def getHTML(self, request, user, model): from django.template import loader cf = CursorsForm(cursors_num=1) template = loader.get_template('manager/form.html') context = {'form': cf, 'submit': 'forward'} cf_txt = template.render(context=context, request=request) p = pm.PlotManager() for cd in model.dataset.curves_data.all(): ylen = len(cd.yVector) newy = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(cd.yVector)) newy = newy[:round(ylen / 2.0)].tolist() p.add(y=newy, x=range(math.ceil(ylen / 2)), plottype='line', color='red') p.setInteraction('set1cursor') p.include_x_switch = False p.plot_height = 300 p.plot_width = 500 src, divPlot, divBut = p.getEmbeded(request, user, 'processing', return { 'head': src, 'body': ' '.join([ '<div style="height: 300px;">', divPlot, '</div><div style="height: 60px;">', divBut, '</div><div>', cf_txt, '</div>' ]) }
def getInfo(self, request, user): p = pm.PlotManager() p.plot_width = 500 p.plot_height = 400 xvec = self.model.customData['matrix'][0] yvec = self.model.customData['matrix'][1] for sens, yrow in yvec: p.add(x=xvec, y=yrow, plottype='scatter', color='red', size=7) xvec2 = list(xvec) xvec2.append(-self.model.customData['result']) for k, fe in self.model.customData['fitEquation'].items(): Y = [fe['slope'] * x + fe['intercept'] for x in xvec2] p.add(x=xvec2, y=Y, plottype='line', color='blue', line_width=2) scripts, div = p.getEmbeded(request, user, 'analysis', ret = { 'head': ''.join([p.required_scripts, scripts]), 'body': ''.join([ div, '<p>Result: {0}<br />STD: {1}</p>'.format( self.model.customData['result'], self.model.customData['resultStdDev']) ]) } return ret
def getFinalContent(self, request, user): p = pm.PlotManager() p.plot_width = 500 p.plot_height = 400 p.sizing_mode = 'fixed' p.xlabel = 'c_({analyte}) / {units}'.format( analyte=self.model.custom_data['analyte'], units=self.model.custom_data['units']) p.ylabel = 'i / µA' xvec = self.model.custom_data['matrix'][0] yvec = self.model.custom_data['matrix'][1] colors = [ 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'gray', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'orange' ] def getColor(x): return colors[x] if len(colors) > x else 'black' col_cnt = 0 for sens, yrow in yvec: p.add(x=xvec, y=yrow, plottype='scatter', color=getColor(col_cnt), size=7) col_cnt += 1 xvec2 = list(xvec) xvec2.append(-self.model.custom_data['result']) col_cnt = 0 for k, fe in self.model.custom_data['fitEquation'].items(): Y = [fe['slope'] * x + fe['intercept'] for x in xvec2] p.add(x=xvec2, y=Y, plottype='line', color=getColor(col_cnt), line_width=2) col_cnt += 1 scripts, div, buttons = p.getEmbeded(request, user, 'analysis', unitsTrans = dict(mmodels.Dataset.CONC_UNITS) sig_dig = significant_digit(self.model.custom_data['resultStdDev'], 2) ret = { 'head': scripts, 'body': ''.join([ '<table><tr><td style="width: 500px; height: 400px">', div, '</td></tr><tr><td>', '<p>Analyte: {0}<br />Result (x̄ ± std): {1} ± {2} {3}</p>' .format( self.model.custom_data['analyte'], '%.*f' % (sig_dig, self.model.custom_data['result']), '%.*f' % (sig_dig, self.model.custom_data['resultStdDev']), self.model.custom_data['units']), '</td></tr></table>' ]) } return ret
def getFinalContent(self, request, user): p = pm.PlotManager() data = p.analysisHelper(self.model.owner, for d in data: p.add(**d) p.plot_width = 500 p.plot_height = 400 p.sizing_mode = 'fixed' p.xlabel = 'c_({analyte}) / {units}'.format( analyte=self.model.custom_data['analyte'], units=self.model.custom_data['units']) p.ylabel = 'i / µA' scr, div, buttons = p.getEmbeded(request, user, 'analysis', n = len(self.model.custom_data['matrix'][0]) talpha = t.ppf(0.975, n - 2) conf_interval = np.multiply(self.model.custom_data['resultStdDev'], talpha) sd = significant_digit(conf_interval, 2) slope_interval = np.multiply(self.model.custom_data['slopeStdDev'], talpha) slopesd = significant_digit(slope_interval, 2) int_interval = np.multiply(self.model.custom_data['interceptStdDev'], talpha) intsd = significant_digit(int_interval, 2) return { 'head': scr, 'body': ''.join([ '<table><tr><td style="width: 500px; height: 400px">', div, """ </td></tr><tr><td> Analyte: {an}<br /> Equation: y = {slope}(±{sci}) · x + {int}(±{ici})<br /> r = {corrcoef}<br /> Result: {res}±{ci} {anu} </td></tr></table> """.format( res='%.*f' % (sd, self.model.custom_data['result']), ci='%.*f' % (sd, conf_interval), corrcoef='%.4f' % self.model.custom_data['corrCoef'], slope='%.*f' % (slopesd, self.model.custom_data['fitEquation']['slope']), sci='%.*f' % (slopesd, slope_interval), int='%.*f' % (intsd, self.model.custom_data['fitEquation']['intercept']), ici='%.*f' % (intsd, int_interval), an=self.model.custom_data['analyte'], anu=self.model.custom_data['units']) ]) }
