    def get_config(self):
        This is the main entry
        key1 = '15af8sd4s1c5s511'
        key2 = '4e3f5a4c592b243f'

        crypted_config = self.file_info.file_from_zip('config.txt')

        first_round = crypto.decrypt_aes(key1, binascii.unhexlify(crypted_config))
        clear_config = crypto.decrypt_aes(key2, binascii.unhexlify(first_round[:-16]))

        fields = clear_config.decode('utf-8').split("<separator>")

        config_dict = {'Domain': fields[0],
                       'Password': fields[1],
                       'Port1': fields[2],
                       'Port2': fields[3]
        if len(fields) > 4:
            config_dict['InstallName'] = fields[4]
            config_dict['JarName'] = fields[5]

        # Set the config to the class for use
        self.config = config_dict
    def get_config(self):
        This is the main entry

        # Getting resource is tough so instead we grab the base64 string from the raw
        file_data = self.file_info.file_data
        re_pattern = b'[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{60,}={0,2}'
        conf_string = re.findall(re_pattern, file_data)[0]
        # b64decode
        conf_string = b64decode(conf_string)

        # Derive Key
        key_hash = hashlib.md5(
            'Specify a Password'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        aes_key = key_hash[:30] + key_hash + '00'

        # Decrypt
        decrypted = crypto.decrypt_aes(binascii.unhexlify(aes_key),

        string_list = decrypted.decode('utf-8').split('|')

        config_dict = {}
        config_dict["Domain"] = string_list[0]
        config_dict["Port"] = string_list[1]
        config_dict["BackUp Domain"] = string_list[2]
        config_dict["Install Name"] = string_list[3]
        config_dict["Startup Name"] = string_list[4]
        config_dict["Campaign ID"] = string_list[5]

        # Set the config to the class for use
        self.config = config_dict
    def get_config(self):
        This is the main entry

        file_info = self.file_info

        file_list = file_info.zip_namelist()

        # Look for Dropper
        if 'sky.drive' in file_list and 'mega.download' in file_list and 'drop.box' in file_list:

        # Look for implant
        elif 'server/resources/config.json' in file_list and 'server/resources/Key1.json' in file_list and 'server/resources/Key2.json' in file_list:
            rsa_serialized_key = file_info.file_from_zip('server/resources/Key1.json')
            encrypted_aes_key = file_info.file_from_zip('server/resources/Key2.json')
            aes_encrypted_config = file_info.file_from_zip('server/resources/config.json')

            # Another round of extraction
            rsa_key_string = Jbifrost.extract_rsa_key(rsa_serialized_key)
            aes_key = crypto.decrypt_rsa(rsa_key_string, encrypted_aes_key)
            implant_config = crypto.decrypt_aes(aes_key[-16:], aes_encrypted_config)

            implant_config = implant_config.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\x0e')

            self.config = implant_config

        elif 'lp/sq/d.png' in file_info:
            '\n[+] Failed to find jBiFrost malware...'
    def extract_from_droppper(self):
        file_info = self.file_info

            # Read Files
            encrypted_aes_key = file_info.file_from_zip('mega.download')
            rsa_serialized_key = file_info.file_from_zip('sky.drive')
            aes_encrypted_config = file_info.file_from_zip('drop.box')

            # Deserailize and retrieve the RSA Key
            rsa_key_string = self.extract_rsa_key(rsa_serialized_key)

            # Decrypt the AES Key using the RSA Key
            aes_key = crypto.decrypt_rsa(rsa_key_string, encrypted_aes_key)

            # Read in serialized RSA KeyRep file.
            aes_encrypted_config = file_info.file_from_zip('lp/sq/d.png')
            aes_key = 'lks03oeldkfirowl'

        # Use the AES Key to decrpyt the config
        aes_decrypted_xml = crypto.decrypt_aes(aes_key[-16:], aes_encrypted_config)
        parsed_xml = self.parse_xml(aes_decrypted_xml)

        # Extract the implant using the xml properties
        rsa_serialized_key_path = parsed_xml['PRIVATE_PASSWORD'].lstrip('/')
        aes_path = parsed_xml['PASSWORD_CRYPTED'].lstrip('/')
        implant_path = parsed_xml['SERVER_PATH'].lstrip('/')

        rsa_serialized_key = file_info.file_from_zip(rsa_serialized_key_path)
        encrypted_aes_key = file_info.file_from_zip(aes_path)
        aes_encrypted_jar = file_info.file_from_zip(implant_path)

