def add(request): response, parameters = validate_request(request) if response.status_code == 204: if 'file' in request.FILES: if manager.add(request.FILES['file'], parameters['address'], parameters['name']): response.status_code = 200 return response
def loop(): while True: helpers.clear() print("========================") print(" BIENVENIDO AL GESTOR ") print("========================") print("[1] Listar clientes ") print("[2] Mostrar cliente ") print("[3] Añadir cliente ") print("[4] Modificar cliente ") print("[5] Borrar cliente ") print("[6] Salir ") print("========================") option = input("> ") helpers.clear() if option == '1': print("Listando los clientes...\n") manager.show_all() if option == '2': print("Mostrando un cliente...\n") manager.find() if option == '3': print("Añadiendo un cliente...\n") manager.add() print("Cliente añadido correctamente") if option == '4': print("Modificando un cliente...\n") if manager.edit(): print("Cliente modificado correctamente\n") if option == '5': print("Borrando un cliente...\n") manager.delete() print("Cliente borrado correctamente") if option == '6': print("Saliendo...\n") break input("\nPresiona ENTER para continuar...")
def add(request): response, parameters = validate_request(request) if response.status_code == 204: if manager.delete(parameters['address'], parameters['name']): if 'file' in request.FILES: if manager.add(image, address, name): response.status_code = 200 return response
def add(request): ''' calls the methods of the package manager (records an image) and returns True or False to the end of the process. ''' response, parameters = validate_request(request) if response.status_code == 204: if 'file' in request.FILES: if manager.add(request.FILES['file'], parameters['address'], parameters['name']): response.status_code = 200 return response
def add(x): print(switch.get(x)) manager.add() print("Cliente añadido correctamente\n")
def on_chat_message(self, message): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(message) command = message['text'] # For headmaster to track replies from /count sequence try: reply_source_message_id = ( message['reply_to_message'])['message_id'] headcount_input = (message['text']) except: reply_source_message_id = None headcount_input = -1'Received \'%s\' from \'%s\' (%s)' % (command, manager.getName(chat_id), chat_id)) # To save time def reply(reply):'Replied \'%s\' to %s' % (reply, chat_id)) #self.sendMessage(chat_id, reply) self.sender.sendMessage(reply) def dm(target_id, message):'%s messaged \'%s\' to %s' % (chat_id, reply, target_id)) #self.sendMessage(target_id, message) bot.sendMessage(target_id, message) def yell(message): broadcaster.yell('all', message, chat_id)'%s yelled by %s.' % message, (str(chat_id))) def request_add(target_id, message, to_add_cg, to_add_id, to_add_name):'Superadmin attention was requested from %s to %s' % (chat_id, target_id)) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( keyboard=[ [ KeyboardButton(text='/add %s %s %s' % (to_add_cg, to_add_name, to_add_id)) ], ['Reject'], ], one_time_keyboard=True, ) #self.sendMessage(target_id, message, reply_markup=reply_markup) bot.sendMessage(target_id, message, reply_markup=reply_markup) # Groups cannot talk to the bot if chat_id < 0: return # Return a system ready flag to the admin when the command is complete. adminFlag = False # ================================ COMMANDS FOR ADMINS # This is for superadministrators. if authorized.isSuperadmin(chat_id): if command == '/alethea': reply('Alethea is wonderful <3') return elif command.startswith('/rm'): matches = re.match( '\/rm\s+(MJ|VJA|VJB|TPJA|TPJB|TJ|DMH|CJ\sA|CJ\sB|CJ\sC|SA\sA|SA\sB|AJ\/YJ|SR|NY\/EJ|RJA|RJB\/SJI|RJC|IJ)\s+([a-zA-Z ]+)', command, re.IGNORECASE) if matches is None: reply( 'SUPERADMIN: Please follow the appropriate format: \'/rm CG Their Name' ) else: cg = name = rm_message = 'Attempting to remove %s from %s.' % (name, cg) reply(manager.remove(cg, name, chat_id)) return elif command == '/event clear': reply(manager.forceDeleteEvent()) return # This is for administrators. if authorized.isAdmin(chat_id): # /admin if command == '/admin': adminFlag = True reply( 'You are an admin. Commands available:\n/admin - View this\n/yell AUDIENCE: MSG\n/ls - Show all users in database\n/find FROM NAME - Show list of names you are finding.