parent molecule, record child reactions parent_chem_prod_of.append(rxn_id) # For the reaction, keep track of children IDs chem_ids = [] for mol in mols: # New chemical? if mol not in self.chem_to_id: try: chem_id = self.current_id.value # this is only okay because there is/should be only ONE # treebuilder self.current_id.value += 1 except AttributeError: chem_id = self.current_id self.current_id += 1 # Check if buyable ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(mol, alreadyCanonical=True) hist = self.chemhistorian.lookup_smiles( mol, alreadyCanonical=True) self.tree_dict[chem_id] = { 'smiles': mol, 'prod_of': [], 'rct_of': [rxn_id], 'depth': parent_chem_doc['depth'] + 1, 'ppg': ppg, 'as_reactant': hist['as_reactant'], 'as_product': hist['as_product'], } self.chem_to_id[mol] = chem_id # Check stop criterion if self.is_a_leaf_node(mol, ppg, hist): # print('{} is a leaf!'.format(mol)) if self.celery: self.buyable_leaves.add(chem_id) else: self.buyable_leaves.append(chem_id) else: # Add to queue to get expanded if parent_chem_doc['depth'] >= self.max_depth - 1: if gc.DEBUG: MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Reached maximum depth, so will not expand around {}' .format(self.tree_dict[chem_id]), treebuilder_loc) else: self.expand(mol, chem_id, parent_chem_doc['depth']) else: chem_id = self.chem_to_id[mol] # Overwrite this chemical node to record it is a reactant # of this rxn chem_doc = self.tree_dict[chem_id] chem_doc['rct_of'] += [rxn_id] self.tree_dict[chem_id] = chem_doc # Save ID chem_ids.append(chem_id) # Record by overwriting the whole dict value rxn['rcts'] = chem_ids rxn['prod'] = unique_id rxn['depth'] = parent_chem_doc['depth'] + 0.5 self.tree_dict[rxn_id] = rxn # Overwrite dictionary entry for the parent parent_chem_doc['prod_of'] = parent_chem_prod_of self.tree_dict[unique_id] = parent_chem_doc def work(self, i): """Work function for retroTransformer processes Only used when Celery is false and multiprocessing is used instead. Will constantly look for molecules on expansion queues to expand (in a DFS) and add results to the results queue. Arguments: i {integer >= 0} -- index assigned to the worker, used to assign idle status to the shared list self.idle[i] """ while True: # If done, stop if self.done.value: MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Worker {} saw done signal, terminating'.format(i), treebuilder_loc) break # If paused, wait and check again if self.paused.value: #print('Worker {} saw pause signal, sleeping for 1 second'.format(i)) time.sleep(1) continue # Grab something off the queue for j in range(len(self.expansion_queues))[::-1]: try: (_id, smiles) = self.expansion_queues[j].get( timeout=0.1) # short timeout self.idle[i] = False # print('Worker {} grabbed {} (ID {}) to expand from queue {}'.format(i, smiles, _id, j)) result = self.retroTransformer.get_outcomes( smiles, self.mincount, (self.precursor_prioritization, self.template_prioritization), template_count=self.template_count, mode=self.precursor_score_mode, max_cum_prob=self.max_cum_template_prob, apply_fast_filter=self.apply_fast_filter, filter_threshold=self.filter_threshold) precursors = result.return_top(n=self.max_branching) self.results_queue.put((_id, smiles, precursors)) except VanillaQueue.Empty: #print('Queue {} empty for worker {}'.format(j, i)) pass except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write(str(e)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.01) self.idle[i] = True def coordinate(self): """Run the expansion up to a specified self.expansion_time (seconds) """ start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time next = 1 while (elapsed_time < self.expansion_time) and self.waiting_for_results(): if (int(elapsed_time) / 10 == next): next += 1 MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Worked for {}/{} s'.format( int(elapsed_time * 10) / 10.0, self.expansion_time), treebuilder_loc) try: for (_id, smiles, precursors) in self.get_ready_result(): children = self.get_children(precursors) self.add_children(children, smiles, _id) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time except Exception as e: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print(('##ERROR#: {}'.format(e))) def build_tree(self, target): """Recursively build out the synthesis tree Arguments: target {string} -- SMILES of target molecule """ self.running = True if self.celery: from celery.result import allow_join_result else: from makeit.utilities.with_dummy import with_dummy as allow_join_result with allow_join_result(): try: hist = self.chemhistorian.lookup_smiles(target) self.tree_dict[1] = { 'smiles': target, 'prod_of': [], 'rct_of': [], 'depth': 0, 'ppg': self.pricer.lookup_smiles(target), 'as_reactant': hist['as_reactant'], 'as_product': hist['as_product'], } if self.is_a_leaf_node(target, self.tree_dict[1]['ppg'], hist): if self.celery: self.buyable_leaves.add(1) else: self.buyable_leaves.append(1) self.chem_to_id[target] = 1 self.prepare() self.set_initial_target(target) self.coordinate() finally: # make sure stop is graceful self.stop() def tree_status(self): """Summarize size of tree after expansion Returns: num_chemicals {int} -- number of chemical nodes in the tree num_reactions {int} -- number of reaction nodes in the tree at_depth {dict} -- dictionary containing counts at each integer depth (chemicals) and half-integer depth (reactions) """ num_chemicals = 0 num_reactions = 0 at_depth = {} for _id in list(self.tree_dict.keys()): depth = self.tree_dict[_id]['depth'] if depth % 1 == 0: num_chemicals += 1 else: num_reactions += 1 if depth not in at_depth: at_depth[depth] = 1 else: at_depth[depth] += 1 return (num_chemicals, num_reactions, at_depth) def get_buyable_paths(self, target, max_depth=3, max_branching=25, expansion_time=240, template_prioritization=gc.relevance, precursor_prioritization=gc.heuristic, nproc=1, mincount=25, chiral=True, mincount_chiral=10, max_trees=25, max_ppg=1e10, known_bad_reactions=[], forbidden_molecules=[], template_count=100, precursor_score_mode=gc.max, max_cum_template_prob=1, max_natom_dict=defaultdict(lambda: 