        def execute_temp():
            Function that applies the changes to the file indicated by the filepath, It first finds the values used
            for the changes, then applies them in the order:
            1. Crop the image
            2. Shift the hue of the image
            3. Resize the image
            4. Any other post-processing effects
            5. Save the image

            # Update filename
            if not custom_outpath.get():

            # Find changes
            cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
            crop_point1 = (int(tool_crop_top.get()), int(tool_crop_top2.get()))
            crop_point2 = (int(tool_crop_bottom.get()), int(tool_crop_bottom2.get()))
            hue_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_hue.get())
            sat_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_sat.get())
            lum_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_lum.get())
            resize_x = float(tool_resize_horizontal.get())
            resize_y = float(tool_resize_vertical.get())
            path = file_io_output_path.get()

            # Apply changes
            print("Cropping Image")
            cur_image = ei.crop(cur_image, crop_point1, crop_point2)
            print("Changing Colors")
            cur_image = ei.shift_hsl(cur_image, hue_shift, sat_shift, lum_shift)
            print("Resizing Image")
            cur_image = ei.resize(cur_image, (resize_x, resize_y))

            # Apply effects
            if subpixel_activated.get():
                print("Applying effects")
                cur_image = ei.subpixel_conversion(cur_image)

            print("Saving Temp File")
            path = "./temp/" + pl.Path(path).name
            mi.save_image(cur_image, path)

            file_io_input_path.delete(0, tk.END)
            file_io_input_path.insert(0, path)

            # Change to default values of crop
            cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
            width, height = cur_image.size

            tool_crop_bottom.delete(0, tk.END)
            tool_crop_bottom.insert(0, width)

            tool_crop_bottom2.delete(0, tk.END)
            tool_crop_bottom2.insert(0, height)
        def browse_file_in():
            Function that opens a file browse dialogue then changes the input entry box and output entry box accordingly
            # File dialogue
            filetypes = file_io_input_ext_entry.get().replace(":", " ")
            path = filedialog.askopenfilename(
                filetypes=(("Image Files", filetypes), ("All files", "*")))  # Add the readout from the other entry

            # Change the input boxes to reflect loaded path
            file_io_input_path.delete(0, tk.END)
            file_io_input_path.insert(0, path)

            # Change to default values of crop
            cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
            width, height = cur_image.size

            tool_crop_bottom.delete(0, tk.END)
            tool_crop_bottom.insert(0, width)

            tool_crop_bottom2.delete(0, tk.END)
            tool_crop_bottom2.insert(0, height)

            if not custom_outpath.get():

            print("File Loaded")
            def getendpoint(eventorigin):
                global x1, y1
                x1 = eventorigin.x
                y1 = eventorigin.y
                print("Point 2:", x1, y1)
                gui_win.unbind("<Button 1>")

                # Do the crop thing
                print("Applying Crop")
                point_1 = (x0, y0)
                point_2 = (x1, y1)

                temp_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
                temp_image = ei.crop(temp_image, point_1, point_2)

                path = "./temp/" + pl.Path(file_io_input_path.get()).name
                mi.save_image(temp_image, path)

                file_io_input_path.delete(0, tk.END)
                file_io_input_path.insert(0, path)

                # Change to default values of crop
                cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
                width, height = cur_image.size

                tool_crop_bottom.delete(0, tk.END)
                tool_crop_bottom.insert(0, width)

                tool_crop_bottom2.delete(0, tk.END)
                tool_crop_bottom2.insert(0, height)

                new_image = mi.open_image("./temp/" + pl.Path(file_io_input_path.get()).name)
                new_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
                img.image = new_image
        def execute_file():
            Function that applies the changes to the file indicated by the filepath, It first finds the values used
            for the changes, then applies them in the order:
            1. Crop the image
            2. Shift the hue of the image
            3. Resize the image
            4. Any other post-processing effects
            5. Save the image

            # Update filename
            if not custom_outpath:

            # Find changes
            cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
            crop_point1 = (int(tool_crop_top.get()), int(tool_crop_top2.get()))
            crop_point2 = (int(tool_crop_bottom.get()), int(tool_crop_bottom2.get()))
            hue_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_hue.get())
            sat_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_sat.get())
            lum_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_lum.get())
            resize_x = float(tool_resize_horizontal.get())
            resize_y = float(tool_resize_vertical.get())
            output = file_io_output_path.get()

            # Apply changes
            print("Cropping Image")
            cur_image = ei.crop(cur_image, crop_point1, crop_point2)
            print("Changing Colors")
            cur_image = ei.shift_hsl(cur_image, hue_shift, sat_shift, lum_shift)
            print("Resizing Image")
            cur_image = ei.resize(cur_image, (resize_x, resize_y))

            # Apply effects
            if subpixel_activated.get():
                print("Applying effects")
                cur_image = ei.subpixel_conversion(cur_image)

            # Save image
            print("Saving Image")
            if ".maxpg" in output:
                codec.save_as_codec(cur_image, output)
                mi.save_image(cur_image, output)
        def open_preview():
            Function to open a preview window of the image indicated from the filepath

            filepath = pl.Path(file_io_input_path.get())
            prev_win = tk.Toplevel()
            prev_win.resizable(False, False)