\n/update HOUSE NAME FIELD PARAM\n/purge HOUSE NAME\n/scoreb - Show scoreboard\n/award HOUSE POINTS' ) elif command.startswith('/add'): matches = re.match( '\/add\s+(MJ|VJA|VJB|TPJA|TPJB|TJ|DMH|CJ\sA|CJ\sB|CJ\sC|SA\sA|SA\sB|AJ\/YJ|SR|NY\/EJ|RJA|RJB\/SJI|RJC|IJ)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([a-zA-Z ]+)', command, re.IGNORECASE) if matches is None: reply( 'ADMIN: Please follow the appropriate format: \'/add cg chat_id Their Name\'' ) else: cg = target_id = name = added_message = 'Attempting to register %s (%s) into %s.' % ( target_id, name, cg) bot.sendMessage( target_id, manager.add(cg.lower(), name.title(), target_id))'Succesfully registered %s (%s) into %s.' % (target_id, name, cg)) reply('%s (%s) added' % (name, cg.upper())) return elif command.startswith('/update'): if command == '/update': reply('/update HOUSE NAME FIELD PARAM') return else: adminFlag = True house, name, field, content = re.match( '/update\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\s+([a-zA-Z\s]+)\s+(name|type)\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\s*', command).groups() reply( manager.updater(house.lower(), name.title(), field.lower(), content.lower(), chat_id)) elif command.startswith('/ls'): if command == '/ls': reply( 'Did you mean /ls la?\n\nla: List all users\ncg: List all users in cg' ) return elif command == '/ls la': adminFlag = True reply(manager.getEnumerate('all', chat_id)) else: adminFlag = True cg = re.match('/ls\s([a-zA-Z]+)', command).group(1).lower() reply(manager.getEnumerate(cg, chat_id)) elif command.startswith('/find'): if command == '/find': reply('Enter search params!') return else: adminFlag = True house, name = re.match('/find\s([a-zA-Z]+)\s([a-zA-Z\s]+)', command).groups() reply(manager.find(cg.lower(), name.title(), chat_id)) elif command.startswith('/event'): if command == '/event': reply( 'Use format \'/event new Event Name\' or \'/event end\' or \'/event reopen\'' ) return elif command == '/event reopen': adminFlag = True reply(manager.reopenEvent()) broadcaster.yell(bot, 'all', 'Attendance taking reopened.', chat_id) elif command == '/event end': adminFlag = True reply(manager.forceEndEvent()) broadcaster.yell(bot, 'all', 'Attendance taking has ended.', chat_id) elif command.startswith('/event new'): adminFlag = True event_name = command.replace('/event new ', '') if manager.eventDoesNotExist(): broadcaster.yell( bot, 'all', 'Counting attendance for %s has begun. Get /count -ing' % event_name, chat_id) reply(manager.raiseEvent(event_name)) elif command == '/event report': adminFlag = True reply(printGrandTally()) else: reply('Improper parameters supplied for /event') return elif command.startswith('/yell'): if command == ('/yell'): reply('/yell what?') return adminFlag = True message = command.replace('/yell ', '') broadcaster.yell(bot, 'all', str(message), chat_id) reply('Message yelled to all.') if adminFlag == True: reply('System ready.') return # /24601 if command == '/24601': reply(str(chat_id)) return # /cg if command == '/cg': reply('Use the following CG abbreviation codes:') reply('\n'.join(str(x) for x in authorized.cg_list)) return # /stop if command == '/stop': if manager.removeById(chat_id): reply('Goodbye.') else: reply('You cannot stop what you did not begin.') return # ================================ COMMANDS FOR REGISTERED USERS # This is for registered participants if authorized.isRegistered(chat_id): # Tracking Headmaster queries if self.track_reply: # Obtain CG at first run. if self._query_cg == None: self._query_cg = manager.getCG(chat_id) # Throw warning messages if user exits halfway through. if command == 'exit': if self._progress == 0: reply('/count process interrupted. Your data is safe.') else: reply( '/count process interrupted. Your data is corrupted. Please try again.' ) self.close() # Check if user is counting for the first time. if self._progress == 0: self._first_try = manager.isFirstTry(self._query_cg) # Edit each field of the attendance as we go along. try: count = int(command) if count < 0: raise Exception('Think