1e9, {'logic': None}), min_chemical_history_dict={ 'as_reactant': 1e9, 'as_product': 1e9, 'logic': None }, apply_fast_filter=False, filter_threshold=0.5): """Get viable synthesis trees using an iterative deepening depth-first search [description] Arguments: target {[type]} -- [description] Keyword Arguments: max_depth {number} -- Maximum number of reactions to allow before stopping the recursive expansion down one branch (default: {3}) max_branching {number} -- Maximum number of precursor suggestions to add to the tree at each expansion (default: {25}) expansion_time {number} -- Time (in seconds) to allow for expansion before searching the generated tree for buyable pathways (default: {240}) nproc {number} -- Number of retrotransformer processes to fork for faster expansion (default: {1}) mincount {number} -- Minimum number of precedents for an achiral template for inclusion in the template library. Only used when retrotransformers need to be initialized (default: {25}) mincount_chiral {number} -- Minimum number of precedents for a chiral template for inclusion in the template library. Only used when retrotransformers need to be initialized. Chiral templates are necessarily more specific, so we generally use a lower threshold than achiral templates (default: {10}) chiral {bool} -- Whether or not to pay close attention to chirality. When False, even achiral templates can lead to accidental inversion of chirality in non-reacting parts of the molecule. It is highly recommended to keep this as True (default: {True}) template_prioritization {string} -- Strategy used for template prioritization, as a string. There are a limited number of available options - consult the global configuration file for info (default: {gc.relevance}) precursor_prioritization {string} -- Strategy used for precursor prioritization, as a string. There are a limited number of available options - consult the global configuration file for info (default: {gc.heuristic}) max_trees {number} -- Maximum number of buyable trees to return. Does not affect expansion time (default: {25}) max_ppg {number} -- Maximum price ($/g) for a chemical to be considered buyable, and thus potentially usable as a leaf node (default: {1e10}) known_bad_reactions {list} -- Reactions to forbid during expansion, represented as list of reaction SMILES strings. Each reaction SMILES must be canonicalized, have atom mapping removed, and have its reactant fragments be sorted. Forbidden reactions are checked when processing children returned by the RetroTransformer (default: {[]}) forbidden_molecules {list} -- Molecules to forbid during expansion, represented as a list of SMILES strings. Each string must be canonicalized without atom mapping. Forbidden molecules will not be allowed as intermediates or leaf nodes (default: {[]}) template_count {number} -- Maximum number of templates to apply at each expansion (default: {100}) precursor_score_mode {string} -- Mode to use for precursor scoring when using the SCScore prioritizer and multiple reactant fragments must be scored together (default: {gc.max}) max_cum_template_prob {number} -- Maximum cumulative template probability (i.e., relevance score), used as part of the relevance template_prioritizer (default: {1}) max_natom_dict {dict} -- Dictionary defining a potential chemical property stopping criterion based on the number of atoms of C, N, O, and H in a molecule. The 'logic' keyword of the dict refers to how that maximum number of atom information is combined with the requirement that chemicals be cheaper than max_ppg (default: {defaultdict(lambda: 1e9, {'logic': None})}) min_chemical_history_dict {dict} -- Dictionary defining a potential chemical stopping criterion based on the number of times a molecule has been seen previously. Always uses logical OR Returns: tree_status -- result of tree_status() trees -- list of dictionaries, where each dictionary defines a synthetic route """ self.mincount = mincount self.mincount_chiral = mincount_chiral self.max_depth = max_depth self.max_branching = max_branching self.expansion_time = expansion_time self.template_prioritization = template_prioritization self.precursor_prioritization = precursor_prioritization self.precursor_score_mode = precursor_score_mode self.nproc = nproc self.template_count = template_count self.max_cum_template_prob = max_cum_template_prob self.max_ppg = max_ppg self.apply_fast_filter = apply_fast_filter self.filter_threshold = filter_threshold MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Starting to expand {} using max_natom_dict {}, min_history {}'. format(target, max_natom_dict, min_chemical_history_dict), treebuilder_loc, level=1) if min_chemical_history_dict['logic'] not in [None, 'none'] and \ self.chemhistorian is None: from makeit.utilities.historian.chemicals import ChemHistorian self.chemhistorian = ChemHistorian() self.chemhistorian.load_from_file(refs=False, compressed=True) MyLogger.print_and_log('Loaded compressed chemhistorian from file', treebuilder_loc, level=1) # Define stop criterion def is_buyable(ppg): return ppg and (ppg <= self.max_ppg) def is_small_enough(smiles): # Get structural properties natom_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if not mol: return False for a in mol.GetAtoms(): natom_dict[a.GetSymbol()] += 1 natom_dict['H'] = sum(a.GetTotalNumHs() for a in mol.GetAtoms()) max_natom_satisfied = all(natom_dict[k] <= v for (k, v) in list(max_natom_dict.items()) if k != 'logic') return max_natom_satisfied def is_popular_enough(hist): return hist['as_reactant'] >= min_chemical_history_dict['as_reactant'] or \ hist['as_product'] >= min_chemical_history_dict['as_product'] if min_chemical_history_dict['logic'] in [None, 'none']: if max_natom_dict['logic'] in [None, 'none']: def is_a_leaf_node(smiles, ppg, hist): return is_buyable(ppg) elif max_natom_dict['logic'] == 'or': def