def getHTML(self, user, request, model): p = pm.PlotManager() for cd in model.curveSet.usedCurveData.all(): ylen = len(cd.yVector) newy = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(cd.yVector)) newy = newy[1:round(ylen / 2.0)].tolist() p.add(y=newy, x=range(round(ylen / 2)), plottype='line', color='red') p.setInteraction('set1cursor') p.include_x_switch = True src, div = p.getEmbeded(request, user, 'processing', return {'head': src, 'body': div}
def plotInteraction(request, user): if request.method != 'POST' or not request.POST.get('query', None): return HttpResponse('Error') ret = '' if (request.POST.get('query') == 'methodmanager'): vtype = request.POST.get('vtype', '') vid = int(request.POST.get('vid', -1)) kwrg = {vtype: vid} mm = mmm.MethodManager(user=user, **kwrg) mm.process(request=request, user=user) ret = mm.getJSON(user=user) elif (request.POST.get('query') == 'plotmanager'): import manager.plotmanager as mpm pm = mpm.PlotManager() ret = pm.plotInteraction(request=request, user=user) else: raise NameError('Unknown query type') return JsonResponse(ret)
def getInfo(self, request, user): p = pm.PlotManager() data = p.analysisHelper(self.model.owner, for d in data: p.add(**d) p.plot_width = 500 p.plot_height = 500 scr, div = p.getEmbeded(request, user, 'analysis', return { 'head': ''.join([p.required_scripts, scr]), 'body': ''.join([ div, 'Equation: y={2}*x+{3}<br />Result: {0}, STD: {1}'.format( self.model.customData['result'], self.model.customData['resultStdDev'], self.model.customData['fitEquation']['slope'], self.model.customData['fitEquation']['intercept']) ]) }
def generate_plot(request, user, plot_type, value_id, **kwargs): allowedTypes = ['file', 'analysis', 'curveset', 'curves'] if not (plot_type in allowedTypes): return vtype = kwargs.get('vtype', plot_type) vid = kwargs.get('vid', value_id) addTo = kwargs.get('add', None) pm = mpm.PlotManager() data = [] if (plot_type == 'file'): data = pm.fileHelper(user, value_id) pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = True elif (plot_type == 'curveset'): data = pm.curveSetHelper(user, value_id) pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = True elif (plot_type == 'analysis'): data = pm.analysisHelper(user, value_id) xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = False elif (plot_type == 'curves'): data = pm.curvesHelper(user, value_id) pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = True pm.ylabel = 'i / µA' pm.setInteraction(kwargs.get('interactionName', 'none')) for d in data: pm.add(**d) if addTo: for a in addTo: pm.add(**a) return pm.getEmbeded(request, user, vtype, vid)
def generate_plot(request: HttpRequest, user: User, to_plot: Optional[str] = None, plot_type: Optional[str] = None, value_id: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> List: assert (to_plot is not None and plot_type is None) or (to_plot is None and plot_type is not None) if to_plot is not None: if isinstance(to_plot, mmodels.File): plot_type = 'file' elif isinstance(to_plot, mmodels.Dataset): plot_type = 'dataset' elif isinstance(to_plot, mmodels.Fileset): plot_type = 'fileset' elif isinstance(to_plot, mmodels.Analysis): plot_type = 'analysis' else: raise VoltPyFailed('Could not plot') allowedTypes = [ 'file', 'analysis', 'dataset', 'fileset', ] if plot_type not in allowedTypes: raise VoltPyNotAllowed('Operation not allowed.') vtype = kwargs.get('vtype', plot_type) vid = kwargs.get('vid', value_id) addTo = kwargs.get('add', None) pm = mpm.PlotManager() data = [] if plot_type == 'file': if to_plot is None: cf = mmodels.File.get(id=value_id) else: cf = to_plot data = pm.datasetHelper(user, cf) pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = True elif plot_type == 'dataset': if to_plot is None: cs = mmodels.Dataset.get(id=value_id) else: cs = to_plot data = pm.datasetHelper(user, cs) pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = True elif plot_type == 'analysis': if to_plot is None: data = pm.analysisHelper(user, value_id) else: data = to_plot pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = False elif plot_type == 'fileset': if to_plot is None: fs = mmodels.Fileset.get(id=value_id) else: fs = to_plot data = [] for f in fs.files.all(): data.extend(pm.datasetHelper(user, f)) pm.xlabel = pm.xLabelHelper(user) pm.include_x_switch = True pm.ylabel = 'i / µA' pm.setInteraction(kwargs.get('interactionName', 'none')) for d in data: pm.add(**d) if addTo: for a in addTo: pm.add(**a) return pm.getEmbeded(request, user, vtype, vid)