positive only.') manager.updateAttendance(self._query_cg, question_order[self._progress], count) except Exception as e: reply(str(e)) reply('Your data is corrupted. Please restart /count.') self.close() self._progress += 1 # Complete method if all fields have been populated. if self._progress >= question_limit: self.sender.sendMessage( str(getCGFinalString(self._query_cg))) if manager.setAttendanceDoneForEvent( self._query_cg, self._first_try): reply( 'Congratulations! You are the last to submit your attendance. Here you go ~' ) else: reply( 'Congratulations! You are not the last to submit your attendance. Peace.' ) reply(manager.submitGrandAttendance(self._query_cg)) self.close() # otherwise send the next question self.sender.sendMessage( str(question_bank.get(question_order[self._progress]))) else: # /help [<command>] if command == '/help': reply(helper.getNaiveHelp()) elif command.startswith('/help'): keyword = re.match('\s*/help\s+([a-z]+)\s*', command).group(1) reply(helper.getHelp(keyword)) # /retrieve_key elif command == '/retrieve_key': reply(str(chat_id)) # /me elif command == '/me': reply(manager.getMe(chat_id)) elif command == 'alethea': bot.sendSticker(chat_id, 'CAADBQADxQYAAszG4gK3wUYfyR3TSQI') elif command == '/count': if not manager.eventDoesNotExist( ) and not manager.eventHasEnded(): # self.sender.sendMessage('Shall we begin?', # reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( # inline_keyboard=[[ # InlineKeyboardButton(text='Ok', callback_data='start'), # ]] # ) # ) # self.close() _progress = 0 reply( 'WARNING: You will potentially override existing data if you do not go through with the full procedure. If so, type exit to leave now.' ) reply( str( question_bank.get( question_order[self._progress]))) self.track_reply = True else: reply( 'No one is counting attendance now. You may wish to do other productive things.' ) # Handles replies from Headmaster # elif reply_source_message_id != None: # if self._query_cg == None: # self._query_cg = manager.getCG(chat_id).lower() # # if self._progress >= question_limit: # self.sender.sendMessage(str(manager.getCGFinalString(self._query_cg), reply_markup=None)) # _progress = 0 # self.close() # if headcount_input == -1: # reply('NaN. Restart.') # self.close() # try: # if manager.updateAttendance(self._query_cg, question_order[self._progress], int(headcount_input)): #'Database updated.') # self._progress += 1 # self.sender.sendMessage(str(question_bank.get(question_order[self._progress])), reply_markup= # ForceReply(force_reply=True)) # except ValueError: # reply('NaN. Restart.') # self.close() else: reply(easter.responseHandler(command)) # ================================ COMMANDS FOR UNREGISTERED USERS # for '/start' elif command == '/start': reply( 'Hello there. Please enter \'/start Full Name CG\'\n\nEg: /start Alethea Sim TJ\n' ) reply('For full list of CG abbreviations type in /cg') reply( 'Please note that currently only JC East, North and South may use this system.' ) elif command.startswith('/start'): regex_pattern = '\/start\s+([a-zA-Z ]+)\s+(' # extract all given cgs in authorized into a regex id pattern for cg in authorized.cg_list: regex_pattern += cg + '|' regex_pattern = rreplace(regex_pattern, '|', ')', 1) matches = re.match(regex_pattern, command, re.IGNORECASE) if matches is None: reply( 'Either you did not follow the appropriate format: \'/start Your Name CG\' or you did not use the correct CG code. (/cg)' ) else: name = cg = # map CG to appropriate cluster cluster = authorized.getCluster(cg) approver_id = authorized.address_book.get(cluster) request_message = '%s (%s) from %s, %s wants to register.' % ( chat_id, name, cluster, cg) reply('Hello, %s!' % name) # ask rep to approve registration request_add(authorized.superadmin, request_message, cg, name, chat_id) request_add(approver_id, request_message, cg, name, chat_id) reply( 'Your request was sent to your cluster rep (JC %s) for approval. If you do not hear back within a minute, try again.' % authorized.getClusterFriendlyString(cluster)) # otherwise it must be trying to talk to ARIADNE! else: reply( 'You are not registered. Hit /start or contact Justin (@njyjn) for more information.' ) return