is_a_leaf_node(smiles, ppg, hist): return is_buyable(ppg) or is_small_enough(smiles) else: def is_a_leaf_node(smiles, ppg, hist): return is_buyable(ppg) and is_small_enough(smiles) else: if max_natom_dict['logic'] in [None, 'none']: def is_a_leaf_node(smiles, ppg, hist): return is_buyable(ppg) or is_popular_enough(hist) elif max_natom_dict['logic'] == 'or': def is_a_leaf_node(smiles, ppg, hist): return is_buyable(ppg) or is_popular_enough( hist) or is_small_enough(smiles) else: def is_a_leaf_node(smiles, ppg, hist): return is_popular_enough(hist) or (is_buyable(ppg) and is_small_enough(smiles)) self.is_a_leaf_node = is_a_leaf_node # Override: if relevance method is used, chiral database must be used! if chiral or template_prioritization == gc.relevance: self.chiral = True if template_prioritization == gc.relevance and not self.celery: if not (self.retroTransformer.mincount == 25 and self.retroTransformer.mincount_chiral == 10 and self.retroTransformer.chiral): MyLogger.print_and_log( 'When using relevance based template prioritization, chiral template database ' + 'must be used with mincount = 25 and mincount_chiral = 10. Exiting...', treebuilder_loc, level=3) self.known_bad_reactions = known_bad_reactions self.forbidden_molecules = forbidden_molecules self.reset() # Initialize multiprocessing queues if necessary if not self.celery: for i in range(nproc): self.idle.append(True) if self.max_depth != 1: self.expansion_queues = [ Queue() for i in range(self.max_depth - 1) ] else: self.expansion_queues = [Queue()] # Generate trees self.build_tree(target) def IDDFS(): """Perform an iterative deepening depth-first search to find buyable pathways. Yields: nested dictionaries defining synthesis trees """ for depth in range(self.max_depth + 1): for path in DLS_chem(1, depth, headNode=True): yield chem_dict(1, children=path, **self.tree_dict[1]) def DLS_chem(chem_id, depth, headNode=False): """Expand at a fixed depth for the current node chem_id. Arguments: chem_id {int >= 1} -- unique ID of the current chemical depth {int >= 0} -- current depth of the search Keyword Arguments: headNode {bool} -- Whether this is the first (head) node, in which case it must be expanded even if it is buyable itself (default: {False}) Yields: list -- paths connecting to buyable molecules that are children of the current chemical """ # Copy list so each new branch has separate list. if depth <= 0: # Not allowing deeper - is this buyable? if chem_id in self.buyable_leaves: yield [ ] # viable node, calling function doesn't need children else: # Do we need to go deeper? if chem_id in self.buyable_leaves and not headNode: yield [] # Nope, this is a viable node else: # Try going deeper via DLS_rxn function for rxn_id in self.tree_dict[chem_id]['prod_of']: rxn_smiles = '.'.join( sorted([ self.tree_dict[x]['smiles'] for x in self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'] ])) + '>>' + self.tree_dict[chem_id]['smiles'] for path in DLS_rxn(rxn_id, depth): yield [ rxn_dict(rxn_id, rxn_smiles, children=path, **self.tree_dict[rxn_id]) ] def DLS_rxn(rxn_id, depth): """Return children paths starting from a specific rxn_id Arguments: rxn_id {int >= 2} -- unique ID of this reaction in the tree_dict depth {int >= 0} -- current depth of the search Yields: list -- paths connecting to buyable molecules that are children of the current reaction """ # Only one reactant? easy! if len(self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts']) == 1: chem_id = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][0] for path in DLS_chem(chem_id, depth - 1): yield [ chem_dict(chem_id, children=path, **self.tree_dict[chem_id]) ] # Two reactants? want to capture all combinations of each node's # options elif len(self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts']) == 2: chem_id0 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][0] chem_id1 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][1] for path0 in DLS_chem(chem_id0, depth - 1): for path1 in DLS_chem(chem_id1, depth - 1): yield [ chem_dict(chem_id0, children=path0, **self.tree_dict[chem_id0]), chem_dict(chem_id1, children=path1, **self.tree_dict[chem_id1]), ] # Three reactants? This is not elegant... elif len(self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts']) == 3: chem_id0 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][0] chem_id1 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][1] chem_id2 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][2] for path0 in DLS_chem(chem_id0, depth - 1): for path1 in DLS_chem(chem_id1, depth - 1): for path2 in DLS_chem(chem_id2, depth - 1): yield [ chem_dict(chem_id0, children=path0, **self.tree_dict[chem_id0]), chem_dict(chem_id1, children=path1, **self.tree_dict[chem_id1]), chem_dict(chem_id2, children=path2, **self.tree_dict[chem_id2]), ] # I am ashamed elif len(self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts']) == 4: chem_id0 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][0] chem_id1 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][1] chem_id2 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][2] chem_id3 = self.tree_dict[rxn_id]['rcts'][3] for path0 in DLS_chem(chem_id0, depth - 1): for path1 in DLS_chem(chem_id1, depth - 1): for path2 in DLS_chem(chem_id2, depth - 1): for path3 in DLS_chem(chem_id3, depth - 1): yield [ chem_dict(chem_id0, children=path0, **self.tree_dict[chem_id0]), chem_dict(chem_id1, children=path1, **self.tree_dict[chem_id1]), chem_dict(chem_id2, children=path2, **self.tree_dict[chem_id2]), chem_dict(chem_id3, children=path3, **self.tree_dict[chem_id3]), ] else: print('Too many reactants! Only have cases 1-4 programmed') raise ValueError( 'Too many reactants! Only have cases 1-4 programmed') # Generate paths and ensure unique import hashlib import json done_trees = set() trees = [] counter = 0 for tree in IDDFS(): hashkey = hashlib.sha1( json.dumps(tree, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if hashkey in done_trees: #print('Found duplicate tree...') continue done_trees.add(hashkey) trees.append(tree) counter += 1 if counter == max_trees: MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Generated {} trees (max_trees met), stopped looking for more...' .format(max_trees), treebuilder_loc) break tree_status = self.tree_status() if self.celery: self.reset() # free up memory, don't hold tree return (tree_status, trees)
