def channelBasicData(channel_id):
    extract the basic data about the cannel nedded just to identify
    the out put is the following:
    a dictionary of this form ::

    {'createdAt': '2011-09-20T13:33:46.000Z', 'channelTitle': 'Anes Tina',
    'country': 'DZ', 'channelId': 'UCHCsGx9byqxSw6f1JQVBk6Q',
     'pic' : 'the url, with a size of 240x240'}

    # load the data from the storage location, look for DATA_PATH in config.py
    data = md.loadData(CHANNEL_PATH + channel_id + '.json')

    dic = {}

    # get the channel id and title
    dic['channelId'] = data['items'][0]['id']
    dic['channelTitle'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
    dic['createdAt'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['publishedAt']
    dic['pic'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['thumbnails']['medium']['url']

    # the country is not always provided
        dic['country'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['country']
    except Exception as e:
        dic['country'] = ''

    return dic
def videoAllData(video_id):
    this one is a combinations of both channelBasicData() and channelStatsData()
    it returns all the data about he channel.
    with this following format:

    {'statistics': {'dislikeCount': '5837', 'likeCount': '43726',
    'viewCount': '1997007'}, 'basic': {'videoId': 'hkX1Q4nZJHw',
    'videoTitle': 'Les femmes EN Algérie . Anes Tina . المرأة في الجزائر',
    'createdAt': '2016-03-07T17:55:50.000Z'}}

    # load the data from the storage location, look for DATA_PATH in config.py
    data = md.loadData(VIDEO_PATH + video_id + '.json')

    dic = {}
    dic['basic'] = {}

    # get the video id and title
    dic['basic']['videoId'] = data['items'][0]['id']
    dic['basic']['videoTitle'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
    dic['basic']['createdAt'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['publishedAt']
    dic['basic']['channelId'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['channelId']
    dic['basic']['channelTitle'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['channelTitle']

    dic['statistics'] = data['items'][0]['statistics']

    return dic
def videoStatsData(video_id):
    extract the necessary data about the video nedded in our statistics
    the out put is the following:
    a dictionary of this form ::

    {'dislikeCount': '190', 'likeCount': '2096091', 'viewCount': '204096646'}

    # load the data from the storage location, look for DATA_PATH in config.py
    data = md.loadData(VIDEO_PATH + video_id + '.json')

    return data['items'][0]['statistics']
def channelStatsData(channel_id):
    extract the necessary data about the cannel nedded in our statistics
    the out put is the following:
    a dictionary of this form ::

    {'videoCount': '190', 'subscriberCount': '2096091', 'viewCount': '204096646'}

    # load the data from the storage location, look for DATA_PATH in config.py
    data = md.loadData(CHANNEL_PATH + channel_id + '.json')

    # get statistics data and delete the ungonna used ones
    dic = data['items'][0]['statistics']

    return dic
def channelAllData(channel_id):
    this one is a combinations of both channelBasicData() and channelStatsData()
    it returns all the data about he channel.
    with this following format:

    {'statistics': {'viewCount': '204096646', 'subscriberCount': '2096091',
     'videoCount': '190'}, 'basic': {'pic': 'https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mBMNlex
     'channelId': 'UCHCsGx9byqxSw6f1JQVBk6Q', 'channelTitle': 'Anes Tina',
     'country': 'DZ', 'createdAt': '2011-09-20T13:33:46.000Z'}}


    # load the data from the storage location, look for DATA_PATH in config.py
    data = md.loadData(CHANNEL_PATH + channel_id + '.json')

    dic = {}
    dic['basic'] = {}

    # get statistics data and delete the ungonna used ones
    dic['statistics'] = data['items'][0]['statistics']

    # get the channel id and title
    dic['basic']['channelId'] = data['items'][0]['id']
    dic['basic']['channelTitle'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
    dic['basic']['createdAt'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['publishedAt']
    dic['basic']['pic'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['thumbnails']['medium'][

    # the country is not always provided
        dic['basic']['country'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['country']
    except Exception as e:
        dic['basic']['country'] = ''

    return dic
def videoBasicData(video_id):
    extract the basic data about the video needed just to identify
    the out put is the following:
    a dictionary of this form ::

    {'videoTitle': 'Les femmes EN Algérie . Anes Tina . المرأة في الجزائر',
    'videoId': 'hkX1Q4nZJHw', 'createdAt': '2016-03-07T17:55:50.000Z'}

    # load the data from the storage location, look for DATA_PATH in config.py
    data = md.loadData(VIDEO_PATH + video_id + '.json')

    dic = {}

    # get the video id and title
    dic['videoId'] = data['items'][0]['id']
    dic['videoTitle'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
    dic['createdAt'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['publishedAt']
    dic['channelId'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['channelId']
    dic['channelTitle'] = data['items'][0]['snippet']['channelTitle']

    return dic