            # Find changes
            cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
            crop_point1 = (int(tool_crop_top.get()), int(tool_crop_top2.get()))
            crop_point2 = (int(tool_crop_bottom.get()), int(tool_crop_bottom2.get()))
            hue_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_hue.get())
            sat_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_sat.get())
            lum_shift = int(tool_hue_shift_lum.get())
            resize_x = float(tool_resize_horizontal.get())
            resize_y = float(tool_resize_vertical.get())
            output = file_io_output_path.get()

            # Apply changes
            print("Cropping Image")
            cur_image = ei.crop(cur_image, crop_point1, crop_point2)
            print("Changing Colors")
            cur_image = ei.shift_hsl(cur_image, hue_shift, sat_shift, lum_shift)
            print("Resizing Image")
            cur_image = ei.resize(cur_image, (resize_x, resize_y))

            # Apply effects
            if subpixel_activated.get():
                print("Applying effects")
                cur_image = ei.subpixel_conversion(cur_image)

            pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(cur_image)

            img = ttk.Label(prev_win, image=pic)
            img.image = pic

            img.grid(row=0, column=0)
        def open_GUI():
            def getorigin(eventorigin):
                global x0, y0
                x0 = eventorigin.x
                y0 = eventorigin.y
                print("Point 1:", x0, y0)

                gui_win.bind("<Button 1>", getendpoint)

            def getendpoint(eventorigin):
                global x1, y1
                x1 = eventorigin.x
                y1 = eventorigin.y
                print("Point 2:", x1, y1)
                gui_win.unbind("<Button 1>")

                # Do the crop thing
                print("Applying Crop")
                point_1 = (x0, y0)
                point_2 = (x1, y1)

                temp_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
                temp_image = ei.crop(temp_image, point_1, point_2)

                path = "./temp/" + pl.Path(file_io_input_path.get()).name
                mi.save_image(temp_image, path)

                file_io_input_path.delete(0, tk.END)
                file_io_input_path.insert(0, path)

                # Change to default values of crop
                cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())
                width, height = cur_image.size

                tool_crop_bottom.delete(0, tk.END)
                tool_crop_bottom.insert(0, width)

                tool_crop_bottom2.delete(0, tk.END)
                tool_crop_bottom2.insert(0, height)

                new_image = mi.open_image("./temp/" + pl.Path(file_io_input_path.get()).name)
                new_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
                img.image = new_image

            def visual_crop():
                gui_win.bind("<Button 1>", getorigin)

            # ----- WINDOW -----
            # Setup window
            filepath = pl.Path(file_io_input_path.get())
            gui_win = tk.Toplevel()
            gui_win.resizable(False, False)

            # ----- FRAMES -----
            # Define the Frames for each section
            toolbar = ttk.Frame(gui_win, relief="raised")
            toolbar.grid(row=0, column=0)

            # ----- WIDGETS -----
            # Define toolbar buttons
            crop_icon = mi.open_image("./images/crop_icon.png")
            crop_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(crop_icon)

            gui_tool_crop_button = ttk.Button(toolbar, image=crop_image, command=visual_crop)
            gui_tool_crop_button.image = crop_image

            gui_tool_crop_button.grid(row=0, column=0)

            # Define image display
            cur_image = mi.open_image(file_io_input_path.get())

            main_pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(cur_image)

            img = ttk.Label(gui_win, image=main_pic)
            img.image = main_pic

            img.grid(row=1, column=0)
    pixmap = pic.load()
    new_pixmap = new_pic.load()

    for i in range(pic.size[0]):  # for every col of the original image
        for j in range(pic.size[1]):  # For every row of the original image
            real_x = i * 3
            real_y = j * 3
            color = pixmap[i, j]

            for k in range(3):  # for every color
                for l in range(3):  # for every pixel of color
                    if k == 0:
                        new_pixmap[real_x + k, real_y + l] = (color[0], 0, 0)
                    elif k == 1:
                        new_pixmap[real_x + k, real_y + l] = (0, color[1], 0)
                    elif k == 2:
                        new_pixmap[real_x + k, real_y + l] = (0, 0, color[2])

    return new_pic

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cur_image = mi.open_image("C:\\Users\\DarkA\\Desktop\\Capture.PNG")
    # shift_hsl(cur_image, 0, 10, 0)
    # crop(cur_image, (0, 0), (75, 100))
    # cur_image = resize(cur_image, (1.0, 1.0))

    cur_image = subpixel_conversion(cur_image)

def save_as_codec(pic: Image, filename: str) -> str:
    A function to save a picture to a filename.

    :param pic: The picture as a Image.
    :param filename: The filename as a string *without* the file extension.
    :return The filename with extension.
    binary = encode_image(pic)

    with open(filename, "wb+") as f:

    print("Exported Image")

    return filename

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cur_image = mi.open_image("RGB_24bits_palette_sample_image.jpg")
    # encoded = encode_image(cur_image)
    # save_as_codec(cur_image, "bank.maxpg")
    # mi.save_image(decode_image(encoded), "codec.jpg")
    # datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%c')

    # cur_image = decode_image("first_text.maxpg")
    # cur_image = decode_image("first_text.maxpg")