class MCTS: def __init__(self, retroTransformer=None, pricer=None, max_branching=50, total_applied_templates=1000, max_depth=10, celery=False, nproc=8, mincount=25, chiral=True, template_prioritization=gc.relevance, precursor_prioritization=gc.heuristic, max_ppg=100, mincount_chiral=10): self.celery = celery self.mincount = mincount self.mincount_chiral = mincount_chiral self.max_depth = max_depth self.max_branching = max_branching self.total_applied_templates = total_applied_templates self.template_prioritization = template_prioritization self.precursor_prioritization = precursor_prioritization self.nproc = nproc self.chiral = chiral self.max_cum_template_prob = 1 ## Pricer if pricer: self.pricer = pricer else: self.pricer = Pricer() self.pricer.load(max_ppg=max_ppg) self.reset() ## Load transformer ''' try: from import model_loader if not self.celery: if retroTransformer: self.retroTransformer = retroTransformer else: self.retroTransformer = model_loader.load_Retro_Transformer(mincount=self.mincount, mincount_chiral=self.mincount_chiral, chiral=self.chiral) except: ''' # model_loader tries to load mpl, don't have/want it on the cluster ... # classical load then. db_client = MongoClient(gc.MONGO['path'], gc.MONGO['id'], connect=gc.MONGO['connect']) TEMPLATE_DB = db_client[gc.RETRO_TRANSFORMS_CHIRAL['database']][ gc.RETRO_TRANSFORMS_CHIRAL['collection']] self.retroTransformer = RetroTransformer( mincount=self.mincount, mincount_chiral=self.mincount_chiral, TEMPLATE_DB=TEMPLATE_DB) self.retroTransformer.chiral = self.chiral home = os.path.expanduser('~') if home.split("/")[1] == "rigel": home = "/rigel/cheme/users/jss2278/chemical_networks" transformer_filepath = home + "/Make-It/makeit/data/" if os.path.isfile(transformer_filepath + "chiral_templates.pickle"): self.retroTransformer.load_from_file( True, "chiral_templates.pickle", chiral=self.chiral, rxns=True, file_path=transformer_filepath) else: self.retroTransformer.dump_to_file(True, "chiral_templates.pickle", chiral=self.chiral, file_path=transformer_filepath) if self.celery: def expand(smiles, chem_id, queue_depth, branching): # Chiral transformation or heuristic prioritization requires # same database if self.chiral or self.template_prioritization == gc.relevance: self.pending_results.append( tb_c_worker.get_top_precursors.apply_async( args=(smiles, self.template_prioritization, self.precursor_prioritization), kwargs={ 'mincount': self.mincount, 'max_branching': self.max_branching, 'template_count': self.template_count, 'mode': self.precursor_score_mode, 'max_cum_prob': self.max_cum_template_prob }, # Prioritize higher depths: Depth first search. priority=int(depth), queue=self.private_worker_queue, )) else: self.pending_results.append( tb_worker.get_top_precursors.apply_async( args=(smiles, self.template_prioritization, self.precursor_prioritization), kwargs={ 'mincount': self.mincount, 'max_branching': self.max_branching, 'template_count': self.template_count, 'mode': self.precursor_score_mode, 'max_cum_prob': self.max_cum_template_prob }, # Prioritize higher depths: Depth first search. priority=int(depth), queue=self.private_worker_queue, )) else: def expand(_id, chem_smi, depth, branching): self.expansion_queues[_id].put( (_id, chem_smi, depth, branching)) self.expand = expand # Define method to start up parallelization. if self.celery: def prepare(): if self.chiral: self.private_worker_queue = tb_c_worker.reserve_worker_pool.delay( ).get(timeout=5) else: self.private_worker_queue = tb_worker.reserve_worker_pool.delay( ).get(timeout=5) else: def prepare(): print 'Tree builder spinning off {} child processes'.format( self.nproc) #MyLogger.print_and_log('Tree builder spinning off {} child processes'.format( # self.nproc), treebuilder_loc) for i in range(self.nproc): p = Process(, args=(i, )) self.workers.append(p) p.start() self.prepare = prepare # Define method to check if all results processed if self.celery: def waiting_for_results(): # update time.sleep(1) return self.pending_results != [] or self.is_ready != [] else: def waiting_for_results(): waiting = [ expansion_queue.empty() for expansion_queue in self.expansion_queues ] for results_queue in self.results_queues: waiting.append(results_queue.empty()) waiting += self.idle return (not all(waiting)) self.waiting_for_results = waiting_for_results # Define method to get a processed result. if self.celery: def get_ready_result(): #Update which processes are ready self.is_ready = [ i for (i, res) in enumerate(self.pending_results) if res.ready() ] for i in self.is_ready: (smiles, precursors) = self.pending_results[i].get(timeout=0.25) self.pending_results[i].forget() _id = self.chem_to_id[smiles] yield (_id, smiles, precursors) self.pending_results = [ res for (i, res) in enumerate(self.pending_results) if i not in self.is_ready ] else: def get_ready_result(): for results_queue in self.results_queues: while not results_queue.empty(): yield results_queue.get(timeout=0.25) self.get_ready_result = get_ready_result # Define method to get a signal to start a new attempt. if self.celery: def get_pathway_result(): #Update which processes are ready self.is_ready = [ i for (i, res) in enumerate(self.pending_results) if res.ready() ] for i in self.is_ready: (smiles, precursors) = self.pending_results[i].get(timeout=0.25) self.pending_results[i].forget() _id = self.chem_to_id[smiles] yield (_id, smiles, precursors) self.pending_results = [ res for (i, res) in enumerate(self.pending_results) if i not in self.is_ready ] else: def get_pathway_result(): while not self.pathways_queue.empty(): yield