        # Another round of extraction
        rsa_key_string = Jbifrost.extract_rsa_key(rsa_serialized_key)
        aes_key = crypto.decrypt_rsa(rsa_key_string, encrypted_aes_key)

        implant_jar = crypto.decrypt_aes(aes_key[-16:], aes_encrypted_jar)

        # Update for new file
        new_info = fileparser.FileParser(rawdata=implant_jar)
        self.file_info = new_info

        # Run config again
    def get_config(self):
        This is the main entry

        config_dict = {}

        # Getting resource is tough so instead we grab the base64 string from the raw
        file_data = self.file_info.file_data
        re_pattern = b'[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{60,}={0,2}'
        conf_string = re.findall(re_pattern, file_data)[0]

        password = "******"

        # b64decode
        conf_string = b64decode(conf_string)

        # Derive Key
        key_hash = hashlib.md5(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        aes_key = key_hash[:30] + key_hash + '00'

        # Decrypt
        decrypted = crypto.decrypt_aes(binascii.unhexlify(aes_key),

        string_list = decrypted.decode('utf-8').split('*')

        config_dict = {}
        config_dict["Domain"] = string_list[1]
        config_dict["Port"] = string_list[2]
        config_dict["Password"] = string_list[3]
        config_dict["Install Name"] = string_list[4]
        config_dict["Startup Name"] = string_list[5]
        config_dict["Campaign ID"] = string_list[6]
        config_dict["Backup Domain"] = string_list[7]

        self.config = config_dict
    def get_config(self):
        This is the main entry

        file_info = self.file_info
        file_list = file_info.zip_namelist()

        internal_jar = None
        key_file = None
        config_data = None

        config_dict = {}

        for name in file_list:
            if name == 'key.dat':
                key_file = file_info.file_from_zip(name)
            if name == 'enc.dat':
                internal_jar = file_info.file_from_zip(name)
            if name == 'config.dat':
                config_data = file_info.file_from_zip(name)

        # If there is a wrapper around the jrat
        if internal_jar:
            drop_conf = key_file
            new_key = drop_conf[:16]
            drop_conf_fields = key_file[16:].split(b',')
            config_dict['dropper'] = []
            for field in drop_conf_fields:
                    decoded_field = b64decode(field).decode('utf-8')

            new_jar_data = crypto.decrypt_aes(new_key, internal_jar)
            new_jar = fileparser.FileParser(rawdata=new_jar_data)

            # replace the keyfile and jar file with the new dropper
            for name in new_jar.zip_namelist():
                if name == 'key.dat':
                    key_file = new_jar.file_from_zip(name)
                if name == 'config.dat':
                    config_data = new_jar.file_from_zip(name)

        # With the Key and Config Decrypt
        if len(key_file) == 16:
            # AES
            decrypted = crypto.decrypt_aes(key_file, config_data)

        if len(key_file) in [24, 32]:
            decrypted = crypto.decrypt_des3(key_file, config_data)

        # Process the decrypted Config

        decrypted = decrypted.decode('utf-8')

        # Clean it up a little
        for c in ['\x01', '\x03', '\x04', '\x06', '\x08']:
            decrypted = decrypted.replace(c, '')

        fields = decrypted.split('SPLIT')

        for field in fields:
            if '=' not in field:
            key, value = field.split('=')

            if key == 'ip':
                config_dict['Domain'] = value
            if key == 'addresses':
                dom_list = value.split(',')
                dom_count = 0
                for dom in dom_list:
                    if dom == '':
                    config_dict['Domain {0}'.format(dom_count)] = value.split(
                    config_dict['Port {0}'.format(dom_count)] = value.split(
                    dom_count += 1
            if key == 'port':
                config_dict['Port'] = value
            if key == 'os':
                config_dict['OS'] = value
            if key == 'mport':
                config_dict['MPort'] = value
            if key == 'perms':
                config_dict['Perms'] = value
            if key == 'error':
                config_dict['Error'] = value
            if key == 'reconsec':
                config_dict['RetryInterval'] = value
            if key == 'ti':
                config_dict['TI'] = value
            if key == 'pass':
                config_dict['Password'] = value
            if key == 'id':
                config_dict['CampaignID'] = value
            if key == 'mutex':
                config_dict['Mutex'] = value
            if key == 'toms':
                config_dict['TimeOut'] = value
            if key == 'per':
                config_dict['Persistance'] = value
            if key == 'name':
                config_dict['InstallName'] = value
            if key == 'tiemout':
                config_dict['TimeOutFlag'] = value
            if key == 'debugmsg':
                config_dict['DebugMsg'] = value
        config_dict["EncryptionKey"] = key_file

        # Set the config to the class for use
        self.config = config_dict