self.pathways_queue.get(timeout=0.25) self.get_pathway_result = get_pathway_result # Define how first target is set. if self.celery: def set_initial_target(_id, smiles): self.expand(smiles, 1) else: def set_initial_target(_id, leaves): for leaf in leaves: self.active_chemicals[_id].append(leaf) self.expand_products(_id, [leaf], self.expansion_branching) self.set_initial_target = set_initial_target # Define method to stop working. if self.celery: def stop(): if self.pending_results != []: import celery.bin.amqp from askcos_site.celery import app amqp = celery.bin.amqp.amqp(app=app)'queue.purge', self.private_worker_queue) if self.chiral: released = tb_c_worker.unreserve_worker_pool.apply_async( queue=self.private_worker_queue, retry=True).get() else: released = tb_worker.unreserve_worker_pool.apply_async( queue=self.private_worker_queue, retry=True).get() self.running = False else: def stop(): if not self.running: return self.done.value = 1 #MyLogger.print_and_log('Terminating tree building process.', treebuilder_loc) for p in self.workers: if p and p.is_alive(): p.terminate() #MyLogger.print_and_log('All tree building processes done.', treebuilder_loc) self.running = False self.stop = stop def get_price(self, chem_smi): ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(chem_smi, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return 0.0 else: return None def update_tree(self, _id): try: self.pathway_count += 1 chemicals = self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'] reactions = self.pathways[_id]['reaction_nodes'] target_smiles = self.pathways[_id]['target'] smiles_id = self.pathways[_id]['smiles_id'] # Add in the penalties to the 'purchase price' so they get counted right in Mincost for key, C in chemicals.items(): if C.retro_results == []: C.price(self.max_penalty) continue if key[1] == self.max_depth: C.price(self.depth_penalty) continue # Update costs / successes Reset(chemicals, reactions) MinCost((target_smiles, 0), self.max_depth, chemicals, reactions) target_cost = self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][(target_smiles, 0)].cost buyable = True for chem_key in chemicals: if len(chemicals[chem_key].incoming_reactions) == 0: if not (chemicals[chem_key].purchase_price == 0.0): buyable = False if buyable: self.successful_pathway_count += 1 c_branching = {k: 0 for k in range(1, self.max_depth + 1)} r_branching = {k: 0 for k in range(1, self.max_depth + 1)} for reac_key in reactions: reac_smiles, depth1 = reac_key c_branching[depth1] += len(reac_smiles.split(".")) r_branching[depth1] += 1 if target_cost == float('inf'): for key, C in chemicals.items(): print key, C.purchase_price, C.cost, C.retro_results #print " ------------------------------------------------- " # Save details for chemicals ... self.save_pathway(self.pathways[_id], target_cost, smiles_id, [c_branching, r_branching], buyable) except: print "Error in update_tree:", traceback.format_exc() def save_pathway(self, pathway, target_cost, target_id, branching, buyable): #if self.fileName: #with open("train/pathways/" + self.fileName + ".pkl", "a+b") as fid: # pickle.dump(pathway, fid, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) #with open(self.fileName, "a+") as fid: # fid.write("{} {} {}\n".format(target_id,target_cost,int(buyable))) c_branching, r_branching = branching c_branching = [ str(c_branching[k]) for k in range(1, self.max_depth + 1) ] r_branching = [ str(r_branching[k]) for k in range(1, self.max_depth + 1) ] branching = c_branching + r_branching branching = " ".join(branching) print_out = "{} {} {} {}\n".format(target_id, target_cost, int(buyable), branching) with open(self.fileName, "a+") as fid: fid.write(print_out) def coordinate(self): try: start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time next = 1 finished = False while (elapsed_time < self.expansion_time) and self.waiting_for_results(): if (int(elapsed_time) / 10 == next): next += 1 print "Worked for {}/{} s".format( int(elapsed_time * 10) / 10.0, self.expansion_time) print "... attempts {}\n... pathways {}".format( self.pathway_count, self.successful_pathway_count) try: for (_id, chem_smi, depth, precursors) in self.get_ready_result(): children = self.add_reactants(_id, chem_smi, depth, precursors) self.active_chemicals[_id].remove((chem_smi, depth)) if bool(children): if children == 'cyclic' or children == 'unexpandable': continue if (len(children) + self.pathway_status[_id][0] <= self.pathway_status[_id][2]): for kid in children: self.active_chemicals[_id].append(kid) _expand = self.expand_products( _id, children, self.rollout_branching) continue self.pathway_status[_id][1] = False for _id in range(self.nproc): no_worker = bool(self.idle[_id]) is_pathway = bool(self.pathways[_id]) no_results = self.results_queues[_id].empty() no_expansions = self.expansion_queues[_id].empty() is_pathway_dead = (not self.pathway_status[_id][1]) check_dead = all([ no_worker, is_pathway, no_results, no_expansions, is_pathway_dead ]) if check_dead: processed = [ chem_dict.processed for chem_dict in self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'].values() ] if all(processed): self.update_tree(_id) self.pathways[_id] = 0 self.active_chemicals[_id] = [] self.pathways_queue.put(_id) #print "... put pathway (1) into pathways queue ... " elif (self.pathway_status[0] >= self.total_applied_templates) and ( not self.active_chemicals[_id]): self.update_tree(_id) self.pathways[_id] = 0 self.active_chemicals[_id] = [] self.pathways_queue.put(_id) #print "... put pathway (2) into pathways queue ... " else: pass else: is_pathway = bool(self.pathways[_id]) if is_pathway: processed = [ chem_dict.processed for chem_dict in self.pathways[_id] ['chemical_nodes'].values() ] no_results = self.results_queues[_id].empty() no_expansions = self.expansion_queues[ _id].empty() active_chemicals = ( not self.active_chemicals[_id]) check_delayed = all([ no_results, no_expansions, active_chemicals ]) if check_delayed and processed: if all(processed): self.update_tree(_id) self.pathways[_id] = 0 self.active_chemicals[_id] = [] self.pathways_queue.put(_id) #print "... put pathway (3) into pathways queue ... " if finished: if all([(len(self.active_chemicals[_id]) == 0) for _id in range(self.nproc)]): break continue for _id in self.get_pathway_result(): try: pair = smiles_id, smiles = pair except StopIteration: print "We are finished!" finished = True break leaves = [(smiles, 0)] pathway = { 'chemicals': set(), 'chemical_nodes': {}, 'reaction_nodes': {}, 'target': smiles, 'smiles_id': smiles_id } self.pathways[_id] = pathway self.pathway_status[_id] = [ 0, True, self.total_applied_templates ] self.set_initial_target(_id, leaves) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time except Exception as E: print "... unspecified ERROR:", traceback.format_exc() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time self.stop() print "... exited prematurely." except: print "Error in coordinate:", traceback.format_exc() sys.exit(1) def work(self, i): use_mincost = False prioritizers = (self.precursor_prioritization, self.template_prioritization) if self.precursor_prioritization == gc.mincost: print "Loading model weights train/fit/{}/".format( self.policy_iteration) from makeit.prioritization.precursors.mincost import MinCostPrecursorPrioritizer model = MinCostPrecursorPrioritizer() model.load_model( datapath='train/fit/{}/'.format(self.policy_iteration)) prioritizers = (gc.relevance_precursor, self.template_prioritization) use_mincost = True while True: # If done, stop if self.done.value: print 'Worker {} saw done signal, terminating'.format(i) #MyLogger.print_and_log( # 'Worker {} saw done signal, terminating'.format(i), treebuilder_loc) break # If paused, wait and check again if self.paused.value: time.sleep(1) continue # Grab something off the queue try: self.idle[i] = False (jj, smiles, depth, branching) = self.expansion_queues[i].get( timeout=0.25) # short timeout #prioritizers = (self.precursor_prioritization, self.template_prioritization) outcomes = self.retroTransformer.get_outcomes( smiles, self.mincount, prioritizers, depth=depth, template_count=self.template_count, mode=self.precursor_score_mode, max_cum_prob=self.max_cum_template_prob) if use_mincost: for precursor in outcomes.precursors: precursor.retroscore = 1.0 + sum([ abs(model.get_score_from_smiles(smile, depth + 1)) for smile in precursor.smiles_list ]) #print smiles, precursor.retroscore, precursor.smiles_list reaction_precursors = outcomes.return_top( n=self.rollout_branching) # Epsilon-greedy: if (random.random() < self.epsilon) and len(reaction_precursors) > 0: reaction_precursors = [random.choice(reaction_precursors)] self.results_queues[jj].put( (jj, smiles, depth, reaction_precursors)) except VanillaQueue.Empty: pass except Exception as e: print traceback.format_exc() time.sleep(0.01) self.idle[i] = True def add_reactants(self, _id, chem_smi, depth, precursors): try: self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][(chem_smi, depth)].processed = True # If no templates applied, do not go further, chemical not makeable. if not precursors: self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][chem_smi, depth].retro_results = [] return 'unexpandable' #return False scores_list = [] for result in precursors: reactants = result['smiles_split'] retroscore = result['score'] template_action = result['tforms'] template_probability = result['template_score'] # Reject cyclic templates as 'illegal moves'. cyclic_template = False for q, smi in enumerate(reactants): if smi in self.pathways[_id]['chemicals']: reactant_smile_key = sorted([(rchem_smi, rdepth) for ( rchem_smi, rdepth) in self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'] if (rchem_smi == smi)], key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if not (self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'] [reactant_smile_key].purchase_price >= 0): last_reactant_cost = self.pathways[_id][ 'chemical_nodes'][reactant_smile_key].cost if (last_reactant_cost >= self.max_penalty) or ( last_reactant_cost == -1): cyclic_template = True break if cyclic_template: continue scores_list.append([ retroscore, reactants, template_probability, template_action ]) if not scores_list: self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][chem_smi, depth].retro_results = [] return 'unexpandable' results = sorted(scores_list, key=lambda x: (x[0], sum([len(xx) for xx in x[1]]))) self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][ chem_smi, depth].retro_results = results #precursors #for result in results: # print chem_smi, depth, result[0], result[1] for p, result in enumerate(results): react_cost, reactants, template_prob, template_no = result if isinstance(reactants, list): rxn_smi = ".".join(reactants) else: rxn_smi = reactants if p == 0: children = [] self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][( chem_smi, depth)].add_incoming_reaction( rxn_smi, (template_no, template_prob)) self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][( chem_smi, depth)].retro_results = result self.pathways[_id]['reaction_nodes'][(rxn_smi, depth + 1)] = Reaction( rxn_smi, depth + 1) self.pathways[_id]['reaction_nodes'][( rxn_smi, depth + 1)].add_outgoing_chemical( chem_smi, (template_no, template_prob)) for q, smi in enumerate(reactants): if (smi, depth + 1) in children: continue children.append((smi, depth + 1)) self.pathways[_id]['reaction_nodes'][( rxn_smi, depth + 1)].add_incoming_chemical(smi) if (smi, depth + 1) not in self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes']: self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][smi, depth + 1] = Chemical( smi, depth + 1) ppg = self.get_price(smi) self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][smi, depth + 1].price(ppg) if (ppg >= 0.0) or ( (depth + 1) == self.max_depth) or ( not self.pathway_status[_id][1]): self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][ smi, depth + 1].processed = True if ((depth + 1) == self.max_depth) and (not ppg >= 0.0): self.pathway_status[_id][1] = False break ################################# if children and ( depth < self.max_depth ) and self.pathway_status[_id][1]: #not cyclic_template return children else: #print "Warning (ii): Nothing left to expand.", cyclic_template for smi in reactants: try: if (not self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][ smi, depth + 1].processed): self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][ smi, depth + 1].processed = True except: pass return False except Exception as E: print "Error in add_reactants:", traceback.format_exc() print self.pathways[_id]['chemicals'] for key, c in self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'].items(): print key, type(c.retro_results) def expand_products(self, _id, children, branching): try: synthetic_expansion_candidates = 0 for (chem_smi, depth) in children: if depth >= self.max_depth: self.active_chemicals[_id].remove((chem_smi, depth)) self.pathway_status[_id][1] = False continue ppg = self.get_price( chem_smi) #self.Chemicals[chem_smi,depth].purchase_price if chem_smi in self.pathways[_id]['chemicals']: if not (ppg >= 0.0): self.active_chemicals[_id].remove((chem_smi, depth)) self.pathway_status[_id][1] = False continue self.pathways[_id]['chemicals'].add(chem_smi) if (chem_smi, depth) not in self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes']: self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][chem_smi, depth] = Chemical( chem_smi, depth) self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][chem_smi, depth].price(ppg) if ppg >= 0: self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][( chem_smi, depth)].processed = True self.active_chemicals[_id].remove((chem_smi, depth)) continue if not (self.pathway_status[_id][0] < self.pathway_status[_id][2]): self.pathways[_id]['chemical_nodes'][( chem_smi, depth)].processed = True self.active_chemicals[_id].remove((chem_smi, depth)) self.pathway_status[_id][1] = False continue synthetic_expansion_candidates += 1 self.pathway_status[_id][0] += 1 # TO-DO # If we have already expanded the node, don't re-do it. # Form for results_queue.put(): (jj, smiles, depth, precursors, pathway) self.expand(_id, chem_smi, depth, branching) return synthetic_expansion_candidates except Exception as e: print "Error in expand_products:", traceback.format_exc() def target_generator(self): return self.target_generator_func() def target_generator_func(self): for data in self.target_chemicals: yield data def build_tree(self): start_time = time.time() self.running = True self.prepare() self.smiles_generator = self.target_generator() for k in range(self.nproc): try: pair = smiles_id, smiles = pair #self.epsilon = epsilon except StopIteration: print "(a) We are finished!" break leaves = [(smiles, 0)] pathway = { 'chemicals': set(), 'chemical_nodes': {}, 'reaction_nodes': {}, 'target': smiles, 'smiles_id': smiles_id } self.pathways[k] = pathway self.pathway_status[k] = [0, True, self.total_applied_templates] self.set_initial_target(k, leaves) # Coordinate workers. self.coordinate() ''' # Save CRN mincost, num_pathways = self.save_crn() # Save states for training value network training_states_save = "states/replica_{}.pickle".format(self.replica) value_network_training_states(self.smiles_id, self.Chemicals, self.Reactions, FP_rad = 3, FPS_size = 16384, fileName = training_states_save) ''' print "Finished working." def reset(self): if self.celery: # general parameters in celery format pass else: self.manager = Manager() self.done = self.manager.Value('i', 0) self.paused = self.manager.Value('i', 0) self.idle = self.manager.list() self.results_queue = Queue() self.workers = [] self.coordinator = None self.running = False ## Queues self.pathways = [0 for i in range(self.nproc)] self.pathways_queue = Queue() self.pathway_status = [[0, True, self.total_applied_templates] for i in range(self.nproc)] self.sampled_pathways = [] self.pathway_count = 0 self.successful_pathway_count = 0 for i in range(self.nproc): self.idle.append(True) if self.nproc != 1: self.expansion_queues = [Queue() for i in range(self.nproc)] self.results_queues = [Queue() for i in range(self.nproc)] else: self.expansion_queues = [Queue()] self.results_queues = [Queue()] self.active_chemicals = [[] for x in range(self.nproc)] def get_buyable_paths(self, target_chemicals, replica=0, fileName=None, max_depth=10, expansion_time=300, expansion_branching=1, rollout_branching=1, total_applied_templates=1000, noise_std_percentage=None, template_prioritization=gc.relevance, precursor_prioritization=gc.heuristic, policy_iteration=None, nproc=8, mincount=25, chiral=True, epsilon=0.0, template_count=50, precursor_score_mode=gc.max, max_cum_template_prob=0.995): self.target_chemicals = target_chemicals self.replica = replica self.fileName = fileName self.mincount = mincount self.max_depth = max_depth self.expansion_branching = expansion_branching self.expansion_time = expansion_time self.rollout_branching = rollout_branching self.total_applied_templates = total_applied_templates self.template_prioritization = template_prioritization self.precursor_prioritization = precursor_prioritization self.precursor_score_mode = precursor_score_mode self.nproc = nproc self.template_count = template_count self.max_cum_template_prob = max_cum_template_prob self.epsilon = epsilon if self.precursor_prioritization == 'random': self.epsilon = 1.0 self.noise_std_percentage = noise_std_percentage self.policy_iteration = policy_iteration self.depth_penalty = score_max_depth() self.max_penalty = score_no_templates() self.manager = Manager() # specificly for python multiprocessing self.done = self.manager.Value('i', 0) self.paused = self.manager.Value('i', 0) # Keep track of idle workers self.idle = self.manager.list() self.results_queue = Queue() self.workers = [] self.coordinator = None self.running = False ## Queues self.pathways = [0 for i in range(self.nproc)] self.pathways_queue = Queue() self.pathway_status = [[0, True, self.total_applied_templates] for i in range(self.nproc)] self.sampled_pathways = [] self.pathway_count = 0 self.successful_pathway_count = 0 if not self.celery: for i in range(nproc): self.idle.append(True) if self.nproc != 1: self.expansion_queues = [Queue() for i in range(self.nproc)] self.results_queues = [Queue() for i in range(self.nproc)] else: self.expansion_queues = [Queue()] self.results_queues = [Queue()] self.active_chemicals = [[] for x in range(nproc)] #print "Starting search for id:", smiles_id, "smiles:", smiles return self.build_tree()
class SCScorePrecursorPrioritizer(Prioritizer): """Standalone, importable SCScorecorer model. It does not have tensorflow as a dependency and is a more attractive option for deployment. The calculations are fast enough that there is no real reason to use GPUs (via tf) instead of CPUs (via np). Attributes: vars (list of np.ndarry of np.ndarray of np.float32): Weights and bias of given model. FP_rad (int): Fingerprint radius. FP_len (int): Fingerprint length. score_scale (float): Upper-bound of scale for scoring. pricer (Pricer or None): Pricer instance to lookup chemical costs. """ def __init__(self, score_scale=5.0): """Initializes SCScorePrecursorPrioritizer. Args: score_scale (float, optional): Upper-bound of scale for scoring. (default: {5.0}) """ self.vars = [] self.FP_rad = 2 self.score_scale = score_scale self._restored = False self.pricer = None self._loaded = False def load_model(self, FP_len=1024, model_tag='1024bool'): """Loads model from given tag. Args: FP_len (int, optional): Fingerprint length. (default: {1024}) model_tag (str, optional): Tag of model to load. (default: {'1024bool'}) """ self.FP_len = FP_len if model_tag != '1024bool' and model_tag != '1024uint8' and model_tag != '2048bool': MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Non-existent SCScore model requested: {}. Using "1024bool" model' .format(model_tag), scscore_prioritizer_loc, level=2) model_tag = '1024bool' filename = 'trained_model_path_' + model_tag with open(gc.SCScore_Prioritiaztion[filename], 'rb') as fid: self.vars = pickle.load(fid) if gc.DEBUG: MyLogger.print_and_log( 'Loaded synthetic complexity score prioritization model from {}' .format(gc.SCScore_Prioritiaztion[filename]), scscore_prioritizer_loc) if 'uint8' in gc.SCScore_Prioritiaztion[filename]: def mol_to_fp(mol): """Returns fingerprint of molecule for uint8 model. Args: mol (Chem.rdchem.Mol or None): Molecule to get fingerprint of. Returns: np.ndarray of np.uint8: Fingerprint of given molecule. """ if mol is None: return np.array((self.FP_len, ), dtype=np.uint8) fp = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprint( mol, self.FP_rad, useChirality=True) # uitnsparsevect fp_folded = np.zeros((self.FP_len, ), dtype=np.uint8) for k, v in fp.GetNonzeroElements().items(): fp_folded[k % self.FP_len] += v return np.array(fp_folded) else: def mol_to_fp(mol): """Returns fingerprint of molecule for bool model. Args: mol (Chem.rdchem.Mol or None): Molecule to get fingerprint of. Returns: np.ndarray of np.bool or np.float32: Fingerprint of given molecule. """ if mol is None: return np.zeros((self.FP_len, ), dtype=np.float32) return np.array(AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect( mol, self.FP_rad, nBits=self.FP_len, useChirality=True), dtype=np.bool) self.mol_to_fp = mol_to_fp self.pricer = Pricer() self.pricer.load() self._restored = True self._loaded = True def smi_to_fp(self, smi): """Returns fingerprint of molecule from given SMILES string. Args: smi (str): SMILES string of given molecule. """ if not smi: return np.zeros((self.FP_len, ), dtype=np.float32) return self.mol_to_fp(Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(smi))) def apply(self, x): """Applies model to a fingerprint to calculate score. Args: x (np.ndarray): Fingerprint of molecule to apply model to. Returns: float: Score of molecule. """ if not self._restored: raise ValueError('Must restore model weights!') # Each pair of vars is a weight and bias term for i in range(0, len(self.vars), 2): last_layer = (i == (len(self.vars) - 2)) W = self.vars[i] b = self.vars[i + 1] x =, x) + b if not last_layer: x = x * (x > 0) # ReLU x = 1 + (self.score_scale - 1) * sigmoid(x) return x def get_priority(self, retroProduct, **kwargs): """Returns priority of given product. Args: retroProduct (str or RetroPrecursor): Product to calculate score for. **kwargs: Additional optional arguments. Used for mode. Returns: float: Priority of given product. """ mode = kwargs.get('mode', gc.max) if not self._loaded: self.load_model() if not isinstance(retroProduct, str): scores = [] for smiles in retroProduct.smiles_list: scores.append(self.get_score_from_smiles(smiles)) return -self.merge_scores(scores, mode=mode) else: return -self.get_score_from_smiles(retroProduct) if not retroProduct: return -inf def merge_scores(self, list_of_scores, mode=gc.max): """Merges list of scores into a single score based on a given mode. Args: list_of_scores (list of floats): Scores to be merged. mode (str, optional): Function to merge by. (default: {gc.max}) Returns: float: Merged scores. """ if mode == gc.mean: return np.mean(list_of_scores) elif mode == gc.geometric: return np.power(, 1.0 / len(list_of_scores)) elif mode == gc.pow8: pow8 = [] for score in list_of_scores: pow8.append(8**score) return np.sum(pow8) else: return np.max(list_of_scores) def get_score_from_smiles(self, smiles, noprice=False): """Returns score of molecule from given SMILES string. Args: smiles (str): SMILES string of molecule. noprice (bool, optional): Whether to not use the molecules price as its score, if available. (default: {False}) """ # Check buyable if not noprice: ppg = self.pricer.lookup_smiles(smiles, alreadyCanonical=True) if ppg: return ppg / 100. fp = np.array((self.smi_to_fp(smiles)), dtype=np.float32) if sum(fp) == 0: cur_score = 0. else: # Run cur_score = self.apply(fp) return cur_score